Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Somewhat they are triyng to get her to eat something but she is allergic to raseberries so they tried feedingit too her and she faught them on that which is why I was called." Mr. Ravenwood said as he ate his dinner. But she will probably be asleep again after she eat knowing that child." He said as he sipped his drink and looked at Philipe frm what he asked about HIs daughter and son in law. "I have talked to the judge and they will be getting time in jail with no parrole and they have to pay back their own debt and give back the money they swipepd from her, that girl worked hard for her moeny they had no right taking it." He said as heard the maids whispering and banged his staff on the ground to get their attention. "I do not pay you to gossip about my guest, especially in thier presense." He said angry at his staff and the servants said they were sorry and shut thier mouth. "Sorry sometimes I give my staff a little to much freedom."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

The maids jumped in fright at the sudden demand, scurrying away to help Ariel with something to escape the loud scolding. Phillip watched after them, amused by the sight. No doubt Ariel would put them in better shape. "That's good to hear then," he finally said in regards to Mr. Ravenwood's news. "In theory, it should be a happy ever after, correct? However, we both know that endings usually don't happen that way Mr. Ravenwood. In fact, there's a chance that we may need to wait it out a little longer. Amy's health is still an issue," Phillip said ominously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"yes this is still a very long process Amy is going to be week for a long time with all these illnesses and problems I am having the doctors run a bunch of medical test on her to make sure she does not have cancer or any other problems with her body." Charles said as ate his food and looked at the picture with Amy missing her two frint teeth when she was young. "I did nothing but worry about my grandchild growing up but I that child of mine had to run off half of the time with her making it hard to find Amy." He siad as he drank some wiskey. "CHARLES!!!! How mant times do I ahve to tell you now Wiskey until 4 hours after you take your medicine the doctors say you can not mix it." The maid siad for she was charles personal maid for she was also a trained nurse. "Aww come on let an old man drink." He siad as she took the glass. "No you want to be aline when Amy get's out of the hospital right? Then follow the doctors orders about your medications." She said to him and went to the kitchen t dunp the drink. "Well that is why she is my personal Maid." He siad with a small chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Is she now?" Phillip smiled as Ariel was quickly by his side, bowing once more to Mr. Ravenwood and his top maid. "Ah, then allow me to properly introduce my maid and close friend then. Ariel?"

The maid nodded once before bowing before her fellow house servant. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said softly. "My name is Ariel. I'm afraid surnames don't matter for me, thank you!:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles smiled a bit. "A pleasure to meet you Ariel." He said with a smile as he his maid brought out the food. "Ariel please sit down you ahve done enough why not enjoy the food and keep an eye on Master Charles for he likes to sneak booze when he can't mix his medicine with it." She said as she palced the food in front of Philip also. Charles only chuckled a bit as he ate the food for he was hungry and wanted to get his medicine over with so he can drink soon.

Soon the phone went off and His maid answered it. "Hello......WHAT!!!!! what do you mean she coded!!!!!!!!! You said she was fine doing the medicine and treatment!!!!!" She yelled into the phone and charles stopped eating. "We will be right over." She siad and hung up before looking at her employer. "Sir it seems Amy has coded her heart just stopped all of a sudden." SHe siad worried and Charlesstood up fast. "GET MY CAR NOW WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL THIS INSTANT!!" He yelled and the maids all scrammbled around to do as he wanted them to do and the limo was soon waiting for them AS Charles got his coat and went to the Limo. "You two are welcome to come but I need to get there now." He said as he got in.

Back at the hospital the doctors were working frantically to revivie AMy and were wondering why she all of a sudden coded. Soon the doctors shocked her a couple times and her heart started to beat and her breakthing was steady again. The doctors signhed in relief but knew they had Anger Mr. Ravenwood the one man to no anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Ariel please sit down; you have done enough why not enjoy the food and keep an eye on Master Charles for he likes to sneak booze when he can't mix his medicine with it."

