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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil really didn’t understand what she was so disgusted about but he wasn’t going to let her get any more annoyed with him having to constantly bring it up as he tried to suss out what the problem was. He didn’t really know what to think about such a thing because he didn’t see it, so it technically wasn’t his problem and was merely an inability to understand. It was definitely not a thought he’d keep in his records. Asking about what people might think about him after what happened in the settlement where he met Ethan and Amuné he sighed lightly at the answer, staring up at the sky again. “If you think so. I’ve not seen another Machina up close, so it would be an experience”, he spoke, lowering his gaze again, “I want to see how different they are to me”.

Looking back to Ethan he gave him a smile as he went over the plans for them all, glancing to Nymira only when she spoke up. The plan seemed alright until it was mentioned that Nymira needed someone with her, then it got pretty strange. He didn’t understand what he could add if he was going to go with her now, only finding he was feeling confused and gradually wondering if they had even thought clearly about their plans for the run. They had to have something before now, but it seemed neither had discussed it with each other. Feeling a little unable to understand what he should do he waited until they were able to give him a proper order, looking around slowly he gasped when Nymira made a decision for him only to be made confused when Ethan asked him what he wanted.

He really didn’t know what he wanted to do, he wasn’t familiar with this place or even knew what a mayor was. He was certainly confused by the possibility of making his own decision, even if it was between waiting or accompanying Nymira to see this person. While it seemed like he might get his own decision being made it ended with Ethan ultimately backing out of her offer, sighing lightly before his attention went back to Nymira with a frown. That didn’t last long, but oh well. If their decisions were going to be a greater deal than his then he’d just have to assume they know better by default.

With everything apparently sorted for him and what he will be doing he got off the cart once they finally arrived and moved towards Nymira, looking to the ground at first before to Amuné as she gave them a quick wave. She was certainly more confident in him compared to the first time she found out he was just a Machina, it certainly did manage to surprise him but her initial reaction would probably be always expected from other people. Maybe this mayor person won’t react in the same way, but maybe he won’t notice he’s a Machina too. Giving her and Ethan a quick wave off he turned to Nymira, frowning a little. “Where is this person? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mayor before so any clothing they might wear won’t be in my memory banks”.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Visit my village? Sure, we can do that! When we finish this trip of ours up I'll take you back, I bet you'll love it," Ethan said excitably, "It's small but it's nice, and everyone there is really friendly. Oh and there's Ms. Gammon who makes the most delicious pumpkin pies, you'll have to try one of those! And there's this creek near the town I always go fishing in, and sometimes this cat comes over and sits with me, he always expects fish." Realizing he was rambling a little bit Ethan cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly and bringing their horse to a slow standstill. They had finally reached East Orosi and now had the matter of figuring out where everyone was heading. Helping Amuné down from the horse he led both over to the stables, briefly conversing with the stable hands before rejoining his friends.

Having Nymira wish to run off to meet the mayor complicated things, especially since it would be a bit much for all of them to go. If he was going to keep an eye on Amuné and get them settled in then that left Cecil to act as her bodyguard. The Machina didn't seem overly thrilled with the arrangement and he knew they'd worked their friend into a corner, but it ought to be a quick visit. Giving him an apologetic smile Ethan then nodded in agreement with the Ydran, figuring it only made sense to ask for directions, especially given his penchant for having a lack thereof. "Yeah we'll do that, sounds good. And we'll see you guys soon," he added to Cecil and Nymira, giving the former a smile and pat on the arm, "Don't worry, nothing's going to cause problems here, we're in a big town, right? There's guards everywhere, it's not like the little places we've been." They seemed to be in a decent part of town too, hopefully that meant anyone who might cause them harm was a ways away.

"Anyone who gives us trouble will be dealt with. I won't have common rats getting in my way," Nymira muttered disdainfully, glancing around the stables as if expecting someone to suddenly pop up. She didn't know much about this place, or any town like this for that matter. Smaller ones she was familiar with as there were some around her clan's territory, but nothing quite this scale. Where did criminals normally hide? Galloway had them hiding in warehouses, so should they avoid warehouses? Stirred from her thoughts by Cecil's question she frowned and tried to come up with an answer, finding herself pitifully short of one. "A mayor is like a chieftain, I would imagine. They rule through winning a serious of fights with other males and then determine how their land is ruled. Ethan! Is that correct?"

Ethan chuckled nervously before shaking his head, rubbing at his neck when Nymira narrowed her eyes accusingly. "Sort of...? Mayors don't really fight for their position, at least... I don't think they do. Most towns elect a mayor somehow, people like someone and they get put in office, or maybe they buy it... All I know is mayors make up rules and enforce them with guards, so uh... Please be nice to him Nymira?"

"Are you saying I might cause problems for us?" Nymira snapped as she placed her hands on her hips, "I'm not here to cause problems Ethan, I'm acting as an emissary for my father! I wouldn't dare jeopardize that!"

"R-Right, right, sorry..." If she snapped at the mayor like that though he couldn't see her winning any friends any time soon. "Well good luck you two! We'll meet you back here when you're done!" Giving them a wave as they parted ways he let out a sigh, an exasperated look on his face before he smiled at Amuné. "Right, let's find out about that inn shall we? And preferably somewhere Wyth can stay the night!"

Asking for directions was not a particular strong suit of hers, particularly when it came to exercising patience. Some men even had the gall to demand payment for the information, or... Even less distasteful things. Leaving a handful of individuals with bruises likely wasn't the way to introduce yourself to a new place, but Nymira wasn't going to stand for that behavior. Eventually they had lucked out and managed to get the information they wanted, courtesy of a man whom she was positive soiled himself. Watching as he staggered off towards the tavern again she wrinkled her nose in distaste, wondering why in the world people like that were allowed to wander about freely. If you drank back home you did so in the comfort of your own home, it was dishonorable to wander about in such a fashion. Yet here it seemed perfectly allowable, the guards didn't even bat an eye at his antics.

"I swear... The things these people do and do not allow are so... Strange," Nymira commented as they continued along, shaking her head in disbelief, "Where I come from you behave in a manner befitting your family. Acting so... Idiotically in public, it makes no sense. What does that man hope to gain from doing that?" Looking to Cecil for a moment as if expecting an answer she shook her head again, looking down and adjusting the fabric of her cloak. "If you're trying to learn about people then I'd suggest forgetting him, unless that's normal for these parts. I sincerely hope it isn't."

Finding the mayor's home wasn't terribly trying, it stood out like a sore thumb compared to the other buildings around it. They were in a nice part of Orosi and still this building was extravagant by comparison, with large marble pillars along the front supporting a high tiled roof, and the walls made of multi-colored bricks giving it a very warm appearance. The front lawn was adorned with numerous flower beds and topiaries cut into various designs, having absolutely no rhyme or reason to them it seemed. A handful of servants busily worked away on them, almost mechanically so. As they passed through the gate and moved down the slab walkway Nymira and Cecil might be surprised to find the reason for their robotic movements; every servant working outdoors was a Machina.

In contrast to Cecil's very human appearance these Machina were very clearly robots. They bore human-esuqe faces, but the rest of their body, or what was visible was clearly machine. They wore simple cloth tunics, ragged and dirty from use, as well as trousers and boots for some peculiar reason, maybe to keep themselves from becoming dirty. As they approached the front of the building not a single one acknowledged their presence, all too engrossed in the work they had been assigned to notice. It was unsettling frankly, seeing so many soulless bodies slaving away with no other thoughts in mind. Only the most destitute and disheartened of Dimuran prisoners of war resembled these machines, and she loathed seeing anyone in such a state. What kind of person so willingly employed them?

"Lets just go inside... I don't wish to see them any longer." Using the door knocker, the base of which was shaped like a griffon's head, she knocked a handful of times then waited impatiently to be seen to. When the door was finally open her heart sank a little seeing another Machina waiting for them. This one looked slightly more human in appearance, even having a wig for false hair, and he wore a butler's attire. Yet when the Machina spoke it was obvious he was every bit as soulless as the rest.

"Visitors? I wasn't aware we had visitors today," the Machina said, his voice void of emotion, monotonic to the point of suggesting boredom, "The mayor is currently meeting with someone, I'll have to ask you return later."

"Certainly not, I'm here on official business!" Nymira replied sternly, holding out a hand to keep the door from closing, "I am Nymira Rumia, daughter of Velox Rumia and first princess of the Rumia clan. I am here to negotiate with your... Mayor, on a possible alliance between this city and my clan. I demand I speak with him this instant." To show she wasn't going to take no for an answer she forced her way inside the building by ducking under the butler's arm, standing to face him then with her hands set on her hips.

