Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

Yuri hadn't looked up originally, still sipping from his mug. Grant was fully engaged in the conversation as Lilith began to speak of some introductions. At this point, Yuri didn't want to get involved in the whole 'Making friends' part. What good comes out of it? He would nod to himself as he pretended that he was fully concentrated, though not too distant from the actual reality he was in right now. He didn't want to get involved and become nervous...or worse...Well if there was worse that is. Though he couldn't hide the fact he was clearly trying to do so. Grant noticed it at least, placing both of his hands on the side of his head and slowly turning it up to Lilith and her new companion.

"This girl is Annelle Herz."

"It's Annella Hertz." Yuri was now facing up-towards them as his eyes opened up slightly. He looked slightly less depressed as he normally looked and in more of a friendly mood. It was as if his entire grumble had been lifted from his tall body as Lilith plonked her down in front of him. He moved his Tea back slightly and sat up straight, awkwardly. He didn't realise that him extending how tall he was sitting was actually intimidating her. Of course, Yuri was going to end up not being as threatening as he looked. He placed his mug down on a small plate, just big enough to keep the expensive container in position. Although before he could actually get a single word out of his mouth, Grant spoke up.

"Well hellooooo there Annella...As Lilith here might've already explained several hundred times, I am Grant Trinity...And this iiiiiiiiis..." He flashed a look at Yuri and Lilith, waiting for him to make himself acquainted with the new Trainee. Instead, they saw him looking down at the small book again. The front cover was brown, leathery. An embedded title laid across the top of it...Borto Oslo: Bogatstvo Moskvy...The language wasn't of any known translation, and looked like completely Gibberish. Grant sighed. "Mate...guest...put the book down..." Yuri shook his head as he looked up in a slightly bold, yet nervous manner.

"Oh...erm...Hi...Yuri Tynko..." He stuttered slightly, looking back down at the book. He didn't really want to say anymore...

"WHERE'S THE FOOD GRANT?! SHOW ME TO THE FOOD!" Grant nearly jumped from his seat, not expecting something some common from Lilith. He let out a low sigh as he got up again, this time showing his full height. The fact he was the tallest made things seem really tiny, or he just appeared as a scary mother fucker. Lilith copied his action, leaping to her feet once again, though having only sat down for a minute, and the two departed...leaving Yuri and their new 'Friend' left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


He sighed, looking over at Caroline expectingly. The awkward stare carried on for a minute in dull, confused silence, causing Nemo to groan.

"...his card...I need his card so we can get to the dormitory that he's located at so that we can place him in bed and read him his bed-time sto--JUST GIVE ME THE CARD...by the walls...", the recruit groaned, shaking his head. The two of them seemed so...out of it, most of the time. Like they lived in their own little world and everyone else were merely background objects.

"If I don't get his card, we're not moving anywhere. But I'm sure you'll have a good excuse for the instructors when they find a random kid just hanging by his arms here...", he spat, beginning to feel the strain of Angie's weight. How much did this bastard eat? Why was Nemo helping? How long did it take Caroline to process outside information? Would this day ever end?

These questions, sadly, continued to elude Nemo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

"It's a pleasure to meet you," The manners her grandparents instilled into the girl forced her to reply. It wouldn't do for a Sina girl to be haughty or rude, as her grandmother liked to remind her. Annella nodded at the two giants before her, giving them a small smile as she slipped her glasses back up onto her face again. The girl’s blurry vision instantly sharpened and she couldn’t help but sigh with relief. This is what you get for reading so much at night without any proper light, her inner voice scolded her. She had no choice but to do so, since she never had any free time during the day. She was looking forward to being able to read at a more appropriate time, not risking her health while doing so.

She wanted to protest as Lilith leapt out of her seat, giving the two remaining cadets a goofy grin as she followed Grant away towards the food. She left her and Yuri on the table in silence, and Annella found herself shrinking in slightly, as if trying to make her presence less known to the quiet male in front. She couldn’t help but be curious as she peered at the cover of his book, having some difficulty as the position covered majority – if not all – of the cover, but she could barely manage to see some scribbles in a language completely unknown to her.

