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  • Name: Marynia Bezruchko
  • Age: 39
  • Gender: F
  • Appearance: "I see. You can stop thinking about that now.". About 172cm.
  • Personality: With her upbringing and life being what they are, there is a firm contrast between her dispositions in and out of work. Marynia's professionalism is firm, to the point that she can seem rather cold and uncaring in the eyes of her peers. Though not exactly callous, her bluntness and dismissive demeanor usually leaves her estranged from those she works with. This is in stark contrast to her demeanor outside of work: a pleasant, well-meaning if somewhat awkward woman who tries to be friendly and honest with everyone she meets. Though certainly spirited, her life prior to her assignment in Japan didn't really give her the tools to navigate social spaces. Most importantly, she has difficulty taking other people seriously: their inner thoughts are often much, much more mundane and banal than the personalities they try to present, and even when a truly serious person shows up she rarely is bothered by them.
  • Skills: She's an ESPer! And a qualified one at that. Her main focus of training has been in delving the thoughts of others; surface thoughts and emotions are trivial to read, and she has "unique" training that makes her quite skilled in forcing others to think about a given topic. Most often used as a substitute for trying to read memories, a skill she lacks. In the worst case scenario, she can weaponize this and try to destabilize the mind of another by forcing so much information through another's psyche that they find it difficult to think, difficult to move or act, and in the worst case, experience temporary loss of the ego. Marynia can also attempt to shield herself from the prying of other ESPers, but this involves 'sequestering' her own mind. Aside from losing any and all psychic capabilities for some time, usually a few days, she also experiences a strange mental state that she finds very unpleasant. On top of all of this, she has some combat training but is very rusty and not fit for warfare (on top of getting along in her years), she's fluent in five languages and she's good at playing the piano.
  • Equipment: Often a small sidearm such as a pistol, but otherwise little else.
  • Brief Backstory: Born in the USSR during its later days, her family (relatively well-to-do inner party members) noticed the strangeness surrounding their daughter not long after she began speaking. They were concerned, but not terrified or anything like that; she was kept out of the public eye more out of convenience than anything. That sort of convenience would color her life from then on, as a family friend who happened to be a high-ranking MVD member offered to clear out prior debts if they allowed him to take her into military custody. Obviously they agreed, and despite this being very impolite on their part, it doesn't weigh very heavily on Marynia's heart. She was taken at such a young age that she never really had the connection to her parents to make it painful, and while her training was brutal and her childhood essentially gone, it's been 10 years since she's lived in Russia. She did quite a few unsavory things back then, I'm sure you can imagine what the Russian Federation would want with someone who can read minds, but it's been long enough (and her therapist skilled enough) for her to deal with the past in a way that doesn't leave her an emotionally crippled, angsty mess. Bouncing between various international agencies and psionics foundations, her latest assignment has brought her to YATAGARASU after several years of stated interest in working in the Anti-Superorganism field.
  • Position Within YATAGARASU: Foreign Liaison/Experimental Communications Specialist
  • Name: Marynia Bezruchko
  • Age: 39
  • Gender: F
  • Appearance: "I see. You can stop thinking about that now.". About 172cm.
  • Personality: With her upbringing and life being what they are, there is a firm contrast between her dispositions in and out of work. Marynia's professionalism is firm, to the point that she can seem rather cold and uncaring in the eyes of her peers. Though not exactly callous, her bluntness and dismissive demeanor usually leaves her estranged from those she works with. This is in stark contrast to her demeanor outside of work: a pleasant, well-meaning if somewhat awkward woman who tries to be friendly and honest with everyone she meets. Though certainly spirited, her life prior to her assignment in Japan didn't really give her the tools to navigate social spaces. Most importantly, she has difficulty taking other people seriously: their inner thoughts are often much, much more mundane and banal than the personalities they try to present, and even when a truly serious person shows up she rarely is bothered by them.
  • Skills: She's an ESPer! And a qualified one at that. Her main focus of training has been in delving the thoughts of others; surface thoughts and emotions are trivial to read, and she has "unique" training that makes her quite skilled in forcing others to think about a given topic. Most often used as a substitute for trying to read memories, a skill she lacks. In the worst case scenario, she can weaponize this and try to destabilize the mind of another by forcing so much information through another's psyche that they find it difficult to think, difficult to move or act, and in the worst case, experience temporary loss of the ego. Marynia can also attempt to shield herself from the prying of other ESPers, but this involves 'sequestering' her own mind. Aside from losing any and all psychic capabilities for some time, usually a few days, she also experiences a strange mental state that she finds very unpleasant. On top of all of this, she has some combat training but is very rusty and not fit for warfare (on top of getting along in her years), she's fluent in five languages and she's good at playing the piano.
  • Equipment: Often a small sidearm such as a pistol, but otherwise little else.
  • Brief Backstory: Born in the USSR during its later days, her family (relatively well-to-do inner party members) noticed the strangeness surrounding their daughter not long after she began speaking. They were concerned, but not terrified or anything like that; she was kept out of the public eye more out of convenience than anything. That sort of convenience would color her life from then on, as a family friend who happened to be a high-ranking MVD member offered to clear out prior debts if they allowed him to take her into military custody. Obviously they agreed, and despite this being very impolite on their part, it doesn't weigh very heavily on Marynia's heart. She was taken at such a young age that she never really had the connection to her parents to make it painful, and while her training was brutal and her childhood essentially gone, it's been 10 years since she's lived in Russia. She did quite a few unsavory things back then, I'm sure you can imagine what the Russian Federation would want with someone who can read minds, but it's been long enough (and her therapist skilled enough) for her to deal with the past in a way that doesn't leave her an emotionally crippled, angsty mess. Bouncing between various international agencies and psionics foundations, her latest assignment has brought her to YATAGARASU after several years of stated interest in working in the Anti-Superorganism field.
  • Position Within YATAGARASU: Foreign Liaison/Experimental Communications Specialist

