Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| Day 1, 19:10 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex: Darth Nyiss & Jakali |~

Jakali moved through the halls, having calmed himself down and returned to form as the usual cool and collected Jakali Harcor. He ran a hand through his hair, adjusting it then did the same to his robes as he approached the turbolift to Darth Nyiss’ quarters. Part of him wondered how wise it would have been for him to enter uninvited, but his curiosity was peaked and he felt himself drawn there, he was unsure why but he had yet to actually speak with her so it may have been an opportunity to make a solid first impression.

As the doors closed on the lift he glanced at the floor, wondering if he was the first Sith to actually enter her quarters, she couldn’t fault him for being bold if that was the case, and besides, it wasn’t like he was barging in and was going to rummage through her things, if she didn’t appreciate him showing up the way he was going to then he would apologize and leave immediately. Maybe create an excuse that he had gotten lost, but he was confident that wouldn’t happen. Then he glanced forward and breathed deeply, ready to put on his most charming face.

A small chime sounded in Nyiss’ lab to alert her someone had entered the main room of her quarters (it was more of a reception hall, though could be used to entertain as well). She put down the datapad with the notes she was reading and stood, smoothing her robes as she did so. She had changed out of her combat robes into something a little more comfortable since getting back to the ship. In form it was not all that different, but rather than the hard wearing fibers of her combat clothes, her robe was now made of shimmering, soft black material with translucent outer layers.

She stepped out of the lab and into the main room to greet the newcomer, confidant that the lab door would lock itself behind her. Unlike the rest of the ship, that door was woven with cortosis alloy to keep even a determined Sith out. Partly for secrecy's sake, partly to make sure no foolish apprentice blew a chunk out of the ship with a mishandled spell or alchemy formula.

Before her stood a young ruggedly handsome man, Jakali if she remembered correctly. Technically he was still an apprentice, but he did not carry himself like one, and the robotic hand extending from one of his sleeves spoke of respectable experience in battle. Her eyes swept slowly over his whole form in silence before meeting his. She had to look up a little, but that did not trouble her.

“I don’t believe we’ve formally met. Welcome to my ship Jakali Harcor.” She said with an even, slightly curious tone, before motioning to one of the chairs to the side of the room.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, my Lord, I have heard much about you, but they never told me of your beauty.” He said with a smile, meeting her eyes with his. He was about to do the customary kneel a Sith would do upon greeting a superior but it seemed that part was skipped right over. He moved towards a chair but did not yet sit, instead he glanced around the room, admiring it.

“A very fine place you have here, it seems no expense was spared.” He added, then sat.

A genuine smile curled Nyiss’ lips as he complimented her appearance and she made no attempt to hide it. When he commented on the relative opulence of the room, she made a show of looking around at it, even though she already knew every inch quite well. “Why thank you. Even though this may not be a long journey, there is no reason to endure spartan surroundings when one has the power to ensure comfort.” She followed him to a seat, sitting directly opposite him, relaxing into the chair.
Next to the elegant finery of the room. Jakali looked a little out of place to Nyiss, but he was still, nonetheless handsome. “You cut a striking figure yourself.”

“I’ve been told before, but it’s much more meaningful coming from someone like you,” He said, returning a smile to Nyiss. “It’s nicer here than in the Sith quarters, but I won’t complain about those, it’s better than sleeping in the engine rooms.” He added.

“Though it’s much more elegant than what the Jedi are living in. It almost makes me pity them, almost,” He said jokingly with another smile. “It is quite the group of characters that’s been assembled here. Am I right to assume you picked them out? I have to give you credit for that.” He added, leaning back in the chair.

“You could put it like that.” She said conversationally. “Though I really only sought out a few of them… The rest were merely approved. I’ll let you discover who falls into each category.” She was enjoying the distraction for the moment. This apprentice was well mannered and didn’t seem overly cowed by her presence, which certainly a point in his favor. After all, sometimes it was nice to be treated as an equal.

With her experiments so close at hand however, her intellectual side warred with her more base desires for dominance, manifesting in a perhaps slightly earlier than normal pointed question. “So mister Harcor…. To what do I owe the visit?”

“I felt something here, like an aura that drew my immediate attention once I came near enough to your quarters. I simply had to see what the source of it was and now I am here,” He said, looking her in the eyes, then smiling. “I apologize if that does not sound like a legitimate reason, and please, call me Jakali.” He added.

“Curiosity then?” Nyiss half stated. “Bold of you. Are you satisfied with what you have found?” She leaned forward as she spoke, heavily implying with her tone that he shouldn’t be. If he was bold enough to stay, she would make time for him. Life was long, and men that didn’t wither under a Darth’s gaze were rare.

“No, no I am not. I’m not satisfied yet.” Jakali said, copying her gesture, leaning forward in his chair and locking eyes with her. He then made an even bolder move and extended his arm out, laying his organic hand upon her hand. The expression on his face hasn’t changed, it was a look of certainty.

Nyiss’ skin tingled with the touch of his hand, the sensation of another’s skin on hers quite a rare one given that most people were scared simply being near her. “Very bold.” She said, her voice low now. “I do love a brave, handsome man.” She put her other hand over his. “You want to see more…” She said standing, keeping a hold of his hand as she did so. “A strong Sith is never satisfied with what he has…” She said in a sultry tone.

“I know exactly what I want. A gorgeous, powerful lady of the Sith.” He said with a truly genuine smile then pulled her in closer to him, wrapping his other arm around her lower back as he planted a kiss on her lips, full on embracing the Sith lord.

Nyiss let herself be pulled into his embrace, enjoying and returning the kiss for a long moment. When they broke away, she stared up into his eyes for a moment, expectation glistening in her gaze. She then took his hand in hers, broke free of his embrace and turn on her heel, leading him wordlessly by the hand out of the publicly accessible entrance room of her quarters into one of the back room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

~| Day 3, 16:30 GST |~
~| Aboard the Memory of the Coruscant |~
~| Kennith Rahn, Lyric Novan, Kinsakwi'tetsu |~

It took Kennith a minute or so to realize they did not recognize him. He hadn’t been around for the refitting of this ship, so it only made sense. “Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. The name’s Rahn. Kennith Rahn. I’d have been around more for the refits, but to be honest, I’d not have been much use. I don’t like construction, and I detest sitting around doing nothing useful. I prefer to be out in the thick of things, gatherin’ information.”

“I merely stood around and looked pretty, so it wasn’t like I was much use.” Lyric commented, his tone a bit amused by the similarity between their views on construction.

He chuckled a bit at Master Novan’s answer before continuing his monologue. “I don’t have a body count or anything like that, but I do know that at least one Sith with a predilection for taking Jedi alive was involved, A Darth known only as ‘Nyiss’. Ever since she struck at Alassa Major two months back, I have made it my point to study her and to try to track her down. There isn’t much that is known about her or her habits, other than her being secretive. The one good thing is that she doesn’t exclusively stick to imperial space. She’s been spotted many times in the mid and outer rims. As recently as a week and a half ago near Tatooine. The bad thing is that none of her previous captives have ever been seen again.”

“That doesn’t bode well.” Lyric stated, his hand raised to remove the ciggarra to brush the dying red tip away. The ashes didn’t bother him when they crumbled upon his robe and made an ashy stain, one that he would brush off later. “It means we’re on a limited time slot. It’s unknown how many are onboard and since there’s several bodies uncounted for, currently, it’s likely best to assume she was collecting new captives. Though the number depends on what she does with her captives. Any guesses or theories? Personal suspicions?”

“Well, my investigations haven’t been too productive on that front. From what I’ve found out, very little of what she does is known in the empire. Even less is known out here in the Republic. She’s suspected to be behind some nasty biological and/or chemical weapons, but it has not been proven. But it doesn’t make sense for Jedi to be used for experiments with such, unless she’s found some way to identify ways to target certain philosophies. But I rather doubt that. So my guess is that they’re being used for something else, but I have no idea what.”

“Could be the Jedi are test subjects to achieve that goal for bio weapons though I agree with you. Pointless when it’s easier to merely bomb every living thing.” Lyric stated, replacing his ciggarra into his mouth and continuing. “If she’s as dangerous as I get the feeling you suspect that’s enough reason not to leave our brothers and sisters any longer in her grasp. I doubt it will bode well.”

“It is safe to assume they were captured in order to be brought to the Dark Side of the Force but with the history behind this Darth Nyiss, it may very well be something darker and deeper than that.” Kinsakwi nodded, then continued, “Though I agree we should be as quick as possible, we should not rush against Darth Nyiss. Where a Darth is, a score of Sith and a hundred troopers are as well.”

“Indeed, I prefer playing support and sneak tactics myself.” Lyric said, smirking, as he felt the ciggarra getting smaller. “Sadly, we’re more on our own as the Republic will not officially sanctify this mission. It seems since the Republic, at least from the rumors I’ve heard, blames the Order for what happened on Coruscant. Namely if the Temple was never there, the Sith wouldn’t have attacked. I find that type of logic bitterly wrong though since they would’ve still attacked regardless of the Temple, but try getting politics to see that.”

Blowing another ring, he stepped to the side and promptly leaned against the ship’s wall. His shoulder pushed against the cold metal as he thought for a moment. “You mentioned she was at Tattooine over a week and a half ago? Any ideas why?”

He looked first at Jedi knight Rahn then Master Kinsakwi'tetsu, wondering if she might have some input.

“Tattooine’s a… Very gray area when it comes to the War. There are many reasons she could’ve been there. There are many criminal organisations as well as Sith and Jedi cells within the planet. It is possible they use the planet as a port for moving prisoners around.” Master Tetsu said.

“Aye. It is. The only places with even a semblance of peace are the ones controlled by the Republic army or by the Empire. I can’t say I like the empire, in fact I can say I don’t, but at least they don’t let the criminal cartels run. But of course, the vast majority of that world is desolate, arid wilderness.” Kennith had been to that world many times and found it to be a useful, if treacherous, place to get information. There were many cities, but few of them had any sort of law in place. He did not count the whims and wills of crime lords to be laws.

“But that notwithstanding, even the possibility of a sighting is better than pulling up a star chart and guessing wildly. Though I’ve never really fought against the Sith directly, I have thwarted some of their plots over the years. I consider it a good habit to thwart such whenever I encounter it.” He smiled a little at this. It was a grim sort of humor, but it was humor at which Master Tetsu chuckled at.

“I think it is best not to go there immediately though… What we really need to do is either to get to Coruscant or to get someone there to get hold of the orbital tracking data for the days the Empire were there. There’s too many people on Coruscant with vested interests for there not to be even a single copy remaining. All we’d need to do is find someone with a copy and figure out his, or her, price. If there’s any ships of the right category heading out along the Corellian Run, then we’ll go straight to Tatooine and try to pick up the trail from there. If not. . . Then we’ll figure something out. But I think there’ll be at least one such ship on that vector. I will not permit this ship to escape.” In the last sentence, a certain hint of hard resolve could be heard in his voice, as if there was more to it than to the rest.

“Going to Coruscant might take us a long time. I could speak to some of my contacts within the Republic to get those recordings without ever going to the planet.” Master Tetsu mentioned with a shrug.

“Good. Most of my contacts are the sort who only deal face-to-face. If yours cannot acquire the data, I can go get it from them, but it would save time if we can avoid that. So, where to go?” Kennith asked, both pleased and curious.

“That is suitable enough for me. Though the question still remains… where do we begin searching? The options I suggested have both been tossed aside because the points and options you made, but they are our only leads to the Darth’s ship. Without either we are flying blindly in the dark to where to begin.” Lyric pointed out.

“Well. I think my study of this Darth Nyiss can be of help here. Let me check my notes.” Kennith answered, then dug through his robes, pulling out a small datapad. He sat there for several minutes, browsing through them, his facial expressions ranging widely as he did. Some parts were amusing, others were appalling. Most came from his numerous sources and had the tinge of personal opinions upon them. He had still not quite made any sense of the stuff he’d gotten from a traveling Givin, as an understanding of complex mathematics wasn’t something he had. He kept droids and computers for doing such.

After about five-six minutes, his eyes finally lit up. “Yes. I knew I had something on this in here! Rumor has it that Darth Nyiss is a master of Sith Alchemy. Primarily in biological and chemical weapons, but some say she also has created a wide range of Sithspawn. While I sincerely hope none of the missing Jedi are exposed to this, it will also give us an angle of approach. Several of my more reliable informants on Tatooine spoke of an unknown client having placed an order for the capture and delivery of nearly two thousand creatures spread out across scores of species all native to Tatooine. Unless someone’s opening a tatooine-themed zoo on some planet in the galaxy, which I doubt, this could be our Sith requesting materials for alchemy. I shudder a little at the idea of that many creatures turned into Sithspawn. Seeing how it is all forbidden knowledge, I can’t say I know the success rate of such foul experiments, but I do hope its low.” The image of a line of troopers being charged and overwhelmed by hundreds of scurriers with blaster-resistant hides and long, razor-sharp claws passed through his mind, making him shudder.

