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I have been writing as a hobby for longer than you have been alive. I have been a regular member and roleplayer of no less than fourteen different online forums during that time (including the old RPG), five six eight of which no longer exist.

I was previously a regular on the Homestuck forums, but I became so sick of thread turnover there that I asked around and eventually found the Guild. Since joining, I have exclusively only participated in Advanced RPs. Before Mahz gave NRPs their own subforum, I used to be an NRP regular in the Advanced Subforum. I am a Guildfall survivor, and know/regularly write with a few others.

If you ask anybody who has written with me in previous RPs, they should tell you that I have a generally open schedule, I post regularly and in a timely fashion, and I never drop an RP once I join unless the thread dies. Some of them may tell you that I have extensive expertise within the realms of Biology, Psychology, and Physics, which I will make no effort to validate since there is no way I can provide hard proof of aforementioned alleged expertise to anybody over the internet (though I am happy to try and answer any questions you send my way).

My favorite fandom is the Myst franchise, which seemingly nobody other than me has ever heard of.

I was a Contest Moderator for the Writing Contests Subforum for just a little bit over two years. I wrote the Moderation Policy for that subforum and I ran a contest called the Twelve Labours; you can still go there and see all of them and the entries people wrote for them in the Contests Section and the Victory Archives.

I have been quadruple secret banned from the guild discord. That is not a joke.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Terminal>

Son of a bitch.


I wanted to do more of that, damn it.

No idea. I was not informed as to the why.
What the hell, it's been three months. That's probably a sufficient waiting period.

The writing contest subforum is dead.
The guard stationed at the Southern City gates gave the man a look. He was not precisely inconspicuous. Clearly not a knight of any kind of order, despite the fluted mail and his grotesquely shaped helmet - he bore no insignia. His papers indicated his membership with the Order of course, but that was not precisely reassuring. The man had not appeared on any of the posters in the barracks however, so unless he was running just ahead of news of his bounty he might possibly even be legitimate.

"Name?" He asked.

"Hans Iikka." Came the echoing reply. Then something clicked.

"Wait. I know you..." The guard cautioned, leaning forward ever so slightly. "You're that orphan from Gaelia what slew a, uh..." He trailed off awkwardly, momentarily afraid the man might take offense. The guard's memory was not the best, and Hans was wearing a tailored overcoat. It was possible he might have been a low baron.

"A slay a lot of things." Hans replied easily. "Just here to help."

"Huh. Well, alright." The guard grunted as he took another look down at Hans' papers. A member of the Order invited up North on official business...and a bounty hunter recognized by the regional House. "Though I have to say this seems a bit queer. You sure you can be both a bounty-hunter and a member of the Order?"

Hans shrugged, the metal in their mail-jack clinking faintly with the motion. "You know how it is with the Order these days. A few of my bounties tend to be other Order members, yeah? If my practice should be a little crooked, my quarry are more crooked still."

The guard grunted in vague affirmation in reply, handing the papers back. "I get it. Well, as long as it is not strictly Order business then, I do not suppose you might be interested in clearing some space on our hangman's wall? For a bit'o the Law's privilege, of course."

"Oh, not today." Hans replied as he tucked the papers away in a small courier's tube. "Wouldn't want to raise any undue tensions, you know?" He thumbed the side of his helmet's hooked nose. "But if you know any mages willing to weave a few enchantment runes on the quiet somewhere discrete, I would appreciate it. My blade could use the work." He reached nonchalantly into a pouch under his long-coat, drawing a handful of copper coins from it and pressing them into the guard's hand - which had opened up between them almost reflexively. "Your gate tax." Hans indicated in an offhand tone. The guard's eyes flickered briefly in understanding.

"Well, he's a bit on the shady side, but there is a warlock who works out of a butchery in the narrows. Does a bit of cleaning work, as it were. Everyone knows about him of course, but he can keep his mouth shut. There's also this lass in a nearby bordello, does a bit of spellery on the side in her downtime if you were looking for a more private setting..."

"Some of the chops, wrapped please." Hans indicated to the butcher, setting a handful of copper coins on the counter.

"Certainly." The thick, rotund man replied in a cool if low voice. Their eyes were narrowed and skeptical, but they went about the task willingly enough. "You said your name was Hans, yeah? That Journeyman that hunts mages?"

