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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The elder's pale limbs unconsciously tightened around the wooden frame in which he had been residing in for the past Twenty-four minutes and fifteen seconds: all he could do was peer at the swaying crescendo of drunken teens which clung to one another as if their life depended on it. Lights were flashing, music was thumping but best of all was the sticky substance which clung to their naked, exposed flesh as if a constant reminder of how the pureblood would bathe in ecstasy, on how he’d bury his fangs into just about any one of the walking blood bags. Then again, the party wasn’t for him now was it; it was an excellent opportunity to teach the newborn control and although he had made exceptional progress chances of failure was guaranteed.

“You look at me as if you are preparing to disown me brother, like you have been blinded and forced to see the truth, a truth you’d much rather forget and you’re right. You are better off forgetting or not meddling so how about you keep your distance when it comes to my past and wrongdoings, and I’ll return the favor when needed.” The elder brother finally said to the awkward teen which had parked his ass beside him in constant fear of social interaction. “With that said, you’ve come far since the start of this year. You’ve got friends; you’ve even gotten some experience when it comes to love affairs, or should I say crushes so why don’t you jump into it? Just keep away from feeding on drunk teens, I don’t want a repeat of that incident in September 1967.” Yuji heaved a sigh, every fiber in his body telling him to pin his beloved brother to the stone-cold floor and hope reality hit him smack in the face. Or better yet pray that he forgot the burdens he shouldered, even for a single night. “Fine, but you know I worry about you. Besides your reign of terror is your way of burying yourself in guilt isn’t it? To forget? At least try and be nice? Please? ” The male closed his eyes, waiting patiently for the courage the rambling teen had momentarily gathered to ebb off, and right he was for not long after Yuji sighed deeply, his eyes darting around the room in a desperate attempt to advert his gaze. Worry lacing his flawless features. “I appreciate your concern, and I’m sorry for going off on you earlier. I have a lot on my mind and if I at least knew you had friends there would be less to worry about.” The elder male grunted as the aching burned his throat like acid, seemingly not intending to let him be: His hunger had subsided, however his thirst hadn’t and each moment of clearly seem to be one he’d much rather be without. “Now go have some fun, I need to find and pay attention to my newborn because tonight is a great opportunity.” The flickering disco lights gently tapped against the young teen’s face, making the incredibly sensitive boy light-headed as he barely registered the fact that it felt as if all of the blood was rushing from his head, all the way down to his feet. “Yuji?!” Everything had been blotted out and the shy teens vision had been swarmed by little black dots by thoughts of socializing alone and yet he rose to his feet in an attempt to do as told.

Taking a deep breath the nervous teen hummed in a long forgotten language as she reached for the handle which turned easily, cold air immediately enveloping her body as the door begrudgingly creaked open and a stale odor flared through her nostrils. Cautiously stepping into the room with a crooked but pleasant smile spreading across her weary features Aimi allowed her wobbly limbs to carry her across the wooden surface, her trembling fingers tugging at her soon to be “too small shirt” which fell in folds around her tiny baby bump as she peered at herself in the mirror.

Her hair was golden and it flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a sparkling, ocean-blue. To any man she would be considered beautiful but all Aimi could see was her ever changing frame in which was littered with imperfections and shame: a slightly swollen body, her well-endowed breasts which seemed out of place on the girl’s small and youthful frame, all evidence of their latest misdeeds. “I do wonder how on god’s green earth this will unfold…” Minutes passed while the teen studied herself in the bathroom mirror, an unrecognizable figure peering back at her before reality dawned on her: She had upped and left, giving Terra a terrible excuse of nausea. All because she knew what came next, he was leaving her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkdreamer253


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The room was crowded more than he remembered at parties. He'd been to parties before, sneaking in to teen parties just to prove something or get in a fight. Still, he didn't remember such big crowds. Of course, it had been loud at the parties and he'd bump into people occasionally, so he'd assumed they were pretty crowded since he couldn't see, but now that he could see all the people, it was too crowded. The room was packed full and he didn't like it, not only because he could see the people now, but because of the growing thirst as he sat in the crowded room of humans. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to the thirst that kept coming back. He stayed in the back of the room against the wall, but his eyes kept moving to Yuu. He knew Yuu wanted him to find someone to feed on tonight, but he was still shaken over the student he'd killed during class before. Something else was bothering him as well, what Yuu had told him earlier(I assume you PMed Wonder this, but you had Yuu whisper in Kai's ear at one point and never told anyone what he said). It was jumbling all his emotions and now he was just frustrated by everything. He wore a scowl as he kept thinking about it, still looking back to Yuu every once in awhile.