Lyric smirked at the Knight’s wide expressions, his hand reached for his ciggarra again to brush off the ashy cherry. His eyes casually studied them until finally he lit up like a supernova. Kennith exclaimed suddenly with his finger resting on the information he had found. The master shook his head at the enthusiasm and listened closely to the new information, absorbing to memory. It was interesting to Lyric to why a variety were selected and shipped out, though he silently agreed with the Knight that wasn’t a good sign for their fellow Jedi. Sith might’ve been methodical or cruel, but they also had a purpose for everything they did. Personal or otherwise.

“We could locate and interrogate the supplier. Could learn where she was heading next as you know how casual some suppliers get with their employees. It’s helps them stick around often and coming back enough times for the easy atmosphere. If not, she might end up coming back through for a new supply in the future should our leads run out. It’s not likely and a long shot, but it’s a back up plan in the worse case scenario. Much better than having no plan at all. Though it still might be ideal to go to Coruscant as well. The recordings might be helpful but they could need help identifying any bodies discovered or physical evidence left behind that could clue us in. Like any others that were onboard, giving us a better clue to who or what was on that ship with her.”

“Suppliers. No single individual could collect that many that quickly. Especially not the bigger creatures. But otherwise I agree. We could ask the Jedi returning to check the temple ruins to get the data, as well as get a rough bodycount. The systems are far too secure and redundant for the Sith to have been able to destroy all records. even a rough idea of whether it is ten, twenty or two hundred who are missing would be good to know. To get a record of who is missing would be even better, but that will take much more time than a rough number. For that they’ll have to go through the security footage. I suggest we go to Tatooine and find at least one of those suppliers.” Kennith smiled at having a rough plan at last.

“Showing ourselves as Jedi would be reckless. My soldiers are adept at this kind of assignment, they’re better suited to pull the information out of the suppliers without raising any alarms. Or at least, less alarms than if we were to go ourselves.” Master Tetsu pulled out her datapad and edited some notes, then put it away again. “I will speak to my Republic contacts and ask them for the recordings and an estimated number of missing Jedi. We may not be in the best of terms with the Republic right now as an Order, but my contacts will aid us if I ask.”

Kennith thought back on his previous visits to that world. “That might be true in the core, colonies and mid rim, but as far out in the outer rim as tatooine, people don’t really care if you are republic or empire, Jedi or Sith. All they care about is whether you can pay. It is refreshingly corrupt and greed-based. Tatooine is not a kind world. No matter what deadly things that the empire or the republic can come up with, they do not outmatch the sheer scale of how harsh that desolate world is. If you do not prepare yourself appropriately, the wilderness and climate will take care of you long before anyone of violent intent has the chance to do so. The only places more harsh are the worlds in ravaged by Sith monstrosities and the Dark Side, like their elusive capital world of Dromund Kaas is said to be.”

Lyric paused, his eyebrow raised at Kinsa then tried to be as reasonable as possible. He understood her worry and caution, he’s had that save his life enough but there was time and place for it. Now wasn’t such time. He tone reflected empathy with what he was about to say. “I understand your caution, but with no disrespect towards your soldiers, some smugglers are adept liars. Not to mention most will be wary of outsiders or risk recalling seeing your men before. You’ve had missions before tracking a Sith on Tatooine before so while I’m sure your men are ideal to blend in, this mission is time sensitive. It will take them much longer to sort out the lies or persuade any truth without at least one Jedi with them.”

He smirked a bit, than to ease the conversation’s tension began to lightly tease her. “If it wasn’t for your profession, Master Tetsu, I would’ve thought you don’t believe Jedi can hide in plain sight. If that’s the case, I really need to use my off planet clothes much more often to prove you wrong.”

Master Tetsu opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a holo call. She pulled out her projector and turned around. After a moment of speaking, she put it away and walked toward the exit of the Meditation and Sparring chambers, “I would prefer to stay and discuss this more in depth with you, but I must leave to attend pressing matters concerning the Coruscant Temple.” And so she took a turn upon going through the exit, and she was gone.

“Fair enough. We can deal with the Tatooine situation, can’t we, Master Lyric?” Kennith asked, a bit relieved they’d not not ended up truly arguing. He didn’t overmuch care for Master Tetsu’s overly cautious nature, but could still respect her for it. Some masters, in his opinion, were far too patient and careful. To win, you sometimes had to take risks.

“I think it might be best if I stick on ship and relay what information either one of you learn. If these two options are connected to the Darth, the pieces will start to fit together and someone has to help piece it together. However, as Master Tetsu pointed out it might be wise to have some troopers experienced with the planet tagging along. They can get to places you can’t or have trouble. The extra set of eyes never hurt as well, don’t you agree?” Lyric said, his eyes watching where Master Tetsu left. “Besides, I don’t think any of the Jedi knights would know how to dress for a reconnaissance on a desert planet, I don’t want them wearing their robes or giving away they are Jedi. Kinsa’s troopers might be helpful in that aspect.”

“Sure. I generally don’t need support, but if that makes Master Tetsu feel safer, it’ll be worth it. If nothing else, it’ll give me some honest folks to play Pazaak with while waiting for the informants.” As he said this, Kennith grinned a little, hinting at how he’d learned to play the game.

“Even if was your choice, the call is mine. She might be over cautious for my taste but she’s got a success rate that screams she’s good at what she does. It also means her people are just as good, and we’re establishing trust. We have to depend on each during this mission because let’s face it, we’re on our own. So you might want to catch her before we arrive for Tatooine and request a bit of aid. It might sooth over the rough edges we might’ve created with our personalities clashing.” Lyric commented.

“Ye ye… I know, I know. That’s why I agreed. . . That, and the chance to get a few extra credits.” He answered, getting up to leave the room again.

Lyric just let out a laugh, a deep, amused one while still smoking his ciggarra when Kennith departed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~| Day 1, 17:49 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Slowly through a persistent nothingness, sensation began to return. Tolun Fi began to feel his limbs and his mind awaken before his eyes found it feasible to open, revealing a blurry world that took a few moments to gain clarity. He continued to lay down, his lengthy frame too long for the bed, and he collected his thoughts as he began to wiggle his fingers and toes, judging the extent of their mobility and the sensation of whatever anesthesia had been used to subdue him. The Kaminoan sorted through hazy memories, trying to remember how he had gotten here. He remembered his lab, destroyed by his hand, Navi disappearing into the vents, and… ah, yes. Darth Nyiss. After he had willingly surrendered his blade to the woman and accepted her capitulation offer, she led him out of the forced entryway both had contributed in making and then there was a sharp prick in his neck. Soldiers unseen had been waiting, and it was probably a standard precaution for all of the Jedi they had intended to capture.

He was certain he wasn’t the only one, which was something he confirmed moments later by sitting up and looking around. There were certainly other captives, all Jedi. This does not bode well for any of the Order. There must have been a reason for capture as opposed to murder. Everyone here is to serve a purpose, but what? he thought to himself, eventually finding his footing. Curiously, he was one of the last to awaken, possibly a symptom of him having seldom ever been sedated and thus having little tolerance for it, or that his height and large distances between his heart and other organs, particularly his brain, was substantially longer than humanoid species.

Tolun Fi stood, looking around at his surrounding, a row of red-sheeted beds in a row, no privacy afforded. He could not readily see security drones or cameras, but for now it would be best to assume they were present and he began to investigate the prison. Across the way was another room of bunks, identical to the one he had awakened in. Orientating himself with his origin room being North, to the South there was the sanitation room, where the toiletry and showers were open. There would be no modesty, nor anything to hide. To the West was a medical lab, with some vaguely familiar pieces of equipment. Its presence indicated the Sith were going to look after the Jedis’ welfare to some extent. It likely wasn’t a good omen.

A disoriented padawan caught his eye, an Echani, understandably distraught. “There is up to 24 of us.” Tolun Fi replied. “Judging from a simple bed count, there’s likelihood that there are fewer. Take the time to meditate, young padawan, there are answers we not have privy to for some time, but take solstice in that you are alive and you are not alone. Do not forget your master’s teachings, and do not succumb to fear. It is a temporary arrangement, but in the meantime, let’s focus on what we do know. We are captives of the Sith, and we are in a contained prison block that can only be accessed by turbo lifts. Some of us are missing, so either they did not capture a full 24 of us, or others have been taken elsewhere on the ship. What is your name, padawan? Who was your master?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

18:10 Kaggath, Main prison complex

Nazca glanced over at Lea, looking slightly embarrassed. "I'm sorry. Nazca Barsavi, at your service...though don't require that service to need more than one hand." She smiled lightly before turning and watching as various others woke up. Shiri and Xid were talking, apparently about escaping. What else would require Xid to jerk his head towards the camera and whisper to each other? Before she could get up and ask what was going on, or at the very least ask Shiri if their alliance was still in good terms the Echani woke up. It didn't take force powers to tell that he was angry. Well, at least I'm not the only one with issues like that. She thought, smirking as Tolun answered his question for him. She only vaguely remembered the Jedi from discussions about how to remove her permanent jewelry. "Well..half you work is done for you Tolun!" She called cheerfully, waving her stump hand at him. "Should make removal of the other five easier now, right?"

She looked with minor alarm at the arrival of the hooded Sith and his soldiers, narrowing her eyes at the Sith himself. At least, she assumed it was a male. His build was familiar. Before she could say anything, the soldiers had already grabbed Xid and Shiri and were gone. What followed was a tense amount of time that Nazca couldn't count, waiting for both to return, fearing the worst.

She was relieved when Xid and Shiri both returned relatively unharmed but at the look on Xid's face her fears returned. She hurried her way over to the two of them. "Xid, what's wrong?" She looked up at Shiri. "What happened?"

A few minutes earlier, Sish and Jayda.

Sish strode into Jayda’s room, unannounced, and glanced around. His eyes narrowed at her meditating form, before speaking.. “I do hope you’re not trying to reign in your emotions. The others will be able to sense that a mile away and will try to kill you for it. You need to learn what it is we’re doing here, and how to do it. We’re going to go find a Jedi, torture them, and eventually break them if at all possible. If you don’t have a valid excuse for not doing this, or you can’t stomach doing this, you will be torn apart by the Sith, or tossed to the Sithspawn by Darth Nyiss. I suggest you either be able to do this from the start, or be very good at pretending. Lets go.”

Jayda ceased her movement, her arm stretched out and the other held tightly to her body, before her head turned to look at him. She had heard him enter the room when his toes clicked on the metal grating entering her room. The energy within the room had a mixture of light and dark, the energies swirling over and over in total calm chaos, while she tried to collect her pain into her core. Slowly she had started to seal it away. Bit by bit, the misery, fury, and her worse emotions started to gather within her heart where it was bottled up among the eight years Sish had made her life miserable. Each scar that faded was only a surface mark of what lied underneath and reminded her of her weakness.

She had changed her clothes, gone from the thick padded tunic to a thinner, black one and new trousers. Her feet had become bare as she snatched her boots from her bed, careful to note the slightly wider gap between the bed frame and her mattress of the claimed bunk. Slipping them on, she followed Sish out into the hallway, struggling not to fall behind, while they departed toward the cell block. It was only hours earlier did she manage to transport her own Jedi to a fate worse than death. It shouldn’t have bothered her. The Jedi could’ve fled or surrendered, instead he attacked and forced her to put him down. In a small, pitiful way she wished the pale humanoid had died after her last strike. Though if she had the courage, she herself would’ve ended him easily.

The Zabrak’s attention become alert when she spotted the cells on their approach.

Nazca's eyes shot up as the door opened once more and a Trandoshan came through. Protectively, she moved in front of Xid and Shiri, daring the lizard to try and go through her to get to them. Despite the fact that he could easily do so with a mere flick of his wrist.

Sish's eyes settled on Nazca, seeing the defiant and angry look in her body tone and eyes. With a gesture he Force pulled her into his claws, gripping her by the neck. She tried to say something as he turned around and walked out the door and sealed it behind him, but only managed to make gurgled sounds around his crushing grip. “She’ll do. Lets go find ourselves a room.”

Nazca, despite the crushing grip around her throat and alarming lack of oxygen reaching her brain, tried to memorize the path to the torture chamber, and any side doors that might lead to escape. Unfortunately, she couldn't see much or even remember it well by the time they reached the chamber.

~Day 3 16:30, outside the Memory of Coruscant~

Soon after Master Tetsu left the Memory of Coruscant another ship was reported docking in the hangar bay. A large Herglic made his way slowly off the shuttle, maneuvering out the door as best he was able, looking decidedly unhappy about the situation he was about to involve himself in. Long periods of time in a ship designed for humans, trying to maneuver through the doors quickly enough, only to be put on a planet designed for humanoids as well..this is going to be an interesting time. He thought as he made his way into the ship. A Twi'lek, no doubt Master Tetsu, brushed passed him in an apparent hurry. No matter. I'll meet her soon enough...provided I can get through the doorways before she comes back..

