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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Our stories use to be so simple. We had a beginning, a middle, and a end... But ever since we moved to this damned city everything has gotten so confused."

This RP is about the lives of the fairytale characters we all read about growing up and the struggles and hardships their nearly eternal lives have fallen on ever since they had to came to the mundane world, our world. We will play as the residents of the small community Fabletown which is secretly nestled in the great city of New York. You have the choice of playing as a canon character like Bigby, Snow, Beauty, Beast etc. And as this RP takes place around the same time as the Wolf Among Us did, all the characters that died over the course of the game and comics are currently alive. You can also use Fables that weren't in the game or comics, either already known fairytale characters who just happen to not be in the game or comics or ones you made up yourself. This RP is based on the game and comics, but that does not mean it is the same. As in the characters may be the same, but the events that happened in the comics and game may change or not happen altogether. But that is enough of that it is time to move on to the fun part, yes that's right kids it's time for... *drum roll* The Rules!

The Rules:
1. First off the time honored one for all RPs, no godmodding or powerplaying. If there are fights in the IC, and I hope there are, just try not to be like the kid on the play ground that says "You didn't hit me because of my supersheild was on!"
2. This one goes hand in hand with the first rule. When you are making a character don't go over board, as in being the Big Bad Wolf is one thing but being the Grim Reaper and embodiment of death is a hole other thing. Trust me it has happened before.
3. I don't mind drama in the IC, it's suppose to be there, but let's keep it out of the OOC, good vibes only dudes and dudettes
4. PG-13 guys, that goes for romance and fighting. No all out bloods baths in the IC and keep the serious romance in the PMs
5. Let us know if you're going to be gone for more than a day or so, I don't mind it just keeps people from being stuck in post lock
6. Put Once upon a time somewhere in your CS to show you read the rules
7. My Co-GM for this RP is MissCapnCrunch, any problems you have you bring them to me or her
8. Feel free to shoot any of your ideas at me at any time I don't mind at all :)
9. Have fun!

Character Sheet:

(What were they called in the Homelands and what would they answer to if talking to a Mundy)

(What do the other Fables in town call them if not by there real name)

(As in a human Fable, Monster, an animal etc.)

(Do I have to explain this one?)

(You can use a picture here or describe them or both if you want)

(What do they do to make a living? It doesn't have to be in town)

(Again I think this one is self explanatory)

(Who were they back in the Homelands and what did they do when the came to the Mundane world)

(What special abilities do they have that set them apart from Mundys and other Fables. i.e Bigby's Huff n Puff power or Bloody Mary's mirror teleportation)

(Anything you think I missed in the other spots and you want to add)

