Avatar of xxlanatjexx
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    1. xxlanatjexx 6 yrs ago


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Yukimori stopped and became a little shy after her entrance in the group. Speaking her thoughts out loud while so many people watched her in silence, she had never done that before. At home they never really listened to what she had to say, it was like talking to a wall and expecting an answer from it. In school it was just the same. When they asked her something, the moment she wanted to respond they already done other things instead of waiting for her reply. This time, they all listened to her even when she was stuttering… It felt strange but she didn’t put too much thought in it when all of a sudden the ultimate hero spoke up. Looking surprised at Shirou when he mentioned her name, like she was being ordered around. “M-Me…? But we just said that…”
She stopped talking, and her gaze went to the injured people laying on the floor. (He’s right… Makeshift bandages won’t work… B-But he can’t expect for people to listen to him… W-We all just met each other very uncomfortably…)

Yukimori didn’t know what to do at this moment. Why would she listen to someone she met in such a short amount of time, taking orders from him wouldn‘t be such a great idea, wouldn’t it? Eventually she nodded, with the injured people in mind of course. She wanted to be a bit of help in this situation.

Her heart throbbed when she saw Flare getting mad at Shirou for being reckless, it wasn’t great for him to think he could order people around in a situation like this. That’s why she responded Shirou in a short way. “A-Alright, but please… Don’t order people around like that… We still need to get used to his situation… O-Okay?” Being a little embarrassed at what she said she quickly walked up to Flare, Ginshi and Chikako. Not knowing how she did it, her body acted on its own. Instead of being all shy and hiding from people around her, to acting what she wanted to do. “I-I might not off such big use but… Can I help with something here? I can help you carry him…? Or help the other injured person… Just tell me what I can do” She said, Nodding confidently afterwards. Like she was proud of herself for asking them such a simple question.

Yukimori’s eyes could tell that she meant what she said. Even though she was shaking a little from all the stress she had build up from talking so much. Standing there with her hands balded into fists, telling them with her body language that she really wanted to do something for them to be of some use.

Before they left to the location they were heading to, she turned around and bowed towards Aurel. Like she was saying sorry for not understanding what he meant with his statements before. “Y-You are right… People who are alone are easier to be targeted, i-it must be like a small bunny in a forest… It’s an easy prey for an hungry fox or wolf…” Ruffeling her own hand in her hair as she smiled a little awkwardly towards them. “I-I don’t really know what i’m saying or doing… I’m just very confused at this moment from everything that happened… D-Don’t mind me...”.

After she finished her apolagies, she wanted to go back to the injured people, but a gaze got her attention as she stood still. The dark eyes that met hers belonged to Hisakawa Hiroki, the ultimate type A student. But those eyes turned away, as also her gaze went to somewhere else, like the sudden look he gave her flustered her. His words caught her attention. (Lab…? Do I have my own lab…?) Confused, she took her PDA and search for the button that brought you to the map. He was right, she had a lab of her own marked with her name. Why would Monokuma build some labs for students to use on their own? Shaking her head, as she just ignored that thought and went on with what she was doing.

Yukimori put her PDA away as she nodded slowly towards Hiroki. “Y-Yes of course… I didn’t look at the map yet, so I didn’t know I had a lab that belonged to me… If you don’t mind I would like to check it out with you myself… But, I would like to bring the injured people to a calmer place first where we can tend their wounds…” She gulped down, she was talking too much once again. It felt uncomfortable but good in some way. She continued “Afterwards, we can go to my lab… So I can gather supplies myself.. To make better bandages for the wounded people…” 