Much to his obvious surprise, however, the doorways and hallways throughout the ship were modified so he could move through them with relative ease. After stopping a crew member he found out where Master Novan and Knight Rahn were located, and where his medbay was located. Melloch walked into the meditation chamber, nodding at both humans in a friendly greeting. Before he spoke a disapproving look crossed his face as he saw Lyric smoking his cigar. "Master Novan, Knight Rahn, a pleasure to meet you both. I am Melloch. I'm here to help you on your mission, and patch you up whenever things go wrong and you don't deflect that one blaster bolt or miss that one knife in an assassin's hand." He grinned down at the two of them. "I do hope you're not the flinchy, fussy type when someone sews you back up. And I just want to say how grateful I am that the ship is modified so I can move through without getting stuck in the doorways every five seconds."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:10 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Xid felt dead inside. His eyes seeing the dead trooper over and over, unable to forget because it would mean he had forgiven himself. Something he couldn’t bare to do. He killed someone, an innocent man following the order of Sith, and now he could never forget it. The Jedi knight leaned harder on Shiri while the padawan struggled to keep him upright. They shuffled their way toward the cells with blasters prodding them along. Xid barely felt the harden metal points poking him into the back as his head looked down, his arm wrapped about his ribcage where his side was giving him trouble again. The muscle was hurting but he was pretty sure the damage was far deeper.

Shortly, they arrived as they were shoved inside. The troopers were extra rough with Xid causing his feet to stumble and his body to collapse onto the floor, his arm immediately letting go of Shiri so he wouldn’t pull them both down. His hand jerked out to stop his face from planting into the hard floor. He felt like laying there, letting the cold floor swallow him up and hopefully make his figure finally stopped trembling. The boy knew he had to get it together but all he could do was see those eyes. Dead. Lifeless. Unforgiving.

He barely noticed Nazca’s presence, his eyes staring in a hollow fashion. It was clear something had happened and his knees curled under him, poppering him barely while he took small, shallow breaths. He answered in a barely audible volume. “I killed him.”

Slowly he lowered his forehead to the floor and let the chill wash over him as his hand fisted then slammed down. It made a loud bang and his eyes tightened, his fist slammed again, hard enough to make it tingle. How could he have let it happen? Xid had thought the bastard was forgotten. Instead, it seemed he was creeping around his head, waiting to taint him the moment he showed weakness, and he managed to surface after all those two months of hard work to purge his influence. It angered Xid beyond words. His fist made one final slam then he shoved his body to sit upright though he was sure his hand was close to being broken. Not that it mattered to him.

He heard the door just at the moment Nazca moved in front of Shiri and him, her body providing a key target for the next Sith. Xid tried to jump up just when the Trandoshan managed to snatch his friend. His eyes flickered in surprise, a hint of fear tingling on the edges, when he spotted the alien he fought before. His claws wrapped about Nazca’s throat before he retreated back through the door. Xid had just barely gotten to his wobbly feet, his side flaring in fresh pain, when he winched and almost crumbled to his knees again.

His hand instinctively sought the nearest stable crutch: Shiri. Holding close to her, he whispered softly. “We need to get out of here quickly. Before one of us doesn’t come back from the Sith’s visits…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~ Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex ~
~Day 1, 17:30 GST~

Koren, had thus far been ignored. He had also so far ignored the others. He would join in, pland and plot when the time came. However for now, he had to spend this time alone. A certain, hopelessness had overcome him. Partially due to awaking from being unconcious and exposed to everyone elses emotions but also due to a the events on Coruscant being a repeat. He had known it had happened to planet, after planet. However the war had never truly hit him until the Sith bombarded Manaan, at that point the war had become far more real. It had become more personal, it wasn't just something he heard about and read about. It was a dangerous force to be reckoned with.

The assault on Coruscant, had instilled the sense of futility. The Capital of the Republic, had been bombared. The Jedi temple itself desacrated. If the capital itself could not hold against Sith onslaught, what planet possibly could? So many lives were lost, so much was destroyed. So much was gone from the galaxy, how the Force could ever recover from constant tragedies and loss of life he did not know. Though he could feel as if the Force itself was in pain, in agony. He dared not extend his empathy beyond himself, to probe others and see how they felt. Fearing that he would infect himself even more, or be infected by their hopelessness.

Snap out of it Koren The voice of his old master rung through his head, he could almost feel the light slap on the back of the head. More a joyful gesture than anything else, she was right. This line of thought wouldn't take him anywhere of use. The Jedi Order had faced adversity before and it still remained, time and time again the Sith tried to conquer the galaxy and not once had they succeeded. Pain, and loss allowed you to grow back stronger than before. Like a muscle, only through breaking the muscle apart could it heal back stronger and more powerful than before. That is what would happen to the Jedi Order he was sure of it, this attack would motivate the Jedi and the Republic into action. Giving them a sense of purpose like they never had, as he said before. The war was real now, and he was no longer going to stand idly by.

He was going to become part off it. A driving Force for the Light-Side, however at the same time he wasn't going to kill. He felt that the best way to fight this war, was to do it the Jedi way. He would aid others, defend life and offer redemption to those that sought it as now was not the time to break the code. No, now was the time to stand by it. For without it what made them any different from the Sith?

Finally moving out of his seclusion he stood up, still a bit woozy from his bash in the head, and walked into the main room that the bedrooms were turned off from. He looked at Xid. "Snap out of it Xid. Being in that state of mind won't help anybody."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bigscreech


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| 3 days, 5 hours after sacking |~
~| Aboard the Memory of the Coruscant |~

It had been 1 day since Avix had received Lyrics message and after a brief journey his ship docked in the hangar. The ramp of ship would descend and Avix strolled into the hangar bay taking in the scenery. I’m a bit late but I’m sure they have some sort of dossier to fill me in. he thought to himself as he proceeded to exit the hangar. It wouldn’t be long before he would inquire to a republic soldier as to where he could find Master Novan.

The soldier would direct him toward the meditation chamber and he would be greeted with the familiar sight of Lyric smoking. “You know those damn things are going to kill you...” he said in playfully warm tone. His eyes darted towards the Herglic and human Jedi. “ I don’t think I’ve met either of you before, My name is Avix and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 3 mos ago

~| Day 1, 18:10 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Shiri walked quietly as she supported Xid on the way back to the prison area, trying to think of ways to help him calm down. She managed to contain her anger at the troopers pushing Xid to the ground when they got back, and knelt beside him to help him up again when Nazca came over. "He... It was that Sith's fault. Xid?" Shiri couldn't tell if he had heard her, but he had gotten himself to a kneeling position almost and she saw his lips move, but didn't hear what he said.

Taking a guess, she got ready to lecture him about how it wasn't his fault and that he was ok, until he started beating up the floor. She tried to stop him, almost catching his wrist, but by the time she did he was done and already pushing himself into a sitting position. "Nazca, will you help me get him to a bunk?" She started to help him up again when Nazca went to stand between them and the Sith that Shiri had failed to notice enter the prison.

She jumped to her feet as the Sith looked over to them, and instinctively reached to grab Nazca before the Sith could pull her to him, no matter how impossible it would have been to keep that from happening. She silently cursed the Sith in her mind before pulling herself back together as she noticed Xid on his feet again, and went to support him. He whispered to her, and she quietly whispered back. "You're right, but we can't rush it. We'll eventually make a plan that can get us all out of here, one we can be sure will work, but before we can do that you need to rest and calm down. I'll help you to a bed."

She noticed another human who had come over when Xid was pounding on the floor. "Would you help me get him to a bunk please?" Whether he helped or not she would get Xid there, but the help would be greatly appreciated. After Xid was taken care of, she sat in silence by the bunk Xid was on, not wanting to go very far from him. She often found herself glancing at the door, and hoped for Nazca's safe return, however slim the chances for that were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:10 GST|~

Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex

Alat watched the return of Shiri and Xid. Worse for wear it appeared. The Trandoshian was going to be a problem but the apprentice. If Alat could have smiled through his mask he would have had a vicious grin on his face. It was so sad to see so many Sith in one place and not be able to hunt but it would have to do. “Time to become a student again it would seem.

Scanning the room he took in the others who were awake now. Alat was perched on one of the bunks. His legs crossed as though for meditation. He rarely used the technique anymore as he had no need to rein in emotions although it paid to keep others off his back when he needed to think.

Could one more time really hurt?

Yes. Best to leave the past in the past. After all it wasn’t like he’d faced down a Darth and needed to analyse for technique.

Alat rubbed his temples with his palms slowly.

It was time to gather allies. He needed to time get everything in order and do his research but it was best to start the process now. No telling how long it would take. Alat looked up and spotted Tolun. “Ah, another similar mind”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 3, 18:12 GST |~
~|Onboard the Memory of Coruscant|~

While Lyric was staring at Kennith as he turned to leave, his mind filled with a sudden sorrow and sense of departure. His mind immediately turned inward towards Master Tetsu and realizing fairly quickly why. She was going her own way as some investigators did, providing help but it would likely be the last time they would ever meet face to face. He felt guilty things had to end as they did, with hard and improper assumptions about each other, now he was unable to correct them for the future. He knew she wouldn’t merely exit the mission. It was too important, however she would do it her own way like many investigators. Some had much difficulty in being team players after all unless they had worked together many times before and had their own methods to do things. It was terrible to think ill upon such individuals because they might get more done in their own way rather, benefiting the mission much more than as a teamplayer.

It was likely wrong of him to hope she would’ve been willing to take the lead where he couldn’t. In one ways than one, this parting was a blessing.

His teeth bit farther into his ciggarra, the surface cracking and immediately turned his head to entering Jedi, a Herglic enter through the slightly snuggle doorway. His large frame bent down and shuffled into the meditation chamber making him the third visitor today this very busy day, Lyric noting the brief, harden look at his teeth still clutching the smoke in his teeth. He wasn’t bothered by look as the Jedi knight wasn’t the first healer to scowl his bad habits.

Lyric returned the grin, taking out his ciggarra then removing the ashy tip. “We all show our compassion in different ways, so why should it bother that you show you care? And I was informed you were going to be apart of the team earlier into the construction so I had the ship modified for larger races, using yours as one of the models to base it off. We much rather you move quickly then fuss around the doors after all. Healers are always welcomed onboard due to the danger of the mission.”

Any further conversation was suddenly interrupted when a familiar voice spoke out to him. Lyric’s head shifted around Melloch, spotting a very, very roguish Jedi Shadow filing in behind the large behemoth and into the room. The master’s eyes turned from the healer to Avix, absorbing the changes in his appearance since they last served together. He let a moment pass before replying, holding his ciggarra and gestured to it with a wave. “I told you before, the war is more likely to kill me than this thing. Trust me. If I want to die, I rather be happy when I do and quitting will not do that my friend.”

He took a step toward Avix, ignoring the fact neither had bowed. They were likely he forgo any traditional greetings and preferred casual interaction. “Thank you for coming. So, where have you been hiding or do I want to know?”

~|Day 1, 18:12 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Xid’s mind was on escape when he heard Koren’s words, his eyes shifted upright to look the older Jedi straight on. He wasn’t like the man that told him to snap out of it and stop his line of thinking, feeling the guilt deepen because at how easily he lost control. There was pain and guilt on his face then leaned on Shiri, emotions pulled taunt for the first time in months, when heard Shiri’s logic peer through. They couldn’t make a mistake.

“Alright.” He submitted to her better judgement. “We so much to do, we just need to survive until we can.”

When they arrived at the bunks, Xid settled himself down as his body screamed against his movement. He made a slight hiss then leaned back to let the cold wall numb the hurt, his eyes spotted Shiri standing and staring at the doorway. She was nervous, he could easily tell, and return it made him unsettled. He looked expectedly at Koren to say something that might ease the worry while he spoke. “Koren, you were captured by Sith or troopers? I need to make an estimate of the current Sith and maybe get an idea how many we’re going to have to deal with on the ship. Then we can move from there.”

He then added, letting Koren to thoughtfully answer, when he turned to Shiri again. “Shiri, what about you? Any Sith besides the one we met earlier?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:12 GST|~

Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex

Alat heard Xid’s question as he was staring at the wall of the cell block and answered it almost by reflex as though it were something casual. “Two less than the original number” he let the implication hang. “Half a dozen troopers and two more Sith, definitely not lords. Atleast another few troopers, not sure on the numbers since I was drugged at the time. Took a few more seconds for me to go completely under, unfortunately the memories are a mess so there is no way to say for sure.”

He finally turned to look at Xid. “Glad to see you made it out alive. How many did you take with you?” It was a totally serious question but to most everyone else it would have seemed at least slightly absurd. The implication being that everyone else had fought back and killed captors. The thought never entered Alat’s head that anyone would have done anything other than kill at least one of the captors. Or die trying.

“Pity I only got the two of them but it seemed more prudent to halt there and look for a better opportunity. Charging a dozen troopers and two more Sith across open ground seemed like a poor choice.”

