Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“Awee... seems you do have close range fighting experience~” Clarice whistled with a smile. This guy may not have been too bad... if you exclude the 'controlling the city' thing.” Yep, I'm an idiot~ But I'm an idiot who survived!” She added also with a smile increasing the strength on her leg, just before the cloud of smoke hit the area and the pressure against her leg vanished. The attacker escaped through the window! She pulled her leg back.

That said outside something was going on... the tremors the thunderous sounds... another combat? This guy came with reinforcements probably. Not a bad tactic, considering this diner was like a gathering spot for other people with their condition.

She moved to the outside, only to see Alex moving back in, at the sight of something big dashing towards the cafe with immense speed! There were still people inside... civilians, who would surely be either seriously hurt or directly killed if that impacted within the cafe!” NO SION, YOU BASTARD! NOT WITH ME AROUND!” She shouted as she jumped through the already broken window.” DEMACIAAAAAAAA!”
She shouted as the golden and steel armor formed in a bright flash around herself. Her body grew a little, her gaze turned fierce. In a moment, Courage was launched followed by Decisive strike! She wasn't probably going to stop Sion in his tracks, but she sure was going to at least lessen the impact he would cause by soaking a lot of the strike force! With her defensive skill in place and with Decisive strike's speed boost, she prepared for impact, sword pierced in the ground for additional counter force.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 12 days ago

With hell breaking loose inside the café, Leon opted to just duck. Ain't no way he was going to reveal his identity in this hell hole. As he saw Alex ushering the civilians out, Leon joined him in his endeavor to ensure the safety of the people. If their job was going to perish under a heap of charred stone and wood, then, at least they could have a lot of recommendations and networks should one of the people they saved would be the employers in other firms. Soon, smoke and debris filled the establishment, deterring anyone from entering and meeting their end. The chaos died down, though, as Leon slumped back on a nearby wall. "Claire," he mumbled. "Where are you?" Leon gritted his teeth before realizing that he had chosen the coward's route once more. This woman, as unexplainably endearing as she was, could have been his ticket out of this spiraling depression and self-loathing.

"Never again," Leon growled before dashing inside the smoke-filled café and directing his senses to look for the blue-eyed maiden. The smoke prevented any progress, though. "CLAIR! CLAIRE!" Leon called out her name as he turned tables and stones just to find her. He would have continued to holler out to the woman if wasn't for the strange sounds of scraping and jiggling chains invading his ear. His spine tingled, his blood ran cold as his eyes widened in rage and fear. "Thresh." he mumbled out the name before he heard Raze screaming outside. At this moment, something mattered more than killing the murderer: sparing his soul from the damnation of the Isles. With a burst of green sparks and lights, Leon sprinted outside, shattering the glass as he came to Raze's aid in a hail of glass and stone.

Leon's glowing, yellow eyes and emerald flesh would greet his fellow Isle champion as the ominous shovel faded into his grip. "It seems we would be allies for now. Your murder amounts to little against these assholes." Leon smirked before slamming his shovel into the earth, creating a solid wall of stone that arched around him and Raze. A ravenous ghoul rose from the bowels of the soil before it hopped over the wall and charged at the warden.

"You better remove that chain, Raze." Leon hoisted his shovel on his shoulder. "You wouldn't want to be the next soul inside that lantern after Travis," he remembered his young friend but quickly shook his head to avoid the memories. However, his yellow eyes looked through one of the cracks in the fissures, noticing an enraged blaze charging towards them. "Holy shit!" Leon cursed but before he could summon another wall, one of the champions bolted from the café and placed herself between them and Sion. "You idiot!" the gravedigger called before piercing his shovel into the earth, creating another layer of stone in front of Clarice. "His Unstoppable Onslaught against your Onslaught of Shadows, Raze? What do you think?"


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

The swaggering man noted how he liked his woman feisty. Disgusting. The fact that her personality was being made comparable to almost a flavor of food really ticked her off. The way he said it was just like him saying that he liked his steak spicy or mild or vesty. What a prick, she thought. She gave him the bird, flickering in flames as she growled. "I think you're the one who needs to be rethinking things."

Sam could feel herself brimming with confidence and ferocity. This emotion fueled the roar of searing hot flame around her as well as gasoline. The draconic woman only barely perceived the civilians who shied away in terror at her inferno, some taking shots on their phones as they did so. The crack of the roof above her in response to the flame was worrisome, but she wasn't really one to care about consequences. She was in this moment. Right here. Right now. Clarice hadn't given the same courtesy as Sam had, and neither did Raze. They immediately went for the kill. The punk girl opened her mouth slightly to protest, but sound never came. For a moment her eyes softened and went wide at the sudden and merciless assault. She had at least wanted to give the man a chance. Honestly, it was overkill with how outnumbered he was. He was at the wrong place and the wrong time and now he was certainly going to be obliterated for it.

Thus, the woman stood back as the others took the lead. Clarice ended up getting engulfed in smoke and suddenly Raze was stolen away by a jade hook that had gruesomely found purchase in his shoulder. The flaming woman rushed to the window to see what was responsible and her eyes found a cast of new found enemies. Oh, so he did have back up, she thought. The second thing she noticed was the goliath starting its charge. It was bulky and slow at first, but exponentially built up speed. Sam cursed as the flaming train of a man began to barrel toward the cafe. In the five or so seconds she had before the impact her head spun around back to Vicki who was still sitting at the table. They had to get out of there! Sam, a figure of fleeing flames, ran back in the direction of the boxer. "Vicki! Quick! Punch a way out!" Sprinting like a mad woman, she hoped that Vicki would do as she said in time. If not, they were going to be rammed by the force of a biplane crash landing.

(Note: Sam didn't wait in time to see Clarice moving in to stop Sion or anything like that.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moritz froze when he felt the sickle pierce his cheek, before turning his head as it dug into Raze's shoulder, stopping the man as he charged. "Raze!" He then noticed the flaming hulk of a man charge towards the cafe as an armor-clad woman rushed to meet him. Walls came up all around out of seemingly nowhere, and Moritz found himself face-to-face with a grotesque torso on top of four metallic legs. Urgot.

