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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gahhhh it was sooo fun, I can't believe I was complaining so much about it! xDD LOL we had an awesome time!! Definitely bonded with the other girls during the two days, they are actually really funny. The roller coasters were amazing and we also went to Water Country USA, which is a huge water park and that was awesome. Simon bought a disposable underwater camera and we got a bunch of hilarious pictures of us in the wave pool and the lazy river and on some of the rides that he snuck the camera into haha xD The night we spent in the hotel we watched the most recent Game of Thrones episode because it turned out they were just as much in love with the show. We even made plans to go to the beach together for the Fourth of July x) I was worried for nothing.

Btw, have you seen the most recent episode yet??

Omg speaking of Orange is the New Black, it comes back in two days yipppeeeee<3<3<3 :D Haha so you like to play games too?? Nice! xD I love the Sims! I haven't played it recently but I used to play it a ton! Yeah, it's cool when you're pleasantly surprised by someone's interests and it makes you look at them in a whole new way. You really can't judge people at first glance, not that I'm not totally guilty of that :/ It makes me wonder if people have ever found something out about me that made them see me in a different (preferably better lol) way.

Haha, yeah they still scare me. Like, whenever I go to the beach and get in the water, I always spend the first few minutes looking around for them (and sharks) before I let myself relax lol xD And then I don't think about it x) I love swimming in the ocean though and body boarding. I want to learn how to surf!!!

Wow all the way since elementary school! That's pretty cool. I feel like everyone I know now will gradually slip out of my life and I'll have a completely different set of people five years from now. That's how it goes, just naturally for me. I suck at keeping in touch with people. I think Simon and his girlfriend will be exceptions though. I want to be palling around with them all the way 'til I'm old xD

It would! There are two girls in Japan that I'm sort of pen pals with - we send cards to each other every Christmas/NewYears time. They send cute stuff and write in English x) hehe~

You guys sound adorable. Friends or more, here's hoping the best will come of everything <3 I'm glad your best friend is supporting you. Hope you guys have fun this weekend! School's almost done for you right?

Omg I'm almost done with your post btw. It's been a hundred million years since I last replied, I apologize >.< Real life is distracting me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I FUCKING TOLD YOU! This is me being smug! xD That all sounds like so much fun, I'm glad that you bonded with them!! Now you have a couple new friends and some great memories :) Hehe. Wow, I'm really happy for you!

OMFG, yes I freaking did DX I cried, holy cow it was awful!! Oberyn was one of my favorites!!

I know!! I'm so pumped XD I may have to wait a couple of weeks until exams are done with but after that I am binging so hard! XD Aha, we're gamers brah! ;D But yeah, no, I totally get that. Wondering if people have ever had their perspectives changed about me. I was literally just texting my friend Skylar about this and he told me that before he knew anything about me, he thought I was a snobby, preppy bitch (told you people thought that...) and that he was honestly shocked at how nice I was, aha. It really just goes to show you, don't to judge a book by it's cover! :)

Sharks? Here in Canada we don't really have that problem... aha. Ooh, surfing sounds like fun!! I want to learn someday, too. There are a lot of things like that, that I would want to do! Would you ever go sky diving?

That's so sad... But I think I kinda get what you mean. I know there are people who I won't ever talk to again after high school while there are others who I'll still talk to at an old age.. So I'm assuming that Simon and this girl will be together for ever then, eh? That's fucking adorable, I love people. Oh my goodness, imagine you, them and whoever you end up with like seventy years from now all old and cute xD Omg

I love pen pals! I mean, especially if you've only met the other person briefly, if at all, and then you have a lot to talk about and it's really cool. Your pen pals seem so adorable, aha. That must be great! You met them while on your trip right?

Ahaha, thanks (: And yes, it almost is!! My only exam this semester is on the nineteenth and then I just have to go pick up my report card and I'm done <3 <3 The only shitty thing is my exam is really hard, and it's math so I don't really know how to study for it DX

Hey, no worries! Real life can be pretty distracting xD Aha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hey you, stop being smug!!! xDD Haha, but you so did tell me, didn't you xD Damn, I really should listen to you x) You 16-year-old you <3 But yeah, it was so fun, I can't wait to hang out with them again.

IT WAS SO AWFUL WASNT IT *sob* Dx Oberyn was dancing around him being his usual awesome self and then the tables were turned out of nowhere. All of us were like omg omg omg when the Mountain started squeezing his eyes ughghjdklshj I had to look away ;_; I wonder what's going to happen to Tyrion. They can't actually execute him, can they??? Idk, if there's one thing I learned from Game of Thrones it's not to get attached to characters because they're probably going to get killed as soon as you start to love them -_-

I am binging immediately. I promise not to spoil anything x) Hell yeah we are, cuz girl gamers are the shit!! xD That's funny that he had such a different idea of you! I can't think if anyone's told me what they thought of me before they knew me. I'll have to ask Simon and see. He has told me that he thought I was the best in our design class (not necessarily true, but you know ;) ) so he wanted to be friends with me. There are definitely people who I thought were snobby and stuck up who later turned out to be the sweetest peaches. Luckily people seem to turn out better than expected, rather than worse. Or wait...maybe that means I need to stop expecting the worse hahaha xD Actually, that is what I love about Spirited Away. Everyone she meets seems really scary and mean at first and by the end she's friends with them and they've really been helping her all along. I just love that.

What!? You don't have sharks in Canada?! I did not know that. That's not fair! xD I've never actually seen a shark in the water at the beach, but I have seen little dead sharks washed up on the beach xP Gross and creepy. Oh girl, I've already been skydiving ;D *hair flip* The best experience ever. I was strapped to someone else and I got to pull the cord for the parachute. It's weird because the wind is rushing past you so hard, it only feels like falling for the first few seconds and then it feels totally different. We also have a wind tunnel about an hour out of Raleigh that my family and I go to like once a year or so. It's amazing, it's like skydiving but instead you're just in a giant tube of air and you're not actually falling, the wind is pushing you up. There are all these moves you can learn. I only know the most basic position lol, but eventually you can learn how to "sit up" in the air, go upside down, do flips, etc.

