Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Peter Dobson was beaming ear to ear as he shunted his trolley through Kings Cross Station, his mother hurrying ahead of him leading the way. Nobody paid the two much attention, since the whole station seemed to be full of similar groups; teenagers from around 11 to 17 heaving trolleys filled with trunks and in some cases, owls in bird cages. You'd think that this would cause some interest from other passersby though it seemed that either they were oblivious to these strange sights or truly just didn't care! It didn't take long for Peter and his mother to reach the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Here the duo stopped for a few seconds, before the mother took her son by the hand, and the two of them sprinted forward, as if being pulled forward by a magnet of sorts. Despite what he had promised himself prior, Peter flinched as he hit the wall, shutting his eyes tights as he "made contact". He was met with a wonderful sight of scarlet when he opened them, the magnificent train gleaming in all it's glory in front of him. The platform was crowded with families; some bidding each other goodbye in between fits of tears while others laughed and joked. The site wasn't all that strange for Peter, who had grown up in the middle of Diagon Alley although despite that, he still hurried on forward, his mouth open in awe as he did so. After convincing his mother to buy him a pumpkin pastie from one of the stands he sat and ate in silence staring around as his mother went off with the bulk of his luggage in order to get someone to store it on board. He still had one of his cases of course, to hold his robes which he needed for tonight, as well as a few comics to preoccupy himself with on the journey. "I'm so proud of you" His mother began to tear up as she kneeled down next to Peter after returning. "Remember to be good! I don't want to hear anything but good things from you Petey!" Reassuring her that he'd be fine, Peter gave her a hug, only to be interrupted by a whistle which signaled that the train would be leaving soon. Giving his mother one last smile, he grabbed his remaining suitcase and rushed off, climbing on board the train behind a group of laughing teenagers some years old than him. After spending a good few minutes making his way down the train, he stopped outside a nearly empty looking one which seemed good enough to him. Opening the doors he was met with a pretty young girl wearing bright crimson lipstick and another girl holding up a whiteboard. Not wanting to just burst in, he gave the open door a quick knock, gestured to one of the window seats with his head. "Do y' mind if I sit?" He asked with a smile before taking another glance at the whiteboard in confusion which read "My name is Dani. May I ask what your name is?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You're going to love Hogwarts, Rozie." Leo said Rozalia, glancing at her from behind his shoulder - she had insisted on one last piggy-back ride off him before she left on the train. He was feeling lucky - the Auror's office had been reluctant to let him go for a half-day, but there was no way in Hell he was going to miss seeing her off onto the train. Besides, he wanted to see the old platform again, and to see if there were any of his friends hanging around seeing off their younger brother's and sisters. "It sounds amazing! I can't wait to see the Library! Ooh, and the Great Hall! Oh, and the ghosts! I bet they're way more friendly than they're shown on horror movies." Roze laughed as she went on talking about this, her previously brown hair shining gold with her excitement. Her father - walking alongside her and Leo - quickly took of his hat and hurriedly pulled it down over her shining curls, glancing around. They were just entering the station, with Roze's Dad pushing the luggage trolley; on it lay two large trunks, a smaller knapsack, and a wicker basket where her cat Sora was sleeping - and they were still surrounded by Muggles. "Ah... nostalgia." Roze's father grinned as he looked at the very familiar ticket barrier. A child and his mother had just passed through it, unbeknownst to the surrounding Muggles. "Remember when me and your mum took you here for the first time? You looked fit to burst; either from excitement or tears, I still don't know." He said with a sly grin at his son, who nudged him playfully. They were soon through the barrier and among the hustle and bustle of the various children and frantic parents, some fussing, some bored, some screaming after toddlers that had somehow snuck onto the train. Rozalia was now on the ground, staying close to her brother and father as they pushed towards the train. It was a magnificent scarlet, with steam already billowing out of the funnel at the front and the steam pistons gleaming. She gazed in awe at it, and then saw the various students already sat in the compartments. "Will you stay until it pulls out of the station?" She asked, looking up at Leo and her Dad, removing her hat and letting her