Avatar of ToadRopes
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    1. ToadRopes 9 yrs ago


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Current Diggersby tho!
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Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata
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Out for most of the day; job training and rehearsal
9 yrs ago
Diggersby, tho?


Hi I like to draw stuff and write.

Most Recent Posts

Charlotte Carver

-Stillwater - Docks-

One of the Scolipedes dared to paw the ground and charge for the two Trainers, before curling in for a Steamroller attack. Wimpod , of course, wimped out and scurried behind Charlotte, terrified of the much-larger bugs.

"Klang, go!" Charlotte called, hurling a Poké Ball. The gear Pokémon appeared in a flash, its cogwheels regularly spinning as it assessed the situation. "Gear Grind!"

Klang quickly spun so that its larger, dull-grey gear was facing the Scolipede. Klang spun furiously like a buzz saw and swung its body into the oncoming, rolling insect. The friction caused sparks to fly from the point of impact. The Scolipede blew back, landing awkwardly on its side, before scrambling back to its feet.

"Klang, use Shift Gear," Charlotte ordered.

The miniature cogwheel composing one of Klang's two faces floated up to the larger cogwheel, and Klang spun vigorously, moving at a nimbler pace.

"Intriguing. It looks like in an area without human development, the local Pokémon are able to mature to their higher evolved forms naturally and thus achieve a higher place on the ecosystem. I'll have to see if this is the case later," Charlotte mused. "Right now what worries me is the giant centipedes about to roll us flat."

CP +1; total = 18
Juana Perez

-Zephyr Strip - Sawsbuck’s Coffee-

Juana nodded to the others. She picked up Togepi and patted it on the head, before calling all her Pokémon besides Steenee into their balls (they all needed to rest).

Upon returning to the mall security office with the amuck Porygon-Z in tow, the three Trainers were rewarded with showers of verbal gratitude, 23 Trainer Points, and a Heal Ball each.

The Porygon-Z was quickly restrained for study and repair.

Juana, while there, picked up a brochure detailing the other things that Zephyr Strip had to offer. “Hey, check it out,” Juana remarked, pointing to an image of an old-looking colossus covered in moss. “The captions says it’s a statue of an ancient Pokémon.” She looked up at Cillian and Tora. “You wanna check it out?”

CP +1; total=17

I'm not quite sure how to respond to your last post so feel free to advance the story if you'd like.

Level: 1
Day/Time: Day One; Evening
Location: Kingdom of Erion - Abandoned Castle
Tag: Luigi @Bright_Ops, Oswald @Holy Soldier
Mention: General Brigan @Holy Soldier

WC: 411

Hapu's heart sank a little when Mudsdale's swift kick did naught but infuriate Brigan; he called them traitors, but what did he expect?

"Mudsdale, come back!" Hapu called, thrusting out her Poké Ball as the rounds launched upon Brigan did nothing. The horse disappeared in a flash of light, and Hapu turned towards Luigi, who, after giving the orders to not harm Oswald, was struck down by the Shadow Knight himself. Hapu ran to help Luigi, but Oswald threatened to destroy the entire team if they continued to pursue the Pooka.

Hapu skidded to a halt.

As expected, Luigi stood down, and directed the team to unleash their force upon Brigan, as soon as the fire was out, at least. Hapu looked around; surrounded by flames, the team was on its way to being fried to a crisp or choked to death if nothing was done. There was little in the way of ventilation in the chamber; Hapu had to think quickly.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, Luigi," she said, struggling to maintain her composure in the perilous situation. "I do not think we are equipped for firefighting at the moment; perhaps if we ventilated the building, we would stave off the threat of oxygen deprivation for a little while longer." Hapu turned towards Brigan and narrowed her eyes. "All his talk of betrayal," she continued, "and yet his treachery brought this upon him. Suffice it to say, we will need more opportunity to formulate strategy, I believe."

