Avatar of TheGrundlesnart
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  • Posts: 136 (0.07 / day)
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    1. TheGrundlesnart 6 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current AD&D was more or less 1.5e. That's not *totally* accurate but it kinda evokes what happened. I've not done D&D in a hot minute, tho.
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5 yrs ago
To everyone who has been patiently awaiting posts, my apologies. I will try to get out a round of posts today!
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5 yrs ago
To anyone waiting on posts from me: as some of y'all know, my place of work minorly caught on fire on Tuesday and I had to deal with that. Literally. Anyways. That's why I'm slow lately.
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5 yrs ago
As a Texan, the proper spelling is "Y'all" not "ya'll." It is a contraction of "You all" not "Ya all." That's all I have to say on any of this.
5 yrs ago
I'm happy to announce that, illness-wise, I seem to be out of the woods. Thanks for your patience, everyone!


Yo, what up. I'm The Grundlesnart.

What's a grundlesnart? Me. I'm a grundlesnart.

I've been RPing for like 16 years, since back when Yahoo Groups was still a thing. So yeah, I'm an old fart.

Most Recent Posts

The Dog paced, as he usually did when on solitary days like this. His social interactions were fairly rare, even though his conditioning kept him as docile as the pet of his namesake. He was expecting a visitor today, apparently. One of the guards had said something about it. He didn't know what it meant. Could mean they had finally found a way to kill him that wasn't drowning. Or maybe they'd have him fight someone again. Like that robot samurai thing. He didn't like fighting.

What they didn't realize was that the conditioning hadn't changed much of his real mind. Ford Thomas was angry. All the time. Seething with rage nonstop, which only released when they gave the command. Like some kind of perverse orgasm denial but instead of pleasure, it was violence. In the moments after the command, Ford was free. He delighted in the violence. It gave him a pleasurable high like nothing else in the world. Consuming. Devouring. Growing. Nothing felt better in the whole world. And then they said that miserable halt command and suddenly he was ashamed, scared of what he had been, trembling from the adrenaline like a scared little boy.

It was no wonder he barely reacted when the body came tumbling down the chute. He cocked his head at it.

"PBV-2424. Incoming command. Remove your muzzle at this time."

He hated this process. Being forced to eat another human being to clean up after their messes. But food was food. Maybe this one knew something pleasant? Remembered a nice song... He would get flashes of their memories. Nothing specific. Never anything useful. Just... random bits. Sounds and images. Maybe he'd had a nice family The Dog could pretend was his own for a few minutes. He felt the electronic latch on his muzzle come undone, and he pulled it from his face, wiping away the drool from his lower lips as he stared miserably at the body. He didn't want to-

"Sic 'em."

MEAT! The only thing in the entire world worth having was here, right here, in front of him and oh how succulent it appeared! A ripping, tearing, oh the wonderful sensation of digging teeth into flesh and tearing away the bloody chunks! This one was cold but what did it matter when you could feel the dribbling of their life essence down your chin and neck? When you could feel the meat under your growing claws? A chunk from the neck to test the flavor, yes, just a nibble, just a nibble that would kill any man in seconds!

Yes, an unlatching of the jaw now. How could he wait? How could he wait another second before eating this snack whole? Or maybe a bite or two along the way yes a big bite yes just to hear the bones crunch and feel them snap under the teeth yes it was so good god yess feel the crunch of the ribs and the gentle hiss of the bursting lungs oh in the name of all things holy it was divine it was sensational just a quick swallow and then he could crack those delicious femurs and feel the marrow in his throat yes yes yes yes crunch snap yes YES YES YES YES ALL OF IT DOWN FEEL THE MASS BECOME HIS FEEL THE ENERGY, THE MEAT, THE BONE AND TISSUE MAKING HIM STRONGER, BETTER, YES. HE COULD KILL ANYTHING. HE COULD KILL EVERYTHING!!


Ford looked down. The man was gone. Just a bloody spot. Next came a towel and some wretching from a guard who'd been dared to watch the process. A newbie, probably. One of them had died last week, right? He bungled the command word during a testing and he'd been impaled before the control room could say it on the intercom. Reeled in like a struggling fish. The memory nauseated Ford now. Especially how much he'd relished it in the moment. He hated his other self. It didn't hate him back. It was too busy with the meat.

It wasn't until he'd changed his clothes, washed the blood away with the small hose in his room, and was reaching to put his muzzle on that two small plastic objects slid out of his hand and into the sink. He looked at them, but didn't touch them. They looked electronic, yes...
Earpieces? Why did the prisoner have ear pieces? Was this a music thing?

The intercom crackled. "2424, do not delay in replacing your muzzle."

Ford palmed the earpieces, acting like he was wiping something from the sink and then he put his muzzle back on, sliding in the earpieces as he did so as stealthily as he could manage. He was not well versed in sleight-of-hand, but he'd picked a pocket or two back when he was homeless.

"Thank you, 2424. Was your meal satisfactory?"

