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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@kishin asura
"....Are you fucking kidding me...." Kerrigan says, not overly pleased. With a well aimed shot, she tries to take Camilla's leg off at the knee, but fails, it striking someone else.....or....something, else, depending on who you ask. Hunger lifts his hand up, looking at the bullet shot, which was embedded in his hand.
"...This, is going to end b-" He starts, before getting pegged in the neck, blood gushing everwhere. Slowly, he eats the nearest thing, Camilla's supply of apples, his neck regenerating quickly.
"Shit, her buddy showed up." Kerrigan says, as she starts to flee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Quickly, clone fighters appear in orbit, one looking extremely customized.
"This is Kishin squadron. We're here to kill some bugs." A familiar voice calls across the coms, as Shepard and crew open fire on the wasps in orbit, their energy weapons dealing heavy damage to wasp ships. Shepard seems quite adept at flying his fighter, weaving though enemy fire as if he could see it coming in slow motion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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There's a brief pause in the exchange of fire before the wasps pull out, their people that had been stunned commiting suicide if they couldn't be loaded onto transports except for one or two that could hardly move with their injuries
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Mithias runs up a few steps in great curiosity as he recognized Bob. "Bob??" He tried to see if his old pal, the infamous Taker of Souls and Eternal Jester, could recognize at least one of the Mithias's. Alucard then started his attack. He was going to kill Bob and the woman he claimed was his child by alternating extreme temperatures, just for the fuck of it. "Alucard! Don't hurt them! Bob saved your life once you ungrateful lummox!" And just in case Alucard intended not to listen, Mithias began running toward Bob and the chick. "Bob! You have to get out of here! Run! Take a portal or something!" There was a good chance his words were lost in all the wind and waves of energy being given off. If he got close enough, he'd try to cut a rift that the three of them could jump through and escape, if only briefly. Either that, or Mithias would have to cut off a wing or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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A few minutes later some guards march in on the Babylon dragging a quietly disappointed angel-paladin wearing manacles. "Gyah! Don't step on the feathers, please." Eclipse sighs heavily.

One robotic guard has the angel's holy sword as he presents it to Matt. "Sir, we have captured the invader. He has been identified as a soul-based sub-entity of positive alignment bearing the individual name 'Eclipse,' and is currently considered to be minimal threat. Do you wish to edit his status?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mia smiles, as Minx makes herself known. "Oh, darling, no need to be shy!" Smiling, she walks in a slow circle around Minx, appraising her soul and how it had merged with the Dark Side. Perhaps this could be called true mastery of the Dark Side. Or perhaps it was simply foolishness. "I happen to be in need of a Sith Lord, and you're the prettiest one. So we're bringing you. You can take your little puppet if you like, no need to tell the others you're still around. I heard everyone's convinced you're dead - that's a pretty neat trick to pull, you know."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Even as Honey moves through the forest, she suddenly finds herself struck by a wall of sound. Heavy rock echoes through the forest, loud and fast, loud enough to feel the beat in your bones. It's only after she registers this that she realizes that a new figure had entered her field of view, the source of the music.

Standing at four meters tall, the mechanical suit made an imposing figure. Humanoid in form, formed from purple and red metal plates overlapped into a shape faintly reminiscent of platemail armour. On each shoulder was a large boombox, blasting sound at high volume, a seemingly completely useless feature. The right hand was a robotic fist, but the left had been replaced with what appeared to be a giant gattling gun. A series of thrusters extended from the back, resembling a giant jet pack. Instead of a chest area was the cockpit, where a bright eyed young man smiled happily at Honey from behind reinforced glass.

"All right! I ain't taken this baby for a spin in a while, you better make this one worthwhile!" Laughter drowned out by rock, as the massive gun spins up and begins firing. Honey dodges sideways, and yet it's no ordinary gun. Trees are torn to pieces by rapid impact, leaving green goo everywhere, and yet it's only after a few seconds that Honey makes a strange realization.

She was being attacked with cucumbers. Fired at Mach 3 from a fully automatic gattling weapon, mounted to a robot suit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Alucard smiles, as a wall of ice forms in front of Mithias, forcing him to cut his way through it. Even as this occurred, the fully enraged Bob raises both hands, as it began raining flaming ewoks. Each of the ewoks exploded upon impact, and seemed to hone in on Alucard's position, leaving large craters in the ground. Alucard simply froze them, or sliced them to pieces with a projected Jigen Tou. Every now and then he punches one aside, shattering them with the shockwaves of his blows. However, this did give Bob the opening he required to fire what appeared to be a beam consisting of spiraling rainbows.

As the beam struck, Alucard's body became petrified. It started around the point of impact, and then rapidly spread across his skin. Moments later, however, he simply bursts from his stone prison, skin regrowing, face rebuilding itself. he had ripped his inner body apart from his skin, limiting the effects of the petrification to an outer layer of rock.