Alat turned back to looking at the wall, still contemplating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| 18:15 GST |~
~| aboard the Kaggath |~

"Darth Nyiss will have a number of Sith. As a Darth, she'll have scores in her service. Its hard to say exactly how many are here." Lea said as she walked over to the bunk Xid lay upon. Seeing him in agony like that annoyed her. She did not ask before reaching out with her hands and starting to mend the more serious of his injuries. The Force responded easily, but it could not mend everything in one go. Thus she chose to deaden the nerves along the injuries she could not speed up the healing of. Not perfect, but sufficient for now.

"It will probably take a few days before they let their guard down sufficiently to permit our escape. Seeing how the ship has already entered hyperspace, it's not as if we could get off now in any case. Till then, we'll have to show strength of will and character. We must not let them push us about." Lea spoke with a tone befitting of someone years older than her. She might not be more than sixteen years, but she had been training to use the Force since long before she could even walk, let alone speak clearly.

"I wonder what sort of food they will provide us with... During my captivity, it has varied. Darth Nyiss has a number of experienced cooks in her service, so at least it won't be some sort of tasteless gruel." she said as she thought back on the wide range she had been fed the past two months. Though she had received countless wounds, meditation combined with nourishing food had allowed her to come out of it all with only trace scarring, a fact that pleased her a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~|Day 1, 18:10-18-40 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex: Tolun Fi & Jakali |~

Footsteps could be heard outside of the prisoners bunk rooms, the source of the steps revealed himself a moment later as the door came open, a tall man in a long black cloak taking two steps inside, hooded eyes scanning the room for the next interrogation victim. The eyes were drawn to the Kaminoan, yes, that was the one. He raised one hand, and lightly grasped onto the long necked being, getting the attention of Tolun Fi.

“Come.” He simply stated, loud enough for the Kaminoan to clearly hear him. He didn’t need to say anything else, well, not in the room his was currently in. Surrounded by Jedi with wandering ears. He enjoyed leaving them in the dark anyway.

The Kaminoan felt the unpleasant sensation of a telekinetic force choke engulf his slender neck, although the intent seemed to be to get his attention more than inflict pain. Unfortunately, it was not helping his breathing any. The message was clear; comply, or it gets worse, and as a consular, speaking with unpleasant individuals to mitigate conflict was simply a part of the job. He looked towards the Kel Dor who had addressed him as the Sith arrived. “It would appear someone else has an interest in my mind. I suspect this will take a few moments.” he said, following the man out into the turbolift, hands folded behind his back as he attempted to stand in a dignified manner; the lift wasn’t designed for someone of his height, however.

“Your people certainly are wasting no time interacting with your captives. May I ask why I was selected so soon?” he asked, wondering if this had anything to do with Darth Nyiss’ proposition.

“Lets just say that you interest me, I have not seen many of your kind before, none that were Jedi. That itself nearly peaks my interest.” Jakali said in his usual calm, composed tone. He folded his arms behind his back and waited for the lift to halt. As soon as it did he glanced briefly at Tolun Fi before gesturing with his hand for his captive to exit the lift right as the door came open, revealing another hallway.

“Curious. I’ve found most Sith to be very ethnocentric, with the race of the corresponding name being the ideal and near-humans being merely tolerable, and everyone else gross affronts to their sensibility. You’re surprising, to say the least.” Tolun Fi answered in an equally measured voice, simply stating facts, not challenging the man’s moral philosophy. Not yet, anyways. He exited the lift, thankful for the increased headspace, and he walked alongside the Sith in graceful, measured steps. “It is not surprising you have not encountered Kaminoans before, we are a very isolationist species who are not fond of outside intervention, save for business transactions. As far as I am aware, I may be the only Kaminoan Jedi on record. I imagine most force sensitive Kaminoans are simply purged once discovered, given the arbitration from the genetic purity that is strictly enforced. My parents were strangely compassionate, I believe.”

“Perhaps they were intrigued by the uniqueness of a situation? There are plenty of Force sensitive humans, I am one of many, it is standard practice to allow a child to be taken by either the Sith or Jedi once their gift has been discovered. In my case it was the Sith, which I am quite grateful for,” He said, speaking with his eyes forward as they walked, eventually another hallway could be seen, this one with a small set of stairs, which Jakali ascended. “Tell me, do you place much faith into odds? Whether it be statistics or even gambling?” He asked, shifting the topic.

“Perhaps. Even an emotionless species such as mine sometimes exhibit cracks in the armour, so to speak. It’s always easy to condemn a child that is not your own, and my condition as a force sensitive was not known outside my family. I imagine the Jedi being summoned to collect me was an act to stave off the inevitable, but I cannot say for sure. Secrets are currency, in a way. There may have been others like me. My apologies if this offends, but when I was first introduced to the galaxy at large, I found humans to be something of an improper mess, with such unchecked diversity and physical dimorphisms between various races it was a bit like finding a mutt species. It was not remarkable at all your people harbour many force sensitives, how could you not? Nothing was consistent about you, and you were everywhere, each world creating new conditions and variations of your species. Now I simply find it a curiosity.” Tolun Fi pondered the man’s query for a moment before responding. “Statistics never tell lies, if accumulated properly and accounting for all possible variables from the sample population. Gambling is chaotic and an irrational emotional stimulation that I simply cannot understand the appeal to, let alone how it destroys people’s lives so effortlessly. Why do you ask?”

“Pray that you never venture to Nal Hutta or Tatooine then. The most common sight on those worlds, aside from the murderers, rapists, thieves or poor are the compulsive gamblers. To them statistics are just a miniscule part of their addiction.” Jakali said, as he glanced to Tolun Fi as they reached the top of the stairs, in front of them a medium sized circular room, a large thick glassed window on the opposite end of them, some chairs set around it giving whoever was in them a first class view of the sight below.

“Humans are quite curious, you are correct with that.” He said as he observed what was going on below them in the Arena. Five men, all humans, four on one side, one alone on the other, two of the men had metal staffs in their hands, while the lone figure watched them carefully. Each of them scarcely clothed, really nothing more than the bare necessities for modesty. Around them in the Arena were blood splatters, still there from the previous bout, though the combatants from that had since been dragged out.

“Which would you side with between this group? The four strong side or the lonesome figure watching them carefully?” He asked Tolun Fi, crossing his arms as he watched the scene below, the combatants not yet going at each other.

“I’ve been fortunate so far to have avoided Tattooine in my travels. The climate simply does not agree with my physiology. Nal Hutta, however, was exceedingly unpleasant.” The Kaminoan agreed. He gave a cursory glance around the room, reflecting it looked like an auditorium or observation platform of sorts. When they approached, it became clear that it was a spectator’s box for some kind of arena. The man wanted him to see this; Tolun Fi considered the possibility he set this up for his benefit.

“I would say the one. The four appear to be slaves, given their lack of garment and crude weapons. They would not be set against a single opponent if it weren’t a somewhat balanced fight, if I have learned anything from spectator events such as this, since it’s simply poor entertainment. If somebody wanted to watch a crowd beat a single man, they simply have to walk the lower levels of Coruscant for a short length of time. The single fighter appears to have some measure of consideration, I would venture to guess they are a trained combatant. And given that both of our respective orders produce warriors that can single handed defeat numerous opponents, I am somewhat surprised you would have to ask.” The Kaminoan replied, glancing to the man.

“Sound reasoning, we shall see, please, have a seat.” He said, then sat down in the chair, motioning for Tolun Fi to do the same as the fight began. After a minute of the men trying to intimidate the other side one made a move, one of the four with a staff launching himself forward, his weapon rose at an angle over his shoulder. As he swung the lonesome man ducked to the ground right as the staff end whizzed over him, almost catching the top of his head as the man darted forward and tossed an elbow into the gut of his attacker.

“Predictable. The first attacker goes down quickest.” Jakali said as the the man went down with a grunt of surprise and pain, his weapon bouncing once against the metal floor before it was scooped up by the single man who took a few steps backwards, giving himself more ground.

Tolun Fi sat down next to the man, careful to pull his robes forward so they would not snag. As if on cue, the men began their melee, which the Jedi watched impassively, studying the movements of the combatants. He said nothing to Jakali’s remark as he watched the first fighter go down, expertly dispatched by the lone fighter. It was an an unpredicted outcome. “The others may end up turning overly cautious, I believe.” the Kaminoan observed.

“Which may lead to defeat.” Jakali added as the next action in the fight occurred, this time two of the men moved forward, one with a staff, the other bare handed. They each moved to a side, one left, the other right. An apparent flanking maneuver which their target seemed to notice as held a defensive stance, his staff clenched horizontally in front of him. Then the unarmed opponent sprinted forward, charging towards his enemy. His allie still standing at the side for the moment.

The lone figure countered, apparently surprised at the bold frontal charge, he quickly moved the staff, swinging it at the attacker’s legs, one end hooking on his opponent’s left ankle. But as he made the move the other staff wielder lunged forward, his weapon smacking into the left knee of his target right as his allie hit the floor hard, his skull hitting the metal ground hard as the lonesome man gasped in pain, falling to the floor, his weapon clanging against the ground.

“Their boldness seemed to have worked there.” Remarked Jakali as the battle raged on, the one man left with a staff aiming the end downwards at the grounded foe who stared upwards, a hint of fear in his eyes, his knee busted. The weapon came down, towards the grounded man’s chest, but the injured opponent saw it coming and rolled to the right, swinging out his injured leg, knocking his attacker off his feet as his weapon went backwards, rolling towards the last standing of the four who eagerly scooped it up right as their group target rose to his feet weakly, picking up his own weapon.

“Not an unexpected result. The larger group does have the larger numbers, the somewhat incapacitating blow may be a bit much for the warrior to surmount. He does have a commendable spirit; a lesser fighter might have simply succumbed to fate, or not have the talent to react effectively. Who is this man? He appears to be trained. One of the guards at the Temple, I presume?”

“Yes, that is one of the temple guards, beaten, dragged onto one of the Sith ships and thrown in here for entertainment. The four others are simple servants, all of them are fighting for their lives.” Jakali said as the fight continued, the single slave moving forward and thrusting his staff forward which his opponent blocked, taking two steps backwards. He then swung his own swing, downwards towards a leg, but the servant saw it coming and maneuvered away.

He thrusted forward twice more, now the aggressor. The trained guard blocked each thrust with his staff, despite the knee injury he still was able to defend, just move gingerly. But the servant continued forward, another swing which was blocked as the guard continued moving backwards. Then he went on the offensive, his staff blasting out and smacking into the servant’s stomach, causing the man to grunt in pain and almost fall over.

Jakali leaned forward in his chair, carefully watching the fight unfold. He was surprised by the next scene, one of the grounded servants apparently still conscious grabbed the guards leg and held on for dear life, distracting the man enough so that the remaining slave could muster one more blow through pained breath. His staff impacted with the guard’s skull, shattering the man’s nose on impact as the man went down, crumbling to the floor, still alive yet blood seeping from where the staff hit.

“Interesting. Both sides had everything to fight for. Numbers overcome experience that time.” Jakali simply said as two guards entered the Arena, three others behind them as the guard rose their weapons towards the standing servant who quickly dropped his staff and rose his hands in the air before all five of the combatants were dragged out of the Arena.

Tolun Fi was grateful for the fight to have ended; it ultimately was a waste, and it was a tasteless disregard for purposeful life. It wasn’t, however, anything more or less cruel than he’d seen before. He’d presided over some much more abhorrent instances before, and he knew that there wasn’t always a right answer, just the lesser of two wrongs. There was a chance that most of the men would survive, assuming they received medical care, and the Sith were loathed to depart with their playthings. Tolun Fi expected that the wounded trooper would be called upon to fight again, and again, until he received a fatal blow. It wasn’t much of a life to look forward to. “That was unpleasant. I assume that because it was not a Jedi down in that fighting arena that you have other plans for us than sport.” he observed. “Why were we captured? Keeping captives is a much more burdensome exercise than simply executing your enemy. I also can’t help but notice my lack of bonds. That’s a remarkable amount of trust for a sworn enemy.”

“That is for Lord Nyiss to decide. She has grand plans for the Jedi, I am eager to see how they unfold,” Jakali said, as he looked at Tolun Fi. He was partly bluffing, he wasn’t entirely sure why they had captured the Jedi, but there had to be some dark plan for them, there always was. “You already are weaponless, I feel it would just add more insult to have you in chains and paraded around behind me. Others may do that, I take no pleasure nor comfort in such things.” Jakali added, speaking honestly for once.

“I had the pleasure of meeting her, in the Temple. Your manners are rather akin to hers.” The Kaminoan observed. “You have a remarkable amount of respect and empathy, for a Sith. Because of that, I am content to speak with you as a peer and not insult you by being indignant or defiant. Wasteful exercises, given the circumstances.” he looked at the man, curious. “You sound like you have some reservations about others in your order.”

“Her lordship casts quite the striking figure. It would be improper of me to speak unkindly about my fellow Sith, I will just say that I do not approve of some other their methods or ideals. I am sure you will encounter the others soon enough and draw your own conclusions,” Jakali said. “I am grateful that you are not demeaning to me like the last Jedi I conversed with. They did not return my politeness. It was surprising to me in a way, yet expected in another. Those in my order are vilified and feared by many of the Jedi, often misunderstood, well some are.” He added.