Shiru had decided to stay clear of the party. He didn't want anything to do with it really, but he did want to support his brother with what he was going through. It was his fault he was turned anyway, having asked the brothers in a desperate plea to save him. At the time, he thought Kai was his only family, and after what he'd done to the rest of their family, he couldn't let him go. But now he knew about Lin as well, the sister he'd forgotten. He was trying to remember, but he'd locked the memories away and now getting them back was a struggle. Still, he was more worried about his brother than his sister right now, but he didn't really like parties, so he just sat outside, wondering when it would be over.


Armony got to the party a little late, now pushing her way through the crowded room looking for Yuji. Once she found him, she brightened up and her smile grew. She went over to him and spoke," Hey, Yuji, enjoying yourself?"

Ange was outside the door of the party, thinking about going in. She wasn't sure what Yuu would say to her, but it probably wouldn't be good. Every time it seemed she was getting close to him, he got angry and tried to push her further away. Still, she had to do something. Perhaps talking to him in such a big crowd would get him to actually talk a bit more. She took a deep breathe and opened the door, the hot air pouring out and the smell of liquor making her nauseous. She entered and closed the door, staying near the front of the room for now, wanting to work up enough courage to go over and talk to Yuu.


Terra was packing. He was packing his bags and he was going to leave. Aimi hadn't argued, why would she after what she heard about him? She'd simply told him she had some nausea and left. He didn't expect her to say goodbye or stop him. He didn't want her to. Still, he did care for her deeply and if he could, he would stay, but he didn't want to risk it. He didn't want to end up hurting her or their child. He would never want to hurt her. Not the him now. But that's not what he was worried about. He was worried about his past life, the one he'd forgotten. If that person surfaced again, would he hurt her? He wouldn't take the chance, so now his nags were packed and he was ready to leave. One last goodbye and then she'd be gone. It wasn't likely he'd see her again, but that was a good thing, wasn't it? If e saw her again, he might not be the same person. He knocked on her door, waiting for her to answer for their goodbye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Piece by piece the vampire’s composure in which he once held slowly withered away and for mere seconds the popular teen morphed into that of a raving mad man before a smile was once more plastered onto his devilish attractive face. All while the young newborn hormonal mess unintentionally spilled over, allowing the intrusive sensation to demand his constant attention. “That kid will be the death of me, and my restraint.” The elder mumbled to himself, decades of experience proving that he had much to learn: the bond of a second-gen for starters. “Kai.. ” Seeming to appear out of thin air Yuu shifted uncomfortable by the newborns side, his warm breath gently brushing against his cheek. “Your mind is racing, just calm down and follow your instincts. You’ve already mastered the art of feeding on a loved one so this shouldn’t be much of a difference. Just close your eyes, let your mind wander and rely on your senses to find a victim of your choosing. ” The dominating male said teasingly, his gaze falling upon a familiar face on the other side of the room. The girl whom knew his deepest, darkest secrets and against all human nature wished to help: Ange.

A shiver ran down the younger’s spine as a familiar voice uttered his name, causing the mess of a boy to whirl around: a rosy hue tainting his cheeks. “H-Hey… I-I lost you in class. You here with a… erm… you know, d-date?” The teen asked awkwardly.

The gentle tapp on the sturdy, wooden frame sent yet another panicked expression across Aimi’s shivering frame. Why was he leaving her? In her waking moments the love of her life, her childhood friend had changed and she had accepted him. She had even been released from her master’s shackles and gained a new father, not that she had accepted this but perhaps that was the issue? Maybe Terra was sick of it all, or maybe he was just as afraid as herself? “No, because if I come out you’re going to leave. You don’t have to be scared, I will be here for you, I’ve got this.” She mumbled, not sure if he heard her nervous ramble of lies, she certainly didn’t have this figured out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkdreamer253


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


He heard her mumbled words through the door, trying to tell him ti was okay, but he knew it wasn't. Not as long as this past lingered over him. "Aimi... I don't want to leave, but... I don't even know who I am anymore and that's not alright. I don't want to e that abusive, sadistic person, but what that person's still there, hiding under the person I think I am? I can't let him hurt you... I won't let myself hurt you. That's why I'm saying goodbye... I'm sorry. Please, I just need to see you one more time. Open the door?"