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name The Bogeyman, goes by Booker Manson when speaking to mundies Nickname Boogie Race Monster Gender The name is Bogeyman take a guess Appearance Glamor- Boogie is 6'3 in height with a thin body build. His skin is a very light pale color, almost rivaling Snow's, and his hair is a ebony black color. His eyes are hazel, but change to a bright yellow when he gets angry or feels like making a point. He normally wears punkish clothes, them usually being black and slightly torn. He has several piercings in both of his ears along with one on his bottom lip and one on his tongue. He has a large tattoo on his back of a horned skull that is crawling with spiders and has a snake coiling in and out of it's mouth and eye sockets No Glamor- Without his glamor Boogie is literally something out of nightmares. He is a shadowy monster that stands 9 feet tall and is shrouded in a thick smog. In the mist is a monstrous skeleton with large horns, long arms that end with large claws instead of hands, and empty eye sockets that have two yellow glowing orbs like fires that act as it's eyes. He glides and floats through the air instead of walking which add to his unsettling nature. Job Nightclub Owner/Musician Personality As you'd expect Boogie is a mischievous, creepy, and rather immature person, though the word person is only used loosely. He is fiercely loyal, seeing the whole of Fabletown as kind of family that he is a part of and needs to help protect. He loves music and plays whenever he gets the chance to, which usually is early in the morning when he gets off work much to the distain of his neighbors. He has a strong sympathy for the less fortunate Fables in town, especially the girls who work at Porgie's though only people who know him well know why. He has a certain respect for Bigby most of the other Fables don't have, seeing as Boogie knows how it is to "be the monster trying to make it in Prince Charming's world" as he puts it. He puts on the air of a relentless flirt, hitting on almost every female Fable that he meets, but really he is a hopeless romantic, loving romance novels and movies, sadly though he seems to scar off any potential happy ever afters. Fable Before he left the Homelands Boogie was a monster that terrorized, kidnapped, and ate the people of the lands. Their are many rumors on how he came into existence, such as he was a nightmare that came to life or he was a fairy corrupted by the evil of mankind, but whatever the truth is to this day he has remained very tight lip about it. But what is known is that he was the being that made everyone keep the candle on their nightstand lit all night, the reason parents told their kids to stay in when it was dark, but most importantly he was the reason people checked under their bed before they went to sleep. Sadly that all changed when the Adversary started to take control of the Homelands. Sure Boogie put up a fight, protecting the weaker Fables and attacking the Adversary's forces when he could, but like so many Fables he eventually had to abandon the Homelands for somewhere new. He settled in Fabletown like the others, signing the Fabletown Compact. Boogie spent a few centuries doing random jobs just to get by, his lowest moments were when he had to work at Georgie Porgie's as a "entertainer" on ladies night or for anyone else with that certain "taste". But eventually he saved up enough money open his own nightclub just outside Fabletown, he called it Rumors and it has become a real hit with the mundies, he works as both the club's owner and a musician to help bring in more crowds. He has occasionally been called in by Bigby and sometimes Bluebeard, though Boogie doesn't like him much but he does pay well, to help with interrogations of suspect Fables, he seems to know the perfect way to get anyone to talk. Abilities Fable Physiology- Boogie has the inhuman endurance, strength, and healing that most monster Fables have. Levitation- When in his true form Boogie floats through the air rather than walk, no one sure if he really has legs or not as no one has seen past the smog that covers him clearly enough to tell. Invisibility/Intangibility- Boogie is able to disappear completely from view or turn his body into pure smog that can slip through small openings. Illusion Creation- Boogie is able to cast images, sounds, feelings, and smells into the minds of others that are so realistic that they are unmistakable as real, he use to use this to terrorize the people of the Homeland. Fear Sense- Boogie is quite literally the origin of the phrase "it can smell your fear". He has the bizarre sixth sense of being able to sense the fears of those around him. The best way he has ever described it as was when he said people's fear appeared in subtle ways, like someone with a fear of fire would appear to have a few embers coming off them or another person who is afraid of drowning would smell of sea water. Other Once upon a time... I was a Monster
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Call me Elle

Human Fable


5’7” with a lean/fit body type, short blonde hair and emerald eyes (dark eyebrows), with a lightly tanned complexion, and a few tattoos dotting her skin

Currently a photographer (changes every few years)

Personality: Humble- Elle knows what’s here today might not be here tomorrow so it’s best to be thankful for everything. Fickle- Because she knows how temporary things can be, she finds herself not getting attached to anything or anyone. If she finds herself liking someone a lot, she will often run, afraid of loving someone just to lose them. This also applies to her hobbies, where she gets obsessed with something, drops it, then moves on to something else. Empathetic- Elle can easily feel others’ pain and happiness. She cries easily and laughs just as easily. Fun loving- Elle hates serious discussions and topics that bring her down. She would much prefer to go to a party, hang out with friends, do anything to stay upbeat.

Fable: Once upon a time, Rapunzel was born to an average mother and father. Her mother had her father steal rampion to make her salads from an enchanted garden next door. However, the garden he stole them from belonged to the witch Gothel. In order to escape Gothel with his life when he was caught, her father had to promise to give the witch his daughter after she was born. The witch came and took the girl, naming her Rapunzel. She grew to be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom, the rampion having given her long locks of hair and the sweetest face. The witch locked her in a tower when she was 12 years old however, with only a window in and out. The witch would cry “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me,” and Rapunzel would toss her hair out the window and pull Gothel up. Her hair was strong and spun like gold, and she kept it braided for the witch to climb up on it.

A few years later, a prince happened by and heard her singing in the tower. He was enchanted and waiting to see how one would get into the tower. Behind a tree, he saw Gothel call out to Rapunzel, and the long hair that fell down for her to climb. So, the next day, the prince repeated “Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair to me” and climbed up after she tossed out her hair. When he appeared to her, she was frightened, but he was kind. They became friends, and eventually more as he would visit her daily after the witch left.

One day, Rapunzel asked why Gothel was so much heavier than the prince, sending the witch into a rage. She chopped off her hair. Gothel waited for the prince to come, tossing out Rapunzel’s braids when he called, only for him to be pulled up and see the witch. Gothel then shoved him from the window, letting him fall into the briar bushes below (where he eventually survived but blind, and then eventually escaped to the mundane world though Rapunzel has no knowledge of this and has never run into him). Mourning what she assumed was the death of her lover, Rapunzel was taken to the mundane world by the witch, hoping the girl would suffer and die in the American wilderness without magic to save her. Gothel went back to the Homelands and was killed by the army of the Adversary.