“Tell me, what are you thoughts on the Sith? Someone such as yourself must have a wider view than others within your order.” He asked, genuinely curious of what the Kaminoan thought of the Sith.

“Likewise, I sometimes find others in my Order wanting in some aspect or another, but that just might be the Kamonian speaking rather than the consular. I’ve spent my life trying to understand people and their motivations, and a constant is strong emotion leads to some rather poor decisions. However, indulge me for a moment and put yourself in the position of the captive Jedi. The Temple is sacked, many are killed, including several that are considered friends, and after seeing the Sith at their worst, you awaken to find yourself a captive, not knowing where you are or what is intended for you. Not long after the drugs begin to wane, Sith begin to collect the prisoners for interrogation purposes. You need to understand that you are an ambassador for what your order does, and one proper individual stands against innumerable crimes in just the past 12 hours or so, I presume. I admit I have no idea how much time has passed since I was put under, but given my metabolism and the common anesthetics available, I estimate between 4 to 7 hours since I was taken offworld and now.” he said, adjusting his position so he could face the Sith easier. He did not have to collect his thoughts to answer the inquiry.

“The Sith represent chaos, and the Jedi represent order. Where you let your emotions guide your decisions, the Jedi strive to let logic and reason guide our hands. If the galaxy had no Jedi, the Sith would strive to conquer the galaxy, likely subjugating anyone who wasn’t considered pure enough Sith blood. If there were no Sith, the Jedi could let civilizations take their course and act as the peacekeepers and diplomats that we are meant to be. It is because of the Sith many of our best minds are dedicated to the art of the lightsaber more than resolving conflict elsewhere with the less enlightened. Unfortunately, the Jedi and Sith are two sides of the same token, and one side must always be down. A balance, the token standing unaided on its side, is impossible while one or the other exist, and simply put I think the Sith are misguided and needlessly hateful. Like the Jedi who are forced to fight to simply preserve our Order and peace in the galaxy, I believe there are many amongst the Sith whose potential is simply wasted because they belong to a dangerous ideology that promotes treason, treachery, and selfishness to achieve any measure of success. I imagine you’ve had to do quite a few unpleasant things to reach your station and fend off more than one attempt on your life thus far.” The Kaminoan said.

“Chaos is but freedom at its most unchained. Unchained chaos is exactly that, without point. Sith represent freedom, emotional and otherwise. Part of one's humanity is emotions, anger, sadness, love, without these men are but machines meant to be born, live then perish. Jedi try to push their system of values throughout the galaxy, yet sit in their temples while planets burn, men die, women are ravaged and children are enslaved. They have the nerve to label my order as heretical and launch a crusade in order to wipe us from the galaxy like a plague. True order comes through actions that stop these, the Jedi will only move to stop when these occurrences have happened, while the corpses rot on the floor. When these conflicts never occur, then that is order,” Jakali said. “While I do not agree with your views, I am grateful that you allowed me to hear them.” He added.

“And humans, or any other species, is welcome to express themselves as their culture and biology dictates. Serving an Order isn’t unlike serving a military, where one must exhibit control over oneself to better the cause. The Sith seem to think that by tapping into primitive emotion as a source of strength, they free themselves, but nonetheless you still serve an order, with set rules, expectations, and punishments for transgressions. You and I are no more or less free than one another, all that is different are the particulars of our respective stations. I assure you, I have done much more than sit idly by in a temple, as you put it, but rather I have prevented some of those cataclysms you seem objecting to, if not outright repulsed by it.

“The assault on the Jedi Temple was strategically and tactically brilliant, and I am certain historians will commend it several generations from now, but it wasn’t just the Temple that burned, was it? Coruscant burned, men died, I can only assume lust is an emotion that some Sith used to ravage some women, and many of the Jedi you hold captive are children, some haven’t even made their vows to the Order. It would seem that these things you accuse the Jedi of doing have shrouded your own eyes from what your own order has done. Had the Jedi been the Sith’s only target, the entire planet need not have burned. Neither side is innocent of crime, anyone who’s taken a moment to look at history holocrons could tell you that, but one crime does not justify another. I share your mutual sentiment that it is pleasant to discuss our respective philosophies as peers, but I must ask if you can truly say the Sith are a force for good in the galaxy, especially with what you must have seen.” Tolun Fi said, his voice even and articulate, the tone pleasant.

“Some actions are necessary. A part of a grander plan. I can assure you that her lordship’s intentions are a necessity. I can acknowledge the sins of my Order, but I am not responsible for those sins, if I were able to stop them then I would, but I am unable to. Sith embrace all emotions, for every angry individual that strikes down an innocent there is another that falls in love with a different innocent. To create good, sometimes one must sacrifice. For every single killed, a hundred more will be saved.” He replied, almost copying Tolun Fi’s calm tone.

“Never underestimate what a single individual can accomplish. You have more power than you think. Power doesn’t always mean physical strength or the amount of followers one has. Something to consider, at least. In the coming days, or even weeks, I expect some of your compatriots will engage in some rather unpleasant activities with the captives.” Tolun Fi gestured to the area, the blood still glistening in the light. “And there will be unchecked cruelty. The ends don’t always justify the means, and if you do not understand the plan you are ordered to follow, then perhaps it is worth considering what power you have versus what is being taken from you. We Jedi won’t be the only victims, just the obvious ones. I suspect you will hear screaming, and see more blood, and I humbly request you consider what we spoke of. Jedi do not torture those we disagree with, or harm them for standing for something we do not agree with. It’s only when we are left with no choice do we have to take lives.” He paused, staring at the blood. “To think, we’ve accomplished something here by simply listening. Perhaps if others did the same, there would be no need for war.”

“Sometimes the right decisions are not the most morally correct ones.” Jakali replied, one of his hands tapping the arm rest on the chair as the words from the Kaminoan sunk in slightly. He rose from his seat, and the Jedi followed suit. “A sentiment I happen to agree with. Not everything is black or white, nor the correct path always clear. Sometimes one must make a choice they feel is right and stick with their convictions. Right or wrong, at least one acted.”

The two returned the way they came, returning to the prison block wordlessly. A brief pause in the turbolift as they both collected themselves. Tolun Fi spoke first. “Although I did not catch your name, I must thank you for the rather stimulating conversation. It has given me much to consider, and I should hope we will have future opportunities to engage in discourse once we had some time to reflect. I wish you well, and may the Force be with you.”

“It is Jakali. Perhaps we will speak again.” He said before the Jedi was nudged back into the bunks with the others, the door shut and Jakali was gone from the area, moving down the hallway.

Tolun Fi looked at the Kel Dor, Alat, offering a measured blink. "Similar minds, indeed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

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Koren Omi-Ren : Day 1, 18:14 GST : Kaggath

Koren helped support Xid on his way back into the room. Once there he sat himself in the middle of the floor and crossed his legs in a meditative pose. However, while his posture was right he kept his eyes open. He wasn't quite ready to go into a trance yet. He sat and looked at Xid for a good long moment. Weighing the words of the younger Jedi, then he simply shrugged. "On the bright side, I believe you were supposed to help in the kitchen this week at the temple-" An obvious lie. "-So we shouldn't be in the greatest hurry to get out. Lest we end up in even worse circumstances." He rubbed his knee slightly at the mention of the Sith, it still ached him slightly from the exertion. At least he himself had got in a damaging blow, or it would have been if the eye hadn't been cybernetic anyway.

"I was captured by a Trandoshan. Best I managed to do was to burn his scales a little and damage a cybernetic eye. Though my head wasn't fully in the game at the time-" He let out a breath, and took in another deep one. He was already in the process of calming down his mind and body keeping himself at a peaceful level. -"His breath was something awful, it would put a sarlaac pit to shame. You could practically see the smog." He just shrugged again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:13 - 18:17 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Xid watched Koren settle himself in, listening to the older Knight reply. He smirked at the mention of kitchen, bring a positive feeling he would miss out scrubbing the dishes by hand, his least favorite chore during his stays among the Coruscant Temple. Namely because he couldn’t use machines or aid of any sort, causing time to go on ever until he was done. At Koren’s mention about a Trandoshan with a cybernetic eye, Xid pulled upright and winched at his carelessness. He bit down on his tongue to stop the scream surging to the surface, resulting in a sharp inhale instead, while he struggled to rein in the pain. His hand went to his side where the cracked ribs protested every little movement bring misery at his blunt ignoring it. He managed to bring his leg up and underneath his other, folding into a more comfortable position before slouching back once more.

At hearing the comment about the Sith Trandonshan, Xid let out a soft chuckle. “As much as I dislike kitchen duty, I would take it any day compared to being a prisoner. Your captor sounds like the same one I fought then, because I doubt there will be many Trandonshan. Sith tend to be selective of their ranks though I got to say his claws are much worse than his breath.”

Xid pointed at his face where there were thin, redden lines where the beast’s claws managed to get him. “I think he managed to fracture a rib when he tossed one of the droids on top of me, but I managed to get a few strikes in before a second Sith got to me. I didn’t even see him.”

Another voice, muffled and distorted through a mask, spoke causing the teenager to snap his head to the source. He blinked at first and looked harder at the Kel Dor Knight, his mind slow in recognizing him. After several moments the Kel Dor’s observations still continuing and ending in a question, until it dawned on him why the alien was so familiar. Alat Sev. A black sheep Knight among the Jedi older much like Tolun Fi and himself, though all three for many different reasons. Xid tried to fix in but it proved accomplishment didn’t happen though effort alone. It didn’t help that because of his association to machinery, which many disliked, some believed he should’ve been left to the Jedi Corps. Despite their own lightsabers being such a device and most often their sole possession.

His head shifted to meet the Jedi knight's gaze, unable to feel the normal intimidation he found most padawan described to be there within the Kel Dor's eyes. Maybe it was because he knew the Jedi some or better than them, he couldn't say for sure. Xid leaned back to relax as he returned to Alat's question. "I hate to say it, Alat, but I didn't manage to take any of the one I encountered down. It wasn’t for not trying though.

Xid watched the Kel Dor return his gaze return back to the wall, releasing the younger Jedi from being forced to keep it. Slowing his breath while he waited for the pain to pass, his thoughts putting together what he learned. “So far we have at least two notable ones, one Koren and I encounter, as well another additional one.”

Still waiting on Shiri to recall her experiences, someone else had approached to the small gathering and conversing at his current bunk. It was a light brown, petite girl about the Twi’Lek’s and his own age walking closer while she spoke about a Darth Nyiss and having many Sith under her, making his plan seem less clever. Xid’s eyes tightened in thought as he struggled to remember something back in the temple. It was enough to distract him when the girl reached over and touched him, starting with his side. He jerked reflexively, his face getting red, in surprise at her action without asking. Immediately his fractured rib were the first to numb, followed by his chest, shoulder and back, allowing the force to slowly mend them. It would take days and repeated sessions, Force Healing only enhancing the natural ability of an individual, before his rib and chest would be fully healed. However when his hand reached to touch his head back, the bump there had notably shank almost back into it’s original state. The scabs on his face had started to fade and starting to be overtaken by normal flesh again, looking at least a day or two old now.

Feeling like a padawan again at her last comment covered about several facts he feared were true. The ship had entered hyperspace, making any planet lightyears away, and there likely to be visible lax in guard detail until a few days had passed. As much as he hated feeling helpless, the girl was right and merely not being easy slaughter or subservient to the Siths’ whims were their best option. It wasn’t long before the girl started to drift to the food they were likely to be provided and found himself calling up his first civil encounter with a Sith.

“I can’t say I’m much in the mood for food, especially after learning my plan isn’t going to be as helpful as I had hoped. Merely we just need some idea of the Sith that could be key threats and how we can possibly deal with them.” Xid replied to the padawan and continued. “As for the mention of the Darth, she was likely the dark presence I felt before Master Sela sent me retreating to get help. I don’t think she made it, but hope what I felt was wrong.”

He sighed, adding his introductions. “My name’s Xid Terrik and Knight for two weeks now.”

His hand pointed to each individual while he also mentioned their names, going from Koren, Shiri, Alat, and finally…Xid stopped in his introductions to finally notice Tolun’s Fi’s absence. He had noticed the knight after he had been carried to the but now, he was gone. So focused on his conversation, he had failed to notice the Kominoa being taken away silently until now. “Where’s Tolun Fi?”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| 18:10 GST- 18:30 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, torture Room: Sish, Nazca, and Jayda |~

Jayda watched from outside the cells as Sish naturally targeted the weak, his instinct and sadistic personality showing through in his selection. Her throat constricted in discomfort when she recognized the Jedi immediately, the claw indentations on her cheeks just scabbing over, as the one who insulted and denied her. This just made the situation much worse than it needed to be in Jayda's mind. With the woman in his grip, he turned and sneered in delight while he lead the way away.

