Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Harvey thrashed and struggled against Walkins, doing his best to kill him using his own gun. When one of the fighters tossed a smoke, Harvey activated his Detect Life in order to maintain a visual on everyone. But something was amiss. When he looked at Walkins, the one he was grabbing, he saw nothing. No spirits, no humans. The only thing that read like that were objects. And before Harvey could do something, the body was gone. Because he couldn't detect Walkins with his Detect Life he couldn't really say what occurred in the mist, but from the way he was forced out he guessed that Walkins blew up. Not that it made things any easier to understand.

Harvey scanned the room for the others, but he saw neither the other Walkins nor his spirit. Only those from before. The boy was bleeding out but getting treated by the doctor, while the girl was pushed in the direction of the doctor's husband. And in the event that someone else tries anything funny, Harvey returned to his robotic body and marched out of the door, shortly after the doctor. Partly out of concern and also because he was still itching for a fight. Once the smoke was out of his eyes Harvey commented on the absurdity of it all.

"Damn! What was that all about?" Harvey kept his fists up and looked around, using his Detect Life to pick up anyone or anything that was hanging out somewhere they shouldn't be or out of the ordinary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Helen found it difficult to balance both the boy and her bag, unable to drop without risking letting the other slip. Else she would've discarded the bag in a heart beat and merely focused on getting out of there. Thankfully Pierce was out cold thanks to the medicine fully kicking in. His body was limp and easily cradled in her arms, blond head bobbing gently in her elbow. Her boot slapped the concrete with her determination to get outside before the steam overwhelmed her sight, her form bouncing with each step and finally was the last to reach the door. Fresh air and the morning sunlight slammed into her eyes causing her squint. It was a struggle not to react to shield her sight when she edged quickly toward the plaza center, knowing if there was another attack then Adonai and Sira would react.

As if summoned, the tabby's meows echoed in the air. His fluffy, plump figure emerged to dart across the cobblestone surface and toward their direction. He looked disgruntled at the fast set pace while he hastily skirted his four paws into over time to keep up, spotting them finally. Sensing Helen's distract, the spirit's thoughts were only about himself as his head nudged her leg and rubbed against her leg. Ignoring the feline, much to Sira's annoyance, the doctor already knelled down to lay the boy out. Her eyes flickered to his wound as she spotted the white surface slightly stained with red. Out of habit, she checked the pulse only to hear Ignis' voice pop into her mind causing her flinch in surprise. Helen frowned, more pissed at herself than Ignis, when she answered in a slightly less irritated mental tone. I think you've earned it and I'll be sure to kick Nahor out for ya.

She felt more than saw Ignis arrive, her eyes lifted up in time to ear him speak. Helen could only nod and watched her spirit lower himself into the boy, his translucent image dissipated from sight. There had been a few times, the rare case, a case hadn't been exactly what it should've been. Especially on the battle field and she usually made sure Ignis double checked her work, even when she was calm. She accepted a long time she was only human but that didn't excuse sloppy work. Eli's shambling form erupted from the steam filled tavern, alongside several others retreating the chaos, causing her to pull upright. Pierce's sister was already sitting by his side looking sick and worried, tugging at Helen's heart deeply. Her hand reached out to gently rub the child's shoulder, speaking gently on hearing Ignis' diagnose over the wound.

Thank you Ignis, now would you keep an eye on the pair while I chew out Eli? She didn't want for an answer or his comment, instead spoke gently to the girl to ease her worry. “He'll be alright, dearie. Adonai, would you help watch the children?”

Her boots calmly twisted about as she walked toward Eli, her bag and patient left behind for a moment. Fists clenched and steps steady, her boot clip-clopping against the hard surface until she was almost on top of him. She planted her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer while she stared the fight wrecked of a man down. “What the hell do you have to say for yourself, letting a child get a hold of your gun?!?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Things seemed to clear up as they all headed outside- There was no sign of Walkins, Walkins, Walkins, or his ice spirit out in the plaza. The plaza, in fact, looked fairly normal. A couple individuals shot looks at Alan and some of the others as they exited the bar, smoke filtering out of the door as they did, but they didn't seem particularly concerned. A guildsman walked by the group as they exited the tavern. He paused, and shot a look at the group of them, turning to Alan, he gave a half laugh. "Jeez Ryner, you look like you were just got out of a gun-fight."