Planting himself, Moritz would clench his teeth as he opened a Void portal in front of him pointed towards Urgot. Sickly green projectiles sped out of the opening towards Urgot, chaotic and scattered. Another opened from behind Urgot, also firing towards him. Moritz locked his eyes on the grotesque man, averting them from the portals.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As the menacing goliath continued to barrel forward towards the ruined face, all but abandoned now- aside from the few 'champions' that had stayed behind. The raging comet showed no signs of stopping, the street rumbling and quaking beneath every step as his feet began to indent the pavement below. Then- all at once- the overwhelming creature creature collided with Clarice(@rivaan) crumbling the wall before her with ease. Despite her best effort to anchor herself, the armored woman would feel her form lifted from the ground as her sword was wrenched from blackened flooring, her body seeming to take fly a short distance from where she originally stood. Her body ached and wavered, feeling Stunned! by the impact as she would most likely try to regain her composure. It was then that a ominous shadow loomed over her, a towering creature- even despite her enlarged form- with a tattered tank-top adorning his bulky upper body. Now that she was granted a good look, he bore several scars all along his body and a resonating red core that shone with a blood-like hue. As the being opened his iron fastened jaw to speak, a sickening creaking and shifting of bones could be heard.

"Demacian! I shall take your head!" He bellowed, his tone full of malice and murderous intent as his grip tightened on his weapon. With that, he lifted his axe high into the air, preparing for a downward swing as his muscles visibly flexed in anticipation. As the haze began to lift from Clarice's mind, she heard the swish of the axe breaking air around it's edge- the menacing metal instrument headed straight for her form.

Meanwhile, with a heavy sigh, Liam rightened himself, towering over the man that had rushed to his aid as tufts of ebon fur began to sprout over his form. Crackling and snapping, his body quickly took on the appearance of the champion that resided within him, snarling audibly as he willed his staff into existance. Looking to Ebenezer(@VKAllen), he gave the man a brief nod of appreciation.

"Thanks for the help. I owe you one," Liam offered, his canine snout parting lightly as he spoke. Baring his teeth, he looked to the sounds of the ensuing battle behind the smoke and snarled. As he stepped forward, one could hear the broken and shattered glass beneath his feet crackling under the pressure of his feet. Even now, his vision was partially obscured by the smoke, but he quickly made his way free of the grey blanket of smog- his eyes widening with surprise at the scale of the combat before him.

"Damnit!" He cursed audibly, as he attempted to find an opening or an ally in need. It was then that his eyes fell upon Clarice, moving his towering frame forward as he drew near to the downed woman and the ominous assailant poised to strike her. With a heavy mix of growling and shouting, he swung his staff opposite of Sion's strike, the weapons clashing with a reverberating echo. Groaning could be heard from both of the men, locking eyes with an audible growl matching the intensity of their deadlock.

"You'll die with her, mutt!" Sion bellowed out, his jaw clenching tightly as he continued to press down upon his axe.

"Can it, you ugly bastard!" Liam added, his strained visage broken slightly as his lips parted to expose a cocky smile spreading across his elongated muzzle. Quickly, the gesture faded away to strain once more, his muscles visibly tightening as he attempted to keep Sion's axe from falling upon the downed female.


As this scene played out, Raze(@TheWinchester4) loomed over Thresh's avatar, his sphere seeming to cause the fire-wreathed creature a noticeable discomfort as he grimaced- his grip on the chain loosening... For a moment. With a sinister grin, Thresh looked back up towards his assailant.

"Don't be a fool, Hecarim! Your might will not be bound by some common man!" And with this, Raze could feel the familiar sensation of Hecarim's will infringing on his own... Without warning his body stopped responding, seeming bound in place by an unseen force. In but a moment, he was no longer looking at the Warden, instead he was facing towards a small shower of ominously verdant projectiles seeming to come from Moritz's(@Adalrod) direction.

Moritz watched as the twisted form of Urgot faced in his direction, truly a grizzly sight to behold- his skin stretched and marred by the twisted surgical scars that littered his form. One other thing he'd notice was the odd shaking and whirring that was emitting from the creature shortly before his assault. Before he could blink, Urgot's form faded from his vision, and was quickly replaced with that of his friend Raze- his assault hurtling quickly in the armored man's direction.

As Leon's(@Cubix) ghouls quickly rushed towards the Warden, he'd feel an odd gust of wind before him. One moment, he was looking towards his 'ally', the next he was looking towards some twisted abomination. With a raspy artificial chuckle, the creature raised one of it's arms in his direction, a sickly green glow emitting from the chamber that resided where it's hand should be.

"You won't like this," Urgot proclaimed cockily, his arm firing a glowing canister towards his point-blank target. If this wasn't enough, ominous columns arose from the ground as it splintered and cracked the pavement below. For a moment they merely stood there before a pale veil of ethereal material extended from the structures and connected them.

"Argh!" Thresh's champion could be heard groaning in the background as the ghouls found purchase against his form. With an ominous growl, the Warden lashed both his chain and lantern upwards- launching the ghouls on the other side of the barrier.

(@Eklispe&@Trevor1001, see above for what your characters are seeing)


As Artemis watched and Yosuke charged, they could see the battle unfold in front of their eyes. What once was a busy street was all but abandoned now, only littered with a few poor souls looking on in horror, calling the police on their phones or snapping pictures with a morbid look of excitement. It didn't take long before the chaos was in full swing, and even now the city seemed to shake in the battles wake.

The sounds of battle quickly reached a fever pitch, but Yosuke was quickly cut off by a rather weathered man sporting a shotgun. He didn't seem to want to harm the boy, but he was definitely attempting to stare him down or intimidate him.

"You don't want to do this, boy." The gunman spoke, shifting his shotgun around in his hands. It was then that his vision fell onto the girl just a few feet away, "You either. Just stay out of the way, and you won't have to get hurt." He stood his place between the boy and skirmish confidently, a subtle smirk growing over his face, "Don't be a hero."


Inside the cafe

As the last of the patrons made their way clear of the cafe, the 'champions' that remained inside could hear the heavy creaking and buckling of the building slowly losing to the inferno emitted by Sam- blanketing those within with smoke as the building soon caught fire that spread quickly throughout the interior. It was becoming hard to breath, and even harder to concentrate, the ceiling shifting obviously as the building threatened to collapse above those that remained inside.