Oh yeah, they're totally gonna get married! They'll have a banging wedding too, I know it. Not anytime soon, it's not like they're engaged or anything, it's just that everyone really thinks they will and they even talk about it. It's precious. Hahaha! xD We will be old and grey and still sneaking cameras onto water park rides xDD

Yep I met them on my trip! They're both in college too, they're friends. Shihori and Yuki. They were both adorably shy when we met them on our tour of their college but they would always come to visit our group at the Youth Center and hang out with us. They were very cute and I think a little in awe of us to be honest xD Not to sound to vain or anything. Japan is such a homogenous society that anyone who isn't asian looking stands out like a sore thumb. We got stares everywhere we went xD It was a bit of an ego boost actually. I felt very very tall too lol.

Oh yuck, I hate studying for math. I really hardly studied for it because it's so tedious ugh. But you should study! Do your practice problems!! x)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yes, yes.. the little sixteen-year-old actually does make some good points! ;) Aha, but I actually am really glad that you got to know them better, and that you don't feel super uncomfortable around them anymore :)

As soon as he started dancing around I knew he was going to die! I mean, I kinda suspected it from the beginning, but that was the point when I was certain. DX I really don't want Tyrion to die!! I love him, it would be almost as bad as Dany or Jon dying.. But you're right about not getting attached to the characters, George R. R Martin is 100% the type of author to kill off all his characters and I know that they'll do the exact same thing on the show... I actually really like it, it keeps things interesting and realistic. Oh, and I have another show that I think you might like! It won't take you very long to watch the whole two seasons. It's called Vikings. You should totally watch it.

You better not! Grrr! Aha, and yes... yes they really are! xD I like hearing what people thought about me before they knew me.. It's interesting to see how people view me and I'm not really the type of person who cares what others think, well not people who I'm not close with. I mean, it doesn't necessarily bug me that I come off as a bitch, because I know I'm not. What do you think people thought of you when you were in high school? It's funny how that happens, eh? How people always end up being better then you expected. I can think of very few exceptions to this. But then that makes me a little sad because I realize that despite the fact that I'm usually open minded towards people, I am also a little bit too judgmental. But it's really hard not to be. .

Well, yeah we have sharks! But they aren't a huge threat... I mean when I'm at the beach the only thing I really worry about is whether or not I'll get burnt, not if I'm going to get eaten by a shark or something XD Ahaha. Oh my goodness, for real?? I dunno if I could do it, it just seems so scary! How old were you when you did this? And what was it like to land, did it hurt? Oh, and the person you were strapped to, were they like a professional or something? Ooh, that wind tunnel sounds so fun! I wonder if we have anything like that in NS... I don't think so honestly. I think stuff like that is so cool, but I don't know if I'd ever be able to actually do it.

Aw! That is so sweet! I love couples like that, who just know that they'll be together forever and your just like "Yes, yes you will you adorable cuteness of two people, like you go on with your sweet little lives!" Aha xD There are people at my school like that, I know that sees kinda young 'cause I'm only in high school, but there really is and I can totally see some couples growing up and getting married and stuff, kinda like soul mates :p. Not that I necessarily believe in the concept, I think that we have multiple people who could be considered 'soul mates', and that not all of them will be romantic and not all of them will be forever.

Hah, that's so adorable! Aha, that must have been really great to meet them! As for people being in awe of you guys, haha yeah, I've had people tell me stuff like that before. It's weird to think about, coming from a place with so much diversity, not being use to seeing people of different races and such, but there are so many places in the world that don't have that. I just find different cultures so interesting. You felt tall huh? Funny :p

Mmm, I just hate how anxious exams make me. I don't really think they are actually a good representation of what students know either, at least not the ones where you need to memorize stuff. That's just testing how good of a memory a person has.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

She does, doesn't she ;) The 16-year-old who is wise beyond her years.

Really?? I had absolutely no idea, did not see it coming at all, not one bit D: I mean, I do remember thinking, oh he won already that was fast and then...pop Dx Yeah, it would be just as bad. Oh man, I wonder if those two will die in the end too. Somehow, I think the Hound is about to die ;_; He's totally the type to die, right in front of Arya or something horrible like that. It does keep things interesting though, it's true. Vikings, eh? Ok I'll check it out! I was actually thinking the other day about how I wanted a new show to watch. Oh, totally random, but I forgot to tell you that at Busch Gardens, the whole park is divided into different countries and I'd forgotten there was a Canada section until we walked through it and it made me grin and think of my Canadian buddies x) Also there was a sign with information about Canada on it and it said that as a nation, Canada consumes the most macaroni and cheese in the entire world. Can you confirm this for me please.

>D Relaaax, I wouldn't do something like that... heh. Jk, I hate spoilers too so I am anti-spoiler. Hm, what do I think people thought of me in high school? Well, I probably looked like a typical girl jock, I did wear sort of sporty clothes all the time and I was on the soccer team so yeah. My style has changed since then. I guess people thought I was friendly because I was ;) lol jk, I don't know. I don't think I came off as bitchy, but maybe a little smug. But here's a question: What would we think of each other if we were to randomly meet, not knowing it was the person we knew online x) How fast would it take us to figure it out or would we even be able to. I'm a little too judgmental too, though I think of myself as open-minded. As long as we recognize that we can be quick to judge though, and are able to change our minds about someone, that's good.

Oh I see, I see x) Well here we keep an eye out for dark shapes in the surf that might want to take a bite D: xD Not so serious a threat that is stops us from getting in the water though. Jellyfish stings are 100x more likely. I'm a magnet for them apparently. I was 18 when I wentskydiving. I did it with my dad on the army base. The guy I was strapped to was a professional and we had a sort of class thing and signed some papers before we went up in the plane. Landing was really smooth for us, but my dad's landing was rough ahaha xD You should just do it!!!

Oh, I really like what you said just now, about having multiple soul mates and not all of them are romantic or forever :O I like that. That's really interesting to think about, even though the not forever part seems really sad to me. What if two people are soul mates and they see each other all the time in class or at work but don't ever really interact with each other and never realize that they're soul mates? D: Or you could have some wonderful soul mate who lives across the world and speaks a different language.

Yeah, I think I take for granted how diverse it is here, especially in a big East Coast city like Raleigh. Diverse in race, religion, politics, sexuality you name it. Having only one particular way of living would probably be very stifling in some respects. Maybe there are some perks like less crime since there is so much social pressure to behave, but there are also huge downsides, like higher rates of suicide because of the pressure to conform. Japan has the highest suicide rate, particularly young people.