Must be from before. She hummed, curious. She'd never seen that language before, so she could only presume that it was from a time where the walls nor the titans existed, where humanity lived freely and were spread far across the globe. She took a sip of her cooling tea, frowning as the liquid was now too cool to be enjoyed, so she pushed it away from her. “I apologise if I’m intruding,” Annella started, still avoiding his gaze as she turned to play with a loose thread from the sleeve of her tan uniform jacket. “Lilith brought me along, even though I haven’t said more than a few words to her. I can leave if you want me to.” She offered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Caroline sighed digging around in her jacket pockets for her card, and the one Angelo gave to her. She handed him Angelo's as quick as possible then thought to herself, Err.. rude much? Angelo's stomach growled with his face turning green. "I think I ate too fast," he mumbled holding back his puke.

"For fucks sake Angelo," Caroline said still disappointed. Both Nemo and Angelo were getting more and more annoying to her every second, unlike before when they got her attention easily. I have an idea! she thought, almost squealing it out loud. A wide smirk appeared on her face, making Angelo confusing wondering why she was smiling.

"Hey... uhh.. Nobody? Does she remind you of a titan because of her smirk right now?" he asked with Caroline too busy thinking about her plan to notice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The question--not to mention the tone--struck the boy as "off". His green eyes questioned Angie's for a moment, before they returned to normal, a small smile sneaking across his lips. "..I suppose so...why do you ask. Is the image familiar somehow?", he asked in response.

The behavior of these two was getting...interesting again.

"You two lived in the country hmm? Might I ask which district?", his voice was as inquisitive as ever, more so considering his sudden interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

In seconds Caroline's mind went blank, only remembering her past when she had to leave her house with Angelo to search for ways to get money for her family. When she tried to say something, it only came out as confused stuttering. Caroline was frozen in place with one of her eyes twitching, as if the boy stabbed her in the stomach.

Angelo blinked a few times at her, realizing why she became so traumatized. "Don't ask. Let's just say we tried to move to a better area so many times that we forgot. All we remember is that we currently stay at a country-like area, and to be more specific, the poor area that had to work for money. Then something happened, but it wasn't because titans were attacking..." he explained with a sad tone. Every time they mentioned their past they acted more and more depressed, as if they were leaving an important detail out.

Caroline managed to snap out of her trance by quickly shaking her head looking back at the two. "Just help him to his bed," she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

Yuri looked up from his little book at stared at the new companion, making eye contact for the first time since the two came across one another. He didn't really know how to feel with Lilith bringing another associate into the 'Trynkermia' group. Grant and Lilith were a handful as it was, so was one more Really the best plan of action? He placed the small page-holder onto the table he was sitting at and sipped the last remains of his tea.

"You have nothing to really apologise for, though I should." He set the cup aside and shifted his jacket slightly, popping the collar before rearranging it to look more neat and tidy than before. "I'm gonna throw it out there...I am a bit sceptical about making another Friend, but I guess things don't always go as planned. I'm sure you want to be here less than I do. Personally, I don't have a problem with you interacting with me or them, but if you feel like, Uncomfortable, like you look right now, then you can leave at your own will." He waited for ten seconds. Ten seconds of complete and utter silence. Yuri nodded to himself as he received no answer. "Alrighty then...Name's Yuri Tynko. Came 'ere from out of the Walls, a town named Mydleton, hence my inability to socialise well. Anyway, tell me about yourself...A-a-annella? Where you from? What you here for? Where you hoping to end up if you get through training..." He put the emphasis on If. Though himself he wasn't having doubts on whether she was fit enough to make it through, as at this point she seemed quite able in physical appearance, he knew a lot of these Imbeciles that surrounded him and Annella weren't going to be so lucky. Hell, Yuri himself might not even prove himself to get a graduation...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

Annella was startled, the previously silent giant suddenly speaking. Being a quiet person herself, she had some adequate skills at reading people, even if it weren’t accurate seeing as majority of the ‘people’ she had ‘encountered’ were just fictional characters from the multiple stories her grandfather owned. “I- I may be uncomfortable, but if you and your friends will have me, I don’t mind interacting with you.” She said, almost quietly.