"I see... The master has no records of meeting with a dignitary today, and nothing in my memory shows any meeting with you whatsoever. If you insist however I can see you will not be dissuaded. I shall take you to him, but I cannot promise he'll see you." Glancing ever so briefly at Cecil his soulless eyes seemed to look into the other Machina's, showing no recognition or registering even the slightest emotion while doing so. Turning then without a word the butler walked through the main hall of the manor, heading directly through a set of large swinging doors and into a long hallway. At the very end sat a room with several chairs and a couch, as well as a desk with a Muran woman sat behind it. "Ms. Bernadette, there are visitors for the master."

"Is that right...? We just took one though," the woman said as she glanced up from her papers, her brow furrowing seeing Nymira and Cecil. A Dimuran girl and a boy, now that was an unusual couple. What could they possibly want with the mayor? "Well... He is meeting with someone, if you could wait a moment please we'll send you in afterwards."

What about seeing the man this instant was not understood? Her request was not something you could put in a book for weeks down the line, she had little time in each town and had to be prompt about her meetings. Before the woman had even finished speaking she moved for the doors, and much to her protest she threw both open, revealing a portly man sat behind a desk speaking with another young boy. "You are the mayor I assume?" she asked, walking over to the younger boy and looking at him sternly, "I demand we speak this instant, I won't be kept waiting!"


Nymira and Cecil may have had a tough time of getting directions, but he and Amuné were lucky. The stable hands not only knew of an inn for them but explained exactly how to get there, going into painstaking detail when Ethan was confused at first. All but leading him there themselves he and Amuné along with Wyth found the place, a nice enough building that would more than suit their needs. It was a little busy for his tastes but they were able to find some rooms easily enough; there were three floors in the building, with the rooms becoming progressively more expensive the higher you went. Since they had extra money for a change, a lot of extra money, Ethan indulged and got themselves some rather nice quarters. He would never spend so much himself if it were just him, but he figured with Amuné in tow it was only fair to get a decent room, for her sake if no on else's.

"Ah... Feels good to get off my feet!" They had ridden a horse for a while but one would hardly call that comforting, even if it trumped walking. Ethan had been waiting for a comfortable sleeping space since falling into a slumber in the grass earlier today, and this was just what he was after. Having used some of Nymira's small fortune he managed to rent them a pair of rooms, on the third floor of the inn overlooking the river below. This room in particular boasted a balcony that one could stand on and overlook the waterway, as well as a king-sized bed and plenty of amenities for a pleasant stay. The princess might be angry with him when she learned of the cost, but they had so much money he sort of lost sight of the value of the coins. He doubted she would be too angry anyways once she found out she had a large room all of her own.

Laying back on the bed, Ethan lifted his head and smirked at Amuné before reaching out and prodding her arm with a finger playfully, in a much better mood now that he was relaxed. "My butt is still asleep from the ride, but that's nothing a little bit of walking won't fix! I'm thinking we lay here for a bit, and maybe... In 10 minutes go back to the stables? They'll take a while just to get to the mayor's place probably, which gives us time to be lazy!" He had no intentions of getting up before then anyways, it was so darn comfortable! Rolling over onto his front Ethan buried his face in the plus comforter, closing his eyes and letting out a dreamy sigh of contentment. "Or maybe they can just... Come find us. I wanna take a nap now..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zander refused to touch the knocker, instead he removed his staff from his back and rapped quickly on the door. He had a bad feeling about this supposed meeting with the Mayor. It could only mean the Church was there already, or he was going to be asked to leave. Best case scenario would be healing for the acting mayor, worst case scenario... would be running back to the Inn, grabbing his stuff and leaving no trace behind.

"Good day," a monotone voice called from the doorway. "How may I assist you?"

"The mayor sent a runner for me," Zander replied bored already. Did everyone in larger towns use Machina? It was unnerving. "I, however, refuse to give my name."

The male Machina seemed to think this over, if it was possible for them to give off a natural reaction. Where any other creature would have nodded and given a small smile the Machina simply moved to the side and bowed slightly. Entry, it would appear, was given. Zander had to control himself from rolling his eyes.

Zander scowled at the interior of the house, it was an overabundance of extravagance and it seriously made his eyes hurt. The tone of the house was meant to be warm and soothing, what it gave off was cold and distant. This wasn't the first and wouldn't be the last Mayor's House he was invited to. One had offered to pay Zander, another had threatened his life and the two before this had known his name and his last name. He hadn't stayed long in those last two, it would only cause pain and intensive healing afterwards. Shaking his head to banish the stray thoughts, he was left in front of a desk within a lobby like room. He had been spacing out, and the female Mura seemed to have realized this as she let out a slight tither.

"You must be the healer," her voice was filled with mirth from seeing the younger Muran lost in thought. "If you could kindly give me a name to announce you to--"

"As I told this... Machina," Zander let sarcasm slip into his voice. He didn't like acting the spoiled boy, but sometimes it helped with these type of people. "I shan't give a name. I have met with enough opposition in my travels to know a name, has power!"

The female Mura's face blanked into polite, yet uncaring, as she replied, "Sir Healer a name is usually given when one of your standing enters a house of structure. Not only that, but I'm sure you were taught better manners."

Zander blushed, he was taking his temper out on someone who was use to being talked down to and quick with returning the scorn thrown her way. Before he could reply, she used her tongue to once more whittle into Zander's temper.

"Also, it is seen as disrespectful to the servants not only by talking over them but also by not realizing how the big world works." She winked to take off some of the sting. Zander took a deep breath, bowed respectfully to the Machina that had shown him in and turned to the secretary and did the same.

"My apologies," Zander's voice was slightly shaky. "I have been healing most of the morning, manners are not always at the forefront of my mind. I am Alezander Starsion, wandering healer. I would kindly ask what the Mayor has need of one such as me? My skills are not high nor am I a Magi."

"Perhaps not," this voice was male and not lacking emotional touch. "I do not like to be kept waiting, I am a busy man. Alezander, please see yourself in. My dear secretary please finish your work before you scold others."

Zander already did not like the man's tone of voice, he spoke down to this woman like she was nothing, and probably bit her sharp tongue to keep herself from losing her job. She nodded ruffly though, stood from her seat and removed the door form the Mayor's own hand, "In you go, Healer Starsion."


Zander refused to sit, it wasn't proper nor was he offered said seat. He would remember this small slight if ever the man needed healing. Speaking of healing, Zander's eyes went from the man's chubby fingers to his large waste to the liver spots on his arms. He draped himself in fine silks, and had a slight smell of decay to him.

Stop! Focus on the now, Zander scolded himself and stood at attention with a slight bored expression on his face. You can think of other ways to force healing on him, or you can ignore him and save your power for someone more worthy like Olga.

"It has been brought to my attention," the Mura's voice was strained in a way to keep his disgust in check. "That a Magi of some power has been healing the townsfolk. Seeing a mere boy; however, makes me question the validity of such statements." Reaching into his desk he pulled out torn pieces of parchment. Zander's eyes widened. His Seals! "These were found on a few wells, townsfolk said an outsider had stated something was coming in from the river into the wells and poisoning them. You are no trained member of the Church. They would not work in secret. I have no need for that sort of attention to this small piece of land."

Here the mayor's eyes turned almost cold and Zander had to keep himself from scowling back, "You enter my town unannounced. Saying you are no Magi, and yet you perform the miracles of one. That and your last name, oh how it rings a bell but I cannot place it. You are a no one, therefore, if you continue to do as you have... The Church no doubt will send out forces to see how such things are happening. Do you understand, boy?"

Zander nodded, but noticed something. The mayor had never really looked fully at him, a small pile of parchment had quickly scrawled words, a few which from where Zander stood, were the same words coming from the mayor's mouth. He was not intelligent himself, but had the idea of using a network. Who had he healed that ran to the mayor!?

"I am no Magi," Zander replied smoothly as his eyes scanned more area's of the desk. If the mayor saw him as a boy, he would play that to his advantage. "If you would like, those pieces of parchment are powered by a blend of ink and ground crystal catalysts to power them. If I were a Magi would I need to carry such tools?"

Before the man could reply the doors were thrust open as female Dimuran walked briskly into the room, "You are the mayor I assume?" she asked, walking over to the younger boy and looking at him sternly, "I demand we speak this instant, I won't be kept waiting!"

Zander stood there stunned, he could if he strained his ears, hear the secretary chuckling near the doorway where once her brow was furrowing it now had laugh lines. Did this Dimuran think HE was the mayor!? Part of him couldn't help but want to chuckle. To totally break the character he had set up for himself and laugh hysterically. He could play this one of two ways, or he could throw her to this ingrate of a mayor. Seeing said mayor look close to turning pruce, he decided to take a different route altogether.

"I beg pardon madam," Zander laid it on thick. Taking Nymira's hand gently, and kissing the back of it. "I am but in the middle of showing this man his need for healing, else he will realize how easily death and mayhem follows in the wake of inaction."

Standing up straight from hovering over the hand he had stolen, he turned to the actual mayor with a feral grin, "Wasn't that right sir? Or shall I have to ask my secretary to grab my staff from the entryway and use true healing force?"