"I am he, but I only really fought mages over near the border a few times. Mostly I fight monsters, it's just cutting a few spell-wrights tends to get more attention. Also, Journeymen can't hunt bounties. Sign an oath and everything. Not really good for business."

"Do people even take that oath seriously?" The butcher asked as he finished wrapping the meat together in a thick bundle of waxed parchment.

"Some more than others, but as you've demonstrated I have a bit of a reputation. I wouldn't want to send out the wrong kind of message." Hans answered smoothly as he took the bundle. "Certain kinds of people keep a close eye and lookout for me."

"I get it. People get expectations because of what they've heard. Stuff like that goes around here in the narrows all the time. "

"I'll bet." Hans remarked idly as he stepped out of the shop.

Having conspicuously then made his way to a certain bordello, followed by pointed loitering and badgering of scholars at the city archives, and rounded out by malingering around a particularly rough part of the docks and exchanging words with the locals, Hans was content to let the misinformation he had uttered about propagate to the rest of the city's mage population. He the, finally, made his way back to the Order's outpost, having already passed by it twice as he went about his own business. With the better part of his initial groundwork out of the way, it was time to tolerate whatever inadequacy awaited him within its walls.

...Or at least, sit back and observe it. Rather than entering upon arrival, Hans decided to loiter at a nearby food-stand, removing his helmet and hiding it under his overcoat, held beneath one arm while pretending to flirt with the stall-woman and eating. For a man in his thirties, his appearance was not hard on the eyes - his hair was scraggly and unkempt, but his face had a roundness about the cheeks and a particularly slimness to it. It took the woman nearly a quarter-hour to realize what he was doing and indicate that he should probably buy something else to keep his appetite up, at which point the conversation turned to a more pointed conversation regarding her knowledge of Mezzar, all the while Hans looking out at the outpost's entrance.

Hans Iikka Guiomar

Age: 31
Alias(es): Witch-Slayer Hans
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Hans Iikka Guiomar

Age: 31
Alias(es): Witch-Slayer Hans
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Southeastern Border-state of Aberys

"I suppose I should start with the obvious." In the not-quite twilight of early dusk, a single grizzled man sat upon a wooden stool besides the rickshaw wooden fence outside a home of peasants - a husband, wife, and their six children gathered around, sitting and standing in the yard with various degrees of apprehension and interest. The adults, perhaps rightfully so, stood stock-still with pallors to rival that of the moon accompanied by expressions of barely concealed dread. The children and adolescents, while anxious, were nonetheless attentive and relatively unconcerned.

Their guest was a warrior, though his visage was unlike any of the Orders of Knights seen in Aberys. The plates of his armor looked like molten stone, as though crafted from molded chunks of the earth itself and reinforced with ribs of blackened bone. His blade was a savage and unrefined, a double-edged, curved sheet of solid iron with a menacing spike on the back-end of the blade's tip. Beneath his thick and grimy beard, the man's faces was grossly disfigured, nearly every spare patch of skin covered in hideous burns and keloid. Despite his terrible markings, his eyes were perhaps the worst part of his appearance - they had a peculiar dullness to them. Though the man moved and shifted as would a normal sort, with the regular quirks and habits of nerves to be expected of one tired from strain and work, his eyes betrayed an emptiness normally reserved for the dead.

"The Lord of the Turquoise Scheme is a Red God, and yes, that means they are aligned with the likes of Ephemem as well as Axohaan, down Southeast. Which means my master is at least partly to blame for any troubles your lot may have had what from the witch plagues and attacks." The man spoke in a calm, matter-of-fact tone, the words like chalk striking flint. "Not gonna pretend they aren't responsible for some of the woes in the land, but they are fighting a war with your god right now. All I ask you generous folk, who have graciously permitted me to speak with ya here at your home, is to give me a fair chance to explain their lot."

The husband and wife continued to say nothing and to not move. The man's fists were clenched tighter than a clam. The woman had not blinked during the entirety of the warrior's spiel. Their children, less reserved and somewhat more oblivious, ranged between intrigued or, in the case of the eldest, considerably annoyed at having to listen to more talk about religion. The very youngest amongst them had the gall to punctuate the warrior's pause with a declaration.

"Mah says the Turq's the one begets all the monsters and night vermin!"