As her cheeks were flushed red, and her heart beating faster and faster in her chest. Everything she did up till now, was really heavy for her in some way. Saying all these things and even acting like this, isn’t like her normal self at all.  Is it this situation that made her act like this? Probably… Her mind is just really messed up at the moment from all the information they all just recieved. “How will this play out..” she whispered, followed by a light sigh
Yukimori didn’t pay much attention to what was around her at first, she was too busy with observing her PDA. It was very fascinating that such a small thing can contain so much information about every single person walking around here. Plus a very detailed map about this place where they have been put in. As she turned her PDA around to look at the wiring and software that was put into it, she got interrupted by shots… Gun shots. Two small and painful screams were heard when the shots ended. Her body was frozen on place, the fear of those screams combined with the gunshots made a shiver run through her body. Her lips trembled as she wanted to scream? But instead of screaming she pressed them together, looking the other side of the scene. Her mind went blank for a few moments when a few thoughts popped up, she wanted to turn around and look what happened but on the other side she just wanted to run away. Yukimori turned around, seeing two people laying in a stranger’s arms. A red liquid was seen, know as blood. (Blood… Blood… T-They are injured… H-How? Because they stood up for themselves..?) 

Confused as she was, she didn’t know what to do next. The want to help those people, they were hurt and not even a little. But she had no medical experiences, so how could she help? Struggling with this, a sudden voice was heard, saying that she had the medical experiences they searched for. A girl with blond hair ran to the two people that were injured and started to help them (Good… I could have made it worse… So I’m glad someone with the right knowledge can help). A small sigh from her mouth was heard when she got curious all of a sudden. Who are these people that jumped to the rescues of these strangers? Yukimori took out her PDA and scrolled through the profiles. Seeing the boy with orange hair, he was the first one that acted to help those people. (Mhm… Ginshi Hamazura... Of course like we assumed, he’s an ultimate as well. Like everyone here. He’s the ultimate Judo master? Makes sense… Explains the speed and the strength he showed back then.) She glanced up to take a closer look, he’s seems strong. Her eyes went to the blonde girl with medical experiences.  (Flare Dawnray.. Ultimate Dog trainer? I love dogs… Her talent is pretty cool! Must explain the medical part… I guess.) Nodding at what she had found out she looked up once again. Happy that those two helped them after all that we just took in from the bear. Everyone must be very confused at the moment.

A male voice was heard from behind her. Some words he said caught her attention as she slowly turned around to have a look at who was speaking. A white-haired boy, he seemed shy to speak to such a big group of strangers. (I would be too though…). Yukimori walked closer tot he crowd, listing closer to what he had to say. He was right… Our memories, she almost forgot about those. Suddenly her thought started to spill out in words coming from her mouth. “We went to Hope’s Peak Academy in spring indeed… I checked the date a lot, making sure to not come late on my first day… Looking at the weather…” Lifting her head lightly up as she saw the brownish and yellowish leaves hanging on the trees. “It’s fall… That must mean we spend time together in the summer… Hope Peak must have held a summer camp as well like all the schools… The boy is right, we must have know each other before all this happend… But putting ‘friends’ or rather said ‘classmates’ together to… “ She gulped “To kill each other… What’s the reason? Amusement? Game? Survival? He must have a reason to all off this right?” Yukimori looked up as she finished her speech. Suddenly a blush came on her cheeks as she looked at all the people around her that may had listened to what she said. Shaking her head lightly.“I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to spill my thoughts out like that.. .I-I have this habbit when I’m thinking very deeply about something… Y-You all don’t have to listen to this…” Whispering a last apoligizie as she sighed.

 Nodding at the last words the boy stutterd out, this time her voice was gentle and rather quiet. “I… I think it’s a good idea to check what this place might have in store… But I guess people were already planning that… It’s better… To not force us all in groups, after the news some of us… Might want a little alone time or space right?... That’s what I think at least…” Her last words faded away as she thought that it might bother them when she talked. Her eyes wandered off tot he side as her thoughts went wild again, but this time she didn’t pay much attention to it(When I have some alone time… I would like to find more information about the people around me as well… I-I mean through my PDA of course…). What’s most important is that they need to find information about this place and their memories… A start of a fearful and dangerous adventure. 
Yukimori wanted to answer Nao's questions, but when she was about to speak she saw people entering the amphitheatre and her mouth got shut down. Now that she was getting lightly used to Nao and Shirou, she had to introduce herself to even more people. Her heart raced and her mind didn't know how to act in this situation. (Should I introduce myself to them or... No Yuki... Just sit down and hold yourself, they might think your weird again. Breath calmly and see what happens next...). Yukimori gulped, she looked down at her hands that were holding her skirt down. In a moment she tried to look up slowly to observe the people that entered, there were quit a few people that seemed very... interesting. (If I can't speak to them at least I can observe them a little.... Yukimori ... that's weird as well...). A sigh escaped her mouth, one of her hands loosened away from her skirt as she put a string of hair behind her air and sat up a little. (At least you can try to look like a decent person.) 