I think this is distinct enough from Eri, though tell me if this isn't what you're looking for.
I'm still angling for a psychic person. Is that position taken up by the GMPC, or am I still able to go forward with that plan? What should I do to differentiate them?

Also, I'm fine with a Discord server.
I am very interested. I'll be joining regardless, but before I start coming up with character ideas: if we're aiming for Heisei, are psychics allowed?
What Ingrid heard was praise. Outside of some intentional decisions to engage in honorable dueling, had she ever been truly on the Colonel's bad side? There were failures, as even the greats of the Inner Sphere experienced, but it didn't often come to a scalding after-mission dress down. She was, at her worst, competent but headstrong. A tempestuous person who usually knew better than to let those chivalric impulses influence every possible decision.

It still felt off. Maybe it was that little remark that she had trouble hearing as anything but a barb; you would have dropped that Jenner if you attempted to.

Everything that he said about her felt like it was meant to be positive, but she couldn't help but read it as the least charitable interpretation. Ingrid's eyes kept staring forward as she was debriefed, her face taut and her posture tauter, and she ended it with a quiet "Thank you, sir."

The rest of them did a well-enough job, minus the...concerning lack of control on the part of Mechwarrior Rivers; if it wasn't the Colonel's prerogative she'd also prepare a few remarks on trying to act like a human instead of an animal...and she gave them terse nods in turn as the Colonel finished speaking with them. Regardless of her own doubt, she didn't want it to leak out to the people she temporarily stood above.

She could've solved her issues with some of the alcohol so graciously donated by some backwater hick with more curiosity than common sense, but all the same, an intruder was also a good distraction.

The first introduction the newcomer received to the House Daschke style of hospitality was a sword. She was standing behind the rest of these armed men and women, having watched with cool regard as he was relieved of his moonshine, but the curved sword she had at her side only came out after he was mercifully cut free. Even if he was now their guest instead of just a mere intruder, that short lady in the back sure seemed as if she was looking for reasons to use that sword.

If only because she was standing next to him at the time, Tarak heard a brief mutter: "I was hoping we'd keep ourselves secret...if he returns, he'll tell his whole village of the cave-people with a fresh load of supplies..."

The residual steam from her Ostroc hadn't yet dissipated before she was climbing down its side, having to skip a couple rungs on the mounted handholds as they had been blown off by shrapnel in the fighting. There were still a couple pockets that glowed with an unnatural heat within the cratered armor, and its innards hung open like a man disembowled.

Ingrid was better off, nothing more than the usual slight tenderness in the limbs from getting thrown around in combat. A few seconds after she left the comfortable sauna of her cockpit, the winter cold of the cave - amplified by wearing not much else besides a cooling jacket, boots and briefs - bit at her skin. Her expression was grave, her lower lip pulled taut upward as she took her neurohelmet off, handing it to advancing form of Sanders silently.



"Looks like you managed to get the shit beaten out of you, ma'am."

"I did, Sanders. Thank you for your work on the hand actuators." She gave a brief huff through her nose, and looked at him in the eye as she added "If her crew is willing, get to work on the Raven first. I did not suffer much here."

