Avatar of TalijaKey
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    1. TalijaKey 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Nice sunny days, better mood.
7 yrs ago
Last few days leading up to 14.01.(New year) was really hectic and tiring for me. But will try to answer everything in the next two days or so.
7 yrs ago
When someone comes into your room every 30s to ask one stupid thing to leave, and then enter once more 30s later.
7 yrs ago
The nice bliss when you repaired your laptop after what seemed like forever.
8 yrs ago
Studying for todays test. Will be off most of the day.
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Hello~ I am Simona/Rada/Talija/Key choose me a name you like XP


Most Recent Posts

Rasa team is always looking for pokemon. XP

But you guys can decide if you want to be in the stormbringer team or another team or play a bit around as wild pokemon.

I really like how Rachel and impomon are opposite to Candlemon and Vivi. XD

Like there is the human the silent one, and here is the digimon silent. I should write one post from Candlemons point of view just to show a bit of what is he thinking. Could be fun.
As the digimon appearing human told indirectly who she was, it clicked in Vivian head. He heard a giggle start up as Viv face turned into a surprise. He looked back at his partner who was grinning at him. It was clear Candlemon didnt mention anything on purpose. Wanting to see the human reactions and get a bit of fun for himself. Impmon was just a bonus to the candle amusement. The human coughed in his hand to regain some of his surprise.

"My apologies mam, I ... they didnt say a word about it. Thank you for you help.." Viv explained, trying to not give the digimon a reason to tease him even more. He was now torn between asking if all digimon can look huma and to wonder which human are secretly oversized spiders.... His father would probably explode if he ever asked him about this strangeness. At the idea of splitting Viv nodded.

"I dont mind it either, there shouldnt be much problems. Candlemon you okay with that?" Viv asked and the Candlemon nodded and started to jumping into a direction ahead of the others. "Good I am not the only one eager to do this job." Vivian commented to himself, turning to the other two digimon tamers. " Well see you Yumeko and Rachel later. " With that said Vivi ran after his partner to catch up. Definatly not wanting to be left behind in this strange looking village.
@Stern Algorithm Either ret-con that, or you post how Gredy released you -insert a reason why that you like-, if you want to keep that sad bit as your story.
@Holy Soldier That would be a fantastic thing if they did that XD I am all for pokemon building drama that they carry over to their poor clueless future trainers :D
Is there any Mons now that still is wild?

So far the trainer-less pokemon are from @Stern Algorithm weedle and @BlackPanther pikachu (Seth team has one electric pokemon, so not sure if he wants to catch a second one.) , and @Saltwater Thief Aloan vulpix. They could been released or separated and then picked up by the new trainer.

There are as well @CriticalHit wild but reserved for Seth team. @Hylozoist wild togepi but reserved by Seth team as well.

It would be good to know if all the peps playing pokemon are still here, or giving up. So if they are here...

I would recommend the wild pokemon to find their way to the campfire, maybe easiest way would be to be lured by the smell of roasted berries.
@bluetommy2 I hope I did well, I dunno if you want to play npc Bosnia, or should I, so I left it open.
Belgium's House

Austria was prideful of her act, it surely would distract the other female nation. What she didnt await was the reaction of her niece. The words spoken with pure raw power and the unbelievable amount of will holding that power back, it send shivers down Austria's spine. She couldnt help to look after Erika as she left the room, marveling at the control she possessed and pitying the fool who makes her snap. One day she will be the greatest power who ever existed, and with the war coming closer that day may come that much closer. How lucky they were family.

Maybe she overdid the acting bit, made it too believable.

Austria mind planning how to get the other german cheerful up again as she started to mix the eggs and butter, they didnt get to work much as another arrival came interrupting.


What was he doing here? She moved closer, and it appeared the bird brain didnt notice her as he gave over a letter for Belgium.

"Aww, is it a love letter? I bet it is, you should read it, I heard that for some birds it mating season maybe he wants to impress you." Austria supplied, and the day went on. Surprisingly to her she didnt get to see her niece again. She would have peeked over Belgium shoulder if she tried to read the letter, or urge her to open it. As they cook, Austria shared gossip and listened to any tib bit the other nation gave her. A bit of tease a bit of sweet words. The german nation would say it was a enjoyable day regardless of how many surprises it held when it all started.