"You didn't hear it?" Alan asked quizzically. The guildsman cocked his head and gave Alan an odd look.

"Hear what?" the guildsman asked suspiciously. The look changed moments later "Oh come off it Ryner, you don't go crying wolf with something like gunfire." the guildsman said with an indignant huff as he walked away.

Watching the guildsman jog away, Alan shot a perplexed look at the others, and then back out towards the plaza. Had no one else heard the gunfire except them? How did no one see the Inquisitor stride into the bar? Alan could only assume that Walkins had something to do with it. Inquisitors were resourceful individuals. Manipulative, but also well trained in weapons use, summoning, and combat techniques. Each inquisitor also seemed to have their own style of combat and trickery as well. Alan was suddenly extremely suspicious of his surroundings. Walkins had given up fairly easily. He could still be watching them if he wanted to.

"Is everyone alright at least?" Alan asked aloud, looking at the others. He paused as his gaze reached the two youths. The girl met his glaze and shrinked a bit under his stare. They had just gotten into a gunfight because of a young girl and her over-zealous brother.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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“What the hell do you have to say for yourself, letting a child get a hold of your gun?!?”

"He walked into the pub with a limp, and those bloodstains soaking around his left knee and right shoulder were not present earlier. Judging by the state of his kit, he just came back from a mission after receiving haphazard triage."

Kuro was standing just at Helen's shoulder - she hadn't seen him coming out of the pub, but with all the smoke billowing out from the entrance that wasn't surprising. What was surprising was that Kuro had noticed such small details about Eli's person. His stance was relaxed and at ease, his expression still flat - his eyebrows though, were raised slightly as he peered at the bedraggled Eli.

"He has also had, from what I saw, at least five shots of Black Velvet in just as many minutes, and has been egregorecanting with his spirits extensively. Fatigued, injured, drunk, and distracted." He took a few steps to the side and walked around to face Helen as he spoke. "He is clearly in need of treatment, though that is going to have to wait." He lowered his voice considerably and leaned in, hissing his next words softly in a whisper that Helen only barely caught.

"The girl has pointed ears. The boy's hair is covering his too much to tell. We need to get them somewhere safe and out of sight before somebody else notices. What is your medical opinion on the matter?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli surprise as the Inquisitor’s fist crashed into his chest, and he was sent stumbling backwards. He tripped over a chair tossed in the fight. He hit the ground hard, biting his tongue, the familiar metallic tang of blood filling his mouth. Not even clones should have that strength...what in the name of Aer is going on? He thought, picking himself up and gathering himself for another charge at the Inquisitor when smoke filled the room. Eli flailed around, trying to strike the voice of the Inquisitor but failing. Finally he stumbled towards the outside glancing wildly about for a few moments. “Where’s the son of a bitch…” He muttered to his active spirits. All of them, including Shreckt, didn’t see him. “Oh good. He can clone himself, has an ice spirit, and can disappear whenever he likes. I hate Inquisitors.” With that, he sent back everyone but Shreckt. Guard the girl. I don’t think this Walkins is done with her. Right. The Kuasagi spirit stood protectively next to the girl and Adonai. For a moment Eli allowed himself a breather, the people outside of the bar ignoring his own appearance. Eli being injured and bleeding wasn’t an uncommon sight in the Guild, his tendency for dangerous missions well known.

