Avatar of Th3King0fChaos


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2 yrs ago
Current I play both sides so that I always lose.
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2 yrs ago
Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
2 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
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3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.


About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)

I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.

I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).

PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GUARANTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)

The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.

Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.

Most Recent Posts

...I didn't hit post reply it seems...

I'll get one out as soon as I can...

What Was Lost and Found

Desmond had fought to the very top of the world. He had beaten countless giants in the world of combat, within the heavens of warriors. He had reached the very apex of what it meant to be strong. A man who can contend with monsters, a weapon made flesh. He had learned countless forms of fighting. He had learned to love combat. He learned to enjoy the intricacies of fighting. He had reached the very pinnacle of what he could with himself. Heights that seem so lofty that they would be considered the heavens to others. Yet what he was taught most of all, was how to learn. And the love of it. And he had not talked to his teacher in a very long time.

1 year.

It had been 1 year since his birfday. That was the last time he had seen and talked to her, as even now, that time seems so far away, yet also so vividly real as if it was yesterday. Yet, time moves on.

The time flew by, countless hours of work, training, learning, and losing. He had found things to love and lost them the same. Friends he once thought he would grow with were gone. Times he thought would never end, were taken away. Deeds once done for good, were forgotten in a sea of political turmoil. He had done countless great things. He had seen numerous wonderful things. He had done countless hours of work for good. He had spent every moment he could doing all of what he could in what he believed was right. And there he stood, at the very top of the world, wondering, ’I wish I could go back a little. Just so I can see you all again’.

Desmond looked out to the rolling green hills, filled with gorgeous flowers, plants, and all sorts of wonders. He sat under a tree, waiting for the time when he would have an audience with the Arch Angels of Eshiran’s heaven. The world was quiet. A silence that was all too familiar. It was one of the few times Desmond could say he was alone to himself. There was nothing that distracted him from the world within him. The countless thoughts that swirled within.

Then, that silence was cut as he heard a familiar tune, a whistling melody that sounded like a soaring bird. It was one Desmond knew well as his head flicked over to see someone he knew all too well.

A tall Yasoi woman stood a few yards away, she stood with one arm wrapped around an ornate spear and with her other hand to her mouth, holding a leaf as the tune continued. The woman was blowing onto the leaf and using it to create music as she turned to Desmond and shot a little smile.

Marii'Icthilthan'Shibay, one of Desmond’s closest people he could have ever called family. She was staring at him as he did back. He had never heard of her even perishing. He was never sent a letter or a message about it.

Just that…Desmond then realized it when he thought some more.

When he was beginning to be sent shipments of whiskey from them, he was always curious how they got the money. He was told it was a risky job and a few of them paid the price, yet none of them told him this. He was never told this was the weight of that price. A price for them to then live a life well. Desmond was wide-eyed as she looked at him, her smile softened as she began to make her way over.

”Seems you made it here”, she finally made it over as she hit him on the head lightly with the end of her spear. She lightly wagged her finger as she bent over slightly to scold him, ”I thought I told you to live until you are old. I know I haven’t been dead for that long”.

Desmond was wide-eyed as he looked at Marii, he was dumbfounded as she knelt down to then be more on Desmond’s level, ”Come now. I know you’ve missed me. Say something at least”.

Desmond said nothing as he lept out and took hold of Marii tightly. Marii fell backward as she felt him hold onto her. She realized that Desmond had changed, his body was much harder, he weighed much more than she remembered, and she could even see now with the large scar on the back of his neck, that he had faced many more things. Yet the most surprising thing was when she felt on her collar water beginning to pour. She realized what was happening, and just patted Desmond’s head. She had no need to say anything more, not until he was calm again.

A smirk came across her face as she lightly patted his head and quietly said to herself, ”Cry baby”.

After a few minutes, Desmond had finally calmed down and the tears were gone, only the light redness remained around his eyes. Desmond had now positioned himself to lean onto the tree where Marii took a seat next to him as they talked, ”So how did you die?”

Desmond shook his head as he responded, ”I didn’t die”.

Marii turned to Desmond as she tilted her head. She didn’t ask anything, she just looked to him for an explanation.

Desmond lightly cast his hand out, ”Long story short, I was brought here to try and save a friend with another friend. She prayed to Lady Eshiran and she answered. She gave us a chance”.

Marii whistled as she looked around, ”If you told me that when I was alive, I’d be thinking you were eating too many mushrooms you found”.

Desmond chuckled as he shook his head He looked around as he even held his head as he said, ”Don’t remind me”.

Marii began to laugh as she wrapped her arm around Desmond and she said, ”So. Now that you made it all the way here. Are you gonna go and do what you have to?”

Desmond took a breath in as he looked out to the landscape. It was beautiful, the land was something awe-inspiring and breathtaking. He felt like someone here. He was seen in grace and showered in many things he would probably never feel in his actual life. He was respected by the higher authorities. He was treated well.