With the cake in hand the day passed and Austria made her way home. Once home she set to write a letter and cut a big piece out her cake made with Belgian chocolate and her artistic skills. She ordered Czechs to deliver them both to Germany. It went without saying he was better not bump the package on the way there. It was a sweet art piece. There wouldnt be any forgiveness if he showed incompetence. At least he was good at following orders.

She poured herself a good beer and sat in her garden, the night falling. The words she wrote to her niece still playing in her mind.

Liebe Nichte,
The first piece of the cake I made today, like you wanted. Hope its pleases your taste...

She included all the things she managed to learn from her visit and found relevant to their plans. She didnt exactly apologise, she had some pride to say sorry for such a blatant misunderstanding. Instead she complimented Germany abilty to notice her acting and give her the time alone with Belgium. Offhandedly she wrote that she would love to enjoy a good opera together with her at some point in time.

She sighed watching the flowers swing in the wind. "Indivisible and Inseparable" she whispered to the flowers, as if telling them a well guarded secret. "If you want peace, be prepared for war."

The moon raised without noticing, she made her way back in the house. There was some movement, she assumed it to be the maids. She changed her mind when she entered her chambers. On the table was a half eaten piece of cake. While the bed was covered with a lot of lovely flowers she recognized from Slovenia's gardens.

Two hands wrapped them self around her waist. A kiss was placed on her neck. She hummed, but didnt move otherwise.

"Hello my beloved wife."

"You smell of chocolate."

Her husband nuzzled her until she gave in and turned her head to face him. "Well whose fault is it that they left a delicious and perfect cake all alone. " Austria reasoned it was kind of made for him, so no real problem. There were other things she wanted to know rather.

"I have been awaiting you back for a while. What took you so long."

Hungary wasnt letting go of her as he dropped his head on her shoulder and groaned. "After the Romanian talk, and I will say I tried to be nice. But its impossible Romania could never be an ally to me. Transilvania is mine, and they do not get that." The lady nodded she awaited that, that would not work, but it was sweet he still tried.

"After that I went to Slovenia, we had several days of really annoying talk."

"Let me guess, they every other sentences was I hate you Hungary." Her husband laughed and released her from his hug, to switch to holding her hand and guiding her to their bed. Now Austria was wondering if Hungary even asked for those flowers or if he simply took them to irritate the other nation.


"Worser?" She sat down on the soft sheets, while he kissed her hand and it brought a smile on her lips. It was bad news than.

"I caught the slavs planning and whispering behind our back in their twisted languages. Croatia looked fuming, while the others looked torn."

"And? What were they talking about?"

There was silence and she rubbed the bridge of her nose as her husband gave her a apologetic expression with an overdose of big eyes and sweet I love you touches. Thsoe touches were really soothing after the time alone. It didnt make her voice any less disapproving when she spoke up. "You dont know, because you still reject the idea to learn their languages."

"You know my stance on that, I am not going to indulge them."

"It would have been useful if you had. You could have eavesdropped." Her shoes have been undone and strong hands started to massage her tired feet. She did spend the whole day standing with Belgium. The attention was really nice.

"I am sure it was about Serbia. Which made me think about the Serbia issues.Which made me wonder how things went with you?" Hungary pressed the right place and she couldnt help the pleased sigh that left her lips.

"I was granted to speak in Germany name." Her husband hummed, encouraging her to continue as he moved to spoil her other foot as well. "Turkey is preparing, and I have prepared the proposal for Bulgaria. Should be meeting with them at Turkeys home soon. I didnt want to raise too much suspicion... Oh thats good~... In case any of the other european nations are keeping an eye on me. I would do that if I were in their shoes. So I went to Belgium for making a cake. Told her we had a spat, a bit love drama and such."

Hungary hands moved to undo her hair, allowing it to fall down freely. " And the cake was a make up gift?" The amusement in his voice, was pleasing to her. She nodded reaching out and pulling her husband down in a kiss, savouring the taste of sweetness on his lips. He broke the kiss and spoke in a low tone.

"Well, it worked, the make up cake fixed the non existent spat we had. What was our spat about?" Fingers playing with her hair, caressing the back of her neck.

"I have no idea, but you have yet to tell me about Bosnia. Dont think you are succeeding in distracting me yet. "

Hungary pouted, whispering in his tongue about how he will try harder. Still he obeyed her and told her how Bosnia was behind on his german language homework and how he wasnt doing that well in any other subject. How he appeared to be distracted and jumpy.