And then Helen marched up to him getting aggressively into personal space in a way few would dare to do without their hands on a weapon. Eli gave a smile, his teeth stained with blood. Then his leg finally gave in to all of the stress it had been put under. Once again, he hit the ground. He almost let out a curse, but bit it back at the last second, glancing at the girl. Anyone who had spent any amount of time in Eli’s presence would have instantly recognized that as odd, to say the least. By that time the Rider had arrived and given a brief diagnosis. Eli was in too much pain to get suspicious and hostile at the Rider. “He’s right. I was just recently in the middle of Varisie territory, taking something they really didn’t want me to take. For the record,” Eli said turning his gaze to Kuro. “I actually become a better shot when I drink, and I wasn’t distracted. Kal doesn’t talk and Shreckt has been in my head so long she’s practically my voice. “ Eli nodded towards his only two visible spirits. “Not powerful enough to have more than those two. As for the kid, in my defense,”

Eli gritted his teeth as he tried to make himself as comfortable as possible on the ground with all his injuries, “I didn’t let him take anything. He was supposed to be hiding, keeping himself and his sister safe. Then he leapt over the bar and grabbed the gun before I could react. After that, what was I supposed to do? Grab at the kid while he was holding a loaded weapon, with clearly no training on how to fire it and obviously having never killed someone before? That would have been even more stupid than jumping in front of the gun myself. And that I don’t think you would have been able to fix. As it is, patch me up temporarily so we can go somewhere safe with the children. We need to find out what exactly just happened, and the Inquisition never gives up on targets that easily.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ingis and Helen

Helen heard Alan speak, but ignored it for Eli's answer as she narrowed on the man. It didn't mean she wasn't aware of the two children and their where abouts, her mind trained to look after her patients including the more stubborn ones. She didn't even dare to look at Eli's wounds, pretending for the moment they were superficial, still trying to stand toe to toe with him. Before Eli could answer, another male voice came out from behind her and nearly caused her to bounce right out of her skin. Her head whipped about and shot him an accusing glare when he spoke.

“Then what business or good would it have done him to bring it out in the first place? A spirit could've been much better for obvious reason, not that he didn't already have one out.” Helen stated plainly, recalling Eli had saved her from being impaled and showed he wasn't incapable of bring one or several forth.

It was a matter that nudged something at her mind back, shortly ignored for the fight's sake. She noted the man's direction draw closed while her neck hairs stood on end, her instinct screaming to put distance between them, and whispered to her. Her teeth gritted in resistance and clearly wanted to remain pissed at him, her eyes intensify at the thought about letting her emotion release into calmer waters. Breathing softer, barely, she pulled back slightly and no longer bore down on the larger man.

“I take it you've never been to the Wetlands?” Helen asked, answering her own question, and continued with a slight gruff and much quieter tone. “Both children have the trait and it's only uncommon, but not impossible or bizarre. It's just a birth defect from what I recall in my studies. Some doctors believe it's due to Wetlander's inherent affinity to summoning and also claims it might also explain the bright eyes. However many northern Varisie and those within the City-states have common features of blue eyes and blonde hair so I doubt anyone has even given these child a second glance. However moving them too quickly will likely draw attention and the matter is the boy was shot. There's current people at my clinic so taking them there wouldn't be advisable and we'll need somewhere else.”

Ignis, keep an eye on this bugger behind me. And is there any hidden surprises?

Ignis heard someone arguing with Helen as he was inside Pierce examining his wound, though he paid them little mind. Helen could handle the arguing and complaining of others; his job was just to deal with the boy. Fortunately, it wasn't too difficult of a task, as the wound was on one of his limbs, far from any vital organs .He could feel the warmth of the blood flowing from the broken blood vessels around the wound, which guided him to the damaged area. He moved his sight to the shoulder, using the light shining in from the outside to gleam the details from within. Several veins and many capilaries had been snapped in two, but the bullet at missed the bone and the ligaments. Mostly, it had simply damaged the tricep. He wouldn't call any bullet wound trivial, but it wouldn't cause lasting damage. The blood was still flowing out from the vessels and onto the muscle, and Ignis debated for a moment on whether or not he should cauterize it, but he decided against it. Doing so would just cause extra pain for no reason; it wasn't as if he was going to bleed out from the wound.

Since Ignis had felt nothing else of interest by the time Helen called on him, he decided to call his examination complete. The boy did not seem too alert, so Ignis didn't bother to hide himself as he emerged from the boy's body and floated beside him. "Nope, nothing more than the usual potentially fatal dangers, like infection. As long as that doesn't happen, he'll get away from this with nothing but maybe a cool scar and a story. Now, you want me to watch the wierd guy behind you? Can do." He answered.