magically-changing hair fall free. "Like you have to ask. C'mon kiddo, let's get you on there. I don't want it going without you." Her Dad said, ushering her forward and passing her trunks over to one of the porters. With her knapsack slung over her back and Sora's basket in her arms - he had mewled most grumpily when she awoke him - Rozalia took another look at the train, then back to Leo and her Dad. Her hair suddenly took on a blue tinge as a pang of homesickness hit her. She hated to leave them, she really did. But she knew that her brother would be heading back to the Auror's office soon, and her Dad was set to ship out to the Middle East tomorrow. "I'll write to you every day, okay?" She promised, firmly and silently telling herself not to cry. Honestly - she wasn't a baby. Her Dad chuckled and knelt so he could pull her into a hug. "I won't hold you to that. Besides, I don't think my bunk mates would enjoy coping with an owl every day. Every week, yeah? Then I can write back some decent replies other than a report on sand storms and sunburn." "I'll be impressed if you manage to write us both every day, Rozie," Leo began, ruffling her curls as he always did, a bright grin on his face as the blueness receded from her blonde hair. ", the workload catches up with ya. Trust me." "Pft. Like you know about work." She retorted teasingly with a grin. Her goodbye's were swift, but heartfelt, and she was soon wandering down the train to find a compartment. She was hoping to find an empty one, or at the very least one that didn't have any second years or above within it. After a fruitless search of an empty compartment, she halted outside one containing two boys, and a girl. Sliding open the compartment door (Quite a feat while juggling a heavy bag and an angry kitten), she smiled at them all and glanced at one of the spare seats. "Hey! Have you got room for one more?" She asked with a sweet smile, aimed at them all. One of the boys was blond and quite tall, the other smaller, although with dark hair and eyes - the eyes had a familiar mischievous twinkle in them. And they both seemed to be giving the girl in the carriage strange looks - fair to say, the girl did draw the eye. Although not unattractive, she certainly looked a bit strange.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If there was one thing that Dani hated, it was the awkward silence that persisted while she erased and rewrote on her whiteboard. She was glad to hear that the other girl didn’t consider her an intruder, however, as that did alleviate some of her anxiety. While she held up the board asking for the other girl’s name, a boy with dark skin and hair knocked on the door before asking if he could join them, looking at the whiteboard with a bit of a puzzled expression. While Dani nodded her consent for the boy to join them, a tad uncomfortable because of how he was looking at her. The other girl answering the question posed on the whiteboard by stating that her name was Pearleane distracted Dani from her uncomfortableness, though her follow up question brought it back full force. It wasn’t that she cared much that Pearleane asked the question or was curious; it was that it would make the whole situation pretty awkward. “I suppose that you could say that,” Dani wrote on the whiteboard. “I was born mute.” After making sure that they both saw it, as it was rather tedious to have to keep repeating that, she hurriedly erased what she had written so that she could write “Don’t feel bad. You didn’t know. And I’m okay with that,” onto the board. The last thing she wanted was for them to feel bad about not knowing about her condition. Once again after making sure that they had both seen it, and that they were okay with that information, Dani wrote, “So what are you guys most excited about?” While she waited for a response, she happened to see another kid chasing what appeared to be a chocolate frog as it hopped down the aisle, his wand out as he tried to hit it with… something. Eyes wide, Dani tried to keep her focus on Pearleane while waiting for an answer in order to keep from overloading on weird stuff. So long as she could ignore that she and Pearleane and the new boy were witches and wizards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caelum Liquin “Hello Charlotte.” Caelum looked up toward the owl. “Hello Indiana.” She did not have a magical pet, but had seen many in the station and on the train. She wondered if she was missing something essential to the wizard lifestyle. In movies and books the magicians and witches often had cat or raven familiars… She picked up her sketch book and stood. She stepped into the car and sat across from Charolette. “My name is Caelum. I… I suppose I am a witch now, aren’t I!?” She smiled. The sparks on the wand caught Caelum's attention. “Oh! That is beautiful! I’m… I’m a new witch so I don’t know any spells or magic yet.” She reached into a coat pocket and took out her own wand. The thin yew branch had not performed any magic or miracles for her since she bought it. “What year are you?” Caelum assumed that Charlotte, since she knew magic already, must be a returning student.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

