Avatar of Zaxter996
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  • Posts: 520 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Zaxter996 9 yrs ago


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This looks like fun! I'll start writing up a CS soon.
A Day To Remember - I Surrender - Common Courtesy
Real Friends - Old Book - Maybe This Place Is The Same And We're Just Changing
O'Brother - In Comparison to Me - In Comparison to Me
Mudvayne - Mutatis Muntandis - LD. 50
blink-182 - A New Hope - Dude Ranch
Thousand Foot Krutch - Step To Me - Phenomenon
A Day To Remember - Here's to the Past - For Those Who Have Heart
Blossom - Who Am I? - Blossom
Flyleaf - I'm Sorry - Flyleaf
Have Mercy - To Convey - A Place Of Our Own
"Sometimes before it gets better
The darkness gets bigger
The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger"

Fall Out Boy - Miss Missing You
Marcus Ainsworth

Club Aether
Tuesday Evening

Interactions: @MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully@liferusher@PrinceAlexus@Rabidporcupine

Before the woman ordering a drink could answer, two familiar faces were escorted to the bar by security. He chuckled a little, before giving the two sisters a smile, shrugging a little at her question. “Hey you two. I’m… Still not sure if it was a date or not… But thank you.” He responded, unable to stop a very light blush from colouring his cheeks. As the two turned to talk to Leo, undoubtedly about the drama that occured last time the sisters had been to the club, Marcus turned back to the woman ordering a drink, who had just made their decision.

“Mojito it is! Comin’ up.” he said cheerfully, as he started to mix the ingredients in a cocktail shaker. It wasn’t a difficult drink to make, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the girl watching him make it rather intently. He smirked, and played it up a little, trying to make the cocktail making a little more entertaining. After shaking the ingredients together, he did a low-key flip of the cocktail shaker, flashing the girl a slight smirk, before opening it and starting to pour the cocktail into a glass. He told the girl the amount and accepted the cash before placing it on the bar in front of her. “I hope you like it.” He said with a bright smile.

Before he said anything else, his attention was drawn to the conversation happening nearby, and couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Oh my, this is gonna be something…” He knew that Marinalia could sing, but new nothing of Victoria’s musical ability. It was definitely going to something. Marcus let out another soft burst of laughter as he heard what song it was that the pair had to sing. He smirked over at Dustynn as she nudged him and started singing along at him, which prompted him to sing back at her, well the words he knew, anyway, which weren’t many of them. He glanced back over at the watermelon mojito girl, and couldn’t help but snicker a little, although he shook his head. “Nah, I’d choose singing over cleaning any day of the week.”

As the song ended, Marcus clapped a bit, and offered a small cheer. The sisters had done pretty well, and managed to get quite a good reception from the crowd. After serving another patron, he scanned the bar, and saw a rather unkempt looking man fall over. Marcus furrowed his brow in worry, it definitely seemed like it was more than having drunk a little too much. He was about to rush over and help, but Dusty got there first, and seemed like she had it handled. He let out a soft sigh, before continuing to work behind the bar, cleaning glasses and serving drinks. He wasn’t as fluid with his work as Dusty was, but he was getting there. When he had a quiet moment, he quickly pulled out his phone, hoping for a reply from Reya. His heart sank a little when there wasn't one, sighing heavily. "She's probably working..." He justified to himself under his breath, before putting his phone away and continuing to work.
Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Already, Raven had felt a slight weight lift from her shoulders. Although, it hurt to relive those memories she’d mostly kept buried, it felt good to finally share them with someone else. Her mind felt somewhat lighter, less burdened by the once secret memory. Ever since it happened, she was so scared of telling anyone, and so scared that it would one day catch up with her, she thought it better to try to forget about it. But it was always at the back of her mind, haunting her, and it probably still would be for a while, but she felt a little better about it now.

Raven nodded a little at Molly’s next question, appreciating the slight change of topic, sniffling a little, but already starting to look a little calmer. “I mean, a little, I guess…” She mumbled softly, lifting her shoulders slightly in a shrug. “I actually didn’t have a lot to leave behind. I only had a couple of real friends, who I do miss, and the bush doofs there were better,” She added with a quiet, half-hearted snicker. “But everything else… I dunno. I’ve got my dad, and I’ve got new friends here, and found a good dealer. I just don’t know if there’s much to go back to.”

Raven listened intently when Molly continued to speak, nodding along softly. Listening to her sweet, calming voice was helping distract her from her own thoughts, calming her down quite a bit. She probably looked like a mess, already clumsy ponytail ever messier now, and her eyes and cheeks smudged with running makeup, but she didn’t care too much. She was with someone she was comfortable with, so she couldn’t care less about how she looked. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she felt Molly’s lips touch her forehead, her cheeks coloured with an ever so slight blush, at the combination of the kiss and the words. “Exactly.” She replied softly, with a slight nod. “As I said earlier, everything that happens, puts on the path that leads us to now.” He voice was soft, and hoarse from the crying, but she was visibly calmer now, her arms wrapped tightly around the other girl, nestled happily in her lap still. “And now… Is pretty damn good, don't ya think?”
Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven shook her head a few times, a few tears falling from her face, dropping into the water that they sat over. “No, thank fuck… I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if I killed him…” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to try to keep her voice steady. It was true, no matter how much of a scumbag the guy was, she wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt of taking another human’s life. She then let herself take a few moments to compose herself, letting Molly pull her into her lap closely.