The warrior just nodded, the faintest of smiles playing beneath their mud-caked beard. "Aye, that's somewhat true. My master is a very old Red God you see. Thousands of years old, you know. Back in the times when they were still young, the world was different. A lot more dragons for one thing! A lot of other fantastic creatures too. So a lot of their servants bear forms and shapes that are like those kinds of people and things that were around in those time, and a lot of them are pretty monstrous." He nodded cheerfully to the child who had posed the statement. "They aren't responsible for all the monsters though, lad! The world has plenty of them that respect no god at all. It can be hard to tell, but for one thing - there aren't any monsters around this fair land here that heed my master's will."

The warrior looked back up to the parents, squinting his empty, hollow eyes slightly. "Uh. You alright there? You look like you've scarce drawn breath."

"They're afraid they'll be killed just for talking to you." The eldest son said, looking equal parts annoyed and bored.

"Well that's right rubbish!" The warrior slapped his knee in exclamation. "Killed for trading words with the people who saved their lives? What rot. I don't mean to tell you all what's right and wrong, but life isn't anything like that in Ouroborasia. The Red Gods don't care one whit what mortals say to each other."

"The anathema pollute the minds of men with lies about the world. They want everyone to suffer here in the material world instead of ascending to the heavens." The wife's chin and cheeks trembled as she spoke, but her words were steady and clear. The strangely armored warrior just nodded in response, still smiling faintly.

"You're half right, but if you would permit me to say so, all that stuff you have probably heard about the Justinian's 'Heaven' is pretty much the exact same thing the Red Gods want. This whole...war between us all, here and there? It's all a bunch of politicking and the like between the celestials. They all want the same thing, Justinian and the Red Gods both." The adults' expressions were positively mortified. The husband's drew a sharp intake of breath, his teeth slightly bared in a mixture of outrage and shock, but he stood still regardless.

"Oh come on, that's so dumb! Everyone knows the Reds want to conquer the material realm while Justinian wants to have everyone ascend to the celestial realm. What kind of sense in there in saying that's the same thing?" The eldest son demanded.

"A fair question, lad. See, what both the Red Gods and Justinian want is to reshape the universe to make it better, somehow. Now don't ask me how exactly, 'cause I'm not some scholar or theologian and I'm not going to second-guess celestials, but they all pretty much agree that the way things are currently is bad and needs to be changed. The difference between them is that your Justinian wants to reshape the universe around the celestial realm, while the Red Gods all want to reshape it around the material realm."

"Isn't the celestial realm better than the material one though?" One of the middle siblings asked.

"I wouldn't know. What I've read of your scripture suggests Justinian wants to really change the celestial realm too though, and that's no lie. Ask a clergyman sometime." The warrior indicated cheerfully. "The key difference is that you would have to die to get into Justinian's heaven. The Red Gods want to create heaven here in the material realm, without having to kill everyone."

"You've read Justinian's holy scriptures?" The husband's voice contained mixtures of outrage and complete, dumbfounded shock.

"Of course!" The warrior laughed, a deepy, hearty sound that clashed with their otherwise harrowing appearance. "The Red Gods don't murder people just for reading the scripture of other celestials, and in order to become a Mountebank Knight I had to fully accept and embrace the Turquoise Lord's own ideals after reading and thinking about the views of every other celestial being!"

"Every other celestial?" The youngest child inquired with awe. "Do you know all their names?"

"I should well hope so!" The Mountebank Knight replied as he turned his empty gaze to the youngster. "There is Axohaan and Ephemem, Ishnanneh and Uturr, Longthirung the dragon-celestial-"

"Wait, what about the Turq?" The eldest interrupted. "They're supposed to be your god, right? How come I've never heard their name?"

"The Lord of the Turquoise Scheme's proper name is obscured from the knowledge of mortals." The Mountebank answered simply. "It's not recorded anywhere, not even in the oldest libraries in Gushawar, and they have not told anybody what it is. This is because the Lord of the Turquoise Scheme has dedicated their existence to the transformation of the material world. They-"

"Enough." The Mountebank's voice halted as the husband brashly cut him off, their voice filled with barely-veiled contempt and rage. "You may have saved us from that beast, and you and your fellows may be strong of arms - but you and your disgusting, anathema teachings are not welcome in my home. My children will not be listening to any more of your heretical lies, and your lunatic celestial will be smote and destroyed utterly by the Justinian!"