Exams make me anxious too. Luckily once I relax, I find that I know more than I thought I did, since I've been to class and the info has sunk in. Do you have any rituals to help you feel calm before an exam?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fucking right! Ahaha

I really like that about this show, I mean I'm the type of writer who would kill off their main character in a heartbeat and I also really like reading books/watching shows that are so unpredictable like that!! Of course there are those characters that you have to give happy endings to.. I totally think Dany is one of those characters but I have my doubts about Jon, I think he'll probably die but maybe not soon. I also agree with you about The Hound, something awful is going to happen there. Yes, definitely watch it! You'll love it xD HOLY FUCK I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE <3 My mom makes this really good dish, with like bread crumbs over it and everything, it's so delicious. But isn't that like a world thing? Isn't mac and cheese a food that people everywhere enjoy? Ahaha. Okay, can you tell me if there was like totem poles and everything in the Canadian section? When I went to Disney there was and it made me giggle because I'd never seen a totem pole before that day. XD

Friendly cause you were, huh? Ahaha, okay so maybe I come off as a little bit of a bitch because I am sort of. I just like to speak my mind and that can come off as rude. Oh well! That question makes me contemplate my life... DX Ahah, I think we'd figure it out eventually, like maybe not if we were to just randomly bump into one another on the street one day but like if we were to meet and actually get to know each other we definitely would realize. Yes, yes I agree as long as we can admit that we're judgmental and have the ability to admit that we were wrong about someone, it doesn't matter all that much!

*shudders* I can't stand anything swimmy and bitey and creepy DX I would not be able to get in the water if I knew that sharks were even the least bit of a threat. Woah, that actually does sound like a lot of fun, although I think I'll hold back for the moment and wait until I'm older :p I have a really bad fear of falling, as well so it might not be a good idea for me >.<

Not forever is kind of sad, but the way I see it is there are some people in your life who are meant to be forever-people, the ones who you can call at three o'clock in the morning, or the ones who you can get so angry at but can't stay mad because you love them too much. Then, there are the other people who float in and out of your life and impact you and different ways and help shape you as a person. And it is sad that not everyone you ever meet will always be there, but it is a fact and at least you got to know them. That whole thing of not realizing someone is your soul mate, or never meeting them... that is the really sad part.

I totally agree, diversity is taken for granted over here too. Oh, I didn't know that about Japan! That's awful, but it doesn't surprise me at all. I mean, there would be so much pressure put on kids to fit in. DX That's sad. But, oh! Speaking of crime, you would not believe what is going on in Moncton right now!! There is a shooter on the lose and pretty much all of NB is on lock down and it is terrifying. Like some of the videos and stuff :/ I'm honestly kinda scared that he's going to try and make his way to NS because so much of our Law Enforcement went down there to help.

I don't have any rituals per say, I usually just over study and then half way through the exam give up and just scribble random shit on the page and cry. Yup. That sees accurate xD Aha, I should probably really start studying this weekend... but remember that cute boy I mentioned? Yeah, we're hanging out and cuddling and watching movies and that sounds one hundred times better then studying for exams *swoons*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I watched the first episode of Vikings earlier today! It was really good and I'm like uh oh, now I'm going to want to bing through two shows, Vikings and OITNB xD What have you done?? xD Everyone is really hot in that show. At first I was like aw look at those brothers, what a team, and then the other one was all over Ragnar's wife D< And I was like hell yeah girl when she owned those two creeps x) She should have told Ragnar though, I don't know why she didn't. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen to his family though :( But don't tell me! jk I know you wouldn't.

So it IS true!! ahahaha xD Why don't we stereotype Canadians more often as cheese lovers?? No worries, I'll try to start the trend. Yeah macaroni and cheese is an international thing I think, but you guys are just winning at it xD Lol, I've been to Disney Epcot too and can picture the Canadian section. I remember the totem pole. And the mini Niagara Falls area. The Canadian section in Busch Gardens was also "rustic" with log cabins and stuff, very frontier-like. But so was the America section, they were both "colonial" since both our countries are really young compared to all the European ones. The Canada section had stuff like a giant maple leaf sign made out of apples, an eatery called Trappers Smokehouse, logs, signs about your collective obsession with cheese, and a water ride that is saw mill themed and was really fun. Oh and some signs in French and one that said New France. Speaking of the Epcot countries though, the USA section is so boooorriing xD I liked Japan and Mexico the best!

Makes you contemplate your life ahaha xD Good! I like those questions. Yeah I guess we would figure it out eventually, huh. That would be so weird xD

Lol, yeah me too. Somehow I can handle the threat of jellyfish and the minor threat of sharks (in Florida, mom wouldn't let us swim in the ocean in the evenings because that's when sharks are more active lol xD), but I would never go swimming at the beach in like Australia, with all the weird, poisonous creepy crawlers they have there. Their jellyfish will totally kill you D: But maybe if you throw yourself out of an airplane, you will overcome your fear of falling!! xD Or you could always have someone sort of nudge you out of the plane if you can't make yourself jump and skip that unpleasant part altogether xD

People who float in and out of your life and help shape you as a person - that really resonates with me. I always feel like I've lost something or thrown something away when I think "I don't talk to so-and-so anymore, she's not really in my life anymore" and it makes me sad, but you're right, at least we have the chance to get to know those people, and that's worth something. It's not a waste just because they aren't a permanent fixture in your life, right? I don't need to think "what was the point of becoming attached if they're gone now." There's probably different degrees of soul mates? Like, some more intense than others? What if you never find one? Sorry I don't expect for you to whip out magic answers to those questions or anything, I'm just thinking out loud x)

Yeah there really is so much pressure over there :( I can't even imagine it. Weirdly, it sometimes seems that there is a lot of pressure here in the US to be as individual as possible x) Kind of ironic.

Omg, that's terrifying!! D: Stay inside! Reminds me of when the city of Boston was on lock down when we had that bombing. Jeez I hope they catch him soon.