‘Blue Haired Boy’ ((NPC)) Alaric would see a smile spread across the older boys lips. “Excellent.” The boy bent down, untied, and discarded his shoes. He crossed his gangly legs and sat on the seat facing Alric, scooting back so that there was plenty of space between them. “Quick?” He was wearing an old brown jacket, he reached to an inner pocket and pulled out a blue pouch, from that pouch he pulled a stack of cards, their top sides all blue. “Quick? Perhaps just a three card spread then…” He shuffled the deck, Alric would only see the top sides of the card, they were all uniform, all blue. He had long quick fingers that shuffled the cards masterfully. Then finally he would select three cards and set them face down. He turned over the first, the one to Alric’s right side. “The Emperor.” There was a picture of a man with a long beard in a long robe on a tall stone throne. He seemed to be on a mountain. The card was upside down, with his feet in the air. The arms of the throne were carved into the shape of phoenix heads, the emperor carried a crystal ball and a long wand in each hand. “This is your past. It indicates strong leadership and stability. You’ve got a good foundation, or perhaps a strong role model, that has ruled your life in the past… Either that or you're going to marry someone wealthy.” He flipped over the next card. “The Ace of Cups.” There was a golden goblet in the center of the card, five streams of water spouted from the top as if it were a fountain. The cup was held by a hand without a body, it’s wrist emerged from a cloud. “This is a card that marks new beginnings. You're probably starting a new endeavor… perhaps school…” The boy rolled his eyes and winked at Alaric, as if sharing some inside joke. Then he tilted his head to and fro, as if considering a serious matter “... Don’t wait too long to say ‘yes’.” Then he touched the last. “This one is for the future…” He flipped the card to reveal a young man in a long robe. He stood before a table. On the table was a goblet much like the one in the middle card, a sword, a wand, and a large coin. “This is The Wizard! You're going to be a wizard!” He laughed then, a bit too loud for comfort. “You silly things…” he touched the un-dealt deck gingerly as he spoke. “Soh. The wizard… about him… I mean you… your future… ahem… You will become empowered only when all things are in balance. Every tool is available to you, your own discretion is the only obstacle. You have been wishing for something a long time, do not give up hope, but become more shrewdand discerning as you work toward your goals.” He clapped his hands and gathered up the cards. “Quick enough for yo--” A blue card slipped from the pile and landed on the floor. “Ooops!” The boy scrambled to pick it up. “Your not done yet I see!” He pushed the card toward Alaric. “Look.. It’s the moon!” In a dark blue sky the moon was painted with a smiling face, a womans face. Below her on the ground were two towers and two wolves, they mirrored one another astride a long path that lead into a river on the bottom of the card. In the river was a scorpion. The scorpion was black and seemed to be walking toward one of the wolves, it's venomous tail was raised threateningly. “Yes… be very shrewd indeed! Beware of betrayal! You're going to be invited to a party, listen closely, and think before you accept!” He put the card back in the pile and began to shuffle again. He hummed a low tune as he did so. He tossed the cards between his hands like a stage magician might. “I’m Nathaniel by the way.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A small knock on the frame drew Pearleane's attention to the boy standing there. "Do y' mind if I sit?" He asked as a smile came on his face and his gaze went to the whiteboard. Pearleane smiled, looking to Dani, "I don't mind if she doesn't" Pearleane chirped, as Dani nodded her consent deciding the final decision. Pearleane's full attention went back to Dani as she began scribbling on the white board again. “I suppose that you could say that,” it read “I was born mute.” Pearleane felt instantly upset about what she had commented. Her expression must have been apparent to Dani as the next thing she wrote on the board was the follow: “Don’t feel bad. You didn’t know. And I’m okay with that,” Pearleane's lips pouted slightly, "I'm still sorry for being rude." she admitted looking Dani into her bright eyes. “So what are you guys most excited about?” Dani wrote next and Pearleane didn't wait for the boy to answer before speaking her mind. "Cute guys!" Pearleane gushed with a laugh, "Just kidding." she added, her eyebrows lowering a bit to seem serious. "I guess I am excited to learn new things. I'm not the best at learning, but I try hard!" the young girl said, looking to the boy to answer Dani's question next. Whilst they waited, she pulled out the jelly beans from her purse and offered some to Dani.