It was a bit hard to hear them, but The Dog knew the question already. He gave a thumbs up. It wasn't satisfactory. It was humiliating and disgusting. But if he ever gave them a thumbs down... they just sent another body.
I have one for one of my RPs with only 6 people. We use it pretty regularly. Useful for sharing lots of smaller conversations rather than sending a billion one-sentence forum posts that may be lost.
Okay, first off, apologies for A) missing a sheet in my last review, that's a consequence of lack of sleep, and B) falling short of my re-review schedule; yesterday ended up being a bit hectic for fun, not-at-all police-getting called reasons. Anyway, we have come to it at last, the projected day of selection, and though it was a hard choice, I'm very grateful for all the work that you put in. If you didn't make the final cut, it's not because I hate you, or because your character was bad - ultimately it came down to a lot of thinking about group dynamics and the cast that I think would tell the best story.

Anyway, without further ado, the cast:

Subject PBV-2424, 'Project Proteus', Buford Thomas, as played by @TheGrundlesnart

Subject TR-781, 'Project Ichor', Olivia Hare, as played by @Naive1

Subject EP1138 v3, 'Project Iris,' Elaine Paige, as played by @Serendipity

Subject 481-RONIN, 'Project Ajax,' Jason Ryker, as played by @GingerBoi123

Subject 8712, 'Project Elephant,' Kieran Smith, as played by @NorthernKraken

Subject 521-OB, 'Project Papyrus,' Sam Hell, as played by @Hellion

Thank you again to everyone who applied! Those of you who are accepted, please feel free to move your sheets to the characters tab. Expect the IC tonight or tomorrow morning!

Go team freaks!

Well then. Hopefully we get a Discord soon, if we haven't already. I wanna see who gets on with who.

<Snipped quote by TheGrundlesnart>

So how would he feel towards Jason? Seeing as his prime function is to be a killer when commanded?

The Dog has the same function, he's just more chaotic and destructive.

So long as he's not violent within their little community, he won't take issue. If he's aggressive or starting fights? Dog will take plenty of issue.
Okay, had a little think about relations with my character - hopefully I didn't miss anybody!

@TheGrundlesnartCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling The Dog would probably be pretty cautious around Kieran, especially given that Kieran, whilst well intentioned, has a few psychological issues that might seem pretty off putting and put him in the camp of having 'more erratic test subject behaviors'. Kieran would probably try to get close to him at first, maybe offering to help with communication, but he knows when to back off.

So long as he's not acting violent or manipulative, Dog will just ignore him at worst. Dog is too generally docile to dislike people who aren't violent or harmful.
<Snipped quote by TheGrundlesnart>

It would severely depend on his down diet, and if he is eating properly if I'm being perfectly honest, seeing as she can only gain nutrients from said blood. But overall, taste-wise it's just blood but if she goes for too long without feeding she can kinda 'get lost' I mean, imagine not eating for a week+ and suddenly being offered a buffet, easy to lose control.

He eats mostly meat, but he eats his prey whole, so... it's probably no different from just sucking the blood out of the original critters. If you literally wholesale absorb an entire cow at once... you'll probably have a lot of nutrients in there. He can absorb plant material just fine as well.
If they are allowed to be in the same space, and she's not too scared of him, The Dog would definitely volunteer his own blood to Olivia. Though it probably would be like drinking from a bunch of people/animals at once, if she has flavor detection for the blood. Blood smoothie.
I've been reading without commenting and now I'll talk again!

I'm down for some character ties.

I know The Dog will probably be at least on good terms with most of the females and younger characters, if not just because that's who he gravitates to. That doesn't mean they like him in return, mind you. He just likes them more than the other options.


The circle forms around Tum Tum and Key, with the smaller woman looking positively outclassed in the fight. She doesn't back down, though, shooting you a hateful glare.

"Hope, grant me thy divine strength, that I may show your power to those who doubt and lead astray." The words fall from her mouth before Tum Tum charges, swinging wildly and recklessly with the iron bar.

Key throws herself into a roll with the first clumsy swing, and manages to kick another away before climbing to her feet inside of Tum Tum's reach, throwing her blood-covered injury into his face and swiping it across his eyes, leaving a thick crimson trail. Tum Tum recoils, clutching at his eyes and making another wild swing. It slams into Key's side with a dull ringing sound and a wet crunch, causing Key to cough violently even as she swings her arm over the iron and holds it fast against her battered body.

The crowd is chanting, baying for blood. Key's blood.

Key turns her body, wrestling the iron from Tum Tum's single-handed grip. Even as Tum Tum backpedals to get away she jams it squarely into his groin, dropping him to his knees before she delivers a blow, screaming at the top of her lungs, across his temple.

The circle goes silent as she swings wildly several more times into Tum Tum's fallen body, until the iron bar is bloodied and Tum Tum is clearly and thoroughly dead.

She coughs up some blood as soon as she is done, but gives a defiant glare to the assembled. "Now that one more doubter is dead... let's get to work."

Avenue, you can feel a shift in your flock. Some of them, in their hearts, belong to Key now. She keeps the iron bar, and nobody is stopping her from carrying it with her to the chirurgeons.
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