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8 yrs ago
Current I don't understand how Tumblr RPing works. It boggles my mind. O.o


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Alright, done. I spent like 20 minutes trying to remember a song and in the end I didn't end up using it...

Shit I should have waited 20 minutes before doing the reviews. xD
@The Bork Lazer



And that's the first round of reviews done! I'm glad all the characters thus far have definitely fallen into place. It's never fun having to decline a character and breaking a player's spirits. I am still waiting on Carlotta to be finished before I review our two potential scouts. @Xandrya and @thedman, could you both please let me know of an alternative role you'd take if your character isn't approved as the scout? Just so that I can start looking into making my own character in one of the unoccupied roles.

And for everybody, I have a plot worked out in my head for this RP. With a very menacing antagonist, and a definitive end to the story should we manage to make it that far. I'll preface this with something akin to a book synopsis.

The nights are getting longer as winter looms over the remnants of Falcon squad. Low on supplies, ammunition, and people to call allies, Falcon team makes a desperate attempt to keep their personal war with ADVENT strong. But as they draw closer to their new hope, they too draw closer to the Elders' secret, and the ire of a Chosen menace.
I'll get the character reviews and such up tomorrow. Once our two prospective scouts are completely finished, I'll make my decision on who gets the slot. The other will be more than welcome to accept another slot if they'd like. And I'll fill in one of the remaining slots with a character afterward.
I'm fine with that. The idea is that the squad has bonded long ago. So they would have had to have joined a few years prior to the beginning of the RP.
So there's two people interested in the Scout. Whoever doesn't end up getting the role can feel free to choose a different class. :D
The platoon would have been about 6 xcom squads, so roughly 36 operatives.

And yeah the characters should be somewhere in their thirties. I'll address more on that when I do the character reviews later. I'll mark down your interest for scout.

[Mood Music]
Chapter 5
Ill Omens

Armandus slept. Snow had built up over his body, enough to obscure his blue robes. The insulation provided by the snow kept him warm in the otherwise chilling air. He would have slept soundly, if not for the sounds of approaching footsteps crunching in the snow. He flinched, and opened his eyes slowly. The light of the sun bouncing off the snow made him squint and slowly adjust to his surroundings. "The weather turned... Gallin, check on Shion, and be ready to move..."

There was no response. Armand rubbed his eyes and sat up, "Gallin?"

He looked to his right, and saw nobody. He then brought his eyes left, spotting only tracks in the snow. He took that moment to actually look around then, "Something isn't right..."

Armand was in a mountain range, and the sun was low in the sky. When he looked up, he saw red and blue aurora streaking and twisting in near blackened sky. Despite the lack of clouds, snow fells and was whisked away by mountain gales. He looked back to area around him, spotting iced over ruined with a large statue in the middle. The statue was clearly devoted to some lost deity. "I fell asleep in the woods near the Spyre... How did I-" he cut himself off.

Standing at the base of the statue was a figure obscured by a black cloak. The cloak whipped in the mountain winds,revealing the lithe figure of a woman. Armand squinted a bit and tried to sharpen his focus on the woman. He couldn't identify her. He tried calling out to her, but every time his voice was raised, a gale of wind would whistle through the mountain pass and drown out his voice. He pulled his blue robes tight to his body, and only then realized that he wasn't even cold in the slightest bit. He pulled himself from the five inches of snow that had fallen on top of him, and began stepping toward the cloaked woman. He continued to call out, and every time the wind would overbear his voice. He was only able to approach.

The woman in black simply stood at the base of the statue. She appeared either oblivious or uncaring of Armand's approach. He made it to the base of the ruin, and began climbing the dozen steps leading to the top of the stone platform. He was standing behind the cloaked woman now. The wind seemed to completely die down. The snowfall came directly downward from the aurora overhead. "Hello?" Armand said in the silence.

The woman remained still. But something fell at her feet. He looked down, and saw an orb. "I've seen that before..." The orb was colorless and cracked all over. Armand took another step forward, "Gwynne?"