Ignis brought himself down to stand on all fours, then walked around Helen and looked up at the man with what could be described as curiosity. His demeanor looked something like a dog investigating a new person. Why he decided to act this way, even Ignis didn't know, but he figured he would distract him from annoying Helen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moving Along Collab. We're now in Drake's Mansion after this!

Eli shifted, muttering curses low under his breath. Once again, anyone who had been with him for a short amount of time would note this as odd. Eli had never cared who he offended with his language before now. He glanced up at both of the people above him. "We do need to get off the street, though not for the reasons the Rider is thinking of. The Inquisition is bound to still be nearby, and I'd rather be in a defensible place than be out here, waiting for that bas-," Eli paused, glancing back at Peridot, before continuing, "that enemy to come back and pick us off." He tried to get to his feet, only to crash to the ground again, grinding his teeth hard together to avoid cursing. "Could someone help me up? I know a place that can give us all quick healing, is little known, and is easily defendible if the Inquisition comes knocking again."

Walking over to the larger man and with some amount of effort, helping him to his feet, Alan took a quick glance at the group around them, but gesturing with his head towards the Guildhouse. "It might be safer to get into the Guildhouse," Alan offered with a shrug. "Its design isn't necessarily defensible, but its the one building that has almost as many guns as the guard barracks."

"Yes, but the Guild was strangely ignorant of the recent escapade." interjected the calm voice of none other than the tall Serpentine's captain, Drake. "While I do not know the extent of his powers, I doubt he alone was capable of masking the presence of gunfire so close to so many ears."

"One would assume the Inquisitor had help in the background- Not an impossible idea, as the Guild isn't known for its... particularly thorough background checks." Drake continued, giving a knowing nod at the nearby Dericho Rider.

"I doubt the Rider was working with the Inquistion. He'd have already killed us or helped the Inquisitor take the girl." Eli said, slightly testily, to Drake. It was clear that he still didn't like the Serpents. "My two spirits will guard the girl while this boy," Eli gestured slightly towards Alan,"helps me stay on my feet long enough to actually guide us to my safe house. A fair warning Helen." He gave a wry smile to the doctor, his sister. He barely kept his casual facade up, ignoring the snickers of Atra. "She has a tongue as sharp as yours. Maybe even sharper. Let's go before I bleed out. Contrary to popular belief, I do in fact bleed and feel pain."

"Your safehouses are likely in horrid condition." Drake said disapprovingly. "Would you in good faith take such young children into such squalor?" Drake looked at the rest of the group. "I would readily offer my mansion to care for these children while you tend to your wounds, Eli."

" And I would readily do the same to you as I did to you're arrogant little swine of a friend. But we all can't get what we want, can we?" Eli said pleasantly, gripping tighter onto Alan's shoulder. "And if you're so worried about squalor, it's a good thing we're not going to go to one of my safehouses, which are quite clean thank you very much, isn't it? The healer is slightly obsessed with being clean. And her spirit can heal the wounds instantly, making Helen's remarkable work easier. Not to mention, it'll be easier to hide out in a little known, comfortable healing shop than an opulent mansion everyone in the city could point the direction to."

"No offense," Alan said, slighty strained under Eli's increasing bulk. "I don't think your leg is going to hold out long enough to get to the South District."

"I'm sure my home would be able to accomodate any injury related needs you may have as well," Drake added with a smug grin.

"Oh I swear by Aer I'm going beat his arrogant fucking grin off his face, then shoot him just to make sure..." Eli muttered under his breath to Alan, a quick glance at the girl to make sure she hadn't heard. Speaking louder he said, "Fine. Let's go to your mansion. But if we get attacked, don't say I didn't warn you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Ryza didn't speak much after that skirmish in the pub. Her face a bit more pale than before and she gripped her katana tightly. Her eyes darted around everywhere, like she was expecting something else to happen. She felt light on her feet and aware of everything around her, but she wasn't aware of anything about herself. She didn't realize her hands her shaking a bit, that her legs were trembling whenever she stood still. Ryza had had her first taste of combat and taken the life of someone else. She knew it was kill or be killed, and she had quickly come to terms with that. But the custom of her people and the Path of Seishin say that once you take a life with a katana, you devote yourself entirely to the art of the sword.

