Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlazmaStryke


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

All he could do was look around him. It was gray. Slate gray. Like a pristeen machine....but one without life. It was empty here. A Nihilist's Paradise in many ways. A Void. It was a Hollow existence. Just like him. (The only thing I can think of that would even come close to this, would be Limbo....or is it Purgatory?) (....I can't tell....) *Perhaps it is both?* **Maybe it's neither.** *It is all possible* **Everything's possible!** (....So far, it seems like the two of you shutting up for even an hour isn't.) **Ouch bro, tha' hurts righ' 'ere, in mah hear'!** *Grow up you imprudent monkey.* **Hehehe, looks like Robot-dipshit got pissed off! Whadda sight foar sore eyes!** (....I'm leaving this conversation.) *And where do you plan on going?* (I'll wander. After all....) **A Wanderer isn't....** (....Always lost.) *You two are such impressionable children sometimes.* Andrew focused back into the world of Gray. He wondered if perhaps there was anyone else here, or if being the state it was, nobody was capable of meeting each other yet. Both seemed like plausible outcomes after all. He slowly walked on the Gray floor, making his way at random, in a random direct, for a random amount of time. He was leaving himself to Luck and Fate, and he didn't really care. Death had already taken him, no matter how much he wished it not be so. He'd be stuck now. At least this part of him anyway. The other part of his soul had probably already moved on. Become a new person, a new him....or her [Andrew shivered a bit there]. The him that lived was gone in this reality. But then again, it's not like he can fight anymore.... For Fate had already won....he'd died. Rather poorly and without fulfillment in life he might add.... ** *But such is the Fate of those that are Incarnations.* **
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A man was sitting in a dark room, not much could be seen about this specific man if one were there to observe him. The only light present in this dark room came from a set of four computer monitors, the artificial light illuminated some of this man's face, although much of his identity remained shrouded in shadows. All around this man’s workspace was scattered pieces of paper, the words or even diagrams scrawled on them were varied. To the untrained eye it looked like the scribblings of a mad man, however in reality altogether these notes were part of a complex process, a process of searching. This man slid a pair of headphones over his ears, on the side a microphone was built in, this man reached over to this microphone and pulled it towards his face. *[Start of Recording] Its been about a week since the death of the Incarnations, I would have gotten a report out sooner but, well I got swamped in work, my desk is a complete mess I won’t lie. Anyway for report number four I’m doing a short follow up with the last one, and I’m going over what happened to the other three, although follow up is giving too much credit. Really in the end we weren't able to find much else on Princess or Wolf, both families pretty much kept out of the media, neither seem to like the limelight. What we do know is Princess’ mom might face manslaughter charges, its a rumor at best but some guys are going to keep watch on her, well at least for now. First on today’s agenda is about Child, she… well she offed herself, again with a goddamn automobile, this one being a bus. There were no witnesses, and honestly in the end police were unable to identify her body, luckily due to her anonymous status a few Runners were trailing her which means we can confirm Child’s death. Sad thing is her body belongs to the state now, she never got or will get a proper funeral.* *Next we have Queen, and hell if we know what went down, can’t even get close to the scene. A whole lot of money from places that shouldn’t exist has been put into use here, with our resources we can’t learn anything ourselves. Most we got is Lurieth, uh Queen’s mother if I remember right, basically killed Queen while messed up on coke or something like that. Lurieth was probably to be put on death row, but mother found herself dead before the court day. The city is going to feel the aftershock of all this for years, and I don’t trust what the media has, but I guess I can ask Queen herself if the chance ever arises.