Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

STARDATE 9969.39

The Shipyard floating in orbit around the Earth. It is a lot bigger than it looks once you are inside of it. The crowds of Starfleet personnel, wandering inside. Several ships can be seen, being put together by engineers and builders. In the middle of the work area, sits the USS Tricyion, the newest ship of the fleet. A Nova class vessel that was built to be a scouting ship, also with facilities for science experiments and such, it was the first of its kind. There were onlookers, watching the ship, some of them looked excited, most likely since they were to be part of its maiden voyage. Others were standing around, waiting to be allowed on board. The ship could only sustain a small crew, less than one hundred people, so there were not many who were waiting. You heard rumors that the captain was still young, and that this was her first command. Several rumors circulated about other members of the crew, but none quite like the age of the captain. Soon, a voice came over the intercom in the Shipyard, and it was directed towards the small crew of the ship.

"All personnel of the USS Tricyion, you are now permitted to board the ship." it said, and several people started walking over and forming a line to board the ship.

Once on board, a young woman who is wearing a Captain's uniform walks over to greet the newcomers, shaking their hands and introducing herself. "Hello, I am Captain Tetra McCoy, welcome aboard. I am asking that all crew members meet me in the mess at 1600. I hope to become better acquainted with everyone on board then." she said with a smile, and moved along to the next newcomer.

The ship being small, only having 8 decks, it is easy to find where your quarters are.

Captain/Commander: Deck 1
Lieutenant Commanders/Lieutenants: Deck 2
Lieutenant Junior Grade/Ensigns: Deck 4

Once you find your room, you glance at the clock. It is only 1400 right now, giving you two hours to get used to your surroundings before the Captain asked everyone to be in the mess.

Captain Tetra McCoy

Location: Bridge

After half an hour of welcoming crew members onto the ship, Tetra leaves to go up onto the Bridge. She already knew her way around the ship, having been there supervising it when they were putting the finishing touches on it. The bridge was near her own quarters, but she passed them by and went over and sat in the chair in the middle of the bridge. The Captain's Chair, she started looking at a small screen that was attached to the arm of the chair. It was a screen for short distance communications, and she noticed an incoming message coming from Starfleet. She accepts the call and sees the face of someone she does not recognize. From his uniform though, she can tell that he is an admiral. She hasn't been a Captain for very long, so she knows there might be a few high ranking officers she does not know.

"Good afternoon Admiral," she says, looking into the man's face.

"Good Afternoon Captain, are all the members of your crew on board by now?"

"Yes sir, all 77 are on board and probably exploring the ship a little by now. At 1600 I plan on getting to know them a little better down in the mess".

"Alright, the last of the work on the ship is getting close to done. We estimate that you should be able to pull out at 1800 tonight."

She smiled, her excitement nearly got out of hand, but Tetra managed to remain calm when talking to him. "Alright, I'll let the crew know. Goodbye then sir, I need to start reading up on a few of the ship's mechanics, I'm not even close to halfway through everything that the Shipyard folks gave me. I'll talk to you again right before we pull out".

He gave her a nod, and the comn went black. She got up from her chair after looking around the bridge once more. She left the bridge and went into her quarters, and instead of reading the engineering things the people at the yard gave her, she started reading one of her books about tactics. Engineering was always a little too boring for me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 4 days ago


Location: Her Quarters, Sick Bay

If T'Plior had been human, she would have sighed in relief once she reached her quarters on Deck 2. She had of course arrived by the specified time, which meant that she had arrived early for humans and was patiently waiting in silence for the ship to allow on personnel while overhearing the inane small-talk of her fellow crewmembers. Once the crew was allowed on board, T'Plior had to heighten her mental shields as she was forced into the crowd then had them heightened to full max to shake the Captain's hand when she offered it. But she was vulcan, which meant that she immediately went to work unpacking while relaxing the barriers that allowed her as a touch-telepathic to handle the emotional states of so many at once. After she had finished unpacking, T'Plior adjusted the environmental controls to be more like her homeworld's.

