Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seamus had to admit he was rather impressed with the base, from just the few glimpses of the facility he was able to get as he made his way down the hall way with the others he was able to gather that almost everything there was top of the line. As he made up the rear of the group he was able to get another glance of his new teammates and they all seemed to be from quite the range of backgrounds. "This should be a interesting experience." He thought to himself as he walked into a room with a large computer, two other young heroes, and who Seamus could only assume to be Batman himself. Seamus may of spoken up do to the sheer fact that the almost legend that was the dark knight was standing before him, but he was feeling something that was bothering him. It was some sort of magical presence, but it was being suppressed somehow. Seamus looked over the room for a moment before noticing the blue haired girl, more specifically the collar and plates on her face. It had to be her, he could practically see the magical aura around her, but it was different from that of a simple magic user, it was more... hellish. Seamus had to run through a whole list of possibilities before he finally settled on a idea that he wasn't entirely with, this girl was a demon or at least partly one and the members of the Justice League had bound her with those plates and collar. Seamus had had many dealings with demonic beings, most of them pleasant but there was the occasional attempt at possession, so the thought of one being bound against their will didn't sit well with him. "There has to be a good reason for this." He thought to himself before he decided to fallow everyone else's lead and to give a second introduction. "My name is Seamus O'Dare."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lex walked into the base, wearing a black pants and sweater. he had on a brown trench coat. He was carying a black suitcase. The suitcase contained his war suit. He was suprised the League allowed him to join. His father did many wrong things and Lex wanted to right them. The base was impressive. The tech didnt look to bad. He called his assistant on the phone. "Yes Mercy...cancel all my appointments. Yes I will be busy for the next few days. Dont worry I will call." Lex hung up and walked down the hall to where all his team mates were. They looked like nice people and interesting. They also didnt look to stupid. Then someone caught his eye. A girl. He took a quick glance at the girl with short dark hair(Peggy Little). Once the guy named Seamus was finished introducing himself. Lex put his suitcase on the table and said "Hello...my name Is Lex Luthor....my father is the supervillain. But Im not like him. I asked to join this team to right all the wrongs he did and bring honor back to my family name." Lex gave a awkward smile, he wasnt used to smiling. *Dad had way better people skills* "I hope you all can accept me as a teammate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

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Chris took in the new faces first was a dark red head who's name was Seamus, followed by two more you looked fairly young one was a girl with brown hair and wearing a baseball cap and the other was a boy with black hair and green eyes. Next was a female with long blonde hair wearing a headband that stretches down to her waist. After her Chris saw a man who seemed to be older than himself walking on the ceiling smoking, and he also asked Chris two questions but he would rather wait to answer once everyone else was in front of him. Looking back at where everyone was coming from Chris saw a boy who seems like he has just came out of early twenty century Russia, and finally someone he was sure everyone knew well which was Lex Luthor Jr. Once everyone was finally in the same room and Chris felt confidante enough to finally speak he spoke up and said.

"Hello everyone I am your leader Fang or you can call me by my real name Chris. Also if you haven't already notice it seems we have been visited by Batman himself, but we will also be getting a friendly hello from Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash." Chris paused looking at all the faces and counting them in his head. "Is this all of you?" he asked.


Charlie was fast asleep on a train taking up three seats as his bed. His dream was pleasent you can tell by the expression on his face, but he kept having it change by something vibrating in his pocket. His eyes half opened and little movement in his arms reach in his pocket and pulled out his phone which had a alert on the screen. He tried to make out the words which read 'You over slept' his eyes shot open and he quickly sat up after finally understanding what it means. Looking around he saw that the train was just leaving his stop, and with quick speed he made his way to the back of the train and stepped out. Charlie didn't have time to take into account he was about to jump off a moving train, so he jumped off placing his board under his feet which eventually landed on a train track rail. He just need to keep balance till he slowed down enough for him to start running.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Almost nobody had noticed Peggy slipped into the headquarters, for she was far too distracted admiring the awestrucking establishment. She wandered around, room by room, then paused by the workshop area. She felt giddy at the sight of various materials and equipments neatly displayed on a glass shelf. Boxes of metal scraps piled next to a computer terminal, and at the center of the room is a metal crafting table, huge enough to fit a reclined body. With these, she could better upgrade her parts, even craft a light armored suit with built in utilities or even better, a built in ipod. She took her time scanning the room, fiddling with anything she can get her hands on. Hearing Chris's voice from the other side of the room, she remembered that she had new friends to meet. She walked out, still admiring the heaven she was just in, and to the merry crew. After all, if she were to live as normal and not weird as possible, she should start by making a good first impression. She appeared at the group, just behind Chris. He turned around when the group looked way past behind him, and saw Peggy looking blankly at him. Chris returned with a confused stare. This was going well. Before things got more awkward she finally said.