To Ryza, that thought scared her a bit. As an apprentice, one was always able to put down their sword and walk another path. She had life at her fingertips and was still able to be a dancer or a healer or whatever else came to mind. Now all that was history, she had committed the Seishin Pact the moment her sword cut through the first man. Ryza was a warrior now and there was no turning back. She slipped her free hand into her obi and pulled out a long white strip of cloth, running it along the blooded blade of her katana.

There was still a knot in Ryza's stomach. Her combat high was wearing off and she became more and more conscious to the talking of the other patrons. The Kusagi woman stepped up next to Alan and listened, knowing that she didn't have the experience, reputation or trust of the others to make any suggestions. But moving from the scene and hiding the obviously important children was a smart idea, so she nodded at Count Drake's offer to use his manor as a safe house.

Ryza winced suddenly, clenching her teeth as she looked toward the source of her pain. There was a shallow cut on her shoulder, it nearly missed the nerves that connected to her neck. She thought back to the duel she was having with the sword armed thug. Sloppy. Ryza had allowed the man's blade to land a hit, as small as it may be, it suggested that she still needed practice. Her kimono was sliced clean and red with a small amount of her own blood much like the silken fabric that cleaned her blade moments before. It was a stinging pain but not one she wasn't accustomed to, training with a katana often resulted in many injuries, it bettered the wielder in that they would learn from their mistakes.

Ryza looked over to Alan, curious if he had received any injuries like herself. Were things like this common in battle? Would even a shallow cut be unavoidable in future encounters? Ryza reasoned that indeed small injuries were bound to happen and that she shouldn't beat herself up over it.

Ryza focused back on the conversation, then raised her hand a bit to show she wanted to speak. "We should keep in mind the path we will take to get to Lord Drake's estate. The inquisition could be more involved in this than we think."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago

"We should keep in mind the path we will take to get to Lord Drake's estate. The inquisition could be more involved in this than we think."

"Indeed." Kuro said, coolly turning his gaze to Drake, not even sparing a glance for Ignis as the spirit of heat eyed him from ground level. The Rider gave the man the same brief, sweeping glance he had given Ryza and Eli back in the pub. Sir Drake's manor is also a fair distance apart from the Guildhouse. If the Inquisition were sufficiently prepared for all eventualities they would do well to have a patron in the bar who could lure those involved to a private, secluded location after gaining their trust, where an Inquisition Squad could then detain and process them with minimal fuss. Sir Drake can assist us in moving discretely there, but some of us should scout our destination directly to ensure we are not going to walk into an ambush."

Kuro turned to where Ryza and Alan were standing, finally looking at Alan for the first time. "You there, Hawk. Scouting and reconnaissance is one of of your band's functions, is it not? Are you willing and able to reconnoiter the destination site for us discreetly?"

All of this was said in clear earshot of Drake himself, but the Rider did not seem particularly perturbed with his openly voiced, bare-faced allegation that the Serpent might possibly be a turncoat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 24 min ago

"Aye." Alan agreed, in answer to Kuro and Ryza. He gave a quick glance at Eli, whose weight he was still supporting. "I'll need someone to hold this for me." he added, gesturing towards Eli with a jerk of his head. Alan ended up placing Eli's weight on one of his spirits, while he gestured for his own spirit to follow him.

Relieved of his weight, Alan prepared to leave, Seru following him closely. As they began to head out ahead of the rest of the group, he heard Drake make a offhanded comment to Kuro.

"I'd watch what you say about your betters." Drake said casually, "For a guild that prides itself on its cunning and discreetness, you are neither subtle nor clever."

Alan moved easily through the streets with few people paying attention to him, while his Spirit, with her keen senses telepathically reported to him. Despite the ideas of some, red, among other bright colors were fairly commonplace in Meduzart, and with the massive crowds of people, it was easy to blend into the crowd. They were unmolested on the route to Drake's mansion, and though Seru had seen a suspicious looking figure here or there, any lead they pursued proved to be just a false alarm.