Her mind raced to try and break down the many questions the black-haired giant asked her, and she held onto her now cold cup of tea. “W-well, you already k-know I’m Annella Hertz, I’m from… Hermina within Wall Sina…” She hesitated. Would he think of me as a spoilt brat now that he knows where I’m from? I may not be from the inner most part of the Wall, but still…

“I- I’m here to avenge my parents, they died in an expedition not too long ago within the scouting legion. I wish to follow them and help out humanity as much as possible.” Her grip tightened on the cup, knuckles whitening as she avoided his gaze, deep in thought as her mind kept bringing up unpleasant memories. Soon after, she shook her head, as if to clear away the negativity as she inhaled deeply and gave him a smile, “what about you? What regiment do you want to join, should you succeed with training?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

Yuri listened to the words, sighing slightly as he heard her mention of the Vengeance she wanted to use in the name of her Parents, which was slightly Heartwarming. He felt like someone who actually went through this much to do something that made those looking down upon them proud was incredibly relatable. Though of course, Yuri did feel a lot of sorrow for the stuttering girl. Going out with the Scout Legion, as he had heard of, was one bad way to go in life.

"What about you? What regiment do you want to join, should you succeed with training" He looked up once again, ruffling the back of his hair again as he thought of how to put it without it being too depressing or stupid sounding. If anything, making a friend required a good first impression. Yuri knew more than enough that he was awful at First Impressions, but he could still do with making the best attempt he could do. Finally, he began to speak, semi-planning out what he wanted to say.

"So...meeeee...Well...I was born in Mydleton, as you know, and I owned a Family trade-shop. I lived with my Father, Cyo, and my Sister, Vera. You might've heard that there was some crisis of Titan hordes at the Western Wall Maria District of Yupian, well he was called up to assist in the defense for a short while. When he trained, me and Vera, along with a guardian he left, looked after the business whilst he was gone. 7 Months after he leaves, about 4 months before he should've returned, we get a Soldier coming over to tell us that he, his best friend and another associate had been killed when their Cannon ignited during inspections and he had..." He paused for a moment, thinking to himself about what he was going over. He didn't want to drag on, causing uninteresting opinions from Annella. "Uhh...he...uhm...Died upon impact..." It was all he could say. He didn't want to talk too much about it, so he quickly changed the story's progression. "Vera signed up a few days after, and I haven't seen her since. Grant, over-there, assisted me in keeping the shop alive, though when our Guardian died of illness, the business fell apart. Grant took me to Lilith, who'd we only known for a month, to go to the city and find a purpose in life. Due to our money issues, the Military seemed to be the only way to live. Though I must say, it was a good choice. And for the Regiment...Stationary Guard would be ideal. No offense, but leaving the Homeground or stopping crime has never been on my mind. I've always wanted to be in the defense, making sure we keep others safe by ensuring a safe protection...I'd also like to take a few looks at the Cannons..." He paused slightly. She probably thought of me as a boring, wanna-be-sympathised dick. Why on Earth didn't I just answer the Regiment question alone? "Sorry...U-uhh...Sorry for the l-lifestory there...I...got a bit carried away..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

Annella was taken aback when Yuri started telling her his life-story. She wasn’t complaining though, at least if she knew his history, she would be able to figure out for herself whether he was a good man or not. She frowned slightly when Yuri mentioned his father’s death, murmuring a soft “sorry…” that she was sure he hadn’t heard, not knowing how else to respond.

It wasn’t nice, to deal with the loss of a parent. No child should have to go through that, it was just horrid. Annella felt she could relate somewhat to Yuri in that aspect; impressed that he had handled the family business when things were going south. Just like me, she mused, her mind flashing back to the bakery that still stood at the corner of the street within her home town.

“I-It’s fine,” she assured him, once he was done. She gave him a reassuring smile, nodding slightly. She wondered whether she should tell him of her own back-story, but felt as if she would bore him if she did, even if he didn’t seem like the type who would be so. “I think that joining the Garrison is a honourable choice; you’re protecting the Walls and in turn, protecting everyone else…”

If they hadn’t died, I would’ve probably joined the Garrison… she thought to herself. It was something she’d always thought about, ever since she was young. The children from Sina weren’t encouraged to join the army, but nor were they denied. It was just an unspoken ‘rule’ that those who were raised with everything, didn’t need to risk their lives when they could just stay within the walls and help humanity by growing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

This made Yuri think. She had just gone ahead and accepted his choice. He was still slightly waiting for Grant and Lilith to come back, though he had realised that they were deliberately delaying themselves so Yuri could pluck up some courage and engage in conversation with others. He thought to himself constantly. He looked back at the book, and wrote down in graphite, what he was going through. Self-translating was hard for him, but it passed the time and got what he loved done. Yuri needed to think of a conversation starter...