Hapu turned towards Oswald. "Venerable Knight, I dare not take action involving your beloved spouse without your express permission. However, I believe it is possible for Mudsdale to rescue the princess from the burning castle, for surely the flames put her in grave danger as well." She held up her Poké Ball. I can release my horse to the upper balcony, putting him at a higher position than Brigan; if possible, he will gladly escort your wife out of the chamber, unharmed. Brigan's attention will need to be diverted."

Hapu turned back towards the roaring flames; there wasn't time.

"I understand if you are not willing to allow me this; we have been unwittingly sent here and turned against you by that vicious hulk of a man Brigan, and thus, I do not expect your trust. Luigi, however, has called us off, and on my honor as kahuna I intend to make sure your beloved is safe from the hands of that ogre."
Charlotte Carver

-Stillwater - Docks-

"Golduck is quite interesting," Charlotte agreed. "The development of its psychic powers stems from the rudimentary powers displayed by Psyduck, and are likely an adaptation designed to allow Golduck to fight off predators. In any case, that also makes Golduck pretty cool."

Charlotte watched a Sharpedo dart around in strange patterns in the water. "It doesn't appear to be mating season," she noted. "Otherwise Sharpedo would not swim around like that." Charlotte dug into her broefcase and produced a Poké Ball containing her Wimpod.

She released the isopod onto the ground; Wimpod looked around skittishly for danger.

"Wimpod has some pretty sensitive antennae," Charlotte pointed out. "That's how it detects danger and runs away."

Wimpod perked up its antennae, waggling them a bit and searching for anything that might potentially cause harm to its trainer/eat it.

"What do you think's going on?" Charlotte asked Jason.

CP +1; total=16
@Dusksong I play trombone, actually!

Long story short: The Gleiv died.

Tomoe lowered her weapon and flinched from the sharp pain. “Well, the king is safe,” she said, satisfied. “That dastard, whoever heard of throwing a human being at a soldier? Never in my life…”

Tomoe limped over to the rest of the group. I’ll have to watch my footing next battle, she thought. No use being a bodyguard if I can’t protect my own blasted ankle.

Tomoe let out a breath and sat down as Keerin came to her. “Yep, that’s me,” Tomoe replied. “Thankfully, it’s just a sprained ankle; my weapon took most of the impact, and I’m glad that he wasn’t hurt by being used as a crude ballista.”
Sorry for not being so quick to post, I have a lot of schoolwork and jazz rehearsal to take care of IRL.
Charlotte Carver

-Central City-

“Necrozma? I believe reports stated that it was a creature that came from the Ultra Wormhole eons ago,” Charlotte replied.

Just then, a booming announcement came over the intercom. ”All passengers boarding the route 7, please have your bus fare or ticket ready.”

“Looks like that’s our bus,” Charlotte said, getting up. She glanced down at her Pokémon. “C’mon, Charjabug,” she said. The Charjabug hummed and hopped off the bench, crawling next to Charlotte’s leg.

A bus ride, a necessary transfer, and a train ride later, the passengers had arrived at a dusty path leading down to Stillwater.

Charlotte looked around; the sun had gone down, and night had fallen upon the sleepy waterfront.

There was a humid aroma permeating through the air, and the gentle hum of gas lamps hissed dully in the air. There were some chirping Kricketunes over on a rock, and near a dock there was a lazy-looking Tyranitar wading through the bayou. The creaking of wild Dhelmises mingled with the floorboards as Charlotte walked to the town.

“Seems like the marine ecosystem’s pretty untouched here, outside of some fishing and some catching,” Charlotte remarked, watching a school of Magikarp swim through the water. “It looks like since they don’t have to maneuver around so much human activity, the Magikarp are a whole lot healthier.”

Charlotte looked up to Jason. “You know, Aether did a lot of research on Cosmog, Solgaleo, and Lunala,” she remarked. “There’s some theorizing that Cosmog is also a type of Ultra Beast, since it’s capable of opening Ultra Wormholes. It would only do so under a lot of stress, and… well, that was sort of what the issue was during the incident.