Ariel giggled a little at the dynamic between these two, master and servant. It seemed that his head maid was genuinely happy to be in service and, much like herself, was pleased to see her employer having a good time. Smiling, she looked over at Phillip who only shrugged and followed along with a smile of his own.

“So Master Charles,” Ariel began with formality. “What is the name of your lovely head maid?”

Before any answer could be made though, the phone went off and brought with it dark news.

"Hello......WHAT!!!!! what do you mean she coded!!!!!!!!! You said she was fine doing the medicine and treatment!!!!!"


Phillip did not hesitate any further, getting his coat and abandoning the dinner. He nodded for Ariel to follow him and soon the limo was racing back down to a very frantic hospital.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The drive soon pulled up to the hospital and Charles got out fast and rushed into the hospital as the doctors tried to calm him. But he was not having it until he saw Amy and even swung his cane at some of the doctors telling them to get out of his way for he was not letting them keep him from his only granddaughter. "Sir please she is fine and breathing but she is getting an MRI done of her heart so we can figure out why her heart just stopped." The doctors said and Charles grunted. "You told me she was fine and that you did test for that" He said and the doctors went quiet. "Well her medical histroy never said anyhting about heart problems so we cancelled the tests." He said and soon got a call from the people and said that Amy had a small leak in her heart and needed surgery. Thr doctor Froze when he heard that.

"Well Spit it out now." Charles said furious. "Uh your granddaughter needs surgery turns out she has a small leak in her heart and it cause her heart to clog a bit so she is being taking for emergancy surgy." The doctor said and Charles went quiet when he heard that for he knew any kind of heart surgery was very dangerous. "JUST DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO I WANT MY GRADCHILD WELL AGAIN NOW YOU INCOMPETEN BABOON!!!" He yelled and the doctor freaked and rushed off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Uh your granddaughter needs surgery turns out she has a small leak in her heart and it cause her heart to clog a bit so she is being taking for emergency surgery."

Both Phillip and Ariel froze upon hearing those words. No way…Amy needed yet another surgery? Before any of them could say anything, they flinched when Mr. Ravenwood began to rant at the doctors like a madman. Seeing the doctors attempt to take him away, Phillip took one arm while Ariel took another.

They gently led Mr. Ravenwood out of the room and into the hospital hallway. Frowning, Phillip looked back only once to give the doctor a stern look.

“She’ll be alright,” he finally said. “She has to be…Mr. Ravenwood, are there any cases of heart disease running in your family currently?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles was just furious for he did not want to loose his grandchild the only person in his family now that brings a ray of light and joy in his life. He calmed once Amy and Philip pulled him away and sighed. "Now now heart dieses or heart attacks on our family." He said to them with a sigh as he sat in a chair for he was getting old. "All I want is my grandchild to be healthy and be that ray of light she is to the world." HE siad with a small sigh.

The doctors had rolled Amy to the surgry department and got to work on surgry. It was touch and got for a couple hours but soon they fixed her heat and started to roll her back to recover. The doctor walked up to Mr. Ravenwood. "Well the operation was a sucess she is resting in her room but judging by the damage it looks like it was casue by sme kind og trama that she suffer that happened a while back and took a while to build the blood up but we do not know what the cause was a hundre percent." THe doctor said and Charles just noddded beforehe got up and went to Amy's room and petted her head was she slept.

"To think a sweet kind child like you has to endure so much pain all becuase of your parents stupid choises in life." He siad as she sghed a bit now not feeling comortable for her to stay in the hospital anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"No. No heart diseases or heart attacks on our family."

Phillip narrowed his eyes at that. “I wonder if it was stress then that brought her to this,” he murmured to himself. If there was no family history, then that meant Amy was a unique case, making the operation all the more desperate.

"To think a sweet kind child like you has to endure so much pain all because of your parent’s stupid choices in life."

“Well then, maybe you should have taken better care of your family, hmm?”

