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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ray was really annoyed now. You wanna play that way? Fine. "You want me to hit you so badly? All right then!" Ray had been experimenting with his ability. Manipulating light was real fun, for example, he could reverse how left and right would look like to a person, or completely blind them as well. Like what he did to Nick now. The moment he was blinded, he sent a heavy cross towards Nick's gut. He felt it was fair; after all, you decide to screw one person with your abilities, you should expect to get screwed back!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And with that, the good doctor was once again gone. So much for getting the answers they wanted. “Asshole” Heather mutters under her breath with a small frown while she considers going after the professor. She finally decides against chasing the doctor down and focuses her attention on the others, namely Ray and Nick. The two now seemed to have a full fight in the middle of poor Vee’s coffee shop. It was very annoying, attacking each other like this. Heather would be no closer to getting out of this experiment with these two throwing power punches at every turn. While watching the two, Heather became curious about her own power and decide now was the best time as any to try it out. Heather cracks her knuckles and raises her right hand. She could feel the crawling sensation increasing as Heather turn her hand into a gun gesture. She aims her index finger first at Ray who was in the process of punching the now temporally blinded Nick. “BAN” Heather mutters and in one quick motion, lowers her thumb, firing the pretend gun. Her fingertip glows light blue for a quick second before long bolt of electricity explodes from her finger. It hits Ray from behind, with enough force to only startle the man. Before Ray can react, Heather shoots another bolt, striking Nick in the shoulder. It is Heather’s hope that the surge of energy would have the same effect as cold water thrown on fighting cats, startle the two enough so they will calm the fuck down. “If you two jackasses are finish ruining Vee’s place of business with your little fight club, maybe we can decide on the real problem at hand.” Heather gestures toward the tablet left behind by Rohrbach. "What the hell are we going to do about the real bad guys?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Penelope stayed quiet as the others fought and Rohrbach explained everything. Her eyes flitted down to the tablet with the news report on the Pattersons. She stood slowly, now ignoring the going-ons around her. They wanted to ignore her, she could do the same. Sitting down at the table with the tablet, she eyed both cases with a careful glance, weighing her options. The first case sort of pissed her off. The way they looked, what they did. To be fair, both cases pissed her off. But... The way that guy looked. The terrorist didn't piss her off quite as much as the Patterson guy. The terrorist could probably be handled rather easily with a few blows to the head. The Patterson case seemed like more of a challenge, and just the thing Penelope needed to let off some steam. Throw a few rubber punches, trip some bitches, choke a bastard out. It was more fun for her. If that made her a bad person, she'd just have to live with it. When Heather spoke up about the matter at hand, she raised her head. "I vote my group goes with these Patterson creeps. There are more of us in your group to fight the multitude of them. But... You don't have to listen to little ole me. After all, I'm just a little girl, yanno?" She spoke, sarcasm evident in her voice near the end. "Besides, something about how this Patterson dude looks pisses me off." She told them, holding up the picture for them to see. He was an older man with several scars and a rather nasty look on his face; the kind of guy that kills puppies without a second glance if it means more profit for him. "What do you guys think?" She asked the others, once again ignoring the fight going on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nick's face was still throbbing, but his ridiculously defiant personality had taken over his body and was once again in Ray's face, hands at the ready to throw down. But his arrogance in his new boxing skill made him temporarily ignorant to Ray's superhuman abilities. Just as Nick was about move into position to counter the next punch, his eyes experienced a painful flash as his sight was literally 'turned off' by the Boxer's light powers. Ahh, you cheap meatheaded bastard, you know I would have smacked you about in a fair fight, so you pull this blind shit? wait till I learn how to..OOOFFF! Nick's ranting was cut short by a much more powerful force than the previous jab, Nick couldn't see but from the power and the angle of the impact he quickly deduced it was a right cross, the power was overwhelming not only did the punch knock the wind out of him but he also crumpled to the ground in pain. Then as sort of follow up, him and Ray both got hit with jolts of blue energy which pinned him to the ground in a stunned state, Ray also being stunned allowed his vision to come back has he lost focus on his power. All he could do was look up at Heather and scowl. Youre...lucky....I cant learn...that...blue energy shit....
