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3 yrs ago
Current The World Record 72 Hour, 100% No Sin, 100% Redemption Destruction of Death and Sin Speedrun- Jesus Christ, circa 33 AD.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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@Duthguy In the future, let's try to not have your entire CS be black text? It makes it a touch harder to read. Other than that, I don't see anything too problematic as long as you stay consistent with how you play him.
Gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the Bionicle.
In a time before time, we, the Matoran, were driven from our home.
Lost and unprotected, the six Turaga lead us in the Great Exodus.
Finally, the wall was passed, and a great land was found.
Here we built our city, our home, of Kongero Nui.

Once every year, the citizens of Kongero Nui gather to watch the Red Star pass low on the northern horizon. Long has it been said that the light of the Red Star brings prosperity to the Matoran of the land. Legends also speak of the city's birth, and the mythical Toa stone that was brought with the first passing of the Red Star. Long has it been guarded, and the very existence of a Toa stone, let alone a Toa, have faded into the realm of myth and fairytale.

Hello! Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. To state the obvious, I'm looking to make an RP based on Bionicle (the 2001 to 2010 version, not the 2016-2017 reboot) with about six players. For those who may not know, Bionicle is a LEGO imprint line of buildable figures. The general premise is a world of biomechanical/cyborg life. So like, the animals, called Rahi, the normal people, the heroes, they're all mostly mechanical, with biological cores, for the most part(certain entities appear to be entirely mechanical), and still need to eat, but don't reproduce. Despite the sweeping story of the original story, it had some compelling characters, and interesting stakes, despite its 100,000 year timescale. That's what I'm hoping to capture here- interesting characters doing things a bit bigger than themselves, with a not-so-small chance of messing up.
Oh, and because I have a few different ideas, this is going to be a more simple/straightforward "chapter", to establish characters and the world. Later, the subsequent chapters may be handled by others who are interested as GM's, while I act more as a guide, as I have a general outline in mind, but new ideas are always welcome.
Oh, and here's something interesting; When a Matoran transforms into a Toa, they become what their mental image of a Toa is. That being the case, we don't need to have a unified aesthetic as Toa, since none of the characters have seen one.
Let's get into it, shall we?

The City

The Metru

The city of Kongro-Nui is subdivided into six Metru: Ta-Metru consisting of Ta-Congro, Fe-Congro, and Vo-Congro, Ga-Metru consisting of Ga-Congro and De-Congro, Le-Metru consisting of Le-Congro and Bo-Congro, Po-Metru consisting of Po-Congro, Fa-Congro, and Su-Congro, Onu-Metru containing Onu-Congro and Ba-Congro, and Ko-Metru which consists of Ko-Congro and De-Congro. Each Metru shepherded by their respective Turaga: Kalu, Halahn, Boboro, Rekata, Gonu, and Talur.
The Turaga

Turaga Kalu is a well respected leader who conducts the meetings of the other Turaga, and works as a defacto leader. Many Matoran flock to him for advice, as he lead the Great Exodus. A stately Turaga in faded red armor, wearing a short old cape of white, with a red and blue stripe near its bottom. His mask sports a contoured forehead and two protrusions near the cheek area that point down, bent slightly backwards. While he moves slowly and carries a cane, he exudes the presence of one who has aged gracefully and with strength. His eyes glow a shimmering yellow.
Turaga Halahn is a somewhat mysterious figure, with pancho-like garb, and a bulbous-eyed mask with gill like markings that obscure her mannerisms slightly. Halahn keeps a tight watch on the timing and amount of fish harvested from the ocean. While she doesn't often speak, it's often profoundly wise when she does.
Turaga Boboro is an odd fellow, even among Le-Matoran, who seems to know far more than he lets on. Prone to stroking the whisker like protrusions on his mask, he seems to almost know what one is about to do before they do it. He seems to allow some of the more playful Matoran to make a game of attempting to knock him from the branches on which he stands. However, they never seem to win.
Turaga Gonu is a very quiet individual. He rarely speaks his mind, so when he does speak, it seems like what he says is out of nowhere. Gonu can be a difficult taskmaster, and seems to greatly value independence.
Turaga Rekata is, perhaps, the most mysterious of all the Turaga. He rarely leaves his chamber in the deepest depths below the city. Despite this, no Matoran in Onu-Metru would dare defy his will.
Turaga Talur is second in respect only to Kalu, Talur gives off a cold, strict presence. He always seems to have something on his mind, and is surprisingly quick for his apparently diminished power and obvious age. The sides of his mask are almost completely worn away, revealing the mechanisms beneath in a somewhat grim manner. He walks with a cane, that also functions as a key to the many warehouses in Ko-Congro.
The Matoran