He had fun.

Marii knew this all too well. Desmond was one who always sought to have fun, whatever form it came in. She watched him, she realized how much he grew, how high he was able to soar. How wide his smile was. How much he laughed. Here he seemed so happy. To the point that no pain would have been remembered. As if it was washed away by the wonders of this world. Nothing would have been able to tie Desmond to his past. Nor would it cripple him, and force him to be anything more than himself.

It was in this heaven that he had been brought to find his friend. He fought as hard as he could to come to the point of entering heaven proper. He had met people he never thought he would. He met a friend who had been lost to him. Someone he would have never been able to say goodbye to in life. Here he was, in a land where he had been able to beat the man who had killed his friend and hopefully will not see again after defeating him. A place where he could see the countless wonders and marvels of technology. It was even here he had learned he had family, blood family. People he would have never had the chance to talk to. He met his great-grandmother Erika. He felt a love that was different from the ones he knew.

Yet as he sat there, he sighed as he looked out. He laughed to himself as he realized that he didn’t need any of this.

This was not him.

This wonderful place was like a vacation. The many things he experienced here were something like a dream, a long-needed one, yet one that he knew he would need to awaken from. He knew, this was not for him.

This was a respite from a world that tries to belittle him. It was lovely. Yet he did what he did not because he had to, he did it because he wanted to. The love of a crowd was wonderful, yet he didn’t crave it to the point of losing himself. The love of a parent was something he never thought he could have, and the moment he did, he knew what it was already. And knew he didn’t need it.

Not love of blood. He needs nothing like that. There was a love that was far stronger within him that he knew when he looked at Marii. A love for a family one found on their own. A family that was not given, but made and found. A love that was forged, not expected to be given. And not one that would be expected to be received.

He had a mother. He had a father. He had countless family members. He had been given love without conditions. Was that not what love of family was? Unconditional love. A love that would not yield, even in a dire situation. A love that could not be given words. One that made one strong. One that made one able to understand why there was rain.

Desmond chuckled and smiled as Marii did the same. They laughed with each other. They giggled and smiled while they laughed. Neither ever said anything. They already knew what Desmond would do next. There was just so much emotion between them that all they could do was laugh.

Because that was what love was.

There needed to be no words.

They already knew.

It was just good to hear it.

”I’ll miss you”.

”If I see you here anytime soon. I’m killing you a second time. Just so you can go back down”.

One more laugh was exchanged.

As Desmond began to travel down the hill. Tears began to fall from Marii’s eyes.

”I'm happy I got to say goodbye. I love you”.

”I love you too. Now get out of here before it rains”.
He's probably into women taller than him.
Man, that's some weird ways to say 4th of July.
When the captains all appeared on the balcony, I imagined this playing when we panned over to Captain Bisera:

"Illios what are you doing?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm trying to pass over here".
Kikka - Coliseum - Inside the Coliseum

Illios watched Bryant leave while deflecting his question, yet he didn't mind, maybe he was nervous about hearing about his magic. Illios heard it quite a bit when he first got his Grimoire, many cried about it being rare. Illios tried not to have it go to his head, it might have a little. It was hard not to think that one could be an awesome Magic Knight with a strong magic. Illios just waved to Bryant while saying, "Well I hope to see you after the exam! I hope you pass!"

Illios began to follow the crowd when the announcer called them to stand in an orderly fashion where they waited for the Knight Captains to be introduced. Illios watched them slowly fill their seats, some were larger personalities than others. Even Illios blushed slightly when he thought he saw Captain Bisera Melanthius blow a kiss at him. He looked slightly down in some embarrassment as he began to take a few breaths and calm himself. He waited for a few moments longer to pass before he looked back up to listen to the announcer begin to explain the first 2 tests of exam.

Illios was nervous when he found out about the 2 tests. The first test was to shoot and destroy as many targets within a minute with only ranged spells. One of the instructors even demonstrated what was expected as they blew up countless tiles in one go, using a spell that could split into multiple projectiles and hit many of them with ease. Illios didn't even have a ranged spell, all he could rely on was his magic bullet. Illios looked to his hand while opening and closing it. He wasn't sure how good he would be, but he knew he had to try.

Yet the 2nd test was the real challenge. With a single spell, attack a magically reinforced stone pillar and be judged by the destruction caused to it. Illios knew his spells weren't the best, he had no fireballs, lightning strikes, or...a BOMB!?

Illios watched the incredible display of the countless young Magic Knight applicants. He watched in wonder of all the amazing spells and the spectacle of it all. It was incredible to Illios, he watched the many wonderful magics. He was so lost that it took a proctor 3 different times yelling at Illios to finally make him realize that it was his turn. Illios nodded his head as he yelled out, "Yes sir! I'm here!" Illios quickly went up with a bit of red behind the ear as he was first slated to do the target practice. He was then ordered by the proctor, "You have 1 minute to destroy as many tiles as possible, ready?"