Everyone arrived. It was a very awkward and quiet moment for everyone, nobody said something. That's normal of course but somebody has to say something right? Everyone must have questions about what is happening and where we are. As these thoughts and questions crossed her mind she got interrupted by a tv that popped out once again. (What?! A stuffed animal?!) That was the first thing that caught her attention. Yukimori listened closely to what the stuffed animal had to say, even when it felt a bit strange to listen to a stuffed animal. But soon it wasn't strange at all and it became more scary, her eyes slowly widened as she listened further. (We lost some of our memories...? That explains why we can't remember where we were before all this happened. So... Could it be that we knew each other before this all happened?) Shaking her head lightly as she concentrated on the other things monokuma had to say.

Then something snapped. Not knowing what she just heard, her grip on her skirt became tighter as she stared at the monitor. (W-Wait... Haha... Kill? No... Haha this must be joke right?...) Yukimori gulped once again (A joke are you crazy?! This isn't a joke at all otherwise we won't be sitting here and people would jump out saying it was a joke! Dammit... This can't be real...). Her head slowly lifted up as she looked at the other people around her, taking in mind that she had to kill them to get out. How? She can't do that, she can't even kill a bug because she would feel bad afterwards. One of her hands went through her hair to cool of her forehead, letting it all fall down with a deep sigh. Some of them seem... Very strong.. And smart... She will probably be one of the first victims for sure... A weak girl like her... To scared to come up for herself or te even speak to people because they might hate her once again... Yukimori was lost at words as she took the handbook that the stuffed animal mentioned before in her hands. At first she didn't open it she observerd it and whispered to herself "Whoa... This is a rather fine tegnique they used... I wonder wich metal parts they used and wich software they put into it...". Suddenly she got shy as she just looked at it like a NORMAL person, starting it up. (Why did you observe it like a little kid seeing his first toy.... You idiot)

Scrolling through profiles as she found Shirou's and Noa's profile, she decided to check it out first because these were the persons she met first and talked to when she woke up here. (I see... Noa's Talent is... Linguist? That's cool! Damn she must be very smart. Let's check Shirou's profile....Hero fo justice... That explains why he tried to keep us calm...). Looking up for a moment to see how people took the news, in secret Yukimori was freaking out and wanted to just hide in a corner to all this was over. But for some reason, she knew that this wasn't going to work out, and that they should work together to get out of here. Some fo them were freaking out, others seem rather calm and checked their handbook as well, a few even left already. Yukimori nodded and a small sigh escaped her mouth once again. (What are we going to do about this mess... I hope they... Won't kill people... But that's to much to ask in this situation... Right?) And so she decided to wait, and check the other profiles later when everything calmed down.
Yukimori shakes her head when the guy asked her if she remembered something before she woke up in this strange and unknown place. Her head turned to the girl that distant herself from them, making her look like she was afraid of new people. Not like Yukimori needed to talk about that, her heart raced from nervousness as the guy talked to her. Her hands clammed together as she looked back at the guy with a surprised expression on her face (What?! He doesn't know where we are? How? There must be someone who knows about this place? W-Wait the girl! maybe she knows more about this. She must!). "A-Are you sure about that...?" Her voice trilled a little as she spoke, a small cough made her voice turn back to normal. Her mind was full of crazy and scary thoughts, only thinking about the bad solutions that this place might have. Like what if they want to do experiments on them?