Even from their distance, it was impossible to ignore the murmuring of the crowd. At Garrett's orders, Megan whimpered slightly before heading off into the direction of the alley without another word. After awhile, the crowd began to disperse, though Garrett was able to capture a few of the parting words of the passersby.

"Did you see that?" "Yeah, it was like out of a movie." "I know! And that guy that appeared out of nowhere and darted off with that actor? That was awesome effects!" "It was so real, they must be professionals. I didn't see any equipment." These words all caught Garrett's ear as he could see Megan making her way back.

"Uh- Garrett," She uttered meekly, her hands clasped together before her chest as she did her best to avoid his gaze, "T-That guy across the street? He saved whoever that was..." She offered meekly, playing with the pull strings of her hoodie as she stood in silence.

"And why did you not go after him, my dear?" A familiar voice called out behind Garrett. Behind him stood the man he had met not long ago, his suit heavily scuffed and torn- though he looked no worse for wear. It was then that the cawing of crows cried out all along the street, causing several people to turn in surprise as they ran off in haste. "No matter... I'd be surprised if that man isn't dead by now. He put up a valiant fight though," He stated with almost joyful glee. It was almost as if the thought of fighting another elated him. The visage lasted for only a moment however, as his smile quickly faded.

"However, we now know one thing. We are not alone. Seems there are several people in this city that embody champions from The League," At this point, the man turned his gaze squarely to Garrett, "Oh, by the way... That boy across the street? Seems that was on of them. That was Shen." At the mere mention of this name, Garrett would feel his hair stand on end and his blood begin to boil. Something inside him hated that name, almost as much as it hated that boy across the road... It was then that it dawned upon him. The boy who had earned his ire upon sight, now housed his greatest rival.

"Shen! Why can I not escape that damned fool?!" a disembodied voice spoke out in the back of Garrett's mind, "I won't let this happen! Not here!". Without so much as a warning, Garrett felt a tremendous force well in the back of his mind, as if something was trying to take control of his very psyche.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


During the start of the conflict and right as things had started heating up, Claire had been accidentally shoved to the ground by innocents fleeing the cafe and had knocked her noggin on the corner of a table as she fell, effectively putting her out of comission for a few moments. Her body was hidden behind a collapsed table and she had blacked out, only to awaken after a few minutes later to the sound of yelling outside. The violent action had moved outside, and for good reason, she would find out. The building was on fire!
The cafe had become a blazing inferno and clouds of black smoke made it hard to breathe. She choked as she inhaled some of it before attempting to shield her nose with a hand and a crumpled napkin she found on the floor.

I need to get out. She thought to herself, frantically searching around for the exit through the thick black clouds. How did the place catch fire so quickly? Was it built in the 30's or something!? There's so much smoke everywhere too, it's hard to see the entrance! Where is it? The building creaked and groaned around her and she knew time was running out but she kept moving. Her heart was pounding and she was panicking as thoughts ran through her head at light speed. Eventually, she found a glimmer of light and rushed to it, climbing through the broken window and gasping for air on the other side, coughing as her lungs cleared. She hurried to the other side of the street.
Claire silently swore profanities under her breath as she wiped the tears from her eyes and recovered. Then she blinked, taking note of the action around her. Claire checked herself one more time, frowing at the slight blur in her left eye and her dress marked by black soot in some places.

Claire wasn't amused at the fact she had her coffee ritual interrupted and the place that made that possible was now up in flames with her being caught in it as well. Feeling equal parts annoyed, frustrated, and furious, she let her true form appear and tapped into the coursing veins of energy she felt within her and channeled some prana into preparing a rather intense Glacial Storm to sweep the local area.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Despite everything done, at the end of the day the laws of physics came into action. When two objects collide the lighter one will get blown away. Even with her sword stuck to the ground for more leverage, when Sion impacted with her, she got blown away. All the worlds seemed to swirl in a moment as she found herself unable to move from the shock that struck her body. It hurt, but she had felt worse. It took her a few moments to regain her sight and senses as she realized Sion was coming for her. With her body unable to move, she found herself trying to push her nerves to get her arms into defense position to block or redirect the incoming attack.

She had just regained her ability to move when what was... Liam came to her rescue? She heard the clash of weapon against weapon. The metal clang rang through the area as both the towering beings were struggling. One to strike her, one to protect her from the axe.

A smile appeared on Clarice's face as she used her strength to jump rolling away from the immediate fall point of the axe to allow Liam to break the deadlock with Sion. In Clarice's mind was something else entirely though right n this moment. As she had stated earlier, she was fundamentally different from many of the others around. She lived by killing in the past... She started laughing as she rose from the ground with great speed. The expression on her face was not something normal people could have.

“Ohhh... I've missed this!! Hahahaha!” She said with a laugh as she finally stood up in her full glory. The armor shone in the light not having even a dent right now. Her sword stuck in the ground.” The pressure! The thrill of the game of life and death! The uncertainty of weather or not you will die!” She shouted, pulling her sword from the ground.” THIS IS THE PROPER WAY OF LIFE FOR US WHO LIVE BY KILLING!” She shouted as in a brief moment she activated Decisive strike for the speed boost and she jumped at the now stationary Sion!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raze Colter

Every hair on Raze’s body stood on end as the air around him shifted and warped. Without warning, his surroundings shifted and he was suddenly standing between two glowing, violet portals spewing vicious, green projectiles. With no time to react, Raze could only watch in wide-eyed horror as his body was pierced by a hailstorm of verdant energy.

He cried out in pain as the energy bolts impacted him from both sides, tossing him to and fro. Raze attempted to wrest himself to the ground, but his body was still petrified under the control of Hecarim. Raze fell forward from a particular strong bolt, grunting as he hit the ground.

You idiot! If I die, you’re gone too. Don’t be a goddamn moron, fucking centaur. If you’re going to perform a show of force, at least do it when we’re not going to die!!

Sensation finally returned to his body, and Raze jumped back to his feet once the onslaught of energy bolts stopped screaming above his head. He shot a glare straight at Thresh, now a few yards away, just as the Warden threw off some ghouls that were attacking him. Rage coursed through Raze’s veins, and a mane of blue-green hair exploded from underneath his helmet.