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Charlotte laughed, feeling a little flattered. "I'm just first year! I don't know anything about spells, but when I wave my wand around sometimes I get pretty sparklers." She held the wand up for Caelum to see. "It has a unicorn hair inside of it. I don't know how they do that but it's really neat. You have a wand, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I suppose that you could say that, I was born mute." The revelation that the board was her only way of communication felt as if he'd been punched in the stomach. Sure Peter hadn't commented on it, but he had considered it odd so for that he was ashamed. Holding his hand to him mouth in worry, he shot the girl an apologetic glance as she began to write once more on her board. “Don’t feel bad. You didn't know. And I’m okay with that.” Peter was slightly relieved to read this last part, as he he knew that the girl wasn't upset, although that didn't change how guilty he felt. Nevertheless Peter moved into the carriage, awkwardly placing his tiny case into the overhead compartment, having to stand on his tiptoes to reach. Out of breath after the effort, he slumped down into an empty seat. Turning to face the girls once more he was just in time to catch what was on the girl's board just before it was rubbed away. Chuckling slightly at the other girl's answer, he realizing it was his turn. What was he looking forward to the most? Well one thing came to mind instantly! "I heard the feasts here are to die for!" He exclaimed happily. He hadn't traveled far from London or his Uncle's home in Bristol about from a brief trip to Argentina the previous year to watch a game in the Quidditch world cup so he hadn't had much of a taste of foreign cuisine, with his food in Argentina having been brought over by his parents. He was hoping that Hogwarts could possibly change that, with the kitchen workers providing something to stimulate his taste buds. "I'm Peter by the way!" He added quickly, snapping out of his thoughts. "Peter Dobson."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Yes. Mine is yew and kelpie hair." Caelum did not know exactly what a kelpiewas yet. She hoped to find out soon in her classes. She studied her wand closely, looking for a seam in the wood where the various hair might have been inserted. "Perhaps they use magic to put the hair inside." She concluded, finding no imperfections in the polished wood. "Otherwise I would say they use a lathe to shape the wood... but they might use magic instead!" She frowned. "To be honest... I find it difficult to tell what is magic and what is not. I mean... there must be magic on this train, or is it really just a steam engine? Everything looks more old fashioned than magical." She blushed and looked back to her wand, perhaps she was being impatient. "How do you do it? You wave it?" She carefully traced her own wand through the air experimental. No sound nor spark emitted. "Am I doing it right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Hm," Charlotte watched as Caelum waved her wand with little effect. It was beyond bizarre to be seen as anything like an expert, but her new acquaintance was asking for advice. "Maybe," Charlotte mused, in theatrically deep thought, "You're just not excited enough. Every time I wave it, I'm just so happy and excited to be going to magical school. Or," she looked happily at her own wand, "Maybe unicorns are just more magical than kelpies."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The whole situation still did feel rather iffy to Alaric, but he did have to admit he was rather curious about the cards the boy held in his hands. (It couldn't hurt to be curious just once or twice, right?) He raised an eyebrow as the other boy turned over the first card, leaning forwards a little to get a clear view. "...Strong leadership or marrying someone rich," the boy responded rather flatly (although his tone was starting to border on sounding just a little incredulous). After a moment of silence, he continued (although it was more muttering to himself than actually directed towards the other boy). "The second one, definitely. I'm sorry, brother, but you were never much of a leader." Alaric shook his head as the boy turned over the second card. "New beginnings... school, yes. Of course," he continued to mumble (mostly) to himself, "Don't wait too long to say yes...?" Alaric trailed off mid sentence, sounding like he was lost in his own thoughts for a moment. Then he snapped back to attention as the blue haired boy flipped over the next card. And started to look slightly perplexed as he watched him... talk to the cards? Someone's a little loony, he couldn't help but think somewhat snidely, These people sure are weird , aren't they? Although the last two cards did seem a little... concerning, if anything. (Even though Alaric was fairly confident these sort of things were just superstition, the fact that someone was telling him people were going to be backstabbing him wasn't particularly reassuring.) And shrewdness towards his goals... what