She hesitated for a split second only to quickly recover, her emotional anxiety castes away in favor of survival. Sish's past techniques in trying to break her were trying to echo in the back of her mind and chasing her, each step was made bitterly in his wake.

Finding an empty torture room Sish quickly secured Nazca to the rack, taking into account her stump hand. As she finally got her breath back, she spat out the next words. “Sith’s blood! Does the Darkside make all Sith that ugly, or were you just born hideous, lizard?” Sish merely grinned at her. “Planetary defense codes. Secret Jedi temple locations. Tell me what you know and I’ll let you go.”

On entering the room, Jayda stood to one side of the torture room. It was a plain and simple room, metal walls with a rack in the middle but no tools to work with. It wasn’t Sish’s style after all, a fact she knew well. Her eyes casually glanced away while Sish began to click his new toy into the rack, immobilizing her, and making the Zabrak shift slightly. The apprentice knew what was coming the moment the stupid Jedi opened her pitiful mouth, the insults flying eagerly. Her spine shiver when she noted Sish's muzzle curl into a smirk. She could easily guess what the Sith was thinking as her own memories tried to edge in to her thoughts when the torture finally began.

Nazca narrowed her eyes at the Trandoshan. “I don’t know anything. I just got to the temple 3 days ago. Can’t help you, ugly.”

Sish grinned. “I had hoped you say that.” He dragged his claws gently up Nazca’s side. She almost imperceptibly flinched, before speaking only slightly uncomfortably. “Sorry, I’m not interested. There’s a hideously scarred Zabrak bitch you can look for tho-” Nazca screamed as Sish suddenly dug his claws in and dragged them down her side, leaving bloody gashes. “Defense codes. Temple locations.”

Jayda’s head perked up at mention of her race, her face scowling at the Jedi’s ignorance and failure to listen. Her body leaned against the cold metal wall. The scream filling her core and rattled her insides, though her surfaced barely showed any signs of being affected. Her arms crossed over her chest, her fingers digging into the cloth and into the surface underneath while her breath increased sharply. She bite back anything she could say to enlighten the Jedi to how save herself from Sish’s torture.

Instead she watched and waited. She knew the Jedi was only human, a fact something Sish forgot that not all races had the same limits as her own did. If her fucked up too badly, she knew the Darth on the ship would not excuse him from being executed on the spot which was something she couldn’t allow.

Nazca took a deep, shuddery breath, trying to regain control past the pain., Tears were already going down her cheeks. Still, she managed to glare at the lizard. “I can’t tell you what I don’t know Echuta.” She got out. The fear in her eyes was unmistakeable as Sish grinned again, just before he drove his claws through the gashes in her side. An audible snap could be heard beneath her agonised screams as he clenched and broke a rib. Sish removed his hand, idly licking some of the blood before speaking again. “You’ll know soon enough. Or you’ll pass out, and then I’ll just have to wake you up again so you can tell me. Defense codes. Temple locations, or I’ll break another rib.” As Nazca just continued to sob in pain, he reached forward with his bloody claw and she jerked away, drawing another scream, before gasping out “Okay! Okay! There’s a secret Jedi temple location I know of!” She babbled quickly, almost tripping over the words.

Sish paused, surprised and a little disappointed.. “Speak.” Nazca spoke in a relieved tone. “It’s on the planet Go,” Sish’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, and she hurriedly continued, “located in the city Fuck Yourself.” Her little defiant smirk was soon transformed into a howl of pain as Sish shoved his bloody claw back into her side and let loose Force Lightning in her, causing her back to arch away from the rack. Sish glanced over at Jayda, speaking louder to be heard over Nazca’s screams. “I do hope you’re not feeling anything resembling pity. That’d be a Jedi concept, and something that would have to be removed from you if you want to survive this ship.” He grinned at her, before stopping the lightning. Nazca collapsed against the rack, sobbing in pain.

“No, I’m just wondering when you’ll finally end up killing her and how to dispose of the body.” Jayda lied through her teeth, trying to hide her slight pity for the Jedi’s stupidity. She was fighting to make her figure still and emotionless, using what training her father had given her to survive this. Deep inside, she had hoped it was enough. “She’s not a Zabrak. How long before she expires? If she dies, the Darth will likely find it enough of an excuse to rid herself of you, after all what use is a Sith that doesn’t listen to her orders?”

Sish paused, watching her as she spoke. For a moment his eye stared at her, then he grinned at her. “You’re right. Perhaps I’m too used to you. She obviously doesn’t have anywhere near your pain tolerance.” He stepped away from the rack and towards Jayda. “You, however, seem very aware of her limits. I leave the rest of the torture to you.” He gestured towards the rack, his organic eye daring Jayda to refuse this order.

Jayda could’ve cursed her luck and her silver tongue at hearing Sish’s, her head turned away for a moment unable to look him in the eye. Though she could still feel his eye examining her and her skin began to itch from his heated glance. “I’m no idiot to risk her dying after I start, no thanks to your damage. I would barely be able to do anything with what you’ve already done. It’s a wonder her rib isn’t floating in her body and the fragments aren’t traveling to her organs, killing her slowly as it is. Human bones aren’t easy to make a clean broke without fragmenting.”

Her tone was defensive, her lips curled back with each word before she bared them at the alien towering over her.

Sish’s grin grew wider as she refused to look him in the eye for a moment. After she spoke, he shrugged. “You’re not going to survive on this ship very long, are you?” His bloodied claw shot out and grasped her by the throat, slamming her against the wall. “I don’t know how many times I have to say this.” He hissed at her. Lighting crackled and he electrocuted her from the hand around her neck. With a toss he threw her into the base of the rack, ignoring the fact that Nazca was watching, while trying to regain control of her sobbing.

When Sish’s claw ripped out and gripped her throat, instincts demanded for action. Her back filled with pain as she was slammed against it while the lightning coursed through her very veins. She bite back her lip preventing a scream from barely escaping. Her feet twitching and jerked, ignoring her mental pleads to move. His words seeped like poison in her head, her hands trying to ease the strangling against her airway, her eyes flickering with hate.

When he tossed her against her rack, her hit it at an angle, feeling her side take more of the damage than her spine. The rack jerked on its base a bit, feeling the pain still echoing in her being. She wasn’t out yet. A mistake he would regret, her mind slowly clearing much easier compared to some and started to rise upright. Hand seemed to stead and lingered near where her lightsaber was, mind reaching for it yet not pulling it free… not yet. He was already continuing his lecture.

“This ship will kill you for that weakness!” He drew her back into his claws with a gesture, “Unless you want to end up like her, clawed.”

Jayda tried to resist, pushing at his own force until she was only a foot from him. Then she let go resisting. She kicked her foot behind her, using his force to increase her speed and momentum forward. Her mind snapped her lightsaber to her hand as she pointed at his stomach, her thumb flickering it on. Immediately her purple blade hissed on and thrusted forward.

Sish was already wary as she stopped resisting his force and when she abruptly kicked forward he knew what was happening. Still, he was almost too late. As he Force pushed against her with all his power, her lightsaber still managed to pierce his armor, leaving a mark on his stomach where she almost impaled him. As she slammed against the back wall, he focused his force on her lightsaber, taking it from her before she could use it again.

“Good. You at least have learned something.” He commented before yanking her back into his grasp.

The moment his claw once more slipped around her throat, she jerked back to kick out at his middle. Her feet connected and slammed into his armor and rattled it. Her hands trying to keep herself from choking merely dug in deeper, her nails burying into the flesh where the wrist and cloth met. Her eyes flickered out to see his free claw reach for her side causing her to shift her strength, freeing up her right hand and try to push away his arm or at least prevent it from reaching her side. The whole time she had forgotten her wounds and the fact they were mended, revealing to Sish his earlier lesson had been erased in some way.

“Unless you want to end up clawed,” he raked his claws up her side, his strength allowing his arm to push inevitably towards her side, despite the pressure against it. When his claws reached her side they easily tore through cloth and skin alike, “bloodied and,” he threw her down next to the rack, “beaten you will learn to grow strong emotionally or you will die. And I’ll shake my head at your pitiful, weak, corpse, and leave to find someone strong enough to survive this world.”

Jayda gritted in pain, her arm straining to keep his claws from her side while her hand started to lose its hold on his wrist. The sounds of ripping fabric and her yell filled the air, the old scars recalling Sish’s favorite downward paths all too well. Warmth stained the tunic’s side easily and her body tried to struggle itself free, failing at each attempt with her movements. He tossed her back, her leg folded under her when she was tossed down beside the prisoner. Her body hating her for the misery her lie brought about as Sish continued his ‘lesson’. She had some intuition to what was coming next but instead of warning the Jedi, she focused on bracing for what was to come next.

Lighting blasted from his hands onto both Nazca and Jayda. He held it for a few moments, then let go before speaking. Nazca had lost consciousness during the electrocution. “Since you have so much pity for her, she’s your problem now. You will convert this Jedi by any means necessary. I will make sure you put the best effort you can into it, and I will not interfere beyond that. You will join me on other sessions with other Jedi, however and you will participate. Do you understand?

It wasn’t a pleasant experience, feeling her skin frying and cooking under the purple lightning. Her body jerked in spasms, making her cringe and curl uncontrollably. When it ceased she was gasping for breath but not a sound escaped her lips during the whole electrocution. However she couldn’t move her body and barely managed to get to all fours, her body leaning heavily against the rack to prevent laying on the floor. She felt sickened at his demands while her eyes lifted to glare at him, her words harden when she tried to pour a little more effort to making her earlier statement more convincing. “Very.” She rasped. “When did self preservation became pity? Isn’t that what you wanted, for me to think of myself so I can managed to get my revenge?”

Sish snorted. “I’ll give you credit for sticking to your lie. And you are clearly thinking for yourself. After all, if you haven’t been, I suppose you just magically managed to heal yourself from my last lesson. I don’t care who you went to, just remember that they always want more than what they say the do. Otherwise you’ll end up dead, enslaved, or worse.” He tossed her lightsaber in the corner of the chamber before turning to leave. “Take her back to the prison cell or wake her up, do what you like. Just make sure you convert her before we reach Korriban.”

The Zabrak never wavered, her face still looking at the lizard with a guarded expression. She expected there to be more or worse for the lying, but there wasn’t. Merely a snort and chiding, her eyes widened slightly and briefly when he mentioned her wounds. They had been fairly healed, on their way to scarring before Sish reopened them, her mind cursing under her breath at her stupidity. She knew his words were true. It wasn’t hard to tell the sith bitch wanted something more but what it was, Jayda was only left guessing. Jayda knew it didn’t matter because the moment she taught the sith the basics, the little witch was on her own and there would be little about being stabbed in the back. Managing to prop her wounded body against the rack bottom, her head weakly followed Sish’s departure until he vanished.

She exhaled then flinched at the hurt it brought, relieved the lizard was gone at least. For now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:30 - 18:40 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, torture Room: Jakali, Nazca, and Jayda |~

Jayda’s eyes looked to the Jedi and annoyance flicked across her face for a time. Gingerly, she pulled herself upright while she struggled to remain standing beside the rack contraption. Rolling her mangled sleeve up, Jayda placed her hand over the Jedi’s bare skin on her side and let the force flow with her bitterment. She pissed at the Jedi because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, her need to be cocky and coy resulting in her own injuries. The Jedi’s flesh would feel like it was set on fire, starting softly and warm than become a burning inferno while bones started to mend themselves at only slightly above normal rate. The bleeding had stopped though the scabs were slowly forming and covering the gaping holes.

It would still take days to mend for the Jedi, but she would be in misery and pain while she did. A little payback for being a fool, Jayda thought, agreeing it was rather ironic. The Jedi woke up screaming. Jayda just continued with her task ignoring the reaction to her healing. Her face somber and hard to read, not giving the woman a chance to insult and further her own agony. In one way it was cruel but another, it was pure mercy. Even the Zabrak wasn’t sure about which one she aimed for. When the wounds looked stable enough to remove the Jedi, Jayda unstrapped her from the rack and let her body flop onto the floor.

Nazca hit the floor and bit back another scream, trying to avoid giving the Zabrak the pleasure. She was too busy breathing to make a comment, so she settled for making a rude gesture with her remaining hand in the general direction of Jayda. Not that it was effective, given her pathetic state on the floor.

Jakali strode through the hallway, silent as he wasn’t sure exactly where he was going, part of him thought of wandering back to the Sith chambers and take a nap or read, but another was too awake to do either of those boring tasks. He was about to take a turn down another hall when he heard a loud scream which immediately drew his attention and curiosity. It sounded like a woman’s screams, if it was torture going on then he wanted to know what exactly the torture was, if it wasn’t torture then he was still curious why there were screams.

He found the doorway into the room where the screams came from, and carefully leaned beside it, one hand in his robe near his weapon. While he did not want to have to save anyone’s life, if his presence was detected then it might lead to a fight. It was never a bad idea to be ready for that. But he had guessed wrong on what exactly was going on when he popped the door open and entered inside, catching the sight of Jayda and a human woman on the floor, a stubbed arm, it was that bitch from before, the captive he had taken.