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 10 days ago

Ferghus sat silently for a while, after the response from the professor he wanted to take everything in. So there are two groups of us, this is pretty straight forward, makes sense and all that. It allows us to multitask, do more at once, also makes sense. And out of the two cases, this Sam Wenton seemed like a bigger deal. Sure the family had stolen quite a sum of cash and taken some lives as well which is plenty reprehensible, but the terrorist had killed just over triple the amount, he must be one bad man. Ferghus had been ignoring the tough guys as he collected his thoughts, finally he spoke, "I think we, I mean, group one, should go after this terrorist guy. But we'll need more to go on than his name and crimes. I'm talking last known location, expected places for 'im to hit, I want us to be up this fucker's arse." Ferghus had stood up at this point, his earlier relaxed demeanor had changed to one of determination. "Look, we may just be humble students, living our own lives, doing whatever it is to get by. But we have been offered something, something greater than every last one of our penniless lives. We can help people, make a change! Surely that's worth fighting for. I say we work together, cut this in-fighting, each of us can be heroes now." The Irishman's brow furrowed, he spoke more softly, "Or villains." Eager to take on this vigilante selflessness, Ferghus stuck out his hand above the table in the center of the cafe. A certain nervousness of his cliche notions caused him to shake, stuttering slightly as he opened his mouth once more, "We make a pack, on this very night, let's give the evil of this world something to look out for. Now who's with me?" It was clear that Ferghus meant business, perhaps he suddenly came to the realization that each and everyone in the cafe tonight could become like the great comic book legends. Such a thought inspired him, gave his life renewed meaning. However, the Irishman was quite unaware of the hardships to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Emily transitioned fluidly between expressing concern at Vee's less than optimal condition and rolling her eyes at Nick's sleezery. Fortunately, the professor conspicuously arrived to distract her from the couch proceedings. As he began to explain his next objective for them (after vaguely explaining why he was late), Emily glanced over just in time to see Nick get clobbered in the face by the boxer. She couldn't help but both quietly gasp and hold in a chuckle at the result, being sure to turn back to the professor just as the sleezenugget winked at her. Listening to the professor and growing more agitated at the commotion occurring near her, she was prepared to shut off all power in the cafe. Fortunately, Heather took care of it first. - and Heather's, Penelope's and Ferghus' opinions on it. She had thoroughly analyzed the situation in a matter of seconds thanks to her newfound "hyperintelligence", as the professor called it, and was ready to work - not to mention get away from McSleeze. To the outward observer it appeared that she hadn't even looked at the tablet at all, let alone pondered at length. "I agree, Penelope," she said, looking over at the girl and giving a small grin of approval. "There's no reason the larger group shouldn't go after the larger target. We're all potent, so it doesn't matter who goes where." She turned her attention to the impassioned Irishman. "I can find all that," she replied simply. Watching him continue his speech, she decided to let out some of the inevitable ensuing awkwardness - they were college students, not comic book characters - with her reply. "Hey, my life isn't penniless!" she replied lightheartedly. "And neither is Vee's, judging by her nice cafe. But I do agree with you." She gave him an encouraging smile to try to quell his apparent nervousness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ray stopped and kept his face straight. He was annoyed at the interruption, but . . . "You're right, That was childish of me. We have more important things to do," he conceded. "I'll make the pact, but I'm not much of a justice man. I'll help when needed, and do what I have to do, asides that . . . I have my own dreams. I can't abandon them to be a hero." He turned to Nick and scowled. "As for you shithead, watch your attitude. At some point, you're going to get yourself in more trouble than you could possibly ever handle, and like it or not, you're a part of the team, which means we all get dragged in with you." Ray clenched his fists threateningly. "If the time comes that we have to deal with a problem you caused, then you can be sure as hell that afterwards I will beat your ass as many times as it takes for you to learn your lesson."