He was bluffing, oh was he bluffing. Most Mundane, as Zander secretly called all those who used crystals as a catalyst for magic, didn't know the true extent of his seals. No he could not attack with true force, he could; however, undo healing magicks that were laid upon people.

'One must simply use the Seals in the reverse order,' he could hear his mother telling his father. 'Tis easy dear. It does no more, go against our Saint, then picking up a javelin and skewering a lowly urchin on the street.'

Zander shook his head to clear his thoughts again. The mayor's eyes were fully wide in panic now, and Zander wanted to kick himself. He had played it too thickly it would seem for the over-weight cushion killer. Pulling forth one of his Seal Papers from his side pouch, he flung it with little force at the actual Mayor inducing his brain to send out Delta Waves, as a medical book once taught him.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," Zander bowed to the secretary. "As his healer, I cannot speak for him. I can; however, listen to anything you might need? Madam Secretary, if you would be so kind?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Amuné was pleased that they found the inn without issue. The stable hands were very helpful, and were happy to give them directions. When they got there, the girl's attention was caught by an Ydran man seated in a corner tuning a lute. A travelling musician?! Lucky~ Amuné split off from Ethan, who went to inquire about rooms, and went over near where the minstrel was. He looked up from his instrument and gave her a smile, which she returned shyly. "You know, I wasn't going to start playing until dinner," he said, running his fingers gently over the strings before giving a slight turn to one of the tuning pegs. "But I suppose I can play you and your lovely cat a song, if you like. What's his name?"

"He's called Wyth," the girl told him, giving the moorcat a pet. "Um...and I'm Amuné."
"I'm Trillian," the Ydran replied. He nudged the satchel sitting next to his stool with a toe, and a grey-furred face with bright eyes peaked out of the bag. "And this is Palla." Wyth's ears pricked up at the appearance of the squirrel, and he looked disappointed when his girl told him, "No, Wyth. Friends." He made a whuffing sound and wandered over to where Ethan was wrapping up his transaction. "Um...I have to go right now, but maybe I can listen to you play later," Amuné said. She'd seen minstels before, on the road and occasionally when one would stop in her village on the way somewhere else. They were always a treat. She gave Trillian a small wave and went to join Ethan as he headed upstairs.

"Ethaaaan, how much did you pay for this?!" she asked in exasperation, when she saw the room. It was far nicer than anywhere she'd stayed with her Daddy when they travelled to market in another town. "You shouldn't waste money, Ethan, or we won't have it when we really need it." Sure, Nymira had what seemed like an endless supply of gold, but that didn't mean they shouldn't be smart about what they spent.

When Ethan collapsed on the bed, complaining about his behind being sore, Amuné hid a smile. She wasn't, but then he was a lot older and older people always seemed to hurt more than children her age. "Heat will help if you're sore in the morning," she told him. "I suppose relaxing for a few minutes won't hurt, though." She sat on a corner of the bed. "Tonight I wanna listen to the minstrel downstairs. He's Ydran, so he should know a bunch of the songs my daddy sings for me!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil was fairly ready to get going to see this mayor, but at the same time he was feeling very nervous. He didn’t know how the mayor might feel towards him or whether he would just have the same reaction as everyone else did before they knew, seeing him as someone with metal limbs while being perfectly normal. His eye was rarely questioned, they always saw it as a fashion thing so that was lucky for him. Whoever made him had done a lot to keep him looking like a Muran if that was the case, further questioning what he was supposed to be suited for.

Once they had managed to make their way to the mayor’s place it wasn’t out of Cecil’s understanding that the ‘people’ he spotted first were actual Machina. Real Machina, just like him, wandering the garden as if they were fulfilling their life’s purpose and held no other wish to do something else. He felt like he was going to have a panic attack, or at least his equivalent of a panic attack. This was his first encounter of other Machina, yet these ones were simply getting on with their tasks without a simple care, not even looking like they were enjoying their task. Opening his mouth to ask about them he soon frowned and decided upon keeping quiet. They freaked him out a little, as if staring into a reflection of what he could’ve been if he was made by someone else.

Trying to keep calm and quiet about everything he let Nymira do her business, remaining as simply a bodyguard like he was told to be. Staring rather blankly out at nothing in particular he frowned at the sight of the Machina that opened the door, staring at them before looking back at the Machina that they just passed. It appeared as if their clothing was related to their job, but then what was his job and why did he have this clothing? He didn’t choose the clothing he wore and yet he managed to keep it in fairly good condition so he never needed anything else. Whether the clothing was part of him or something someone dressed him up in was definitely coming to question now, but maybe that wasn’t what he should be questioning right now when there was so much left on his mind.

With only one glance at the other Machina Cecil kept his head down while his eyes searched behind the Machina, only looking up without lifting his head at the strange innards of the building that could be seen passed it. He had never been in a building like this one before, but then again he had only been in a few now so far because of Ethan. This was definitely giving him a weird vibe and he didn’t know what the cause of it was. Not only was the Machina freaking him out but the seriousness of this encounter was starting to get to him too. If something happened and the mayor didn’t want to listen to Nymira then what were they supposed to do? Go back and say it was a lost cause? He didn’t know anything about an encounter like this and it only served to make him feel incredibly nervous.

Nymira seemed to know what she was doing, at least. Cecil was just there as decoration so far and while he didn’t mind that he was more concerned with how the situation might go instead. The butler Machina had done nothing else but freak him out and he couldn’t even express words to how he felt about such a thing. There was absolutely nothing to see in that Machina like he had seen in the others, as if everything had been sucked out of it and it really was just an empty shell. What if the others saw him like that, his eyes completely empty without even a glimmer of life in them. Reaching up to his own face in quiet contemplation he gasped when Nymira moved on, following after her only for her and the Machina into the building’s foyer to give an explanation as to why they were here. So there was life in here other than Machina, at least if those Machina could be called ‘life’ at all. Staring at the woman as she told them to wait he gasped when he saw how impatient Nymira had become, her insistence on seeing the mayor now being too great than the mere idea to wait a few minutes. Hurrying on after her he stopped just behind her, flinching when the doors were forced open revealing the mayor inside and the person he must’ve had the previous appointment with.

Now this was just rude of Nymira. Cecil wouldn’t had minded waiting a few minutes but this was just embarrassing. Adjusting his bandana he looked away momentarily, trying to make it look like he had nothing to do with this scenario. Even though it was true that he didn’t it certainly didn’t appear as if he didn’t try to stop her. This was not how he wanted to make a first impression with someone of seemingly high importance, even if their body type was strange and probably something to stare at. The other person the mayor seemed to be meeting with didn’t appear to be someone who would be in a house like this, but then again judging by his clothing he had no idea what he could be. He didn’t look like a citizen or one of the authorities. Maybe he was some sort of traveller, but that was probably none of his business.

Trying to show little interest in what was being previously discussed he frowned at the mention of his occupation, finding it to sound like something a Magi would probably do. He hadn’t heard of ‘healing’ before, so it must’ve been something mystical like fire and nasty muck monsters summoning. Watching him with curiosity it appeared as if his meeting had been cut short thanks to Nymira, the purpose of him coming here apparently being fulfilled already. Well that was lucky, they really didn’t have to be waiting that long after all. Looking to Nymira quickly he soon gasped when the man approached Nymira, raising his fists as he took her hand and proceeded to press his lips against it. That was oddly gross and very suspicious, but he was the only one who seemed to be making any sort of reaction to it too. Frowning, he slowly lowered his fists and stepped back, looking like he was trying to keep a neutral expression as if desperately trying to imitate the Machina he saw before as if understanding that he was supposed to look like that in the first place. He certainly hoped this would all be over soon, at least before he might freak out over something else that was probably completely innocent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nymira had never seen so many Machina in one place, and she was certain she never wanted to again. Something about how they mindlessly tackled their assignments, showing no emotion whatsoever, it was unsettling. Emotion betrayed how someone truly felt or what they were thinking, or even their smallest expressions could give away a hint of deceit. She had learned to recognize some of these in dealing with other Dimuran chieftains, and she tried to apply the same things to people here. Yet when addressing the butler she found absolutely nothing, no way to guess how he was feeling or thinking. It was unnatural and otherworldly; like the Magi attacking them it was something that shouldn't exist, yet for some inexplicable reason out here it seemed to be the norm. What a strange place Adelon was proving to be.

They had been shown directly to the office in the back of the estate, though it appeared her meeting would be delayed somewhat. Why was that precisely? Did they think whatever petty matters they were seeing to trumped her own? Her task here was to secure a better future for her clan, and perhaps in turn for her people overall. What was this person here for now? Something trivial like wanting more money? Complaining about a noisy neighbor? She wasn't going to wait on that, her own business was far more important. Ignoring the words of the secretary, Nymira marched up to the doors and threw them wide open, glancing briefly at the two men inside before going to the younger of the two. He was the mayor, yes? Surely he'd reason with her!