Yuu was close, so close he could feel his breath on his cheek. It made everything in his mind race even more being that close to him. However, what Yuu said to him had him taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. His eyes were closed and that cleared his head more. He felt better in the darkness, having lived with it his whole life. The party didn't seem as bad and the music and people were easier to block out. Kai did as he said, letting his mind wander, which made it easier to smell the blood of people around him. Most of the people smelled like alcohol and it was disgusting, but there were some that weren't drunk, including one just sitting against the wall, like he was. He looked over to the girl there. She looked bored. She seemed like a good target. He was never good at talking to people, but he let out a sigh and went over. He tried not to look angry like he usually did, but he knew he probably still did. He pushed through the crowd and got to her, trying to talk to her over the crowd," Hey, you look bored. Do you want to go somewhere else?" It was all Kai could think of to say and the girl looked at him like he was the weirdest person she'd met.

"Sure, anywhere's better than here," she finally answered with a shrug. Kai was a bit surprised that she'd just agreed, but he was able to leave with her. Once they were out of the room with the party, she looked back to him and asked," So, where exactly did you have in mind, mystery boy?" "It's Kai," he answered," And I was hoping we could go somewhere private." "Really, you get to the point fast," she raised any eyebrow," Didn't take you as the kind of guy who only thinks with his dick by the angry look on your face when you first came up to me. I'm not interested." Her hand went to the door knob, but Kai blocked her way. "I don't want that," Kai said," There was something else I had in mind." "Like what?" She asked this with a scoff. "Why don't you find out?" He grabbed her hand and started to lead her away from the party. She followed, mostly because she was interested now. She always went for guy with an air of mystery.

He took her into the next hall. No one was down this way since almost everyone was either in their rooms or at the party. He stopped there, pushing the girl up to the wall. He didn't want her to struggle, so he knocked her out. Once he did, he bit her and drank. It was hard to stop, the blood tasting so good, but he managed to pull away from her once he got what he needed, healing the wound after. He left her there after that, knowing that people would just think she had too much to drink or partied too hard. He looked back to the room where the party was. The thought of going back in there didn't appeal to him. Sure, he used to go to parties just to get in trouble when he was blind, but it was different now. The crowd felt suffocating when he could actually see how many people there were and he wasn't sure he could face Yuu again. His thoughts were still a bit mottled because of him. He instead just sat outside in the hall for now, not wanting to go back in just yet.


"Of course I am," she laughed a bit," We decided we were coming together earlier, remember? You are my date."


She had noticed Yuu look over to her and looked away. She wasn't sure he even wanted to see her, but she didn't leave the party. She just needed to wait to get the confidence to actually talk to him or she'd just have to find the courage if he came over to her. She still wasn't completely sure what she even should say. After accidentally seeing his memories and everything else that had happened, what could she say to him? She started to think it wasn't a good idea to talk with him as she thought about it more, but she didn't turn away. This was something she felt she had to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With trembling hands the young hellhound hesitated as she unlocked the door, knowing that once she did Terra would finally get to her, get to her and say goodbye. “You don’t want to hurt me and I get that, if anyone dies around me chances are you might be the next one should our child find the death to be in his or her interest to save, so yes you running away from me is probably the safest. And yet, and yet….” Aimi refused to look at the love of her life; instead she glued her eyes to the far end of the wall: her gaze never faltering. If she acknowledged him she’d cry, making this even worse. “I think you’re forgetting the most important part here, yes your past is terrifying but newsflash so is mine. Besides I know how to take a beating, remember? You harm me even further by leaving me; if you felt even a fraction like this when I left you I promise you I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I truly am sorry, now I beg you from the bottom of my heart, beat me, hurt me, torture me, mentally abuse me all you’d like but please don’t leave me. You’re all that I have and I love you. Terra please don’t leave me, don’t abandon…. whatever it is we have, I can’t do this without you. Even with a new `father’.”