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heather ignores Nick’s empty threat as she steps over him and approaches the table with Penelope. She takes a seat next to the girl and motions to see the tablet while Penelope finishes addressing the group. Heather glances at the bank robbing trio, but decides to read over the terrorist instead. .Rohrbach hadn’t provided much in the briefing, just a name and list of his crimes. It didn’t state which organization he was affiliated with or if he was working alone or with a group. The mugshot from a prior crime showed a younger man with a somber expression and very dark eyes. They carried a lifetime of burdens and pain Heather could not yet understand. Heathers fights a cold shudder as she studied the mugshot. Another photo was provided, a candied photo of Wenton, taken moments after some kind of catastrophe. He was walking calmly away among a crowd of chaos, but it was definitely him. The timestamp on the photo was recent, but Wenton look slightly older than the mugshot. She passes the tablet back to Penelope as Emily finishes speaking. “So its settled, with Emily’s ability, our team should go after Wenton. How soon do you think you can dig up intel on this guy Em?” Heather wasn’t really sure about Ferghus’ pack. It seem like a good way to unite the team of ammeters and misfits, but the pact sill had a feeling of foreboding to it. Suddenly, that fear stirred within Heather, the fear of the unknown and what she was becoming. Instead of acting on this fear, Heather decided to ignore it. The pact wasn’t realistic, but Heather appreciated the Irishman’s optimism and his accent was kinda cute. He was right for this hero jazz, and Heather might as well give it a shot and play nice with the team. “Sure Ferghus, I’m in on the pact. Just don’t expect me to wear any capes or tights.” Heather teases with a chuckle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Felyse ignored the ruckus before him and hopped off the couch’s arm, making his way to his assigned group. In doings so, he smoothly jumped over Nick’s prone form, leaning over Penelope’s and Heather’s shoulders to get a good look at the tablet. He let out a low whistle as soon as his gaze landed on the list of crimes this Wenton fella had committed. "Vandalism, arson, murder, assaults…” Felyse raised an eyebrow. “Woah, this guy got too much time on his hands. I could've finished my degree with that much time." He grinned and gave Ferghus a jolly slap on the shoulders. “Look at you, Ferg! You’ll go far in this business,” he grinned cheerfully, ignorant of the unease that some of the amateur heroes and misfits felt about the pact. He nodded toward the group before turning to face the Irish man, elbowing him playfully at his rib.“I don’t know about going up where the sun doesn't shine, but I’m willing to join the bandwagon. There's nothing more satisfying than eating skittles, being awesome, and letting this scofflaw sit behind bars.” Hearing Heather’s teasing, he raised an eyebrow and grin. “Oh? Then how do you feel about masks and codenames? I don’t know about the mask part, but I got plenty of hats to go around. ”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vee stood up and joined the group, her sickness passing quickly now. "What? Busting heads, saving lives and putting the scum of society behind bars? Count me in." She stuck her hand into the pile. "Would be nice if we could choose who we fought alongside though," She muttered, taking a sideways glance at Nick and Orion. "But whatever, I suppose I'll live. If you guys need some backup though, just give me a ring and I'll drop everything." She scanned the page on the Pattersons, reading quickly. "I dunno Em, it looks like we might need your help tracking down these guys too. What if you stayed in contact with both teams and ran the info, kinda like that one guy in action movies who stays in the van and keeps everyone updated. That way we would all stay on top of the situation, and if one team needed help you could let the other know before it was too late." She shrugged, sitting back down in a nearby chair. "Just a thought."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nick crawled to his feet, and spat on the floor he slowly limped towards where Vee was and perched himself on the armrest of the sofa. aww RayRay looks like we are in opposite teams, such a shame, Id love to get a bit more time continue this great bonding session weve had, maybe I'll just have to catch up with you when you ain't expecting it.... Nick flipped Ray off, and looked at the tablet with Veronica, he wasn't crazy about the group he landed in, but only because Emily wasn't in it, either way he was just be happy to be finally doing something else that wasnt 'socialising' with the happy bunch in the cafe. upon looking over the Patterson's crimes his face suddenly became serious, he saw the armed robbery offenses and his strong dislike for guns started to emerge. Veronica, let Emily deal with her own case, we can find this