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    1. Vahir 10 yrs ago
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In the Meantime if you Exarch players want your Character sheet for early brainstorming let me know.

So... Could we get them?
The scent of Tyranny abounds.

Nein! I already pointed that out, so your observation is null!
Feudal shennanigans with gods? Sounds good to me.

If you're not at peak Archons, I could be one of 'em. Or not. Whatever floats the metaphorical boat.

Incidentally, this setting reminds me of Tyranny. Hail Kyros Izalith!
Reserved for the inevitable derpy detail I forgot to put in the OP.


A Song of Ice and Fire RP

"Leoric Cade, lord of Castle Tarrow, shivered in the cold autumn chill of the night alongside his men. Though he wore leather, and chain atop of that, the cold seemed to seep into his bones. Perhaps it was the anticipation, not the weather, that chilled him so. The anticipation of battle. The anticipation of slaughter.

The night was pitch black: they dare not light torches for fear of being spotted, and the moon was considerate enough to hide behind thick clouds, so they could see almost nothing from the edge of the forest. He could hear breathing, however; the breathing of thousands of men in tense anticipation. He could only pray to the Seven above that the westernmen would not hear it as well, deafening as it seemed to his own ears. Atop the hill, he could see the glow of the enemy camp, as the ruckus of their own host feasting carelessly. Minutes seemed to stretch to hours.

Then, he finally heard the sound he'd been straining his ears to catch: The screams of men, dogs, and horses. All at once, the camp seemed to become frenzied, like a disturbed hive. This was it, it had to be! It was the hour of the wolf. The Young Wolf.

From duty runs rivers of gold, he reminded himself, echoing the words of his house to reassure himself. He could hear the shouts of his fellow lords ordering their men forward. "It is time," he shouted to those surrounding him. "Time to butcher these Lannister pigs. Onward, for Castle Tarrow, for Riverrun, and for Winterfell!" As the others took up the shout, he hurried forward into the darkness, among a line of men of shadows. They raced as fast as they dared in the darkness, towards the camp and battle... to claim Oxcross for the King in the North.


Welcome to yet another A Song of Ice and Fire (Or Game of Thrones for you show types) RP. This one will be set during the later end of the War of Five Kings, well after the Battle of the Blackwater. Unlike many of these kinds of RPs, you (yes, you) will not be creating your own major houses. Instead, we will create characters belonging to, or pledged to, House Cade, a Riverlander house sworn to the Freys of the Twins.

From how I see it, there are four categories of characters you can create:
1. A member of House Cade (ex: Brother to Lord Leoric, wife, son, cousin, and so on)
2. A petty lordling pledged to the Cades (You'd make your own house, but they'd be little more than landed knights, no big castles or anything)
3. A knight in the service of the Cades (Household knight or hedge knight, whichever you please)
4. A commoner (ex: a farmer, a guardsman, a cook, a messenger, and so on...)

Essentially, the House will start as a blank slate, which we'll fill up with our own characters as we make them. They'd all be involved in the goings on in Castle Tarrow. The big driving force of the story in the RP will be the War, of course. Being sworn to the Freys, we'll have to chose between loyalty to House Tully, or loyalty to the Twins.

Alright, enough rambling: Let's see what you guys think. Don't feel pressured to create characters right away. Just say if you're interested, and if so start mulling over character ideas. Tomorrow, if there's sufficient interest, I'll post my sheet for Lord Leoric Cade, and we can get to work from there.
<Snipped quote by Vahir>

This is strangely like the backstory for my own people O_o

Creators or created? Are you saying that our stories synergise or that we have the same species idea?
I'm up for this. I'm writing up a protector of life, mad scientist themed species, so if anyone wants their species to have been created by alien bio-engineering, let me know!

They also have a large number of "vassal" nations under their protection, so someone could play as a subject too.
Alright, looks like we're doing the "Two Worlds" senario, following popular demand. We might as well get to work!

Come hither for the world-building.

Holy balls, you give a 10k word post as a "sample". You're locked in now.

I'll see if we can get one more participant, before kicking this thing off.
What about a 100 Years/30 Years War type situation in a world with some weird sun/moon issues and an undead problem? Tone down the fantasy a bit from the first suggestion, but keep alot of it and put it into a grittier, more low-fantasy type setting?

Edit: I like the idea of a decadent not-France ruled by vampires warring with not-English/not-vikings....

Edit 2: missed the part about a sample post. See below, from this RP by HeySuess.

Eh, that would strip plan A of its thematic intent, humanity's mortal struggle for survival against the supernatural creatures of the night. Inter-state conflict would still be present, of course, but a large-scale dynastic war would feel out of place, or the supernatural elements would be gimmicky. And I'm kind of weary of Not-Westeros.

And you're good to join.
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