She had confronted him directly, so why was there no response? Narrowing her eyes impatiently she waited for the supposed mayor to respond, glancing at the portly man on the other side of the desk now and again. Who was that oaf then? Given his portly appearance and his clothing she assumed he was a merchant, she couldn't see any self respecting leader dressing himself so extravagantly, it was just in utter contempt. Feeling her hand being picked up the Dimuran's brow knitted together curiously, her eyes shifting back to Zander just as his lips met the back of her hand. His lips. Her hand. He had kissed her?! Rather than become blatantly furious her jaw clenched hard and her face paled, though her eyes seemed to grow more intense as she stared at the young boy. Mayor or not, that was much too personal for two complete strangers.

Don't kill him, don't kill him, whatever you do, do not kill him. Nymira had to repeat this mantra time and time in her mind to stay her hand, twitching and so desperately wanting to grab the daggers at her hips. Such insolence... Were all leaders like this, with no respect for relations and personal boundaries? She was here as a dignitary and demanded respect, not to be treated like a maiden and kissed in an attempt to woo her. Watching as Zander threw a strange talisman at the portly man she relaxed somewhat, puzzled to see the merchant fall asleep suddenly. Was he a Magi, or was this some other trickery at work? Now she was both angry and confused, and had the secretary not intervened just then she'd have gone on a tirade of monumental proportions.

"Oh yes, the reason he actually called you in here," the secretary began, going back to her desk and grabbing a small folder off of it. Placing it on the mayor's desk she opened it back up, showing a small wanted poster for a few known bandits as well as a handwritten letter, crudely written, of some sort of demands. "A very important merchant vessel was stolen yesterday, it has some cargo that Orosi absolutely needs. We've tried to get it back but our guards were beaten, and now they're demanding insane amounts of gold for its return. We could pay it, but some of the guard worries they'll push for more if we give in, so we've been looking for help to get the boat back."

Nymira scowled as the situation was explained, annoyed that once more her presence was seemingly ignored. Slamming a hand down on the desk she looked at the secretary with anger in her eyes, pointing then to the documents on the table. "If I bring you their hides can I have my time with the mayor? I detest having to deal with something as lowly as a common thief, but if it's what I must do in order to secure an audience."

Bernadette's brow shot up at the unexpected proposal, surprised to hear someone willing to actually take the job. Should she though, after all she knew nothing of this woman and her companion. "Well... Generally the mayor would pick those to handle the task, but he's currently... Asleep," she muttered, her eyes shifting over briefly before looking between Nymira and Cecil, "And you both seem capable, maybe you could do it. We can't guarantee your safety though, we don't know exactly who is on board that ship. The fact that some of our guards-"

"I'm worth a dozen of your guards, we'll be fine," Nymira interrupted sternly as she moved her hand from the table. Rather than continue that conversation she instead turned to Zander, her features deceptively calm as she looked up at him. "So you're not the mayor, and yet you dare kiss my hand... Even if you were him it would be inexcusable, but to learn you're simply some commoner..." Reaching down into her sheath she pulled a dagger free in a blink of an eye, holding it up to the healer with a nasty smile. "Let's make a deal here then, you liar. You help us in securing this ship, and I forgive your impudence, how does that sound?"


Finding the inn wasn't terribly hard, as even Ethan could follow the directions they were given. It didn't hurt either that one of the stable hands walked with them halfway, good thing as he'd almost gone the wrong way immediately. With Nymira's money he found he could be much more liberal with the kind of arrangements they got, so he figured why not indulge a little? He would be content with the basics, but he figured Nymira would want better, and Amuné deserved to be comfortable. He knew that paying up near 200 silvers for both rooms was mighty steep, especially given the regular rooms were a fraction of the cost. They had the funds though, why not go for it?

They had barely gotten into the room before Amuné chastised him for his spending, smiling sheepishly as he gave his neck a rubbing. "I-I know, I know... I just thought everyone might like having a nice place to sleep tonight, especially after last night. I promise I won't do it again!" He probably wouldn't live to do it again if Nymira found out, best to keep the price of the room between them. Then again... She didn't seem too upset about spending a lot earlier, he told himself, flopping back onto the bed with a sigh, Maybe she'll be okay with it? Probably best to play it safe and not mention it regardless, but he'd be honest if she happened to ask.

"Yeah I noticed that, it'll be really cool to hear some music!" Ethan mused as he stared at the ceiling, "I heard some Ydran music years ago, when someone came through Kinsgrove. Other than that though I can't remember any, it'll be neat to see what he plays." He'd always enjoyed music, he loved listening to the minstrel and the barmaid back home sing renditions of popular songs every day, always doing so with bright smiles and to a room full of happy patrons. That was music to him, a bunch of people enjoying themselves and having a good time. Maybe he wouldn't get the same feeling out here in a place like Orosi, but it would still be nice.

Ethan was torn, on one hand wanting to do absolutely nothing and on the other knowing they had places to be. Gosh this bed was comfortable, they were going to sleep like babies tonight! He tried to keep down for a few minutes and let some of the weariness wash away, but the incessant ticking of the clock was almost mocking him, telling him he had to get moving; constantly moving was his way of doing things since he'd begun this journey of his, and much as he might feel like he needed a rest he was having trouble doing so. Eventually Ethan began to fidget impatiently as the clock continued to count the seconds, grating against his ears until he simply couldn't bear it any longer.

"Okay, rested long enough!" Ethan declared as he sprung to his feet, beaming and clasping his hands together, "Come on Amuné, come on Wyth, let's go see how everyone else is doing!" They had just gotten here, sure, but really did they need to hang around? Besides it was a nice day, they should be outdoors doing something! Looking around for the keys given to him for their rooms Ethan made sure to pocket them, beaming at Amuné before heading to the door and holding it open for her, "Figure you can find them Wyth? I know we were going to meet at the stables, but maybe we can surprise them instead!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Simply some commoner..." Zander spoke those words a loud and would have laughed if the knife wasn't pressed at his throat. Then again, he ignored the sting from it's sharp edge, his father had used so much worse on him. His eyes deadened, oh he knew he was busted, but to be forced into doing something he wasn't too keen on doing. That was a whole different kettle of fish.

"Do you know why healers are sacred," Zander asked calmly. "Because we do not attack, we do not harm, we only protect and mend and repair. You are asking me, to do something that I can neither help, only hinder." His eyes looked passed Nymira and focused solely on the Machina behind her. "He has more worth than even I, in that area. When I grasped your hand he was ready to strike at me. What can a Healer who uses Seals, help with? Slit my throat, matters not, it'll make the Mayor happy."

He needed to get away from this, head back to the Inn perhaps and heal Olga and set off again. Zander forced his eyes away from the Machina that didn't look like a Machina. He could feel waves rolling off him, unlike the other Machina, he seemed to possess a soul. It was something to ponder on his lonely nights, travelling away from the Churches grasp.

"As for the calling me a liar," Zander turned his eyes back to Nymira. "When did I ever say I was the Mayor? The secretary is a common office, therefore she is all and no ones. You call me a liar, I call you overly egotistical. You demand things, and whine when ..." Zander cut himself off and pressed his throat into the blade just enough to have blood trickle down his throat. He made sure she could see he had wounded himself. Made sure only the Machina and the Dimura could see his lack or response to the small cut. Pulling away slowly, it healed as the blade's bite was lessened on his skin. His satchel glowed gently, the Seals at work.

"If I help you," Zander proposed. "You will see I am not someone who can use healing for attacking. As I told the mayor, I. Am. No. Magi. A simple priest from a much larger town."

He was rambling, his head was light and the memories of what his father had done to him. His mother had done to him. The Church. STOP IT! He shouted in his head. Focus on there here and now... Stop thinking of them and show this pathetic excuse for a living being why you are of little use!

He couldn't make himself stand out, he knew that. This meeting was showing him why he shouldn't heal adults only children and continue his run. He was tired though, tired of sleeping on the earthy floor, tired of so much of running... Was this his one chance to change it? That stray thought brought light back to his deadened eyes. I need change...

"Are we leaving soon," Zander mocked gently. "Or are you going to keep your arm in that position for much longer?" A Seal Paper was between his forefinger and middle, held loosely. He could try to knock her out, but right now, he wanted to see her and the Machina's response. Oh it could kill him, but he'd never have to run again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Amuné busied herself investigating the rest of their room while Ethan relaxed. They even had a tub with clawed feet. That meant if Ethan needed to soak all they needed to do was heat up some water. She looked over when the man said it was time to head out again. He had the idea of Wyth finding them, but the girl shook her head. "Don't be silly. He's a moorcat, not a dog. We should ask for directions. Wyth, come!"