Drake's mansion was in an obscenely nice part of town, a highly affluent neighborhood surrounded by a short wall and guarded by its own gate. Under the scrutiny of the gate guard, Drake took the lead and led the group through the rich and well kept neighborhood. The neighborhood itself was filled with several high value estates and large mansions- though none could mistake the silver snake sigil in front of one particularly large mansion that indicated Drake's home. If the snake sigil didn't make the owner obvious, a pair of Serpentines Guild members stood in front of the main gate with bored expressions. The guards quickly sprung to attention as Drake approached the main door. Gesturing for them to open the door for his companions, Drake gestured for the group to follow him inside.

The main landing of the mansion was huge and spacious, with high ceilings, and a grand, sweeping staircase coming down the center. The floors of the landing were made with white marble tiles, gilded with gold, and the railings and furniture was made of dark hardwoods and gold. Several evenly spaced pillars lined either side of the hall, each pillar almost twice as wide as Eli. Along the walls were massive windows, with intricately designed gratings, and where there weren't windows, there were very expensive looking pieces of art.

Alan gave a low whistle. As snobby as Drake was, no one could deny how successful he was. Though Alan doubted that this much money came from Guild-work alone. If anything, it came from the ridiculous tithes Serpentine recruits paid when they joined the band. There was a reason why all the Serpentines seemed to be snobby old-money types. It was because most of them were snobby old-money types.

"Home sweet home." Drake said in a relaxed tone. "Feel free to make yourselves welcome."

Snapping his fingers, Drake summoned a small fleet of servants. Looking at Helen and gesturing towards one of the maids, "The west wing has an extensive medical center that you can work in, please take Eli with you- before he bleeds all over my floor." turning to the rest of the group, "My servants will show you to wherever you wish to go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Harvey didn't follow. At least not with the giant metal body that was his body. By this point it was probably obvious that he was no mere robot, so the disguise wasn't necessary. Still this bot had his stuff, so when the group left to the mansion Harvey went to stash the body. And where else to hide it but the last place anyone would look: A garbage dump. No self-respecting person would hide out here, but Harvey was taught that respect came third towards success. And besides that, it's a lot harder to hide when you're a large clanking robot.

After trashing his body, Harvey activated his Detect Left and followed the marks back to the mansion. It was a nice place, but far from subtle. Harvey wouldn't be surprised if half the town saw this ragtag band of misfits head here. Security was nice, but the best security couldn't beat simply not being found. He'd guess that it'll take the Inquisition a day or two before they infiltrate the estate and do whatever it was they were doing in the first place. And when that happened, that's when this little party needed to figure out what to do with themselves.

As far as Harvey could tell, these people were helping the kids out of charity. A nice thing to do, but until they wake up Harvey couldn't be certain if they were saving kids or harboring criminals. The Inquisition were a shady bunch, but they don't get kicks out of torturing kids. Even if their goals with these kids are still vile, no one knew enough to make any solid accusation. Everyone was so eager to be heroes they don't even know who the true villains are...

"Well, that's something they can debate with. I'm going to make dinner."

Harvey never announced his presence, but neither did he try to hide. He just sort of... Showed up with everyone else, and headed strait towards the kitchen. He even sung a jaunty whistle took, his ethereal form casually floating a few feet off the ground. He stopped one of the many maids and spoke to her. "Mind directly me to your kitchen? I'd like to make myself a drink."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

This day was shaping into wonderful one. Helen let the thought settle, her eyes narrowed and expression soured, as she had moved back to Pierce. The boy was firmly propped up by her vest and left in Adonai's care, the patient's breath steady and form sound asleep. It was the only thing that made her feel comfortable about the whole situation. One problem was solved but it seemed several more cropped up in its place, making this a complicated mess indeed. She immediately made her way back to the young girl, boy and her husband while the others decided their fate. It was something that made her as uncomfortable as the number of wounded in the group came to her, Helen's thoughts lingering toward giving every last one of them, from Adonai to the girl, herself included, an examination just to be safe. She doubted any of them had been seriously injured in the confrontation but being safe was in her nature. It had saved many people to date and likely would for many years in her career.