goals? As far as he was concerned, he didn't have anything particularly big planned for himself right now. ...Now that he thought about it, actually, what kind of goals would need hiding in the first place, anyway? (Alaric actually considered voicing all these questions for a moment, but then he remembered questions always dug him into trouble. Trouble and nothing else. So he just tried to shove them to the back of his mind.) "...So Nathaniel, is this what you usually do?" Alaric mused out loud, eyeing the other boy, "Just barge into places and ask people if they want to 'have their cards read'?" That did seem rather... odd to Alaric, but to be fair, his brother did warn him these people did tend to be unusual, to say the least. So he supposed this wasn't too out of line, considering. A growing part of Alaric was starting to nag him to check if the other boy was a mudblood or not before just casually striking up a conversation like this, but it wasn't like he was going to stay here for too long or anything, right? ...Then again, he'd been sitting around him for a while now. A little too long, actually. After a moment or two of shuffling awkwardly in his seat, the boy decided he couldn't hold the question in anymore. "You're not a mudblood, are you?" he blurted out, words jumbling a little as they left his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Moirah (NPC) "A Penguin? Where... What?" Moirah turned toward the window, pressing her glasses closer to her eyes. When he continued to speak, she glanced back toward him suspiciously, but didn't ask about the penguin any more... He was speaking of more important matters. "All the death eaters were Slytherin. Is that a coincidence? Everyone knows that in the Battle of Hogwarts they needed to lock up the Slytherin students because they tried to help You-Know-Who and could not be trusted! They nearly dissolved the house entirely after that! We have not had any profoundly evil wizards like back then... but if we do, mark my words, they will be Slytherin!" Moirah looked up as a new girl entered the scene. She scooted over a few seats to make room for the girl. "Come on in! You can help me talk some sense into these men!" She was grinning from ear to ear, looking between the newer girl and the two boys. "MOIRAH here!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Upon seeing Rozie enter, Julius grinned and gestured to the empty space besides Moirah. "As you can see, you're quite free to join us~! We were just having this absolutely stimulating topic about which house is the best . . . I think." Continuing from earlier, Julius tilted his head. "Hm, anyway, from what my mom told me, there were some Gryffindors and others in the Death Eaters. One of them became pretty infamous, Peter um, something. I forget, really." He was of course, referring to Peter Pettigrew. "And Harry Potter himself said that SLytherin was the house of the bravest person he knew! It said so in his interview in the Daily Prophet! No names given though, but a lot of people thought he was talking about Hogwarts previous Headmaster." Julius is rarely one to read, but when he does, do not expect him to forget what he did read. "And besides, isn't the fact that it hasn't been dissolved yet proof that Slytherin isn't all bad? We need people who are sly enough to get away with anything every once in awhile," he ended with a cheeky grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TaliPaendrag


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dani was rather glad to note that the two other children in the compartment with her accepted that she wasn’t upset with them. She had met people who didn’t seem to find it possible that she could not be offended by their offhand remarks about how quiet she was or something, and their subsequent attempts to make it up to her had always gotten on her nerves. Hopefully, they weren’t the only two people like that in the school. It would make things a lot easier. Dani shrugged in response to Pearleane’s apology with the intent of conveying that it really wasn’t a big deal while the boy put his stuff into the little storage area above, standing on his toes to reach. Knowing that she herself would have been unable to reach the storage area even on her toes, Dani kept her backpack next to her on her seat. Even though they were sitting down, it was rather obvious that she was particularly short. Pearleane’s response to the question on her board was surprising, until she laughed and gave it away as a joke that was, becoming a little more serious. Dani nodded as Pearleane explained that she really wanted to learn, which was something that Dani could relate with considering she was new to the whole magic thing. The boy answered the question almost immediately after Pearleane finished, chuckling a bit at her joke answer. Dani listened while he answered the question, taking one of the jelly beans that Pearleane offered and popping it into her mouth. Almost immediately upon biting into it, her mouth was filled with a sharp spice that made her want