family in our own group, pull up all the news reports of their previous offenses and locations of the crimes, if you can get me in a library, or an online equivalent I can whip up some temporary detective skills and pick up on the trail of this happy family. Nick was no longer smirking, his voice was no longer a boyish sneer, he was dead focused on finding the family, and started downloading E books on criminal behavior patterns and robbery on to his personal tablet. He heard Penolope talk about her dislike for the Patterson head of family, and for the first time felt empathy with another of the groups feelings. Penolope, I heard we arent allowed to let them die.... Nick's smile returned with an encouraging glint in his eye. But I think me and you should, make them wish they were dead. Nick grabbed his large knife and stabbed it into the coffee table. Game on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I think codenames could be sort of cute. Besides, I don't think we should let people see our faces if we can help it. So honestly, I think masks are the way to go. Does anyone know how to sew or anything like that? I know how, I'd just rather have someone helping me. I can also make outfits for us to wear. Nothing dumb, just basic stuff but colored so we can easily identify each other even with the masks. Oh, and... text me what color you want." Penelope offered to the group, hearing Felyse talk about masks and such. She was about to agree with Vee when Nick spoke up, telling them to stay on their own case. "I'm not sure I agree that the two groups can't help each other out if needed, but I do agree that we should focus on our assigned area. If any of you, at all, regardless of groups, needs my help, you have my number already." She told them, having already given each of them her number. A stupid wicked grin crossed Penelope's face as Nick spoke to her directly. "Oh, trust me. They'll wish I was allowed to kill them." She returned, something sinister in the way she spoke. A chuckle escaped her lips as her expression softened. "Anyway, what are we waiting for? Let's get going. Someone try to get into contact with Darrien, please. He never gave me his number. Let him know what's going on." After that, she turned to Nick and smiled. "Alright, sweet-lips, how about we blow this popsicle stand?" Penelope joked, laughing to herself. "Group Two, meet up at the lab at 7:30PM. We'll talk about stuff then. I wouldn't recommend any of us going after any one until we have some form of disguise. So, if you get a color and size into me by tonight, I can work on those and get it to you in about two days time. That should be plenty of time for us to gather information and resources." Penelope spoke, addressing everyone, "I'll meet the rest of you, Group Two, at 7:30PM in the lab. Bye!" She waved before running off, heading in the direction of the nearest fabric store, Rohrbach already on the line. She needed the money from him and she was just going to get an array of colors, whatever they needed. She could even get fancy with it. She chuckled to herself as she walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Oh for gods sake Nick, would you stop ruining my store." Vee exclaimed, yanking the knife out of her table by the flat of the blade and rapping him over the head with the hilt. "You're going to pay for fixing that if I have to turn elephant and sit on you." Exasperated, she shoved the hilt back into his hand and turned to Emily and pulled out a keyring. "If it's not too much trouble dear, could you stay behind until everybody's gone and lock up? I'd do it but I have class starting in twenty minutes and I really gotta run. Oh and please don't let the wreck any more of my store? Tata!" With a final wave, she rushed out the door, grabbing her schoolbag from a hook on the wall as she left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Emily looked over at the freshly seated Heather and replied to her query. "It shouldn't take more than an hour," she replied, giving a conservative estimate. Ignoring Nick's retort, she then replied to Vee and the groups at large. "I'd be happy to help wherever I'm needed," she said. "We may be in two groups but we're all one team, right?" After waving goodbye to Penelope, Emily took the keys from Vee. "Sure, I'll close up," she said as the shop owner began to make haste for the exit. "Later!" she called out after her. Noting that her group had yet to make any plans, she figured she might as well break the ice. "So, Group One peeps...anyone object to meeting at the lab at 6:30?" she asked, looking around at her team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heather, having a sudden urge to go neat freak, begins to gather up the empty mugs and platters scattered with crumbs. Unsure what to do with them, she places them together in a neat stack on the counter for Vee to find later. She was pondering the idea