* *Gamer went down in a surprising way at a surprising time, he kid made it until four the next day pretty amazing for a Incarnation to last any amount of time past the due date. Since he went down so late and so far out in the middle of nowhere Runners were unable to keep track of him, well that’s what they say, personally I think they screwed up. What we did find from the aftermath is Gamer impaled on a sizable piece of rebar, debris from yet again more cars. We’re still piecing together what really happened but what Gamer did do was save a girl’s life, about his age we think, she’s recovering at a metropolitan hospital and will be released within a day. We don’t have a profile on the girl yet but that’s a main focus right now, she was very close to Gamer’s death site and makes her a prime candidate. Gamer is regarded as a hero now, complete with a silver plaque, don’t know really if the kid is the heroic type and if did actually save that girl… off the record if he did show heroism in his last moments of life… well I find that respectable, real respectable.* *Alright that’s it for the latest report, I’m still tracing them down and running short on time to do so, only for sure got a week left now, I’m signing off. [End of Recording]*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ć̡͚͕̦̬̻̻̳̞̤̺͇̞o̧̞̟̠̲͔̯̝͔͙m̨̖̳̮̖̦̕͜͡p̻̭̫̱͞͞ͅļ̶̵̵͉̬̱͔̰̫͎̲̭̠̰̘̞̫̣̳͕͢e̶̡̧̖̘̮̟̘͚͎ţ̵̯̳̙͇̮̟̱͚̯̬̀̕e̢̢͔̮̲͓̜͓̻̣̺̫͚̦̞͎͓̦̳͓̕ ̵̢̘̭̮̭̣̺̹̤̜̱̖̤̟̺̦͈̭͠͝͠ͅD̴̸͖͎̳͞a̢̛͏͍͇̹̙̭̜̻̤̙͈̟͔͖ͅr͇̼͈͎̣̥̕͞k̴̢̡͓̱̻̖̝̞͙̝͕͙̖̞̼͕̣̻̖̲̀͢n̨̛̕͏͖͈̟̻̮͓͇͉e̼̠͖̠̰̟̜̣̻̤̖̳̤͇͞ͅͅş̴̮̮̦͕̫̹̞̣̫̬̰͎̠̠̝̬̳͙̀͟͠ͅs̴̷̷̟̥̫̪̰̞̼̘͔͎̖̥͚͉͕̫̰ ̷̴̶̛̪̱̦̱̬̼ͅ A light escaping from a pinhole in this room of complete and total darkness. In the middle of the room a small child, limp as her body is in a lifeless pile. The sound of a train's whistle can be heard in the distance coming closer and closer until it is deafening. The room is spinning, the room is spinning, the room **won't stop spinning**. And then all at once it stops. The young girl bolts awake a scream escaping her lips, until she can not scream any more. *"Mommy my head hurts."* she whispers, as she comforts holds her head. *"Mommy I'm hungry."* she whispers, as she holds her stomach. *"Mommy I'm dead."* she whispers, as she holds her self in a state of disbelief. No one this young was meant to experience this fate. The young girl's eyes meet with the pinhole of light from the ceiling. What would take but a second now takes hours as she uses every ounce of strength to sit up *"Pick me up."* she cries, from her slumped sitting position. The pinhole opens slightly, the spotlight hitting her on the top of the head. Her palms stretch up and outward, every bone in her body feels like lead as she tilts her head and stares at this blinding light. *"Pick me up.*" she repeats, choking on her own tears and pain. The hole now opens to spotlight Ferra completely. The silence in the box is interrupted with obnoxious applause and the sound of her dance recital's music routine coming to a close. **"Thank you for coming."** a distorted voice says from an unknown area of the darkness. It repeats itself until it becomes a dull ringing sound. *"Pick me up."* Ferra pleads her last plead, and begins to be carefully lifted from the box.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 3 days ago

So my mother had killed me. I was never blind to the fact that she thought I was an inconvenience, but that she hated my guts so much as to take my life? That took me by complete surprise. Oh, I always suspected that Mother used something, just wasn't sure what was her poison of choice. There were many times in which, as a young child, Mother would be away for weeks. I wasn't concerned about it, since everyone assured me she was just away for 'charity-related business'. As I grew up (before I went away to boarding school in London, that is), I noticed that she had erratic behaviors in the few moments I saw her. I knew enough at the time to avoid her at times like that (I always tried to avoid her, anyway), and also to be sure that she didn't suffer from a mental disease. Her symptoms were consistent with drug abuse, not mental problems. Just as I was starting to fear for my safety, Father gave me the opportunity to leave for boarding school, and I jumped at the chance. Who knew that just when I was thinking she was clean, she would fall in the drug's clutches so deeply to savagely murder me with the bottled-up rage of years? Hell, at least Father had shown me some love in the few moments we spent together throughout my life. I never thought I would die that way. Out of all the things that could've happened to me (contracting a disease/parasite for a foreign country in one of my trips, being abducted for money and killed afterwards, shot by a jealous wannabe, in an automobile/cruise/yacht/jet accident, etc.), it had been stupid Lurieth in her coke high. On a positive note, Nathan had tried to save me. My sweet Nathan: always so serious, but with such a heart of gold. Why was I so blind to see that the man felt for me? I can picture him so clearly... Short black hair, tanned skin, a 6'5" toned body, and the kind, almond-shaped eyes that brightened when he saw me. Nathan was my loyal companion everywhere and anywhere, sometimes the only one I ever opened up to. He had seen up close why I had become the Ice Queen, but didn't judge