Avatar of Xandrya


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7 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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7 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
8 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
1 mo ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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1 mo ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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Alright, her history's complete.
Amy looked down at the small vial, then back up at Grayson.

"Yeah, that's a small sample I took from the woman Benny killed down there." Amy finished removing what little she had left of her armor on her after Grayson had helped her take off the hardest part. She then turned around to face him once more. "This may sound odd, but that woman looked quite a bit like my mother, almost as if they were related. I'm planning on running a quick DNA test since I have an aunt on my mother's side I've never met, she was one of her younger siblings. I just want to kill any bit of doubt in the back of my head, you know?"

Amy sat on the bottom bunk, slowly stretching out her injured calf as she carefully lifted her legging over the wound. "But don't worry, it's not like I'll go around telling everyone."

I'll finish the rest of her history later, I just wanted to submit what I had so I don't hold up the game.
I'll have a character today or tomorrow.

But I don't mind introducing my character after your post, just FYI.
Interested. I'm planning on making my girl a wolf, but is there anything in specific I should keep in mind?
"Thanks for the notice, Captain Obvious," Amy joked, stopping momentarily as Grayson gave the heads up to Harriet during their brief exchange. The couple then headed towards the elevator, Amy with a limp and one hand delicately pressed against the minor wound on her side. She'd left her helmet behind elsewhere on the ship, and even though Grayson had insisted she take it with her, Amy had been very stern regarding her decision. They didn't argue; it was more so a disagreement the two had had after a rather draining and somewhat painful mission.

"I have a bad feeling about this one..." Amy randomly confessed as they both stepped inside the elevator. The Alliance would want answers, and a half-assed lie just wouldn't do. Amy hoped that for their sake, Stryker had something solid in mind, otherwise, they would be in serious trouble regardless whether Stryker placed the blame solely on himself.

Once they'd arrived at their floor, Amy motioned towards her room. "Mind dropping me off? I wanna take this damn thing off already before heading down to the med bay."

Amy was unsure whether to let Grayson know about the vial of blood she had on her. If she was wrong, then at least she wouldn't have to explain herself, saving her the trouble in the long run.

Lucy watched as Harper left her and the other girls, and she knew that despite the odds being stacked up against them, she had to go outside and help the others. It was only in her nature.

"Let's do this then..."

Following behind Harper, Lucy headed outside onto the chaos. She was immediately drawn to a struggle between a couple of younger boys and a PSF, and she quickly jumped to action and rushed over to help. But as she was approaching, the PSF shot dead one of the boys. His blonde hair stained by his own blood would be an imagine she would never be able to forget, especially as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Hey!" Lucy forcibly pulled on the armed man's uniform shirt, getting his attention but unfortunately not thinking it through beyond that. She wasn't quick enough to avoid the stock of his rifle as it made heavy impact with her jaw, causing the young girl to stumble backwards a few steps before she inevitably fell and landed on her back. Her head spinning, Lucy then nearly found herself staring down the barrel of that same rifle she'd just been hit with, but this time, she was quick enough to push it away with her hand.

"Put it down!" Lucy got to her feet, grabbing a hold of the PSF's wrist with her free hand. Visibly struggling to do otherwise, the man dropped the rifle, his arm shaking just the slightest for it to be noticeable.

"Y-you...bitch," he whispered through clenched teeth.

Lucy paid him no mind for a moment as she noticed the other young boy running off. She then pushed the PSF away from her and quickly picked up the rifle, aiming it at his center mass before pulling the trigger.
I hope my post makes sense...I was hoping there'd be a few moments before everything turned chaotic.
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