Vampires or purebloods were essentially all the same, roaming the land in search for innocents to slaughters, seeking nothing but a good lay and the rich essence that coursed through their small and fragile bodies and had anyone asked Yuu would firmly point out that cruelty was second nature not an option. Each and every one of these filthy beings certainly deserved to be beheaded and yet there were those amongst them whom fought their very own nature, fought the urge to find new ways to shed blood, new ways to bathe in a mortals fear. Yet their kin was blessed with what the vermin called mortals had not, respect. Shaking off the nagging feeling of guilt the pureblood lay his eyes on a potential victim, though not for slaughter the elder just couldn’t help but let his mind wander to one of his recent slaughters.

His mutilated remains had been lying unconsciously in the middle of the floor, barely alive he clasped to the remaining life that was so hurriedly ebbing away. He had definitely been breathing, although a miracle had been needed and most likely a transfusion, although delightful it hadn’t been intentional. The demon had simply snuck up on him and had the pureblood known the male was deaf he certainly wouldn’t have, stupid as he was he had attempted to save him even with the knowledge of how it could finally be his downfall. The neck was cut through the skin and nearly down to the vertebrae; if he had continued a second longer his imminent death would have been unavoidable.

“Y-Yuu?” Feeling heated flesh upon his own Yuu looked down to see a pale hand neatly wrapped around his wrist, a pair of baby blues frantically seeking his own. “Um… Do-Do you want to dance? I know you probably don’t want to seeing as you’re….. umm, well, umm you but I figured I had to ask. M-Maybe, just maybe you could. I would totally offer something in return, you know….”The rambling teen had barely managed to capture the elder’s attention which was still on Ange. Their grace and flawless beauty was mesmerizing to mortals as well as certain individuals, at times bordering on insanity but even Kai would soon realize that finding a willing victim was hardly as difficult as stopping yourself. “I don’t give a rats ass about your need for social approval and finding a hot and quite frankly unobtainable guy to accept you so you could feel better about yourself. Truth is if you’re a looser amongst society, you’ll still remain a looser even if I accept you. So instead wander about, stop feeling sorry for yourself or better yet stand up for what you believe in. If you let people walk all over you, you deserve it now piss off.” Turning his back to the now teary eyed teen Yuu wandered off, in search for something better to do. His patience had run out, he was sick of pretending to be something he was not and last but not least his insatiable thirst was making him uncomfortable. Little did it help that his precious second-gen now had the luxury of a warm body. “I better not let him wander to himself for too long…” Mumbling to himself the pureblood hid within the shadows as he stalked his newborn.

“I-I know, but I didn’t think you’d come. Besides… I’m n-not the best of dates. I-I haven’t been on any dates before. Let alone with someone so beautiful and experienced as y-you.” The youngsters cheeks flared a rosy pink as he finally found the courage to be blunt with the girl, he had never had the luxury of crushes and with each glance he cast the male found himself wanting just a little bit more, soon he’d dare to ask.

((Sorry it’s both rushed and sucks…. I have been running from office to office getting the paperwork for my surgery and other chores))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkdreamer253


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


He looked away as he spoke now," You don't have to lie to me, I know you're afraid of me. Why else would you run away like that? Why would you go back to him? And I know you think you can just take the pain, but I can't put you through anymore pain, especially not by my hand. I'd rather die than hurt you, but I can't stay or leave without hurting you and I can't die. At least if I leave, you might forget about me or move on. If I'm here, you'll get hurt. I want to stay, but what if it's not you I hurt? What if it's our child? Or what if I hurt both of you? What if I treat you and her like your master did? I don't want that to happen. Not now, not ever. I know you don't either. So tell me, what do you what me to do?"


"I'm not as experienced as you think," she told him," I can just talk more openly. That doesn't mean I have any more experience than you. Besides, I like you for being you, not for how experienced you are."


As Yuu walked towards the door, she knew she probably wouldn't get a chance to talk if he left. She tried to go up to him, but another girl got to him first and she didn't stop him a second time once he continued for the door again. She wondered if she should follow him out, but thought she'd probably end up making him angry if she did that. She instead stayed in the room asking herself if he was going to come back. She looked to the door and decided to take the risk, leaving the party. She didn't see him in the hallway outside and knew she must have missed her opportunity to speak with him. She would probably have another, but she would have preferred to talk with him sooner.