me for it because he knew and was a witness that all of my good traits were hiding behind a wall of coldness I had placed to guard myself from further hurt. I had shared so many memories with Nathan, but there was one that has been branded into my memory like no other. I will never forget the feeling of his soft lips against mine in a final confession of his feelings for me. It makes my stomach fill with butterflies just at the thought of it. I had one clear purpose in life if I ever had the chance to go back. To let Nathan know that I felt exactly the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lexi blinked. But how could she have? There was no Lexi, there was no nothing. It was not dark, but nor was it light. It was both void and matter, neither hot nor cold. There was nothing, but also everything. And then from that nothing came a voice. This voice could not be heard, as there was no sound, and no Lexi to hear it, even if there was, and yet Lexi heard this sound. It was in her head, and all around her, and not there at all. **_“Child?”_ **it will be called a voice, for that is what Lexi ‘heard’. ** _“Child, why are you here?”_** It was not one voice, but many all different, a harmony if you will. “I” Lexi stuttered, “where am I?” _**“Nowhere.”**_ Said some, _**“Everywhere.”**_ Said others, before they all started saying things and drowning each other out. “Stop, stop, stop.” Whimpered Lexi, but the noise just went on. And then, rising above the clamor, a bossy voice with a command, _“Shut UP!”_ All the voices fell silent at once. “What happened?” Lexi queried. _ “You tell me.”_ The bossy voice replied. “I … I was walking … Max … then I was falling … there was a screeching … pain ……… Am I dead?” _**“No”**_ all the voices replied in perfect unison. “But I was hit by a car!” _“You”_ stated the bossy voice, _“are not dead.”_ “But…” _“You, are not dead, but nor are you alive. Just as you are currently both nowhere and everywhere. You do not exist, but also you do.”_ A firm voice, different to the bossy one. “And who are you?” _“I’m Contradiction"_ _“I’m Vice.”_ Said a timid voice. _“Lust”_ said another. _ “Wrath”_ rasped a third, and that started the onslaught. _“Greed, Sin, Faithlessness, Aggression, Gluttony, Hope, Knowledge, Envy, Dreams, Loneliness, Belief, Despise, Thought, Love, Sorrow, Truth, chaos.”_ And so the list went on and on finally finishing with; _“And I’m Control.”_ It was the bossy voice. _“We’re what you might call demons.”_ “But” Lexi managed, quite overwhelmed, “Aren’t demons bad?” _“No”_ Knowledge said matter of factly, _“Just as no human is perfect, neither is the soul, where ‘demons’ hide. We are, in essence, YOU.”_ _“But, we are not YOUR demons.”_ Truth stated. _“We belong to…” _Control started, before Lexi cut across, “Max. You belong to Max. You feel like him.” _“Yes”_ Control was clearly put out, _“We are Max’s demons and that’s why you aren’t dead.”_ _“Not WHY,”_ another, possibly Thought, butted in, _“It’s simply HOW we know you aren’t dead. If you were dead, if you were well and truly dead, we wouldn’t be here.”_ _“No”_ Control took over again, _“We’d be back with Max, setting your lot free in the process.” _ The voices had been fading slowly, getting fainter, and possibly further away, if that was even possible in this void of existence. _“You won’t remember this.”_ Memory’s voice, soft as silk. _“Except, maybe in dreams.”_ Fading voice of Dream. And too faint to hear, but heard none the less, _**“Or if you ever come back” **_
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yuki Hoshika

Yuki Hoshika

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dark. It was dark. Maria felt herself drifting. Drifting? Somewhere a faint beeping was penetrating the nothingness. 'An alarm?' she thought. Though? How could she think. She was dead. Right? _PSSH...BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...PSSH...BEEP..._ It was a steady rythm. A sudden tingling, soon burned inside her. Pain. Pain? But why did she hurt. She was dead, right? Her eyes fluttered slightly to blinding white light. A small groan of protest rumbled in her throat. How long had she been here? She needed to talk to her mom. "Toni? Toni?!" a woman's voice sounded, frantic, yet, relieved at the same time. "W-who?" she groaned out. Her eyes opened widely at that. That voice. Just how badly messed up was she? She certainly didn't sound like a girl anymore. "Toni! It's me! It's Ma!" she said. She scrambled out of her seat to the door of the hospital room screaming for the nurse. 