Haha xD Yeah, pretty much how I felt during a math test too lol. Awwwwww hanging out and making out, that's so cute XD Have fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ahhh, I just finished the series and I'm crying. I wish it wasn't over :( You're definitely going to be shocked about everything that happens, though. It is really good. Also, as relating to everyone on the show being hot.. I fucking know! Holy cow XD OMG Never mind.. apparently season 3 is coming out next year or something, we're all good. Aha... So have you started binging on OITNB yet? XD

I would love to be stereotyped as a cheese lover... I'm counting on you to make this happen ;p And I see. I feel like a mill themed ride would be fun but I don't really get it.... is it because our national animal is a beaver? #confused Also, I don't really remember much from Epcot! I didn't get to go walk around the park much because when I went it was for dance and we were like outback at Epcot in workshops all day, I do remember the Italy section though, it was pretty :)

That would certainly be very weird.... XD Aha

Oh, I totally agree with that one! No Australian/other weird beaches for me! I'll stick to pools I think :p Have you ever been to Australia or anything? And no. No. No. No. No. nonononononononononononononononononononononononono. I would be scarred for life if someone pushed me out of the plane. Have we forgotten that I'm a control freak? The biggest reason I'm scared of falling is because I'll feel super out of control and I don't like that.

You're right, getting attached to people, even those who won't be n your life forever, isn't a bad thing. Sure, it can sometimes hurt when they end up leaving but that is life and that's how you grow up. It's hard to trust people with your affection because it is like giving them every opportunity to take your heart and rip it up into little shreds. And I wish that isn't how it had to be, and it scares me knowing that someday someone is going to break my heart like that, but that's life. I think that there would be different levels of soul mates, like people who just impact you a little, yet in a significant way, and those who change your entire life. I know my best friend is the latter. I also believe that there are ample opportunities for us to find our soul mates, and that you just kind of have to keep your mind open because it might be someone you least expect!

That is kinda ironic, and a little sad. If only the world could find a happy medium... oh wait! That's Canada ;) Just kidding!!

Yeah, they caught him yesterday or sometime this morning I think. He just kinda came out of the woods and was like "I'm done" and it was really weird.

I didn't say anything about making out... but yeah x) Hehe, I'm so excited! But I'm actually scared that I'm going to get too attached to him, like I always do with people, and it's going to freak him out. I mean, I've told him that I am a smother-y type of person and he told me that he didn't mind, that he didn't think I was like that at all and a bunch of other stuff but still. And I'm also really scared of getting hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I just finished binging OITNB x) God damn, that show is so good. The humor, the depth of the characters, their relationships, I love it soooo much <3<3<3 Nikki and Poussey are so attractive omg. V was terrifying D: The back stories on all the characters were fantastic. I want more already xD I love that this show is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud pretty much every episode xD Have you finished it too?

Hm, I think they put the log ride in to represent early lumber industry in Canada? Idk xD I like your beaver as the national animal explanation better though. Oh yeah, Italy was pretty cool too! And Morocco! What were the workshops for? For dance?

Hahahaha! xD Ok, so getting pushed out of a plane might be too extreme xD But you know, I think I did hear that a great way for control freaks to relax is to put themselves in situations where they have no control x) Sounds kind of counterintuitive, but it could be sort of comforting or exciting, if you're obsessed with control, to give up the reins for a moment and be at the mercy of some other force, or some other person, just briefly. You can't do anything about it, so you're free to just enjoy the rush of adrenaline or whatever.

I like the idea of some of our soul mates being people we least expect. Or finding them in places we were never looking for them in the first place! And being pleasantly surprised :) It IS scary to think of being heart broken by someone someday in the future - getting left behind or seeing them lose interest in you x( It's just as bad to imagine being the one to do that to another person, maybe without even realizing it. Some people give their affection really freely and some people are more cautious. And then there are the ones who give it freely, but quietly and the people around them don't really know how much they are loved.

Lol, but you're right, Canada IS the world's happy medium! You know we stereotype you guys as being super friendly right?? Man, I'm gonna visit Canada someday. What do Canadians think of Americans generally? I'm kind of afraid to ask, since I don't think our politicians have made the best impression on the rest of the world. Probably ignorant and fat amirite? xD

How is everything going these days? I haven't been on here for a while, too long, I missed ya! I was thinking earlier today while I was at work that I really wanted to tell you about something. But first I gotta ask how are things with the boy? I understand that feeling you mentioned, about being scared of getting too attached only to feel let down in the long run. All I can say are things you probably already know, which is to just relax, go with the flow, let him do some of the pursuing, resist the urge to be the first to text him every time, etc. Don't let yourself ruminate on all the things that could wrong, instead fantasize about the ways they could go right! But also don't turn him into somebody else in your head, you know, some ideal, perfect person, because that only breeds self-loathing and let down. Hm, I'm probably just projecting all my own mistakes on to you lol xD Just don't be scared and don't stress out! Easier said than done, I know x)

It must be finals time for you right now, or soon? How's that going? Are you going to have a big dance competition at the end of the school year too?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh my god it is so good this season <3 I have two more episodes left, which are going to have to wait until after I write my exam on Thursday, but I love it! You're right, Nikki and Poussey are hot af. And I absolutely hate Vee, oh my god she can die in a hole now thnx! xD Also, I am actually starting to like Piper now, last season I thought she was just way too whiney and annoying, but this season I find that she has been better. But Alex! Ahh, I am scared for her.. You probably know what happens but I am so excited to see how everything with Cooper goes down.

Ooh, yeah! That is probably it, although I much prefer the beaver explanation as well :p And yes! The workshops were kind of like a mock audition which was super cool and then later that week we danced on the main stage in Downtown Disney. You know the one right outside of the chocolate shop and stuff? Yeah, it was an amazing experience and we actually drew quite the crowd which was awesome.

I actually kind of like that idea, of letting myself totally go and be at the whim of some external force. It sounds exhilarating. I know that this summer I am going to do a lot of stuff that will put me in this kind of situation, not anything dangerous, just things that are out of my comfort zone. Honestly, I think that the outcome of this summer is going to be me as an entirely different person. I can't wait!! Tell me, what was the most rebellious thing you ever did in high school?

I like that last one: People who don't know how much they are loved. I know for a fact that I am this type of person, and it bugs me that I literally can't except the fact that people actually like me with no kind of ulterior motive. Like, even when people tell me constantly how much they love me I still have the hardest time believing that they aren't just trying to get something out of me. It's sad and I wish I could change it about myself but I can't. But can you really blame me for feeling that way? I mean, people are naturally very greedy, it is human nature, so I think I have a right to be wary about peoples motivations, right?