He started to walk around the halls now, his mind raced with different thoughts again, more about Yuu than anything else. These thoughts were starting to drive him crazy, but he wasn't about to confront Yuu about them. He didn't even really know what to think of them himself. Was he starting to fall in love with Yuu? As soon as the thought came to him, he tried to shake it away, but it was starting to make sense of his jumbled thoughts. He'd never really felt like this towards anyone else and the fact that just the thought of Yuu drove him mad, maybe he was falling in love. He tried to think of another explanation, like maybe it was a side effect of their bond, but that didn't make sense. If it was, Yuu would be effected too, but there was no way that was the case since it didn't seem Yuu was effected. Still, he'd never fallen in love with anyone before, so why now? Why him? There was almost no chance of Yuu loving him back. His fist connected with a wall nearby now, anger starting to take over. He was starting to hate himself for even thinking about it. Why did he have to fall in love with the one person who would probably never want to be with him? His emotions were a mess and it just made the anger grow. Maybe he'd just get over it eventually, they'd go back to friends. Was he just supposed to deal with these feelings until then? He didn't want to think about it anymore and he stopped where he was, sitting down with his back against the wall. He wasn't even completely sure where he was now since he hadn't been paying attention to where he'd been going, his thoughts distracting him. He wondered if he could find his way back to the party, Yuu was probably wondering where he was. He sighed and just sat there, not really wanting to go back as he thought about Yuu again. He wasn't sure he could face Yuu after figuring out what exactly it was about him that was making him crazy. Instead, he stayed there, knowing Yuu would find him if he was really that worried anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The beauty known as Aimi shifted uncomfortably, her skin covered in beads of sweat as her emotions intensified tenfold, threatening to once more spill over. However the young hellhound wasn’t as much angry, as terrified of having the love of her life leave her, to leave her alone with a new father or possibly master and a child. A child she wasn’t sure she wanted, not yet anyways. “You underestimate me Terra, I’m terrified of a lot of things. Such as loosing you, starting a new life without anyone, starting a new life away from Master and with a new father or even having a child but I am not afraid of you. You forget that I’ve been raised in hell, so I can assure you. Whatever you throw at me, I’ve been through it before. But may I just remind you that you stated yourself during our blood contract that you wished to see me at least once a month? You expect me to raise a child on my own, trying to forget you while I have to look at our child every day? Or even face you once a month? Even if I was alright with that I can never deal with losing you. If I lose you I don’t have a reason to stay here….” Aimi hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. Either way surely he’d leave, right? “I ran because I’m afraid of living a life in the unknown. I’ve been taken care of my entire life. He has fed me, pleased me as well as tormented me. I feel as if I’ve been tossed into the unknown as familiarity is ripped away from me. Could you possibly understand what that’s like? And now you wish to leave me with all this responsibility? If you wish to leave, if you don’t care for me I won’t give you a hard time but if you do this to protect me then I’ll hate you for it. By leaving you are creating more problems, please stay… Please…. We have a child on the way, don’t you care?”

“Experience or not you don’t seem to have a hard time with it, you can openly share your views on the matter which is far more than I can do. I’ve barely dared to…. To… you know… kiss women unlike Yuu whom skillfully uses every trick in the book to land a different chick each night. Supposedly he says he doesn’t try, that it comes naturally so I guess Yuu was blessed with all the mojo, or I might have come out wrong. Either way I’ll have to learn… Umm…. Maybe you can… you know…. show me or better yet… teach me?” Had the immortal creature been capable of blushing a pink flush would be coloring his rosy cheeks, instead and thankfully they were as pale as ever.