Questions, comments, concerns, or input of any kind? Don't be afraid to ask. I like to think of myself as patient, and I'll do my best to help you through any confusion.
September 5th 20XX

The building exhaled its processed air as the automatic doors slid open. On the other side, in a buttoned up shirt and a collared vest of a light fabric- and a color somewhere between mauve and burgundy- stood Scott, a look of deep concern on his face. I hope this works.
The young man approached the front desk, and placed his arm against the counter just slightly, leaning forward a bit, so that he might be heard when speaking in a low voice.
"Hi, I know you've probably been getting this all week, but I have a friend who's admitted here. I was at ESU when, well, when that thing went down. Still can't wrap my head around it, but I haven't seen him since, and I just have to know if he's in one piece or not."

The nurse hemmed and hawed for a minute or two before relenting- doctors said that the disease was past its contagious stage, and family or not, it wasn’t like he’d get much more than a reprimand from the admins for letting in a friend. After asking Marcus’ name, and giving Scott a room number, the young man found himself in front of a suddenly-ominous-looking door in a scant few minutes.

After taking a moment to make sure no one was around, Scott pushed his hands on the door, knocking softly as he moved the handle. He opened the door slowly, making sure it was obvious that he was there.

Marcus sat up slightly as he heard the door opening, dreading whether or not the doctors were coming to poke and prod at him some more. Which made it all the more enjoyable when his best friend walked through the door.

”Scott! You’re okay!” It had been driving him crazy, worried whether or not his loved ones had been caught up in this nightmare. It was a relief to see that at least one of them had made it out all right, even if he was feeling some sort of weird… interference in his skull. Like static, or something. He didn’t take time to notice it; it passed as soon as it left.

He smiled. ”You can’t imagine what a pain in the ass it’s been sitting here with nothing to do. At least you’re here to make it a little better. So… how have you been? What’s it like out there on the outside?”

Thank god you’re alright,” Scott remarked, a breath he didn’t realize he was holding slipping out of his lungs, “Okay, so, don’t freak out,” he began, before moving closer to the wall.
Scott then placed his hand against the wall, then his foot, and slowly began to climb it, hands simply pressed flat behind him as he still looked at his bedridden friend, a couple feet off the ground now.
So basically, I’m Strand,” he remarked, for a moment placing his hand on his forehead as another sharp lance of pressure shot through it, “And I have a feeling you are too...

Marcus blinked, still wincing at the static sensation that had reared its head again. His friend, Scott. His best friend in the whole wide world.

Was hanging.

On the ceiling.



It took him a long moment to process what he was seeing. Even longer for him to recognize what Scott was telling him. ”Y...Y-you… you’re Strand…? Seriously? H-how, when, why haven’t you--?”

Another pulse of static. And the other shoe dropped. The last thing he’d said. He said I’m…?

“You think… you think I am, too? Wait, what does that mean? Scott, this doesn’t make any sense!”
He felt his heart rate start to increase, heedless of the lights dimming around him, or the monitors nearby flickering.