"Hi. I'm Peggy." Yep. So far so good. "Peggy Little. Formerly Automation 1 80043-1, I was an unfinished product of the mad scientist's Professor Ivo and T.O Morrow. I was resumed by Dr. James Little, who mainly used me as a means of housing his own mind together with a superweapon that will ultimately destroy the Justice Legue. " Ok, that was too much information, and very unnecessary. Peggy shifted, realizing what she just said, and she looked at her friends with assurance. "But I wont do such a thing. I'm not evil like him, I truly want to help people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'In the merry month o' June from me home I started, left the girls o' Tuam a nearly broken hearted. Saluted me father dear, kissed me darling mother. Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother...' Ryan sang quietly to himself and blew another plume of smoke into the air.

That was about when Peggy Little started introducing herself and after a moment of silence he threw his head back and started laughing like a lunatic, deep guffaws that had him rolling around on the ceiling with his hands wrapped around his middle.

"Oh, Gods." He wiped a tear from his eye and favored the awkward girl-thing with a beaming smile. "That's got ta be one o' tha greatest tings I've heard all day. I think we're gonna be really good friends little one."

He sat up and a second later was suddenly falling from his spot until he came to an abrupt stop and inch from the ground. A moment later he dropped the rest of the way and landed lightly on the floor, boots making almost no sound whatsoever.

"So I introduced meself outside but might as well do it again. Ryan to me friends, Singularity in tha field. I'm sure ye can guess me powers based on tha name and ifn ye can't, well..." he smirked and winked at the group as a whole. "It'll be a fun surprise fer ye once ye do figure it out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cora started smiling at the fact that she wasn't alone in her ability to destroy literally everything but didn't want to, but her smile was dashed the second Batman began to speak. Cora looked away to try and hide her embarrassment.

"This was not a social visit. This is Cora, since we're doing proper introductions. Better known for her recent battle with Doctor Fate. You may have noted the collar and face plates. They are for your safety as well as her own. The League and your leader have remotes for the collar and plates should they need to be activated. Removal of either is punishable by expulsion. Cora, except in the scope of missions cannot be allowed into the world at large. She is confined to the cave. Any questions?"

Cora quietly moved away from him, hoping that distance would somehow dull the backlash. There would be questions, of course. Probing questions that she couldn't lie about and that she really wished she didn't have to answer. Even still, she'd killed a person, even if it was in self-defence how far would she go in that state? How much humanity could she lose?

"He forgot to mention that I become a demon when I get angry... haha, it's so much fun..." Cora mumbled from where she was, anxiety on her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Louisa watched as the entire introduction process began anew. She also watched as, Peggy snuck around the group and began exploring the base. Louisa almost moved to stop her, but realized it was neither her place or her responsibility to stop what was seemingly a girl around her own age from wandering around somewhere they had been invited to. She began scanning people, seeing who she would and wouldn't work well with. The first thing she realized was how young everyone was. When they said Young Justice she thought it meant people around her age, not 14 year olds. That is with the exception of the hairy Irishman, currently stinking up the place with his cigarette. She disliked 'Ryan' already. He was far too cocky for her tastes, like some sort of bad stand up comic. She almost punched him when he laughed at, Peggy, who seemed to be making the best of her situation.

Speaking of Peggy, Louisa's opinion of her was surprisingly positive. She seemed naive, not dumb in the least, but inexperienced. Plus, Lousia had always wanted a robot friend since she saw The Iron Giant as a child. Louisa was a bit surprised when, Fang was made leader. He didn't look like the leader type, but he seemed to have an air of charisma about him and if Batman had chosen him especially then she supposed she could have faith in his ability. The Russian was...interesting to say the least. He was wearing full winter gear even though it was a rather hot day. He seemed polite enough, if a bit out of place.