”Thresh!” Raze ferociously roared as he threw his spear right at the Warden. Immediately following the powerful toss, Raze began charging full force towards Thresh, building up his momentum into a Devastating Charge


Vicki Victory

It was all flame and chaos. People were pushing each other over trying to escape the pandemonium, knocking over tables and chairs in the process. In the midst of all that was happening, Vicki simply looked around as a witness. She watched as a man with a shotgun fought off an armored woman and a dragoness. She watched a hulking figure in malevolent armor get whipped back through the entrance by a chain. She watched, but she did not want to believe.

For those few moments, all sound seemed to be muffled as Vicki tried to stifle this reality. Through a thick cloud of smoke and embers, Sam burst through shouting something at Vicki. The snow-haired woman tilted her head towards the reptilian figure and focused her hearing. Above all of the screams and roaring flames, Vicki heard Sam yell, ”Vicki! Quick! Punch a way out!”

Vicki slowly rose from her seat, still staring at Sam. She seemed to be running towards her in slow motion, literally like a bat out of hell.

Vicki turned towards the nearest wall, staring at it blankly.

This is my life now. She pulled back her first, readying a powerful strike.

Vicki and Sam burst through the walls of the cafe just as the roof began to cave in. Vicki dove onto the ground, smoking and covered in ashes, violently coughing up her blackened lungs. There was no time for reprieve though, the streets outside were just as chaotic as the scene they just barely escaped from. All around, Vicki’s newfound friends were engaged in combat with other champions from League, none that she recognized from last night.

Through a fit of coughing, Vicki turned towards Sam and choked out, ”You ready to do this?”

Vicki took off into a sprint from her sprawled position, charging at a giant, metal-jawed figure she assumed was Sion’s avatar. The mountainous man was clashing with Liam in full-on dog mode, and Vicki could spot Clarice shouting maniacally and charging at Sion. There’s no way this guy’s gonna be able to handle us all.

Brilliant light enveloped Vicki, exaggerated by flecks of ice crystals that began whipping about from Claire. As the light dissipated, it revealed Vicki now wielding her hextech gauntlets and a metal cuirass. She activated her back-mounted jet boosters, the blue flames propelling her into a low glide, nearly scraping the ground.

Vicki covered the distance between her and Sion in no time, unleashing the full weight and power of her momentum into a colossal uppercut against the giant’s jaw; the sound of metal crunching against metal rang loudly for all to hear. Vicki swore she felt Sion’s metal jaw break from the force of her punch.


Garrett Fishman


A vicious migraine rose up in Garrett’s head. As he moved his hand to comfort his head, his body wildly jerked itself. Garrett stumbled, but recovered himself into a walking pace. So, you are in here, huh?

I cannot tolerate that pathetic fool existing here in this world as well. There can only be he or I. And it will be me.

Garrett exerted his will back over his body, gritting his teeth with effort to halt his own steps. Hey, that’s nice and all, but I’ve got some things that I need to do before we head off and find your buddy. You don’t even know where he went.

Just follow the scent of failure.

Wow, really clever. Garrett reeled himself back around towards Megan and his...employer, spending great energy to push his own will against Zed’s. ”Sorry about that. Zed’s finally rearing his ugly head. Won’t be a problem again.” Garrett looked on over the crowd of people as they began to disperse and return to everyday life, looking to see if he could spot anyone familiar. ”We should probably get out of here before cops or reporters show up.”

As Garrett turned to walk away, he stopped momentarily, then turned his head to glance at the suited man. ”By the way...what do I call you? And what’s our next move?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moritz cursed violently as Urgot started to glow, and blanched when he saw Raze take his place and get pierced with a dozen of the void projectiles. He ran forward to offer some assistance, but stopped when he noticed Raze picking himself up as if nothing had happened. As the ghostly spear hurtled toward Thresh, Moritz ran towards the Warden. You aren't the only one that can affect movement, Urgot. Purple and black swirled the air around Urgot's grotesque head as Moritz held his hand towards the vile man, casting Malefic Visions in an attempt to aid the employee of the now-ruined coffee shop. Instantly after, Moritz spun towards Thresh.

Moritz began to transform as he planted himself, his pajama pants shifting into loose Shurima cloth, and his shirt shifting into a vest that appeared as if it came out of Aladdin. Swirling blue runes covered his body from head to toe as his body tensed, and where his eyes were the Void could be seen, shimmering and alluring. Magic pushed from the sole of his feet into the ground, raising him a good two feet off of the ground due to the raw power twisting through his body. A deep roar began to fill the air as Moritz opened his mouth. Suddenly, Void essence poured out of his eyes and mouth towards Thresh, grasping the Warden's head and immobilizing his ghostly body. At the edge of his conscious Moritz began to hear the cacophony of voices begin to well up, as it did in Liam's apartment.

Moritz paid no mind to them. Instead, his attention was fixed on the face of Thresh filling his vision, as if he had taken a telescope and pointed it at him from where he stood. Fear began to fill Moritz's being, but that seemed to help his eye maintain contact, as he simply couldn't look away from the Warden. The voices began to build to a roar, a tidal wave against a wooden dam, battering his subconscious with every wave.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alexander coughed violently as he escaped the smokey, burning, and collapsing building. As far as he could tell everyone had gotten out safely. After he recovered a little he looked at the scene before him. There were about three groups of champions, all of them engaged in various battles or about to begin them. And Alexander had no idea what was going on. Hell it looked like everyone was transforming into actual champions which just made things more confusing. Rather than trying to join a side that may or may not be in the wrong Alexander sat down and cut a sleeve off his shirt, wrapping the up a small cut that he'd gotten on his arm. When had his life gotten so crazy?