"W-wait...you...don't think that I am like...a lil' bitch for wanting the Garrison? Because...that seems to be the case right now..." He looked down slightly, then proceeded to lead his eyes all around the room. "I just wish I had Gōrudosansetto with me..." He muttered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Torithia
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Torithia Tora

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Now exiting the Mess Hall with slight haste from the previous, rather... 'messy' encounter, the pair of hardheaded cadets stationed themselves
at the front porch of the large sort of cafeteria. The larger, more heavy set male leaned himself just left of the door, crossing his arms across his broad chest before releasing a quiet sigh through his nostrils. The first day, and he had already gotten into something...

His redheaded counterpart placed herself up and onto the wooden railing completely, shifting her rear onto the wood and spinning her legs clockwise at a one eighty until eventually managing to turn herself 'round successfully. They even had the both sort of deflating glare, that followed the sky down and up, in almost unamusement.

After a long, rather common silence hung in the drafty air of the camp, Lucas finally spoke.

"...Wasn't very ladylike, what you called that lass back there..." His dark auburn eyes tracing Tora's face for any sort of amusing response, his own cheek twitching at a small smirk.

The girl snorted quietly, giving off her own mocking grin before she shook her head.
It's a shame she'll never figure it out."
"As far as we know..."


The conversation halted a bit, breaking at a rather stern quiet that lasted only a moment or so. The cadet shifted her weight over once more, until facing her companion with a doubtful raise of her brow.

"I'm sure we'd be running 'till kingdom come if they did..."
Tora's voice grumbled rather lowly, her silver eyes darting around as she lowered her tone. Lucas did the same, his own lips curling back to a snarl as he hissed through gritted teeth.

"We don't. Know that." The male repeated once more, sounding like a disapproving father as he scolded her.

...And, clamping her jaw shut, the girl heaved a heavy sort of pouting huff through her flared nostrils, brows furrowing.

"...No more. Unless it's urgent, between us, nothing."

Lucas' "honorary little sister" didn't so much as seem to respond to the demand. His knuckles tightening, the boy repeated himself once more.



Tora, I'm being serio-"

"Alright, fuck!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

“What? No.” She shook her head, did I sound like that? Did I offend him?! the girl panicked internally. “I-I mean that the Garrison does an important job, just l-like all the regiments. No one regiment is more important than the other because they’re a-all needed.”

Shit, Annella, stop blabbering, you’re making a fool of yourself. The girl shrunk in her seat, hoping to be swallowed by the uncomfortable bench she was squirming on. Due to her panic, she’d missed his mutterings, instead staring at a hole on the bench that was in front of her as if it were the most important thing within the Walls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri leapt to his feet. He didn't want to keep waiting, especially on the time-scale they were on. He knew Grant and Lilith would be arriving shortly, so to abandon them and his attempts to keep a conversation would just...be embarrassing...He dusted himself down, clearing his jacket and trousers of any crumbs and dusty particles that had appeared from earlier.

"I...I'm going to head to my Dorm now..." He spied, seeing Grant and Lilith finishing up their orders. "You...want to come or...just...you gonna stay here? Up to you, I mean...uhm...not...not my decision...just...Sorry!" He apologised randomly, like an absolute idiot...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

Annella’s eyes widened and she scrambled up onto her feet, the cup that was beside her now fallen in her haste, luckily empty save for a few drops of cold tea. “U-uh, sure.” She said, taking hold of the cup so she could dispose of it properly. “If I remember correctly, we’re going to all be in the same dorm, yeah?” She mused, mostly to herself, “I guess its best we try to make friends with as many of our dorm-mates as possible, especially if we’re going to be staying with them for the next few years.”

Slowly, Annella squeezed through the crowds of people that were still standing around, chatting loudly. One guy laughed loudly beside her, making the girl jump out of her skin in surprise. Her cheeks darkened as she muttered to herself sourly, "could’ve gone deaf ‘cus of him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowFactory
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RainbowFactory Small Fry

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Caroline watched 'Nobody' pull Angelo away with his card in hand, deciding to follow the two and do the plan later. She stood at the doorway watching Angelo getting dropped onto his bed, then stepped aside so the boy could walk out. She walked up to Angelo's bed with her arms crossed, and an annoyed frown on her face. "You were so close to giving the secret away. Think before talking!" she angrily yelled at him, then pushed his legs a little so she could sit on the bed.