She heard him say something about a savior complex, but paid it no heed. From there it was straight to her 'room', a subdivision made with some leftover medical curtains, where unlike the others she had no one waiting to welcome her back. Her interim period was spent bathing by dumping lukewarm water over her head and calling it even, returning to her whole uniform, and then marching back to the briefing table. There, she sat on a crate with her sheathed saber clasped over by both hands and pointed toward the ground. The spitting image of an old Terran warlord of many centuries ago, if being a short, barely imposing and slightly damp woman didn't impact that impression.

In her own internal estimation, she hadn't succeeded. Supplies were here, casualties were acceptable, but their expenses in repairing damage were going to be great and not all of the supplies were here. The debriefing would be the ultimate determining factor in their success, but for now, the tight-lipped expression Ingrid made while staring forward was enough to get across that she had failed by her own metric.

I am still standing in front of the two grey thought-shapes in front of me. I called them Reinforced Doormen once. Their existence comes in before the rest of the people around me. "Oh," I mutter, no one in particular listening. Then, I briefly shuffle. All I can do is that; this God-given raiment tilts as a jug with a narrow base. Umara, young-mask, too serenely shaped to be among us strangers. "I am not a sad. Stop sniffing my rags, all of you, if the mere thought makes you crumple down like bone underneath a wheel."

There are two words up there that seem to invoke a strange tittering in the sky. I look up a little again and let the rain soak and the image of the guards drip down into my eyes as well..

I hold up my hands to them. Gnarled, tree-branch hands. I forget which trees are the white ones, but like that.

And then, I speak. I speak as they do.

"All I have to do is speak that I am speaking as they speak, and then I speak," I remind the others. They're going to learn about how to do this one way or the other, so best to remind them.

"(I don't have anything. I am a beggar and a forager,)" I say in perfect Whatever-The-Ogres-Speak. Look! Stare directly at it, what I said, as it hangs in the air: the ( and the ), the binding circle of clarification! With it, the world opens up. "(I've gotten the robes on my back and the bindings on my feet. The one who says he's misplaced his purse is obviously lying, so let me pass in poverty while you go bother the rich character.)"

You know what a parenthesis is, right, Gods?
The heat had yet to immediately abate, despite the rain that rolled down the front of the cockpit in sheets. Sweat began to run in small rivers through the neurohelm's visor, and her skin felt like it was being placed up against hot metal everywhere - but this moment's pain was paid off in success. That Jenner, pain in the ass that it was, at least had the common decency to avoid a pointless death like its comrade in the Raven had. Ramrod's eyes caught up with the retreating mech...

She had a shot, briefly, that'd have a good chance of simply removing it from the field of battle - one burst of laser fire to the damaged leg could bring it down into the ground, helpless. And it'd be one less problem to deal with in the future...

She did not take the shot.

Though hardly a codified piece of knightly lore, if she wanted a retreat, she would give the same to the warrior on the other side of the glass. That was simply what felt correct in the moment, and with that decision made, she turned away.

She didn't see fit to repeat the Colonel's orders this time, simply trudging along in the mud to back up the convoy, suffering greatly as this machine's stiff artificial muscles were slowed by the excessive heat. A single large laser shot was thrown at the Longbow, even if it was unlikely to hit at this distance - anything else would've only brought this machine to an outright dangerous heat level, and with steam rolling off of its torso already, she didn't see fit to find out what her limit was.
Stonehill District - West Gate

Must I do that in Goeta still? I cannot make sense of how the humor They ply works...

I stand in the rain and I let my face grow soaked as it seeps through the veil, my moss-crab shell never was good at keeping the wet out. I watched the two do their song and dance, their rough speech formed to be delightful and pleasant and presenting them as rough, and I just wondered when I would be let out of the rain. Of course, I keep still as the goblin inspects Germaine, old, wise-face. I wouldn't want to be seen as human, not here - what They've shown of this city makes it appear as a small nightmare.

I can only hope that this travel-raiment made of decades craft hides it best. I certainly do not feel the same as the others, with their own thoughts kept in their heads, read and put into organized lines like ducks in a row. Grasping at an ironwood staff, I step forward, moving along the flat plane and the flatter plane of one line into the next.

"Oh! Reinforced Doormen." I hold my arms out to them, the towering two ogres grey-skinned at each side. "I am the Oracle of Fonys, Tennaeus. Heard of me or not, we are with that red-haired one as much as we are with this fire-haired one."

I would affirmatively touch Farfa, thing that is bringing us together, provided he did not recoil at the thought of coming into contact with me. My eyes turn upward, and I look upon the ogres two. The veil clings to my face, still hiding it but providing a silhouette as it lay flush.

"Unless you want something besides just kind words and assurances, first guards. You want to make our first posts difficult."
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