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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn's ears twitched as he listened to the the man explain the job, purring softly as Iggy reached to pet the top of his head. He chuckled a little as he saw Torie seem to be drooling over the large amount of money. It was indeed a lot, he hadn't seen such a fine reward himself that wasn't perhaps a S-Class mission. Or maybe even higher. Yet this was just looking for super rare keys. As the employer walked away, the feline tilted his head thoughtfully.

"These keys kind of sound like they could be dangerous in the wrong hands. I don't know if it's a good idea to let someone who wants to bring forth supposedly suuuuper rare Celestial beasts, dragons no less, just to look of them. They might be so easy compared to some of the others." he mewed thoughtfully. He didn't know too much of Celestial wizards other tha what he saw Lucy and Iggy do from time to time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Mimi felt Iggy pat her back and tell her to relax but as the man described the keys more she couldn't help but have the bad feeling in her stomach grow. She bit her lip as her body grew slightly tenser as she tried her hardest not to glare at the man. Mimi just couldn't trust him, she couldn't sense much magic from this man so what could he possibly be able to do with the keys. At this point she wasn't thinking about the job or the money, only of her desire to learn more about this man's intentions. She wanted to ensure the safety of her friends and the celestial dragons.

"If you don't mind me asking. How do you even plan on summoning the dragons? Summoning celestial spirits is a good amount of magic in itself. I can't even imagine the magical power needed to summon celestial dragons. So how does someone like you plan on summoning a dragon?" Mimi asked, trying her hardest to sound as sincere as possible despite her desire not to give the keys to the man if they were to find these keys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The man chuckled a bit. "While I'm sure I could manage if I wanted to, I'm more here for a research aspect. I want to learn about the keys. Maybe show them off and keep them safe." He seemed to be telling the truth, but Iggy wasn't sold on it. "Maybe I'd show off the fact that I have them. But I wouldn't be starting a guild any time soon." He laughed a bit.

Iggy chuckled a bit. "I guess I can see that." He said as he wrapped his arm around Mimi and covered her mouth. She might get mad or bite him, but he had an idea. Putting the keys somewhere safe was a good plan. SO they should get them, but depending on the man's intentions they shouldn't give them to him. But he wouldn't show his true intentions. Not so early. And if they continued he may just cancel the job and find others to handle it.

"That's good. Now as I said..."

"Yeah yeah, I get it. We're following. Food, plan and off we go. That oughta be a good set up." Iggy cut off their client as he pulled Mimi along. "Luka, Torie. Come along. We don't have time to waste." His other hand was currently petting Karn. "And you. Just, keep an eye out for me." He added the last part in a whisper. It seemed as though both sides would be holding their own motives and ideas on the mission to themselves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Luka momentarily flashed Iggy a look that could have been interpreted in many ways. Not all of them pleasant. She wasn't entirely sure that this was a good idea at all but at the end of the day she was going to go along with Iggy’s decision. She made a mental note to beat an answer out of him later. She sighed and nodded in agreement. “As you wish,” she said with no particular enthusiasm as she followed after Iggy and Mimi, her hands wrapped around the back of her head, kicking her legs out as she followed after them. The tip of her staff crackled with electricity rather than arcs of lightning, a testament to her current level of control. Unlike Iggy and Mimi who probably saw the potential in such objects Luka only saw the trouble that they could cause.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torie's eyes went wide as he heard Iggy tell him to follow him. Follow meant going. Going meant doing job. Doing job meant LOADSAMONEY!

Gleefully following along behind Luka, Torie had a spring in his step as he followed along, more than ecstatic about this. Focused enough to not leave a river of drool behind him, Torie started saying things like: "Best job!" and: "Man, what am I gonna do with my share...could buy a shop...yeah, a shop!", and, lastly: "...Wonder if I need a permit from the city to build a private money pool..."

Torie was obviously clueless that Iggy meant to not follow the job exactly, but it wasn't like he cared. If they were going to get these keys, then they were KINDA doing the job anyways. Regardless, he trusted Iggy enough to just listen to him. He'd probably be dissapointed though if the job didn't work out. Depressed, more like. As they kept walking, Torie eventually asked: "So...what're you guys planning to do with the money?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Mimi frowned and glared at Iggy when he covered her mouth. She stayed silent as he finished the conversation and then lead everyone away. Once they were far enough away from the client she grabbed his arm and ripped it away from her mouth purposely digging her fingernails into his arm as she moved his hand and arm away from her. She knew Iggy probably had another plan when it came to the keys but that didn't mean she was ok with him covering her mouth. "We better be on the same page or I will personally beat the crap out of you." She threatened, her voice only loud enough for Iggy's Dragon Slayer hearing to pick up on.

Mimi then glanced back at Torie. "Don't get too excited about the money Torie. I'm not sure we will be giving this guy the keys in the end. I won't hand them over until I know he can be trusted with them. I'd rather have the keys kept safe than turn them in for money no matter how much money..." Mimi said simply before she turned back towards the front. Still walking besides Iggy as her mind began to think over the different keys and the dragons they could summon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Absolute devastation coursed through Torie's mind, his money pit going up in flames in his mind as he heard Mimi speak. So much money...gone...

