Avatar of Zanavy
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1058 (0.33 / day)
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    1. Zanavy 9 yrs ago


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1. I'm in school to become a physical therapist assistant!

2. I will quit any roleplay that has been inactive IC for one month for any reason. I've been in too many Schrodinger's RP's and I'm not doing that anymore.

Most Recent Posts

UGH. I'm getting a vibe from Ravi of neurotic forced optimism that painfully reminds me of myself. Part of me wants to hug him and tell him it's okay if things aren't okay. Aaaand part of me is waiting eagerly for the far-off dramatic moment when he completely loses his cool.

In any case,@SleepingSilence keep up the good work that makes me cringe in a good way.
Heyo. Thanks for keeping my seat warm for me. My second job has settled into a more predictable schedule, so I might be able to post more consistently.

Fortunately, Jeri couldn't have done anything to help fight the zombiedoof, anyway.

Oh wait... that's actually quite UNfortunate...

Jeri listened to the others discuss some kind of ghost attack. She felt a little awkward about joining the conversation... like she didn't deserve to weigh in on a battle she didn't fight. Look, she was totally willing and able to fight a ghost beaver. But somebody had to tend to the fire, and her snake-like body just couldn't join the fray as quickly as a bird.

Anyway, she hadn't just sat there, mouth agape, doing absolutely nothing. The Dunsparce turned her head to look back at the shallow groove, the slowly growing pile of mud and pebbles she had dug up to start forming a protective windblock around the fire. She made a motion akin to swiveling her ankles, and the tip of her tail began to rotate again. Apparently, this weird critter's tail was a drill. Who knew?

With her tail tired and caked with mud, Jeri inched closer to the group and the growing fire. She suspiciously eyed all the unfamiliar fruits and eventually settled on a familiar raspberry. But instead of sweet and tangy, this red bumpy berry tasted spicy. Jeri enjoyed it, thinking nostalgically about her favorite Mexican restaurants at home. Then she nearly gagged as she reached the berry's bone-dry core. The few seconds of enjoyment passed, and now Jeri was back to scowling in a cold, damp hellworld.

"Ok," Jeri replied to Nathan with a little bite in her tone, "but WHY would they not bring stronger Pokémon? You said some of us can't even hurt these things! Whadda they expect us to do? Unless... we were brought here to be a sacrifice, after all..."

Jeri narrowed her eyes at the stormy horizon. Then she turned toward Trevor with a more serious, determined look.

"What do we need to do to train? How can we grow into a fighting team as soon as possible?"

I think I've done all I really need to before the timeskip. If it comes to a point where you're solely waiting on me, don't delay the skip on my account. Just try not to leave me too far in the dust the next day.
Heads up, my posting might be less consistent for a while. As long as Jeri's not doing anything super important, you may skip past my turn if you're all waiting on me.

Jeri uncurled just a bit to shoot a glare at Lance. What a jerk! Being all Negative Nancy about her contribution without lifting a finger of his own to provide any SOLUTIONS to all the problems he pointed out.

The Dunsparce tried to quell her rage enough to listen to Nathan's explanations. This 'alternate dimension' Pokémon sounded like another candidate for the scumbag who brought them all here. There was no way Jeri would be able to keep track of all the little details the Seedot provided -- but in a way, it was comforting to know somebody knew that much about their suddenly real video game.

"Well, you're doin' alright for now," Jeri addressed Nathan. "Ya know more than me, at least." The Dunsparce looked at him and chuckled wryly. "Good thing we're not in MY video game of expertise, or else we'd be shot at by now."

Jeri warily watched Celina take a bite of the brown carrots. It was utterly foolish to eat unknown plants if you were nowhere near starvation. But the blue bird said something about healing from poison, and Jeri figured she should take people's word for it about these Pokémon powers. She wondered if the plants would actually be more valuable as tinder than food, though.

Ty Westgrove

Mesalon Pokecenter

Ty's brows raised as the women talked about some 'incident' that seemed like it involved injuries, or at least threat of injuries. A mysterious theft, and now a dangerous action-packed scene? It sounded like Ty had found himself in the middle of a tv crime drama. As the police walked in and began speaking with the tall brown-clad woman, Ty found it hard to resist listening in. It was like watching a train wreck... deep down, he felt that it was rude to butt in on these strangers' disaster... but it was such an intriguing break from mundane life, he couldn't help himself.

"Ty Westgrove," a nurse announced from the back. "Your Pokémon are ready."

The punk trainer let out a small sigh, glad for the external reason to pry himself away from the true crime documentary.