Dude, there is no stereotype about it. We're all fucking great. #lies #Iamlying #don'tbelieveme XD Haha, no but actually most people around here are really polite, but there is a fine line between "polite" and "nice", and most people are not the latter. What do Canadians think of Americans? Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I go based on my own judgement which is that the Americans I have met have all been, for the most part, nice. There was some people who were kinda rude to me, but I know rude Canadians too so whatever.

Things with the boy are going pretty well, I think. We hung out last Saturday and I just got home from his house, hehe. But I honestly have to say, I don't know what I am getting myself into at all... like I don't think he intends on exactly dating me. But he is super sweet and we get along really well, plus he is really cute and totally okay with my sexuality. And he calls me sweetheart, like all the time and it is fucking adorable. Ahaha, thanks for the advice, doll! And just so you know, he is the one doing most of the pursuing, he almost always texts me first unless we're talking really late and I fall asleep and text him the next morning to apologize. I honestly think that this is going to be a good thing, though. Like I really do believe that because he is constantly telling me about how much fun we're going to have this summer and that we're gonna do all this shit and it is going to be great! Anyways, I'll stop now :p Haha, so what was it you wanted to tell me??

Finals can suck it. Gah! I am so frustrated DX My exam is this coming Thursday and I still haven't really studied and I am very, very nervous :( As for dance, no we are finished! The new season started two weeks ago and I am soooooo excited XD I get to do a trio with my best friend and another girl who we are both really close with and it is gonna be so awesome! XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Yeah I was thinking the same thing, that Piper was much more chill and likeable this season. I won't say anything about anything until you're done!! Man, I just inhaled the second season, I really should have spread it out more ahaha.

Wow you guys danced there?? That must have been so cool! When was that?

Nice, go for it girl x) What is it that you're going to do this summer? Did I already mention my brother's wilderness trip he's going on this summer? He'll be out mountain climbing and kayaking for a whole month with a group that's organized through this company called NOLs. He'll actually turn 18 while he's on the trip. He's really stoked to take pictures during his trip with this water proof camera I bought him x) I think I might do the trip next summer if I can! The most rebellious thing I did in high school huh? Hmm, well there are somethings, like being intimate with another girl, that some people might consider rebellious lol, but isn't really x) Idk, I drank, but it wasn't a big deal. I never smoked pot or did anything like, destructive X) Oh, I know, haha xD I got a tattoo secretly after my parents were like yeah no, don't do that. They know now and I didn't get in trouble so I don't know if it counts as rebellious or not heh. I got it when I turned 20. It's small, just black ink, a lotus mandala design. What about you? What's the most rebellious thing you did or plan to do? >D

Haha, I definitely get that, being wary of people genuinely liking you and thinking hmm, why do they really want to invite me to do this thing? x) It's true that we're all pretty selfish, and when someone who you consider a loved one does something hurtful, even small scale, it can make you wary of other people in the future. I think that's why all those cliche sayings about "loving yourself first" exist though. If you're unsatisfied with yourself or you don't like yourself, it might manifest into some unconscious doubts about whether you're a lovable person. If you don't think highly of yourself, you won't think other people do either. Definitely not saying that all people who are wary of other people's affections are self hating though!! But it could be a little part of it. It's probably a mix of a bunch of things, including dealing with assholes in the past xD I'm right there with you, it seems like I need constant reassurance that the people around me do in fact like me around and aren't just putting up with me. The worst thing is when I try to anticipate them getting bored of me and so I cut them off first. That is really not good. I do think that having good friends and being around good people is healing though! That and taking time for yourself too.

Well so far all the Canadians I've talked to have been fucking great xD Am I getting a skewed sample?? Speaking of Canadian stereotypes, do you watch hockey? Did you watch the Stanley Cup Finals? I've been watching World Cup Soccer the past couple days non stop pretty much x)

That the sweetest, cutest thing ever!! xD I'm so happy for you! Sounds like it's going great. Having a constant text conversation with someone you're crushing on, staying up late to get their reply, it's so exciting x)

But at least you're almost done! Best of luck on your final :* Oh that's pretty sweet, getting to do a dance with your best friend! What's the routine like?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yes! I am done! Holy cow XD That was insanity, and I loved it!! Shit really came down, huh? I’m so happy that Vee is dead, or presumably dead... she was hit by a car so I’m gonna assume that she’s dead. And also, Piper! WTF, haha, I can’t believe she ratted Alex out. And then Larry and Polly! I’m actually glad that Larry is out of the picture and Piper and Alex can just be together because I love them, but still! Haha, yeah it was just a really awesome season.

It was so cool! It had to have been four or five years ago now... oh man it doesn't seem like that long ago! Wowie...

Woah! That sounds like such a cool trip, I bet he'll have so much fun. And oh shit! Little Miss Rebellious over here :D You got a tattoo behind your parents back? Dude, that's fucking mint. I respect you for that. Aha, I want one really badly but my parents already said that if I wanted to get one for my birthday next year I could so I won't have to do it behind their backs. The most "rebellious" thing I've ever done was with a boy, and I also lie to my parents a lot. The most rebellious thing I plan on doing... well lots. It kinda ties in with "what I'm going to do this summer" and the answer is everything. I've finally met people who actually accept me for me and it is so fucking nice not to have to tiptoe around them and just do what I wanna do. I know there is a lot of shit planned out for this summer, like parties, road trips, etc. ‘Tis going to be great!

It’s the worse when someone you care for does something that breaks your heart. So I do very much agree with the “love yourself first” thing, even though it is so hard not to depend on other people and I am doing a very poor job at it. I also like that bit about how you view yourself can affect how others treat you and how you accept affection from other people. It makes sense that if you have doubts about yourself and how lovable you are then you would be wary of other peoples intentions. I think that might be half my problem, because try as I might sometimes it is very hard to see all good, all the time. As for anticipating people getting bored of you, while when that happens to me I don’t push others away I do things that I think will make them not bored of me. Which is equally not as good, depending on the situation. As for being around people to heal, I find it easier to deal with stuff when I am around other people. When I’m alone I tend to overthink things and I end up making a small problem bigger and bigger until it feels insurmountable.