'Who in the hell is Toni?' Maria thought as she attempted to sit up. She was given an examination, and that's when she found out just how much she'd changed. "Temporary amnesia set on by the trauma that was sustained," the doctor explained. "Toni will be ok, but will require some extensive physical therapy." The woman, 'Ma', sobbed. Maria just stared in confusion. She'd woken in a different body. A body that wasn't hers. "I-I was h-hit by, a bus!" she said in that gravely voice that was unnatural to her. "Just a dream," the doctors explained to her. They explained how she, no, Toni, was mugged and beaten within an inch of their life and how Toni was lucky to be alive. "No. I was hit by a bu-" but she was quickly cut off, told to get some more rest and that Toni would be home soon. Soon a sudden wave of exhaustion hit with the pain medicine they administered and she closed her eyes and fell back asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lexi rolled over, groaning. She was in bed. It was just a nightmare, a horrible, realistic nightmare. But something was wrong. The bed was too big, and too cold … And Max was gone. Since Aunt Jen had been there, Lexi had shared Max’s bed; hers having been moved out for their Aunt. Lexi Hadn’t wanted to give up her bed, but it was easier to get out the door. Max’s bed smelled nice … That’s what was wrong. Max’s smell, it was gone. Lexi bolted upright, shocked. Staring round the highly decorated, gold encrusted, friggin’ huge room, Lexi gasped; where the hell was she? This place looked like it could fit her entire house in the one room, and there were more branching off this one. The bed was huge too, almost the size of her and Max's room at home. Everything was either oversized, or seriously rich looking. Lexi dropped her head in her hands, _this wasn’t happening. Was it?_ Car crash one second, waking up in this gilt encrusted room the next. _Oh hell._ “Mira?” a voice called out from the next room. “Time to get up, before the teachers come.” A small, petite girl, with a short bob of gold hair, stuck her head round one of the doors. “Come on Mi…… what are you doing?” Lexi looked up, and just then noticed the long blond hair falling in front of her face. Touching it she gaped, “what is this?” A thought struck Lexi then. Forgetting, or maybe not caring, that someone else was there, she was Lexi after all, she leapt off the bed, ditched her, was this a nightgown? And started turning circles, attempting to she herself. Catching sight of a mirror Lexi hurried over, pulling up short, when she realized not only had her hair changed, she was now taller, thinner, sleeker, and, _oh for the love of god_, weaker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

An explosion of air released from her mouth as her fingers released the steering wheel. Heart racing, Ferra looked around the car confused and terrified. Why was she now in the driver's seat? She was met with another person's face who's breath smelled terrible, **"Holy shit, I thought you were gone!"** an unfamiliar woman said, with a bit of a laugh. **"You were so gone Tiffany, damn. I bet that was a ride."** the woman spoke again, and Ferra just stared with no idea of what was going on. **"We better get back to work though, Tony might kill us if we're on break too long."** the woman said getting out of the car, and walking up the steps towards the establishment they were parked behind. Ferra began sobbing, she was so confused. She gazed up to the rear view mirror and was met with a very much older version of herself, but in a way dirtier. *"I must have fallen asleep on the ride to grandma and grandpa's"* she admitted, as she looked over her body. She had grown breasts, and was littered with tattoos of roses and butterflies. Looking around the car she found her backpack in the back. *"I knew this was a dream!"* she exclaimed, grabbing up the backpack and opening it up. Inside was children's things but nothing that belonged to her. The papers had the name Cheyanne, Adelia, and Neil on them- various children's assignments and handwriting. She read over one of the paper's that had a drawing of a family on it. **KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK** Ferra jumped as the window next to her was rattled by a heavy knocking from a man. **"Tiffany what the fuck do you think you're doing. You're on in 5 minutes."** Ferra only could nod, frightened by the huge man. He swung open the door and grabbed her arm and practically dragged her up the stairs and into the establishment. Ferra saw the words "Second Life" blinking dimly at the top of the place before she was pushed in the door. **"Don't catch me finding you out back taking breaks like that ever again."** the man said again, letting her go and going through the sea of half naked women in this dank back room. Ferra's heart raced as she clawed to get out of the door but was caught by the woman with the sour breath once more. **"I told you to hurry up! That shit must have really got you going- let's go, I'll do your hair and makeup. You're up to perform in a bit."** *"Perform?"* Ferra spoke out loud, and the woman laughed, **"No shit, princess. We're not doing taxes!"