to throw up, though she swallowed it to keep from being rude. Eyes watering, Dani tried to focus on what the boy was saying as he answered her question by saying that he was looking forward to the food, which he had heard was superb. After answering the question, the boy introduced himself as Peter, and Dani began writing her own response on the board to share. “I’m excited to learn as well. I’m new to this whole thing. By the way, what was that… thing I ate?” is what the whiteboard read when she flipped it around for the others to see. Based on how they held themselves, she had a feeling that they weren’t nearly as new to the whole thing as she was, which was somewhat reassuring. Hopefully, they would be able to help her out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jake nodded to Roze as she came in as he listened to the conversation. He shook his head as Juilius was talking about the Death Eaters. He shook his head. "Most of them were Slytherins. You Know Who was from that house." He said whispering the name. He was still scared to say that name. "Peter Pettigrew is the name you were looking for..." He said looking at Martin. "He wasn't a true Griffindor. A true member is brave and selfless. Not like him." He said as if he was defending something. "The thing with the snakes is that they demand purity of blood. I don't have that since my mother is Muggle born. Granddad still has trouble with the magical world. "He said laughing. "Their founder wanted it or something. However Harry Potter came from Griffindor. I think that settles the old argument. "He said grinning smugly. "My uncle told me Ravenclaw was not all that bad..." He said pulling out a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. He grinned and offered it to the group. "Got a sweet tooth from my Dad. Unless any of you are scared." He taunted still holding the box.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rozalia eased her way into the compartment, allowing Sora to leap from her arms before sitting down, crossing her legs. Rather than dress in the uniform already, she'd opted for more comfortable Muggle attire - blue jeans, maroon high-tops, and a top along with her mother's old brown leather jacket. It was a tad on the big side for Roza, but she enjoyed wearing it anyway. Remnants of her mother's perfume still lingered in the worn material. "Pft. Scared?" Roze said with a chuckle, taking one of the jelly beans with a grateful smile at Jake. It was a deep red - hoping it was raspberry, she waited a few moments to get in on the conversation. She'd overheard some of the talk about the Slytherins, and she was quite eager to put some of the more negative connotations of the house to rest. "I think all the houses look okay; I am hoping for Ravenclaw, but my brother was in Gryffindor, my Mother in Slytherin, her brother in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw is the only one left for my family, I guess." She paused once more, popping the bean in her mouth and glancing at Moirah. "My Mam was alright. To be honest, judging someone for their houses is just-" Cutting off her words, she shuddered as she chewed the bean, swallowing it with a grimace. "Euch. Blood. Mr. Bott, you cruel genius." She muttered, her hair shifting from blonde to brown in disgust automatically. "...Yeah, judging someone for that is ridiculous. In fact, shoving kids apart into different houses is a bad idea. It creates rivalries." She paused for another moment, thinking on her and the others' words with a slight frown. Death Eaters... although most had been wiped out, some remained. She was unsure if the people who had killed her mother had been Death Eaters, but in the newspaper article, it had stated all five had been from Hogwarts, and had belonged to the house of Slytherin. However, that hadn't made her opinion of it become any less skewed. Perhaps most of the bad ones were from Slytherin because they were pretty much forced to live with one another? If you live continuously with one bad person for a good 8 years of your life, it's no surprise that their behaviour would rub off on you. Thinking back to the first words she had heard before entering the compartment, Roze turned back to Moirah. "About those Slytherin kids, from the Battle of Hogwarts... from what I've read and heard, only a few wanted to give Harry up to Voldemort. I imagine the majority of them didn't want to fight because they'd be facing family members. No matter how evil they are, who would want to help kill their own parents? I don't blame them for hiding." She stated in quite the rational tone, thinking that many children she would meet would be immensely prejudiced on the topic of houses and whatnot. However, this wasn't really the nicest topic they could be talking about, so she looked back to the boys in front, her smile returning to her face. "Oh, I almost forgot! I'm Rozalia Éathliel - pleasure to meet you all. Feel free to give me a nickname; most people do." She introduced herself, and Sora jumped into her lap, mewing grumpily. Chuckling lightly, she tickled the back of his head. "And this grumpy little thing is Sora. For a kitten, he doesn't half act like a mean old man." She added, and he glared - trust me, kittens can glare at you - up at her, immediately leaping off her lap and onto the windowsill, glowering out of the window. "So, whereabouts are you all from?