Kimberly and Conner seemed to be each others foil. While Conner looked to be reserved and cautious, Kimberly looked to be adventurous and boisterous. There wasn't much to be said about, Seamus. He hadn't said much since arriving, and he didn't have any indication about him as to what his power was, but then, neither did Louisa. Louisa had an almost automatic dislike towards, Lex. She knew it wasn't good to have such a bias, and that he must have been somewhat different from his predecessor if he was accepted onto the team, but to Louisa a clone of a super villain was as prone to villainy as the original copy.

Louisa had very little to say about, Cora, until Batman began talking. She suddenly retreated into herself, embarrassed about something she couldn't possibly have helped. Louisa felt a degree of sorrow rush over her, moreso when Batman mentioned how she wasn't allowed into the outside world. Louisa stared at Cora for a moment before speaking up.
"Why exactly is, Cora not allowed into the outside world if the collar can stop her from turning into the.." She paused, thinking about her words. "Well from turning." She decided upon, thinking it would be better not to name the affliction.
"Surely she could be let out of the cave at least some of the time? It can't do her any good to be locked up in here all of the time." She argued, giving a small smile to Cora before staring back at the Batman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

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Chris knew someone was missing and with his mind at ease Chris no longer felt so stressed. He was mostly surprised at the fact he didn't notice her, but maybe she walked in while he was looking at the guy up on the ceiling. "Nice to meet you Peggy I'm assuming you already heard who I am. I am also assuming you can't wait to look around at HQ but once formalities are done we will begin the tour I assure you." Chris said with a friendly tone.

Charlie had finally slowed down and was running back to the train station while constantly checking the time on his phone. It had taken him five minutes of continuous running to get back to the station. Charlie knew he couldn't run the rest of the way to Mt. Justice, so he threw down his skateboard and jumped on taking to the streets. He couldn't use his power for a boost at least not in the open, but what if he took to the alleys then he could use them for short burst of speed. Charlie did just that and after gaining enough speed to keep going on his own he went back to the streets.

"Take your next right go for two blocks and then left. It will get you there faster." said a mysterious voice in Charlie's head which he never heard before. All he knew about this voice is that it definitely was a female's voice. He did as instructed and arrived at forest of Mt. Justice which was located near the front entrance.

"Time take this puppy to the air!" Charlie said to himself as he released just enough fire below him just to get off the ground. He then used some to keep him and his board going threw the forest and into Mt. Justice. Charlie was just arriving to the room where everyone was gathered when he tried to lower himself back on the ground. When he tried to ease up on the fire he had put out a lot more and then it had completely stopped and he fell to the ground and tumbled over to the crowed of people. When Charlie came to a stop finally he was on his back right in front of Chris who was now looking down at him "Sorry I had over slept." he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Primal Boy

Red was stalking a deer in the forest of the area surrounding the Young Justice HQ and he kept quite and low to the ground in preparation for his pounce. He gave a low growl and then lounged at his prey. With his superhuman speed Red easily took down the animal with a massive hit and then snapped the beast's neck. He then started to tear into the animal's flesh and began to eat. Half way through his meal Red then realized that today was the time to meat the Team as Hawkman had told him and he had almost completely forgot. Red got up from the carcass and quickly took off towards the base at top speed.

It didn't take long for him to reach the entrance and not really understanding where to go he pretty much came crashing into HQ in his excitement. He got back up on his feet and began to look around excitedly. Red then noticed his teammates and gave them all a friendly wave.

"Hi! I'm Red, but from now on you can call me Primal Boy" he said as fresh blood dripped from his mouth and his clothes were also stained with deer blood. It looked like he had come from a massacre out of some slasher film. Red of course was too excited to notice his frightening appearance and instead just gave a wide grin.


Alexandrovich was startled by Red's sudden entrance and guessed that there had to have been a late arrival. What was strange about this one was his very young appearance, he didn't even look like he was a teenager yet. So we're to be babysitters now, he thought to himself and crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at Red's introductions. He was a little disturbed by the boy's obliviousness to his bloody appearance and he wondered whose blood was on him.