Her boots clip clopped toward where she left her bag, her body squatting down and started to gather up her things. Making sure the unsoiled bandages, wraps, and her stethoscope had went back into her black bag, her mind was reflecting how crazy she was being.

One thing deeply bothered her and made her question the right thing in this. Taking these children was basic kidnapping one-o-one, especially if someone other than the Inquisitor were looking for them, which made her fidget more and her fingers struggle in securing her bag closed once more. However leaving them alone was much worse with the trouble they seemed to have attracted. Inquisitors were difficult to shake off one's tail and there was no way to know how long the dearies had been on the run, drawing more sympathy from her than most could've.

'Never take a situation at full face value, Helen. Summoner's first lesson my gel, else it will bit you in the arse.' Her uncle's words echoed in her head, ripped from the past and tossed into her present. 'Second lesson, go with your gut. It usually is right for a reason.'

Helen glanced toward Eli, Alan, the Dericho Rider, and some Serpentine, Drake, likely thinking of their next move. She hated the fact she couldn't go back to her clinic as she tossed over her father's words in her mind, fearing them apart and putting it back together much like Adonai did with his experiments. It was hard to know if words said was or after the man had become insane.

Her thoughts turned inward, she carried Pierce into her arms when the small, mismatched group made their way into the Serpentine's mansion. Granted the Serpentine band was nothing more than old, snobbish money, but at least they weren't Inquisitors. Alan gave a low a whistle at the interior which she easily understand.

Drake naturally was relieved at being home again, commenting it loudly as he snapped his fingers. The loud sound echoed through the large marble walls causing Helen to notice Drake turn toward her. His face looking smug and like he owed the world while he mentioned the medical won't and to bring Eli along. Helen snorted at the man's callow manners while she mentally spoke to Ignis, her silent retort held back since he was considerate enough to take them in.

Ignis, mind making sure Eli follows? Given his nature, I think he'll be stupid enough to drag his feet and delay his treatment. You have full permission to do whatever you feel is necessary to make sure he follows dearie, as long as you don't cause too much damage.

With that last statement, she gave Sira a look caused the nuzzling fur ball made from light at her ankles to dart off. The tom's head started to rub and brash against Perdiot's leg, begging to be picked up, while he mew for attention. His bright eyes seemed to cry for attention though he was still disgruntled at being denied his dues by Helen, his bitterness flickered in the summoner's core. It made Helen roll her eyes at the testy tabby. Readjusting the boy in her arms, she smiled at the girl and spoke softly.

"Come along dearie, and stick close to Adonai and me. Also, young lady", Helen turned to face Alan's friend with the blade and fellow band member, gesturing her toward the small gather group made from the two children, Eli, Adonai and herself. "You'll need follow us as well. I want to inspect that slice and best to git you all done at once. And don't argue with me. Eli, also don't drag your feet. Drake's manners might need work but you're not exactly a gentleman yourself."

With that thought in mind, she followed the maid to the west wing where Drake indicated the medical ward was. Expecting all those she spoke to follow her without a fight and allow her to patch them up finally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Eli, after being handed off by Alan to Shreckt, was clearly preoccupied with making sure that the Inquisition wasn't going to start attacking them, only briefly stopping in his scanning when his eyes fell on the Kuasagi girl a flicker of sympathy flashing through him before he returned to his scanning. Throughout the entire trip, he didn't see one hint of an Inquisitor, or a Varisie soldier. That made Eli suspicious. Inquisitors never give up this easily, and there are usually a large amount of troops backing them up if things went wrong. Something isn’t right. While still watching, he voiced his concerns to his spirit. "I don't trust this, it was too easy to get away from that Inquisitor." He muttered to Shreckt, still glancing about for the Inquisition he knew had to be nearby.

"Says the man who is currently bleeding from two wounds, can't walk or stand on his own and has to be carried by one of his spirits." Shreckt teased, before continuing. "But I agree. The Inquisitor, who we didn't kill, should be hot on our heels, especially now. We're all tired, weakened, and frankly unable to put up a fight against a determined force of Varisie troops. But he's just...gone. It doesn't feel right and we both know it. The Rider probably feels the same way, and perhaps the Kuasagi swordswoman, depending on if she has had much interaction with the Inquisition." Eli nodded. "The Swordswoman has never killed anyone before, so I doubt she’s met the Inquisition before.” Shreckt raised an eyebrow at him. “And how would you know that?”