** she cackled as she shoved Ferra into a seat and started applying makeup and doing her hair. Ferra smiled, it was just like before her recitals for dance class. **"You're all done."** the girl said and Ferra leaned in, looking at the dimly lit mirror. She really thought she looked beautiful in this older dream body. Perhaps this wasn't so bad of a dream after all. *"Where is my tutu?"* Ferra asked and got a blank stare in return by a few of the other women in the room. The sour mouthed woman cackled again, smacking Ferra on the back, **"Tiffany, you're so fucking funny. Go take off your clothes, and get your ass out there already Destinee is almost done."** Ferra frowned, the smack felt so real and stung. What did she mean take off her clothes? In front of all these others? This wasn't anything like dance recital. *"Wake up"* Ferra said, pinching her arm, over and over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This man was moving around a small apartment, the same one in which the dark room is located. This man threw on a black overcoat preparing to leave his home, it was this day that he needed to leave. This man entered the dark room, he needed to record a message. *[Start of Recording] Not a lot of time to talk, I just finished up the traces and we need to get moving now. Looking at the calendar today is the day of rebirth, its important that we make contact with the Incarnations now before hysteria kicks in, after all I’d hate to wake up in a completely different body. I’m working with four other Watchers, as much as field work is not our thing, its best if we break the news to the Incarnations ourselves and not the Runners different skillsets you know. Can’t waste any more time, there’ll be a follow up later once we got the Incarnations secure. [End of Recording]* This man left the dark room and the small apartment, he was then standing in the main lobby of the building. This man took a small hand held radio. “Right you guys know who to find and where you should find them. We spent days preparing for this so I trust nothing will go wrong. Once you got your Incarnation meet up at the rally point by 9:00 PM of course if something goes wrong radio ahead, no exceptions. Good luck.” This man flicked the off switch, it easily collapsed into a small enough form to fit in his coat pocket. This man exchanged the radio for a piece of folded up paper, he opened it, on top the name **Annie Duston** was boldly printed. This man nodded and then stored away the slip of paper, he had his task and it was time time to fulfil it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Laura’s eyes flew open suddenly. *Wait... Wasn’t I dead? Where the hell am I?!* The young woman scanned the room she was in. She lay in a bed that was half the size of the one she’d had, with luscious red covers and a Victorian black and white pattered comforter. The walls were painted dark red, a few indie band posters decorating one of them, another covered by a tall bookstand that was almost completely filled, and another with a big collage of photos. A line of Chinese lanterns and white Christmas lights crossed the ceiling diagonally. When she tried to sit in order to get a better view of the room she was in, a sharp pain in the left side of her head stopped her. *That’s weird… Wasn’t I stabbed everywhere?* And, strangely, the only thing throbbing was her head. “Easy there, tiger. That’s a hard hit you took there, little sis. Scared us shitless.” A young man’s voice told her. Laura turned toward the voice just in time to see a young man entering the room and taking a seat at the foot of her bed. He looked to be around eighteen, with short brown hair, a creamy complexion, and a pair of almond-shaped green-blue eyes that were the first features to stand out on his handsome face. Before Laura could react, the young man shouted over his shoulder, “Dad! *Dad!* Demi’s awake!” “I’m sorry, who?” Laura asked in a whisper that was unheard as she heard quick, heavy footsteps approaching. Another male, this one clearly older, entered the room and stood directly next to Laura. He was very similar to the younger man, but he had deep blue eyes, crew-cut sandy hair and a tanner skin tone. “Hey there, baby girl. How are you feeling?” the man asked Laura, softly running a hand through her hair. “My head is killing me,” Laura answered honestly, looking at each of the two men in hopes of recognizing them. When it was clear she had no idea, she asked the older man. “I’m sorry, who are you two, exactly?” “Damn, Dad. She hit her head pretty hard, then,” another male voice said. This one looked almost like the younger one’s twin, but with the exception of his long, sandy hair and the pointier nose; features he shared with the man Laura assumed was his father. He was the tallest of the three, and instead of standing or taking a seat, he knelt between the two men, worried eyes scanning Laura’s face. "Are you