Artemis frowned at the man's interjection. "Anytime someone plays the role of villian you can be sure someone will play the role of hero." Unbidden the words of Raze came back to her as a reminder, perhaps because she could seem him fighting for his life against Thresh and Urgot. She shook her head. "Therefore I must ask you to stop playing the role of villian." Confidently Artemis stode forward towards the mix of malformed champions ahead of her, staring down the gunman as she walked forward, the moonlight she'd gathered thus far swirling around her in tangible form. She fully expected him to shoot her. Just as she fully expected that she would be able to stop it. Which was ridiculous really. She had no idea how powerful she or her moonlight was, making her confidence fully unwarranted. Still, Artemis refused to do nothing in this situation, it was clear who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Perhaps a vigilante hero team wasn't called for, but this wasn't the same thing. This were merely doing the right thing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Leolycan @Eklispe

Yosuke returned his stare as he sized up what he presumed was Graves. At least he can have a smoke if he wants to now. Letting out a chuckle at his own poor joke he watched the girl walk towards Graves. Quickly putting a plan together he raised he hands up and took a few steps back as he judged how far he was from the man with the shotgun. This girl obviously had a plan or she would be stupid to walk towards a guy that could split you in two with a good shot. After taking a deep breath and exhaling it he took action. Transforming his hands and arms he started slashing at the ground and in a matter of seconds disappeared collapsing the entrance so no one could follow him. When he was about a dozen feet under ground Yosuke stopped and focused. He could sense where nearby people were but he only had plans with two of them at the moment. Pulling together all of his energy he started to transform and then rocket his way up towards Graves shooting his way up onto the surface in a shower of asphalt and dirt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 12 days ago

A blast of sickly green acid spiraled into the air, smashing upon the gravedigger's shovel which sliced through the wind. Whilst most of the acid splattered upon the weapon, a few drops dripped down Leon's arms, causing nasty red burns to blotch his skin. He attempted to back away, but a familiar wall of spectral meshes surrounded him. Being burned with acid whilst caged in the Box stacked the odds against the gravedigger as his yellow eyes noticed Raze charging at Thresh, proving that he was alone in this battle, or so he thought. Immediately, Urgot, his foe, became afflicted with a haze of purple shrouds and fog, a tell-tale sign of another champion incoming. Leon spun around, noticing that the helper had given him a hand before charging after Raze.

With the malefic visions distracting the horrific construct of a man, Leon barreled through the spectral wall, feeling his energy being sapped out of him as his feet became numb. His knees buckled, his nerves twitched, and his body fell to the floor in a messy heap. His vision dimmed for a few moments, as the onslaught of battle continued to play out around him. Soon, Leon caught his breath and used his shovel to aid his shaky rise.

"You," Leon panted, still unable to fully recover from Thresh's spectral walls, even until now, his spine and blood chilled within him. Dark clouds threatened to puncture at his vision, and it took almost everything just for Leon to keep himself standing. "I won't let you get the best of me." Leon declared his resolve before a green burst of prana swirled around him. Then, he raised his shovel before slamming it into the ground, causing a caustic emerald cloud to explode in Urgot's direction, a decaying ghoul rising from the earth attempting to claw at the construct. As soon as more explosions occurred near the café, hurling debris into the air, Leon jumped and gathered energies into his shovel before swinging it at a hurtling slab of concrete. The huge slab was propelled by the shovel's explosion, flying towards Urgot who was shrouded in the green fog. However, the air became chilling and cold. The acidic burns on Leon's face and arms began to throb with pain as more reddish blots appeared on his skin. Leon looked for the source of such a chill when he noticed Claire a few meters away from them, gathering what seemed to be a glacial storm. He felt such a great amount of energy from her spell, and to unleash it here would inevitably cause collateral damage.

Leon sprinted, or rather limped hurriedly, towards Claire, his voice calling out to her. "Claire! Don't do it! You're going to kill us all!" he lunged at her, attempting to coil his arms around her to bring her back to reality. The cold and frost around the woman bit and nipped at the gravedigger's skin, but he remained steadfast and continued to fully encase the furious cryomage in his arms, if only to remind her that a mass ice age was not the best answer to this problem. Leon hissed in pain, continuing his resolve.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam had never sprinted with such desperate panic. The woman had never been good at sports, but, Jesus! When you got some adrenaline pumping in you, you could find yourself doing some pretty miraculous things. The fire coated woman cleared the space in not even two seconds, the lack of air from the fire around her making no effect on her. The building crackled and moaned, seconds from giving out when Vicki's fist became enveloped in a hextech weapon glove and punched through the wall. Sam lunged toward the opening, almost flying through the air for a few seconds before crashing shoulder first into the ground. The reduced, pained, ball of flame groaned as she pushed herself up, looking around. The building had come crashing to the ground and Vicki was already up on her feet, asking if she was ready to do something. The dust covered dragon lady looked up at the strong, beautiful woman standing above her and blinked. She nodded, a wicked smile coming to her face, "Hell, yeah!"

Vicki took off in the direction of the Sion which she had thought had been coming straight at them. The hot boxeress punched the hulking man straight in the jaw and Sam was very impressed, a smile stretching across her face. As she looked around her it looked like each of the enemies were well taken care of already. Sion was being teamed up by Clarice, Liam, and now Vicki. Graves was being confronted by both Artemis and a newcomer who was already making his attack. Thresh was being double teamed by Moritz and Raze. Finally, Urgot was suffering from some swirly purple stuff while being pummeled by a struggling man who seemed to be the embodiment of Yorick (telling from the ghoul he casted). However, though he had managed to wrestle an advantage, the ghoul caster made a limping run toward Claire. Claire seemed to be looking to cast a Glacial Storm and the man wanted to stop it. Sam, comfortable in her flames felt no cold and knew no threat from this. So long as she could keep her flames up to resist the cold, she was practically unaffected. The man's efforts, however, left Urgot all alone, still unfinished.

The woman, scales glinting sharply, strode over to the Urgot who was just getting over the horrific visions he was experiencing. Cockily she summoned a fireball in her hand and looked over to the sad disgusting creature. "You know, you look both beat up and disgusting. Maybe you should leave before I burn you and make you look even worse." She said, both giving him a chance to leave with his life and giving him a well earned threat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Just as it was in League, the more time she spent sustaining the spell, the more prana she spent and the more stress her mind and body took! Snow and flecks of ice whipped through the air around Claire, enveloping her and the nearby proximity in her own personal blizzard.
'I need this to be stronger...' She held her hands out and in her head, she pictured the satellite view of a catastrophic storm she knew well from her upbringing in Florida - a hurricane. The storm obliged to her will and she became the epicenter around a swirling disk of bluish-white prana, frost, harsh winds, and ice. She took a deep breath and paused, feeling the strain on her physically and mentally, before fixating her focus on the Urgot. With her storm now built up around her, she was ready to unleash it in full effect on the monster and send it back to the Rift!

