Avatar of Talvinter


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current I’m setting up my first ever interest check, this is gonna be awful.
8 days ago
My mind is a void, I listen for ideas as they float past and try to expand on them before my muse switches to something else…
1 mo ago
What's on my mind? That my holiday is coming to an end soon, thanks for reminding me!
2 mos ago
Welcome to the wasteland of my mind...here's some tea and biscuits, you're in for a show!
1 like
2 mos ago
I showed you my muse pic, plz respond- oh wait...wrong pic...sorry. Respond anyway? :D
1 like


Hi! You're probably here because I have PM'd you a plot idea based on your interest check, or not, regardless, welcome!

I'm a world builder by talent and a plotter by hobby, I love to discuss with a partner about upcoming possibilities or potential curveballs to the current planned story.
I'm very much 25+ so no issues there.
I am in UK time.

My writing can go from anywhere to 3 to 10 paragraphs depending on the time I have to write, what is happening and how much of a feel I have of the character. This tends to be why plotting along the way is important to me, I don't want to reach a dead end...but I also don't want to get lost in the plotting and end up not writing the story.

Preferred themes: Romance, horror, Lovecraftian creatures, monsters, resistance, post-apocalypse futuristic, super-soldiers, post-apocalypse dark-fantasy, angst, love and support in bad situations…plus mixtures and I will probably end up adding more.
Optionals are romance and post-apocalypse aspects.

I particularly like exploration of humanity, then testing of it.

I find it needs to be said - nothing kids related!


I don’t do canon characters of fandoms but I’ll use the world setting and characters vaguely based on canon ones.
Magnus Archives - Don’t worry about spoilers.
Helldivers - No, I don’t actually know how either.
Elder scrolls

Prod me with a fandom I might end up adding it to the list.

I consider my post history a bad example of my writing so I'll put better examples of how I write and how I plot here:

Most Recent Posts

Mostly repeating what’s in my bio, but first the fun stuff:

My preferred habitats are stories with depth, and Private Messages, I don’t publicly post with any possibility of gore, violence or anything particularly ‘spicy’. Which (to be totally honest) is anything I actually enjoy writing.

Preferred themes: Romance, horror, Lovecraftian creatures, monsters, resistance, post-apocalypse futuristic, super-soldiers, post-apocalypse dark-fantasy, angst, love and support during hardships, modern magic or fantasy…plus mixtures and I will probably end up adding more.
Optionals are romance and post-apocalypse aspects.

I particularly like exploration of what makes someone or something human and then the testing of it.

Don’t feel a need to have a plot ready, just PM me your interests and we can start building something.


Now the less fun stuff:
- 25+ please, I’m always up for mature themes, but I have an age comfort zone I keep.
- 3 paragraphs minimum, I’m all for quality over quantity and understand not all scenes allow for longer but let’s not let it sink lower than 3, please!
- I sometimes write on my phone, I even write long posts on my phone, formatting gets funky sometimes and autocorrect doesn’t pick up everything. Not a rule, just a heads up!
- I can play multiple characters (I’m not gender specific) but I don’t expect my partner to do that.
- I can post daily depending on the story, I have done multiple times over the weekend before but no promises! I’m not expecting that from a partner, but more than once per week otherwise I lose the story. This tends to be where plotting comes in for me.
- I like to OOC over Discord because I can be quite quick fire with my plotting, please don’t be intimidated!
- Mature themes already mentioned, I like discussing possible limits when the potential of the scene comes up.
- If I’m not interested anymore or something comes up I’ll let you know, I do expect the same!
- I find it needs to be said - nothing kids related!

I don’t think this needs to be any longer until someone leads me to add something.

PM me if you’re interested!
So I’m not as new as my account would suggest, but I haven’t been active outside of PMs on my old account for at least 4 years so it’s likely no one knows me anyway. That wasn’t even my oldest account here, my very first one got wiped in the great flood of...whenever it was it happened. When all the accounts had to be remade anyway.
So, a fresh start!

Hello! We’ve probably never met, I’m Talvi, took a fancy to the name when I found out ‘winter’ in Finnish is ‘Talvi’ and in Norwegian it is ‘vinter’ hence the merge.
I’m a native English speaker, so if autocorrect doesn’t go against me I can correctly use ‘there, they’re and their’, all good stuff. Apologies if my grammar is less than brilliant, I’m still brushing off the cobwebs!

I stick to 1v1 stories these days, have done for over a decade, don’t know what I’d do with a group roleplay now honestly.

Anyway, Tldr, hi!
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