"Franz wanted to visit Sarajevo. I think, I will accompany him. He did asked me to do so a while back. I will have to prove a point to Bosnia so the boy finally understands what his position is. I will not risk his loyalty to be tainted with ugly nationalism." Austria spoke enjoying how her own fingers were making her husband shiver in delight and eagerness.

"Good idea, but I still think his attitude towards Croatia and Slovenia are too soft." The night was a sweet one, and Austria enjoyed becoming the center of her husband attention and love. Being worshipped and having him obey her every whim. That night she didnt felt lonely at all.


A bit of time passed And Austria was at Bosnias home, it was a small one and as he spend a lot of time at her own home it didnt look as well taken care of as it could be. She made a mental note to take care of that. If they were to visit this city more often it would be a imperative to have a proper place to stay one befitting her. At least the view from the house was a nice one, overseeing most of the city and the river.

She found herself staring out over her city, it held a beauty in it. A raw one like a unbrushed gem, waiting to be cleaned of the impurity to let it shine truly. What kind of ruler would she be if she didnt answered that call. It reminded her a bit of a much younger Croatia. She chuckled enjoying the wind for a brief moment before she turned back to the house in question and walked up to the door.
She didnt knock when she came to the door. She simple pushed the door and walked in.

"Bosnia I am home. How have you been?" She called out as she walked in like she have build the house and owned it fully. "I heard you had some trouble with your homework? I could help you out with it."

@SleepingSilence Hope you dont mind I send Mirko into the black forest you mentioned. We could meet, or not.
Mirko Dubrinic

[A school in Paks, Hungary]

Lunch time came and passed, and one of the last classes for the day before club was computer class. Mirko was starting to feel disappointed nothing happened yet. Was he daydreaming the voice? Maybe? The lunch period he spent with his friends, telling them about the dreams he had. Though he opted not to show them the device. No one had anything similar dreamt. The orange device was in his school bag as he entered the classroom.


"Teacher, my computer is weird!"

"Is this a prank?"

The moment Mirko had stepped in the room full of computers every screen started to glow white. Words started to flow over the screens. The teacher in question wondered what kind of virus this could possible be. The kids poking the machines as if trying to fix them. Mirko moved to the computer furthest away from the door and looked at the screen.

The words. Digimon, council, didnt tell him much. But the word war left no doubt. This was the strange thing he awaited to happen. He tried to fish the orange thing out, but couldnt reach him from his notebooks. Not feeling patient he turned over the bag and let all the things from the inside fall down messily on the table and floor.

He was right!

The orange device was glowing... so what now?

"Okay everyone leave the classroom. The class is canceled for today." The teacher announced, not pleased at all. Mirko hearth started to race. He knew he could just leave no one was forcing him to stay... but... he was not going to go back on his word. No hero and no real man did that.

"Mirko, you too. Out with you."

"In a moment, my books slipped out my bag. Just to pick them up!" Mirko lied, holding the device close to his chest. He started picking them all up slowly waiting for everyone to leave. He didnt know what would happen, but he had a feeling that he should point it to the screen. He didnt want to put anyone in danger. He saw the teacher leaving the classroom to speak with someone and Mirko used that opportunity. Having enough wit to grip his club bag he pointed the device to the screen.

A wide grin on his face as he was was gone.

The teacher stepped back in the classroom noticing a bright flash happened, to see Mirkos books still on the table. Confusion on her face at seeing the room empty. All the computers now turned off and none showed the strange messages like before.

[Digital world- Sector ??]

Mirko groaned, he felt sore. Sitting up and rubbing his head he spotted why he felt that way. He was sitting on the hard ground. The bag was still in his hand. Checking it he saw his change of cloths, as well as a water bottle and football were all there. He took his phone out and sure enough there was no signal. He took a few picture of his surroundings and placed it back.

This was the place in a civil war.

The young boy took a breath and decided to walk. He could spot a dark looking forest not too far off the barren rock he woken up on. It looked a bit spooky with its nearly black threes but, it couldnt be that bad he reasoned. He wasnt too sure what is awaited from him but he just decided to give it a shot. Maybe he will walk into someone who could give him directions... and maybe a destination as well.

As he stepped into the forest he saw the black ground and heard something that resembled a distant scream... Maybe it was the wind, Mirko tried to be reasonable as he pulled his back closer and kept on walking.
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