She went back downstairs and headed for Trillian. The minstrel gave her a smile, and when asked for directions he nodded. "Ah, the mayor's place? Yes, I know where it is. You really can't miss it. It's very fancy, even compared to the rest of that part of town." Amuné thanked him, and then she and Ethan set off to rejoin Nymira and Cecil. She hoped the Dimuran had gotten what she wanted from the mayor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I understand perfectly why healers are so revered, we hold our own to a high standard in my clan," Nymira retorted sharply, keeping her knife where it was unwavering, "Is your being a healer supposed to rid you of guilt for lying to me though? Or kissing me like that? I demand respect for my station, I am a princess, not some common floozy who can be swayed by a simple gesture!" Oh she hoped she had used that word correctly, she'd heard several patrons at a tavern call a barmaid that and while the meaning was lost on her she gathered it wasn't positive.

Narrowing her eyes as Zander called her egotistical Nymira had to make an extra effort to hold back, wanting more to smack him upside the face than cut his throat. It was more an intimidation than anything really, her blade, she would never actually kill someone over something so petty. So when Zander placed his own neck against the blade she pulled it away so he couldn't do it again, keeping it raised slightly however to make sure he didn't move. "Regardless... A healer will be invaluable during a fight, even if you are no Magi. And regardless, its your duty to help others in need, is it not?" the Dimuran asked, smirking as she lowered her knife, "It may not be your usual work, but I'm certain you'll do just fine."

Bernadette watched the entire exchange with baited breath, unnerved that the Dimuran had been so quick to pull a knife. What more to expect from a people known for battling their own kin? Thankfully it looked to be little more than a threat, thank goodness for that at least. If they were to be working together then perhaps they really could succeed, they seemed capable but having a healer along should make it far safer for them. "If that is decided then perhaps you could be on your way? The longer this takes the further down river the ship gets," the secretary reminded them, walking to the window behind the mayor and gesturing out across the lawn. "If you head down the road a ways there you'll reach the piers, and there someone should be able to tell you more about where the ship is. Or you can just head up river and try finding it yourself. I doubt they went down river, that would mean going to Galloway, and I can't see any sense in going to another town."

"I see... We have to meet someone before we leave, but we'll find this ship of yours, you have my word on that. Be prepared to give us what we need when we return as well." How bothersome that she should have to play the part of a guard simply to secure an agreement with this place. She supposed that was politics though, you never got something truly for free. Sheathing her dagger again she gave the sleeping mayor a cursory glance before turning to the secretary and bowing politely. "Sorry for the intrusion, and... For drawing a weapon here, I should have kept calm," she apologized, "As soon as we finish this task of yours we'll return with the good news."


"Hey, you never know! He's got a nose doesn't he?" Ethan asked with a laugh, reaching down and scratching at the back of Wyth's head, "I guess we'll have to find them the old fashioned way. Shouldn't be too hard!" He liked to think so, but he knew just how inept he himself was when it came to traveling. As Amuné was quick to point out they needed to find someone to give them directions, and then pray to the powers that be their friends were even still at the mayor's. As luck would have it the minstrel from before knew precisely where to go, giving them directions as to where to find the manor. With a thanks from both of them the pair promptly headed out to find their friends.

What they had seen of Orosi wasn't bad per say, in terms of simple quality Ethan would even say it was nicer than most of Kinsgrove. Yet as soon as they crossed over a large stone bridge he noted how different the homes and even just the roads were. With cast iron lamps lining the smooth streets, tall brick and mortar homes two stories high looming over them and well maintained yards this was clearly where the wealthier sort lived. And even from here at the bottom of the district you could see the mayor's manor, up above on a rise overlooking the rest of those who resided here. Of course the mayor had that house, Ethan thought with an exasperated smile, fitting in a way.

"So this looks like the right place, now we just have to find them..." Ethan mused aloud, scratching at his chin as he looked down various side roads on the way. The mayor's house was visible but they could realistically be anywhere here, best to check every corner just to be certain. Rounding one such turn he was elated to find the others approaching from the far end, giving them a wave before shouting, "Over here! Hey guys!" Motioning for Amuné to follow he hurried down to greet the others, grinning widely as they met in the middle of the road. "Holy cow, we actually found you! Done with the meeting already?" he asked, pausing then looking at Zander with a quizzical expression, "And uh... Who's he?"

"He's a healer, and a liar, he'll be helping us with our job," Nymira explained curtly, "Which is to say we have work to do. In order to get what we need we've been forced to do some work their guards are incapable of doing. A ship has been stolen from them, no doubt the work of some bandits. I swear, your towns are lousy with criminals..."

"Not all of them! Just uh... You know, the big ones?" Ethan offered lamely, smiling as he shrugged. So Galloway and Orosi had a little bit of a problem, it wasn't like it was an entire town of thieves right? Saving a stolen ship, now there was something he never thought he might be doing. How did you even go about doing something like that? "So we need to get back this boat of theirs and then you get what you need from the mayor? I guess it can't be helped then, looks like we're stealing a boat back! Oh, I'm Ethan by the way," he added as he extended a hand to Zander, "And this is Amuné, you've met Nymira and Cecil. I guess welcome to the group for now!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil didn’t know what he was supposed to say or what he should do during a situation like this, whether he should try and take Nymira away from the man; then again, she wasn’t the one that needed protecting. The guy was not a threat, that much he could assess, but Nymira was certainly threatening him a whole bunch. He didn’t know if she was going to get into trouble by doing any of this but he certainly wasn’t going to butt in and cause even more of a stir. He wasn’t sure whether these people saw him as a machine or if they thought he was a real being like normal people saw him, so keeping quiet and fairly expressionless was probably his best bet right now. He was sure Nymira was going to calm down at any point at least, then maybe they can continue with what they were needing to do.

Finally once everything calmed down Cecil tried to remove his worries by focusing on Nymira who was looking and sounding rather confident in what she wanted. He didn’t want her to get in over her head like that again just in case someone might attack, seeing how everyone seemed to like to attack when something happened that was out of the ordinary. He didn’t know what set people off like that but it was definitely a case of ‘no touch’ with Nymira. Frowning, he turned and waited for Nymira to calm herself down he stared at the knife before his attention was taken to the other woman, feeling worried yet looking calm after all of that. If Nymira had harmed the man then they would all be in trouble and the fastest way out was through the window, but even then if those Machina turned out to be suitable for combat like he was then he didn’t know how he might handle them. Whether he could harm another Machina was still questionable.

With everything soon done and everything arranged, Cecil continued on with Nymira quietly while trying to ignore the man. It was definitely difficult since he liked to talk not to mention he was fairly rigid in his movement as his nerves kicked in. He didn’t know anything about this guy other than something about healing and not a Magi, but it probably wasn’t important to understand more of this man when he didn’t appear to be very interested in him either. Continuing with them quietly he looked up when he heard Ethan’s voice calling out behind his thought process, looking around at first before finally spotting him. Raising his hand briefly to wave he quickly glanced at Zander, lowering his hand again soon after.

He was fairly happy to see Amuné and Ethan, but he wasn’t particularly happy that they needed this man for their next steps. Cecil was still trying to recover his energy and if this guy creates trouble he would only be wasting that gathered energy and wasting valuable recharge time. He didn’t want his battery dying out again, he wanted to keep going and try to use his own energy reserves before having to rely on his main power source. Looking between Ethan and Zander he tried to analyse the first meeting of these two, trying to understand how this was going to work out when this man was an outsider and possibly a risk to his existence as a Machina that looked like a Mura.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zander smiled at the last remark. Yes, he would do just fine at helping them, he didn't have a choice anymore. His eyes cut to Cecil when he lifted his Mura hand in what could only be a shy wave. Tilting his head in slight though he couldn't help but wonder who the quiet entity was. A bodyguard for the Princess Pain here? Perhaps more then met the eye it would seem. So engrossed in his staring, it was a slight shock to see someone standing before him, hand held out, and if Zander had to place it a disarming smile on his face. He could do what he did to the Princess, just to annoy her, his eyes shifted to the younger of the group, Amuné and stared at her for a moment.

He would in all good conscious, have to read their auras to make sure nothing clung to them. His healing training taught him to always learn who had wait to help with minor healing and with major workings. What wouldn't work and what would. Sighing and taking his eyes off the youngest of the group, he gripped Ethan's hand and dropped it as if he had been jolted. "What in the world..." Zander muttered under his breath, the Seal Paper from earlier glowing in his pouch. "Poison... No residue, rather... Left over..." Gripping Ethan's hand again and smiling softly, he let his own borrowed power wash over Ethan. "I guess as her Royalness stated," Zander grinned watching the sea-green glow rolling across Ethan's body as it purged the lesser poison away. "I am Alezander. Wandering Healer. Since I shall be placing your life in my hands, I must ask you put mine in yours."

Grinning wickedly at Nymira, "A liar as well yes, but that is all in the semantics. Worry not Madam Secretary, the Mayor will awaken in good time. Before we get too caught up in everything, I'll have to let my Papers feel out your Aura's to know if you have anything left over from previous fights, or if healing is needed. Which," again he smirked at Nymira. She would be fun to wind up, he knew she wouldn't kill him, the blade was for show. "means I'll have to touch each of you. I can do this and walk at the same time. It will be such wonderful times, I am most certain."