*Flips hair* Thanks ;) And haha, no I don’t watch Hockey!! But where I live there is this lake and the year that the Pens won (I’m pretty sure it was the Pens, don’t hold it to me ‘cause I may be wrong) Sidney Crosby skidooed around the lake with the cup, so that was cool. Soccer, huh? Well that sounds fun! What team is winning?

He makes me really happy :) And he is so fucking cute oh my god! Like to be perfectly honest I am texting him right now and all I want is to go jump in his bed with him and cuddle and watch movies and cuddle and talk and cuddle. Mostly I just want to cuddle him. Okay, I am done... he is perfect.

I’M DONE, I AM DONE, GRADE 10 YOU CAN SUCK IT BECAUSE FUCK YOU I AM DONE AND IT IS SUMMER AND YES! - Me coming out of my exam today. Damn, I am so happy that it’s over with! I am totally ready to just sleep for a solid two months xD And yes! It is going to be so great. We haven't started the routine yet but I do know that it is going to be Fosse style and involve umbrellas so that is cool! Oh, and oh my god, guess what!!! We got the cast list back for Nutcracker and I got the Arabian lead!!! I am so pumped XD

Edit: I am working on your post now, but I may not get it up until next week sometime! I'm going to be away from the house until tuesday night for the most part, but I'll get it done ASAP :*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Man I can't wait for the next season lol x) I should have spread out the second season more, but oh well. I bet when Alex finds out that Piper got her back in prison she is gonna be really pissed heh.

Ahaha! xD Little Miss Rebellious, that's me xD Honestly it doesn't seem like a big deal now though x) I had to fess up to them before they saw me in my bathing suit and spotted it anyway lol! What kind of tattoo would you get? I agonized over what I wanted forever. Yay, I love summer. Sounds like you're going to have a blast!

Ugh, yeah overthinking is the worst isn't it? Luckily my stress levels are wayyy low these days. Must be the sunshine x) And the no school lol. I've been working on some art projects that I never had time for during the school year, like watercoloring. I'll make another art thread and post some of my ink and watercolor sketches when I get a chance!

Yeah soccer! World Cup Fifa soccer hosted in Brazil!! I loooove it, I'm cheering for the US so hard xD We beat Ghana last week, who we've always lost to in the past, it was so exciting. We tied with Portugal which sucked and on Thursday we play Germany and they're probably gonna kill us but I'll still cheer us on anyways x) I don't have cable, but I have an xbox and I managed to figure out how to stream the games live on my tv through an ESPN app by putting in my parents Time Warner Cable password, which they pay for mwahaha - cheating the system >D Simon and hi roommates come to watch the games because they don't have cable either. Who needs it?? As for what team is winning, it's still too early to have a clear winner yet, but US is still in the running.

Aw that's precious! Do you think you guys will eventually start dating?

Yay for being done! :D You go the Arabian lead for the Nutcracker? Congradualtions, that's awesome! I saw the Nutcracker when I was in middle school at some fancy theater in Ohio, and I remember being totally enchanted by it.

And no rush on the post or anything, I know you've just finished school and want to relax for a chance! It's weird cuz I know for me personally, sometimes when I suddenly have a lot of free time, I don't want to actually do anything haha xD

Edit: Oh yeah, what did you think of the Game of Thrones season finale??

Another Edit: Oh I totally forgot to tell you that thing I wanted to mention before lol, it's not even a big deal really I just got a promotion of sorts at work, so I'll be doing more managerial type work, not that noteworthy really. Ironically I'll have more free time on my hands because I work fewer shifts for longer amounts of time. So yeah, now I can waste even more time online lol. I tried to start some more rp's but no one is as good as you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I know right xD I should have waited until after exams... But I agree, she totally will find out. But I don't think it was a completely selfish thing that Piper did, I think that part of it was that, yes she wanted Alex to stay close but also she wanted her to be safe and she wasn't going to be outside of prison.

Haha, well it's still freaking awesome! Stick it to the man :P Oh, and I am getting one on the arch of my foot that says "And so she danced..." I think it'll be really nice and it holds a lot of meaning for me. How long did it take you to settle on one idea? Because I pretty much knew exactly what I wanted as soon as I started thinking about it!

Ugh, lucky you! I have had such anxiety this past week, my parents freaked out because I ended up going to my friends house for like three days straight and apparently didn't tell them (I did, they just don't listen to me), so they got super mad at me and it was awful. D: But they're over it now, and they let me go over to Josh's today so that was all good. And that is so cool about the watercolours. Please, please, please share! I absolutely love watercolours. Is there anything big that you are working on, or just a few little pieces here and there?

Woohoo! That sounds great, I wish I were big into sports like that :p I bet you'd be big into a sport like Rugby or something, huh? Have you ever tried it?

I hope! I didn't tell him that but he knows. Today we were in his kitchen talking to his dad and he was saying how he would rather cook then do dishes and I was the opposite and his dad started laughing and was like "This is why you guys would make a good couple!" Haha, his dad is so great. Then while we were cuddling he said that he planned on being around for awhile and also said something about us being a couple. Idk, it doesn't feel like we're just friends, like at all, and there is definitely potential there. Oh and then on friday we hung out with some of his friends and I was really nervous that he wouldn't want them to know that there was something between us but I ended up sitting on his knee the whole night stealing little kisses and holding his hand. It was so fucking adorable. Gah! I could go on forever but I'll just keep it at that... for now :p

Thank you :) I'm really excited! And yeah, I love the show. Did you see it danced as a ballet? Ours is a little untraditional because it incorporates different styles and is kind of like a response to the original version more so then a copy of it. Have you seen any other ballets?

Haha, thanks! I am going to try and get it finished up tonight but I am home all day tomorrow too so it will definitely be up by then!

HOLY COW IT WAS SO GREAT!! I don't want it to be done... and you were right about The Hound. Haha, as soon as that happened I was like "Yep, yep... she was tots right" :D What was your favourite part?

