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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

tfw we have Renn Faires en masse and rip off European history for the purpose of commercially enriching the American experience that is flat bread.

Yet you're proposing we can't continue to appropriate European history and pretend it's not American. :c

Because in the 16th century European-American history was pretty bleak. By the 18th century we have stuff to do, so we don't need to borrow from Europe anymore.
Where are our 18th century Enlightenment Faires?

Including such activities as:
Picking between San-Culottes and Muscadins and initiating in team-based mob warfare with foam clubs.
Going to the coffeehouse and sipping coffee while debating the latest and greatest in scientific achievement.
Constitution drafting
Initiating fifty wars at once over succession
Fancy dress parties
Bicorns and tricorns

Living history exhibits in the United States. We gots them. Also, the camps that spring up around Civil War reenactments. I think the East coast does more 18th century stuff for obvious reasons.

Now, that is shit relevant to the US, obviously we don't get too many coffeehouses or Prussians or wars of succession. It's Europe's job to do the European stuff.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

T_D is a fantastic resource. You get to see (a) what the fanatics are on about, and (b) what the actual real life media actually really doesn't want you to see. The trick is being able to tell which is which -- but if you can do that, you should really browse T_D. If you can't tell the difference, regardless of what side you're on, you should probably stay away. But also (c) they got some pretty decent memes, albeit with a dash of persecution complex. So you can get sucked in easy if you let yourself.

Curious -- besides anything I've linked you to, have you ever been to T_D? It's better if you haven't. If you haven't, what have you heard about it? I'm wondering if T_D's ideas about their own reputation hold any merit.

I went thought there a couple of times. I mostly got the impression it was the sorts of dudes you meet in school who unironically spout memes and try to talk over the teacher. Their opinions seem to be conspiracy theory based for the most part.
And then there are those of us who just like short, neat looking hair...

And then there are some that can't work long hair.

And then there are some who would be bothered by or inconvenienced by long hair.

I myself can't stand having long hair as a person who lives in an uncomfortably humid sub-tropical climate.

But ah well, everyone needs some thing or another to pointlessly gripe about eh?

Short hair is short hair. I have short hair.

What I meant is that thing where you cut the sides short and then snot back the top. It makes a guy look like he is just waiting around for Indiana Jones to come and beat his ass.
but I have to admit the Far Left has continually struck me for a lot more and with a lot less basis.

I didn't realize my "Don't believe in Earth" comment hit you that hard.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

If you're going to twist words, at least do so correctly and call me an "alternative facts" pusher.

Alternative facts is soooo three months ago.
My take away from "Flat Earth" is that there isn't one.

You heard here first, folks; the center right doesn't believe in earth.
@Dinh AaronMkDidnt take much to get you riled up :D

@Vilageidiotx why are you in the closet about your hammer and sickle, doggo


A: I don't commit to shit because I don't want my political views to become part of my identity. When that happens, people stop thinking.

B: I have major hangups with Marxism. Shit, the main reason you see me defending it is that I think most negative reactions to it are dumb and knee-jerk.

I think that centrist neo-liberalism amounts to putting fingers in ear about current problems, and right-wing nationalism can only lead to another world war, and I think of right-wing libertarianism about as seriously as you do, so that pretty much just leaves the far left as the only place where an answer to how we advance from this stage of society to the next might come from. That would require the far-left to stop fucking around of course...

So I'm more of an Anarcho-Pessimist really. I think the answer is on the left, but I think we will fail to find the answer and everything will get fucked up.

Im trapped in a thread full of wackos, am I the only one here who is a proponent of moderate authoritarianism and generally centrist views?

It seems like everyone here who isnt an Alt Right sympathising Freezepeach warrior is a Oppression Gold Medalist or a boot stomping commie. Lord help us all.

The curse of living in interesting times. Right now being a centrist is kinda like being with the crew of the Titanic when they find out about the iceberg, and as the argue about which direction to turn the wheel, you say "We should just keep going straight and plow through the thing because we were already going straight before." If it makes you feel any better, there is probably going to be a centrist resurgence soon enough. Populism is getting bad press now, what with Trump and the Alt Right and Antifa.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity exactly how far do you teeter into 'flat earth theory'

Bent earth theory.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

This is the core of why communist countries fail and I have yet to see it addressed in a serious and detailed way by those who advocate for communist systems of government.

It was more or less impossible in the past, and would be ridiculously difficult now, but I do think we are currently developing the model necessary for central planning in the future. If virtually all transactions are cataloged digitally, a central planning computer could organize the economy in a way that no Soviet style central planning board ever could. The main positive would be obvious of course; it would eliminate quite a bit of waste, both from the inefficiencies of the market system, and through the wealth currently wasted by pooling at the top. The main negative (that I can think of at least) would be the loss of Capitalism's ability to create wants that the consumer would never have thought of on their own (I don't think computerized central planning would have invented Gushers, for instance)

Shit, maybe the path to post-scarcity communism started with Amazon's recommendation system.
why can't we go back to man buns?
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