"Hello, try to be careful with such an entrance and not crash into to someone" he said to the boy hero and turned to pay attention to the others' conversations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by spacecakes
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spacecakes Livid McAngsty

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Peggy watched Ryan laughed his guts out, so much for making a good first impression. She was not offended, however, but a bit embarrassed by her pathetic attempt. He did say they’re going to be good friends after, but she wasn’t sure if he was truly genuine, or just being sarcastic. She caught Louisa glare at him, hand turned into a fist as if tempted to pound the irishman. Peggy never wished for violence between her new crewmates, and was a bit relieved when Louisa held back. She always found Louisa cool and pretty, like the sort of person who always know what to do, or say, plus she has lovely hair that she one day wished to braid, if she has the time to learn.

Chris was nice to forgive her for getting ahead of the tour. She couldn’t contain her excitement when she saw the massive interior, it almost reminded Peggy of her old lair. The late doctor’s lair, she meant. It cant be helped that her own thoughts would mix up with his, and sometimes, the thoughts gets too conscious and vivid that it terrifies her. She would die first before a part of him would take over. And if it ever comes to that, she would trust Chris to stop her, being the team leader and one of the few people in the group who is capable of doing so. Which reminds her, to hand him something important after the pleasantries are over.

Among the other members that she met, and missed for rudely wandering away, her eyes caught a familiar face of a red haired man holding a suit case. He was indeed, familiar, probably from one of the doctor’s mixed up memories. Her thoughts were interjected by young man stumbling through the entrance door, who soon apologized to the group for over sleeping. Not long a dirty, bloodied boy followed, and introduced himself as Red giving the group a good jolly grin. Peggy was very much amused by his entrance, smiling to him when his eyes reached hers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This team was becoming more and more interesting by the minute it seemed. If the colorful characters that Seamus had already become familiar with weren't enough more were being thrown into the fray. First was another red headed young man like Seamus himself, but this one was obviously more well known. Seamus recognized him almost immediately, he resembled his father so much it was nearly impossible not to. The son of Lex Luther was bound to make quite the addition to the team, though it did seem like the young man felt like he held some guilt do to his heritage. Next was another young man that came rushing in apologizing for being late, Seamus found it amusing to think despite being heroes these people still up held the classic irresponsible teenager stereotype.

But Seamus was quickly pulled from this thought when another young man, more of a child really, came rushing in and introducing himself. What really caught Seamus's attention though had to be the fact that the boy was coated head to toe in blood, obviously not human blood but blood all the same. The ginger haired lad grew a slight grimace as he looked the boy over before he couldn't take the sickening sight and nauseating odor any more. Seamus out stretched his hand in the direction of the blood stained lad before speaking. "Esaelp hsaw mih." His words echoing eerily, as if powered by some outside force. Not even a moment later the boy named Red was covered in a light mist that coated his whole body, but as soon as it had appeared it had dissipated taking with it all the blood and dirt that blanketed Red. Now that the boy was cleaned, even had a faint smell of wild berries, the sour look on Seamus's face faded away and was replaced with his usual blank expression. "Much better..." He murmured to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Lex looked aover at Chris, wondering why the League choose him to be the leader. He waited silently for other heroes to arrive. He sat silently as everyone else introduced themselves. The new people seemed ok and smart enough to work with. He decided to ask "So is everyone here yet? Or are we still waiting for others to arrive?" Lex looked at Red's appearance and was surprised he didnt even notice himself, but he did look happy to be here. He just gave a small smile. He then turned to Peggy and said "My father work with Ivo and Morrow. I me and you have parents who werent very kinds to the league." He then looked at Chris. "So Chris whats the first thing the League had for us to do? Im sure they left you something."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"It doesn't stop me from turning. Just stops me when I do. Also technically I'm under arrest by the Justice League." Cora tried to explain. "I'm just lucky that I'm not actually in jail."

Cora tried to give the other girl a smile when suddenly two more members swooped in from nowhere and began to talk. One was covered in what she hoped wasn't human blood. The boy who had introduced himself as Seamus muttered something and the bloody child was clean. Apparently the two had no concept of time, and Junior Lex asked if they were to have any missions. Cora was about to ask Batman about it when she heard the Zeta beam activate and he was gone.