"See ya?" Ty briefly addressed Sophia in a tone halfway between a statement and a question. He took a few steps toward the counter and then stopped in his tracks, remembering something. He briefly scanned the area and found what he was looking for: Medic the Igglybuff, gazing at the Honedge with a fearful curiosity. She sang under her breath, making up a song about the strange thing that might be a Pokémon.

"It's fine, Med," Ty sighed as he picked up the plush Pokémon. "It has a trainer. She won't let it hurt you."

Ty thanked the nurse as he picked up the pokeballs of his Scyther and Timburr and arranged a room for the night. He glanced back at his new acquaintances one last time... and the feelings of devilish curiosity came flooding back. Dang it. If he went to his room now, he'd have nothing but more time to stay awake imagining a series of outlandish situations these trainers might have gone through. Ty decided it wouldn't hurt to ask if Sophia was okay with telling him about their sick story... for the sake of his sleep quality.

"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it," Ty addressed Sophia, vainly attempting to sound unexcited. "But what was that 'incident'? Did you and your Pokémon epically escape something dangerous? Y'know... if there's something dangerous on the road, it's best for people to know before they leave the city."

@LuckyBlackCat @DuskSong

Once the acorn stopped having his nervous breakdown, he was able to provide at least enough new information to satisfy Jeri for the moment. "Arceus…" the Dunsparce mumbled grimly, trying to commit the name to memory. "So like, a Pokémon god? Great. Perfect. How the hell are we supposed to get back to our own world if fricking GOD brought us here?!"

Jeri angrily thumped her spade-like tail against the ground, then winced as she suddenly realized she had a tail and it could feel pain. She had to do something, ANYTHING remotely productive to deal with this pent up frustration.

While the others seemed fascinated by some yellow stuff in the wall, Jeri figured it must be up to her to tend to the fire. The bee-snake shivered as she poked her head just outside the cave to look for more sticks. She couldn't find any in the immediate vicinity, but she did find some scraggly mud-covered roots.

Jeri sighed grumpily, braced herself, and began to pull at the roots with her mouth. Jeri wasn't sure what kind of food Dunsparce ate, but judging by the disgusting earthy taste in her mouth, she felt certain it wasn't dirt. She had a little trouble trying to pull backwards with her snake-like body, but eventually she had more luck hacking at the roots with her spikes... on her chin?... WHY would anything ever have spikes on its chin??

Jeri slithered back with a few roots and placed them near the fire. They should be dry and useable in a few minutes. She curled up close to the flames with a bit of a smug smirk. Looks like the limbless one was tough enough to provide for everyone.

"So does Pokémon just have one god, or are there others? Or a Pokémon devil? If you're right and a god brought us here, maybe we could make a deal with one of his enemies to get us out. Not saying I'm about to make a deal with the devil, but... just wanna know our options."


Jeri's attempt to stretch up her body as a living windblock was hard to maintain, kind of like holding a plank. She relaxed her form, deciding to try and tense up again as soon as a particularly strong gust threatened the fire. Perhaps her attempts to shelter the fire weren't doing much, after all... but it helped her to at least feel like she could do something about her situation.

"I'm Jeri," the Dunsparce responded. "And I dunno about you all, but I have a life back home that I'd really like to get back to." Jeri let out a defeated huff, some of her spitfire fading as the misery of their collective situation began to sink in. "I'm gonna get screwed over on that scholarship cuz I'm busy being a FRICKING Dorkémon."

Jeri frowned as she looked around at the other three who had stayed in the cave. By this time, she still believed she was probably kidnapped... but not by any of these Pokémon. She worried about what kind of being could've transformed them into Pokémon... it might be something powerful. Though Jeri felt eager to use her superpowers to paralyze any lowlife who tried to threaten them, she wasn't too keen on getting Hyper Beamed by a creature with the power to drag people into a different world without them noticing.

"Hey, does this ring a bell to any of you?" the Dunsparce asked. "I'm good at survival, but I'm not a Pokémon expert. Is there some sort of Pokémon that's known for changing people's species and taking them to other planets?"

Ty Westgrove

Mesalon Pokecenter

Ty smiled as Sophia appeared gain a spark of energy while she talked about her ambitions. If these two trainers were willing to wait for him to try for his gym badge, they might be fun to travel with for a little while.

"I might just have to-"

Before Ty could finish his statement, another group entered, and the focus shifted to them. The blond tilted his head a bit when he heard about crime happening in Mesalon.

"Actually, there's not a lot of crime in Mesalon City," Ty commented. "We're pretty chill for the most part... err... not that that detracts from how bad it is that it happened to you." The trainer suddenly realized that all these people knew each other, and he might've awkwardly butted in on a private matter. He unconsciously fiddled with his eyebrow piercing."Uhh, I- I can leave."

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