Then she checked the clock. The Captain had commanded everyone to be at the mess by 1600 hours. There was some time left before hand. Logically, it would be spent preparing Sick Bay for active use. Therefore, T'Plior set up her mental shields then set out towards sick bay. Once there, she checked inventory and found everything was there as it was suppose to be. Then she checked the operating status of the equipment and found nothing amiss. Finally, T'Plior sat down in her office and drew up the crew medical files. She scheduled the required first check-up, starting with the captain then the senior officers. Then started reading through and memorizing all the records so that she was conversent in the probable medical needs of the her future paitents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DepressedSoviet
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DepressedSoviet A Sad Communist

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lieutenant Chistrov, Chief Security Officer

Chistrov was one of the first to board the ship, along with other members of the security team. Watching over the boarding of the crew, Chistrov went over the initial security checklist, while also overseeing the cargo being brought on. Most of the time was uneventful, the occasional contraband item was confiscated, and there was a spat over quarters that Chistrov was able to talk down. After the initial boarding, Chistrov went to work on the bureaucratic mountain that awaited him in his quarters.

Lieutenant James Roberts, Communications Officer

James boarded the ship quickly after it opened, eager to get adjusted to the new ship, his first starship post since the mishap aboard the Divergence. He stowed his belongings in his quarters, and quickly set about with his favorite part about a new post; making friends.

Entering the lounge, James quickly met up with a group of people, and an hour in they were laughing and talking over a game of poker. He almost didn't notice the 2 hours fly by.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ensign Avillaa Sh'kihlos

Location: Quarters/Exploring

Avillaa practically ran on board of the ship, she didn't like to wait, and she wanted to get on board as quickly as possible. After a brief introduction from the Captain, she ran off to find her quarters. After a few minutes of wandering, she found them on Deck 4. Probably because the larger rooms are on the upper decks, the lowest crew members get the smaller ones next to Engineering. She flopped down onto her bed, and looking through some of the books she had with her. Basic information on the different sciences, all information that she already knew. Avillaa tossed the books aside, and pulled up a map of the ship on her computer.

After studying it for a few minutes, Avillaa left her quarters to go exploring the rest of the ship. She stopped by the Science labs first, since they was near her rooms, and looked around. There were not that many people there yet, so no one told her to leave. She looked over the equipment there, and after another few minutes, she left to wander away. She had read about a new type of shuttle that was said to have been constructed just for a Nova class starship, and she was eager to find it.

After looking at the clock though, she realized that she was going to have to put her explorations on hold. She had to find the mess so she can properly introduce herself to the Captain, and maybe even get to know the rest of the crew better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

CE Robin
Robin was trying her best not to scream as one of her Engineers told her it would be at least two hours before the Antideuterium sublimators and the Lower MCS cap would be functional. It was her own fault that the Warp core was in pieces, she had been right to take the thing offline but she'd not filed an engineering report to the Captain partly because if parts had of been available as you'd expect

Lovely, ah I suppose it can't be helped but we need to try for a turn up in forty-five minutes or else we'll be in hack if the Captain decides to take us out early so please push the team. I'd do it but we still haven't tracked the vibration in the Starboard lateral thrusters.

If you remove the Gas flow separator assembly the array will be completely exposed and ...........
she said going into instructor mode.

XO Alzeri

Alzeri grinned as he looked around himself enjoying the sensation of becoming a plank owner of the USS Tricyion and best of all was that he was to be her XO.

This was going to be a lot like an arranged marriage in that he and his Captain the lovely Tetra McCoy had met only briefly in Admirald Shuster's office in a kind of ambush meeting.

Sure he'd heard of her and her fast rise in command, he also knew of her connection to Doctor McCoy the famous Doc of the Enterprise but he'd never associated with her in any fleet or personal interaction.
Normally an XO and Captain were familiar with one another in more detail than he was expected to cope with but he loved a challenge and felt up to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Ginell Conlach

Location: Quarters, Bridge

Ginny couldn't believe her luck, assigned as a navigator to the newest ship of the fleet. And she had just graduated. It was all too unreal, yet it was. Ginny got to know some of her crew better during the wait and promised to meet them at the lounge for a game or two, but first things were first. She rushed to her quarters and hastily unpacked and organized. Afterwards, Ginell found that she still had some time before mess hour and rushed out. There was one person she had yet to meet personally.

