Avatar of vFear
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: vFear
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 444 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. vFear 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
please do not sacrifice erode i don't remember how i met them but i remember them being a nice friend
7 yrs ago
hell yeaH I'M BUYING BOTH MY DUDE i have no self control and got a beat to get crunk wit
1 like
7 yrs ago
i'd say i didn't know i needed a persona 5 dancing game, but let's be real, i knew the whole time. youtube.com/watch?v=0INh3MY…
7 yrs ago
Seeing CGI young Carrie Fisher in Rogue One lowkey hurt.. ;;


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@gojidorah @SilverPaw

Both are accepted, looks like we've got our cast! Feel free to post them in characters. We'll get started sometime in the next 12 hours, probably sooner.
So I think there's a couple sheets left in production but we're mostly good to go. While those are coming along, I'll get an IC post ready so we can get straight into it.

Sounds good to me. You do you fam, it's gonna be lit.

Oh god I am so glad I spell checked that post before going to bed. Not my greatest work at all.
I am very fond of Beyer as a character. Accepted, glad to have you aboard! Feel free to drop the sheet in the characters tab in your own time.
I've taken a few liberties so please let me know if anyone wants me to change anything.

post summary:
>tfw no qt berserker husbando

Location: Urquhart Castle -> The Deacon Arms Tavern.
Interacting with: Morgana Ironholdt @1Charak2; Olympia Whitehall @Vocab; the Masters of Red.
Magical energy: 147 out of 180.

"Sorry Master, I'll be right there, but I first have to take care of something!"

The words, for a reason she couldn't really explain to herself, sat heavy in her gut. Well, that wasn't fair to say: she knew why it make her so uncomfortable, but the reason itself made her uncomfortable again.

"Sonja, Olympia lead the way and help me get the god forsaken hell out of here! Please!"
While she did briefly hesitate, the cry for help helped her focus on the present. She was older than most if not all of the surviving students; while they didn't probably mind too much if she sank or swam, her own pride certainly did.
"Quick, through here-" Sonja called as she pressed on, grasping at a door handle while simultaneously driving her shoulder into the door to drive it open. In a split-second decision, she decided to take a more obscure route than one staying in the open; while close quarters worked well for a Saber class, she instinctively felt better odds with breaking line of sight, with the scattering students about.

If memory served her correctly, Sonja recalled a small flight of stairs going down the ramparts leading through to the other side. In the back of her mind, she updated her greater familiars directives: protect the retreat, and once we're safe, attack the surviving enemy magi. While a pang of guilt did strike her for sentencing a familiar to their death, she did make a note of reminding herself that it was just that: a mindless familiar.

After pressing down and about the stairs, Sonja found herself staring at another door. Just as before, she grasped the handle and forced it open, pressing out to the fresh air beyond. It turns out memory did serve her correctly: not too far beyond was the exit, where they could escape to the the Deacon Arms.
"This way." she called to the other two as she pressed her way forward. As she moved on, she snuck a glance over her shoulder, towards the site of the battle itself. Without Berserker at arms length after such a catastrophic loss, she felt vulnerable. Trust, she quietly reminded herself: she needed to trust him.

After making the journey to the tavern, constantly looking over her own shoulder for any unfamiliar or concerning faces, she quietly slipped in the back door. It appeared that it was still the lively time of night: patrons still sipped at their drinks and few enjoyed their cigar variety of choice. A brief conversation with the bartender got her a schooner of water, with which she sat down quietly to one side of the tavern's bar. While she didn't think much of alcohol, she did have vices of her own, although she did like to hide them from all but a select few. After a half-hearted effort to look for other faces in the tavern, she gave in. Her hand snuck off into her coat to return with a nondescript packet of Gold-strength cigarettes, from which she produced a single cigarette and a plain lighter stuffed into the vacant space. As she lifted the flame to the tip of the cigarette, habitually using her other hand to shield it from the non-existent wind, she had a moment of honesty with herself: she was worried. She was scared. She'd only just summoned Berserker, only just started to succeed in her last stand against Ayondale, before many of her friends were murdered and she lost Berserker just as quick as she got him.

After taking in a first breath of tobacco and nicotine, she lowered the cigarette towards the ash tray with her right hand and thwacked the butt with her thumb to ash off the tip. She glanced over towards her left arm, to the command seals concealed beneath her jacket. As far as she could tell, he was alive, but all she had to go to get him back was to use one. The thought sat in her mind, tempting her, until she eventually lifted her left arm to grab her glass of water. Trust, she reminded herself yet again. After having a mouthful of water, she glanced over towards the rest of the tavern as she lifted her cigarette back to her mouth. As much as she wanted to try and sleep, she knew she wouldn't be able until she was more assured, so she decided to quietly enjoy the atmosphere of the tavern and wait.
Looks brilliant. Feel free to throw it into the characters tab. Really dig the fluff about the caves and the scratchers.

Alright, no worries. If you could just edit in his reasoning for volunteering as you said into his biography then that'll be all sweet and good to go.
Sounds great to me. I'll think up a thing or two your character would be privy to, having been working in the effort to stop the crops from degrading. Plenty for me to give you and work with on your adventures as well.
Don't let the advanced tag intimidate you or anything, a few paragraphs and the rest if it trend to come pretty easily. I like to think I'm pretty chilled anyways.

Glad to have your interest! I know we definitely need a doctor but will get back to you on pilot. I promise I'm not up to no good.

Really like the looks of it so far, looking forward to how it'll turn out.
Seems pretty good my dude. Plenty for me to work with between survivors guilt and sort-of PTSD.

Be aware that an outsider being let into the hermit communities would be a pretty big deal, so that may have some contribution on your characters routine and socual status. You may have even helped the ranging party that recovered the ship, which would make you privy to a thing or two early. To that end, would you be able to expand on why your character was put forward for the Path of the Void? A few ideas might be: their prowess in hostile enviorments and loyalty to kin may have made them an easy pick for the hand of his community, or maybe the hand wanted to just get rid of an "outsider".
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