A different voice cut through the tense air in a casual manner. Phillip turned to see a familiar face. Ariel saw him as well and instantly clenched her fists, standing in front of Phillip protectively.

A man dressed only in a dark suit and coat with a fedora hanging in his hand freely. Smiling innocently, his green eyes focused first on Mr. Ravenwood and then Phillip. Then onto Ariel.

“Hey there everyone! Long time no see, am I right?”

“Uncle Spencer,” Phillip said dryly. “How nice for you to visit.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles looked at the man and glared. "Who let you in only people I allow can come to my grandchilds room get out now." He siad mad for he never liked Spencer not since the day they meet along with Philips dad. He wanted him out so Amy would not get anymore stressed out then she was, especially after her heart surgery. "And My daughter was a wild child that never listened to me while she grew up for she grew up greedily and took away a life my grandchild deserved, but that woman did what she could so I could not take custody of my grandchild."

Charles was furious as he got in front of Ariel and Philip. "So get out now you are not welcomed in this room or hospital." He sad to the man as Amy slowlyed opened her eyes and was seeing what was going on and tried to stay something but it was to hard to talk at the moment and was only able to make a few grunting sounds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Who let you in? Only people I allow can come to my grandchild's room; get out now."

"Oh? Dear me, but isn't that just a bit presumptuous?" Spencer asked with that same, knowing smile o his face. "For starters, you're assuming I'm here to see your measly granddaughter, when clearly that's the farthest thing from reality right now! Furthermore, this is a hospital. Meaning, it's a public setting. Meaning, you have no power to kick me out even if you wanted to. And lastly, your granddaughter is frankly a little bitch."

Spencer tipped his fedora and stared at Mr. Ravenwood, challenging him to make a move. He dared him to lash out, dared him to give him a reason to call the cops and drag him out forever.

"I'm here for my nephew. You see, this is a family matter. So butt out, " he warned darkly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"But this is my granddaughters room and you are not allow in her room on my and her friends you are not apart of it." Charles siad angry and was about ready to swing his cane at him for calling his grandchild a little bitch but his maid caught him. "Sir no he wants you to lash out at him to have you thrown out think of Amy she does not want to see or know you did this and do not give him the statisfaction of giving him what he wants." She said and that helped calmed Charles down a bit but he glared at spencer for he was against this man with every bit of his fibers.

Amy slowly sat up for she could tell no one notied that she was awake yet and she got out of bed and slowly then walked over to them. Charles head maid noticed and looed shocked. "Lady Amy you just had Surgery not long ago you need to stay in bed." SHe siad and went to her and she collapsed a bit in the maids arms. "Amy." Charles siad and went to her as the Head maid helped her back into bed no noticing that Amy pushed the Nurse call button calling a nurse in there fro she wanted this spencer guy out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Sir no. He wants you to lash out at him, to have you thrown out. Think of Amy; she does not want to see or know you did this and do not give him the satisfaction of giving him what he wants."

Spencer chuckled. “You better listen to that maid of yours old man,” he said kindly. “I’m popping in to visit. Is that so wrong? My, my, don’t be so selfish!”

No more than a moment later and Amy appeared, having almost recovered from her surgery. “Amy!” Phillip moved to help her when Ariel stopped him. He gave her a pleading look, to which she only shook her head.

“If Spencer is here…then that means your family wants to see you.”

Narrowing his eye, he moved away from the scene, walking towards Spencer. Ariel followed, but not before giving a small bow and farewell to Mr. Ravenwood.

“Well I’ll be off then,” Spencer said cheerily. “Do make sure she gets some rest, yeah? Wouldn’t want poor Amy to have any more accidents.”

And with that, he left the room with both Phillip and Ariel in tow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy looked at Philip and reached out to him and CHarles noticed. "Philip wait if you ever wish to come visit please do not hesitate you are welcome to the Ravenwood house hold any time and so are you Ariel." He said to them before they left. "ANd please come for I am sure Amy would want to see you again very soon." He said as he wrapped his arms around his week grandchild as tears fell down her eyes as she watched Philip leave thinking it was all jsut happening agian. Everyone in her life just disappear from her, like everyone else did in her life, like her mother and father. Even though she had her grandfather she still felt very alone in the world.

