Avatar of Thinslayer


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3 yrs ago
Either RolePlayerGuild.com is glitching, or everyone is studiously ignoring my PMs.
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Most Recent Posts

1) Ghostly White-Mage/Healing Spirit. (Stuck with two spells without help, but a little can go a long way. White Mage already down, so no need to panic.)
I think if we didn't have as many Voidspawn characters as we do, a good-aligned Ascended character might be interesting. As it stands, we're a little overrun with immortals. :P

2) Wraith / temporary bodysnatcher. (Hijack people's bodies and fight with them. heart-stoppingly spooky.)
Interesting concept! The Voidspawn kind of do that already, albeit permanently. We might have to hammer out a different system for bodysnatching magic.

3) Minotaur Lightning-Bruiser. (Huge, fast and strong. Mix in lightning symbol-magic for one hell of a charge.)
coughalistarcough? xD Sounds interesting. Minotaurs don't get much representation in fantasy stories, so color me interested.

4) Minotaur Archer. (Imagine a walking siege ballista with horns. Bullseye.)
A longbow would be an amazing weapon for him. I'm imagining him teaming up with MacKenzie.

5) Paper-golem. (Recycled idea from an RP that folded. A walking, talking spellbook, potentially good for boosting magical abilities. Also shapeshifting!)
...from an RP that folded? That better be pun-intended! :P Anyway, it's an intriguing idea. As Rabidporcupine pointed out, you could do something like Grimoire Weiss.

6) Quicksilver golem. (T-1000 on fantasy steroids. Really malleable concept.)

7) Old Dryad. (Another healer-ish character, probably way more in tune with nature. Older than the trees, in this world and the otherworld.)
We don't have one of those yet. Sounds fun.
@ArmorPlated Absolutely! What do you got?
@ArmorPlated Some, for those where it's appropriate.
Who we waiting on?
@FunnyGuy Dude is, like, the definition of cool - or hot, as the case may be. :P

I love it. You can put it in the Character Sheets tab.
Fair enough. Chatak's speech was brilliant, btw. :D
If you're quick, you could edit it. We're the only ones here right now.
"Sure, but let's stay alert. We don't know what we'll find out here," Afki warned.
Teleus nodded and waved his hand. "Will do, ma'am. Make sure to squash any bugs come this way."

The Formic Hive looked as if its inhabitants had left in a hurry. The houses still had (rotting) food out of storage, like they didn't even have time to eat it. The War Greaves they typically wore on their legs were all missing. All the storage chests were still locked tight.

Teleus and team made for the queen's lair, where the treasury could be found. The place reeked of rotten food, but the treasury was surprisingly full - not with money, but with ore and scrap metal. The bugs were preparing for war. There were a few "hidden gems" among the scraps, including a couple pieces of adamantine gear, doubtless salvaged from unlucky adventurers. Afki got the adamantine gauntlets, Teleus the adamantine shield, and the other 9 adventurers their choice of equipment.

They returned to the city entrance. "Everybody ready?" Teleus called out.

Afki might have been the first to notice something...
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