Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Once outside, Mithias hesitated. Praetor ran by, vanishing off into the night, and Morven seemed to have no interest in speaking any further. Black clouds gathered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Adelisa jumped when she was spoken too, her anxiety getting to her by the second. She nodded and hid her arms behind her back. "Uh... I'm not sure where my clothes went..." Then she realized the waitress must have thrown them away since they were beyond repair and said "Nevermind" in a soft mutter. She looked at the clock and her heart sped up. She always looked at the time. Every hour was a different torture in Theo's world, so right now Theo must be worsening the girl's mind with horrifying words and threats. Of course, Theo never did the dirty work unless he wanted too. He let the others do it for him. She moved her arms to her sides and ran a hand along the longest scar on her left arm as she stared at the clock. "Almost time, Adelisa. What time is it, Adelisa? About that time, Adelisa" she mumbled to herself. It happened everytime she thought about the time. She went into a state of sub conciousness that was difficult to tear her from. Her symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder were enhanced with the knowledge that she'll have to see Theo once again. She glided her hand along the smaller, wider scars that showed. Stab wounds by the dozen, some crossing, made her snap out of her daze and turn her attention back to the head, who was speaking with the girl that wanted to kill Adelisa not even a few hours ago. She bowed her head for slightly to silently acknowledge the girl. At that moment, she heard a phone ring. Not just any phone: the pay phone. She quickly went over and picked it up, answering it with an urgent "hello?" A smug voice asked "what time is it, Adelisa?" Adelisa froze, her eyes wide with fear. "You promised. You said you wouldn't hurt her until I arrived. You-" A chuckle interupted her as Theo said "you believed me?! How niave! Put me on speaker, you stupid girl. I want the little Blackmoore to hear." Adelisa growled into the phone and said angrily "I will do unto you what you've done to me except I will not stop at torture. I will kill you slowly, painfully." Theo's silence showed his anger, and Adelisa grew much more anxious. Theo growled out "put me on speaker, pet." Adelisa looked up at the head before taking the phone off her ear and pressing the speaker button. "You're on speaker" said a dejected Adelisa.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto listened to the conversations of the elder vampire and the Kingston head. This was a very heavy conversation, the air heavy with worry, anger and a hint of excitement. At times during the conversation he felt like he needed to interject, but he kept his self control. Luckily, all his questions were answered during the conversation, unfortunately, it just gave him new ones to ask. Was there war really on the horizon? What happened? What led up to this predicament? Otto was silent for a few seconds after the elder vampires left the home. He had barely noticed Klaus leave the house. That vampire got on his nerves at times, he had no reason to interfere with the Heads conversation, but Otto shrugged it off. "Well, looks like the Kingstons family in on the hot seat." He said grimly. "You realize if we don't do something fast, this could mean war." He said said solemnly as he raked his hand through his hair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Smart boy!" Klaus' voice carried from somewhere else in the manor. Mirabelle bristled, her eyes darting in the direction it came from. Then, she sighed and gave Otto her full attention. "Yes, I suppose you're right," she agreed stiffly. "But we'll work it out, when she relays...our message to the Blackmoores." Her gaze dropped for a moment as she thought, then she sighed. A smile finally came to her face and she took Otto's arm in reassurance. "But, enough of that for now. Tell me where've you been all this time. Would you like a bag? Will you need a room this morning?" There was a hint of concern in her otherwise joyous tone, like a mother welcoming her son home from college or a long trip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto ignored Klaus's yell from the other room and focused Mira. He was to worried about the situation to even eat at the moment. They could be fighting there fellow vampires in a few hours if they did not asses the situation carefully. The culprit us obvious, but did the Blackmoores see that themselves. Were they to naive to see it, or did they choose to ignore it? Or is there another reason for this? Did the Rouges want to spark a war between the families, so they could have New York all to themselves? "If, they get relay that message." He said ominously. His doubts for there faithfulness made sense. They had no reason to make a treaty, it was obvious who was the stronger family here. If they wanted to attack that would have no problem doing so. Otto shook he head and decided to distract himself, get away from those thoughts. "Well, I went back home to Britain, to visit mother and father, see if my old home was still there." He said squeezing Mira's hands. "I also met some vampires over their, they are all right." He said with a smile. "So ya, I'll be back permanently now, so a room would be nice." He said as he jumped of the counter and stretched.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Did you leave your manners in the U.K.? Don't sit on my counters," Mira scolded, stepping to the freezer to pull out a blood bag. "And I'm sure you're thirsty, I'll heat you up a bag." With that, she went about doing just that, opening the microwave and putting it in before turning back to face him. "You're free to pick from any of the unoccupied rooms, of course. I think Klaus is staying with us for a little bit, though I don't know which one he's picked..." She shrugged. "Was your old home still there?" she asked curiously. Like Otto, her mortal life began in England and she loved to visit her home country when she could. However, America is where her mortal life was built, and it would always be home before England.