Eli shrugged as he scanned the area yet again. “I know the look, and the feeling, when someone takes a life for the first time. Some people justify it, others never kill again, and others are like me. They just become numb to it. Another day, another walking corpse.”

As they entered Drake’s mansion, which was as opulent as Eli had claimed, the injured summoner looked about in exasperation as their host immediately relaxed and summoned a small army of servants with nothing more than a snap of his fingers. We were just being chased by the Inquisition and he wants to relax and not prepare for the inevitable? Now of all times? Eli’s line of thought was interrupted as their host told Helen and the rest to take his injured self with them, before he bled all over the floor.

Before Eli could make a suitably insulting reply back, Helen spoke up, sharply heading off anything he might say. “Fine, and I happen to be a perfect gentlemen if you lower your standards and change your definition drastically.” Eli grumbled, being helped along by Shreckt. Despite being herded and bullied into the medical wing, he was smirking. Someone watching would doubtlessly notice Eli’s wounds beginning to bleed faster, as if they had reopened, and fall to the floor. Eli’s index finger, hanging loosely by his side, twitched in a seemingly random manner. Behind the party slowly heading to the medical wing, a message was being written in blood along the wall.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ignis went right to his task of watching Eli as soon as Helen gave it to him, but fortunately, it didn’t seem to be much work at all. Eli followed of his own accord, so Ignis had to do nothing more than float around him, completely transparent. Since he had little else to do as they moved along, he let his mind wander. The fact that this inquisitor was likely hunting them at that very moment probably should have been concerning, but Ignis found himself more interested in this mansion they had entered.

Drake’s mansion was large and fancy, with different varieties of artwork and immaculately shined furniture all sitting in their proper places. Even the floor was made of an expensive rock, accented with that one rare metal that Humans seemed to like. All of it seemed entirely pointless to him; it reminded him of the homes of some of the most annoying people he had met in his existence. The rich owners of these kinds of mansions usually had a certain kind of personality, one that was spectacularly dull. Their only redeeming factor was how hilariously they usually reacted whenever he did something to throw some chaos in to the perfect little worlds they had created for themselves. Places like this, they were the perfect targets.

Just as they were getting close to the medical wing, Ignis managed to pay enough attention to see Eli writing his message on the wall just behind the others. Helen would probably want him to rush Eli along, and he would do that…soon enough. For the moment, he took on a visible form and walked up alongside Eli. “Oh, I like it. Simple, but really…in-your-face. It’s just too bad they have servants for this stuff.” He commented before looking up directly at Eli. “You know, I think we could have a lot of fun in a place like this, don’t you think?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 4 days ago

Drake's mansion was nothing like the homes of Kusagi nobility. The manor was lavish and vibrant and filled with shiny things that told the world this man was rich. Kusagi manors were minimal in their appearance, large rooms would be open and sparsely decorated, with depictions of the family's triumphs on banners along the walls. Small rooms in a Kusagi manor would have traditional arts and other simplistic things populating them. Here in this man's mansion, something was glittering everywhere Ryza looked. Gems, gold, silver and other precious items were polished to an almost blinding level. Stark contrasts like these reminded Ryza that she was far from home and it made her feel a bit nostalgic homesick.

But, to Ryza, ones home was a sanctuary and she could feel more at ease in it. Her shoulders rested and her breathing seemed more soft. While she looked at the alien manor, Oni faded into sight, looking straight at Ryza. She sighed and nodded to the wooden demon mask, looking to Drake afterward, "Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Drake..." she bowed her head, "If I am free to your home, would you be so kind as to show me to some place quiet? A study or a garden preferably, I need time with my guardian spirit to reflect on the recent events."

Ryza then looked toward Alan and bowed her head to her, "If you need to speak with me, don't hesitate please. Communication would be healthy for band mates." she presented him with a smile and headed off to wherever she was being led in the manor.
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