Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was a cracking sound and Autumn looked up, eyes widening as the ice wave splintered. Everything next happened in slow motion to her. She watched as the ice cracked before blowing apart. She watched as a long, razor sharp piece shoot into her direction as she stood rooted to the spot in shock. Suddenly, time resumed as an arm wrapped around her middle and jerked her back, shielding her face as flames shot out of the tips of slender fingers, vaporizing the ice before it could reach them. Autumn stood there pressed against Aiden as the flame-wielder grasped her shoulders and held her at arms length as his eyes ran down the length of her, making sure she was okay. A sigh of relief escaped him to find her uninjured and the boy hugged her to his chest. Then Alastair and Aldous descended on them and the process was repeated as the both of them held her out and made sure she was okay before hugging her. She told them repeatedly that she was fine but they didn't believe her until they had seen for themselves she was unscathed. Aldous narrowed his eyes, scanning the beach to try and see who had broken the wave of ice. He tensed as he saw a figure heading there way and he inched closer to his siblings protectively, crimson eyes never leaving the approaching woman. Aiden stroked Autumn's head, more to remind himself that she was okay than comfort her. He had been so scared when he had looked up at the cracking sound and saw a shard of ice headed right for his sister. He was just thankful he had reacted fast enough. Concern shone on Alastair's otherwise expressionless face. He had never so scared in his life. He vowed to keep a closer watch on her, never knowing when something like that could happen again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The ice wall had shattered, deadly splinters flying everywhere. Storm grimaced and with a slight flick of his hand sent all headed for him of to either side of himself. Using as little magic, with as little showy stuff as possible. Trump cards were better held in reserve. But still, he was curious, sticking his nose in where really he shouldn’t had always been a bad habit of his. His dormant Tiger part was busy telling him to disappear quietly into the forest and watch things from afar, but the Dominant human side was far to nosey for his own good. Hurrying without appearing to, Storm was finally close enough to see the figures properly. Slowing down and trying to look as non aggressive as a slight unarmed human boy could be, he made his way even closer, wanting to get a good look at everyone there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clasicspyro3
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clasicspyro3 Zecurst

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello my name is Zecurst and who might you he ?Oh and as long as you don't mean me any harm i see no reason to be enemies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ever watched five figures in a distance which made her head tilt the side. So she decided to take a better look as she felt her wings expand then she flew towards a tree to look closer. To her, it seemed like the girl the boys were hugging either almost got hurt or got hurt. She looked in front of them and saw another figure, it seemed to be a male. Her kind part of her wanted to tell the girl if she was alright but she couldn't speak. And she was too shy to when do so and scared. She didn't know anyone...and that frightened her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Arin heard the sound of something shattering and before he knew it, shards of ice went flying towards him and a few others. He managed to dodge a few of the ice shards, but not all of them. He tried to keep from growling while attempting to pull these shards of ice out. I really need to watch my temper. He thought as he pulled the last few shards of ice out. Ace started to run as if he couldn't wait to explore, but then saw shards of ice flying towards him and a few others. He attempted to dodge several times, but managed to get hit by at least one. This is just like trying to play with a porcupine. He thought as he pulled the shard out of his skin. Well, almost. _____________________________ Still in his lair, Hunter had decided on making stronger shadow minions and got to work on it. He closed his eyes in concentration as he attempted to summon the strongest shadow minion possible at the moment. This shadow will hopefully be at his command. ((Why do I always end up getting into the scene late? XD))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stumbling slightly through the forest Fyn headed for the direction of the earth shattering noise she had heard, it was like nothing she’d ever heard before, but considering that she couldn’t remember anything beyond a few minutes ago, that didn’t mean much. Tripping over a root, and face planting into the leaf-mulch, Flynn suddenly wondered; why, if she had wings, was she not using them to fly? Frowning she pulled herself up and looked around; the forest was too dense to take off here, but maybe if she climbed a tree…? Picking the tallest tree, or the one that looked tallest from where she stood, Fyn scrambled up, leaping from branch to branch and swinging herself higher and higher. Reaching the small branches that would never hold her weight Fyn spread her wings, stretching them out to their full length, wider than she was tall, and in one fluid movement she tipped off the branch, falling forwards gracefully, and then she was jerked up as the wind caught her wings, the leathery membranes stretching taught. Whooping, Flynn angled herself toward the smell of salt and, relishing the freedom, she flew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Priscilla strode up to those already present with a cocky smile on her face, armour clanking and shifting as with each step. As she stopped a few meters away and placed a hand on her hip, the other hand through one of the loops of her belt as she looked over her shoulder to check for any potential ambushes. Her voice was girlish, but gruff as she spoke. "Uhhh, I'm not exactly a local to these parts, so I was wondering if you had seen a dragon around these parts? About yay high," She says as she points to an indeterminate height above her, "It's got big nasty teeth, brown scales, bad breath and a worse attitude." She eyed up the very defensive triplets and could smell the scent of corruption from somewhere nearby. "See anything like that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SallyJohnson02