The doors opened to the bridge and the Trill awedly walked in. It was a beauty to behold and the engines were throbbing in their standby mode, eager to let loose and fly. Ginny sat in the navigator's seat and placed her hands on the controls, familiarizing herself with their feel and location. She didn't actually press anything, she wasn't brain dead. But just sitting there, the power seemed to flow through and energize her, exciting feelings of both fear and joy. Ginell may never be joined to a symbiote and help one experience life. But here, Ginny had fulfillment and adventure.

The girl just sat there for a while, feeling the energy and drinking the moment in. Then she sighed and got up. It was about time to head to the mess hall, though she might have some time to sprint into the lounge and see what fun was to be had. She may as well get along with her fellow crewmembers. Then she took one more look at the navigation console, before exiting the bridge doors that slid closed behind her.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lieutenant Jabari

Kojo stood in line with the rest of his crewmates. His uniform was pressed crisply, with just a hint of starch. His hair, cut high and tight on the sides and back, shaping upward into a flat top. His mustache, he trimmed this morning to insure no hairs hung over his upper lip or extended beyond the corners of his mouth.

Lt. Jabari scanned the docking area near the portal to get a feel for the people he was about to spend the next several years with. It was not his first assignment, but the excitement was welling inside. He served as Helmsman aboard the USS Majestic, Miranda-class starship for the past four or five years. He knew his job and thoroughly enjoyed it. The anticipation of piloting a brand new vessel excited him. It was like unwrapping a much anticipated birthday gift.

Eventually, the crew was permitted to enter. As he approached the docking portal, he spied an attractive dark-haired woman greeting everyone with a smile. "Captain McCoy, very nice to meet you, ma'am--I am your helmsman, Lieutenat Kojo Jabari," the Lieutenant reciprocated her greeting before moving aboard ship. He thought to himself that he would also serve as the ship's tactical officer as he had on the Majestic. This was a shared duty with the ship's navigator.

The interior walls were a pristine white with color shading along the passageways, breaking up the whiteness, casting a flair upon the pallor in contrast. Kojo considered, this must be deck four per the schematics he reviewed prior to arriving at the Earth Shipyard. His berthing assignment had him on deck two. He would need to store his personal gear before heading to the bridge and the mess hall.

Upon entering his quarters he discovered he would not have a share a birth with another officer, like he did aboard the Majestic. He dropped his duty bag on the bed, opened the enclosure retrieving his clothing. He hung his uniforms in the closet and stored the civilian clothing items in the available drawers. His shaving kit, he placed in his private lavatory, which brought a smile to his face. 'All mine,' he thought. In his other hand, he had been carrying a bag containing exercise items and a Japanese Katana and Wakizashi to include wooden scabbards and wall mounting bracket. He placed theses on the floor with the intention of mounting them later, when he had more time. A handful of paper and ink books he placed on his bed's nightstand and his datapad he retained in his possession as he exited his room. He'd always preferred the older paper ink over reading digitized manuals.

Upon seeing the doors to the bridge open, he recognized that the USS Tricyion was very similar to that of the USS Majestic. The Majestic bridge was slightly larger, but not by much. He glanced over the helm controls realizing there was not much difference. This should be a similar assignment.

When the clock approached the 1600 hour, Lieutenant Kojo Jabari headed to the mess hall with the rest of his new family, prepared to meet them.

Lieutenant JG Gavi

Lieutenant Gavi trotted toward the entrance to the docking portal. A handful of crewmembers remained to board. He was one of the last, but not too late. He observed the human woman wearing the rank of Captain greeting everyone as they entered. Not wanting to offend his new Captain on his first day, he briefly remarked, "thank you, ma'am," without emotion.

Gavi knew this ship in theory, but had never seen the inside until this very moment. He appreciated the newness of the craft but was very curious about the Engineering department. His quarters were not far from the docking portal.

Upon entering his room, he found a Trill Engineering officer storing his gear in the starboard storage bins. Gavi strode to the port side of the room to drop his bag. His new roommate turned with a smile, "Good afternoon, my name is Ensign Nabiyev."

Gavi glanced at the hand, then up at the Trill Ensign. "What is so good about it?" Gavi spoke softly. He hesitated, but the Ensign left his hand outstretched until Gavi submitted and shook the taller man's hand. It was four seconds of awkward silence.