Raven wrapped her arms around Molly tightly leaning her head on the girl’s chest, letting out a few soft, quite sobs. It was awful to relive the memories that she for so long had kept hidden, but there was a sort of catharsis to let it out, and finally share it with someone. She let herself gently cry for a moment, before sniffling a little, Molly’s words working to calm her a bit. It was helping to hear that someone thought she did the right thing.

Raven sat up a little, just enough to look up at Molly, though keeping her arms wrapped around her gently. “Umm… Eventually, someone found him and took him to the hospital… It wasn’t until a few days later that I found out who he was…” She mumbled softly, taking another pause to go over her words again before continuing. “He was a big time drug dealer… Like, big time… I heard from a friend that he knew who I was, and that he had people looking for me… And they weren’t just going to have a chat…” Her voice started to tremble a little again as she continued her story. “I went straight home… I was so scared that they’d make it home to my dad first… But I was lucky to get to him first… And even luckier to find out that he was already moving to Brooklyn. So I got on the next plane with him and never looked back…” She let out a heavy, broken sigh, a few more tears falling from her eyes. “I know this all seems like the plot to a movie… But, it’s true… As much as I wish it wasn’t…”
Raven Carter

Location: The docks, not far from the beach party.
Interacting With: Molly.

Raven was silent for a few moments, staring out over the water with a conflicted look on her face. She eventually brought the bottle of Tequila to her lips, taking a long swing before handing it to Molly. “You might want some more of this first…” She mumbled with an uneasy snicker, forcing a smile through her darker expression. It had been a while since she’d thought of this particular memory, and had never told anyone about it. Molly Hartell was the last person she’d expect to share it with, but things had changed that night. She now wouldn’t rather talk to anyone else.

After a few more moments of quiet reflection, Raven took a deep breath, before turning to Molly, holding her hand much tighter than before. “Alright… Well, before me and my dad moved to Brooklyn, I ran away from home… Went off on my own for a bit. It was kinda like a soul searching kinda thing, I guess.” She started her story softly, recalling it in her mind as she retold it. “It was good, for the most part. There were a few scary moments, but nothing as bad…” She paused for a bit, closing her eyes and taking another deep breath, before opening her eyes again and continuing.

“I went to a bush doof. Kinda like a small, independent music festival held out in the bush, where people just get fucked up on all sorts of shit.” She explained with a motion of her hand. “Needless to say, I was pretty fucked. I’d had 2 tabs of acid, and I don’t even know how many caps. I was outa my skull.” Her darker expression broke for just a moment, giggling softly as she remembered how high she was that day. “It was crazy. I swear I had a conversation with a berry bush. She was quite a lovely bush, although her berries were kinda dicks.” Another soft giggle, before her expression darkened again as she continued the story.

“Anyway… I went for a walk back to our tents, because I needed to lie down, and I started hearing something…” Her grip on Molly’s hand got a little tighter as she spoke. “At first I thought it was just the acid fucking with me, but it sounded so real… It was like muffled screaming…” She stopped again, gulping back a lump in her throat, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing. “It was coming from one of the tents. I stared at it for a moment, trying to figure out if what I was seeing or hearing was actually real… Eventually I ripped open the tent flap, and saw it…”

Tears started to well up in her eyes, as she recalled the memory, trying hard to keep herself from crying. “There was a girl in there… Tears streaming down her face and red marks on her cheek and neck… And a guy on top of her trying to take her clothes off… I stood there for a moment, before they noticed me, because I didn’t know what to do. Eventually the girl saw me and screamed out to me for help. They guy turned around… He had the most evil, animalistic look on the face… As high as I was, he almost looked like an animal. He started screaming at me, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, I just stood there, staring at him. Then he got up and slapped me, knocking me down, before trying to go back into the tent…” A tear started falling down her cheek as she slowly continued, her voice barely above a whisper.

“As soon as I hit the ground, I just remember something changing in me. Like an ancient, primal part of me waking up. And as weird as it sounds… I felt energy flowing from the ground into me, filling me with this sorta strength that I’d never felt before, or since. I stood up and just charged at the guy. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back by the hair, and threw him on the ground, before getting on top of him, and just… Laying into him. There was blood everywhere, I don’t know if it was from his face or my knuckles, or both… I just kept hitting, until he wasn’t moving anymore…” Tears were now streaming down her face as she talked, but she managed to keep her composure, her voice only wavering a little bit. ”At some point, I got up, grabbed the girl and took her to a portable toilet, where I just held her for hours until she stopped crying…” She stopped talking then, barely keeping herself from sobbing, her gaze dropping down to watch the water.
I mean, you'd think so, but the word date was never said!/
@PrinceAlexus Hey now, we don't know that Marcus and Reya are dating yet, considering that they don't even know yet either! XD
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