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aniram hit the deck as ice came falling down around her, but with a wave of her hand, the ice melted, hitting her in splashes. She hissed, whoever did that was an idiot, and deserved to pay. She looked around the beach, but she couldn't find anyone that was a likely culprit, so she approached a girl playing with a shell, and Sat down beside her. "Hello, little one. You're a young one of your kind, aren't you? Very pretty, and innocent." She talked in random bursts, her voice smoothe, like waves lapping in the distance. She tilted her head and frowned. "Respond, little one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Autumn gazed at the random women that came over to her with wide eyes, unsure how to respond. Alastair frowned and sat near his sister, eyeing the lady with his bright red eyes. "We are not that young. Who are you?" He asked bluntly, tilting his head to the side. Aiden plopped down in the sand next to them, looking the woman over as well. "Why is your hair blue?" He asked randomly, ignoring the look Alastair shot him. Then the triplets looked back at the woman, wondering how she would respond. "I-It's a very p-pretty color." Autumn piped up, hoping to calm the woman if she became upset by her brothers question. Aldous eyed the woman that approached warily. "Why in the hell would I have seen a dragon here? I don't even know where here is." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

In a slightly more secluded section of the forest, Jacque was hard at work tending to his garden, ripping away weeds and shifting the soil with his hands. "The weather is surprisingly nice this time of year, a good omen if i've ever seen one. It even looks as though most of my berry bushes will be bearing fruit upon my return from globe trotting. Here's hoping the animals don't get into them, eh?", he inquired as he looked up at the smiling face of his adopted daughter Laura. Or rather, looked up at a smiling portrait of her anyway. Jacque sighed heavily as another pang of loneliness hit him. It had been nearly a month since he'd sent off his little girl to become a ranger, and yet the feeling of loss never dulled when he thought of her. "I hope that your training is going well child. I miss-", Jacque paused as he heard something far off in the distance, it was faint like the sound of thunder in the distance, yet distinctly different. "Guess that's my cue to get on the road. Wherever that sound was seems like a good place to start" Jacque said as he wiped off his hands and picked up his daughter's portrait and stuffed it into the pack he kept his herbs in. With a soft grunt, the man stood to his feet and stretched a bit to loosen up. He checked his supplies to ensure everything was in order, and then Jacque was off. The ranger moved like a blur through the forest, his legs carrying him at the sorts of speeds that would nearly put a thoroughbred race horse to shame. It had been far too long since Jacque Marrow had traveled abroad, he just hoped the world once more held new and exciting things for him to bear witness to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Putting a hand up and taking on a defensive posture, Priscilla laughed as she spoke. "Okay, don't mind me. Just that you looked like you were a local, and I have no idea what the locals look like here." She looked around at the beach, the tree-line and finally at the others. It was obvious that on closer inspection, these 'children' weren't entirely of human descent. That put Priscilla on edge, given her profession. If anyone actually recognised her as a Slayer, she might have some major trouble on her hands. Her smile drooped slightly and she spoke with less cheer in her voice. "Well I'm on the trail of this thing, so if you see something, say something. No scaly bastard gets away from me twice."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It didn’t take long for Flynn to reach the beach. Gliding above the tiny figures on the beach, Fyn considered dropping down, but then decided against it; it looked kinda tense down there. Not to mention there was far to many people. For now she would just keep circling, watching, and waiting. Unknown to her however, as she circled, her winged shadow glided across the sand below, like the shadow of a cloud passing over the sun, but with a very un-cloud-like feel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As a winged shadow passed overhead, Priscilla acted on reflex to draw her weapon and shield. The grip on both was tense and firm as she looked to the skies, searching with a fervour that made her heart pound in her chest. "Looks like the beast has come to me instead!" She looked into the skies, but could not see the creature, and bellowed into the clouds. "Why not come down here and find for yourself the taste of cold steel, I've heard its good for you!" She held her bastard sword at her side and looked over the rim of her shield, peeking as she continued to search the skies for this dragon she had been hunting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