Without waiting for a response Zander headed for the door and towards the exit. Stopping a few steps before, he couldn't stop himself, he looked at Cecil. "You look tired. Perhaps you should rest more often... Or not." Stopping to grab his staff, he slung it over his shoulder, letting it fall into the make-shift sheath along his back. Stretching and keeping his senses alert, he waited at the door for the rest to talk and walk and get this over with. Thinking to himself, he couldn't help but be wary of the youngest of the group. He could feel the pulse coming off her. It felt like his mother, the Saint who watched over him as well. This, would not be a fun time at all.

After this, I'll heal Olga, and be gone before they know it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Amuné was glad to rejoin Cecil and Nymira, but she wasn't thrilled to hear about the rescue mission they had to embark on, nor was she sure of the newcomer that was tagging along with the pair. She watched Alezander warily, though she didn't meet his eyes, and when she caught him staring at her she moved to put Ethan between them. A healer was a good thing, but could they trust him? He seemed mostly harmless, but was he really?

The man dropped Ethan's hand, but suddenly grabbed it again. And...suddenly used magic. Amuné gasped. The man was a Magi? Maybe since he was a healer he didn't have to worry about keeping his magic hidden? Her village had liked her mommy much better than they'd liked her daddy.

The girl didn't understand what he meant about papers, but she didn't want Alezander touching her. He was a stranger, and she didn't trust him. Maybe he was a healer and a Magi, but she hadn't liked the way he smiled at Nymira. It had been a mean smile. And he kept looking at her, and there was something odd in his expression when she caught him at it. Amuné kept Ethan between herself and the newcomer, and softly told Wyth to stay close too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

That wasn't fair of Nymira to say that, suggesting towns were filled with criminals. Sure she'd had a bit of a bad run of things so far, and as far as they knew every place she'd been had involved some kind of crooks, but that wasn't the truth of it. A lot of the smaller towns out west were plenty peaceful, the worst crimes there being someone being a bit belligerent in public from alcohol. Ethan was sure there was a handful of bad folks out that way too, but to say towns were full of them was pushing it.

So who was this anyways? According to Nymira he was a liar, but then she hardly was the kind of person you generally went to for opinions on people. Much as he tried to find light in her attitude towards others she genuinely seemed to think herself above those around here. Giving Zander's hand a friendly shake he began to turn to leave, blinking in confusion when it was snatched back. "Er... Something wrong?" Ethan asked with a smile, glancing down at their hands a bit awkwardly. How did he know about the poison? True he still felt slightly ill from it, but it was nearly out of his system by this point, or so he thought.

When Zander had mentioned he was a healer it was assumed perhaps he was a doctor of sorts. He had a pouch with him, most likely carrying some kinds of herbs or other medicines for his practice. So as the green aura began to cover Ethan's body his eyes widened and he glanced down at himself, watching it move all over him and turn a slightly darker hue as something was pulled through his skin. It was so weird, it felt like sweating only he wasn't warm, making him squirm a bit in place. Only lasting a few seconds the green aura retracted and suddenly he felt much better, the congestion and sluggishness that had been pervading his body now gone. Amazing, just like that and it was gone, where was he yesterday? Grinning broadly Ethan flexed his hands and hopped on one foot before nodding in appreciation to the other boy. "Thanks, and don't you worry, you're in good hands with us!"

Of course Ethan would befriend this clown, he'd befriend a damned stump if given the chance. Nymira was not a fan of Zander's whatsoever and the fact he could heal them did little to better that. Narrowing her eyes sharply when he teased her the Dimuran dug her nails into her biceps, resisting the urge to smack him with all her might. "I'll cauterize my wounds if I must, I don't want your hands anywhere near me you rat," she hissed, an eyebrow twitching as he laid it on even thicker. He was pushing her buttons purposefully, she knew he was, and yet it was driving her insane. Where was the respect? She might not hold actual authority over him but she was still nobility, that had to count for something. Scoffing when Zander even gave Cecil a suggestion Nymira rolled her eyes, following behind Ethan as he began walking off. "Wonderful, he's able to help Cecil too, we are just so fortunate to have someone like you along..."

Finding the boat shouldn't be difficult. It was a boat after all meaning it had to be on the water right? And given the single river that ran along East Orosi Ethan assumed it would be easy to find their quarry. Despite his sentiment however the general consensus was they ask around first, no use in chasing a ghost or heading in the complete wrong direction. To this end they went to the piers, and after asking around about a merchant who had lost their ship they happened across the man in question, tucked away in his shop right along the waterfront. An eccentric gentleman by the name of Lazlo, garbed in an assortment of clothing that looked just as ridiculous as it did excessive. Apparently a merchant dealing in fine fabrics and exquisite silks, some of which worth an admitted fortune, he also divulged another part of his haul; hidden in the ship were two crates of a foreign liquor, strong potent stuff usually not allowed inside the kingdom. He'd smuggled it in as part as a huge deal and now desperately wanted it back. With no one in the group being an official he saw no harm in telling them, only earning a reprimand from Nymira.

Having learned that he was upriver at the time of the attack it seemed fitting to go that way. Given its path it shouldn't be heading too fast, Lazlo argued, and they were bound to be landing soon to unload the cargo. It was highly possible they had already done so, but he urged the group on with great urgency to save his, as he put it, "precious clothes from the filthy ne'er-do-wells". Fine way to phrase it. With their direction now set they followed the pier all the way to the edge of Orosi, and from there made it onto the road heading north out of the town. Somewhere up ahead would be the boat in question, hopefully they managed to reach it in time before the cargo was stolen.

"You know... I never really got why people like alcohol so much..." Ethan mused aloud, tilting his head to the side as his face scrunched up in confusion, "It tastes and smells really bad, and it makes you act like an idiot. I tried it once back home and I got sick, I'd never want to drink it again. You couldn't pay me enough to drink it." Yet taverns were always full with people enjoying their beers and there were even breweries in some of the larger towns he'd been told, massive buildings where all they did was make beer. Now what was the point of something like that? Why did anyone need that much liquor?

"Some people enjoy the high it gives them, others use it to steel themselves. Many Dimuran warriors drink before they go into battle, it helps to calm nerves," Nymira said with a shrug, "I for one never partook in it, I'm not a coward. But if it allows a warrior to fight without fear then it's perfectly fine, if a crutch." Yet there were the sort in towns who drank simply to be drunk, the types who just wanted the high. Those were the people that she and Ethan could perhaps agree where there was no point to it. She even knew of a man or two who drank to drown their sorrows, but again it just seemed like a weakness to her. You had to face those kinds of problems head on otherwise you risked showing your failings before those under you, and it made you vulnerable. So she'd been told anyways, a lot of good it had done thus far with these people.

Ethan didn't know if he'd go as far to call people cowards, and he'd never known anyone to drink to make themselves braver. Some guards back home drank in celebration, or when it was a quiet day he remembered a handful would sit at the tavern and enjoy drinks together, laughing and sharing stories. He didn't care for the drink but he loved listening to them, that aspect maybe was worthwhile if not the beverage itself. "Also do we have any idea what this boat is even supposed to look like?" he asked, changing the subject with a scratch of his head, "I mean... The town is a merchant town or something, right? So there's tons of boats coming in and out I'd guess, how do we know which is ours?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cecil couldn’t help but be nervous. Effectively he was playing an act in hope that he wouldn’t be caught out and submitted to the authorities, seeing how they had a mission to go by. Having a mission as certainly a strange thing, he had never had one before or heard of one until recently so it was an entirely new experience for him. It was a shame he couldn’t get all excited about it around this stranger, he was only feeling a little deprived of any normal emotions just in case he got over-excited and revealed too much. He did wish he was told how he was supposed to act, otherwise he was unable to emote too much just in case he was caught out with his lack of social skills. The wave was the only way to show he was somewhat pleased to see the man, but the staring that followed made him feel uneasy.

If he could watch how Ethan interacted then maybe he might get a clue as to how he was supposed to interact with strangers, watching him approach the man and attempt to engage in a social interactions. Smiling a little he looked to Nymira he was somewhat hoping everything was going to be okay from now on, they were going to get back on track with their journey. He hated to be like this but he really only cared about getting to the city, everything else was just a waste of time to him but he was going to go with what the others did if it helped them all get closer to the city.