There was a momentary, poignant pause. The man's wife looked between him and the Mountebank, her face dominated by open terror. The eldest son suddenly looked wary, his eyes drifting worriedly towards the Mountebank's queer, curved iron blade. The remaining children simply looked upset and confused.

The Mountebank, though clearly caught off-guard, quickly smiled again. "Well alright. I was hoping your lot would be a touch more open-minded, but I get it. If I'm not welcome, I'll leave." He stood up from the stool, idly sweeping up the curved iron blade in his offhand and turning towards the opening in the yard's fence to leave.

"Just one last thing though," He said, turning his head back and giving the man a fey look. "Next time any of you lot think your Justinian has a chance against the Turquoise Lord...just take another look yonder North." He swung the iron blade to point emphatically at the horizon.

Even in the fading light, the object of reference was clearly visible. A great tower loomed over the horizon, an impossible structure of such immense proportions that even the fainter details and textures of its mass were clearly distinguished in the distance. It was far, far off, hundreds of kilometers or more, and yet it still managed to convey its unfathomably immense width and height from the land of Tramontan at the center of the material world. While grand in its immensity, the structure had clearly seen better days, as its sides were riddled with gaping, jagged holes and flaws as though struck by flung stones. Visible as they were, even at such a great distance, it was apparent each hole was more than a kilometer in size.

"The Fount is the Turquoise Lord's Holy Domain upon this world. Now you can clearly see your Justinian's efforts to take it down - which have fallen well short. Know this: So long as The Fount stands tall upon yonder horizon, there shall be no doubt as to who the true master of this land is." The Mountebank's voice was less cheerful now, having assumed the same matter-of-fact tone he has born at the outset of the discussion. "It has stood tall for a hundred and two-score years. If Justinian could have 'smote' my master as you put it by now - they would have."

He began to walk away, leaving the yard and heading towards a camp-site in the distance, the beginnings of evening fires starting to glow amidst the pitched tents. "And when they come to ask who saved your lives, let them know the Turquoise Lord's Mountebank Knights are heading there to meet those who would estoppe it in battle! And while we march, we shall seek great deeds and acts in the name and for the glory of our master, and all shall come to yield to the True nature of this world!"

Northernmost Border of Aberys

"It is called the Impermeable Zone." The master-at-arms explained to the artillery crew, pointing to the perfectly circular area of the map-diagram helpfully crossed through with a large red X. "I am certain you have all already heard of it, but it is more of an obstacle to our particular duties than what it would seem to be. No being or thing may intrude upon the Impermeable Zone, but for unknown reasons it actually emits, radiates a peculiar kind of light. Which is why you can even see into it, one supposes."

The Sacrosanctia Artillery Crew, responsible for managing the nonmagical ranged munitions of the Northern fortress, was reviewing the various points of interest mapped across the Southern Wastes separating the chain of Justinian controlled border-forts from the vast, palatial sprawl of the Stray Palace surrounding Tramontan, and the Fount. The Crews were regularly screened and cycled in and out of each fort, in order to deter any slight possibility of subversion on their part as unilluminated - and therefore vulnerable - engineers and soldiers.

"The Impermeable Zone is a perfect sphere, which means no firing in light arcs above it. Parabolic trajectories only with the big mortars." The Master-at-arms continued, indicating green-dotted lines of fire across the top of the circular diagram. "That does not happen to often, as we usually require precise sighting from the other forts to the East and West in order to zero in on Stray Palace forces taking cover behind it. Light comes out, but light from the other side does not cross it, hence why it looks so distorted when you look right out it. More than just getting in our way, the way its boundary interacts with the space around it has a tendency to throw off trajectory calculations in unpredictable ways. Any shot with an arc passing within five degrees of the boundary is always assumed to be a miss. Shots that hit the boundary bounce if they are solid or combust immediately if flammable before falling down the side. This is all important to keep in mind because Stray Palace forces love to make charges from just behind the Zone, where they are effectively invisible from our specific sightline. They like to launch diversionary tactics against the other Forts to prevent any kind of accurate sighting reports. Sometimes we get good spotting coordinates on them anyway, sometimes we do not. So you have to be prepared to fire right at the zone's base at a moment's notice. If they are coming from across its sides or top, you have to be ready to fire at the Zone so that the falling shot turns from a near hit into a near miss. It's a tricky science."

