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fn both write them when we choose
10 mins later....

"I'm sorry Fingers," Biff squealed, his face pressed into the table by a strong, ugly looking man. "I didn't mean to embarress you." Fingers looked at the pitiful Biff with cold indifference. "I didn't think-"

"No, that's your problem, Biff," Fingers said with a calm menace. "You never think. Balgruff, take him out back and teach him a lesson." Biff cried for mercy but was dragged away easily by the giant Balgruff. Then Fingers turned his attention to one of his trusted leuitenants. "Damien. That trader... Tom was it..? Make sure he doesn't make it to the next town. Bring the girl back alive, if possible. And take the loot. Kill the rest."

Damien Price nodded silently, then got up and left the tavern.

Alright done, sorry about that
sorry i missed the end of your post, let me just edit mine a little
Tom was wide eyed. This was exactly why he'd learned to roll with the punches. You could circle the world one hundred times and it would still manage to surprise you right out of your socks. The speed of which, this pleading young woman had turned into a deadly demon, was staggering. Even Vaughn was speechless, which wasn't usual at all.

"Ahem, hello.."

"Err, hello," Vaughn stuttered back, before letting out a nervous chuckle. He looked at the thug, who was sensibly backing up, hands up to show he wasn't worth killing. Then back to the woman. "That's a mighty fine sword you have there."

This small ruckus had drawn the attention of many now. At the other end of the taproom, around a big table, a mafia lord named Fingers, was now watching. Tom noticed as much and cursed his luck. He just hoped that this thug, who'd just been embaressed, didn't work for Fingers. And he didn't want to hang around and find out. Now was not the time to be getting wrapped up in the affairs of local crime lords.

"So, what'll it be? I dont need much.. Just a place to stay and some gold," was the young woman. Tom was about to answer but more voices in the crowd sounded off.

"She made you look like a cowardly little boy, Biff," one voice shouted. Tom couldn't see who.

"Wow, Biff," another said, shaking his head.

Tom was wise enough to know that this situation was not over, and he should get out of here quick. It was time go. "Vaughn." he ordered as he got up and nodded to the door, signalling it was time to leave.

"But what about her?" Vaughn asked, making steps towards the door.

"She can handle herself," he said at first, but then realised that it would be pretty cold of him to just leave her here to suffer the aftermath. "You want a job, you got one, let's be off," he said, barely looking at her and hurrying to make an exit.

The warehouse where his caravan was, was only three streets away. As were town guards and general civilization. Here though... the streets were run by Fingers and his men. Hopefully they would be away without any trouble.
"I-I'm interested, sir...." Tom had a feeling she was going to volunteer herself. He took in a breath and started rubbing his cheek again. In this country, in the life of a merchant, you often see strange things. Tom had learned to roll with the punches. "I'm very good with a sword and.. I have a special ability. If you want, I could show you! I really need this job."

Truthfully, it didn't matter how ridiculous this woman's claim was, those puppy dog eyes made Tom want to throw all logic out of the window and hire her right there.

For Vaughn's part, he was just realising he'd interupted a conversation, but before he could apolgise, his eyes were fixed on the swordswoman. Well I'll be a son of a goblin, he thought.

"Please.. I may be small, but I can fight."

"Not bad," Vaughn commented. Although it was unclear whether he was talking about the fact she can fight, or the fact she was utterly gorgeous. "We have an opening, don't we boss?"

Tom suddenly snapped out of his own thoughts. "Eh! I'll decide whether we have an opening or not, get your arse back to the caravan and look mean."

Unfortunately, a few local thugs overheard the young woman advertising her fighting skills. They started throwing jibes, making unflattering comments and casting doubts on her abililties.

"She can fight, eh?"

"Ooo, the little minx has claws, I love to see that."

"She's nought but a girl, ha!"

One of the thugs, a little more brazen than the others, rose from his table and sauntered over. "That sword looks more like a collectors item at an auction, babe. You sure you can use it?"

Vaughn piped up. "Watch your mouth, pal..." he started, but the thug had already attempted to slap the young woman's bum.
Ah, no problem. I've pasted over the story. What do you think of the intro? Just something simple to get us started
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