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Athena Wilson | Kitchen

Mentions: @Jinxer @HecateProxy

It must have been morning, since more people were beginning to appear. As the sun rose, the building came to life and it made Athena feel somewhat uncomfortable. She wished that she could have at least gotten some time to become acclimated to the vicinity before being introduced to so many people all at once. She knew that the others wouldn't be able to tell what she was feeling, for she never truly showed her emotions easily. Instead of making any kind of movement, Athena kept watching everyone as they appeared, only then moving when she was startled by a hand that was placed on her shoulder. "Oh..." Her voice came out in a higher octave than usual as she turned quickly to see who had touched her. An unhappy look found its way on her face as she pulled away quickly from the girl's touch. She seemed to be more friendly than anyone that she had ever met, which took her Athena by surprise.

Following her startle, Athena found herself being slightly pushed out of the way by a young man who looked like he could kill anyone who spoke to him. Athena's eyebrow arched as she tried to fathom who the young man thought he was. She quickly turned his way and watched him rummage through the kitchen, trying to find something to probably ease his morning.

"Excuse you."

After being quiet for so long, Athena had spoken up with an icy cold tone in her voice. Her words were dripping with sarcasm as she began to walk in, keeping her eyes locked on the nicotine guy. She watched him clearly look her up and down which filled her with a rage that she knew so well. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." As she spoke, her accent came out, causing her to become a bit self conscious and she could feel a bit of nausea coming on. It typically only happened when her disorder kicked in.

Her eyes traveled back over to the young man who was now moving about the kitchen with surprising grace and speed. The starving female that had touched her shoulder was now moving about too, grabbing what would be needed to serve the food and setting things up.

'Do they know each other already? Are they all.. friends?'

The thought of everyone already knowing each other made Athena feel a weird emotion. It felt as if she was homesick, but she should have not felt anything since she never needed anyone. Regardless, she kept walking over to where the graceful cooking man was and she looked around at what he was making, with curious eyes.

While everything did look good, the scent of the food found it's way into Athena and made her stomach protest. She was never a heavy eater in the morning. Food had always been a passion but to eat so early, and after she had just woken up from an unknown amount of hours, it just wasn't happening. Instead, Athena found herself opting for some coffee like the creep who had just checked her out. She looked up at the graceful cooking man and offered him a small smile, something that was often not found gracing her face, before walking over to the pot of coffee.

"Now, Miss Wilson, after having undergone these studies, you will be eventually joining others. Just not as soon as you might think. What you sign today and hear after today, should be kept confidential. We trust that you will agree with these terms; after all, we are helping you."

Her flashback was quick and brief, but it reminded her to remember what her agreed upon terms were so that she wouldn't slip up around these strangers.

Athena slowly poured her coffee in a mug that she had found, she looked up and kept studying the faces of those around the area before finishing up and heading over to where sir nicotine had gone and sat. With a small pep in her step, she turned on her heel and sat in front of him, her icy blue eyes starting deep into his. "I'm here if you'd like to either push me or look at me more." It was clear that she was being an asshole to him, but she needed to make sure that he got the message that just because he was under some withdrawal, it didn't give him the right to be a jerk. After some silence, Athena smirked, asking for his name, before taking a sip of her coffee.
Athena Wilson | "Dismissal Room" - Kitchen's Entrance

Mentions: @Jinxer

Having checked herself in voluntarily, Athena knew that she had done something right. Anything and everything that had been told to her prior to her check in had convinced her that she needed treatment. How else was she to gain a normal life? It was all she wanted, why couldn't she have it?

Her neck felt a little stiff as she suddenly began to regain feeling of her body. She remembered that a couple of hours after being checked in to an unknown building, she had been put under to be able to have sleep tests proctored on her. Yet, she didn't know how long they had lasted. By the soreness that she was now feeling in her muscles, she had been out for days. A small groan escaped her lips as she began to flex her muscles, her eyelids fluttering open, attempting to adjust to the florescent lighting.

'Where am I?'

Athena's eyes slowly but surely had adjusted, and it wasn't to a room she was familiar with. She managed to turn her head over to the side so she could get a glimpse of where she was, but all she saw was an office that looked like a doctor's visiting office. The room was completely white with a few cabinets and a chrome sink, with a stool not too far from it. The woman sighed as she looked back up to the ceiling before forcing her body to sit up. If her back were able to make noises, the room would have been filled with the sound of creaking from how stiff her muscles felt and how heavy her bones suddenly were. "Good God."

She slid off of the twin bed that she was on as she gave herself a once over. There were a few marks on her arms from where she had been poked around, but other than that, she seemed to be okay. She would further inspect herself later on once she figured out what she had missed.

As Athena began to walk towards the door, one thing she had noticed was that she was barefoot. She had been placed in white pajamas which resembled the ones that one would typically see in the movies with the button down shirt and the slacked out pants. "Hm. I hope they don't expect me to live in these." As soon as she spoke, she saw something that she had not caught before. A white folder on the counter top by the door. Inside the folder was a letter addressed to her:

Dear Miss Wilson,

Good morning and hello! We hope you had a calm and smooth awakening. We know that this might be a bit disoriented, but do not panic, you are still in the vicinity that you checked in to. You are just in one of our dismissal rooms. You have been asleep for longer than we initially planned but everything is fine. Your room number is twelve; feel free to go and change and roam around, meet the others.

We look forward to sharing the results with you.

