Avatar of The Fated Fallen
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2785 (0.77 / day)
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    1. The Fated Fallen 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Alright, Inkarnate. You win the game of RP flex's, how does it feel? Do you feel like the hero you are?
5 yrs ago
I also bow down to you, Vox. You're still here and that's what counts!
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5 yrs ago
I bow down to you, Altered Tundra. Keep on keeping on, you legend!
5 yrs ago
I'm fighting my procrastination to try and keep my daily posts at 1.51 instead of 1.50. I didn't realise it'd be this much of a battle!
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5 yrs ago
Retail is just a cancer of the soul
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Also our page count for the OOC is 69, just so we're all aware
@BCTheEntity That's both good and sad to hear, hopefully it'll be smooth sailing for a while now. I'm glad to hear you're alright now
@BCTheEntity Work is super busy and sleep is a myth :'(

How're you?
One terrible song later...

It's a marching song, they aren't supposed to be good! That's what I'll tell them; I made it bad deliberately. They'll never know the truth...
Despite Argon's generous offer to let Alice ride on his back for the scouting trip, she decided to walk. She couldn't help a small smile creep up to her lips however, the mental image of her charging into battle on the back of the lizardman was certainly amusing. What certainly unnerved her about their reptilian friend was how he stooped over and walked along, like some bloodhound on a hunt. She would have thought his eyes better from his higher vantage point since they had no trail to follow but what would she know? She had never been in Argon's shoes.

Despite only having met maybe a few weeks ago, or even a day ago, Alice felt safe in her present company. The terrain was easy enough and she fancied the weather pleasant, at least for a few hours. Light enough to spot a dark elf creeping through the brush though? She hoped she wouldn't have to find out, or that she wouldn't spot them too late. Figuring that the party would be spotted long before being heard, she couldn't help but strike up some Dwarven marching song, not too loud and always ready to stop should someone ask her to.

Speak of your travels, sing of your deeds,
The life of a Dwarf is long!
So pump those legs, grab you some mead!
March and sing for throng!

In many years past, I swore to a king,
The life of a Dwarf is long!
Now many years past, I do his bidding,
March and sing for throng!

I marched with him in winter, I never did waver,
The life of a Dwarf is long!
Now we made it through winter, Gaundet's favour,
March and sing for throng!

In spring we battled, against rog and goblin
The life of a Dwarf is long!
In summer we settled, our foes since fallen!
March and sing for throng!

In autumn we mined, riches untold!
The life of a Dwarf is long!
Come Drakesfeast we toasted, to our glorious hold!
March and sing for throng!

She couldn't necessarily say Dwarves were the best song-writers or improvisers, nor could they carry the finest tune, but with all shortcomings Dwarves made up for it with their heart. Seemed like all could use a little heart around this part of the world, especially in light of current circumstances
I'm gonna operate under an assumption that I'm free to do whatever so long as it works in with what Ursaren is tasked to do.

So... probably gonna give birth to a kid, become dubbed as Uncle Ursey, and go heal a few more wounded off.

I don't think anyone envies you...
When the entire party reunites, I demand that Ursaren is known throughout the entire village as "Uncle Ursey".


I, for one, welcome our new Uncle overlord
Beren nodded and commented on various contributions, reminding Alice of a lord giving court. It was odd to her that it was the foreign monk who seemed to be in control of the situation, and not the knight who was imploring them to assist in a scouting party. In fact, the venerable knight seemed to appear more and more shaken as moments went by. She couldn't imagine what Nicademus' guard would think if they saw him like this. Would they support him still, or scorn him for bowing to these outsiders?

Nor was he the only one who seemed to be affected by the discussions. Aeryn herself seemed to become wroth as words were shared. Alice could understand the elf's viewpoint; The Dark Elves were master ambushers, and if they caught the scouting party unawares there would be little to no chance of escape. Perhaps it should be priority to maximise the chances of an escape?' she thought before quickly justifying herself to Ragnarok, To die later, not to some Dorcha's favour now.

She spoke up, "In event of combat our priority should be to return to the village. I suggest we find ourselves some horses?" she looked around to various peasants and village-folk to see if any of them would be forthcoming before continuing. "I also suggest that we stay aware of the best route back at all times. Calanon, you may be our best chance for this."

She was aware of the bond that somehow lay between Aeryn and Calanon. She had noticed the look shared between them and how the ranger was torn between duty and want. Alice had no idea how such a bond had been formed between two mortal enemies but she was not insensitive to the fact she was interposing herself into it. Aeryn seemed to have personal stake, Alice would try and win him over with reason. "Calanon, you've proved yourself to be a fine ranger, you would be invaluable in our scouting expeditions. I plead you come along." It seemed mad that they would head out to a scouting mission without their chief scout

Alice was impressed at the intricacy of Settionne's ritual site. She was beginning to become convinced that he actually was a powerful cleric. She took a moment herself to reach into her bag and clutch her own holy symbol, asking a small boon of Ragnarok to aid in the ritual and to ensure her and her own got the mighty fates they deserve. She was in no way capable of commanding her god's power or attention like Settionne or Geradin, nor was Ragnarok known to be the most charitable of gods, but asking never hurt

As she restored her attention to the discussions at hand she noticed Aeryn slinking off. Notably before 'handlers' could be assigned. Alice thought against mentioning it to anyone; Alice hardly wished to make that woman an enemy, especially now.

"Ser knight, will you return our weapons to us for this sortie?" she asked more out of convenience for the rest of the party than for herself

Sorry I haven't uploaded yet, I've been dealing with some personal drama but I should have a post up within the next few days. Thanks

This year is 1999! We need to party like it's 1999!!!
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