Angelo put his hands behind his head snorting at her, then slowly passed out on the bed. Caroline sighed, then decided to stay in the room since she remembered seeing people starting to go to their dorms anyway. She pulled her legs up to her chest then rested her chin on her knees impatiently waiting for the others to enter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virgil
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Standing sentry outside of the dorm-room entry-way, Nemo fiddled about with the glasses, trying--unfortunately in vain--to at least correct the frames. No good...he'd be going without for a while, at least until he could find something to mend the fragile keep-sake with. A longing sigh erupted from the boy's chest, eyes drooping at the thought of it. The youth couldn't bare the possibility of having to walk around, identity at large without the protection of his trusty eye-wear.

Then again...he supposed he'd been through worse.

"Hey, bum, going to sit there like a mood 'till the captains come roosting?", a voice jested, giving the dark-skinned boy a light tap to the shin via boot-toe.

Greatttt...just what he needed right now, the poster-boy for the "Be-My-Friend" club. If it was all the same to him, Nemo would've rather been let alone right now, especially given the circumsta--

Another tap to the shin.

"Come on, get up...unless you'd rather be a real a glutton for punishment.", the voice, now a bit bored by the boy's lack of response, seemingly pouted out.

Was this asshole just UNABLE to mind his own business? Maybe he was obsessive compulsive. Maybe he was just mentally unstable. May--

"Stop.", Nemo coldly replied, catching the encroacher's foot before sending him tumbling off-balance. It was almost mid-day now...the time of day Nemo hated the most; In the weather he hated the most--blazing sunlight--out of all the seasons; With a kid bolstering the personality he hated ALMOST the most. All in all, this was either an extremely annoying coincidence, or this kid just didn't know when to call it quits and politely fuck the hell off.

The two sat in silence for a minute, before the idiot opened his trap once again...to--goddesses could only tell this was coming--speak...again.

"Name's George, by the way, what was yours again?"

Country bumpkin, by the sound of that name...

"I never gave it."

"Right...right...but if you did it would be...?"

Nemo let out a deep, low rumbling. If this carried on much further, he wouldn't exactly be able to guarantee this kid's safety from a nice gentlemanly conversation with his slowly tightening fists. A sharp "Crack" roused Nemo from wallowing within his aggravation. He glanced down at his bleeding hand, uncurling it to reveal the now fully broken glasses resting on a badly cut palm.

"Nobody...", he mumbled. This day couldn't get any worse...could it? His chest began to heave in frustration. Nemo chuckled to himself, the past few events leading up to this were incredible, but this...this took the cake. He began to see the funny side of it all, given the irony of the owner of a precious keepsake inadvertently destroying it in their own blind rage.

"You...uhm...you feeling okay?"

This fucking queer REALLY, couldn't let anything go. Like a leech, the brown-haired, black-eyed, peach-skinned kid had attached himself to Nemo, and was now completely and utterly refusing to let go. The dark-skinned soldier shuddered to guess how many others akin to this imbecile remained in the camp.

Still...the kid was ignorant of all of his blatant stupidities...

He supposed the honorable thing would be to give him the option to retreat.

"Yes...I'll be fine...", Nemo replied coldly, standing up and looking as if he were about to leave.

"Oh, alright...want me to help?"

Nemo winced at the character standing opposite him. He was pretty sure that meant he'd declined the offer of peace.

Yep, very sure. So sure, in fact, that the boy felt no remorse whatsoever, once his fist found its way round about the kid's jaw-line. The solid blow decked the intruder to the dusty ground, and--feeling nothing less than adrenaline running through his veins now--with that, Nemo was back inside the dorm.

He stomped over towards his bunk with little trouble due to that helpful card, flopped down, and closed his eyes. He needed to relax, take deep breaths, forgive and forget...

Breathe in...breathe out...good...calm...calm...

"...you gonna 'pologize for that? Really quite uncalled for...", the boy mumbled, suddenly appearing beside Nemo's pre-chosen bunk like an unrelenting ghost.