Alucard formed his arm into a cannon, even as he began producing mass from nothing. Using his powers applied with immense precision he started off what appeared to be nuclear fission, firing a concentrated blast of nuclear energy at Bob, A bright white flash and a flame that engulfed everything in front of him. And yet Bob seemed to turn it to flowers, which instantly burnt to a crisp under the influence of Alucard's aura of flames.

Powerful attacks were traded one by one, Alucard enduring, Bob negating, both throwing ever increasingly ridiculous explosions in each other's direction, making even approaching them a severe health hazard. However, Bob was at an obvious disadvantage, forced to protect his daughter from each blast, unable to dodge incoming attacks. It was clear he had tried to teleport her away, but Alucard simply projected the dimensional lock he had used to shatter the Jigen Tou before. This was not a fight Bob could win, and if there was no intervention, Bob would undoubtedly be forced to face defeat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Matt sighs, raising an eyebrow at Eclipse as he's dragged into Babylon's control area. "What in Hell's name are you doing on my front door, paladin? Do I even want to know?" A series of scans rolled over Eclipse's body, ensuring at all times that he would not form a threat to Matt. Invisible to the naked eye, a rather powerful forcefield separated Eclipse from Matt, ensuring that any assassination attempt even from a being of pure good would fail. It would not be the first time an angel had tried to kill him, and Matt had always been prepared for the worst. "I have no interest in war with you, nor with your goddess. And yet somehow you've managed to get yourself captured invading my ship for unknown reasons. You had better put some work into this explanation."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

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@thewizardguy @WraithBlade6

Teo was still on Babylon ,sneaking around and stealthily hacking each of the drones to play "Never gonna Give You Up " on mention of the word :"Managed" ,which Matt had just said,causing all the drones to break into dance while speakers emerged from every part of their body.

Teo would slide in on his knees ,a grin on his face as he listened to the melody he hacked in,he would laugh happily as e stopped sliding.



Brown and Melody would look around them .Brown was awed at his surrounding before Melody slappe the back of his head to remind him on how Ozzy's minions were closing in on them.

Then why are your lackies look like we owe them money?
But one thing at a time ,how the hell do you know that we are Teo's minions ,like can you break the fourth wall or anything like that ?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"....." Minx flicks a finger, and lifts Mia into the air, gently. "I'm just wanting to stay here...alone......With Kevin." She says, hugging Raiden, affection being quite obvious. To Mia, Raiden would seem odd...a puppet shell, maybe formerly a person, but now something which had been molded by Minx, in her current delirium.

Honey tilts her head to the side, slightly, confused. She sniffs one of the impact points, and then licks it. Slowly, her monstrous form changes back to normal, the sheer confusion over-riding her berserk. "....Why...would you use cucumbers as ammunition?" She asks, quietly, utterly confused. Quickly, as her troops round up the incapacitated wasps, or as many as they could, she rushes over.
"You there, Princess, hands up." Delta calls out, vector arrow ready to slice into Honey's body. Honey raises her arms, and gulps. "...Well...this is...a...odd...experience. First, getting shot at with cucumbers, next getting held up by a clone with long blond hair, and yellow eyes...." Honey says.


"Oh, no no no my friends..I'm just connected is all. Your leader caused a stir, helping kill that deamon and all that....my father even mentioned him in a conversation on the subject. Afterwards, I decided to keep an eye on him, and to an extent, you." Ozzy says, smiling. "Oh, and forgive them, they prefer if the clips in their weapons are empty moments after loading them...."
"Well, I guess...thanks for the save, but I think I should get g-" Saeid starts, before a rather large guard grunts at him, and he just sighs. "...What do you want with me?"
"Nothing much.....just wish to make a deal." Ozzy says, grinning evilly. Melody and Brown would know, just from that grin, this would not end well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mithias stopped short as a wall of ice formed in front of him. He was going to have to use his pyrokinesis more than ever before. Calling the dimension sword again, he concentrated an aura of heat into it, using it as a focus for his supernatural gift. He frantically plunged the sword into the ice. Using the heat from Alucard, his own will, and a lucky strike by one of the flaming Ewoks, the icewall half melted and then shattered, letting Mithais continue his approach, but this time, he was going for Alucard.

Bits of shattered rock were no deterrant to the determined vampire as he closed in. Alucard reformed his arm cannon and fired at Bob. Singed flowers rained ash, explosions and fairies burst into existance all around him, but Mithias attacked head on.

Using his heat control to shield himself from the radiance, he attacked Alucard from behind, shattering the glasslike oxygen wings explosively and cutting into Alucard with his honed hot edge before the overpowered wackjob could negate the sword again. Mithias was forcing Alucard to split his attention, for the moment, but that alone was not his goal.