Sighing lightly he lowered his head momentarily before looking back up to the new guy, tilting his head only slightly before frowning at his words. He couldn’t help but wonder if that was a hint that he knew he didn’t actually need sleep because of what he was, certainly making him feel uneasy. He didn’t understand what it meant, but he needed to move on with that thought now that everyone else was starting to head off. Keeping quiet about it he just walked on after everyone, frowning at Nymira’s comment. “I don’t need help…”


Arriving at the piers proved to be a rather startling yet exciting experience, seeing how it was centred around working on the water. While he didn’t know fully what might happen if he fell in the water he was still scared of the 80% chance that it would prove terrible for him to be in and might end in his death. If they had to be here then he had to put up with it and show none of that hesitation around it, but he still couldn’t help but feel worried of the worst possible outcome. It was only the further travelling up the road did Cecil begin to feel comfortable, feeling as if he was back on the trail towards the city since they were walking away from some random destination. It was all looking up for him, even if that was a pretty selfish way to go about it. It wasn’t his fault that he had little interest in this kind of stuff, this was all stuff for them all to get money from or whatever which didn’t interest him in the slightest.

Keeping quiet to himself he walked along somewhat tiredly before turning to look at Ethan who was soon complaining again, this time about alcohol. Now that was something he didn’t know much about, but from the sound of it the alcohol was probably something to avoid. Feeling somewhat scared to ask him what it could be he looked to Nymira who commented about it too, making it sound much more dangerous than getting sick and never wanting to consume it again. Sighing lightly he lowered his head, drooping his shoulders as he could only feel trapped in confusion. He couldn’t ask any questions about that in case he was seen as weird and suspicious to the man and right now all he could do was hope they weren’t going to be around them for too long. Even Ethan asking about the boat was something he couldn’t ask about because he had never seen a boat before. If he asked about it he would only sound stupid. This was complete torture to him as he was only realising how terrible things were for him right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Amuné stayed close to Ethan as the group made their way to the docks. After asking around, they were pointed to a waterfront shop, and inside the merchant they sought, a man named Lazlo. He wore layers of colorful clothing and, in Amuné's opinion, looked really funny. She supposed it must be some sort of fashion wherever he came from, but it made him look silly. The cloth in his shop was lovely, though, and the girl had to resist the temptation to touch it. It seemed fabric wasn't the only thing the merchant dealt in, though, as he was also smuggling alcohol.

Outside, Ethan and Nymira got into a conversation about the merits of alcohol. Amuné's parents had always told her that it wasn't a bad thing as long as you didn't have too much. She'd never had any herself -- when she'd asked once if she could she'd been told she needed to wait until she was older.

Cecil seemed to be upset, so the girl slipped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze, before considering Ethan's question. "Well, he said it was a steamboat, right? So that means a big wheel that moves it. I've seen one before, they're pretty neat! And the name, Aube Doré, that should be on its side somewhere. But do you really think the thieves will bring it into town?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlexStarsion
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AlexStarsion He-Who-Knows-Magic / Or-So-He-Thinks

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zander followed along, close enough to hear them converse with townsfolk about a missing ship, but far enough back to not be apart of the conversations. A few children passed by and pulled at Zander's kimono, a grin and off they were again. It brought a small smile to his face, to see a few that he had brought back to full health.

As they talked with Lazlo, Zander stood by the door and scoffed at the fine cloth the man peddled. His parents would buy rolls from this man, and then some. It was something Zander found wasteful and pulled at his own clothing. Rags compared to what he once wore, so lost in thought he wasn't really focusing as they moved on and towards the northern path out of town. He had come in this way, when he arrived at the port town of Orosi and shivered as they walked along the roadway. Part of him screamed to turn back and hide in the Inn again. Blasted woman dragging me into her mess, Zander thought. Perhaps if I had ignored her I could have continued on my way and been back with Olga and watching how her sickness progressed again...

His eyes scanned the four people he was walking with. Ethan was most definitely the leader of the small band, his easy smiles and carefree face seemed to have a calming effect on his urge to run. Nymira was hard and focused, and he hated her for that. Part of him was admittedly jealous of the woman. A small part of him said those traits reminded him of his aunt and her ability to verbal abuse his mother up, down and center. He would have to tease her more, just to see if his comparison was right. Cecil, was odd to his senses. He could feel something there, and the augmentations he sported made him seem like he was a body guard to Nymira. He didn't rightly have someone to compare him too, but he gave off the loner vibe and the 'I'm deadlier then I look' vibe as well. Part of Zander wanted to touch him, to feel the skin and see what ailed him physically but he refrained. The youngest of the group, Amuné and her beast gave him pause a few times. What he felt earlier in the mayors office was fleeting, and he brushed it off. What could a little girl do against these thieves? Would he be set to guard her or would the princess tell her guard to do it.

Shaking his head of his inner thoughts, he caught the tail end of the conversation. His first urge was to tell Nymira that not all who drank were cowards. How the mental trauma of battle could leave unseen scars and fears of the oddest things. Zander's magic could not heal such things outright, but took gentler paths to sooth those memories.

"Nobles drink to show power," Zander spoke softly, unsure if they would hear him. "The older the ale, the bitterer the wine or even the sweeter are signs of power in this land. If a noble offers you a drink, it is a test of merit and humility. To decline without reason or to accept with humbleness is why they do. Or to just get a high from it and deal with the shoes some noblewomen wear."

Zander shrugged and looked around himself. His eyes once more landing on Cecil, he wanted to offer a Seal Paper to him, one to allow vigor to return at a faster pace. If they were to fight, he didn't want to have to heal on the spot, but at the same time he had no way to get any of them to trust him to carry a piece of the paper. No one had asked for that matter how they worked. It made him nervous. Please do not let them be Magi...

"Then again members of the Church are known to drink as well," Zander mused allowed and let the sentence fall. His eyes leaving Cecil to land on Amuné as she said the name of the ship. He couldn't recall if the peddler had mentioned the name, then again he hadn't been paying to much attention at the time.

"You never know," he answered the girls question. "Some may be known to the townsfolk, come back on land to sell the silks at a cheaper price. Depends on their leader and their own cunning." He talked slowly to her, and felt like an arse for doing so. What was wrong with him? He had no grief with this group and here he was being rude. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "My apologies... Amuné correct? I did not mean to belittle your intelligence with my slight snark."

She was a child after all, and he probably frightened her. He wanted to offer healing for her as well, to see what was wrong with her as well.

"Cecil," Zander turned to him as the continued to walk. "Are you certain you are feeling well? A Seal Paper would be enough to check, without me touching you if that is what worries your mind."

There, he was being polite. Nymira could bite him... on second thought, it might kill him. He could always try to go through Ethan and get the leader to trust him. When did I decide to keep following them though...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

How did a trip to recover a stolen ship involve a discussion on alcohol? Ethan supposed it was because of the cargo involved, and he was learning just how very different their viewpoints were. Nymira saw it as a weakness while he saw it as a way to relax, even if he himself never partook in it. Just another thing I and the princess don't see eye to eye on the Muran mused to himself, smiling and giving his head a defeated shake. Couldn't expect everyone to view things the same, the world would be awfully boring if that were the case. And by that stretch it only made sense that everyone had their own opinions on things, even if he didn't agree with those. Way of the world or something like that.

In their conversation of liquor Ethan had forgotten how they were meant to distinguish their ship from the rest. Certain markings? A name? A style of ship? Surely Lazlo had mentioned something before and yet now he couldn't bring it to mind. Furrowing his brow in thought it was Amuné who would give him the answer, feeling rather silly that she could remember it just fine. "Right, Aube Doré... I doubt they'll bring it into town," he mentioned in agreement to Zander, "Or they could be going there to sell them, I guess either way. We won't know until we spot them will we?" Provided of course they hadn't already passed the ship without realizing it. There was also a very real chance of it continuing up river, which if that were the case then they didn't have much chance of catching it. No, if they were going up river then it was against the currents, it would be traveling slowly regardless. They would find it one way or another, had to keep confident.

"We'll find the ship, we had better. I'm not on this errand to chase ghosts," Nymira commented testily as she looked towards the water, as though expecting the boat to materialize on command. "From what little I've seen so far your bandits are fools and arrogant, they're probably parading about somewhere dressed in absurd clothes like that merchant. All we need to do then is look for a band of roving buffoons and we'll have our men." Seemed straightforward enough to her really, just look for something that screamed ridiculous like Lazlo's outfit and they'd be on their way.

It didn't take long from there to locate the ship surprisingly, and what's more it would be easily accessible. Perhaps easily wasn't the right word, there was nothing easy about the five armed men at the bottom of the plank organizing crates. Nor was there anything easy about the several bandits still onboard Aube Doré itself, a headcount which they couldn't get from here. Sat in the crook of the river and braced up against a riverbank the ship was being unloaded one by one, its contents poured through and no doubt the more valuable items set aside. As if these morons would know what was valuable or not, Nymira reflected cynically. To them it was all cloth and nothing more no doubt; she hadn't any idea of the materials worth either, but at least she had the excuse of being from another land. Just a bunch of muscle-bound idiots looting what didn't belong to them, disgusting. Had they earned it in battle perhaps she could turn a blind eye, but they had stolen from a hapless, if eccentric merchant.