She turned back to reality as the guy started to talk about the girl. Nodding her head in a quick pace as she agreed to the guy's words. "O-Of course, she must be. I-It's not like this place is scary, but I'm confused about the fact that they put strangers in such a place... W-What do they want with us...?" Shaking her head once more than she held her hands tight and looked back at the girl "L-Let's just talk to her and make her comfortable with us... S-So that she isn't scared anymore..." (Good job Yukimori, you aren't even comfortable yourself. How are you going to make a stranger comfortable!) A small sigh escaped Yukimori's mouth.

Yukimori walked right behind Shirou's back, still keeping her distance. Not sure if she should be the comfortable or easy with these people. But, still wanting to do this she started to introduce herself to the girl as well. "H-hey there, I am Yukimori Maiya. But you can call me Y-Yukimori, nice to meet you..." Her shy voice spoke up right after Shirou introduced himself, agreeing with his words as her eyes looked lightly to the side. Not sure if she should make eye contact with the girl or not. Yukimori didn't want to scare or make her uncomfortable after all!

Surprised by the boy that sat down, her arms immediately crossed around her stomach, shy about her own appearance as she looked at the girl. Nodding lightly, as Yukimori sat down next to the bench on another bench where Shirou sat. "W-We won't hurt you... We don't know where we are either... W-Waking up in a strange place and not knowing the surrounding people must be scary. I understand, so please don't think we want to hurt you." Bowing her head lightly as it looked like she apologised for how things turned out like this. Even though, she couldn't do anything about this situation. 

"N-Nao... Well that's a nice name if I may say so... I-If you feel comfortable, you can sit down... S-So we can talk about this, maybe we know more when we think about it together.." Saying this in a quiet voice as she didn't know how to talk to her or how to make her feel comfortable. Did she say something strange? Wouldn't it be better if she just shut her mouth and let the guy talk? Not knowing what to do she just stayed quiet after the few words she said to her. Taking a deep breath as she absorved the girl and the boy once more. (I-I hope they don't think i'm strange... They seem nice... B-But can I really trust a couple of strangers in a situation like this..?)

That thought lingered in her mind when suddenly it got disturbed by a screen popping up. Yukimori looked directly in the way where the screen popped up, getting a small goosebump when it started to speak to them. (W-Who is this person...? Campers?! T-There are more people than just the three of us...? A-Amphitheatre... W-We are here already...?) The moment that the screens pointed to the place where they were now, she went quiet for a few minutes. Not knowing what to say at first, she turned her head lightly to Nao and Shirou. 

"S-So ... There must be more people on this Island than just us three.... I-If I'm correct, otherwise that... P-Person, would just have started the meeting he was talking about ... R-Right?" A small shiver ran through her spine as she looked down at her hands, laying on her skirt. Thinking about what the bear exactly told them (H-How to get out...? So we are kidnapped and imprisoned!). That moment when those words came to her mind she grabbed her hands tightly together, speaking up once again. "D-Did that person just mentioned to get out of this place...? S-So it clears one of our questions...? W-We are imprisoned and kidnapped... O-Or am I hearing things wrong...?"

@Vocab @AimeChambers
A voice of a stranger woke her out of her thoughts. Looking up at the boy that had stood up from the stone bench that was a few meters from the stage she was sitting on. Her body automatically reacted, and she crawled away, still facing into his direction. "I-I ..." Her quiet voice Lost at words was heard. Trying to get herself together, she shakes her head a little and took a deep breath. The hands she had placed next to her slowly pushed herself up and dusted her skirt off, facing the boy before her once again. 

"W-Well ... I didn't sleep that well on ... The floor." Feeling some small shivers through her body as the boy kept approaching her. But she kept calm and didn't let the boy notice that she was nervous to even talk to him, it would be strange and she doesn't want to make a bad impression. "N-Nice to meet you? S-Shirou Emiya... I'm Yukimori Maiya. B-But you can call me Yukimori!" A small blush was seen on her face as she made a light bow, nothing major just trying to be polite (W-Why did you yell your name...?). Yukimori took all her strength and walked towards the boy, getting closer would talk better as it seemed that he wanted to talk to her. Shyness to over and she still had a small distance between the boy and her.