After time her grandfather got things set up fro Amy to stay at his residence with all the medical things and a stay at home nurse for her so she would be in a comfortable envirorment. He had her set up in the room he had made for her a long time ago. Amy laid in the bed with the normals IVs and machines attached to her as she laid there staying silent. Charles looked at her through the door worried and sighed a bit. "I feel sorry for that boy I hope he will be alright if not I might have to have a word with his father." He whispered as he retired for the night for it was not really late.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

A Phillip and Ariel walked out of the hospital they were greeted by the sight of a black limousine waiting for them. Of course Uncle Spencer wouldn’t spare any expense to travel, though Ariel merely rolled her eyes at the sight of it.

“Where exactly are we going?” she asked.

“Hmm? Back to the family mansion.”


“Why?” Spencer gave her a knowing grin. “I’m afraid I don’t answer to little servants. Sorry to say!”

Phillip stepped forward, putting a hand on Ariel’s shoulder in case she lost her temper. She always seemed to when his uncle was around. “Uncle Spencer. Why are we going?”

“Well, heh, you see…” Spencer tipped his fedora back and smirked. “There’s been a death in the family. Your father has been murdered, sad to say.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Charles was busy getting paperwork done before he went to sleep when he got a phone call and he answered. "Hello Ravenwood residence this is Charles Ravenwood speaking." He said into the phone as he signed a few papers but soon stopped and dropped his pen. 'What did you just say...Yes thank you for letting me know I had no clue I was on his contact list still....goodnight." He siad as he hung up the phone and rubbed his head as his head maid walked in.

"Sir is everything alright?" SHe asked as she placed a cup of herbal tea in front of him. Charles looked up at her and sighed.

"Philips father is dead from what they told me he was murdered this is not good for Philip at all and I fear either he will have to take over the family buisness or that uncle of his has a dark plan and I fear for the boys saftey." Charles said and his head maid looked him worried. "I Know you know another servant besides Ariel there get a hold of them and tell them to keep an eye on the boy as a favor to me." He said and she nodded and went off to make a few phone calls.

Amy laid in her new bed looking out the window at the old yard she and her grandfather played in before her mother just took her and she never saw him again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

Phillip remained silent throughout the entire car ride, only glancing up to see the evening lights flickering from the window. Ariel looked at him worriedly; first Amy and now him too. It was as if the whole world had gone mad. On the other hand, Spencer held a stoic expression himself, not showing any emotion of inner thoughts. What was he thinking?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amy looked out the window before slowly getting out of her bed in a pair of flannel pj pants and a long sleeve wool pj shirt. She looked through the window and all she saw was a dark world of the night and only felt all alone. Her grandfathers head maid walked in. "Amy please get back in bed you need a lot of rest and that is doctors orders." She said and guided Amy to her bed. "What's the point if I get better in all honesty there is just no point for me to continue on with life." She said and the head maid sighed for she knew about the harsh past the girl had. "Please get some rest for your grandfathers sake and Philips I am sure he wants you better." She said as she placed the blankets over her. "No he won't he will just leave like everyone else in my life." She said and closed her eyes and the head maid sighed and left the room.

Meanwhile the maid that the head maid was friends with was going around trying to get information on how her master had been killed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 5 days ago

As the limousine finally arrived at his family’s manor, Phillip stepped outside to take a look. Without his father’s influence now present, the place seemed a little darker, though that might have just the storm clouds rolling by.

Heading inside, he was flanked by Ariel with Spencer trailing behind him. The dark dressed man tipped his fedora towards a certain maid that was watching out for Phillip. His maid.

“Hey there! A bit of a drag, huh?” he asked his maid.
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