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"I'm not sure I had manners to begin with." He said jokingly as he turned around and placed he elbows on the counter. He watched Mira quietly as she pulled out a blood bag and offed to heat it up for him. Otto simply nodded and continued to watch her. Otto had to admit that he felt home sick for those 5 years. After all, for 200 years this was his home and family, they were the ones that took him in when he first turned. He was grateful to them for that, and that was why he was willing to sacrifice his life for the family. "Sure, I'll go see what room I want later." He said calmly as he waited or the blood bag to warm up. Be had no had blood in a bag in months, which made this unusual for Otto. The Vampires in England always offered it in a cup. Otto's smile faded away when Mira asked about his home. "No it was not there, not much I would have done about that." He said solemnly. "But my father's grave is still there, although there is no body, they still honored him with a medal." He said perking up a bit. "Ha ha, I even have a grave of my own, with its own war medal, but I chose to leave it there." He said with a sigh, turning into a vampire changed everything. He had to leave his mother and brother alone, he did not even get to know what there lives were like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"That's a shame," Mira sympathized. "But I'm glad the gravestones are where they should be," she added with a small smile. "I should return to England sometime soon and check on my family." At the thought, her hand rested at the pocket her smart phone sat in. It was how she kept track of her living descendants, though most of them thrived in America. The microwave dinged and she turned to fetch the blood bag. "Well I'm glad that you're home," she said, swishing the blood about in the bag for a moment before handing it to Otto. Mugs weren't uncommon for the Kingston manor, but Mira tended to save that courtesy for guests (and herself). "I just wish it was a better time, what with this Blackmoore business going on..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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"Beautiful country." He said softly looking out the window from were he stood. He could not help but feel apprehensive about everything. How could they all stay so calm we there lives could be on danger? Otto did not understand how they could live with that though hanging over there heads all time. He almost regretted coming back so early, but Otto did a good job of hiding his emotions. Otto took the bag of warm blood from Mira's hand and savored the smell. It reminded of home, how happy he was to finally be back. Otto did not hesitate to rip open the top part of the bag and chug, he enjoyed the metallic taste of blood. A bit of blood ran down his chin when he pulled the bag away from his mouth. "You and me both."He said grimly. "So what do you plan on doing now?" he said as he placed the now empty bad on the counter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A storm was coming in. It was still dark out, so most couldn't see the soft irregular underbellies of the clouds as they thickened into a breezy soup above. Mithias Kept out of sight as he distanced himself from the Kingston manor. Now he knew where they were. He could come back anytime. Taking a perch on a building where he could get some rest of constantly having to avoid lights and cameras and traffic, etc. Mithias folded his arms and looked down gloomily. He disliked cities, primarily because he had no hope of mingling with mortals without drawing attention to himself. There were far too many humans in this day and age, and it seemed as if there were getting to be far too many vampires... young ones, at least. Perhaps he was getting old himself. It was the only explanation he could elucidate for his lack of motivation. He still hated senseless killing, but he wasn't out to eliminate his species. It seemed that with time, vampires had to find their own entertainment, something to keep themselves active, a reason to leave their lairs other than to feed. Family could be that. Was Mithias really so against creating one of his own? He sighed heavily as he mulled over the idea. Who would it be? Certainly he had little chance of getting to know a single person. A human simply couldn't be on his level, given only a few decades at most of experience and understanding. Fledglings really were infants. But this Blackmoore family... He was of the same line, albeit a lower branch. Would they accept him? The vampire's black brow furrowed. His first impression hadn't been the best. He didn't seem welcome in the least. Nonetheless, perhaps it would be worth hanging around a little longer. Their Maria, pirate wench extraordinaire, had mysteriously disappeared, which meant she was either slain or to be held for ransom. Mithias had kept an eye on Praetor since leaving the mansion. With his ability to sense other vampires, it would be easy enough to find... The Tortuga. Mithias raised a brow as he read the sign, then lowered his head to the two bouncers in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