about costumes and so far did not like it. What Heather never understood was why comic book heroes wore such eye sore costumes. Isn’t the point of fighting crime under a alias is to not be noticed? Heather had a couple ideas for a disguise that did not involve spandex. Heather moved a few chairs back into their original place, satisfied with her work and turns her attention to Emily. “Sure, I’m game for a battle plan in the lab. I think I’ll head over there now and explore a bit. Come find me later.” Heather waves and exits the café before anyone could follow. The mention of the lab had Heather considering that she needed a little more practice before their first manhunt. She also did feel a bit of a thrill knocking Ray and Nick on their ass, though she meant no ill-will toward the two. So, instead of returning home, Heather let herself wander into the lab, and locate a gym or space where she could experiment with her abilities in peace. She happen to locate one near the unused bedrooms and set to work. The first thing she tried was a transfer of energy. Her phone sat in her hand with a dead battery. Taking a breath, Heather pictures the little smartphone coming to life. She feels a tug from that source inside of her chest and she could feel the power traveling down her arm and into her hand. To Heather’s delight, the phone blinks to life and slowly charges. It was tiring though and it reminded Heather of the blood dives she would go to. The feel of the needle sucking away her blood, and the effort was easy on her part but very tiring. She wills the link between herself and the little device to be closed and with some effort it does end. The little charge icon disappears, but her phone now remains alive at 20% “Oh, hell yes.” Heather mutters with a wide grin. She notices the practice dummies resting in the corner of the room, and a new idea comes to her. Setting the phone aside, Heather begins to rub her hands together. She can feel the heat between her palms from the effort and notices the small sparks flying. She pulls hers hand apart and finds the bright blue sparks contained in the gap between her hands. Heather archers her fingers around the source of power, shaping it like clay into a crackling bright orb. With another grin, Heather aims for one of the dummies and releases the pure energy with both hands. The ball of electricity explodes from her hands, soaring faster than Heather could imagine and striking the center of the dummy with a brilliant crackle and bright flash. The dummy stood with a scorched and blacken hole in its center. Heather lets out an excited cheer, and immediately falls to her knees, suddenly weak and exhausted. Heather reminds there, catching her breath and composure. “Ok…..not so power much next time.” She gulps, still satisfied with her new discovery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

8:30PM - Rohrbach's Lab The night went on as the two groups met in the center of the lab, the big open area that Rohrbach usually kept his big machines. It was now empty with the exception of a few couches, tables, computers, and a rather large computer monitor where a game of Halo was paused. The meetings ad all but concluded, some of them wanting to leave, some of them wanting to simply chat and hang around for a bit. Penelope sat at one of the tables with a sewing machine, swaths of fabric surrounding her. She was working on an orange outfit for herself as a sort of test so that the others could see what it would look like. It would take her a bit longer before she could show it to anyone yet. She'd made the design and cut out all the parts but she still needed to sew them all together to make the completed piece. She let out a shallow sigh and began sewing up the body piece. She was just making a simple blazer that could cover a white button up with khaki bottoms. It was simple and would color code her. The weird part would be the mask. She was thinking of a simple headband with holes for eyes but part of her wanted to make it more elegant than that. She smiled to herself as she thought of the mask in her head. It was orange with black lace covering the main bits and black and orange feathers jutting out from the side. It made her happy being able to work on something like this. It let her avoid her school work and the thought of those criminals. What they'd read hadn't made her very happy. According to the police reports they'd managed to get their hands on with Nick's skills, the family was once rather rich but the father and gambled everything away and was now forcing his children and wife to help him get it all back. One of the kids had left the family, wanting to go out on her own. She'd told the police everything, from her father's scandals with his company to her mother's affair with her husband's workers. They had a rough idea of where the family was staying from the report and were planning on going after