Avatar of Vortex
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5115 (1.36 / day)
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    1. Vortex 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Yes! I've been accepted into the University and course I was applying for!!
7 yrs ago
Be sure not to become what you hate. I used to hate those who abandoned RPs without a word and then I became one of them, a lesson to us all
8 yrs ago
Yes, when I said before "Han kills luke" I really just meant that he commits suicide because Princess Leia was cheating on hom with Kylo Ren
1 like
8 yrs ago
@Flightless_Soul What? You didnt want to hear how the Ghost of Darth Vader appears and sppoks the shit out of everyone?
8 yrs ago
Han kills Luke, the First Order has solar power weapons and Kylo Ren becomes leader of the resistance


Prone to vanishing for a indeterminately long time without a word. Guaranteed to crawl back into the guild at some point and act like nothing has happened.

Most Recent Posts

"Thank you Avary, you're a good lad" Lucien said gently as he took the jar from him. He opened it up and rubbed the salve gently yet throughly into the wound, which quickly began to set and do its work. "This will have to do for now" Lucien said to Avary and Elizabeth "Take a break Elizabeth, if she wont make it now then she never will"

@Nikki Moonlight@Overlord24@canaryrose
"Ah Talos? Interesting" Wolfgang said. Even before the Thalmor shoved their jackboots down the empires throat there had been intense theological debate in the ecclesiastical community and various holy orders on the divinity of Talos, with Wolfgang himself spending many hours debating and nights pondering the question. Eventually Wolfgang settled on the idea that while Talos was certainly not Aedra, he however managed fit into the category of God anyway, alongside Lorkan and Anu, and had earned the right to be worshipped. "Fear not, I'm no Thalmor agent, your Talos worship is fine with me. Speaking of which, welcome aboard. Come by the temple when it pleases you so you can be officially inducted"

Lucien was not there when it happened but it was clear what had happened, Amalia had been stabbed. He rushed over to her side where Elizabeth was doing her best to help but he could see in her eyes that she understood the situation was dire. He then noticed young prince Amary, the poor boy was clearly frightened but he wasnt doing much good just standing there "Amary I know its not usual for a prince to go in a commoners area such as a kitchen but these are extraordinary circumstances. Would you be able to go in the kitchen and get a jar labeled "Caurin Salve" out of the pantry?" Lucien asked, it wasnt as good as proper medicine but it would have to do for now

@Overlord24 @Nikki Moonlight @canaryrose
Wolfgang finished up blessing the temple and organizing the furnishings, which were for now just a bed for himself and some shrines since he had spent most of his money on the temple itself. He made a mental note that at some point seats would need to be added but until then those who entered would have to kneel to pray.

Wolfgang walked outside equipped in his full set of gear, the town was half destroyed of course but considering its state it was bustling with many people, even an argonian and a khajiit had made their way here. He walked up to two people talking "Hello brothers, I am Knight Protector Wolfgang Vestenheimer. I've recently built a temple here and it now serves as a headquarters for the The Knights of Aedra and Protectors of the Blessed" Deciding on the spot that was the name for the order which was a mash up of the two names he was considering "I invite you to come pray sometime soon, and if either of you are the fighting sort perhaps you would be inclined to join?"

Hey guys sorry about dropping off for a few days, would anyone of you be so kind enough to fill me in on whats been happening?
Wolfgang Vestenheimer paid the builders from Falkreath the final amount of money that was owed for the construction of the new headquarters for his new holy order, which he made a mental note that he still needed to come up with a name for. Wolfgang turned to gaze at the building, it was a wood and stone building that was small compared to the churches in the main holds of skyrim or the monasteries of cyrodiil, but it was nonetheless an impressive sight considering what it was and also not to mention in comparison to the rather decimated landscape left by the dragon Alduin. Wolfgang pulled a silver flask off his belt and sprinkled some holy water around the outsides and as well as inside the building, ensuring its divine protection from the Gods.
"I dont know dear child" Lucien said truthfully, but with conviction he said "Fear not, I believe in your fathers and brother Levi's ability to get us out of this"

@Overlord24 @canaryrose
When Lucien heard the war drums of the impending mystery army he became fearful for his life just like everyone else, for he was no soldier, and had sworn never to touch a weapon, those ghastly tools of savagery, ever since his son passed away. So when the prince told everyone to leave the premises so he could deal with Dante and the invasion force, Lucien did so without hesitation. He retreated into the safety of the castle, hoping its thick walls would protect them all, where he met back up with the steely Princess Amalia, frightened Prince Amary and the little Prince Harold "Oh thank god you're all safe dear children, I was worried you would get caught in the crossfire"

@DepressedSoviet Jailed for thinking Lenin did a better job with the clusterfuck of War Communism and the revisionism of the NEP
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