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7 mos ago
Current Had my head in the toilet for the past week-ish. It was either food poisoning or the flu, but thankfully not COVID. Sorry for the sudden disappearance, all!
1 yr ago
Same! Except for like a few rps, any rp I have ever done is always able to be restarted!
2 yrs ago
.-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / .. .----. -- / .--- ..- ... - / --- -. / .-.. --- .-- / .--. --- .-- . .-. / .- -. -.. / - .... .. ... / ... .- ...- . ... / . -. . .-. --. -.--
2 yrs ago
@Blaze Gamma LOL! I mean I totally get it dude!
4 yrs ago
When you find out your old rping site was taken down 3 years ago and you can't re read your old stuff. Bittersweet night.


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She nodded quickly, getting off of him so he could position himself and show off his mark. Anna then maneuvered herself so her own mark was visible next to it, ending up somewhat leaning on his back. She snapped a few pictures with her phone before getting off of him and letting him know she got the photo.

She looked over the photos after she sat back next to him, showing him the shot she believed was best. “I got it!” She chuckled, content that she managed to get a good picture without necessarily seeing it.

“Now for a selfie!” She declared, pausing after a moment to look at him. “Do you know what a selfie is?”
Yes! Definitely. We could finish off this moment and then do the skip?
IC? Maybe we could timeskip to the next few nights and my dragon contacts Cin or he remembers her.
Then I’ll do that!
I’d say fins but she could use them to glide if she needed to. But also wouldn’t be able to glide all that far either.
Good question. I’m thinking a black girl from the Caribbean(Haiti to be exact) to then also be a sea dragon.

Anna pretended to gasp. “Such treacherous choices!” She made sure to sound scandalized, giggling shortly afterward. He then went to change and she was left to entertain herself while her boyfriend was away. She got out her phone and checked her Instagram. Let’s see, friend 1 was now engaged, friend 2 got a new puppy!

She started looking through the small set of photos that her friend posted. It was a tiny little poodle!! So adorable!!!! She had been looking up more puppy pictures when she felt a sudden oncoming of intense joy. It was weird because she felt it and didn’t feel it at the same time? She didn’t have much time to ponder it before Cin came rushing back over to her. Huh, his eyes were gold again.

She was only able to note that before he pulled her into a passionate kiss. She happily returned it, assuming he was just happy to be with her right now. If so, it was a sweet gesture. She felt him come closer and pull her in even more as they kissed, finally pulling away and guiding her hand to the beginnings of his back. She was curious and looked for herself. She saw the mark and then understood after a second of staring like he did.

She squealed and just pulled him into another kiss. “We match!” She laughed after they broke apart. “Let’s take a picture of them together! For memories!” She suggested, glee filling her mind.
She stared back at him. Anna guessed that joke flew over his head. He gestured to the couch and the short woman happily took his offer, plopping herself onto the couch, leaning back a little and crossing her ankles. “This is a comfy couch.” She praised, bouncing a little.

She accepted his answer for how he got in. “It’s a good thing then...wait. How’d you get all the way around? We’re not on the first floor.” He probably climbed, hopefully he didn’t hurt himself though. “Don’t forget to make copies of the spare, too.” She added as an afterthought. She knew she’d forget, the scatterbrain she was. Anna just shook her head in response to his last question.
Very true, lol.

I’m not sure exactly on looks or nationality.

You have any ideas for the second couple’s personalities? I’m not sure if I should make a short-ish dragon lady or have her be around Cin’s height.
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