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Magnus had been lead onto the platform with the train just in time. As it was pulling out of the station. Agnes urged the boy to run and grab on to the railing. Magnus took off and so did his little Owl Merlin. Merlin made it to the train and perched on the Conductors shoulder and screeched in his ear. Luckily the man turned instead of swatting at the bird and saw Magnus running to catch up. The conductor wide eyed put out his hand and grabbed hold of Magnus. The boy heaved a large breath once his feet touched solid train. He turned back to the platform and waved goodbye to Agnes. He missed his new home already and wondered if this was all just a dream one last time. The conductor gave Agnes the ok sign to show her that he had indeed made it safe. With a flick of his wand the conductor floated Magnus' luggage to the train and urged the young boy and his loud owl inside. Merlin jumped from the conductor to Magnus and stayed perched there. Magnus walked in and found a car to put his stuff in. Tired and worn out from everything he needed to find something to do and stay awake otherwise he would just sleep the whole trip just like he did any other time he was in a moving vehicle. Magnus and Merlin moved about the train and came to a cabin where it seemed many people were talking. The door was open so Magnus just stood in the doorway and smiled. "Hello everyone." He said as a boy was offering up a box of those Every Flavor Beans. "I will try one." Magnus said as he held out his hand but politely so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Caelum "That could be true." Caelum tilted her head, studying the other girl's wand closely. "I think that everyone has heard of unicorns. They are unicorns in many fairy tales and paintings. Maybe they are more powerful... or more friendly? I've never heard of a kelpie before I got this wand." "I am excited to use magic..." She felt the need to defend herself. She felt her cheeks turn red. She simply wasn't as energetic as the other girl. Both the sparks from her wand and smile lit up Charlotte's eyes. Caelum took a picture in her mind, she wanted to memorize the moment, and try to paint it later. "... I think I'm most excited to make my drawings move! Do you know if we learn that in our first year?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nathaniel "Barge in?" Nathanial answered Alaricwith a smile and shuffled his cards. "I need to sit somewhereon the ride, don't I? And I find card-reading to be a bit of fun... and an excellent ice breaker... So I invited you to play along!" "What do I usually Do? I like games. Wizards chess. Cards. Quidditch. It's your first year right? If you need anything let me know, Hogwarts can be a really confusing place at first, but it is very fun..." It was Alaric's last question that changed the mood. Nathaniel paused, as if in a bit of shock. The corners of his mouth dropped into a frown as he regarded Alaric. He picked up a card from the top of the deck, showing it to the first year. It was The Moon card again. The two wolves howling... the two towers... and the scorpion in the river... "Good luck to you." His tone was less friendly. Stood, placing the deck in the back pockets of his blue jeans. Then he grabbed his bag and left the compartment without another word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Moirah The penguin-like girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah but if your parents are about to kill everyone I think---" She stopped mid sentence, turning her head toward the compartment door, which had once again opened. SLYTHERIN QUIDDITCH TEAM The door to the compartment became occupied by three youths in various states of adolescence. Behind them were several more boys and girls, rowdy and loud, their ruckus spilled into the compartment. "Just first years." One called back to the others behind them. "We'll take care of it." He was tallest, and had a lock of white hair among the brown, a stripe over his right eye. His name happened to be Tim, a sixth year. He leaned into Compartment 2 and gave Moirah, Dani, Peter, Magnus, and Pearl a long leering look. "Alright neeeeewbs. Move along." The second addressed walked over to compartment 3 with a snear. "We always use the first compartments. We'll forgive you for not knowing if you'll take your educated selves elsewhere." His name happened to be Wade, a fifth year. The third one said nothing, and stood between compartment 1 and 2 chewing on her nails looking disinterested. Perhaps she was simply waiting for somewhere to sit. She was wearing a green scarf. Her name happened to be Zeva and she was a third year student.
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