Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>I like that one.

<Snipped quote>They seem to imply focus to much on her aesthetics.

<Snipped quote>She was an explorer. In the MOS prequel comic she was a Captain. Could also use the name of the medal she got Star of Rao.

<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>Same reason as Superwoman/girl. She doesn't want to be in her descendant's shadow.

Going with
Wait for it.
Captain Valkyrie, Captain for her rank and Valkyrie for her ship.

is your character insecure?
@Burning Kitty your character sounds like the supergirl from the man of steel prequel comic
@Lord Wraith I see you looking this rp over. Come join us
<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

Or be EA/Activision/Ubisoft and try to chase the CoD crowd and lose so much money doing so. lol

those companies are an endangered species along with Capcom. Capitalism is economic evolution lol
@Weird Tales Clutch isn't on the same level as Batman and Ironman... yet. And I mentioned before how Lex Jr. will be an enemy at some point... he's not gonna let the corporate hero have the best stuff! Which is why I had Batman taking an interest in your boy. Here's what I'm thinking... by 'episode 8' or so Wayne Industries sponsors your boy after LexCorp stock goes down and he becomes the chief pilot for the JLU and get's a couple new vehicles including a sky-cruiser and an air-cycle both with refurbished New Gods tech.

That way the team gets transportation across long distances, you get the sponsor you wanted, etc. Win/win.


as a capitalist you've got adapt to the industry or die lol
Also the car is pretty tough lol
@Weird Tales Just know that I'm gonna have that car get wrecked more than Red Tornado's android bodies LOL


Why? Barman and iron mans gadgets don't wrecked a lot. It happens but it isn't constantly
@Member 00492 I lowered the car's flight speed to mach 1
<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>

It's flying at Mach 2 when his top speed is less than Mach 1 on land. Hovering should be enough with anti-grav tech and going up walls.

I want it to be more about the hero and less about the car. It's like the Ironman argument. Stark is a billionaire and a genius, but take him out of the suit and he's just a man. Take your guy out of his car and what is he, a wannabe Dale Earnhardt Jr.? I'd just as soon give the guy propulsion boots and a laser rifle when he's out of the car than have the car itself fly.

He's gotta be a hero without the car as well and so far it seems like he's relying on it too much. Mr. Clutch would be the Leaguer, not the car itself.

EDIT: Furthermore.... what would he do in the instance his car is severely damaged or destroyed? Quit heroing until it's fixed or Lex Corp pays for a new one?


He is a skilled hand to hand combatant. Also if his car got destroyed then he would rely on street style hero work until the car was fixed. Batman gets his stuff totalled lots of times and still keeps fighting
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