It took nearly all the self-restraint Nemo had built up over the years to stop himself from choking the kid in front of the massing throngs of other cadets.

"It's of no concern of mine if you happen to be too ignorant to understand my reasonings.", he hissed icily, waving the kid off before closing his eyes in an attempt at returning to the peace of the mind-less void, commonly called "sleep".

His eyes shot open to the feeling of the mattress flipping off of its frame, carrying the resting cadet to the floor along with it.

"Salutations then.", "George" spat, rubbing his jaw as he turned about and walked off, searching for his bunk.

The mattress flipped off of the ground with an almighty heave from underneath, colliding with the floor with a "thump". George stopped, turning around just in time to feel the solid slam of Nemo's boot into his gut, followed by a vicious upper-cut to his already aching chin. Everything when numb, and he collapsed to the floor beneath the dark-skinned champion.

Logic suddenly booted compassion out of the window, smacking Nemo upside the face with a million different repercussions for such an action.

"..shit.", he mumbled, looking down at the unconscious cadet sprawled before him now...then up at the various dozens of cadets staring--stupefied--at the event that had just occurred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Raphaela Leistner

As soon as Raphaela had put her tray away, she began to pace down the hallways, humming a soft tune to herself. Her thick brown hair bounced up and down as she began to skip, a creepy smile spread across her face. Now that her stomach grumbling had finally settled, Raphaela felt a little better, her grey eyes showing a bit more shine in them.

Raphaela sighed, her eyes wandering around the hallways as she continued to walk. She felt a kind off lonely without someone chatting away by her side, but she figured that she was already quite used to that sort of thing anyway. After all, it was only ever her close relatives that she had managed to have a proper conversation with. Others… not so much.

"Okay… So, I turn this way, then that way, then another left once I reach the end-"

Suddenly, Raphaela was met with a rather loud and high-pitched shriek, stumbling back a little from the shock. Looking down, she immediately recognized who this oh-so clumsy person was.

"Damn, that kinda- wait, you again?"

Raphaela blinked. The tanned skinned woman stood before her once again, a pair of dark eyes staring straight into the soul of the taller girl. And, by the way goosebumps began crawling up Raphaela's back, it must have been a very cold and frightening stare.

Even so, Raphaela managed to muster up enough courage to make a joke out of the situation.

"Oh my God, the way you shrieked just now… That's just hilarious!"

Teresa's face burned with embarrassment and fury, looking away from the giggling brunette. Teresa wasn't the type to get scared easily, but when she did, that mouse-like 'eek!' was sure to put a smile on people's faces.

"Just shove off already, will you? Look, I was just following a bunch of people to the dorms but now I'm just completely lost. I have no idea where I'm going, so would you just-"

"Um, all we have to do from here is walk down, turn right, then turn right again, then take a left turn. The directions are pretty basic actually…"

Teresa stopped for a moment, taking in this information. She huffed, the bottom of her lip sticking out slightly. Folding her arms, she turned her whole body towards the supposed way to the dorms, tilting her head back to glimpse back at Raphaela.

"Okay then…" Teresa mumbled. "Lead the way."

Beaming a smile towards Teresa, Raphaela turned the opposite way, tugging on Teresa's sleeve.

"It's this way… Oh, and the name's Raphaela, if you wanted to know."
Teresa looked away in embarrassment, ashamed at her incredibly poor sense of direction. She sighed, unwrapping Raphaela's fingers on her sleeve.

"Uh, yeah… Then, my name's Teresa. Teresa Engelhardt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Yuri Tynko

Everything was kind of hectic in the Mess Hall, but he managed to find a breach point in the crowds to get out early and escape both Grant and Lilith, as well as the overwhelming sounds of chants and laughter. He wanted to get somewhere more peaceful, whether Annella followed him or not, and right now the best place was the Dormitory. Most of the trainees were to spend a lot of time outside before being forcefully moved into their dorms. Though he was aware she was following him, and that the two were to situate in the same room anyway, so it really didn't concern him. He was still up for the conversation, but kept it to himself for a while of the journey. There was a hallway they could take to go there, through a maze or so, yet he thought the scenic route was better for himself, despite it being longer.