With the conundrum of battle, Claire wasn't able to hear Leon's shouts for her to cease the blizzard and just as she was about to let the destructive blizzard loose, a dark emerald silhouette rapidly approached her out of the corner of her vision. A split second later, she felt a sudden warmth envelop her and a restrictive force placed upon her arms.
"I won't let you stop me!" She growled, realizing she'd have to deal with this new threat on her own. Shaking her head, she immediately took her laser-sharp focus off of the battlefield and onto the object clinging onto her, ready to collapse the storm upon herself in self-defense. However, she soon recognized who it was and stopped.
"L-Leo!? Claire murmured in surprise and disbelief, slightly startled at his sudden appearance! The storm weakened and gradually disappeared as she turned her full attention onto him, noting he had caught her in a rather snug embrace. In a friendly gesture, she squeezed him in return and gave him a quick pat on the back before detaching herself from him and took a step back, her blue eyes analyzing him and widening as she quickly realized as Leon's appearance had shifted. His clothes were torn and even dissolved in some places and his now emerald-accented skin sported cuts and some of these injuries had swelled. A shovel rested in the snow next to them and Claire recalled that he had never really unveiled who his champion was, until now.

A brief moment of silence passed as she struggled to figure out what she'd say out of all the possible responses running in her mind.
'I don't mind flirting...but can it wait until after we're done here?'
'Yorick? I thought you were more of a Yi anyways though. Jeez, why were you being a moron and not even tell me? You know who I was since day one, and only now I find out you?'
'Jeez...you've seen better days...'

Claire calmed herself and opted for the safer option, "Are you okay? I know you're doing your best out there, but don't over exert yourself Leo. We can work together." she said, eying his injuries.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


As the sounds of ice shattering and the blistering wind of the chilling air swirled around the champions upon the street, many of the stinging lances of ice colliding with both friend and foe. The storm continued to swell turbulently, coming to a quick conclusion in the quick seconds it took for it's caster to be interrupted in her efforts. Even still, the champions held their ground, their bodies slightly more worn and weary after the sudden frigid assault.

The air hung heavy around the towering duo, their weapons screeching with the sound of scrapping metal as they fought for control. It was only after Clarice had dodge out of the way, that Sion's avatar let out a bellowing roar- throwing a savage backhand against the elongated muzzle of Liam. The ebon furred male staggered slightly as his deadlock with Scion was broken, allowing the iron-jawed monster to collect his ax at his side. The two locked eyes once more, an audibly rumbling exchanged with a fierce intensity as their bodies stood rigid and ready for what was to come... That was until Liam smirked. Sion narrowed his eyes as he took a step forward- only to have Clarice's blade bury into his shoulder, the carved flesh sealing itself rather quickly as he attempted to settle his form. He attempted to roar, though only staring surprise as his voice fell silent in his throat. Tightening his grip on his axe's shaft, he stood there as his body shook with rage- though even that was short lived as Vicki's form could be seen darting in from the side. In a moment of suspense and shock, Sion could not react quickly enough before the rocket-propelled female delivered a vicious uppercut upon his jaw- the sound metal screeching and clashing against each other as he gauntlet delivered it's devastating payload.

It was after this, that Sion stood sill and unwavering- his eyes unseen as his head was still cocked back form the brunt of the blow. It wasn't until a rumble in this throat could be heard that the creature showed any signs of life, followed swiftly by his free hand reaching up to grab the gauntlet of the woman that struck him. With a muted laugh, Sion wrenched his back down against the woman's fist to look upon her eyes as his ax came down and from the side- his attempt to strike his now detained victim.

Regardless of the outcome, Liam stepped forward to break the lock with a savage swing of his scepter against the construct's face, causing Sion to lose his grip on the girl as he recoiled from the brunt of the blow. "Get the hell out of here!" Liam snarled audibly, lifting his hand as the dust that had settled from the collapsed building began to stir at his words, coalescing and swirling around the iron-jawed assailant. Sion's movements then became sluggish, unable to move with his full speed or intensity.



Urgot could not help but cackle with a twisted sense of pleasure as his strike struck true, raising his other arm as he prepared to finish off the wounded combatant before him with acid-seeker... However, merely a second before he released his projectile, his eyes filled with horrors and abominations- his quest for beauty failing right before his eyes as he groaned shortly before erupting into a pained yell, drawing the attention of his spectral ally behind him.

"Shut your mouth, wretch! I'll not have you die yet!" And with this, Thresh's lantern began to glow with a strangely familiar light as the sound of screams and pleads for mercy began to fill the minds of all those around them. It didn't take long before the aura had formed a dome around the duo as the warden settled back into place- and the visions leaving Urgot's eyes. With that, the Warden looked back to Raze expectantly, baring a sinister smile as he began to twirl his chained sickle in hand. Yet, his cocky visage soon faded to a blank stare as a tendril of void essence connected the Warden to Moritz. Raze's spear broke the ethereal wall that sheltered the abominable duo, his following charge colliding with the sphere with enough force for a visible crack to split the expanse of the luminous dome.

"Keep yourself together, Warden!" Urgot chimed in, turning his attention to Moritz as he raised the same arm that had doused Leon with acid but a moment before, firing another canister through the air in the boy's direction. His twisted visage curled up into a smile for but a moment as the dome around him broke with a sound of shattering glass from the chunk of earth sent in his direction- followed swiftly by the clawing and tearing of a ghoul at his side. With a angered snarl, he lifted one of his mechanical appendages before shoving it through the ghoul as it dissipated into dust. It was then and only then that he noticed the Draconic Female before him, causing the abomination to pause as the sound of his mechanical legs retreating could be heard. For a moment, his visage betrayed his fear, but he swallowed what he could of the rising dread as he stared the woman in the eyes, "You think I'm afraid of you? You're just another fool of Demacia who will learn their place soon enough. Go back home! You might buy yourself a few more days of living."