Collapsing to his knees, Torie caught himself before faceplanting, his palms firmly pressed into the ground. "B-But...t-that money...a-ahhh...I think I see the light..." Reaching up at absolutely nothing but the sky, he said: "Mom...Dad...forgive me...I might be seeing you soon...". Needless to say, Torie was emotionally destroyed by the possibility of not getting payed. Getting up, he hung his head and followed along in a melancholic fashion, staring blankly at the ground as he walked. He was pretty out of it the whole time they walked, to the point of him smacking into a few trees and poles. Eventually, he called out his helmet and put it on, and just sauntered along with the group. Heartbroken and still as greedy as ever...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Even as Mimi dug her nails into him Iggy's expression remained as serious as could be. He glared at her in fact. "We don't know anything about this guy, or anything." He spoke in a hushed, yet hurried tone of voice just loud enough for her and the rest of his companions to here. "The fact of the matter is, even if we don't want to give him the keys we HAVE to get them. You understand at least that much right? I mean, say we decline and leave, or he is a bad guy and he sends us away. He could hire somebody else, or do something. Eventually, the keys would be gotten. I would feel much better taking them ourselves than waiting for something like that to happen. Alright? At least we, Fairy Tail, could protect them and stop them from getting into the wrong hands if they really are all that dangerous."

"Something the matter?" Their client asked as he turned to face the group. They had gotten to the dining hall and there was a spread prepared.

"Nothing at all." Iggy's expression changed to a more cheerful one as he stepped away from the group. "Just discussing splitting the money."

"Ah, always a difficult topic." The man laughed a bit.

"Yeah. But let's leave the subject for a while. This spread looks too good to let go to waste." Iggy laughed a bit as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Sure if you want to break your neck,” Luka said in response to Torie’s ludicrous notion of a money pool. He seemed possessed by the notion that if you piled it high enough it somehow gained liquid properties as opposed to its obvious solid ones. She smiled roguishly at him. As they headed towards their employers residence they were given an impromptu view of the town. It was not an encouraging sight. For starters it was not a pretty place, not like Magnolia. In fact it was giving her a really bad feeling that was putting her on edge, however she was careful not to let it show. She turned back to Torie and shook her head. “You think he’s going to pay us if we don’t deliver him the keys?” she said wryly to Torie in agreement with Mimi, his downcast expression lifting her spirits considerably, causing her to laugh out loud with a cheerful grin on her face. As for Iggy’s assessment of the situation Luka somewhat agreed, though as already stated she was only going along with it because she trusted his instincts.

By the time they reached their employers residence Luka had more or less resigned herself to the most likely outcome of this ill-fated adventure, which surprisingly elevated her mood even further. Luka liked knowing what to expect, even when it was nothing pleasant. The sight of the generous spread of food on offer didn't hurt either. Her stomach rumbled loud enough to make her blush, shooting the others an expression that dared them to comment. A crackle of electricity from atop her staff a more visible, tangible threat of that warning. She made her way over to the table and found herself a chair, sitting down in a very delicate ladylike manner that seemed out of character considering her usual behaviour. She turned towards their employer and smiled cutely.

“Thank you for the hospitality Sir, we’ll try not to disappoint your expectations,” she said in a soft, warm tone. The fact was that her last job had been for a noble house and she had spent what in hindsight seemed as unreasonable amount of time with her employer’s heirs. An interesting if not eccentric bunch to say the least. However she had learned a thing or two amount about the niceties of conversation that you simply didn't learn from boorish Fairy Tail wizards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Mimi glared right back at Iggy, she obviously knew everything he just said. She wasn't stupid. It was her concern to begin with. She didn't like him making assumptions that she didn't know that. It was annoying when he did such. She simply sighed and turned forward placing a smile on her face when they met up with the man once again. "Thank you for the food and for intrusting us with this job sir. We promise not to let you down." Mimi said her voice sweet and kind. She then choose a seat and waited for their host to take a seat before she did to show her manners.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Torie seemed to completely ignore everything around him as he followed the group to the dining hall, still absolutely heartbroken and bumping into shit constantly. "My career's over...my heart can't take it...the promise of all that money, gone...like a rainbow in the dark..." he lamented in his own mind, having the sense not to scream about how he wanted the damn money in front of the boss. As much as he wanted that money...pretty much more than anything in the entire universe, out of every single scientifically discovered substance, or magical power, that damn money had priority between his ears.

Simply taking a seat without saying anything, he was seated beside Luka, his chin resting on the table while he blankly looked at the food before him. He started to wonder just how much it costed to make this entire spread, and lamented once more: "Could have bought a bazillion potatoes...a katrillion carrots..." obviously not knowing that those weren't real measurements. Torie never DID go to school...or learn addition. Or how to spell. Or table manners. Or that there was more than one kind of pie. Well, there were more, like rhubarb, and cherry, but...

His internal rambling started to drive him a little sane again, causing him to at least sit up after a minute of slouching and resting his head on his palm, propping his right arm up by his elbow. "Thanks for the grub." he said, trying not to sound as dead as he felt on the inside.
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