"The others?" She looked up from the letter as she placed it back on the counter, before opening the door. She was slow yet precise with her movements, her eyes wearily analyzing everything. Were the others like her? Would they understand?

Athena looked both ways before she made her way into the halls and went along with the flow. She remembered being shown around but couldn't quite remember through the hazy fog that clouded her head.

It had taken her a few minutes but she had found herself walking down a hall filled with doors that held numbers that labeled them. 'They must be the rooms,' she thought as she kept walking, the soft pitter patter of her bare feet hitting the floor lowly echoing through the hall. Not too far from the rooms she could hear noise. Someone was moving about in a room not too far, which had caused her to go towards it with her nerves on the edge. Her hair swayed back and forth as she got closer to the entrance of what began to look like a big kitchen and cafeteria area. Athena stayed by the edge of the entrance, holding onto it as her blue eyes scanned the area, stopping as she saw a young man moving about. She felt her blood freeze in her body as she wondered who he was, and if he was a part of the 'others' that the staff had written about.

Steady creeping on the progress of the rp ..... for research. @Jinxer
What the actual hell
Jade Stone | Snowy Mountains

Mentions: @HecateProxy @LetMeDoStuff @QT @Jinx

During the beginning portion of their training, Jade had wished for the winter season to come. She wished to welcome the cold with open arms and a wide grin on her face. The unforgiving heat was more than she could bare on the barren lands where they trained. Granted, having done the training in the heat had given her a new outlook on food, and she had begun to eat like a normal human being, finally gaining muscle weight on the tiny body of hers. Still, she had wished for the cold, and now that they were in it, it seemed as as unforgiving. If not more. Jade's arms wrapped around her torso, rubbing as much as possible so she could keep her body warmth. Every now and then she had relied on either Mora or Lauren to help her keep somewhat warm, but other than that she was on her own and hated everything about life. Within the past six months she had also managed to make more friendships among the cadets. She had gotten along real well with Tanner and even had some conversation with Emil more often than not. Grant and Sano were still on the fence with Jade. The two often kept to themselves or spoke to others. Grant was nice and all but Jade never really knew what to talk to him about. Sano on the other hand had just been curt with Jade and she had tried to avoid him as much as possible in order to not get rejected repeatedly in conversation.

Jade looked up at Mora as she heard her friend speak, in which Jade could simply nod and mutter 'yeah'. She was more focused on keeping herself from falling into holes under the snow. She had already managed to get herself in a few predicaments where either Grant or Sano would help her out of. They had held back behind the girls, just in case anything were to happen.

Jade had taken a quick glance back towards them to make sure that they were still there before she looked around towards the woods around them. Was anything going to happen? She had thought about the fact that they could use their gear to finish the so called hike in less time than they were making at the moment, but after having felt how cold it was, she knew then that they would only freeze while zooming through the air.They also weren't the best with their gear just yet. Some of the cadets were horrible with it and Jade had practically died of embarrassment for them.
@Solace @Ambra @HecateProxy @SheriffLlama @LetMeDoStuff @FrostedCaramel @QT @Jinxer @Aquanthe

If there are any fighting scenes that need to be wrapped up, please let me know. I going to time skip tonight.
@Solace @Ambra @HecateProxy @SheriffLlama @LetMeDoStuff @FrostedCaramel @QT @Jinxer @Aquanthe

Hey guys, if y'all come up with NPC's, please PM them to QT or myself, and then post them on the Character Tab. For those who I've already spoken with, feel free to post them now.
Jade Stone | Training Grounds

Mentions: @FrostedCaramel

Jade had felt the adrenaline begin to pump through her once more as she watched Emil begin to move towards her. Her eyes carefully took in every movement that the young man made, from the way he tightened his fists to the stalking type walk that he had going on.

'Why is he acting so weird?'

Jade's head slightly tilted as she noticed that Emil was approaching her a bit slower than she had expected him to do so. She quickly pushed her worries away, thinking that it was probably a part of his plan. She mirrored his movement, keeping a safe distance from him, yet allowing the distance to be closed. When Emil finally decided to throw a punch, Jade was ready to spring into action and dodge it so that she could use his momentum to knock him down. Except, something was wrong.

Jade's eyes widened as she saw Emil fail epically before falling to his knees. "Emil that's not how one fights!" Her voice came out as if she was a true preteen, whining about not having her way. It wasn't until Emil began to throw up that Jade truly realized that he was not playing around.


She quickly changed her tone of voice before hurrying over and crouching down next to him, placing a hand on his back and rubbing it in small circles. "Are you okay?" Jade typically did not like to be around anything that involved any type of bodily fluids, whichever way they came out. She managed to stomach her reaction towards the smell as she tried to help her partner up to his feet. "You should have told me you weren't feeling too good. I would've just taken it easy. It's that damn chow they serve us, huh?" Jade stood up and encouraged Emil to walk away from the mess on the ground. The young girl looked up as she felt eyes boring into the two, her icy glare returning the feeling ten fold to the onlookers around them. She managed to get many of the other nosy cadets to mind their own business, but she couldn't do anything about those who were truly concerned.

She could hear Schulz begin to yell more frequently about wrapping it up, his voice only getting more and more loud. "Oh crap," she muttered under her breath as she looked over to where Emil had thrown up. With a slight groan of disgust, Jade quickly walked over and kicked as much dirt as possible onto the wet mess. This way, the evidence of the awkward moment that the two had just had.
Let me just slide on through
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