okay, D.R.?" “Demi, don’t you recognize us? It’s me, Michael, your dad.” The man named Michael pointed to the kneeling man, “This is Kaden,” then pointed at the sitting man. “And this is Luke. They’re your older brothers. You’re Demi, the youngest of my kids and my only princess.” Michael looked genuinely concerned. “Demi, honey, do you remember us?” The look on Michael’s face was heartbreaking. Laura couldn’t bear to hurt the man, especially when they’d been so sweet to her since she’d woken up. Instead of acting defensively, an instinct in Laura told her that everyone present was trustworthy, caring, and terribly worried about her. After a quick moment’s hesitation, Laura made up her mind. “Yes Daddy, I do remember,” Laura told the man with a sweet smile. She took a moment to look at each of the two younger men. “How could I forget any of you clowns?” Luke sighed in relief, then gave a chuckle. “See? I *told* you guys she was just messing around.” “Wonder where she got the jokester quality,” said Kaden, playfully punching Luke’s arm. The brothers stood up and began to mock-box in front of Laura, making her laugh and forget her pain for a few seconds. They were separated by a smiling Michael. “C’mon guys, let’s let Demi get some more rest,” he told his sons, bending over to kiss Demi’s forehead. “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything, sweetie, okay? Just shout to any of us and we’ll come as soon as we can.” “Yeah, Demi, just let us know,” repeated Kaden, kissing Demi’s cheek. Luke did the same, adding a little hair ruffle. One by one, the men exited the room, Luke closing the door behind him. After making sure there was no one close by, Laura slowly stood up from the bed and walked over to the photo collage, searching through many for one that could enlighten her. And there it was: a picture of the three men in order of appearance next to a young girl that looked to be about sixteen, with the same creamy complexion and blue-green eyes she had seen on them. The girl had long, chocolate brown waves that cascaded all the way down to her full bosom, a rocker chick style, and a smile that dimmed even the brightest star. From what Laura could notice, she’d inherited the best of each of her brothers’ features. She was shorter, curvier and fuller than Laura, but breathtakingly beautiful for normal standards. Afraid to look at the mirror, Laura continued to scan the photos, with a million questions racing in her mind. What was happening? Who was she? Who were these people that called themselves ‘family’?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yuki Hoshika

Yuki Hoshika

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria woke with a start. A dream? She was still in the hospital, but the room was empty and dark now. 'I have to go see my mom,' she thought trying to sit up. Pain shot through her left arm and rib cage and a groan escaped her lips. "Ah, crap that hurts," a husky voice came out repeating her thoughts. Not a dream. She was really stuck in this body. But how had she ended up there? How did she go from being run over to ending up in the hospital in a body that wasn't hers? This 'Toni' person. Was this just a case of mistaken identity? Had she been so badly mangled that she'd been mistaken for Toni? A coma. That would explain her voice. Until she looked down, a small bulge coming up from under the covers. 'This can't be real. That's not natural. No. No. No. I need to wake up now. This isn't even funny,' she thought, her heart rate increasing and alerting the nurses. The door flew open and she screamed. The scream was certainly girly enough, but it still wasn't hers. The nurses rushed over and injected the IV with a sedative. "It's ok Toni, just rest, you're ok. You went through something very traumatic, but you'll be out of here by tomorrow," they said reassuringly as her vision swam again. The next day Toni was discharged the next morning. Toni was told the ribs would heal just fine, but Toni would need lots of physical therapy for the bones in the left hand that were shattered from being stomped on and kicked repeatedly. Maria could only nod her head wondering what Toni had been through to deserve this and wondering that if she was now stuck in Toni's body, what had become of hers? Was her body empty and dead? Did it just disappear? What would her mom think? Where was her mom? She really ought to apologize to her, but if she tried to now, in this body, it would probably just make her mom have an episode. That or she'd have the cops called on her for being some sort of creep. The doctors got a cab ready for her and wheeled her outside helping her in as she waited for the long ride to a home she'd never been to before. Perhaps there was enough of Toni's memories in tact in the mind to help her around her strange new surroundings.
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