The Jiguntou was once again shattered, and Mithias was mockingly slashed at and burned by Alucard, but he latched on and wouldn't let Alucard throw him off. The soul-eating blade was still an option, but if Mithias used it, it would in essence mean killing himself, unresurrectable soul-death, in some form or another. He really didnt' want to do that. Not yet. There was one more thing he had to try first.

Alucard continued to focus on killing Bob while Mithias struggled to stop him. Forming a blade out of his right hand, Mithias stabbed deeply into Alucard from his back. Surely he jested, for what could that possibly do to Alucard aside from a little pain and annoyance? The blood from their wounds mingled, cells recognizing cells and suddenly, Alucard realized Mithias' plan too late. Mithias liquified his body into blood and melded directly into Alucard, healing the two into one being.

From inside Alucard, he could hear Mithias. "You're mine Alucard. You were always me, and therefore, your body also obeys MY will!" Outwardly Alucard would struggle against himself as Mithias wrestled wills for control. "You will not kill my friends!" Alucard called out, "Bob! I've got him! Now!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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The two guards suddenly let Eclipse go, and he gets to his feet as the music starts playing. "A party? ... Hey this is a good song! Good tastes General Matt." Eclipse smiles at Drac and nods approvingly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Drac blinks, in the vacuum of space, and looks around.
"I sense a high amount of random..is Teo near by?" Drac asks, rather bluntly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

On a distant colony world, a large explosion could be seen from orbit, a massive amount of flame erupting in a manner even from orbit, it's glow could almost be felt. The bright flash of light vanishes as quickly as it erupted, and leads to most likely an alarmed group of sergals scanning the area. All they find, is a lot of corpses, and a rather fat creature playing with some bits of broken armor, which looked like shiny coins. On his shoulders is a little girl, one who from what they can tell with a quick scan, is very sick.
"I teach mean men not to attack Little one." Aggoth says, gently patting the girl on the head, his hand able to wrap around her entire head, and touch her shoulders. The girl smiles weakly. "..Thank you Aggoth." She says, a horsed whisper. Aggoth frowns. "Little one still not feeling good..I'll get going to find good stuff for you." He says, standing up, letting her rest on his shoulder, as he sets out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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while the sergals had been monitoring the colony in question, the local inhabitants rather primative yet numerous, making colonizing efforts a chore, scan the planet, sending word to the local colony-fort to send out a dispatch to the creature that appeared to be against the local populace as well.

After a few minutes, a squad of guardsmen with rifles and hazard armor arrive, asking evenly "are you the one that destroyed the native encampment here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"They tried to eat Little one...I out smarted em. Dey didn't think I had fire." Aggoth says, grinning widely, his tusks slightly yellow. The little girl slightly hides behind Aggoth. "Aggoth, be careful, they have...boom sticks." Elli says, and Aggoth sorta raises an eyebrow, putting his club up on his shoulder, looking similar to a baseball player in a casual stance.
"......Why ya got boomsticks? You gonna try to eat Little One too?" Aggoth asks, his grip on his club tightening a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"no, we just don't want to wind up like the natives you ran into. You call our rifles boomsticks? they don't make a boom, more like a pew... the little one looks ill, may i take a look at her?" the leader of the group replies, stepping forward from the group and slinging his rifle over his shoulder as he holds up his hands as if in offer to take her
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"....I stay with her, but you can hold her if you get her good stuff to help her." Aggoth says, gently handing her to the sergal leader. Elli, having long red hair and freckles. Her clothing is burlap, made into shirt and pants with rough animal hide string. She's filthy, and a tad on the skinny side, but for someone in her condition, that may be quite a bit better than expected. Aggoth thinks for a moment. "So, fuzzys have pewsticks? Pewsticks....pewicks......wicks......fire!" Aggoth starts, before looking at a near by tree, and setting it on fire with his flame breath (3), a single small stream of fire setting it alight, nothing to overly cause alarm. "Fire is fun!" Aggoth says, and Elli giggles a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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the squad leader takes his helmet off, showing his head as he looks the girl over, getting out some medical equipment to do a quick scan of her vitals as well as an automated diagnosis, warning her that it'd pinch a little before pricking her with the needle, waiting a bit before saying evenly "she's hypo-glycemic, we can treat her but the cure will take a very, very long time, but the good news is that she'll be healthy and normal by the time she's grown. come back with us. so long as you don't set things on fire that you're not supposed to you can come back with us while we treat her and maybe set up some rooms" before sitting up, getting a needle-gun and injecting her with a strange, blue liquid in the back of the neck, her sickness fading as she begins to feel healthy again.
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