Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Bobo took on his forms and walked on stage, the spotlight going to him when Tod left the stage. The crowd cheered, and he smiled to them. Mostly everybody cheered. There were the people that could only see his fear form, and felt unnerved by it. These were the people of the crowd that disliked clowns. But eveyrone else who liked clowns would see his happy clown form, and would cheer.

He looked over the crowd, and began his act. His act was simple, all he had to do was concentrate and summon the happines that every specific person of the crowd felt as an illusion, meaning that evrybody who liked clowns would see an illusion of things specifically meant for them to make them laugh as much as they could and make them feel as much happiness as they could. On the other hand, the people who disliked clowns saw a whole nother thing. They saw illusions, but they saw the illusions of things to make them feel upset, and a bit scared. Some of the audience stepped out of the stands and stepped outside the tent for his act.

After a while, his act ended, and the illusions faded away, the people of the crowd holding their sides from laughing and talking to eachother. "You have all been a wonderful crowd, goodnight!" he said in his merry way, and used one more illusion to make it look like he pulled a large amount of hankerchiefs folded together out of his sleeve and wrap it completely around himself, then after a moment the hankerchiefs dropped and he was 'gone'. Bobo loved making people laugh, he loved making people he cry, and he loved illusions. He sat down where the other carnies were and waited for the next act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With the clowns act out of the way, Virgil ground what was left of his cigar under his heel before grabbing his kit. A pallet of weight lifting gear around five thousand pounds in total weight. Pulling on the rope he dragged the gear to center ring, getting the usual gasps and "wow's" for his looks. With all his stuff in the ring, Virgil said, "I ain't one for talkin, more for action really. So why don't I just show you what I'm all about?"

Throwing the tarp off his pallet Virgil took the very first thing off the top, the rebar. Lifting the bundle was easy, only about fifty pounds, taking both ends in his hands Virgil bent inward and in the process made the bundle into a circle. Than into a pretzel, than in half. In the end the bundle was a solid ball of metal. After that the crowed roared in applause and continued to do so as he showed off his strength. Lifting a small car over his head, turning a log into splinters with a punch, and winning a game of tug of war with a truck. Poor thing had its axles ripped out for its trouble, that would cut into his paycheck but the cheers and indignant cry of a redneck made it worth it.

With his act over with Virgil simply pushed the broken truck off the stage and the small car back on the pallet before dragging it off the kit off the ring. Sitting in his stool, Virgil made his way to the kitchen to help with dinner. It was his day anyway. As he entered the room the smell of food swamped into his nose as Manny was hard at work cooking his side of the meal, the one for the people not inclined for his Cajun spice. Seeing as Manny had even started on the broth for the Jambalaya Virgil couldn't help but crack a smile, who could ask for a better sous-chef?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now that Bobo was done with his act of making the audience both happy and scared, it was Finn's turn to take the spotlight and perform his act. He stepped out into the ring and looked at the crowds of people and heard their gasps of shock at his inhuman appearance. He gave them all a toothy grin, showing his fangs and waved.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the Living Werewolf Finn McGuire and I shall show amazing feats of strength the likes of which you have never seen before with a twelve year old!" he said with a booming voice to the crowd. The spot lights focused on two pairs of four hundred pound weights and Finn quickly moved over to the weights. With what looked like great ease, Finn lifted both of the weights in each of the hands and brought them up to head level. The crowd gave oohs and awes at the feat, but Finn was not done yet. He tossed the weights into the air one at a time and caught them with each of his hands.

After he placed the weights back on the ground, he transformed into his werewolf form and some of the audience members gave cries of shock and fear at the sight of his monstrous form. With his extra strength, he took five six hundred pound weights and started juggling them with good technique. The crowd gave more gasps of astonishment and when Finn let all of the weights fall into his arms and place them on the ground, the crowd gave a big cheer. Finn transformed back into his normal form and bowed to the audience and said, "Thank you ladies and gentlemen! I hope you were entertained!"

he left the ring feeling happy with his performance and watched the rest of the show.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrien took a deep, though unheard, breath as Finn finished his performance. He put on his warm smile and started walking towards the ring, patting Finn's shoulder as he did so. He reached center stage and everything went silent aside for a slight mummer that washed over the crowd. He looked over the crowd before he took a bow as his introduction.