James yawned and stood, walking over to the girl who was apparently hunting a dragon. "You're a dragon slayer?" he said, looking at her. "Well, here's a bit of advice. That sword and shield is useless against a dragon. A bastard sword isn't strong enough. It'll snap on dragon scales, and that shield isn't big enough to protect you from breath attacks. And that thing in the sky isn't a dragon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Why not come down here and find for yourself the taste of cold steel, I've heard its good for you!" Flynn wondered about why anyone would want to eat steel, but came down anyway. Flipping a few somersaults she pulled in her leather wings and dropped the last few feet to the ground spraying sand in all directions. Grinning she poked a lady on the nose, “Boop!”, before skidding backwards out of her reach. Bowing she said; "I believe you called?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Priscilla lowered her blade and shield as the shadow made itself know as... another young demon. She even had the audacity to invade her personal space and call it a greeting. Priscilla scoffed and put away her shield, hanging it from a hook on her pack. "I did call, but for reasons that are invalid now." She wiped off her nose, checked her nose-ring and spoke again with a frown, "Didn't your parents teach you not to touch strangers?" The straps of her pack were beginning to pull strangely, and Cil rolled her shoulders to adjust accordingly as she turned to the other, much more snarky demon child. "And here is some advice to you, from a woman who has slain 18 drakes and 6 full-grown dragons in her lifetime. They work perfectly fine if you know how to use them. Verschlinger here," She hoisted the bastard blade to her face and kissed it on the chipped, lop-sided crossguard, "He's been with me through each and every battle, hasn't failed me yet." She sheathed the blade slowly, almost lovingly, and blew her short hair from her face. She then rapped her fingers on her circular shield with a satisfied smirk, "And Beschutzer has guarded me against more dragon-fire than you've probably seen in your life-time." She adjusted her gauntlets with a smirk and spoke in a voice heavy with sarcasm, "So watch your tongue on issues you know nothing about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

James chuckled. "Things I know nothing about? Well, how about the legendary Dragonspawn, who are rumored to be at least 80 times more powerful than any dragon?" he asked. "Have you ever seen one? Or do you believe they're extinct like they're supposed to be?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Priscilla didn't like the smarmy attitude on this kid, it irked her to the point of grinding her teeth slightly. "Of course. My company and I have put together expedition teams and gone on month long hunts for the blasted creatures when they do rear their ugly heads. They ain't so special, just mean as the depths. Still bleed and die like normal dragons, as much as they act the big cheese." She adjusted her pauldron again, checking the straps around her shoulder and tightening where needed. "As long as it terrorises the innocent, we come to slay it. So before you call me a bigot or a racist or something idiotic like that, consider the fact that I work with folks of all sorts. Elves, Orcs, those Fox-people, Demons. Even other Dragonspawn. I don't hunt dragons, I hunt the wicked." She cuffed her hair behind her ear and shielded her eyes from the sun as she surveyed their surroundings once more. "Though, this trip is something of a personal one. My quarrel is with a swamp drake, most likely grown into a swamp dragon now. I've tracked him a long while to this island."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

James looked at Pricilla. "Hm...swamp dragon....Oh, that child. I don't really much care for him. He's a spoiled brat. Prince of the swamp dragons. Kill him if you want. I hate him anyways. If it wasn't forbidden for dragons to fight over anything other than territory, I'd kill him myself. I think he's somewhere on this island. And the reason many Dragonspawn are arrogant is because most used to be humans. Mortals. But give a mortal too much power and they go insane. Mortal minds and hearts can't handle immortality."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

From where he floated, Amos could see the other people just standing on the beach talking to one another. His little display of power really only alerted what he could presume, was a family. They had all checked the one female as if she meant a great deal to them. An interesting concept, this compassion for family. He once had family, no, he couldn't think about that as he shoved it away from his mind. Did they think they were safe here upon this beach, where already something life threatening just happened? He would show them the error of staying here. He scanned the horizon, the forest was close to where some stood and a perfect target for another explosion. He repeated the same steps as before, this time revealing himself farther down the beach away from the majority. If one looked in the nick of time they would see it coming, the dark beam of energy, colliding with the trees.
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