Ooh, yay!! Congrats on that :D And more time on the internet is always a good thing. I know, I'm perfect I mean, awww! Thanks, hun :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Yeah, that's true, she could tell that Alex was genuinely scared, which is so unlike her, so it was kind of like a last ditch effort to protect her. I still think it will take some time for Alex to come around to that idea and at first she'll just be like why the fuck did you that. Of course, me and all the fans are like yay go back to prison!! xD

Ohhh I love that idea for your tattoo! That's perfect! Heh it took me a million years to figure out exactly what I wanted #commitment_issues. Actually I knew where I wanted it before I finally settled on the design. I really like your idea for yours, it's so authentic and I like that you seemed to have started with something meaningful and then decided how to get it tattooed, whereas for me, to be totally honest, I fell in love with the idea of getting a tattoo and then sought out something meaningful lol x) Yes I'd be glad to show my watercolors! I love showing off ha xD They're just little pieces here and there like you said, in a little sketchbook. I make a pen sketch of something first, just random things like buildings on campus or downtown or the lake near my apartment, and even of a register at work xD and then I add some color to it. It's all to keep me drawing over the summer, for practice. I really like looking through artists' travel notebooks because they're like visual diaries. I want it to end up becoming something like that for my summer "adventures," which are really just me wandering around Raleigh lol.

Goddamn it, Germany x) They didn't crush us like we thought they might, but they did beat us 1-0. Luckily we did well enough that it doesn't matter and the US is still advancing to the next round, with 15 other countries, so all is well. Haha, I've watched rugby a couple times, it is pretty interesting! I don't get it at all, but I feel like I could get into it. It's very European. My college doesn't have a rugby team, but I think there might be a club sport. I like college American football, but really only if my school is playing xD Once I graduate, I won't keep up with it. Soccer tho <3<3<3

That's so cute! Aw his dad's encouragement, that is so sweet x)

Yeah it was a ballet! I've only seen two other ballets, one was Cinderella and the other was a really surreal interpretation of Snow White, but I can't remember the title. You must have seen a ton, what were your favorites?

Hey no worries, post whenever you can :) I gotta hit the hay soon anyways because I start work early tomorrow.

The Hound Dx It was such a complicated mix of emotions. I thought he would go out in a blaze of fire, not pitifully begging someone to kill him. I wonder if he really died.. We didn't actually see it. This didn't happen in the finale but omg when Egret died Dx And she said remember that cave, I wish we'd never left, or something like that and I just DX Someone'd already told me she was going to die an it was still heart wrenching. And unexpected too, I thought it would be one of Jon Snow's many rivals that would kill her but it was just that little boy, doing what Sam told him to do DX My favorite part of the finale was when Arya met Brienne and you could see that both of them were impressed and pleased to find another female fighter.

Thanks! :D And you're welcome x) Although tbh it's giving me some difficultly because I've become wayyyyy pickier about choosing partners. Maybe I should be annoyed x)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Exactly! I think that Alex will end up putting two and two together and then she is going to be pissed for awhile and then realize that it is best for her, at least for the time being. I am happy that she is going back!! I ship her and Piper so hard... :D

Thank you very much!! I am also getting the Om symbol behind my ear! That one is also dance related because we use it as the symbol for the elite group I dance with, so it will kind of represent family more then just dance. Yay! I can't wait to see them. I think it is such a wonderful idea to keep a sketchbook like that, it'll make it that much better years from now when you go back and look at them and relive the moment through a drawing. I like it. Do you ever draw people? Or just places/things?

That Germany! Haha, good thing that you guys advanced on though :) And yeah! Rugby is really big out here, too. My dad plays and so have almost all my cousins at some point. Plus it is the sport to play at my high school, we don't even have a football team, just a rugby one. Personally I'm more into rugby and soccer (soccer players <3) over football but I can still watch it. What are some of your other favourite sports?

Hehe, it was great! And then later that day I was sitting on his bed while he got his resume ready to take out and he had to change so I was like "I think that's my cue to leave" because his dad was in the other room so yeah and I went down into the kitchen and all the sudden I hear his dad yell down the hall "He's wearing cute underwear!" which I already knew but it was still pretty funny. I am actually so sorry for going on and on about this but holy hell <3

Not a ton! But I've seen The Nutcracker, and multiple different showcases from different companies my favourite type of ballet to watch is contemporary ballet and just watching them dance even without a story is mesmerizing. But my all time favourite I have ever seen would be Romeo and Juliet. It was phenomenal and I am a huge fan of Shakespeare so I was in awe. I feel like Cinderella would be cool, and a surreal interpretation of Snow White sounds absolutely amazing!! I am kinda jealous honestly.

Okie, same here actually because I didn't sleep until 3 last night and then I got up at 8... so I'm not exactly entirely present atm :p

I know, honestly I was sad to see him go. Near the end I was really starting to like him. And oh my goodness, that was awful! I cried during that part because I had always harboured a secret hope that those two would somehow find their way back to each other, but apparently not... :( And when she said that about the cave! Oh man I was so done... D: I liked the part with Arya and Brienne too, but honestly I don't like Brienne... I don't know why she is just too good, her intentions are too pure and I think that's going to change really soon. I'd say my favourite part was when The Hound died, because it was just so sad and unexpected.

I know what you mean! Haha, I expect everyone I roleplay with to be able to post like 3000 word posts and to have a crazy amount of talent when it comes to writing (and by crazy amount I mean way above average! :* ) So I get ya... #I'm_annoyed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Me too, I really want them to end up together ^^ Larry can gtfo XD

Yeah you really do relive a moment when you look back over a drawing, the Dean even talked about that in one of his lectures when he was telling us how important it is as designer/artists to be constantly sketching. It's like when you doodle in your notebook in class and end up actually taking in more of the lecture than if you were just sitting there day dreaming. When you sketch something, you end up taking in all the details of your surroundings. It's so zen! haha xD I don't really ever draw people, unless they happen to be sitting the scene x) Some of my lecture classes have been like 400 students in an auditorium and I have sketched peoples profiles and the backs of their heads like a weirdo x) But yeah, mostly places and things.

Woah that's cool that your dad plays rugby! My dad plays golf, pfffftt boooring haha xD He drags my brother off to play too and tries to bribe me to go and I tell him I will if they rent a golf cart and I get to drive it, but he prefers to walk x) That is so funny, I had no idea rugby was a thing in Canada. My high school definitely didn't have a rugby team. Into rugby and soccer (players) huh xD Yeah me too #every_player_on_the_US_womens_national_team haha. Apart from soccer and college football, I really like watching hockey x) Me, my dad, and my brother are Carolina Hurricane fans and since they're based in Raleigh, we go see them play all the time. Basically all the players on the team are from Canada xD

Hahahaha "He's wearing cute underwear!" His dad sounds hilarious xD Wait, how did you already know??