Apparently the man didn't like to argue with teenagers, go figure. Cora looked back at the group and waited for a response from the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

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Chris helped up the new arrival who was on the ground in front of him all the while looking at the boy who was covered with blood. "I see we have two last minute arrivals." he said to himself. Chris now had to enter these to into the HQ's database which was gonna be "fun" seeing how long it took him with everyone else. His attention was turned to Lex Jr. who asked if they had a mission already. "We have nothing as far as I know


Three new people came from the back of the room walking towards the group of new young Justice members. One was wearing a black shirt with a Superman symbol on it, and another looked like Martian Man Hunter but as a girl. The last one was wearing a yellow suit with some red here and there along with some goggles that had red lenses. They were all walking until one of them took off at high speeds and ran around the group stopping by Chris. The other two kept walking till the were on the other side of Chris. The one with the Superman shirt began to speak.

"Hello everyone I am Superboy and this is Miss Martian and Kid Flash. We will be the ones who will look after while your at Mount Justice, and you will mostly see me and Miss Martian here. Kid Flash will only be here as a substitute for when one of us is called for a mission." Superboy explained. Only then Miss Martian finally spoke up.

"Me and Superboy were chosen to watch you because we had spent more time here then most others." she said. "We will also be the ones who will train most of you." she added on.


In parts unknown a man sat in a chair by a table with an opened laptop on it. He was in a room filled with shipping crates and one door and lights, but the lights were off so it was dark. That all changed though when the laptop screen quickly lit up with a anonymous figure surrounded by light appeared on the screen. "Is everything ready?" a mysterious voice asked.

"Yes sir everything is ready both teams are ready to move on your command." the man quickly responded he was very nervous you could tell be his voice.

"Good I want them to move in one hour. If all goes right my next call will be exactly in three hours from now, and if I don't get an answer from you then I will know you've failed. And if you have failed I will have to switch to plan B..." the voice trailed off for a bit and then spoke back up. "But remember no one ever likes plan B." The call immediately ended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Conner listened to everyone introduce themselves again as time went by. Then more new arrivals came, most notably a kid even younger than him who was covered in blood and introduced himself as Primal Boy. Then Seamus chanted something that sounded like backwards English, which it most likely was, and Primal Boy was no longer covered in blood. Finally, a small trio of older people, who Conner recognized to be Superboy, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian, arrived. They introduced themselves and explained their purposes here. Conner began to feel more nervous than before. He would be trained to be a real superhero by real superheroes.

Kimberly, on the other hand, was ecstatic. "What are we waiting for, then?" Kimberly asked excitedly, barely able to stay still. "Let's get to training!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Primal Boy

Red chuckled a little embarrassed at his messy entrance when the Russian boy replied to his greetings and continued to smile at him. He then watched as the boy named Seamus uttered words that Red couldn't understand and a couple of seconds later his clothes were clean. Red's eyes went a little wide as he looked himself over and found that he was now clean, it was some strange power and he didn't what it was.

"Wow! That's cool! Oh and don't worry about the blood it wasn't mine" he said with reassuring tone to his voice to make sure that none of teammates were worried about him. When Chris mentioned him being among the last two arrivals he scratched his head with cheerful smile trying to hide his slight embarrassment at being late. Then three more people showed up, but they looked to be holder than everyone else and one of them was green and didn't look like a normal human, none the less he would call her Green Lady if he couldn't remember her name.

He listened to them introduce themselves and Red found that he didn't recognize any of their names. Besides Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Green Arrow and Animal Man, most of the other heroes' names just went over his head. It was somewhat of a feat for him to remember these three's names if they didn't tell it to him a lot. His excitement rose when he heard the word train spoken by the green girl and he flexed his muscles preparation for an intense workout.

"I'm totally ready for this! When do we start?" he asked totally pumped up to start some backbreaking exorcises.


Alexandrovich was curious about the new arrival Seamus after watching him say a few words he didn't understand and then made Red's clothes become cleaned of the blood. It looked like some kind of supernatural power. After Red finished praising his teammate he walked over to Seamus to ask him a question.

