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4 yrs ago
Current Having a puppy and trying to train it despite never ever raising a dog ever before and getting conflicting opinions sucks.
4 yrs ago
Alcohol helps numb the fact ive done nothing useful these last 7 months.
4 yrs ago
three day weekend. nothing to do but get drunk and hope something interesting happens for once in this boring town -.-
4 yrs ago
Oh boi, elf tiddies!
4 yrs ago
all this talk about warrior nostalgia hits hard in the gut.


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Gonna get really critical* about myself so this is a more personal bitching towards me for how I've been with roleplaying lately.

Since I fell out of the loop with my one friend weeks ago,I've noticed the...problems I've had getting back into the hobby. I really want to do more stories with others,to expand on my setting and to have fun,but it seems every time I do I run into something I find unsatisfying or just can't stand and it drives me away for a few days. The only thing I can say is making me do this is because I've become so accustomed to my one friend,how we roleplayed and thought was the same,that everything else seems unappealing compared. The standards I have are set at a bar that essentially makes for very few to actually get past the first few posts and it sickens me how complacent I've been,not striving to improve on anything that I don't think I could even get into the advanced section.

I love this hobby,I do. I've always enjoyed writing stories,especially with others,but with how narrow a field I've made for potential roleplayers and how I've essentially stopped striving to improve myself I've effectively made this hobby stagnant for me and it really sickens me.

*Not critical,but...meh.

Argh... All the sci-fi RP's I joined seem to have frosted over

Um, so, yeah... It's a minor bitch, but still I wanna get my sci-fi jollies

I'd offer to help but I'm more of a low sci-fi guy,and I'm inexperienced at GMing for a multiplayer RP.

<Snipped quote by The Mage>

I find it's easier to find people into the same things as you and make them into your friends, than to make friends and then see if they like the same things.

Consider finding an RP that you like then, and sticking with it and chatting people up. A friendly bit of banter goes a long way.

I do attempt to find RP's that I like,but those are few and far between. I think the last roleplay I joined was a fighter jet RP and that lasted a few months. Was amazing,though.
*This is the thing that repeats constantly in my mind when everythign is on idle*

<Snipped quote by The Mage>

Find friends that you enjoy RPing with, introduce them to each other, and if they get along, bam, you have a dedicated group of roleplayers. That's how I've started doing it and that's what I typically have best results with. But I have friends that are whimsical, so it doesn't work as well. When you have friends that are still very into roleplaying, then it'll work. And then you can use randoms to fill in the blank spots.

I've tried that as well. Sadly I used to have two good roleplaying friends; The one that I am still friends with doesn't get on much so there really isn't a point in asking them. I've tried to get into other threads and make new roleplaying friends but the luck I've had lately is.... well, nicht gute.
<Snipped quote by Dervish>

I was mostly referring to a promising RP that crashed and burned recently since it had over twenty people playing at a time, and was an absolute mess (I can handle that many people if, you know, they aren't rapid fire posting back and forth). The GM totally ignored my suggestion for cutting the RP off, and... it just died like a week later. lol

THIS is the reason why I am solely found in the 1x1 threads. It's much more easier to do 1x1's and the few times I have ventured out to try roleplays with multiple roleplayers they generally die quickly. That's why I'm always afraid to even try a multi-RPer thread because honestly what's the point if it's going to die?
Euro-BEAT this!

I've taken off a few pairings due to flagging muse and have added a few plots that I have been working on for a while,so if anyone is interested in any of the above please shoot me a PM with your interest and we can discuss it!
...No, I did not type that. I typed "He was not a bad writer by any means." And "He spoke and wrote it better than most native speakers." As well as "He didn't need to blatantly copy things to write good." That's the exact opposite of "He needed to plagiarize, every time he roleplayed and to increasing extremes, to barely reach an English comprehension of his peers."

Anyway, another thing that ticks me off: Time zones!

Seriously, trying to remember the schedule of everyone in my RP so that everything proceeds smoothly urks me. It's not that I mind acting like a secretary. It can just be troublesome to remember all these important times AND when they start.

"Let's work on that collab!"

"Sorry, gunna play D&D with the guys."

"B-but it's not even six-o'clock yet!"

"Not for you maybe."

Heh,sounds like the problem I've had to deal with for years. It sucks when you're two hours ahead of a friend and if you want to get a crap ton of posts in you have to stay up very late to get those. It's very hard to deal with that because I like to,A LOT,and if one of us is off and can't post until a time when I'm off then I get really bored,really fast.

my rant: Remember my last post? Yeah, that's deescalated a bit. She doesn't want to talk to me ever again,which is fine she can do whatever she wants. the only thing I'm pissed at is how she said she cared and just like that doesn't,and how all the roleplaying these last three years I've done with her has just went down the drain. Now the search is on to find someone who can match me in style and can help me because honestly my luck so far,not to offend anyone,has been very bad. I couldn't care less for her at this point now,I just want to forget and keep moving on and pray and hope that I can get the muse up to start roleplaying and even writing again.
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