Suddenly she heard someone curse and turned around from where the voice was coming from. Startled from the yelling girl she looked at the stage and noticed that the girl from earlier was gone (Did she run away because of how I looked...? I spaced out again didn't I? Well...). "W-Where is the girl from earlier...? She was there before I noticed this boy..." Whispering this to herself. Yukimori wanted to call out for her but her quiet voice won't be enough, so she turned towards the boy. The light blue eyes that were still filled with confusion and shyness looked right into the boy's eyes. "S-Should we see what's going on with the girl? O-Or let her be so she can get used to her surroundings first...? I-I don't want to be rude or anything...." 

@Vocab @AimeChambers
Yukimori Maiya

The sounds of water from the lake nearby, and the birds that chirped and flew through the sky made Yukimori open her eyes lightly. She felt a hard floor underneath her and that might cause the pain that was felt through her whole body. Pushing herself lightly up from the floor as a small groan was heard, her head was spinning a little as she reached for her forehead right away. "W-What...? Why does my body hurt so much. Did I fall asleep on my way to hope's peak academy...? Last night I did sleep late... I knew that I should have put my books right away after my alarm went off..." A sigh of regret escaped her mouth as she tried to get herself together. The hand that rested on her forehead slide down to the floor as she opened her eyes a little more so her view would get better. What she saw made her surprised. Stone objects were all over the big field that lay before her, next to that big field was an amazing view from a lake. "I can't remember... That we had this kind of place in town...?" She whispered to herself in a quiet tone. 

Not realizing that there were other people around her she slowly stood up and looked down at the floor. Mhm, this kind looks like a small stage. Turning around to see how big it was she finally saw the others lying around, a gasp escaped her mouth as she backed off a little. "W-who are these people... I-I didn't know I walked with them to Hope's peak academy...?" Trying to get herself together she walked a little closer to see if she was right, that she didn't see them before. Not to her surprise at all, she didn't know them at all. What she did notice was that there was a boy and a girl, of course she wouldn't try to wake them up or talk to them. 

Wanting to at least give it a try she started with the girl, one of her hands slowly wanted to reach to the shoulder of the stranger. All of a sudden she pulled her hand back and blushed bright because of how shy she was (Dammit, Yukimori! ... I guess our next plan is to just wait for them to wake up...). Crouching down next to the girl to get a better look at her. Her hair was short, and it was pitch black. Looking at her hair made Yukimori play with the ends of her white her. The clothes that the girl wore seemed expensive and made with the finest fabric, especially the blouse she wore. Yukimori stood up again, her eyes slide over the lake that took place next to the field, with a small smile she stepped away from the girl and just glanced at the boy that she didn't approach from how bad she was with boys. (The girl was already difficult enough to aproach... S-Sorry...) 

A small brise of the wind went through her hair as she looked at the other side of the field, noticing that there were other places beside this kind of looking theatre."Where are we...? I can't find a building that might look like Hope's peak academy..." Plombing herself down on the edge of the stage as she tried to get everything in place, waiting for the others to wake up. "I wish that I had one of my books with me..." 

Name: Yukimori Maiya
Talent: improvisational engineer
Can make anything out of everything
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver/ White
Skin: Slightly pale
Posture: Not thin but also not fat you could say that she has a rather normal body for girls her age
Height: 1m68
Weight: 56 kg
Because of her back story she is rather shy and won’t talk to you unless you talk to her first. Gets embarrassed fast when you compliment her. Once you get to know her she is a really sweet girl, she would try to make you happy and protect you but in her own way that is. Once you become her friend, she will make sure that you would stay by her side because she would fear that she will be all alone once again. But she won’t do it in a forceable or bad way just with words.
When she was at the age of 6, starting in a new school for the first time. Not happy, not sad nor excited she went to her first day at school. Once all the kids were in class they introduced each other, Yukimori was shy and when it was her turn, she was rather quit. And there it all started after a few months going to school Yukimori created this lifestyle of sitting alone and doing her own thing. Her classmates didn’t hate her or disliked her, they didn’t pay much attention to her because of how quiet she was, most of the time they forget her. Not with bad intentions, she didn’t jump out enough to get noticed. Her parents were too busy with work and most of the time she was home alone. When her parents were at home, she got either ignored or they asked her to do things in the house, most likely the same as in school. One year passed, and she went to a higher class she noticed things she normally didn’t. One day she sat in class and played with some pens and elastics she had in her pencil case, and without knowing she builded a little paper plane that could fly for a long time driven with a small but simple motor she made of a pencil and elastic. And so she built more at home, read books about how things worked. Once she went to high school, she studied science. One day a big industry noticed her and asked her if she wanted to create a small door unlocker and an alarm disabler for police uses. After a week she created a machine build of old scrap and an old computer, they were surprised what this girl could do at an age of 15. When she was at the end of high school, she got a letter with a big logo on it that she saw somewhere before….Hope’s peak Academy noticed her….

