Avatar of The Irish Tree


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7 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
8 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

"What...is that thing!?" Steppe Archer asked, visibly confused at seeing that...thing, sloshing towards them slowly. It sounded vaguely like wet slop being poured over and over, or like mud being stepped on. The direction it was coming from was where the rats had been...and the rats hadn't come back this way.

It was like a mass of disgusting liquid, seeming to know exactly where the group was. "I think we should go back...I don't know what that thing is, but I don't think we can stab something made of water to death." The pragmatic hunter in her deemed that a creature she knew nothing about was unbeatable, and with the lack of rats or roaches in this area, it was likely that this thing's territory was clean of them. "We can double back the other way, and try to find Rats and Roaches elsewhere."
[Reserved for stuff!]
Similar to how Brandy had screamed in bullet-time, Alice would gasp in slow-mo, shocked that the rabbit was still able to move so well even after getting its ears hurt by the bomb. Maybe it was a lot tougher than they anticipated...but that didn't matter now! Alice had no choice but to square up with the horned rabbit to preserver Brandy's dignity, and so that they could get paid!

Alice would flash her claws and take up a fighting pose before dashing in close, using all four of her limbs to keep up. It was a dog eat dog situation, and thankfully, she was half-wolf. Which was like...a super dog. Clashing with a fellow beast wasn't as dramatic as it sounded though, as the rabbit kept delivering swift kicks to her hands each time she'd try to reach out. Its legs were powerful, but they weren't designed for attacking. That horn on the other hand would prove dangerous if it gored Alice...which, judging from its sudden mad dash at her, that was exactly what it intended to do.

The werewolf would grit her teeth and grab the rabbit like it was an incoming football (The cultural sport of werewolves) and slide back as she caught the speeding bullet of a rabbit, struggling against its powerful momentum. The horn just barely poked at her stomach, the rabbit stopped and forced to squirm before a swift blow was delivered to the back of its neck, a death sentence for any rabbit. Sighing, Alice collapsed back and onto her back. "THAT WAS SCARY! I WAS COUNTING ON THE FULL MOON TO FIGHT, AND ITS CLOUDY!?" she yelled aloud, before remembering Brandy. Brandy! Are you alright!?" she asked, after raising a club and unceremoniously bashing the rabbit over the head to make sure it was dead.
The journey to the ship was painstaking, even at a fish-man's increased swimming speed. It took just about every last bit of strength she had to get aboard the ship, unable to stand afterward. She would do her best to crawl to ensure that each person she'd carried was breathing just fine, administering CPR where it was needed. She'd tried to keep them above water, but it was inevitable that she had to dodge a few shots by diving a few feet.

Once that was settled, she would slump over on the deck, hands clenched while she looked around. She was certain that even if this wasn't the same group of pirates, she very well might wind up having to fight to continue protecting her wards. ...She had to, didn't she? When all the world wanted someone dead, even bacteria, it was a doctor's job to hold the entire world at bay even to save just one life. And so the fish-woman would shakily rise to her feet, unsure if she'd have to fight anymore.

But by all things good, she'd fight if she had to.
Steppe Archer felt a sense of relief at the druid's words directed to her, feeling that...maybe, with their powers combined, this quest could be easily resolved without them needing any of these precautions. The nagging feeling in the back of her mind was sated. For now. She also puffed her cheeks out once the lizardman laid his head atop her head, feeling like now she was being treated like a child over her worries. "Okay..." she said, resigning that they all were going to be just fine.

The time was now to descend into the shit-smelling depths of the sewers and slay every manner of beast they came across. Thus began the journey of...