Rapunzel was saved by some colonists, and has lived in America, not aging and eventually making her way to Fabletown, NY.

Abilities: Peak human strength, peak human endurance (she’s stronger than the average human and can endure more, harsher conditions, etc)

Other: Non-magical abilities that she’s picked up during her time on earth include- jujitsu, expert musician in just about every instrument, highly intelligent from all the books and studies she’s read, cooking, artist, dancer (nothing like ballet however as she’s not the most graceful), knitting, home brewing (a la the 1920s), juggling, excellent at most sports though she prefers badminton and volleyball, quilting, sewing, soap making, loves video games, writing (though she hasn’t published anything), archery, card games, fishing, gardening, biking, jogging, photography, swimming, shooting hand guns (always too scared of anything bigger), darts, kickboxing, cosmetology, and movie buff
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miss Barbara Greene.

Bambi is just fine with her.

Animal (Deer) in the Homelands.
Human via glamour in and around town.


During the normal work week Bambi makes a living as a helper at a florist shop in the city. On the weekends she uses her growing skills to maintain, grow, and sell plants of the smoking type to both fables and mundies. She gets more of an adrenalin rush out of her weekend gig, but the stability of a real 9-5 job the other days during the work week comforts her somewhat.

Skittish. Nimble. Emotionally Withdrawn Unless Feeling Safe. Inconsistent. Curious.

"Once upon a time, Bambi was a roe deer fawn born in a thicket to a young doe in late spring one year. Over the course of the summer, her mother taught her about the various inhabitants of the forest and the ways deer live. When she felt Bambi was old enough, she took her daughter to the meadow- which she came quickly to learn that it was both a wonderful but dangerous place."


It leaves the deer exposed and in the open.

Not much really had changed when Bambi came to the big city. Sure, she got a boob job, a roof over her head, and a human nice make over thanks to fable produced glamour; alas no matter if you're in the meadow or city that exposed feeling never goes away. Bambi at first found the city to be absolutely terrifying, she often locked herself into her apartment for days on end, staring out the window with vacant eyes as the lights traveled by. "Oh..fuck me." she would sigh as the bills upon bills piled upon her kitchen table. The office never could help her with her bills either; she was on her own for that. Many times she was threatened to be sent to the farm for non-compliance, but she always managed to slip on by from biting the bullet.

Unlike her mother.

Eventually Bambi traveled out a little more each day, becoming familiar with her settings. Though, when news of someone being shot would play on her television set (either in movies or in the news) Bambi regressed back into her hermit ways, until she could feel she could travel once again. It was a long and painful process. However, as crime became less and less in the city (or so Bambi thought when she lost her cable from not paying the bills), Bambi traveled out into the mundy world as Barbara Greene: florist specialist assistant. As she built her resume up a little bit, she discovered she had quite the talent for growing things, and began slipping into a 'city' way of like, and began selling drugs to both fables and mundies alike.

Because of her quiet nature, she only has a few rare customers during the weekend.

Bambi when transformed into her fable state has incredible speed and strength. Ramming of antlers are easy pickings for jabbing out an eye or ripping out an artery. When concealed by glamour in the town, her only advanced ability is a touch of green thumb; giving her an easy time at both her jobs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Both accepted :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Gorgophone, goes by Gwen Paris
Nickname: The Black Queen, Kuro Hime, Kuro
Race: Fable
Gender: Female