As he trod every now and then, he'd hum quietly to himself. It was a simple tune; it was the family song of peace and clashed with the one of honour. His family were like that, his father had told him. Honour meant everything to both him and his ancestors, therefore he had to follow in the path his first relative walked. Though he was never quite sure what that path was. Many of the records were lost, and Cyo had only told him what he knew slightly from memory after a Robbery occurred. He felt that Annella's eyes pried on him as he hummed, making him stop quite quickly. It left everything in silence once again...

"It...might sound weird...but...do you believe in honour above most things in life?" At first there was no response, so he decided to continue. He thought to himself about how boring and dreary he must've sounded, but something kept him talking. "My Father told me something once, after our shop was robbed. He was in panic after some files and papers were lost. I asked him, 'Why was paper so important to him?', I wasn't the smartest of kids then as of now. He replied with something quite...important, I could say. 'It was the sheets of evidence, proving that before the dwellers outside the walls emerged to eliminate mankind, there were successful lives all over the land. Businesses were set up and wars were fought between man from one hill, to man from another. These documents showed me how our family has done amazing things, and it was mainly lead by Honour, as translators had noticed. Such as Johanna Tynko, the first bearer of the Tynko title. He was a businessman apparently, who ended up going in a war that lasted for years. On end, he would see his own family die around him, and loved ones. He didn't stop there, as he was driven by the knowing that if he were to succeed, after everything that was lost, he'd still provide pride in the title. His goal was passed down to his son, then to his son, and to his, and further on...Do not shame when you can still provide a good title.' I didn't really understand that phrase, up until now, sort of. It still puzzles me, and seems a bit Cheesy...but...I don't know...I should stop going on about me and...Dad...so much..." He apologised once more, feeling ashamed for once again going through the pain of the story. Grant and Lilith hated that story, and so would Annella in his mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 17 days ago

Annella could barely keep up. She was lucky that Yuri was giant, enough so that she could just stand on her toes if she wanted to find him if she lost him in the crowd. It didn’t take too long for them to exit the mess hall and she could only breathe a sigh of relief. She wondered if she was bothering him; he seemed like someone who needed to be alone after a while of interaction with strangers (and really, they hadn’t even been in each other’s presence for more than fifteen minutes, she would guess).

She kept quiet beside him, once the halls became less populated with excited cadets, her mind wandered off to her grandmother. This was probably the first time in a while she had a chance to think about her actions. Not even three months ago was she sent the notice of her parent’s demise, so she didn’t have long to prepare anyone for her sudden decision to enlist, especially her grandmother. Annella played with her fingers nervously. She would never be happy about my choice, but this is the only way I can help…

When she heard the giant beside her hum, it startled her out of her thoughts, her gaze falling on him as she blinked owlishly. She almost felt guilty when he stopped. He seemed to be more relaxed when he wasn’t forced to speak with her, a stranger, and she tore her gaze away from his form awkwardly, opting to stare at her feet as they made their way through the maze of the camp towards their dorm.

"It...might sound weird...but...do you believe in honour above most things in life?"

Annella pondered the question, her mouth pulled down slightly. She didn’t know how to respond. On one hand, she believed that honour was important, but not a priority in life. All her actions were not due to honour, but it was more for the sake of others. She never cared about her lineage, only that she was here and now it was her turn to contribute to humanity. Yuri continued speaking once it was obvious she wasn’t going to respond.

Annella listened carefully, her mind already trying to wrap around what he was saying as she thought about what she could say next. It was obvious he looked up to his father a lot, and the last thing she wanted to do was insult him by sounding like she didn’t care. ”’Do not shame when you can still provide a good title.’” She parroted back to him, ”Those so-sounds like wise words to live by, b-but don’t you ever feel stressed because of the weight of their expectations? That whatever you do may not be doing enough to the eyes of your ancestors?” She asked him curiously.

”T-to me, it’s important that you do not shame your elders, but I like to believe that my grandparents trust me enough that whatever I do, or try to do, will be fine as long as I’m happy. I- I don’t like having people’s expectations on m-me, I hate to disappoint people. A-and its worse if it’s my grandparents that I disappoint, because I care about them and their o-opinions too much.” She stopped herself, ”I’m sorry if I’m not m-making any sense, I just don’t kn-know how to say anything without worrying that I’m g-going to insult you.”
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