"How did you do that?" he asked curious to find out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

For a moment Seamus assumed that there were even more late arrivals walking into the room, but he quickly came to the realization that these were some of the founders of the very team he was joining. The Superman clone, the strongest telepath in the world, and one of the fastest men alive, or better known as Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash, all in one place. Seamus was a bit star struck, though it didn't show on his face. He was defiantly glad he took the offer to join the team now, getting the opportunity to work closely with these heroes was definitely the chanced of a life time. He had just finished listening to Miss Martian explain how she and Superboy will be acting as the groups caretakers when the Russian fellow came up to him and asked him how did he do that, it took Seamus a moment to realize he was referring to the simple cleaning charm he casted on Red. Seamus considered explaining the origin of the ritual and how it was eventually transferred into a incantation which in turn was translated into a simple English spoken phrase by Seamus, but coming to his senses Seamus settled on keeping it simple. "Magic." He said plainly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Superboy was glad to hear some people were eager to train, but he didn't want to throw off the schedule. "Okay, if you want to train line up in front of me anyone else can stand to the side with Miss Martian and Kid Flash." he said while slightly stretching/ getting ready to see what this new team has to offer.

Miss Martian and Kid Flash

Miss Martian and Kid Flash wasn't expecting some being eager to train. After Superboy said he would handle the training they stepped out of way seeing who would join them. Miss Martian remembered something "Oh, and if you are not training and eighteen or under please come me or Kid Flash." she said with a smile.

Chris and Charlie

Chris walked over to Miss Martian and Kid Flash not saying much once there. They too also watched to see who was gonna come over. Chris didn't want to train against Superboy more see how his teammates do. And Charlie had a plan which was to wait for everyone else to go and then he would be the last one and he would have a better chance when Superboy was tired.


At an abandon apartment complex a huge group of masked/hooded figures gathered. They were in one of the biggest rooms at the complex surrounded by boxes full of weapons, and they were huddled around a big table with papers scattered about. One of the men spoke up and said "Okay here's the plan. Team A you go to the back and get ready to breach the walls, Team B you will be stationed across the street, Team C you are the extraction team. Team B once Team A blows the walls all eyes are on them you will move in from the front and start bagging the loot. Finally Team C you will be extracting Team B, and Team A when the attention turns to Team B and C you will make your escape through the underground tunnel we dug last week." He explained and took a short pause before picking back up where he left off. "You all understand what your doing?"

"Sir yes sir!" everyone said.

"Good then prepare, we move in an hour." said the man who grinned knowing this plan would never fail.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ryan frowned as people interacted around him. New arrivals showed up, some with rather interesting entrances. Bats left. And through all of it he couldn't shake the impression that people thought that he had been making fun of Peggy Little when he'd laughed earlier.

"But... I jest thought she was cute, stumblin' all over herself like tha'." He frowned again and fell into a slight sulk, arms crossed over his chest with his cigarette dangling loosely from his lips.

A moment later the Zeta beam transporter activated and three new people walked out as calmly as if they'd walked from one room into another. He wasn't positive if he could walk so calmly after having his molecules scrambled and transported over vast distances like that.

But then again, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash had sure had plenty of practice if the stories were to be believed.

When Superboy mentioned training a feral grin stretched his lips and he cracked his knuckles as he made his way over to the krypton Ian clone. Beating the snot out of something was just what the doctor ordered to restore his good mood.

"Sir, yes Sir!" He barked as he stood at attention before Superboy and snapped off a crisp salute. "Singularity, reporting for training, Sir!" The professional appearance he attempted to deliver was ruined by his well worn clothes and the thin stream of cigarette smoke swirling around his head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cora was torn. On one hand she wanted to see if she could go toe to toe with Superboy. On the other... she didn't really want to show the others what she was like when she was actually using her powers. Her competitive streak won out and Cora stood in line behind Singularity. She looked as though she was regretting her choice, but she convinced herself that she had to train anyway and they'd see her in action regardless of her personal preference. Might as well do it on her terms.

"I'm in, I've always wondered if I could fight Superboy and win. Also Superman.... Black Canary... Atom Smasher..." she didn't have to ask about a few of them, but she mostly hoped she didn't have to fight them in a non-training sense. Cora liked to see where she stood but she didn't have a death wish. "I suspect that I'll just get tossed around like a ragdoll after a while, though."
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