Avatar of vietmyke


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12 mos ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
1 yr ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
1 yr ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Galahad shielded his face with an arm as the Lancer and Archer exploded in a shower of ice shards and mist. He heard the voice, and his voice ran colder than the glacier around him. Throwing his battle mask off and sending it clattering against the ice with a single motion, Galahad found himself face to face with him. Without a doubt, Galahad knew this man. The same man he had seen in his visions, that haunted his sleep- the visage of death that drove Galahad in his pursuit of power for the greater part of the last decade, stood before him.

"You." Galahad half breathed, half growled. Galahad's fists clenched, and he gripped at his sword instinctively. Yet he did not act just yet.

The man spoke- not to him, but to Tatiana. Galahad twitched. He was Lord Dara's protector? The way he spoke made it seem similar to the way in that Tatiana's terviclops was her protector. Was this man not in fact a man, but a demon born of the glacier? The Man-demon spoke of how he had used the death of the Garrison to lure them out to the Glacier, and to prevent them from perishing along with the rest of the Varyan steamships. He spoke in riddles and enigma, and part of Galahad might have thought that this was how Ragnar thought of him when he spoke in riddles, but now was not the time for jokes.

Finally, the demon turned to him and spoke. His ruby eyes meeting Galahad's emerald ones. Both of their faces hard as stone.

"Warleader. Do not interfere in my work. Within moments the Varyan fleet will be purged from this world and my fleet will continue eastward to our destination. You and I are heading in the same direction, but I plead with you. If you value the lives of those under your command, do not follow in my path. Let this be our final meeting."

Galahad stepped forward, his armored boot crunching on the ice and frost of the glacier, shaking with uncharacteristic anger. "Who are you, Demon? My will will not be molded by your 'warnings', and your threats against the lives of my Warband will not go unpunished."

The man's face seemed to grow even stonier, but he did not speak. Galahad unsheathed his sword violently and leveled his blade at the man.

"Answer me!" Galahad demanded, as he continued approaching the man.

Finally losing his patience, Galahad pulled the trigger on his blade. Once, twice, then six times until the cylinder cycled empty. Bullets slammed into the visage of the man, whose appearance immediately faded away as the first bullet struck, leaving in its place a plain statue of ice. Collecting the ether in his palm, Galahad summoned a stalagmite of black ice from the Glacier and sent it piercing through the frozen throne, lifting the huge ice structure partially off its base, and crushing the icey humanoid visage into shards.

Galahad breathed out a short breath before turning to the rest of his compatriots.

"Quickly, we should return home."

They take a good long while. I'll try to finish up mine by tonight, there's a lot to unpack lmao
Sorry sorry! It's getting there!
as someone who tends to fat thumb things on my phone, I can say that writing a post on your phone is definitely on my 'things I don't want to do' list :o
Will probably be remaking Jacob- modernize him a bit, as I've changed as a writer in these past few years, just a bit
"To be fair, we probably wouldn't have given you a Stryx even if you had asked. It was more of a question about- nevermind." Emil sighed with an exasperated tone. To be honest, Emil hadn't expected to see such passion about anything other than drinking and whoreing from the young Baske boy. His words weren't entirely untrue either- the town was essentially defenseless when it came to the larger and more dangerous monsters, and they had to do something. Emil had just figured that it'd be someone else to decide to go figure it out. Maybe he had misjudged the Baske boy- or maybe Tristan was just batshit insane.

He looked to his hired guard, "Ah, well, what do you suppose we do with them, Tork?"

"I still say lop off their hands and call it a night."

Emil shrugged, he didn't know why he had asked. Tork was always eager to make examples out of thieves- and very few thieves ever tried to steal from the Aviary, mainly because taking a Stryx wasn't quite like taking a horse. A horse, so long as you had the reins, a bit and saddle would follow instructions. A stryx? Not so much, bonding with the birds took some time- hell, not even Tork could climb onto Greytail's back without the bird trying to gore his face with its beak. Emil waved Tork away, who with a huff, shouldered his crossbow and began walking back to the house. Emil gestured at the barn that Greytail had come out of- its door still ajar.

"Alright Baske, you want a place to stay, you can sleep in there. I'm fairly confident none of the Stryxes in that barn have developed a taste for human flesh yet." This was a bluff- in fact none of the Stryxes at the aviary had a taste for human flesh- one of the few perks of keeping them domesticated. They'd still claw and tear a man's arms and legs off, but they wouldn't eat him. "You too," he added, looking at the other boy- though this time it felt less like an invitation and more like a forceful suggestion.

"Greytail will keep an eye on you guys tonight. Goodnight."

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