At the mention of that name, the orb turned to a crystalline dust, and floated upward toward the cloaked figure. The woman finally spoke, or cried out more like. "Ah! It's too much! Stop it stop it stop it!" She clutched her face.

Armand moved closer to reach out and help the woman. But he was rooted. He looked down at his feet, and saw crystals growing from the platform and trapping him in place. The woman kept on crying out, "Make it end! The pain! I can't take it!"

Armand tried to free himself from the crystals, but found no success. He looked back to the cloaked woman, "Stay calm! I can help! Just tell me your name! Gwynne! Are you Gwynne!"

Armand couldn't see much from behind her, but from the movement of her arms and cries of agony, it was clear to him that the woman was clawing at her own face. "Yes! No! No no no! Not for long! Make it stop, please!"

The winds returned with a roar that came from above. He recognized the feeling, and realized that the gales weren't any normal winds. They were aetherwinds, powerful gusts of aetherwinds. Armand looked upward and saw the aurora beginning to spiral downward. It wasn't an aurora... They were leylines. All of them. They snaked down from the heavens, making their way toward the cloaked woman. The aetherwinds were powerful enough to blow the cloak off of the woman's body and carry it down the mountainside. Armand could see her now. Her hair shimmered like the crystals that grew around them. The crystalline filaments of hair whipped around in the wind like any natural hair would. The woman keeled forward in pain, a hand reaching out to the statue. Armand could see that her hand was entirely made of crystal as well, and it slowly crept up her arm toward her shoulder. "Make it end! No more! Make it end, Topesh!" the woman cried out.

The statue vibrated, and began to animate itself. The stone eyes began glowing. One glowed a vibrant blue, while the other was a hellish red. It turned its stone gaze down to the woman and grinned. "Why stop here? This is what all our years of work has led up to... You, Gwynne Lancet, will be the prize that was so cruelly ripped from my grasp."

Armand stared in awe of the moving statue. The name had stunned him. Topesh, one of the Legionnaires that nearly brought ruin to the world. Is this who Gwynne has fallen in league with? Armand called out again amid her pained cries. "I can stop the pain, Gwynne! Just tell me what I must do!"

The woman began turning her head to look over her shoulder. One eye, along with half of the woman's face, was crystallized while the other was still very much human. The crystal continued slowly overtaking her body. A tear slid down Gwynne's cheek, it too was crystal in a liquid state. Armand and Gwynne locked eyes with one another, "Save me..."

The statue let out a rumbling laugh that displaced the fresh snow from the mountain's many edges. "Why would anybody want to save YOU? The Apostate. The killer of men, women, and children. The chosen that brought the world to her feet. All because I commanded it! The only means of salvation for you is death!"

Armand figured Topesh must have not been able to see him like Gwynne could. More crystal spread over Gwynne's body, but she was still able to move normally. She said it again, "Save me..."

Armand stopped trying to fight against the crystal, and nodded to Gwynne. She raised a crystalline hand in his direction and let loose a blast of aetherwinds. The force of the gust took the wind out of Armand, and sent him flying backward. The crystals around Armand's feet shattered from the force. He expected to hit the ground, but found himself being tossed off the side of a cliff. Just like during his apprenticeship at the Spyre, the aetherwinds carried him in a slow fall. He watched the crystals growing from the platform grew higher and higher still. Gwynne watched Armandus slow fall away as the crystals finally covered her completely. The leylines reaching from the sky corkscrewed around each other and made contact with Gwynne. The statue kept laughing, every breath let out from the stone figure caused a ripple in the aetherwinds around Armand.

Armand fell beyond the edge of the cliff, and he could no longer see what was happening with Gwynne and the animated statue. In that instant, the aetherwinds ended, and Armand began to free fall. He sucked in a deep breath, and then woke up.

Armand gasped as he woke. The fallen sensation in his sleep had surprised him awake, and caused him to sit straight up. He looked around in alarm, finding himself in the woods with the Spyre off in the distance. The skies were clouded over, and a light dribble of rain pattered on his face. He stared deeply into those gray clouds, thinking on what he had just seen in his dream. "What was that..." he muttered quietly.