Ooo Romea and Juliet sounds like it would be great. Hey did you ever get a chance to watch Black Swan btw?

Heh, I kinda feel the same way, there's something about Brienne that kind of, idk, puts me off. Although I liked her more in the recent episodes. It's true that she's almost too good. It seems like most Game of Thrones characters have something to hate and love about them and it makes them so much more interesting. Ohhh I did not like when Sansa lied for Little Finger about him killing her insane aunt. She should of just ratted him out and gotten rid of that motherfucka D<

Lol, we can be annoyed at how awesome we are together xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Eek! I'm sorry 'bout that.. I must have hit something on the keyboard by mistake. Haha

Exactly! Screw you, Larry!

I think I should start drawing, or at least doodle more! The way you're talking about it makes it seem so relaxing. I really want to see some of your work!! Man, you just are so passionate about it. I love, love, love listening to people talk about things they are interested in because, even through a computer screen, you can tell just how happy it makes you! :D

Yeah! He is the oldest member in the club and every year he says that he is going to quite.... but he never does :p But golf is cool! And actually really hard... I've played it a couple times and it actually takes a lot of skill!! Although, if I were to actually go golfing there is no way I wouldn't get a cart! What is he thinking?! ;) Yeah! It is, or at least around here it is. And I prefer soccer players to rugby players but they're still a close second! All of these are after dancers, of course :p Hehe, Go Canada! That's funny, I like it!

His dad is hilarious! I like his parents a lot because it isn't awkward around them. Like we'll be hanging around his dad and Josh will just like hug me and kiss me and all of that and his dad will just be like "aww so cute" where as the one time I kissed him in front of my parents they freaked out and were all weird. I feel more couple-y when I'm around his parents and around mine I just feel all awkward and first date-y. And oh... yeah... they were red with a blue elastic... hehe x)

It was! The man dancing Mercutio was my favourite XD Ooh! Yes, I actually did and was it ever fucked up! I watched it with Josh and before the movie even started I was like "you best not touch me boy, I actually want to watch this one!" so we basically spent the entire time psychoanalyzing the shit out of it and holy hell... the only way I can describe it is just super fucked up!

Idk why I just can't get into her character at all.. I kinda hope she dies soon. Maybe it's because of my tendency to lean towards bad characters. Like I honestly didn't want Joffrey to die at all. I hated him, but I loved him at the same time! Weird, right? As for Sansa and Little Finger... *shudders* ew ew ew ew ew with a side of motherfucking EW! That's all I have to say about that D:

I like that idea! <3 Hahaha
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red
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Haha, it's cool, no worries!

Hehe, you're right, it does make me happy x) Stuff like that gets me out of my head and I get really absorbed in it! The best is when I'm drawing on campus and someone stops by to watch me for a bit and then it usually strikes up a good conversation (lol although it makes me a little anxious to have someone watching when I first start, I'd rather be well into it x)) You should totally try it, just draw anything, draw from real life rather than photos, and draw with a pen so you don't worry about erasing and your lines will get more and more confident.

Ikr, it's too hot to walk plus I want to see how fast the golf carts go x) Yeah, golf is hard man! I'll stick to mini golf lol. Heh, yeah, soccer players are the hottest, I must agree with you there *flips hair* xD That's pretty impressive of your dad, because I mean it seems like rugby really tears you up! Football players smash into each other but they wear a ton of padding and rugby players don't wear any protective gear, right? I just remembered that my dad used to be on a baseball team on the military base with some of his coworkers. Now that is a boring sport to watch imo xD

Aw that's sweet that his parents make it comfortable for you guys to be affectionate ^^ Red with blue elastic, huh x)

Yeah, it's pretty messed up alright. Just thinking about it makes me tense lol.

She'll probably die, since that seems to be the trend in Game of Thrones. Oh wait, that's only for the ones we fall in love with Dx Tyrion, don't diieeee. Yeah, I honestly wanted Joffrey to die in the most painful way possible, so not complaining about that one. Egretttttt tho *cries* Dx Simon texted me after asking if I'd seen it and was like "why do they kill the hot ones, why." I guess, even though I liked her and Jon together, they never would have been able to make it work. It was a Romeo and Juliette romance, so it had to end tragically Dx
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I love things like that, that just take you away from reality for a little while. It's so peaceful. That's kind of how I feel while I'm dancing. I think I maybe will, and I like your suggestion with the pen! I'm such a perfectionist that I'd probably end up drawing and re-drawing everything instead of just going with the flow. Have you ever considered teaching this type of thing? I feel like you would be a good art teacher of sorts, or like a camp counsellor.

I bet they can go really fast.... man now I kind of want to go race golf carts! I agree, soccer players are pretty great <3 Although, dancers man! We're all pretty great too :p Oh my god it does... that's why I don't play. He's had bones broken in his face, fingers, I think he dislocated his shoulder once and there was some other stuff too and he's only been playing for three or four years. I know people who have had their ears almost completely ripped off and all this gross shit. I don't know why they would want to do that, probably just for the rush or something. Ugh! Baseball... you're right that is a painful sport to watch D: How long did he do that for?

Hehe, yeah it's pretty great! I really like him... :) But he keeps telling me that he can't get close to people because he always ends up hurting them and he knows that I cut and all that shit so he's extra cautious and that makes me sad because I would rather him get close and then us break up and still be friends (because we will always be friends, no matter what happens. We aren't the type of people that would do something so horrible that we'd just stop speaking) then not be close at all. That's what would kill me.

*Shudders* Blech!! But I actually did really like it, and I almost related to it in a way...

IF TYRION DIES I WILL STOP WATCHING THE SHOW.. Kay that's a lie but still! I would not be happy at all. DX As for Egret, man that actually made me so sad :'( I mean, I knew they couldn't be together but it still hurt my heart to watch!!

I am so so so so so so so so so sorry that post took so long :( I've been having major writers block recently and just couldn't find it in me until tonight.
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