"Did Justinian create the Impermeable Zone, sir?" One of the new members of the Artillery crew asked abruptly.

The Master-at-Arms paused for perhaps a quarter of a second. That was very much an aberrant question. Proper Justinian engineers and soldiers should not have even thought questions like that, much less actually asked them. The Master-at-Arms mentally ticked off the man's name in their head. Somebody was going to be very thoroughly questioned and chastised later, but for the moment he had to produce a suitable answer that would not spread further aberrant thought in the ranks of the artillery crew.

"The Impermeable Zone was created during The Devastation of 157 A.W.H., during the battle between the previous Exaltarch and the forces of the nameless Anathema." The Master-at-Arms replied curtly. "The Justinian's power is great and unquestionable."

Not a lie, and a very strong, favorable, implicit answer. The new crewman even looked satisfied with it. But the question had caught in the Master-of-Arm's own mind. He knew full well what the truth of the matter was.

The Impermeable Zone had been created by the nameless Anathema, as part of the same, single act that had slain the previous Exaltarch outright along with a million men. It had remained there since then, utterly impenetrable to any and every attempt to do away with the infuriating obstruction. In the grand scheme of things it was but a minor irritation -

But another part of his mind could not help but dwell on the fact that it was something not even Justinian itself had been able to do away with. Much like the Central Overlay at Tramontan. Much like the Fount. Much like the Turquoise-

He shook the near-heretical thought from his head. That settled it. As soon as the review was over, he was getting an Epiphany and making a full confession and renewal. Such thoughts were indicative of a chink in the bulwark of the mind, and absolutely no weakness that the nameless Anathema might exploit could be tolerated.

The Far Coast of East Ouroborasia

"He is called Karthe the Eternal, according to the Drakma Scholars of Veritas." The jet-haired elven woman gestured pointedly to the horizon in the direction of the Fount. She and her companion stood within a large-open aired courtyard of the castle, overlooking the ocean. It was one of the more distant extremities of the structure, remote and distant enough that there would be no regular foot-traffic to overhear. "You cannot see him from this distance except with very precise instruments, but he has made his lair in the second crevice up from the bottom. He has resided there for several decades now."


The being with with the elven woman spoke was a terrible creature massive beyond the boundaries of civility. Their body was a stocky and sinuous mass of muscle and fearsomely arranged spines. They had four arms with spines rippling across them and dark fur growing across them near the joints, each extremity tipped with four powerful, talon-tipped claws. Their head was a worm-like protrusion with a grossly protruding, everted maw that hung limpy, countless quivering, needle-like protruding along its inner length. The voice that emerged from the terrible darkness within its folds, while tremendous in proportion, was akin to the sound of a distant echo in a vast cavern. No eyes were present anywhere along the terrible demon's body, its very seeming more unnatural than even the likes of the Vex'lir.

"Its dwelling there serves a purpose. Particularly as to the task I have for you and your students." The elven woman replied. As far as elves went, she was striking but not exemplary. Her black, wavering hair fell as a mane across her carmine cloak, itself drapped over a simple crimson red tunic of rich silk. Her eyes were an unusual golden-orange in coloration, and her brow was adorned with a golden circlet bearing a brilliant Turquoise gem upon its center.

"Longthirung has been most receptive to the presented ultimatums, but there is no reason at all to make their task easier for them than is strictly necessary. Their motivation, while useful, is by itself not all that would be preferred." She continued on, her voice clear and firm like a roiling riverbed.

"SO THIS ETERNAL KARTHE, HIS INTRUSION WAS TO OBSERVE THE EXTENT OF DRACONIC SENSES?" The toweing beast's voice, by comparison, was akin to a distant cycle. An unfathomably tremendous roar, rendered dull and hollow by vast distance.

"Correct. It took some doing, but I arranged to have a polymorphed semblance with a marked anatomical map arranged for your examination. As expected, the original flesh is that of a Kobold, so be sure to inform your little helpers of the differences to be expected."


"They are dragons, Chalarensis." The elf indicated drly with a raised brow. "Ask anybody. Ask the massive swaths of burnt vegetation, the conspicuous piles of waste, and the trail of scattered wayward cattle."