Graves merely raised a brow as the boy bolted back a ways, shifting the cigar around in his mouth as he exhaled a plume of smoke. Chuckling to himself he shifted the shotgun to his shoulder, "Guess that boy took the hint. Good... I'm not one for takin the life a child." Shaking his head, his attention to Artemis as she completed his brief exclamation, prompting the gunman to furrow his brow though he made no attempt to bare his weapon in her direction.

"Villain? Well that's a weighted subjective remark," He spoke plainly, no malice in his voice as his free hand lifted to remove the cigar from his mouth- flicking the thick leaved cylinder as the ashes began to disperse from the tip, "You think you know what's right and wrong in this world? How bout a man who gave a good decade of his life to protecting places like this- only to be tossed on his ass by the very people he risked his life for, hmm? Now tell me, what does that make me; A Hero, Villain, or a man who's just trying to make his way in this world? Think really hard, girlie... You strike me as a smart one, so don't put your neck out for something or someone that won't do the same for y-" Suddenly, the gunman's attention was directed towards the ground beneath him, "The hell?"

Without warning, the ground beneath the gunman split as it sent him falling backwards, showering the nearby area in debris and asphalt. Graves did his best to catch himself, darting backwards as he lowered his gun back to his hip, gripping the weapon tightly as the grinding of gears could be heard. Upon his face sat the familiar cocky smile that his champion was known for, point the barrel of his weapon forward as a heavy burst of shrapnel and shells rocketed forward with enough force to push the gunman away, furthering the distance between the armored boy and the gunman.



"You'll find that it's better not to fight them, dear boy. They have alot to offer if you you can find common ground," The man smirked knowingly, eyeing over Garrett approvingly, "Which is why I expect you to continue working with us. Men of our caliber can appreciate a good fight... Which by the way, I have word there is fight going on down town. Hurry, and you might get there in time to fill your lust." The man stated, obviously ignoring the question about his identity. With a smile and a wave, he began walking away, Megan falling in line behind him swiftly.

"Oh, and by the way!" The man called out once more, motioning with his hands towards the murder of crows that had began to over-saturate the area, "I'll be keeping an eye on you. Be a good boy, now!" And with that, he continued his trek down the road.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 12 days ago

"I'm still not able to move on, huh?" Leon murmured to himself, his voice just above a whisper. And, it was partly true. The moment his yellow eyes spotted the visage of Claire floating about in a hail of snow, vivid flashes of Sarah resurfaced in his mind. That cold night of December upon the slopes of Everest, the night where everything he treasured vanished right before his eyes. They ascended the mountain together, and only one descended alive. The awkward yet sincere hug, propelled by memories of a love he wasn't prepared to lose, ended abruptly as Leon realized that this woman was not Sarah. He feared that no one could ever take her place, and that, he would always be hunted by the mistakes he committed months ago. "Sorry about that, I just thought that you might kill us all if you weren't careful, Claire. I almost tripped there. Urgot's acid hit my leg pretty well." With that, Leon backed away before turning at Urgot who had now engaged into a duel with the Muffin Witch. "Well, let's end this party shall we? Oh, and by the way, Claire," Leon looked at Claire once more, a gentle smile on his face. "Let's keep my identity hidden, a little secret between you and I." After tying a piece of cloth around the lower half of his face in order to obstruct others from knowing his identity, Leon dashed forward even if the pain in his leg seared.

Whether it was pure adrenaline or pure will, Leon never knew what kept him going even if he was battered and bruised. But, before the duelist could engage each other, he stopped a few paces beside the draconic woman. "Shyvanna," his voice echoed in chorus now, as if three voices are speaking at once. "They don't intend to leave without a few casualties. Let's make sure that the casualties are on their side. We're not really allies, so to speak, but I believe that the enemies of my enemies are my friends." the gravedigger kept his eyes on Urgot. "So, let's work together for the time being."

Then, he turned to the Muffin Witch. "Anivia," pointing to Claire. "Will be there to assist us. I'll make a 180 wall in front of Urgot to block off his vision from us. That way, he won't know where you're gonna come from." Then, he began to address Claire. "Anivia, make the ice wall behind Urgot, that way, Thresh can't help him out. Once trapped, make a snowstorm inside the trap. I'd assume that Shyvanna's heat can handle a little snow. So, while Urgot's being battered by the hail, he's also getting pummeled by Shyvanna."

"Let's send this bastard of Noxus back to the gutters." Leon grinned before gathering a conclave of emerald energies around him, fading visions of skulls and tendrils tainting the very air beside the gravedigger. The earth cracked beneath the pressure of the disastrous pranas surging in the vicinity, and soon, the same soil rippled apart, eroded by the blasting force of the shovel piercing into the ground. A guttural scream ripped out from the gravedigger as fissures caved out of the ground, forming a barricade in front of the mechanized aberrant. In a heartbeat, Leon ran forward before a hazy white mist gathered upon his shovel. Then, he smashed the shovel below him, creating a blast which propelled him into the air, allowing the gravedigger to hop on the rim of the earthen wall. "Feast." Immediately, another caustic blast hurtled towards Urgot before three ghouls of war, pestilence, and famine ejected out from the mist and clawed out at the isolated foe.

A tightening in his chest throbbed within Leon, sending painful jolts of electricity all around his body. He held his chest tighter, praying for the pain to go away. "End it now..." he mumbled before waiting for his allies to move. His eyes darted to Thresh, prepating himself to go after a lantern should the need arise.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Alexander stared at the combat from his vantage point. Anarchy, groups of champions, transformed and untransformed alike, were duke-ing it out. Blizzards, fire balls, undead monsters, they had it all. And it was all too much. Alexander didn't know what was going on and at this point he didn't care. He was getting away from here, as fast as he could. He'd done his share, helped the innocent people escape the building. He didn't sign up for this, hell he barely even worked here! With escape the only though on his mind he turned away from the conflict in front of him and ran, paying no attention to where he went. It didn't matter as long as it wasn't here.