Juana Perez

-Zephyr Strip - Sawsbuck’s Coffee-

“Pastel-pink, like Slurpuff’s fur… It’s gotta be a Fairy-type now,” Juana muttered, before thrusting her hand out to the Porygon-Z. “Skorupi, Poison Sting!”

Skorupi skittered over to the Porygon-Z and jabbed its stinger into the virtual Pokémon’s tail. Porygon-Z whipped around and flailed wildly, attempting to throw the scorpion off. But Skorupi held fast, and swung up and around, stabbing its claws into Porygon-Z’s back.

The Porygon-Z flashed colors again, and turned brick-red, before punching Skorupi off its back.

“It’s a Fighting type now!” Juana shouted. “Uh…”

She pulled out Togepi’s Poké Ball.

“I’ve gotta try. Go, Togepi!”

Juana sent out Togepi, and the spike ball Pokémon sailed into the air and landed in front of the Porygon-Z. The Pokémon began to nervously waggle its arms.

It didn’t notice that the tips of those arms was glowing.

“Wait, what?” Juana asked.

Suddenly, Togepi pointed its hands forward, and a blast of pink energy fired from its stubby palms, tearing into the Porygon-Z’s chest.

Juana looked at her Pokédex. Apparently, the move her Togepi just used was Metronome. But… what move did it become?

Togepi looked significantly tired after using that move; clearly it was a Fairy move with some recoil, given the effectiveness it had upon the Porygon-Z. Togepi wasn’t hurt, of course, but it was certainly winded.

Juana checked her Pokédex again. “That was Fleur Cannon,” she remarked. “…Wow, I got lucky with that Metronome.”

She turned towards Cillian and Tora. “Let’s tie that thing up before it comes to,” she suggested.

CP +1 total = 15

Level: 1
Day/Time: Day One; Evening
Location: Kingdom of Erion - Raganival, Forest Beyond Castle Grounds
Tag: Luigi @Bright_Ops, Samus @Lmpkio, James @Zarkun
Mention: General Brigan @Holy Soldier

WC: 354

Two words could describe the way this fight was going: absolute disaster.

In dismay, Hapu realized that this was literally an uphill battle, for she in the chaos of the skirmish she and Samus had been ordered in the wrong direction. “Mudsdale, stop!” Hapu called. Soon after, Hapu saw the shots Oswald had deflected towards her. In this state, she and Mudsdale would not be able to dodge out of the way, unless...

"Mudsdale, come back!” Hapu stated, leaping off the horse and diving out of the way of the shots while simultaneously pulling out Mudsdale's Poké Ball. In a red flash, Mudsdale scattered into light and retreated to the Poké Ball, which Hapu thenclutched close to her. She rolled on the ground, grunting a bit as she broke her fall. She then stood up, dusting her knees off. Her body ached a bit, but she's had to deal with rougher.

She turned to her teammates. “It does not appear that projectile weaponry is an effective strategy,” she pointed out. “Our shots simply will return towards us.

Then, Luigi gave the orders to strike at Brigan.

Hapu, of course, did not hold a high opinion of the giant anyhow. As a Pokémon trainer, Hapu was from a world that valued the virtue of honor, especially in battle. And if this ogre of a man saw characters like Luigi as mere pawns, means to an end, well... The rules certainly have changed.

“Then we engage him on our own terms,” Hapu said in response.

Hapu ran towards the stairwell, and after Samus fired off her round at Brigan, Hapu tossed her Poké Ball and Mudsdale appeared, sailing through the air.

"High Horsepower," she instructed, pointing to the treacherous Brigan. It was a gamble indeed; were the horse's strike not to work, she might end up with a dead Pokémon, which meant that she would be dead weight for the rest of what little time would remain for her in this squad. Mudsdale landed with a thud, then galloped up the stairs, before turning around and launching both its legs towards the backs of Brigan's knees.
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