"And the sorcerer superior finally wakes. I hope with the amount of rest you got, that you can pull Shion's stretcher for the rest of the journey." Gallin said as he cooked some rabbit meat over a fire.

Armand blinked and rubbed his eyes, "Rest isn't exactly the word I'd use to explain what I got... Is Shion awake?"

Gallin gestured over to the crippled battle mage and shook his head. "No. I had to induce a torpor. The pain from her injuries was keeping her up, and exhaustion is one thing she doesn't need right now."

Armand got to his feet and studies Shion's injuries. "Good work, Gallin. We should get moving right after we eat. I fear we'll lose Shion soon if we don't get her to an apothecary..."

Gallin nodded, "Agreed. The apostate will pay for th-" A snapping of twigs and brush in the woods cut him off. The two magi turned to face the noise. Gallin drew his sword and called out. "Who's there?"

A man stepped out of the bushes. He was wearing imperial leathers and a dark green cloak. His bow was slung over his chest and back. "Easy, easy."

Armand and Gallin let their guard down. "A imperial scout? I'm surprised we even heard you coming at all."

The scout cleared his throat awkwardly, "Yeah well... This isn't exactly the terrain I grew up in... Say, you're magi aren't you? Of the imperial court?"

The two magi looked at one another. Gallin shrugged. Armand turned his gaze back to the scout, "We are. I am sorcerer superior Armandus Treyathal. This man here is battle mage Gallin Cote."

The scout bowed his head, "F- forgive the intrusion, my lord! I was sent in advance of my regiment. I was told to investigate people making camp out here in these woods. I thought perhaps you were bandits, or worse."

Gallin raised a brow at that, "What makes camp that is worse than bandits? And why does it warrant and imperial regiment?"

The scout swallowed nervously. "I'm afraid I can't say any more beyond that, sir." The scout said to Gallin.

Armand spoke this time, "Tell us, scout." His voice was commanding. Armand knew when to throw his rank around.

"O- of course! Forgive me, my lord! My regiment is being sent to investigate Silverwick based on reports of cultists gathering in the ruins." Armand and Gallin looked to one another upon hearing that. "Our orders are to track them down, and capture them. We have orders to kill if they resist."

Gallin took a deep breath and moved over to lift Shion's stretcher. He let out a long sigh, predicting what Armand was about to say. "Best get a move on then, Armandus. I'm sure the men would appreciate the presence of a court sorcerer to deal with these cultists. I should be able to finish the journey to the Spyre on my own from here."

Armand smiled and nodded to Gallin. Despite their difference in age, Armand and Gallin had a strong comradery between them. He looked back to the scout, "I wish to join your regiment on this expedition. Take me to your commander, scout."

[Mood Music]
Chapter 6
The First of Many Battles

Gwynne laid on a patch of damp grass with her head propped up on her pack. She stared up at the early morning sky, deep in thought. Bags were under her eyes. She was clearly quite tired. "Restless, I see." Topesh said within her head.

Gwynne yawned and rubbed an eye, "I couldn't sleep."

"Oh~? They say that one can't sleep when they are awake in someone else's dream. Perhaps there is a secret admirer somewhere in this camp." Topesh chuckled lightly, clearly enjoying his little tease.

Gwynne rolled her eyes and sat up, "Then I'd rather they hurry and wake up so I can get some rest..."

Topesh chuckled some more, "And sleep away this lovely day? I wouldn't allow it. Not when we have work to do with the rest of the chosen."

Gwynne let out a long sigh. "I should go wake the others then..." she said as she stood up.

There was a slight rumbling sound. Gwynne didn't hear it at first, but the neighing of a horse in the distance allowed Gwynne a second chance to hear. "Another chosen is arriving?" she asked Topesh.

"No... Not unless this chosen is being pulled on a grand chariot and moving at charging speeds..." The rumbling got louder.