Weighted? Subjective? Anyone who witnessed the scene at the cafe would certainly agree the man was acting villain, regardless of his intent or true nature. Regardless the situation changed dramatically even as she watched, Leon seemed to be rallying the other champions near him for a combined assault. She glanced at Graves and the boy that had attacked him. She wasn't sure why the boy had attacked him, Artemis had refrained because it seemed he was merely doing a job, rather reluctantly at that and if he wasn't stopping her than she had no need to fight him. Yet the boy was surely outmatched if he intended to fight the older champion. A brief consideration of which fight to join brought her to the conclusion that the boy had started this fight, while the other champions had become embroiled in theirs due to the actions of their attackers. Artemis's eyes narrowed as she considered her two targets. Urgot was engaged. Thresh was free to retreat and assist Urgot as well. For a brief moment her form flickered and she vanished in a gleam of moonlight that dashed across the field, reappearing behind Thresh, in her human form. "Please give up, unless you have reinforcements you are outmatched here and I have several questions to ask." She fully expected Thresh to retaliate somehow or reveal more hidden allies, but it was worth a shot. Her gathered moonlight was now pulsing around her as if begging to be used.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Okay! Claire inhaled and exhaled, drinking in the chilled air before preparing herself for another series of spell casting and in the meantime, she relocated herself behind the front line that Sam and Leon had made so she could have an easier time focusing on that single area. Now the challenge was maintaining the ice wall whilst creating and sustaining a blizzrd powerful enough to apply crowd control onto Urgot and not harm Sam, all of this happening in short succession and lasting until Urgot was down for the count and hopefully for a while.

The task sounded easy enough, so why did she feel nervous? Was it the fact that she was now being relied upon in this sort of violent scenario by others, the reason why she feared making a mistake and not timing everything right? She was also worried of her prana usage from earlier, and although it might not have been a large amount expended within the quick blizzard she created, it was still prana she didn't have available for usage until she recovered later.

I think I feel fine...I should have enough. I can push everything I have into this if I need to. I just don't really know how much time they'll need to bring him down but it shouldn't be for too long. She told herself, flicking her hands and clenching and unclenching them as she felt the flow of prana circulate through her once more. It was a prickly sensation and also felt like cold water running over her skin.

In her imaginative mind, on a visualized bird's eye view of the street, she drew a box around Urgot. If her wall would be the one to separate Urgot from Thresh, then it'd have to be thick and sizable...perhaps dividing the street would do!

Before she could ponder any further, Leon sprung into action and raised a wall of his own. Claire casted away all doubts and fears, realizing that she'd need to trap Urgot using this new wall and now was the time to act, and raised her palms, straining her energies into a crystal blue wall that would explode violently from the ground and expand upwards to a formidable height of twenty feet! The ground seemed to screech as it was torn apart by ice and pieces of concrete was scattered about from the sudden eruption. The line behind Urgot had been Crystallized! Without missing a beat she immediately summoned her energies again and invested them into another intense Glacial Storm, this time only focusing on the area inside the wall. A chaotic ice storm howled as it formed into existence and rampaged about, super freezing the area of effect. It fed itself off of Claire's blue sparks of prana which seemed to spiral upwards from her body and into the air for as long as the spell was channeled.

"Please be careful, you two." Claire pleaded under her breath, her eyes fixated on the enclosure before her.

@Cubix @Kiroue
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Clarice’s face bore an expression of pure joy at the unfolding situation. Her true nature of a warrior in synch with Garen’s personality made her enjoy every moment of the unfolding chaos. She wanted the fight, wanted the joy of gambling with lives on the battlefield and the honor of taking down the enemy!

With her strike true, she had injured briefly the form of Sion before the wound closed up as she guessed it would. What Clarice didn’t expect was Vicki jumping in to help. Her metal fists seemed truly impressive in action as the metal clang against the monstrous opponent. Considering how the woman had acted earlier, Clarice didn’t expect her to join the battle, but as a nice surprise for her, she was wrong this time it seemed. Vicki had potential for true fighter in her! Clarice felt excited about this, screw the front lines, this was as fun as any battle if not more!

When Vicki was caught, the avatar of Garen planned to intervene, but Liam did before she had the chance. He seemed to have a plan as his ability activated after his strike weakened the hold Sion had on Vicki.” Impressive strength!” Clarice’s stated influenced by Garen.

Without as much as a warning, Clarice then jumped straight at Sion once again, her sword put into horizontal position as her muscles flexed and the grip of her weapon tightened. Using decisive strike once again to shrug off any mobility debuffs and to gain additional speed, in the very next moment she began spinning, her sword slicing everything around her as she clashed with the monster once again. Judgment activated upon her wishes right after Decisive strike as a wide smile was on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The chorus of voices singing their symphony of dissonance continued to pierce the fragile walls of Moritz's mind. Each soul spoke with their own pitch, no two mixing together in a way that was appealing. Instead the utterances melded into a single abomination of sound, with a single voice booming over them all. Give in to your fear. The voices fought with renewed strength, battering Moritz's subconscious as the he tried his best to quell them. It felt as if he was trying to stop a dam from overflowing, stretching himself to cover each crack as dozens more splintered into existence every second.

You resist. You cling to your puny life as if it actually matters. You will learn.

Another crack.

You are naught but a pawn of forces unseen.

The Voice thundered as Moritz began to lose grip on his mind. He reached, trying to hold himself together, panic consuming his being as that foul tongue spoke yet again, each word building until the words exploded in his mind.

Welcome me. Welcome me. WELCOME ME.


The Nether Grasp broke as Moritz Valiero lost control of his body and his mind. The tendrils of the Void would curl back, withdrawing from Thresh, curling back and wrapping around the fiend who was Moritz, dissipating as the canister splashed harmlessly against it. A heinous smile spread across the face of Moritz as he turned his head towards Urgot.

"You have made a grave mistake, Urgot." The voice that emerged was not Moritz's, but instead something
far more vile. It was scratchier, as if the sound itself was a Voidling clawing its way out of Moritz's throat.

Opening his hand, Moritz conjured a bolt of Void essence, hurling it towards Urgot with frightening speed. Moritz's Prana was leaking out rapidly, expelling itself from every orifice in his body as he conjured a portal in front of himself. A single Voidling would emerge before the portal snapped shut. The Voidling darted towards Urgot, claws clattering against the pavement as it sped towards Urgot before lunging at him. If the attack hit, another Voidling would materialize, drawing even more Prana from the Vessel of Malzahar.
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