“I’m sorry if I walked in at an inappropriate time. I heard the screams from outside.” He said, taking in the scene.

“She should’ve just kept her mouth shut. Instead, the Jedi gave him a reason to hurt and maim her.” Jayda replied, ignoring the fact the prisoner could hear them. Though she was silent, it was clear how it had bothered her in her tone becoming slightly hollow compared to the last time they chatted. Her body leaned down onto one knee and brought her hand again to the injuries, namely starting at the back, where she forced more healing into it. It would cause extreme pain though considerably less than before if the human cared to notice.

“As for walking in at an inappropriate time, you might as well assist me in returning the prisoner. At least before she decides to farther injure herself with another round in insults.” Jayda stated, focusing on finishing up as quickly as she could. Her nerves where showing against her will, despite how much she tried to hide it.

“He’s a monster that one. Though the girl did partly bring it on herself with her words. Still, this is overkill,” Jakali said, shaking his head as he gazed at the injuries the Jedi had suffered. He moved over towards the two, kneeling on the opposite side from Jayda. “I’d be happy to help, no reason to leave you in this situation.” He added, then reached a hand across in a comforting gesture to Jayda.

“There’s no need to rush it. The last thing we would need is for a complication to arise and you have to face the wrath of your master,” He said, grasping her hand in a way to tell her to relax. “Though I know you’ve faced it before, he very well may go too far in his rage.” He said, looking into Jayda’s eyes, His expression a comforting one.

Jayda’s reaction was likely one Jakali was expecting. Zanna’s assumption that she hadn’t had gentle contact for over eight years were far more correct than the Sith ever truly knew. The zabrak’s skin crawled in alarm and tingled, her body flinched at his gesture despite how mild it was. It was a baseline instinct that had kept her alive under Sish’s claws for the last two years and one that now a habit. Her head snapped up, lips curled back with a low growl at Jakali’s to be gentle. Fear, pain, and worse flickered in her eyes at his action that would be clear it was something deeper. Her body was rigid suddenly, bracing for the worse she usually come to expect at Sish’s lectures, only to slowly realize it wasn’t coming. She never removed either hand for a moment or two, trying to calm herself through the swirling memories and emotions trying to surface. Immediately she jerked her hand free from his as her features softened slightly.

She made one single comment. “I rather you didn’t touch me.”

Nazca groaned in pain as her injuries were healed, feeling as if they were happening yet again. She didn’t know who Jayda was talking to and she didn’t care, not bothering to look up as they spoke. She chuckled at the request to help with her. “Yes, I’m very dangerous. Might need three Sith, actually. I might not be able to walk in a straight line, but Nek take it I can crawl faster than you would believe!”

The voice got closer and started sounding really familiar, prompting the jedi to look up at who was talking. Immediately she practically snarled, glaring at the man who captured her. “What the fuck do you want? There’s no children here for you to try and kidnap or molest, Hut’uun. Go find a Hutt’s Kung to slurp if you want to play nice and kiss someone’s ass to get something from them.”

“Haven’t you learned anything?” Jayda spat, disgusted by the human’s lacking concern for herself. “If you don’t learn to silence that tongue, it might not be you that’s to pay for your stupidity next time. Sish feeds off the excuse to maim and break, something your words are driving him to enjoy. Why give him the satisfaction?”

“She’s right, girl. Be lucky I am not a more cruel Sith. We’ll help you,” Jakali said after having pulled his arm back after witnessing Jayda’s reaction to his touch. It didn’t surprise him, he would have been more surprised if it had been a different reaction. Still, he was figuring out just how tormented she was. “We might want to get her off the ground, carefully. The cold floor won’t help her condition.” He added.

“Aww, you think I give a damn about the other Jedi. Tell me, jendoslu, how can I care about people I met just today? I was only brought into the Temple three days before you all came and kidnapped us. And besides, your lover doesn’t seem the type to cause pain beyond whomever insulted him. ” Nazca replied, before glaring again at Jakali. “No, you’re just a coward who doesn’t have the balls to fight Guardians, so you participate in a sneak attack on an unguarded temple and only go for the children. I do believe I saw fear in your eyes when you thought I could use a lightsaber. And you won’t help me Schutta I assure you.. Don’t fucking touch me either.”

Jayda’s hand pressed deeper into the Jedi’s back, hurting the spine some while the healing’s pain increased with each word the bitch spoke. Her claws dug in some and started to make beads of blood swell out. Her head lowered dangerously close, the woman into much pain to reaction but she would hear the Zabrak’s words hiss like a cold breath of death looming over the dying. “He’s nothing but a filthy, worthless beast. Never assume he’s anything else to me else I will break you into pieces. In the worse way.”

She pulled upright once more, leaning onto her knees and turned to Jakali. “I won’t waste extra effort. At least if she dies from cold, she’s saved me the work of doing what that *shit eating lizard* wants me to.”

“I never thought you could use a lightsaber, truthfully. Your stance was that of someone who could barely comprehend what the weapon in their hands could do,” Jakali said back with a straight face and a calm voice. Then he copied Jayda’s move and leaned closer, his voice into a whisper. “Perhaps I will convince her to leave you, let you die like a wounded animal, maybe you’ll scream like one too. But I’ll make sure no one comes to deliver mercy to you. You don’t deserve it.” He said before glancing up at Jayda with a friendly expression.

“I don’t think he deserves that satisfaction.” He added.

Nazca yelped as Jayda dug her claws into her back, the pain preventing her from making a reply. As the fresh wave of pain finally stopped, after both Sith had whispered in her ear, she laughed. “Oh, did I manage to piss you both off? Tsk, tsk. Letting a prisoner get to you both like that, it’s not very professional. And you’re a terrible liar, you gunso jho’meni Son of a Sow. If you had actually believed that I couldn’t from the beginning, you would have dishanded me far more quickly and gotten those younglings. Tell me, do they make cybernetics to replace balls? You appear to have lost them with your arm. So go ahead, leave me here to die. Piss off whomever ordered you to put so much effort into catching me. I’ll see you both on the Dark side, quite soon after.”

She turned her head to look at Jayda. “Can you just kill him or something for me? Please? Isn’t that what you Sith do? You can even claim I stole your lightsaber, bested him in one on one combat, and then you swooped in and knocked me out. Eh? Please?”

Jayda merely shook her head at the Sith mimicking her. To her, was more mockery than flattery and annoyance that nagged at her core. Thankfully she kept silent about while she listened to the Jedi speak, feeling a age old familiar pain edge into her soul. For a moment within Jayda’s eyes, they seemed to turn back time, fogged over in memories of her past.

“He’s stronger than me.” It was painful to admit it, at first, but it was pointless to lie to the prisoner or the Sith nearby. Her voice slipped into Zabrak rather easily as she continued, not wanting to share pain with another. “*You don’t think I’ve been trying that for eight years? These marks, these scars aren’t from other Sith. They are from him! Every failed attempt, he’s made sure to leave a mark to remind me how weak I am. Leading me on a hunt which at the end resulted in capture and his determination to break me for two years. Starvation, fresh and old pain, and worse, each day was a new routine of misery at his claws.*

She let her anger waft out a bit, the poison seeping into the air and creating tension within the area around them. It seemed the air was filled with glass shards before she closed her eyes, letting the hatred recoil and retreat back within her. It was rare to lose even a trace of control, something Sish had regretfully, and to her relief, missed. Her words returned to basic when she finished off her conversation. “You don’t know what he’s fully able to do. I do. So believe me when I say he can and will do much worse. Especially if he finds your weakness, Jedi.”

“He doesn’t seem that intelligent. He’s a brute more than anything,” Jakali added, not entirely sure what to really say after the outburst from Jayda. “She’d be dough in his scaly hands. All of her anger, it’s just what he wants to see.”

Nazca stilled as Jayda spoke, listening with far more attention and respect than she had previously shown. As the Zabrak finally stopped speaking, and helped her up putting her arm with the stump over the Zabrak’s shoulder, Nazca was more than a little ashamed. She replied in the same language Jayda had explained in far more quietly than before..”*I’m sorry. I presumed I knew what drove you, and was wrong. I am below worthless. Please accept my apology, even if I am a worthless vermin.*

Jayda was surprised at the sudden apology, her eyebrow raised as she studied the Jedi. This wasn’t what she expected. It was too easy and despite her anger, barely dwindling away, she knew they both were forced into their own respective roles now. Sish would force her to turn the Jedi even if the Zabrak thought it was a waste of time. She wisely said nothing when the Jedi turned to the other Sith, leaping into her same, stupid habit as before.

Nazca switched back to basic for Jakali’s benefit, her cocky, mocking tone returning. “Weakness? You mean my hand? I think he’s already capitalized on that. Not much better than the Hut’uun over here, what with tortur-Ah!” Nazca slipped on some of her blood left on the ground, stumbling into Jakali with her good hand going towards his belt, apparently to stabilize herself, while her stump attempted to grab his shoulder, and failed.

When they had both stabilized again she looked at him. “Thank you for being slightly useful in not having me fall. Now get the fuck off of me.”

When Nazca stumbled, Jayda instinctively let go. It likely looked to be on purpose as she stepped back, her eyes wide and hand shifted to her lightsaber at her waist. Her fingers lingering there oddly while the Jedi stumbled against Jakali and lifted herself upright, the Zabrak’s gaze never leaving the woman. Her body was more tense than before as she was waiting for something to happen. Time passed without an incident making her relax at her overreaction, only slightly.

“Thought your hands were going somewhere else for a moment. I don’t know many masochists.” Jakali said with a crude smile. Then stepped away from the Jedi, careful that she might try something at such a close range to him. He moved towards the door, and opened it.

“Hand. You chopped the other one off, remember? And aren’t I a little old for you? I’m youngling in title only, I’m afraid.” She spat back, her good hand swinging past her pocket as she turned towards Jayda. “So. Are we going to do the arm grip thing or can I attempt to walk without you pretending like I can get two feet away?”

Jayda cautiously removed her hand then nodded. “If you can walk, Jedi? You can feel free to lead the way back to your cell. I only hope the gunso jho’meni yidaj'ter doesn’t note how fit you are, else he’ll assume my words were a lie and ensure you can’t walk back yourself next time.”

She side stepped, gesturing for the door.

Nazca walked, carefully, out the door keeping a baleful eye on Jakali lest he try anything. She purposely picked a direction opposite of the cells, hoping they’d let her go at least a little bit to see what’s around. “Gunso jho’meni yidaj’ter? I like it. Favorite name for him?”

“As far as murders go, best to call them what they most appear to be. And wrong way Jedi, turn the other way else I’ll herd you with my lightsaber. To be sure you get the hint, unlike him, I’ll make sure something gets severed should you bump into me.” Jayda said in a firm, authoritative voice. In reality she didn’t need a Jedi escaping on her watch or evading her, else Sish would ensure never to leave her alone because of it again.

“Alright, alright. No need to be snippy.” Nazca replied, turning the right way. She moved past Jakali speaking with a false sweetness. “The Zabrak’s got me. You can go fuck yourself in your room now.” Nazca turned her attention Jayda, replying in Ul’Zabrak. *”My name is Nazca Barsavi, from Nar Shadda. Jedi doesn’t apply to me.”

“I wouldn’t miss spending as much time as I can with you, you’re my favorite Jedi, beautiful.” Jakali said to Nazca with a smile. Then continued walking.

Jayda’s teeth grinded slightly at hearing the woman’s name. No...no! She didn’t want to put a name to a prisoner’s face, not after this and her middle filled with twisting knots at already registering it into her memory. This wasn’t good as she tightened her fingers into fists and struggled not slice the woman up for increasing the difficulty of Sish’s given task. Her voice became dark, aggressive enough that might’ve seem she would actually inflict additional hard upon the Jedi that Sish already attempted to break once. “*You idiot! I don’t want to know your name and despite you not being a Jedi, you’re imprisoned with them whether you want or not. Did you not heard the shit eating lizard say I have to break you? Don’t you consider I’ll give up my chance at revenge because you think I was ‘kind’ to you. I only kept you alive because if he dies before I’m strong enough, everything I gave to avenge his death would’ve been pointless.*

All the time her voice rang out, her body followed closely behind Nazca, wary of the Sith behind her.

*”He said convert me, not break me. Conversion doesn’t necessarily involve pain. Believe me, I don’t consider what you did kind, or think that you’ll stop your vengeance just for me. We’re the same, you and I. We don’t care about the Order that chose us. We simply want to make those who wronged us pay. Might want to be careful. Dumb fuck behind us is listening and picking up on tone of voice. I told you to just kill him.”*

She glared over her shoulder at Jakali briefly, switching to basic again. “Sorry to disappoint, kung sucker, but I’m not interested in guys with a robot arm, no balls, and a taste for younglings. Go try to seduce the trandoshan. He can regrow limbs so you can even have fun with your amputation fetish!”