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"The sun should be setting soon, so I'm going to relax and think about how to deal with the Blackmoores and rogues and Klaus before getting some much needed rest," Mirabelle answered. As she spoke, she ripped a paper towel from the roll on the table and handed it to Otto as she grabbed the empty bag to dispose of that. "You're of course free to do as you wish now that you're back, but please stay away from Tortuga and the Blackmoores for now." That was always given, but especially so in this time of potential war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Otto grabbed the towel from Mira and whipped the blood if of his chin. "Don't worry, I'll act responsible." He said walking away from the kitchen and towards the front door. Otto had no intention of staying of the streets. He would get to the bottom of this himself if he had to Otto knew some people. He grabbed a jacket that was in the closet, and walked out the front door into the fridged air. He stayed on the porch and waited for a few minutes, the sun was still going down. He took out his phone and scrolled through the hundreds of contacts he possessed until he found the vampire he was looking for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa could just imagine the giant smirk on his face. Theo said "I do not believe I'll be able to keep that... deal." All of a sudden, a scream came through the speaker. Adelisa jumped and instinctually said "her leg. He's going for her leg." Theo chuckled and said "Adelisa remembers! Good girl! But I need you to shut up, love. The men are working. Aren't we, Alistair?" Another scream came through the speaker, this one followed cries to stop. Theo said "I do not make deals, Blackmoore. I make decisions. Now, would you like to continue this chit chat? Or would you like to hear my proposal?" Adelisa stiffened at this, but she knew what was going to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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Béatrix: Trixy nodded when Alistair gave her the signal to stay quiet as he talked to the rogue on the phone. When one of the workers came to inform about another vampire outside the bar, Béatrix rolled her eyes and marched over to greet the most-likely unwelcomed guest. Truthfully, she was glad to get out of the same room as that insufferable twat, Adelisssa. Whether or not she actually was trying to help get Maria back, Trixy couldn’t stand the girl. As Trixy exited the backroom and entered the front of the bar, she couldn’t help but hear Maria’s scream from the speaker phone. She winced at the sound. This was Alistair’s fight though, he would handle it and she would help when she was asked to. “For France’s sake, Vincent, who could be – ” Béatrix’ words to the vampire guard halted when she saw the long, dark-haired stranger in the doorway. “Oh,” she began, stood up straighter, and cleared her throat. “Hello, come in. Welcome to The Tortuga.” She said with an indecipherable smile. Jareth: Jareth watch the ceiling with a smile on his face. He held up his hand in the air as if he was holding a paintbrush, a familiar glaze in his eyes. O-neg blanketed him in peaceful silence as he lazily lounged on his bed and gazed up at his artwork. The ceiling of his bedroom covered in his own depiction of the milky way galaxy, artfully painted to scale. To be honest, it was a breathtaking piece, it was shocking that something so beautiful could be the work of someone so ugly. A scream cut through the blissful silence. Normally such a cacophonous disturbance to Jareth’s tranquil moments would anger him, but the scream had such a lovely femininity to it. Ahh, the cry of a woman, no other sound like it in the universe! A smile peeled across Jar’s face as he hopped out of the bed to investigate. He dissected the sound in his mind: the voice, the tone, the pitch – this woman was a singer. How lovely, she’d shutter to realize how much her cries held more of a siren song to him than any love ballad would be. Theo was in the room with the source of the scream, and she was a beauty. Blood-stained and naked, she laid before him, trembling as tears ran down her face. Theo had down something to pain her leg. A strap of leather was between her teeth to allow her to cry and scream, but not say any discernible words that could give away their location. Jareth walked over to Maria and grasped her chin to tilt her face in a way that he could get a better view. His ebony eyes peered at her through locks of dark silver hair that hung about his face. He smiled as she feebly trembled in his grasp, obviously weakened by the serum he himself had concocted – it affected vampire body chemistry in a way that hindered cellular activity and rapid healing. It was the perfect pre-game to torture. “Pretty, pretty girl” he murmured as he studied her, a hungry gravelly tone to his voice. He was quiet, recognizing that Theo was on the phone and assuming it was important. He brought his lips to hers, kissing only the bottom one as they were separated by the gag. When he pulled away, he bit down slightly and caused her blood to bubble up and trickle down her chin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mithias' dilemma with the bouncers was promptly resolved by the appearance of a feisty blue-eyed vampiress. They stepped aside as she gave him her approval. Mithias recognized the innocent, unbridled look of awe in her eyes. She'd blush and kick herself in a moment, as soon as she realized that she had inadvertently complimented him. Somewhat amused, and also to be polite, Mithias extended his white, clawed hand to take hers while he had her enticed. Leaning forward, he kissed the back of her hand briefly. "Mithias," he introduced himself, then took advantage of her silence and walked past into the bar. He knew Praetor was there, and that this was Blackmoore territory. Allister, so far unknown to Mithias, was upset on the phone. The still armed and armored vampire scanned the setting for any hostile reactions, uncertain where to park himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adelisa's eyes widened at the "ex" comment. She opened her mouth to correct him, but Theo, being the gentleman that he was, said "now, now. Let's not jump to conclusions. Adelisa is not as important as you make her out to be. She is my