"I take it you are in engineering also?" The Trill tried to be friendly to his new roommate and fellow work mate.

"You are the observant one aren't you, Ensign?" Gavi proceeded unpacking his belongings. He did not look at the Trill officer while he worked. Instead, he focused on storing his equipment.

"Yes, right," the man felt put off. "We have more time to talk later," Ensign Nabiyev finished up his work as quickly as possible and left the room.

Gavi felt comforted upon establishing himself as the dominant member of their room. It wasn't enough that he outranked the Ensign, but he wanted the personal dominance as well. After all, this was where he was to live. He smiled at himself, and then turned the heat up in the room to 35°C (95°F). 'No reason, we shouldn't have it comfortable in here,' Gavi thought to himself. As a Tellarite, he preferred a much warmer climate than humans or Trill, for that matter.

When he arrived on the deck six engineering office, he found Ensign Nabiyev. The room felt chilly to him, but he would not subject the other members of Engineering to his preferences; at least not on the first day. Naviyev was another story. He was his roommate. He would have to adapt to Gavi's desires.

He looked over the master systems display. It was much has he had read about and seen in images. He then moved to deck eight Engineering and found a Chief Petty Officer working on the Antideuterium sublimators. The older human appeared experienced and Gavi did not want to intrude. He studied what he was doing and realized this Chief was quite competent.

"Chief, what is your name?" Gavi asked the man.

"Chief Petty Officer Kulik Petrovich, sir!" the man announced.

"Wonderful. I am Lieutenant Gavi. I believe we will be working together. Please continue with your task. Do not let me interrupt." Gavi did enjoy arguing and preferred to engage in this form of banter with his peers, but would never consider such a display with a subordinate. Besides, Chief Petrovich's activities would hasten the departure of the USS Tricyion.

While the Chief worked on the Matter/Antimatter reaction injectors, Lt. Gavi busied himself at the master systems display on Deck eight. Everything else appeared to be functioning within normal parameters, aside from the M/ARC. "Chief, the Captain wishes us to attend a meeting in the mess. If Commander Robin instructed you to work on the antimatter injector, I'll leave you," Gavi spoke and then proceeded up to the ship's mess hall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


At 1600, most of the crew is in the mess area. Several others come in a little later, but that's alright. The crew is waiting around, most people are sitting, most people are standing. Several people wonder what the Captain is going to say, others are eager to learn when the ship leaves port.

After another few minutes, the Captain comes racing in, almost like she had ran to the mess. She had to take a moment to catch her breath.

Captain Tetra McCoy

Location: Mess

She had to catch her breath, she had almost had been late to a meeting that she had called, and that would have been strange. "Sorry about that folks, I was looking at something and lost track of time," she said with a smile and went back to standing completely upright. She looked around at the group of people, making note that a few Engineers were missing, but she understood that. She knew that the Chief Engineer was probably overseeing the last of the work from the yard, and grabbed a few others to help her out. The door opened up again, and in came a young Andorian, who quickly went in with the rest of the crew. She had to work hard not to giggle, but managed to stay still.

"Alright then, pretty sure this is everyone that we are going to have with us right now. As I have said before, I am Captain Tetra McCoy, and welcome aboard the USS Tricyion. This is the newest ship in the fleet, and everyone here was lucky enough to be placed as a crewman aboard it. Now, I personally do not know most everyone here, and something tells me that it is the same for at least most of you. We are not scheduled to leave port until 1800, so there is an hour of time that can be used up for other things, before we have to get ready to leave. I ask that you try and get to know your fellow crewmen, since you never know when you might need them for something. I hope that in time that we can learn to trust one another, and be the best that we can be. Thank you".