"So... How in the heck are we going about this?" Ethan asked curiously, furrowing his brow as he peered over the bushes in which they hid. It was roughly 200 meters from where they stood to the boat he'd guess, a lot of space for anyone to cover without being seen. No matter how you cut it a fight was probably inevitable, though he really wanted to avoid one if they could. "Is there any way we can sneak aboard? Maybe go up the shore or something..."

"Why should we sneak? We have to be rid of the bandits, its best to just launch a head-on assault!" Nymira retorted impatiently, one hand already on her dagger, "I can handle those five if we get a surprise attack, then we move up the board there and onto the ship. Between you, Cecil and I we can take them. I've yet to meet a bandit I couldn't defeat easily." And she'd had her fair share of troubles since arriving here from her own clan's land, more instances than she could count. One man had given her a bit of trouble yet she still came out on top, and since then everyone else had been a minor nuisance. Standing upright she tried to step through the bushes and simply charge for the ship, growling when Ethan grabbed her arm to hold her back. "What now? We're wasting time sitting like this!"

"We don't know how many there are, we can't just go charging in," Ethan whispered as he pulled Nymira back down, "Come on, that boat's huge! There might be twenty, thirty even. We need to be safer about this." They had to think not only about Amuné's safety but Zander's as well. Not to mention Cecil was probably not thrilled with getting on a boat, being surrounded by water and all. It might be easier to somehow lure everyone off the boat, though then they could end up surrounded. Think Ethan, think... There's got to be a way to do this... Their only way to sneak on board was probably to move down the shore, even through the water if they had to. Being wet again really didn't sound pleasant but if that was their only chance...

Up on the deck of the ship the bandit leader stood at the edge of the deck, watching as his men unloaded crate by crate to the ground below. "Faster you louts, we need to get this done before the guard show up!" he shouted in a gruff voice, waving his hand impatiently, "You drop any of that in the water and it's your head, you hear me? Now get moving!" Scowling as a pair of men fumbled a box but managed to save it he rolled his eyes, turning and storming back into the cabin. Eyeing the woman sat upon the bed he stopped right before her, a smirk on his lips as he reached down to pull her to her feet. "And you, it's time for you to earn your paycheck, Naga. If any guards show up you deal with 'em, hear me? If I have any spare men I'll send one or two down, but that's it. Don't go dying on us, I'd hate to not pay you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelKitten
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

In a cabin of the Aube Doré, Danica sat on the bed, clearly at ease as she leaned back with her legs loosely crossed and her arms propping her up behind her. The distant sounds of men calling to one another reached her as they unloaded the cargo from the ship. Over the years, Danica had developed an eye for hefty pockets and fine goods, and she knew exactly how valuable the expensive cloths and liquor aboard the ship were. A fine haul indeed. For some reason, they saw fit to keep her down here at the moment, so she lounged around as she waited for something to happen. She couldn’t say she minded too much; the bed was comfortable enough and patience was something she had plenty of. After all, a thief who couldn’t bide her time to strike at the opportune moment was a dead one, or at least very poor. Not to mention that she didn’t have to help with carrying all those heavy crates around like the others on deck did. What a relief.

The sound of approaching footsteps made her look up as the bandit leader crossed the room to stand before her. She felt a slight flash of irritation as he reached down to pull her up, calling her “Naga” instead of addressing her by name, but she hid the sentiment flawlessly—after all, she was used to it, and she was used to keeping up quite a charming façade. With that in mind, she allowed the man to take her hand and rose smoothly to her feet, meeting his gaze with a sly smile. “Oh, don’t worry. You’ll get your money’s worth out of me,” she assured him, her eyes flashing dangerously as her mind raced, already planning her moves and strategy. She worked better in the dark, and the dim lighting of the hold would provide her with plenty of opportunity to strike from the shadows—literally. “Take care who you send down. Wouldn’t want them to get in my way,” she couldn’t resist adding. While she could use the support reinforcements would provide, Dani regardless had a habit of running her mouth even when it might not prove to her advantage.

She drew her knife, observing its keen edge before carefully returning the blade to its sheath. Her bow and quiver were with her, but there wouldn’t be much use for archery down here. Nevertheless, it seemed safer to keep them on her person, especially since her arrows were… “enhanced”. It would require a lot of effort to replace all the toxins on new arrowheads if she were to lose her current stock. Her natural venom was always a useful weapon, even if she couldn’t exactly bite through armor to get to a vital point. Still, she had enough to weaken her opponent and give her an advantage, at least temporarily. Rumors abounded in the cities that older Naga had venom potent enough to kill a grown Dimuran warrior with a single drop, but Danica highly doubted that was accurate. Maybe there was a grain of truth in there somewhere, but there was no way of knowing considering the average lifespan of most Naga living in foreign cities, and how reclusive they were. Maybe she would find out if she ever grew old enough, but she doubted that would ever happen either.

She was already dressed in full armor, of course. Considering they were floating in a river in the middle of nowhere with stolen goods, it wouldn’t do to be caught unawares without battle gear. Satisfied that she was ready for combat, Danica locked her hands together, lifting her arms above her head in a long stretch as she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet. She was already anticipating the rush of battle. Sure, there might be nothing out there and they could pull off the operation without a hitch, but experience had taught her to always be prepared, no matter what. So the Magi would wait belowdecks, melting into the shadows at the first sign of trouble with her knife in her hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Despite all the stress Cecil was feeling he was still greeted with just a little bit of subtle comfort as Amuné took hold of his hand, his eyes going to it briefly before he sighed, smiling just a little bit. He didn’t know what about it was so comforting to him, but it was certainly easing his worries if just by a little bit. Holding off asking about everything they were having to do was proving to be the hardest challenge he could face throughout the entire time he had been alive for. He couldn’t compromise himself by asking stupid questions. This was just a giant pain to him at this point, like he wasn’t entitled to learn more about the world all because he was with a stranger.

Once again after he thought he was safe for now as the conversation about alcohol continued, the attention was shifted to whether he was feeling okay by Zander and the inevitable question as to whether he was alright with a ‘Seal Paper’ being used on him. Raising his shoulders as he was brought to feeling considerably tenser he shook his head, disliking the very idea of something being used on him. “I am fine! I am most definitely certain I am okay, t-thank you”, he spoke hastily, hoping he didn’t sound too rude with that answer, “I’m just…concerned about falling in the water, is all. You know…uhh, metal just sinks…”

He really hated being rude but it was the easiest way to say he would have trouble with water without outright saying he was a Machina. This was certainly the most stressful time he had so far, even more so than the time he was completely caught out by a whole village no less and chased out of it. He didn’t know why he was attracting this man’s attention so much either, he was perfectly fine from an outsider’s point of view while inside he was feeling tired because of the power he used yesterday. Trying to keep pretty quiet and to himself his attention was soon diverted to the massive ship that they were supposed to find, or at least it was ‘massive’ to him. He had never seen anything like it and was immediately excited yet anxious, knowing if he showed even a shred of excitement he would probably be questioned by the man again for getting enthusiastic over something normal to them. Growing flustered inside he let out a groan, keeping low as they hid away from the sight of those aboard the ship.

Cecil didn’t know what the hell they were going to be able to do, nevermind what he might be able to do to help with this. All of it was designed to catch him out and he really didn’t appreciate that. Watching Nymira and Ethan discuss their little battle strategy Cecil twitched when he was brought into the plan like he could do something useful like help defeat these men, briefly looking up over the bush before back to the pair. They couldn’t be serious, they could take them out by themselves surely without his help. He wasn’t going to be of much use to them anyway if he was just going to end up running low on power and appearing even weaker than he did this morning. If he was weakened on the boat and they threw him off then that was it for him, he would have no way to recover from that and would just sink straight to the bottom. “I forget: does the ship have to live…? Burn it, make them jump in the water”, he grumbled, obviously not happy, “I don’t even know why you brought me over here…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Zander talked slowly, like he was having to think about what he said when he replied to the girl's question. And then he apologized, though she wasn't sure why. She made a noncommital noise in reply. But he seemed genuinely concerned about Cecil -- that or nosy. She wasn't quite sure. "What's a Seal Paper?" Amuné asked, her curiosity overcoming her wariness. If this man was a healer it must be something related to his profession, but she'd never heard her mommy mention them. Besides, she could tell Zander was making Cecil uncomfortable, probably because the healer was asking to do things that might give Cecil away as a Machina.

When the Aube Doré came into view, Amuné's hand tightened on Cecil's. Bandits were bad people, stealing and sometimes hurting those they stole from. The child didn't really want to be anywhere near them, but neither would she have been willing to stay behind. She didn't know anything about fighting, so she couldn't be much help. "I can send Wyth with you three," she offered hesitantly. She was worried, though. She didn't want any of her friends getting hurt. "I don't think the merchant will be happy if we burn his ship, Cecil," she added. "Though it certainly would make the bad guys leave."
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