slave, nothing more. No, what I want is business related and nothing more. I would like Adelisa back, but she'll come back. If it means someone else, she will." He grinned and said "even for someone who does not trust her." Adelisa gritted her teeth and said "I wouldn't do anything for you, so I guess you're slightly wrong." Theo sighed in annoyance and said "if you do not arrive then I kill the girl. I am of course, talking to the both of you. Let the games begin, Blackmoore." With that, he hung up the phone, but not without one last scream from Maria, Theo shoving his knife into her thigh. Adelisa stared at the phone with a hard look, her mind reeling. She did not look up at Alistair and refused to do so. Everything was business for Theo and he did not want to admit that she was his weakness. She said, almost monotonal, "I will kill him. I will destroy his entire existence." Adelisa lowered her eyes to her hand on her arm. "We've got a plan, right? And your men are strong?" Her blue eyes, no longer dull and lifeless, were full of anger and rage. ~~~~~~ Theo smirked at Maria and his accomplice, Jar. "Well, that was... interesting. They have Adelisa- my slave. Blackmoore and my slave should be here tonight." He looked down at Maria and sighed. "You are not going to touch her. Maria mustn't be touched unless the Blackmoore is listening." He put his phone in his jean pocket. "Now, how was your day?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Lee Lee took pride in his handy work, he had helped a mortal apprehend a mass murderer. He had bee hired by the victims family to investigate a potential suspect that ended up being the culprit. He had now apprehended his 45th individual in his long life time, and he was proud of that. He was driving down the slowly dimming New York street with is his fully blacked out sedan car. He enjoyed the day although, he liked the burning on his skin, it reminded him of his human years. Unfortunately, his day dreaming was was interrupted by the sound of of his phone ringing. Lee's hand darted out and grabbed the the ringing phone. "Hello." He said gruffly after answering the phone. Hello there old friend, I'm back!!" yelled the voice on the other line. Lee sighed, this kid was back. He had some peace and quiet for the past 5 years. Although Otto was almost 100 years older than him, he still referred to him as a kid, he was still immature for his age. "Great your...your back. What do you want." He said gruffly, he felt slightly agitated by the vampires call. "There's something is going on, I need you to come over to the manor, let's just say it's a Kingston Favor" Otto said darkly. Lee would have not responded to such a request, but since it was a request from the Kingston's, he had no other choice. "I'm on my way." He sighed sternly. Lee ended the call and turned the black car around and speed to the Kingstons Manor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

Béatrix: Apparently this stranger was susceptible to her deception. How easily one can believe a lie if it boosts to the ego to do so. The rogue took it upon himself to grab her hand and kiss it. She let him raise the hand to his lips before she flipped it over and grabbed him by the chin. “I said that you could come in, not that you could touch me.” Her fierceness was echoed in her crystalline eyes. “You’re on my turf, and these are tense times, so you will play by my rules. Understood?” Trixy said with a dangerous sharpness to her words. He introduced himself as Mithias as he went to walk by her, causing her to turn to the bar. In all her dramatic flair to get to the door, she had blown right past Praetor, who sat with his feet up on the bar. Forgetting the stranger for a moment, she glared at the ancient vampire. “Why are you here? If you’re here to defend your precious family name, save your breath. We already know it wasn’t The Kingstons.” A small smile quirked on her lips, pulling them up slightly at the corners. “Or maybe you just came for another show…” her smiled widened. “What was it that you called me when we last met?” she put a finger to her lips and tapped it in a mockery of deep thought. “A French whore, was it?” she chuckled and glared daggers at him. “Tisk, tisk” Trixy’s blue eyes flicked between the two guests before she walked behind the bar. “Alistair will be out shortly, he has important matters to tend to for the moment. I don’t know about you fellas, but I for one, could sure use a drink.” She pulled a bottle of her favorite chartreuse out from under the bar and grabbed glasses. Jareth: “Ahh, Theo, you used to be so much more fun.” His lips twitched in a playful smile as he looked up at the elder vampire. He loosened his grip on Maria’s chin and shrugged his shoulders. He looked at Maria with feigned innocence and disappointment. “You heard the boss, looks like you won’t be blessed to have me for a night. I’ll have to find another to warm my bed with in your stead.” Jareth said with a quick wink at her before letting go. Jareth stood to his full height and put his hands in the pockets of his black leather skinny pants. His style was the perfect mixture of 80s rocker and modern indie chic – lots of black leather, studs, band shirts, piercings and unique hair. “My day was fine, made another batch of O-neg to get out on the streets, made sure to personally test it for quality, and I even wrote a new song.” He gave the captive singer girl a knowing glance. “Pretty productive day all in all, but it looks like it was a bit more boring than yours.” He gestured to the girl. “All this trouble for one slave girl? Why not just take in a new one, this one perhaps, she seems far more interesting than this Adelisa that you have described.” Jar suggested, not really caring about being offensive - He was about as offensive as you can get, and had no regard for social cues or morality - not anymore, at least.
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