She smiled at the crew, and walked over to someone she did recognize, her XO. Truthfully, she knew that generally most Captains knew their second in command well before they left port. Their meeting, having been thrown together, was a little shaky. She needed to get to know him though. "Hey there. Ready to take off in one of the newest ships ever?" she asked, giving him a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 4 days ago


Location: Mess Hall

"Hmm. Late to a meeting she scheduled. To the point with her speech. Engages in small-talk and is insistent on socialization." T'Plior wasn't sure what to make of this young captain. Her habits portrayed her as irrational, yet there were some strains of logic within. Her purpose for the forced socialization was logical but based on irrational ideas. Many StarFleet officers were certain that the only effective crew was one where there were no friction between crewmembers both on duty and off. Encouraged socializing was then an early test of whether the crew would "get along" as the humans say. Any crewmembers that caused trouble were marked and any further doubts of their capability with the rest of the crew could mean reassignment. Sometimes, the crewmembers were legitimately disrupting the smooth operation of the ship and the safety of the crew. Other times, it was undeserved on the crewmembers' parts. Logic dictated though that as long as the crewmembers performed their duties and didn't risk the lives and well-being of others on the ship, any crew relations that didn't harm either of those main tasks could be allowed. Starfleet had the example of Mr. Spock and Dr. Mccoy's friction not being a detriment to the operation of the ship to show that crew members could disagree with each other and still operate at peak efficiency.

T'Plior made her way to the food replicator and entered in her card. Her solution so far had been to work and eat only while around others, talk only when necessitated, and stay as inobvious as possible. Since the captain had gathered them in the mess hall and the launch was scheduled within the usual evening meal time, then logically she would be wanting them to partake of an early evening meal while socializing. The replicator opened to reveal ratatouille, a dish T'Plior had gotten use to from Academy days, with a glass of milk, which she then took to a corner, alcove seat within the hall. There she sat down and ate, observing the rest of the crew to test her knowledge so far of the crew (she would need to finish up her reading after launch) and observe anything not put down in the medical records and psych profiles or any deviation that could signal illness or distress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ensign Avillaa Sh'kihlos

Location: Mess

I can't believe that I was the last person to show up. I was late to the meeting thing. This doesn't bode well for me. At least the Captain hasn't singled me out.

She is an interesting person, that's for sure. Almost seems a little reckless, makes sense though. We all have to get along sometime, might as well deal with any problems before we leave.

Avillaa was standing around, and eventually saw a few other science officers who would probably be working with her. She walked over and started conversing with them. After several minutes, she wandered off again, over to another group of people. She wasn't exactly paying much attention to where she was going. After a while, she left the mess and started wandering around the ship again. She had an hour or so before she had to be at her station. She wanted to learn more about the ship, her curiosity was getting the better of her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lieutenant Gavi

Lieutenant Junior Grade Gavi, formerly of Tellar Prime, the homeworld for Tellarites was now a crewmember of the USS Tricyion, a Science Exploration ship of the United Federation of Planets. Gavi was confident of his skills as an Engineer and thoroughly believed he would be of value to this crew.

He observed the crew assembled in the ship’s mess and listened to the Ship’s Captain, Tetra McCoy. ’She prefers us to be social,’ Gavi thought to himself. ’OK, I can play that game.’ He searched for other Engineering members, believing it best to acquaint himself with people in his department first. He’d already met Ensign Nabiyev and Chief Petrovich. Then he spied a young woman with dark hair wearing the rank of a Lieutenant Commander.

He approached the dark haired human woman, extended his right hand and in a supercilious tone, Gavi spoke, “Hello, Commander. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Gavi, graduate of the Vulcan Science Academy. I believe we will be working together, ma’am.”

CE Robin

Rachel was actually in an improving state of mind when she received a reminder that the Captain had called a staff meeting in the mess and that it was important that she attend. She could have found an excuse easily because of the coming launch and the preparation of the ship.

She hadn't taken any extraordinary steps in her uniform or hair thinking that as long as this wasn't a diplomatic gathering why bother.
She had never really cared for dress uniforms enjoying a technician's coveralls instead for their utility and their meaning.

Once at the gathering she found a quiet corner and was content with waiting the approximate amount of time till she dropped by the Captain and made her greetings and excused herself to continue her work.

It was while waiting that she was approached by a Tellarite Engineer who introduced himself in a surprisingly polite manner.

"As I am the Chief of Engineering Commander Robin and I wouldn't be at all surprised that we will be required to work together," she answered in playful banter.

Lieutenant Gavi

Gavi feigned a smile in response to his superior's banter, "Yes, of course, ma'am." Without pause, he continued with, "I did want to inform you that Chief Petrovich is currently working on the Antideuterium sublimators on deck eight at the moment. He will not be attending the Captain's meeting," Lieutenant Gavi felt it necessary to inform the Chief Engineer of this. He assumed she knew, but now she knew, he knew there was someone working on the problem. Being ready to leave when the Captain ordered it so, would be appropriate. "I trust you would want him to continue to work?"