Adrien simply put his hands up and began to do the trademark "mime in a box" routine. The crowd began to stir, annoyed or board whispers began to circulate. Just then a man in one of the rows stood up and shouted "You suck mime boy!" Before hurlaing his bag of popcorn at Adrien. Just as the buttery bag as about to beam the mime it stopped suddenly, as if it hit a wall. Confused looks spread across the audience before Adrien started to "walk against the wind". As he did this a breeze could be felt that steadily grew in strength. After a moment a strong gust came that launched Adrien about fifteen feet into the air. The crowd grasped and the Mime fell back to the ground, only to stop a few feet off the ground and to be bounced back up, as if he landed on a trampoline. After a few more bounces Adrien eventually did a flip that landed him back onto the ground on his feet.

Adrien then pointed to a young girl, who looked about ten years old, and gestured for her to come over. After a moment the girl made it to the center ring and Adrien offered her a warm smile and a nod of his head. He then pulled out a stack of glass plates from the box in center ring that he placed there before the show and explained to the girl through a series of gestures that he wanted her to throw the plates into the air. After this Adrien walked about ten feet away from the girl, pushed his hat forward so that it rested just above his brow, and spread his feet apart so they appeared bowlegged. He was imitating the stereotypical cowboy stance. He gave a nod to the girl who gave a weak smile before tossing one of the plates into the air. Adrien quickly pointed at the plate, forming a finger gun with his hand. Suddenly the plate shattered silently as if it was just shoot. The crowd gasped in surprise, but the young girl was still tossing more plates into the air, doing two at a time, and Adrien was pointing at each one causing it to shatter. The crowd started to cheer as the stack of plates was finally used up. Adrien walked over to the girl and offered her another smile and gave her a small card out of his pocket that said she could go to the gift shop after the show and get something on the house.

As the girl went back to her seat Adrien took a bow and the crowd started to cheer again. He then seemed to open a invisible door and took a seat. He turned his wrist as if he was turning the keys of a car and pushed his foot downward like he was revving the engine. A moment later Adrien was riding around the center ring in his unseen car before taking a sharp turn and flooring it out of the tent. As the crowd cheered Adrien sneaked back into the tent and back to the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

After everyone had finished they performances, the crowd's applause ceased, hearing a loud, single clap as it continued. The audience turned towards the one who was still clapping, seeing Grigori sitting among the people. "Bravo!" He shouted excitedly, pulling many bouquets of red roses from under his coat and throwing them into the crowd.
"You have been such a wonderful audience, thank you!" He runs from the seats to the ring's center, whistling for Betty. The bug eyed woman ran out to the ringleader's side, holding his hand as they bowed together, soon after, pointing their hands towards where the other freaks where, the spotlight shown upon them.
After, Grigori lead the crowd outside, where a small shop was set up with Betty waiting, surrounded by treats, stuffed toys and some cards that said 'I survived the Freak Circus!'
As the people started to depart, Grigori headed to where the freaks were. "Tonight went well!" He ripped off his coat and threw it onto a chair to relax beside Bobo. Betty rushed to go and fold Grigori's coat before he stopped her. "No need for that, Betty. You've been busy all day today, you deserve a break." He grinned at her, patting the seat next to him, making her rush to his side. "We should all be heading to bed so we can pack up and leave tomorrow. Especially Betty." He reached to pet Betty's Platinum hair, making her blush.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the spotlight hit them, Priscilla took the hand of the person on either side of her and bowed gracefully. The show had gone wonderfully and Cici couldn't be more proud of everyone. As the group began to dismiss, Cici found her young volunteer and allowed him to pick a gift from the shop. He decided on a poster, and asked if Priscilla wouldn't mind a photo and if she would sign his gift. "Of course sweetheart." she cooed, taking a 'selfie' of sorts with the boy, and then signing the poster on the back with a large autograph and placing a big kiss mark with the lipstick that had remained on her lips.

Gathering back together with the 'family' a sense of exhaustion could be felt in the room. Grigori gave his gratitude and instructions to everyone as Cici listened and pulled out a cigarette, not lighting it yet. She held it in her fingers as she watched Betty turn several shades of red, making Priscilla in return smile and give the woman a wink "I told you so." she mouthed, sticking her tongue out afterwards. As Grigori dismissed them all, Priscilla struck her lighter up and lit her cigarette, taking a drag as she carried herself and her equipment back to her trailer. She would be up for another hour or so, where she usually had a drink and read her books, or kept some of the other freaks company before bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cheyenne watched intently as everyone performed, clapping and smiling happily for each. She didn’t know how so many fantastic people could come together the way they did. Find each other. It was a blessing indeed. As Grigori announced the end of the evening and complimented the audience, Chey clapped extra loudly for him and Betty til the spotlight swerved to her and the others. Then she blushed and waited til the audience began clearing out, nodding when Grigori complimented the evening. Everything had gone rather well all things considered.