"Well it's not something I can help you with." The woman said dismissively. "I have more important matters to attend to. Surely there is somebody, or some obscure coven that is responsible for surveying and mapping and knows what you need. Better yet, just ask some students to do it. The vicious little beasts might do anything with a bit of appropriate motivation. Maybe some of our eavesdroppers." The last comment was met with the abrupt sound of scattered, receding footsteps from around the corners of the raised rooftop-paths leading to the open-aired courtyard where the monstrous Chalarensis and the elf stood.

"Before I depart, what is that...malingering, recalcitrant spot I detect?" The elf asked, actually looked up with a perplexed expression up Chalarensis' everted maw.


The elf glanced back at the walkways leading to the courtyard in thought for a moment. "No." She said, louder than she had spoken earlier. "She is to be granted no special dispensation whatsoever. The headmistress is already aware of the situation and is will overlook any untidy occurrences."

"SO THAT IS NOT FOR MY OWN BENEFIT." Chalarensis bobbed their worm-like crown in understanding. "I SHALL OBSERVE WITH SOME INTEREST."

"Yes, well. Observe without circumstance." The elf replied flippantly, a disapproving scowl crossing her face.

Temple of the Covenant
Northeastern Holy Site within Ouroborasia

"I must say, this is...not really quite our regular fare." The accountant to the Sacred Prostitutes of Ishnaaneh remarked as he examined the manifest that had been presented to him by the newest trader attempting to illegally enter Gushawar via the temple's edifice. "I mean, slaves are not illegal there, but...you may have a hard time finding buyers. They have entire cities there populated by caste slaves. Unless these chattel are exceptional, they will see very little reason to buy from you. Quite frankly, moving them into the markets via the edifice is also...very unusual, and takes away from our normal shipment load. The only reason I am even considering it is because the Edifice Denizen demanded your shipment be included in the manifest.

"Assure you." The merchant the accountant was speaking with was quite unusual, even for the Temple of the Covenant. Their skin was ghastly-pale, their neck was twisted about at an odd angle, and they moved with a curious stiffness. The accountant had seen something eerily like that before, but they could not quite put their finger on what it had been. They clothes, although fairly rich, were caked in dirt and mud, and the front around the belly looked like it was soaked with dried blood. That last part at least was nearly average for the Temple of the Covenant, the other features not so much. The Sacred Prostitutes either frowned upon such detritus or else would have indicated there was not nearly enough of it present for their tastes.

"These are. Quite exceptional. Chattel. Once they. Have. These specimens. They will. Realize." The merchant gave the account a toothy smile. Their mouth was full of writhing maggots. "They know. Nothing. About what. Slavery actually. Is."
@Durnehviir Let me know what you think of the broad strokes here so I can make appropriate changes prior to filling out their biography.

Witch-Slayer Hans
He Slew a Witch Once

"I killed one witch. One. That was not even intentional, it just happened to be there and in the way of what I was actually doing at the time - and of course, it is that one small detail of the much more important work everyone remembers forever. I hate this job."
Witch-Slayer Hans

Name: Hans Iikka Guiomar
Nickname/Alias: Witch-Slayer Hans
Age: 31
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 1.82 Meters
Weight: 112 Kilograms


Job/Duties: Skirmisher, Assassin, Infiltrator

Level: 5

Qualifications/Skills: Guerrilla Tactics, Asymmetrical Combat Maneuvers, Skirmishing, Close-Quarters Combat, Arcane Mitigation & Suppression, Sniping, Infiltration, Ward-Breaking

Attributes and Inventory


  • Low-Grade Epigentic Augmentation (Post Adolescence) has selective enhanced the sensitivity of Hans' vestibulary system and tracking reflex while mitigating muscular atrophy and providing a modest, heightened metabolic tolerance for poisons and venoms. Augmentations of these kinds are standard-fare for Alexandrian Operatives and Commandos, and are not even unheard of amongst the rank and file Officers corp. of the standing army.

  • Overspecialized Skirmisher, not exceptional in pitched frontline confrontations and unsuited to fighting modern infantry.
  • Very poor abilities to support a team.
  • Highly critical and demanding of others.

Background Information

Under Construction.
Interested. Will make a profile for you by tomorrow.
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