The youngsters chaotic mind seem to only worsen by each ticking minute, his hormones driving the two of them mad as the teen seem to question his intentions and for a split second Yuu questioned whether or not he ought to reveal his presence to the boy: however thought better of it. Telling the male that the raging hormones which had been intensified ten folds usually calmed down with time, or that questioning reality and its content was perfectly normal was exactly what the pureblood had intended to do, thought this was something he’d be better of learning himself. Who was he to judge, he had a series of questionable deeds throughout his time and only through failing could the youngster learn. “You really should come back to the party, try to enjoy yourself or better yet… See if your brother’s having fun. You might be pleasantly surprised to get your mind of whatever you seem intently on solving. I’ve been running from my own misery for decades now, take it from someone who’ve experienced it the hard way: you can’t escape and eventually it catches up to you so just relax and enjoy. Take some time to get to know yourself… You’ve changed remember? Your body, your hormones as well as your emotions. Learn to live life before making decisions. ” Having stepped out of the shadows, surprising the youngster a smirk playfully crossed the purebloods flawless features, his fangs barely visible as he gazed intently at the figure before him, as if he was a piece of meat. “You’re giving me a headache, and quite frankly I was hoping to find someone to occupy my attention tonight so why don’t you join me at the party? Find a girl, have some fun… Be a teen for a change… Though I strongly advice you not to go past second base cause I don’t think you can control your urges to that extent…. You my friend are in for a ride when it comes to that department…. It’s a rush beyond belief.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkdreamer253


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


He'd honestly forgotten about that part of the contract. He needed to see her at least once a month, even if he did leave. But he also couldn't live with himself if he hurt her. "Of course I care," he told her," I just don't want to hurt you. I'd never want to hurt you." He ran a hand through his hair, unsure of what to do at all. He worried about Aimi, but he didn't truly want to leave her either. Even if he did, he'd have to come back. "I'll stay," He continued," But, if I even try to hurt you or our child, don't hesitate to run away. Please, I would rather die than cause you pain."


"I think you're doing just fine right now," Armony told him," Besides, picking up more girls doesn't make you more experienced. If anything, it makes you a jerk. Guys who pick up girls just to pick up girls don't know how to treat women properly. I'd rather have someone sweet like you any day. Unless... You want to pick up other girls." Armony wore her usually smile, but she was afraid of him saying yes, that he did want another girl. She didn't show it and she'd still support him if he didn't like her, even if it hurt.


Kai was startled a bit when he heard Yuu's voice. He turned away from him, afraid that looking at him would just flare up his emotions even more. As he talked about inding girl at the party, he got nervous. He couldn't very well tell Yuu what he was thinking, he'd probably laugh at him if he did. It was still frustrating to think about it and he tried to get rid of the thought. "I don't think I could," he answered, his frustration evident in his voice," If you didn't notice, I'm not the most sociable person. I'm not even sure how I got that girl to follow me out of the party."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vaedon
Avatar of Vaedon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With a trembling hand Aimi gently grasped the male’s wrist, removing it all together: not out of anger but rather to prove a point. “I understand that a lot has happened, you’re terrified and so am I. You could just snap at any time and beat me to a bloody pulp. Am I scared of that? Yes off course I am but I’ve taken a beating far longer than any human walking this earth. I’m telling you that a life on my own, in a world I know nothing about terrifies me more than being left to fend for myself, with a child I’m not sure I want so I guess what I should be asking you is: Terra do you want out? Do you regret being with me? If you want out then just tell me rather than blaming your fear of hurting me”

“Really? Well I guess that’s good then. I wouldn’t want to make a fool out of myself or seem really inexperience and clumsy when push comes to shove. I’ve asked Yuu several times and he has explained, as well as shown me some v-v-videos for reference but but erm… it was really explicit and made me feel really strange so I turned it off.” Little did the clueless brother know exactly how clueless he appeared to be, or how inexperienced he truly was. Besides having barely kissed a girl which couldn’t be taken seriously Yuji was as experienced as a child.

“You’re a wreak and you’re emotions are just all over the place so Kai, just take a deep breath and calm down. You’re severely underestimating yourself as you are a vampire now, so just do what you think we do or better yet. Watch a movie and take notes on how to flirt. It truly is easy, you are a mysterious being and humans as well as certain creatures feel naturally drawn to you. In their eyes we are charismatic and sophisticated; it would take quite a strong-willed woman to look past that, besides you’re not that bad. ” Closing the space between the two the elder gently rested the palm of his hand on the male’s shoulder, his breath brushing against his cheek as he whispered seductively into the much younger’s ear. “You are confused, your hormones are raging and I won’t brush those feelings of yours off but anyone can tell that you’re attracted to me. Just get a handle on yourself, learn the ropes and make sure you’re not being controlled by your hormones. When you’ve done that we can address the issue, alright? If it gets too bad then tell me and we will try to get through it.”
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