“Be lucky I’m best with my tongue then.” Jakali said with a wink. A slight grin coming on his face as he walked, but fading before anyone would notice it.

Jayda’s eyes shifted, causally, to spot the cameras. The position Nazca...the Jedi, put her through was the worse possible one. “You really are stupid, N...Jedi.” She choked on the name and naturally forced herself back. *”Maiming and converting is the same damn thing to him! Besides, do you really think I have shit for brains? I, at least, know when to keep my mouth shut and brace myself though the pain, so we’re nothing alike. Nothing!*

The zabrak shoved her hand out, pushing the prisoner to the right and still onwards to the calls. Her words still continued in her native tongue. “*Despite their code, Sith are ruled by some law, a Dark council if I recall the shit eating lizard’s less abusive lessons. It’s to keep themselves from wiping the entire order out when they aim to reach their goal for power. However, one of the laws, the no killing of Sith has been relaxed by the Darth onboard at her whims. It means if I’m not careful with when and how I kill, I could very well end up dead myself. This includes not killing him in front of security cameras…*

With her last words, she jerked her head barely to one of the clicking machines they ended up passing, hinting to Nazca what she was talking about.

“Really? And how many paid whores have told you that? You know you can never trust what they say. They’ll even tell a Hut’uun gunsos eating jendoslu like you that you’re brave, strong, smell nice, and good in bed.” Nazca replied, turning her attention back to Jayda, noting the camera already. *”I figured there was some law. But if it’s relaxed, doesn’t that mean you have some leeway? Just get to the camera’s first after you kill him. Delete a little bit of evidence, and you’re safe. I’ll even distract him and you can just shove your lightsaber into his chest. Think about it. I help you kill an enemy, and you help me kill this asshole for what he’s done to me. As for maiming, remember that he said you can convert me any way you please. I don’t think you have the stomach for his type of torture. I think it disgusts you. To save us both pain at his claws, just say you’re seeing if your method is more effective or that this is how you’ll convert me. I’m already half way in the darkside anyways. One little thrust, and you lose one robot handed enemy. Come on. It’ll be quick and clean.”*

Jakali did not reply, he instead raised an eyebrow at the odd language that was being spoken. He had mostly ignored it, but there were too many words being exchanged. If it was just threats or insults being tossed around then they would be short phrases or not even in a language other than basic. There was no reason to not speak those kinds of words in anything other than basic. So he slowed down in his walk for a moment, his paranoia growing, but kept moving.

Jayda’s ears picked up Jakali’s steps drawing a bit behind her, the pace different and slower. Her teeth flared in anxiety to note that but her eyes didn’t shoot back, knowing the moment she took her eyes off Nazca, the woman would make a break for it or something else wildly stupid. She hated temptation and words that made common sense as she never wanted to be in this position in the first place. “* If you want him dead so bad, figure a way to kill him yourself. Namely if what you said it true then I merely have to wait and you’ll convert yourself, saving me time and possibly pain at Sish’s claws. I wouldn’t have expected you to think that far but can you swear to me someone isn’t watching those cameras right now? That I won’t walk into a blackmailing situation the moment I go to delete my ‘victory’? Even I’m not that suicidal.*

Her eyes perked up when she spotted the main entrance, her hand pushed the woman a little hard to speed her up. She wanted to be rid of Nazca before something stupid occurred and she found her unable to survive the results. “We’re almost there.”

One of Jakali’s hands snuck into his robe, if they were really plotting against him then he would have needed his weapon. But it was gone, right out of where he always placed it. He hadn’t taken it off of him since he left the ship, hadn’t put it down anywhere, the only way was that someone took it off of him. His eyes narrowed on Nazca, and his hand rose up as he grasped her through the Force, pinning her against a nearby wall, slowly draining the breath from her throat.

“You fucking thief. Where is it?” Jakali asked, moving closer, his anger rising. One thing he absolutely hated were thieves, especially when they were a Jedi.

Nazca hit the wall and gasped, a strangled sound as she felt her throat be slowly constricted. *”Don’t interfere.”* She managed to work out, as Jakali moved towards her. She snarled at him as he accused her. “Where is what? I don’t have anything dumb fuck.”

“My lightsaber. It is gone, I have not taken it off of me since I got onto the ship. You just happened to bump into me before and place your hands right where I would have it on me,” Jakali said, stopping a few feet away from her, his hand still raised. “I will strip you bare to right here to find it if I have to. It is on you, I know it is, Jedi.”

Jayda’s head jerked about and in moments, her feet reacting to what her mind determined was an attack. Her hand flicked to her lightsaber and pulled it out, the weapon coming to life two seconds later when her shoulder stood on the opposite side of Jakali. Her posture was one most commonly found in Soresu’s defensive stance and glaring at Jakali in expecting him to assault her first. When she heard Nazca slam into the wall, things clicked together in the Zabrak’s mind. Her finger pressed the button causing the saber to die instantly but didn’t return it to her belt, catching both Nazca’s and Jakali’s words in their exchange.

The zabrak sighed and commented to Jakali’s weakness. “If she took your weapon, it was your own fault for letting her have the chance.”

Nazca made a strangled sound that was something like laughter, before replying to Jakali. “A one handed, injured, clumsly, loud mouthed girl stole your lightsaber? That’s what you’re saying Sith? Pathetic. Though I’m touched you’d lie like this to make me look good. I. Don’t. Have it.”

Jakali didn’t reply right away, instead he charged forward, one hand slamming into Nazca’s remaining functioning limb as soon as possible. The last thing he would have needed was to slip up there too and get his own weapon through his gut. Then with his robotic hand he roughly grabbed her hip, running his fingers along and around it, he found a pocket and dug into it, eventually brushing against something that felt too much like his weapon to not be it.

“Care to explain what that is then?” He asked her, face to face.

Nazca dug her hand into the same pocket Jakali’s robot hand went into, attempting to get a grip on the lightsaber before he did, smiling at him. “It’s my personal pleasure device. A girl gets bored you know.” She lunged forward and tried to sink her teeth into his nose.

Jakali noticed the attack, expecting her to try it, he managed to turn his head enough, avoiding the bite but still having her head hit his cheek. He yanked his weapon out of her pocket as he moved, igniting it and stepping back. The red blade shimmering as he leveled it towards Nacza. Rage fuming through him as he seriously considering ending her life. But, he stopped himself and took another step back, turning off his weapon but still keeping it in his hand.

“You’re not worth it. What you’ll have coming to you will be far worse than the mercy I could have shown you.” He said, then turned away, moving towards another hallway.

Nazca spat a stream of curses after him, before moving her eyes towards Jayda, sizing up her chances. Then with a shrug she started moving towards the lift. “You had your chance, Zabrak.”

Jayda watched Jakali storm off into the next hallway. Her eyes lingered there, though her mind quick to note where Nazca’s position was and if she would’ve moved closer. The notion of her lightsaber, her only connection to her past, being swiped weighed darkly on her mind enough not to allow it to happen. “I could’ve said the same about you, but you already fucked that up. As I said before, I won’t kill your enemies for you. It’s not why I bother being here. There’s only one I aim to kill and to do that, I have grow stronger. Though you really should consider being smarter with your attacks and tactics rather than being reckless. At some point the reins will be lifted and weakness found. At that point, it won’t just be you that suffer. I can’t help but wonder who will die or fall first among you all?”

Letting her words stain the air, Jayda followed the woman in then pressed the button. The lift started to rattle and creak, bring them to the cell before Jayda pushed Nazca through. “No matter what you say, there’s something you care for. I only hope you’re willing and strong enough to fight for it to the end. Else it very well might die in the end because of you.”

Then Jayda traveled back down, leaving Nazca among her own kind.

Nazca waited until Jayda had left, then her strength left her and she crumbled to the ground, breathing shakily. Death had come a little too close for her taste then. She looked up and gave a shaky grin to the Jedi looking at her. “Just met three Sith. They’re all fairly different. May have pissed one off forever.”

Note: Words between **s are assumed to be in Zabrak. Rtron and I was were too damn lazy to translate, at least until I can revamp the language completely...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~|Day 1, 18:15 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Food Storage |~

It had taken forever to locate a safe spot.

Though sadly, it was less than ideal Navi thought bitterly. Subtly, his gears grounded and created friction, trying to warm himself and barely able to starve off the bitter chill caused by his current hiding place. Frost collected over his surface and spread, thinly veining in the form of a thin ice layer as he stood upright. His legs shaking off the ice and making it crackle while he shifted to prevent himself from being frozen in place. Gingerly Navi started to crab walk down one of the Kaggath’s refrigerator unit side then onto the metal grate flooring. His eyes swerved around to spot the several crates and storages within the storage, quickly registering his location as the food storage.

He hated the cold ever since their last mission, the planet covered in ice and chill save for one tropical area created by artificial means. There was a prison unlike any other and the reason Xid, his creator, never came back the same. His legs clicked across the metal bring him to the nearest shelving unit. Pausing, the droid looked upward to spot another vent entrance and then glanced at the frame work on the shelf. A plan forming in his computer, Navi edged forward to the lowest shelf before reaching for the next and the one after. Slow he began to make his way upward, edging toward the cold room’s misting vents and likely to the other places within the ship. Ones more suitable to his mission: Seek out Xid and the other captives.

He had last spotted the troopers loading them forty- five minutes ago yet he became separated when the men started to shift the prisoners into the ship, preventing him from following the others into the main complex. It annoyed the little machine to no ends having to detour to avoid capture but it was better than the alternative.

The Last thing he wanted was someone digging and slicing into his memory banks. The mere thought of anyone accessing secrets, from past missions to recent interaction, made the droid unease. Enough that he shuddered involuntarily at the thought of being taken apart while he continued placed one leg at the bottom shelf and began to scale up the side. As it moved up, Navi noticed the metal rack was filled with the uncut and unprepared fruits and veggies, their origins ranged from various worlds according to his memory, his legs careful never to disturb a single one during his climb. Half way there, a sound made his actions still suddenly. It was hiss of door immediately opening as a man, dressed in a dark cook hat and apron, a cook apparently, casually walked inward. His path took him right toward Navi’s original position where he leaned down and reached in, his hand touching cold meat cuts, freshly chopped and butchered, before righting himself upright again. A large, thigh chuck cradled in his arm while edge back to the door, bypassing the shelf where the droid had once been.

Overhead, Navi watched the man leave, his figure paused enough to slam the door shut behind him, then started to move once more. He jumped up then popped out his magnetic grapple hook to secure himself in place, then began to work the bolts loose and vanish once more down the vent system.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~|Day1, 18:18-18:19|~

~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Alat answered Xid’s question by gesturing calmly. “It would appear he has returned.” Alat continued to stare at the wall before finally folding his hands the talons tapping calmly as he stared. “The Trandoshan.” He turned the frightening gaze back on them “Is a piece on the board. We need to identify the other pieces and the player. I believe that we can safely assume that Darth Nyiss is moving these pieces but it’s the game we need to determine” Alat eyed Tolun again. “We need to know who the other pieces are. That way when we have to make our own moves, we know which pieces to remove from the board.”

Alat continued to carefully tap his index fingers together. “We have a reprieve while we are in Hyperspace. They know we can’t escape, it’s like a hunter preparing to enter the den of an animal. You pause to prepare your strategy before you enter. The animal has no idea what is going on and as a result you have an advantage.” He stopped tapping his fingers. “This is where the metaphor falls apart because we do know what is going on. We can lay the traps we need, we can prepare. Gather information and be ready when they enter the cave.” He swept his sightless gaze over the lot of them. “Find the pieces, determine how the board is laid. Then, when we have the opportunity we shall make our own moves in return.”

Alat bowed his head and stared at his hands as he opened them to inspect them calmly. “Although I should wonder at the futility. Pity really. I did have a penchant for Coruscant.”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 3 mos ago

~| Day 1, 18:19 - 18:23 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Shiri pulled herself from her worries as she heard Xid's question, taking a few minutes to try and recollect the hazy memory. "The one that got me was a red sith, but I don't remember what happened really. She... I don't know. I don't think I fought her, from my lack of injuries." She listened to the conversation between the others, not really having anything else to contribute.

The human who had helped her get Xid to a bunk, Koren as she learned his name was from Xid's introduction, seemed to be friends with Xid from the way they interacted with each other. At the thought of friends she started to worry for Nazca again, but was distracted by Xid pointing out that someone had disappeared. She scolded herself for not paying enough attention to her surroundings, and then wondered at the coincidence of how quickly the missing person got back after it was pointed out. Listening to Alat speak, she came up with an idea.

"Comparing this to a game, well the sith probably see it as one already. I agree that we need to think about what we do before actually trying anything, but there is a great advantage we have here," Shiri lowered her voice and sat on one of the bunks, hoping there weren't any microphones as well as cameras recording them. "So far I've noticed that the sith come one at a time to take someone, and otherwise there's no one in here other than us. We could easily overpower the sith as they come, one by one, as we have the upper hand with strength in numbers. Even if they have troopers with them, it wouldn't be too much harder for us."
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