Illios nodded as he looked out to the many tiles floating in the air in front of him. He could see them moving as he began to bring up both of his hands. His off-hand taking hold of the wrist of his dominant as he aimed out, he began to focus energy into his hand as a golden glow began to flow from him. A few gasps began to fill the air as whispers began to be spread from a few people who knew what this magic looked like. Yet without seeing his grimoire, it was only speculation as the proctor then called out, "Begin!"

Illios fired off his first magic bullet and it flew with blinding speed. A beam of light shot out and punched into the fire tile he aimed at. Illios needed to pace himself, he knew he couldn't fire often. He remembered how often he would feel exhausted from using his magic for a little while when playing. He may have gotten a little better, since when he first got his magic and was so excited he used all of his energy in only a few minutes. Yet he knew he needed to constantly keep a watch on his energy. He began to fire, he made sure he was precise, he couldn't hit the most, so he needed to make a show of how much control he had.

The speed of his magic bullet was very fast, making the actual hitting of the target a breeze as his magic affinity made his bullets hit with such speed that he did not need to lead his shots. All he needed to do was count them. After firing 10 times, he was able to destroy 10 tiles. They were not perfect, his first few he barely was able to hit them, yet he still did. It was not until the end that he was able to consistently hit the tiles more or less dead center. His show of skill was less than impressive, he knew that, yet he was confident in what he did. He could feel that he was still not out of mana, he could still work with this amount as the next test was going to be tough.

Illios was called over to the pillars where he saw multiple people attacking them with either large magics, very small precise magics, or even magic weapons that seemed to cleave and break through the pillars with ease. As here Illios was standing, he looked to the pillar as he only had one attack. He took a breath in as he began to stretch. He looked a little weird, many others seemed already prepared to attack the pillar with all their might, yet here Illios was trying to make sure he didn't pull a hamstring. It took another minute until Illios was ready, during this time people quietly whispered and talked as they thought he was joking.

Yet they all stopped when Illios took a breath in and out came his grimoire. A tome of gold and silver, upon its cover was the depictions of the sun and it glowed with such intensity that people thought he was using magic, yet that was just his grimoire in the sun, its natural element. The whispers and gasps began to erupt as Illios began to walk up to the pillar, taking up a stance as he began to take deep breaths. He was focusing himself as he began to glow as well, energy began to fill his body as he glowed brighter and brighter. Illios only had 1 attack spell, and that was to punch, really, really hard.

Illios twisted his body as he threw his punch with as much power he was willing to muster, he knew he would use more mana later, so he needed to make sure he was prepared for it. Yet he knew he could put more and more energy into his spell to make him stronger for this one hit. The moment his fist made contact, where his fist landed the pillar began to crack, the stone breaking and falling off. Many expected some great display of magic, a large explosion, a beam of light falling down upon the pillar, or even a ball of light to be sent out pass through the pillar with ease. Yet Illios punched it.

The pillar was left with multiple large cracks, yet wasn't fully destroyed. Even as pieces fall off, some whispers fill the air, "That doesn't look like Sun Magic".

"Sush, he will hear you!"

"He'd know if this was the real thing. The kid's magic looks like a knockoff".

Illios didn't listen, he thought he did well as he looked up at the pillar and saw pieces falling. Backing away, he saw his hand was bloody after that punch and stung, he opened and closed his hand a few times as he lightly shook his hand. Just trying to get used to the feeling as he went back to get ready for the next parts of the exams.

"Captain Bisera is crazy hot!" "I dunno, man, she's from the Witches' Forest--aren't they all psycho man-haters?" "Dude, if she let me hit it, I wouldn't care if she killed me afterward--like one of those widow spiders, ya know? Just bite my head off." "...Bro, you got problems..."


Honestly, I'm pretty excited to play with the idea of people being interested in him comes from the fact he has a rare magic.

Or maybe he is just seen as a benchmark for everyone to overcome because of his rare magic making many people think he's strong.

Either way, gonna be interesting to play out.
This is a writing exercise I used to do and decided to bring it back. Figured I would go ahead and post it since I have nothing to do at the moment. These are opinions Hikari has of the cast using OOC information. This is meta-gaming and should be taken with a grain of salt as it has no reflection on how Hikari will interact IC. It’s something to come back to later down the road once relationships have formed, to see the differences between the two.

Illios Avalona: “I don’t care if I have to find your mother and father at the same time, I will make that magic useful to me. By any means necessary.” (Envious, finds extremely useful)

This is so sad.

Everyone is only interested in his magic.

Alexa, play Black Rover.

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