Avatar of Weird Tales


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9 yrs ago
l love Ben Affleck's desert batsuit


Greetings, I am a member of an alien race from a distant and weird dimension. I happen to have a developed a taste for role-playing on the human internet and I am looking for a good community. I am very interested in joining Pulp Fiction, superheroes, Naruto and fantasy roleplays.

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I'm interested. I do not really like the idea of a point buy system in a forum based rp. to me it takes away from the creative writing side and goes more into a tabletop game. The successful DB roleplays I played in used a limit on techniques. So basically our characters would start off with three or four average techniques with one strong one and as the rp moved along and our characters got stronger then they would develop new techniques and potential transformations. Trust me when I say that the characters were fairly balanced and we had some awesome figts
@Weird Tales I am not following

I think you mentioned me by accident
@knifeman Momo is fantastic!

Momo is a monkey...
@The One I made a second cs if that is okay with you

Name: Finn O'Connell
Gender: male
Species: human
Age: 15
Room Number:
Rooming With:
Alignment: neutral

Personality: Finn is quite the joker and he has a habit of popping jokes when it not appropriate. He has a quick wit and loves to have fun. He can sometimes get a bad temper when people piss him off. He is easy approach and pretty social and while he does play jokes on his friends, he is willing to stand up for them when they need help.

Bio: Finn's mother died giving birth to him and so he was raised by his father. When he was nine years old his magical powers manifested and Finn found that he had bubblegum magic, which granted him a strange and incredible power. For him it was fun and games when it came to using his magic, but his dad wanted him to learn how to properly use his abilities and for something more than just pranks. And so it wasn't very long until he received a letter to come to an academy for magic users like himself to learn how to control their powers. He was excited and couldn't wait.

Power 1: bubblegum magic
Power 2:
Likes: bubble gum, comedy, games, pranks and funny people
Dislikes: edgelords, emos, party killers, principals and strict teachers.
Family: just his father
Friends: none yet
Sentimental Attachment: his first pack of gum
Weapon: none
@The One Ali is saved and cozy inside a baby's stomach lol
Gill was about to respond to Vixen's question when the place erupted into pure chaos. Two of the students had gone insane into and one of them morphed into a full blown demon. His attention was also brought towards the super heated yelling of Ali and Alex who looked ready to kill one another. When Alex made the statement of her intent to kill the prince Gilliam made his move. He snapped both of his fingers and first cast an illusion that made Ali vanish from Alex's sight and in his place were bright neon blue zombies with rainbow eyes and glowing green slime pouring from their mouths. They growled and moved towards Alex to attack. His second spell conjured a giant baby was half red and half blue with with spikes lining its back and arms. The monster infant picked up Ali and swallowed him whole. The prince would be unarmed and safe inside the creatures stomach until the chaos was stopped.

Gill ordered the baby to quickly move over to him and he put himself between the monster and Alex. He cast a third spell and giant crab with chainsaws for pincers appeared ready for battle.

"Stand down and help us stop the other two students! End this pathetic feud" he commanded with his eyes blazing showing no fear and radiating intense power.

@PharaohAtem@The One
@Weird Tales Xd, ok sure.

I'm at work so I'll post later
@The One I'm going to save Ali
Gill was glad to see another student approach him with a friendly demeanor and he gave her a nice smile. She introduced herself as Vixen and he gave his introductions as well.

"Hi, my name is Gillian Zorn, I'm a magician. And what that creature that you see was conjured through my Weird Magic, which uses my imagination. That isn't the only super strange thing I can summon" he said with a grin. Just then some unseen being spoke directly into his ears, which freaked him out and caused him to jump with a bit of freight. He could hear the the trickster, but he couldn't see it. Gill could guess that whoever it was probably was just another student.

The sight caused by the arrival of the royal prince was rather amusing to Gill, but he did find the many slaves to be barbaric and a sign of coming from a more cruel culture. This academy sure did invite all sorts of interesting people. The sight of the prince and his slaves made Gill wonder if this school would also allow more darker magic users whose intentions for their craft wasn't for the better good.

@The One@PharaohAtem
Gill gave an excited cheer as he rode atop his eagle turtle with tentacles along its shell's sides. It had massive wings and its body was big enough to carry at least two people as it flew. He decided to journey to the place where the students were suppose to meet in style and not just be driven there.

"This is way more awesome than going to the place in a car" he said with a grin and the eagle turtle gave a happy cry. This was a new summons that he had wanted to try. His style of magic relied on imagination and focus rather than ritual and just recreating some ancient spells. Weird Magic was more personal and about the magician who wielded the power. As an individualist Gilliam liked his type of magic and it gave him a very big sense of pride in his unique abilities.

He did also wonder what kind of things he would be learning at the academy beside honing his skills in his magical powers. He was also curious to see what the other students would be like and if they would friends or enemies. Gilliam definitely wasn't the type of person to antagonize others they didn't do anything wrong.

In a short while Gill reached the meeting spot and he had the large beast gracefully land on the ground and he dismounted. To some the appearance of an eagle turtle with long blue tentacles would be a very strange sight indeed. Gilliam hoped that he had made a big impression with others when they talk about newbies.
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