Job: Bartender
Personality: A sarcastic and impatient woman, Kuro doesn't like to wait. But that doesn't mean that she dislikes people, she just likes punctuality. Kuro has kept her regal air but she still likes to help people... sometimes. Kuro has found that she likes being a bartender, making and serving drinks, it suits her. But not all of Kuro is bad. ((Will mostly play it out))
Fable: In the Homelands Kuro was The Black Queen, she ruled her people with an iron fist. So time passed and Kuro's real name, Gorgophone, was forgotten. She just became known as The Black Queen, or Kuro Hime. Kuro lived up to her new name. She only wore black dresses and grew crueler with time. She was parent's way of making children follow rules, Don't do this or the Black Queen will kill you. But not all was lost, Kuro still had a sweet side to her, though she would only show it when she was alone. She would play with her pet black cat, Lamia. When her castle was raided Kuro was forced to flee. She went to the mundane world and began living there. She settled in Fabletown and when Boogie opened a nightclub she went to work there.
--Queen's Order- will give the victim a strong urge to do what Kuro tells them too
--Regal Robes- Let's Kuro instantly change into her Fable outfit
--Hidden Feelings- Allows Kuro to hide her emotions
Other: Once upon a time... Someone made me an Angel with a Shotgun so I fight for what I believe in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Accepted, glad to have you back Cat :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dea is a very feisty and courageous girl, unless dealing with bigger people. She is somewhat of a shy girl, but only to men. Otherwise, she's kind and very outgoing. She's a people pleaser, but she does what she thinks is right. She is very kind and would never harm a fly, but can be very feisty and stand-offish is she needs too. Dea is an honest woman, to the most brutal extent. She doesn't really have a filter, but she would never say it to be hurtful. She loves to enjoy herself as much as she can, knowing her brothers would be all over her when she got back to them. Dea is very respectful toward her older brothers but they tend to be too protective ever since she decided to live with them in Fabletown.
{•Once Upon A Time•}
Dea was the last child of the eight that were birthed. Her older brothers, venturing out on their own, told their Aunt to give them a sign of whether it was a girl or a boy, in which Dea was a girl. But because her Aunt wanted them to stay away, she signalled that the baby girl was a boy. A few years had passed and someone had told her she had driven her brothers away. Dea asked her mother what they meant by that and her mother told her that she had, in fact, been a younger sister of seven men. Her mother sent her off to meet her brothers and a lot of mischief unfolded. She soon arrived and her brothers, not recognizing her at first, took her in as soon as they figured out that she was their younger sister. The boys, living in the home their birth father set up for when they became of age, had Dea live with them. After a few years of living together, more and more of her brothers leave and never come back. She found this odd and left her homeland only to enter the mundane world. For centuries she searched for her brothers, seeing as she never aged. Dea soon came across Fabletown and found her brothers living together in a large home not far from the I Am the Eggman Diner. She is now a waitress at said Diner and is trying to save up to live in her own apartment close to her brothers.
Her brothers are very overprotective, she has a pet cat named Lamia, and she loves to draw and sing in her room. She misses her mother. She feels like she's Miles Away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hmmm I like her, but I'm a bit confused. Was she driven out of the Homelands or did she just simply leave, the second option is very unlikely though. Oh and hey Savi, I don't know if you remember me but we used to RP in some of the same RPs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 18 min ago

(What do the other Fables in town call them if not by there real name)
Human fable

Bookstore owner
Belle is somewhat absent minded, especially if she is reading a book. She is very friend if you can pull her out of whatever book she is reading.
Beauty and the Beast.
Bring stories to life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have no problem with Beauty being different from the comics and game, but just to ask is she still with Beast? Oh and what's up Miss Winter! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 18 min ago

Saarebas said
I have no problem with Beauty being different from the comics and game, but just to ask is she still with Beast? Oh and what's up Miss Winter! :D

I am trying to decide whether to bring beast along. I think I might. And last time I looked the ceiling was up :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay I was just checking. Oh and if you want any ideas for the characters they were in the series, they were pretty well written and had some pretty good twists. I will give you that joke Miss Winter, well played
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 18 min ago

Huh? what series? ;) why thank you sir
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The comics this RP is based on, though you don't have to I was just giving you the option. I have no problem with Beauty and Beast being different from the comics, if I wanted this to be just like the comics I would just read them again XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 18 min ago

I didn't even know that their was a comic ;) I know there was a book, movie, and tv show. I'll look up the comic
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Here is the Wiki for the comic :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Saarebas said
Hmmm I like her, but I'm a bit confused. Was she driven out of the Homelands or did she just simply leave, the second option is very unlikely though. Oh and hey Savi, I don't know if you remember me but we used to RP in some of the same RPs

Her brothers were driven out because their Aunt despised them and Dea went with them because she wanted to be with them instead of her lying Aunt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When I say driven out I mean driven out by the Adversary and his forces. Though it is possible that she came after everyone else went on the first go, but it would be incredibly difficult because the Adversary's forces would of been trying to kill her as she left. The Adversary wouldn't just let someone leave without there being a darker purpose for doing so, like if they were a spy. Anyways I'm getting off track, what I am trying to say is that she either left with the main group of people or managed to sneak past the Adversary's forces, which would of been a suicide mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

Going to do Pinocchio^^ fixing up cs now then going to put up. He'll be the one to break the ice and make everyone laugh.
I just find the perfect mundy person to be the glamour Pinocchio Chris Colfer xD.,
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