...Of course, nothing necessarily as grandiose as some man some fair time and distance away who made his life's work on goblinoid genocide. These were just rats and bugs. Steppe Archer would bring up the rear, peeking past Druid Girl to see the crossroads ahead of them, a club held in her hands. "I think we should go West, or whichever way has the shortest path to a dead end. If we get caught off from the exit by a separate swarm, we might be in trouble," she said, clearly on edge. "Where we find rat droppings, we're likely to find the roaches too, so be careful. Though, maybe we can get them to fight one another if we can get you to talk to the rats."
Pain racked the fishwoman's body as a talon dug into her back, thankfully at least missing the people that she was trying to save. But, now she was in the clutches of the captain's right hand man, and injured from the razor sharp talons digging into her back. Cera was shuddering in pain as the birdman readied his other leg to strike at one of the people upon her back, before the fishwoman's hand shot back, catching the taloned foot poised to strike at Fsk's back with deft speed before she let out a scream of agony, the second feeling his other foot being forced out, muscle tearing as the woman, despite the pain, yanked him out and started swinging him by his ankle, before slamming him into the railing. And again. And again. And once again.

Cera was panting, shoulders twitching from the pain of her back being raked and hurt by the talons, while she stood over the birdman, spare hand raised as she stepped over him. "New Fish-Man Kyusho Jitsu... she said, exhaling before slamming her hand into his stomach, then his neck, and finally ending with a strike to his forehead.

"Lionfish!" she said, finishing the name of her technique before pain racked the numbing body of the bird man, her bare hands baring her venom with full intent to have him be in so much pain that he couldn't pursue her. Inhaling a deep breath, Cera would begin walking away with her back aching, adjusting her hold while blood dripped down her back. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Consider this merciful, compared to what you and your men do. If you ever come after us again..." she said, stamping her foot right next to his ankle. "I'll have to try even harder not to kill you. And you'll wish I didn't like killing," she said, words starting to get lost as the bird man's entire body started panicking from the extreme pain of the neurotoxin, with no recourse or way to move. Seconds felt like minutes, all the while he was forced to watch her jump from the ship in order to reach the water.

Even with people on her back, she was capable of swimming faster than any human could. With her legs kicking, Cera thought that she wouldn't last long, with her blood in the water attracting Sea Kings. As such, she would instead go to the ship that she was certain bared a different flag from the Lighthouse pirates or the marines.
Alice was at least MOSTLY sure that her plan would work. And if not... "The moon's full tonight, so...it'll work out, one way or another."

With that meaningless statement, Alice would address Brandy's fears by saying: "Well, I don't think they're poor. It may just be sharecropping, or something. Also, basically, yes. My plan is to set up a tripwire that will launch one of my bombs, make a noise so loud that it paralyzes it, and then we pounce for the kill. Sound good?"

Alice's plan seemed relatively simple, but...really, it was a rabbit with extra steps. "Plus, if it winds up escaping, I can just chase after it. Us werewolves get crazy strong and fast during full moons. ...Though uh...if that happens...don't take anything I say too personally. Aggression, and all."

With a rough map made of the area where the rabbit-beast came out of the woods at dusk, Alice would get her trap ready, along with a set of earplugs for herself and Brandy. Wouldn't do them much good to stun the beast and then be stunned themselves, after all. Her Flashpowder bomb would be the equivalent of a grenade going off sound-wise, so anything with sensitive ears was liable to get spooked and stunned. That was the idea, at least.
While Cera was glad that the brutish man named Gerld was giving her a chance to escape, she was at least somewhat worried for his safety. Even if he had no hesitation to kill others, in a situation like this...she supposed that her non-fatal approach was the far more strange one. But right now, she had lives on the line riding literally on her back. Even as the second in command approached, Cera was confident that she could handle anything...until the man moved at blinding speed, hand transforming into a claw.

"Another devil fruit user!?" she thought to herself, thinking that these things were supposed to be RARE or something. She could have sworn she'd seen at least two below deck as well...but right now, she didn't have the luxury to dodge. The people on her back might get thrown loose or worse, decapitated in her stead if she tried to duck. Her stance quickly shifted to a cross-arm block, intercepting his hand at the wrist leaving her just barely enough breathing room to keep his claw from flexing and decapitating her...but he had drawn blood, which began trickling down her neck even as she stared him down. "Let me pass, or I'm taking you into the sea with me," she threatened, stamping her foot on the ground and knocking a floorboard loose to strike him in the chin, causing him to recoil, giving her enough room to knock his claw away and kick his chest once, before making a break for it.

If she could make it to the water, she could swim away as fast as possible, probably capable of escaping even with a few bodies weighing her down.
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