them once the week had ended, on Saturday, two days from now, they would head out and begin their search in the field. For now, Nick and the others were simply doing more research while Penelope made the clothes. "Hey, Emily. What sort of style do you like? I could make something that looks like a military uniform." Penelope asked, chuckling at her offer. For some reason, she couldn't imagine the girl in anything other than a dress. "No, but if there's a specific style you want me to make, just show me a picture and I'll try my best. I'm making a blazer for myself. Simple and hopefully won't make me stick out like a sore thumb." She explained, speaking to everyone in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“Oooh, making costumes already? Do mine, too!” Felyse spoke up from his spot on the couch – the one that was in front of the giant computer screen where he watched the other’s playing Halo – and looked up from his bag of ranch Doritos he was once so focused on. Tossing the chips to the side, he crawled his way to the back of the couch, resting his head against the palm of his hands, as he watched Penelope work her magic around the sewing machine. “I want a black hoodie with lime green patterns. Same thing with my mask; although, something that covers my whole head and faceless.” Unconsciously, Felyse combed the strands of hair beneath his chosen hat-of-the-day with a hand. White with red tips – his hair stood out more than what his envisioned hero outfit ever would be. Like a watermelon snow cone amidst the tundra. There was always the option of dyeing, buuuuut that would be an attack on his individuality… also, his lazy side was opting out. As an extra precaution – and a security blanket – he got a brand new hat all picked out for mission impossible; although, truthfully, the headgear was more for aesthetic effect than anything else. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched his teammates going about. He grabbed the bag of chips and munched away. Research he could do, but planning away was a no-go; so he left that task to his more methodical comrades. “By the way, anyone got any heroic names all planned out?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Emily put her XBox controller down and turned around to look at Penelope, chuckling at her military uniform suggestion. "I don't need anything flashy," she replied. "As long as it's a comfortable, pretty dress, I'll be happy. I trust your fashion sense." She thought a moment. "Though, it could be flashy if everyone else's is," she opined. "I do like Tony Bowls." Turning to Felyse, she said, "Being hyperintelligent doesn't mean I'm hyper creative too," she replied with a chuckle. "The name is always the hardest part - not even superpowers can change that." Keeping her ears open for replies or new conversations from anyone in the room, Emily picked up her controller and turned her attention back to Halo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Penelope chuckled, hearing Felyse ask her to do his. "I will, I will!" She called out, smiling. She nodded to him when he told her what he wanted and stopped what she was doing to write it all down. Black hoodie, lime green patterns... full mask. She nodded her head at her notes and then turned back to her work space to begin working on her own mask. Penelope lifted a brow at Emily's remarks and chuckled. "Nah, I wasn't really going for flashing. Pretty normal, actually. Sort of like, they could pass for normal outfits only... with a mask to hide our faces. You just can't wear that specific outfit in public..." She explained, trailing off a bit. Hearing Emily reply to Felyse, Penelope decided to chime in as well. "I'm with Emily. I have no idea what to call myself. Elasti-Girl? Stretchy Chick? Rubber Lady? I'm... terrible at names. I mean, I can hardly name the characters in my works for school, much less as a nickname for myself." She replied, shaking her head as she heated plastic with a lighter to try and bend it to the shape of her face. "So, yeah. I got nothing. What about you, Portal Boy? Maybe we should call you Chel? What's a feminine version of Chel? Chad?" She offered jokingly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Victoria suddenly spoke up. "Hey, if we're talking outfits, I want something sleek and black, with a simple eye mask." She covered her eyes with her hands, leaving holes between her fingers for her eyes. "Something that'll lead perfectly into my panther form. Oh, maybe I could be 'Black Cat'! Oh, wait, that doesn't make sense when I shift to something else, does it? Maybe just 'Dark Shift' then?" She went back to sketching in her notebook. She had a rough outline of a female figure already, with shaded areas that showed she was wearing a skin tight black suit. "But, I don't know if I'd be able to go out in public dressed like that."
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