Name: Yukimori Maiya
Talent: improvisational engineer
Can make anything out of everything
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver/ White
Skin: Slightly pale
Posture: Not thin but also not fat you could say that she has a rather normal body for girls her age
Height: 1m68
Weight: 56 kg
Because of her back story she is rather shy and won’t talk to you unless you talk to her first. Gets embarrassed fast when you compliment her. Once you get to know her she is a really sweet girl, she would try to make you happy and protect you but in her own way that is. Once you become her friend, she will make sure that you would stay by her side because she would fear that she will be all alone once again. But she won’t do it in a forceable or bad way just with words.
When she was at the age of 6, starting in a new school for the first time. Not happy, not sad nor excited she went to her first day at school. Once all the kids were in class they introduced each other, Yukimori was shy and when it was her turn, she was rather quit. And there it all started after a few months going to school Yukimori created this lifestyle of sitting alone and doing her own thing. Her classmates didn’t hate her or disliked her, they didn’t pay much attention to her because of how quiet she was, most of the time they forget her. Not with bad intentions, she didn’t jump out enough to get noticed. Her parents were too busy with work and most of the time she was home alone. When her parents were at home, she got either ignored or they asked her to do things in the house, most likely the same as in school. One year passed, and she went to a higher class she noticed things she normally didn’t. One day she sat in class and played with some pens and elastics she had in her pencil case, and without knowing she builded a little paper plane that could fly for a long time driven with a small but simple motor she made of a pencil and elastic. And so she built more at home, read books about how things worked. Once she went to high school, she studied science. One day a big industry noticed her and asked her if she wanted to create a small door unlocker and an alarm disabler for police uses. After a week she created a machine build of old scrap and an old computer, they were surprised what this girl could do at an age of 15. When she was at the end of high school, she got a letter with a big logo on it that she saw somewhere before….Hope’s peak Academy noticed her….
After Monokuma's announcement, Suzuki thought about what he said. 'So, how do you get out,' weren't the only words he remembered. The most important sentence kept ringing in his head over and over: 'All you have to do is kill somebody!'

Suzuki bit his lip and shook his head. Monokuma's grin made him shiver; he knew that plushy bear wasn't joking. "Well..." Suzuki called out to Hisakawa. "What are your thoughts on this? This whole 'killing' thing that that bear mentioned... do you think this is serious? Because f you want to know what I think, I seriously hope it's a new television show where they prank people... haha..."

After the both of them received their student PDA and had a moment to check, Suzuki brought his arms behind his head and leaned back. Despite the casual pose, the look on his face was quite serious, with a bit of confusion from what jut happened. "He also said not everyone's here yet... and checking that device, there's more students with talents in this... place. The only person's that I talked to, are you and that one guy Davis... Well, I mean, Ando. The one who, uh, looks like he's in trouble..." Suzuki looked up at the sky and he let out a small sigh, stretched himself out, and went trough his hair with one hand before looking back towards Hisekawa.

"Sorry, I just want to get my mind off of all this... mind if we just talk for a bit? You haven't lied to me like uh, Ando, and well, I'm not sure who I can trust. Everyone else looks to be busy shouting at each other, too... I'm not going to force you, though. This is kind of a mess..."
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