No, no it doesn’t. I… I felt like I couldn’t tell you. Like, nobody knows this. I couldn’t even tell me mom. ‘Cause, you know… if people know, they get grabbed by some mugger I stopped a month ago that I forgot about or something.
Scott then took a breath, and climbed down, approaching Marcus.
And, it’s like, I don’t know. Sometimes I’d get these like… pulls in my head… like, that feeling when you don’t think you should be somewhere, but like way over-” He stopped, his thought process cut off by Marcus’s sudden tirade.

”That… that’s stupid! I’m not made of glass, Scott. I can handle myself. What about you? I’m just supposed to be okay with you running around on rooftops, punching bad guys in the face??” He couldn’t tell through his haze and headache, but the room was getting noticeably darker. Particularly centered around Marcus himself.

”You keep dropping bombshells and you’re not even gonna explain any of them??”

No. You’re not made of glass. But you’re not bulletproof. And you keep cutting me off. Like, seriously, this impatience is terminal-” he then realized that was bad phrasing.

”You’re not bulletproof, either! What would have happened if someone got a lucky shot, Scott? What was I supposed to think if you didn’t come home one night? What was your mom supposed to think??”

The darkness seethed.

Easy buddy. I was just getting there...” he placed his hand on Marcus’s wrist, gently, but firmly, “I can literally see things coming.And right now it’s like… like there’s threads in the air… and one of them’s leading to you...

”Don’t fucking patronize--” he said, jerking his hand away angrily, the reaction triggering… something else. A tendril of blackest black, like a scorpion’s tail, spearing up toward Scott, narrowly missing his best friend. However, in an uncanny shift, Scott’s shoulder dropped, and he clapped a hand over Marcus’s mouth in the same movement, as if to keep him from screaming.

The room fell silent, neither young man knowing just how to react to what had just happened, Marcus still with Scott’s hand over his mouth. Marcus’ eyes were wide with shock and surprise, not knowing how to respond, even if he could speak. Slowly, carefully, he reached up to Scott’s wrist, pulling it away so he could talk.

”So, uh… you were going to talk. I was interrupting. Please… please continue.”

To say Scott was calm was a lie, but he wasn’t nearly as shaken as Marcus. He was also much more stressed looking, suddenly.
Yeah. So, you having super powers? Guess yours are more than a bit different than mine.

”You think??” said Marcus, causing shadows to bristle across his skin with his irritation.

Full disclosure? I have no idea what that was. That kinda scares me. But we’re like, connected. Other people in this hospital are too. Which is...” the young man put a hand on his forehead, “Look, when my powers kicked in, still not entirely sure how- there was like, a sting on my hand or something, next morning I woke up on the wall. Thought I was going insane for a while. But, well, since I could do stuff like,” he gestured to the wall, “I figured I’d better make the best of it. And trust me, I wouldn’t have done it if I couldn’t tell where a gun was going to point before it was pointed there. I can like, feel things coming and stuff, like, physically feel it, and my head goes nuts when I have to cross the street, then I look and some truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and runs up the curb and into a dumpster- that would have ran into me if I didn’t stop for a second,
Scott paused for a moment, visibly stressed out. If Marcus was in the blast, and it he was there too… and now Marcus had powers… Scott’s stomach sank. He felt like he might throw up.

Marcus caught on quick to Scott’s unease. And shared it, as the lights in the room turned sickly and dull, ”Scott… there were a lot of people in that blast.

“...What if I’m just one of the new threads you saw…?”

Yeah, we have a lot of visits to make,” Scott remarked, sounding exhausted.

Why do I feel like I’m being tempted? >.>

That's totally a tempt.
<Snipped quote by tobiax>

In close enough proximity, any Spider will be able to tell another Spider is who they are. Like in Into the Spider-Verse ("You're like me.")

Scott's Spider-Sense is sufficient to tell from a much greater distance. He's probably been having a hell of a migraine after the incident.

I was more thinking the "criminal thoughts detected" thing.
<Snipped quote by Akayaofthemoon>

Every party needs a pooper.

Still talking about the girls' bathroom.
@AmpharosBoy It's only a 5.
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