Before Gwynne could react, an arrow flew out from the tree line. It barely missed his. The air in its wake causing some of her white hair to blow along its path. Gwynne quickly dove behind a fallen log and called out to the rest of the chosen. Most were still sleeping. "Everybody! Wake up! We're under attack!"

Gwynne waved her hand, causing her force orb to slip out from her pack and float right next to her. Another arrow whistled overheard, then another. Gwynne wasn't stupid enough to poke her head over the log. "Topesh. Where are they?" She asked as she floated the orb just over the log. An arrow bullseyed the orb and simply exploded into wooden splinters.

"I count ten of them in the tree line. One is a damn fine shot. That one is standing next to the large cedar on the right." Topesh said, chuckling some more.

Gwynne nodded and quickly jumped to her feet. She outstretched her arm and fired a bolt of aetheric lightning at the man Topesh had pointed out. The lightning arced toward him faster than he could react. He tensed and went limp, the electricity serving well to overload his muscles and nervous system. The other footmen in the tree line stopped, surprised by what they had just witnessed. Gwynne used that moment to seize the initiative, and run at the treeline. One footman nocked an arrow and drew back his bow. Topesh alerted Gwynne, "Furthest left! Dodge now!"

She quickly dove forward into a well executed combat roll, and continued her sprint to the treeline. The arrow whistled past her and stuck into another tree. She responded to the footman with a firebolt. She didn't have time to aim the bolt, and it missed just slightly. The ball of flame exploded on a tree and spread to the surrounding bushes. Despite not hitting the footman, his cloak was caught in the flame, and it served to distract him. Directly ahead of Gwynne, footmen dropped their bows and drew swords to meet her in melee. They carried light wooden shields. Four footmen smacked their shields together, forming a small shield wall. Gwynne sent her hand forward, causing the force orb to whip ahead of her with immense speed. The orb hit the shields with enough force to ripple the air around it and cause the bushes and trees to sway. The two footmen in the middle were sent prone, while the other two on the sides staggered from the force. With the shield wall broken, Gwynne jumped into the melee.

She was able to get the first strike off, beginning the brawl with a sweeping kick at one of the staggering footman's feet. He fell to the ground, and was met with the force orb slamming into his face. The footman was killed instantly. Any blood on the orb vaporized away immediately. The other standing footman raised his sword arm, and swung down at her. She quickly weaved left, outside of his attack arc, and grabbed his wrist. Gwynne used her other arm, and forced it at his elbow, snapping his arm the one way it wasn't meant to bend. He let out a shriek of pain. Gwynne's blend of martial arts and sorcery was already paying off. She rolled the footman over her shoulder, and tossed him into a tree. Then with a spinning kick, hit him sidelong on the cheek. There was an audible popping sound as his jaw dislocated from his skull. He twisted and fell to the ground, knocked unconscious by her powerful kick.

Gwynne turned to face two other footmen that had formed the shieldwall. They were on their feet now, but were too nervous to attack after she had so easily dispatched two trained men without a weapon. They watched warily as the orb returned to Gwynne, and began orbiting around her. The soldiers would have been less afraid to attack her if she also didn't wield such potent magic as well. The rest of the footmen dared not to shoot at her, for fear of hitting their own men in the melee. With their line broken, they all swapped their bows for swords, axes, and spears, and began to encircle Gwynne.
The gameplay system I'm toying around with doesn't involve chances to hit. For the player characters, hits are guaranteed. It's more of a matter of restricting the amount a character can do per turn so as to limit killing sprees and give all characters a chance to contribute. It would also apply limits to how much a character can carry. Additionally, damage and HP would exist so enemies actually pose more of a threat than just being red shirts.
I appreciate the interest thus far! I've looked over both character sheets and I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'm going to wait another day or two so more sheets can come in, then I'll start accepting sheets in. If your character is beaten out by another character, feel free to remake it to fit another role! In the meantime, I'll mark down your interest on the roles to nudge other players into other roles.
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