”Goodnight everyone,” Chey said softly and sweetly, intertwining her hands in front of her and walking to her trailer. Once there, she changed into some pajama shorts and top before opening her trailer door to let the cool night in. She laid on her stomach on her bed, reading a book of poems that rested on her pillow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

When the show ended, Bobo saw the spotlight come on him and he bowed and smiled to the ground, then stepped back and sat back down. He thought the preformance went well, and listened to Grigori's instructions. He got up and went into his tiny clown car and drove to his trailer, which was small, and only contained a bed, mini-fridge, old TV, old microwave, and a table with two chairs. He hooked up his tiny clown car to the trailer and drove it nearer to the tent so when they had to leave, it would be easy for him to get to it. He stepped out of his tiny clown car and stepped into his trailer, getting a soda from his mini-fridge and drinking it while watching TV at the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

The morning sun turned the sky a bright orange-red; this was usually when Grigori and Betty woke to begin their packing, which wasn't hard at all with Grigori's abilities. From a distance, he stared at his Big Top, the outside a lot smaller than what you might expect from the area on the inside. Grigori closed one eye to focus the other through his fingers, where he pinched the image of the tent, shrinking it into his hands before folding it up in his breast pocket. "Betty," He turned to his assistant, taking in her doll-like face and pulsing eye. "Would you be so kind and wake the others?" Betty nodded, hurrying over to the string of trailers that held her family. From the distance, police sirens could be heard, zooming towards where the freaks had set up camp. "Awe, shit... Fuzzies..." Betty felt a feeling in her gut, which she always felt when she knew something bad was going to happen. She ran towards the trailers, hurrying to wake the others. "Police are on their way! Move it, everyone!" She banged on the windows of trailers, jumping into her truck, to start it and spoke through a walkie talkie that was in every trailer. "...Wakey, wakey! We have Fuzzies headed this way, and it's best if we avoid them!" Grigori hopped in Betty's truck as she started to drive toward the highway. "Don't worry about packing," Grigori informed through the static of the Walkie talkie. "I've already taken care of that." He chuckled along with the bumps of the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Bobo the Clown didn't sleep. He didn't need sleep. So when his Walkie-Talkie began speaking, he was sitting on his bed drinking a soda and watching TV, he put his bags next to the door of the trailer and ran out to his tiny car. He turned it on and his car drove towards the highway. he took out his Walkie-Talkie and set it to speaker, and set it on the dashboard, incase he needed to respond to anything. He set his car's GPS to follow Betty and Grigori, and he continued to drink his soda and watch Soap Operas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Suko and Kumo woke up when they were told that police were coming. They better get moving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The pounding of a hurried fist on the side of her trailer made Cici jump slightly. She was a little hungover from last night, and the strew of empty bottles around her bed proved it. "What!?" she called hoarsely from her bed. Betty had already left though, leaving Isabella quite confused and a bit dazed. With the crackling of the walkie talkie going off soon later; her head turned to look at the contraption.

"...Wakey, wakey! We have Fuzzies headed this way, and it's best if we avoid them!"

Priscilla was now wide awake. Quickly cleaning up her trailer a bit, she grabbed her walkie talking and hopped out in only her pajamas, locking up the trailer behind her, and unhooking the electricity and plumping from the tanks. Getting into her very own truck to pull her trailer she started up the engine tossing the walkie talking in the front seat. She didn't want to go to jail again.

Pulling out from her spot she followed behind the others, hoping her other friends would get out in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cheyenne had fallen asleep atop the book she’d been reading, getting a bit of droll on the pages which now stuck together and curling up under the covers. She was woken up by the sound of hands beating the windows of her trailer and smacking the door. She snorted awake and rubbed her eyes, frowning softly and wondering what the heck was happening. They usually got to sleep in a little the morning after a performance. At least if it went well. And hadn’t last night gone so smoothly? Chey yawned and stood, when the static of the walkie talkie burst through the room. She jumped a bit at Betty’s voice, saying the police were on their way, making Cheyenne hurry to slip on some high waisted skinny jeans and a tight plaid button up shirt. She tossed her black hair into a ponytail and slipped on her flats before jumping out of the trailer and slamming the door. She hopped into the old CR-V it was attached to, and began driving, stomach growling in protest as she followed the others with sleepy blue eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMM00s3
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TheMM00s3 The Man / Without A Plan

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tod slowly arose from his slumber. When he looked around the tent was all packed up and most of his fellow freaks were headed out. He heard Betty's voice and yawned, police were one of the many things that Tod had dealt with his entire life, so he was very much use to running from them. Although he didn't want to get caught, he moved with a slow and leisurely pace over to a slightly dirty and beat up Suzuki sport bike. Putting on his helmet, he turned the motorcycle on and put it into gear. With a twist of his wrist on the handle, the bike sped towards the other freaks as they headed to the highway. He turned on the Walkie-talkie in his helmet and spoke, knowing one of the freaks would hear him. "This is Tod, anyone know how the police found us. Grigori is usually good at keeping our location hidden from the local police stations."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrien was sitting on a foldable chair on the roof of his trailer enjoying a cup of heavily creamed coffee that he specifically made for himself, he didn't want to risk drinking Virgil's again, and a fresh croissant he baked himself. He was wearing a long sleeved white button up shirt and a pair of black slacks along with his bowler hat, which sat perfectly on his neatly combed hair. He had been up for a few hours now, he only ever slept a few hours at a time as he had long come use to living on the schedule of the rode, when Betty came by and began to bang on the side of his trailer. He was puzzled for a moment before he heard the buzzing of the walkie talkie that sat next to him. He quickly set his coffee and croissant aside before he walked to the edge of the trailer and started to make the movement of someone casting off a fishing line in the direction of Grigori's truck. As he started to "real in" his trailer started to roll forward until it was right behind Grigori's truck and was hooked into place. Everyone knew that Adrien was completely horrid at driving real vehicles so he always hooked his trailer up to some one else's, this time it was Grigori's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Grigori's voice broke through the static of the walkie-talkies, chuckling before he spoke. "Someone must've tattled on us, not surprised this has happened... this town is fairly religious, believing that we are sinners of some sort... Oh well!" His voice faded a bit, but could still be easily heard. "Onto the next town, Betty!"
Betty smirked as she footed her petal, taking a bumpy route that was a short cut to the neighbouring town. For a few miles, the sirens could still be heard, but faded as the distance between them and the freaks stretched. Betty drove into a large clearing on the outskirts of the new town, a few trees hiding them from view. "Welp!" Grigori bellowed cheerfully, despite the situation that had happened. He jumped out of the window of Betty's truck, patting the side before calling the rest of his group through the walker-talkies. "We'll set up here... give everyone time to settle until we spread our fliers across the town at nightfall. None of you need worry, this town has a strict curfew..." He grinned, walking closer to the group of trailers as Betty hurried close behind him, fliers of their circus spilling out of her arms. Betty stuttered as she tried to catch all the papers before the wind could take them. "Tonight, we'll have Chey, Tod, Bobo and Adrian accompany me to go post the fliers around the town, The rest of you will help Grigori set up the Big Top. Have I made myself clear?" Betty's expression tried to be serious but her petite smile couldn't help but ruin her act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Bobo followed behind Grigori down the highway and into a bumpy road, and finally into a large clearing. He stepped out and unhook his car from his trailer. He smiles and sits ontop of his car, then Grigori announces he and a few others will be going out to the town to put up fliers. He liked fliers. He also liked towns. Towns were nice. Most of the time. He nods when Grigori asks if he'smade himself clear, and jumps from his car into his trailer, getting his soda and watching more Sitcoms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Betty handed out fliers to Tod, Bobo, and Adrian and told them were to go later. "You three will post these around the north and east part of town." She walked over to Chey, handing her her half of papers. "We will take the south and west. I want you all to remember, that if we cannot blend into the crowd, then we should stay out of sight." She smiled. "At least before our show. Now, I want everyone to hang onto their fliers until nightfall, until then, everyone should unpack and prepare for their performances. We don't want to set up the big tent just yet... Might attract attention too soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adrien smiled as he was handed his stack of fliers, setting them on a table next to his trailer. He then threw up a mocking salute to both Betty and Grigori showing that he understood what he was suppose to do. He had it pretty easy when it came to handing out fliers when compared to the others. Being incredibly pale is nothing compared to being a wolf boy or croc man.
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