CE Robin

Rachel smiled broadly her eyes sparkling with contained amusement when Lt. Gavi told her about Chief Petrovich then in a breathy tone as if she's recovering from laughing says
"This is my first cruise with the ship's Engineering staff and know that I as yet have only reports and reviews to show me everyone's strengths and weaknesses; consider this a shake down cruise.

I am also aware that the Staff has only rumor and conjecture to know my command style. I am not prone to hover, look over or micro manage. I give commands and spare the details so I can focus on the larger picture. It's up to my subordinates to focus on the details."

She paused and caught her breath and suppressed her urge to laugh

"Sorry Lieutenant Gavi but you remind me of my Godfather, Hav when he was a young engineer.

Back to the Subject the simple answer is I've given orders and expect to see them done as I have laid my own and the engineering staff's Honor on their timely completion.

I do not enjoy disappointment."
She finished with a soft tilt of her head as she openly studied his features with a gentle smile

Lieutenant Gavi

'Right', Lt. Gavi thought to himself. He somehow felt very uncomfortable around his commanding officer. This next chapter in his Starfleet career would be an awkward one. He did not know how to respond to such cavalier notions. He would have to pay close attention.

"Thank you, ma'am," Gavi at last spoke to Commander Robin. "If you could excuse me," He finished and then quickly turned about to find someone else to speak with.

Collaboration: Gunther - RumikoOhara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Ginell Conlach

Location: Mess Hall

If Ginell had one thing to say about her new captain, it was that her speeches were brief and to the point. And this first request of the captian's would not be that hard for one of Ginny's persuasion to follow. The red-head glanced around the room, seeing where the fun was to be had. Then she spotted a group huddled out of ear shoot of the captain and any of the Vulcans around. Made sense, Vulcans tended to be a stickler of regulation, even if a regulation wasn't technically violated. She made her way over to see a charismatic male human shuffling the cards, a security officer by the looks of him, ensign rank.

"Come on, who's in?" he eagerly whispered, flashing a wide grin. "Perfectly according to regulation, only food and shifts at stake here. The rules only state that gambling for money isn't allowed. Come on, try your luck. Who's in?"

Ginny smiled, she had always had a fondness for cards. And she wasn't going to lose her paycheck. "Deal me in." She whispered, then sat down and kept that smile as she glanced at her hand. Now was the time for chance and bluffs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago




It is getting close to departure, the final preparations are being made outside of the ship. Several members of the crew are heading to their stations, waiting for the word to go.

Captain Tetra McCoy

Location: Bridge

Tetra leaves the mess when it starts getting close to departure. She needed to be ready to give the orders and to not be late. She felt like she made a fool of herself showing up late to the crew gathering, but hoped to not let that happen again. The Captain walked up towards the bridge, saying hello to any crewman that she passed. Tetra was not one to back down easily, and hoped that she could become more friendly with the crew as time goes on.

She saw a few members of the crew were already in their places, and she smiled at their readiness. She sat down in her chair, pulling up a few of the ship schematics on her small computer. Tetra started looking through them more thoroughly. It was about time she got to knew the ship that she was going to be Captain of. No matter how much she hated learning the mechanics of anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ensign Conlach - Lieutenant Jabari

Kojo was told to report to the Bridge. The Tricyion was about to depart the shipyards over Earth. He took his seat at the helm, reviewing the controls. They were quite similar to the Majestic. A young Trill Ensign entered the bridge and took her seat at Navigation and Operations.

“Hello, Ensign,” Kojo said as he stood up. He turned to her, extended his right, “My name is Lieutenant Jabari. I assume you are the Navigator?”

Ginny smiled and shook his offered hand, “Indeed I am, Lieutenant. My name is Ginnel, but most folks call me Ginny.” She surveyed the bridge. “Isn’t this exciting? We’re on the threshold of adventure. One coordinate and we could be warped to a new civilization, discover new space and biological phenomenon, go where no one else has…” Then Ginny lightly blushed, somewhat hiding her spots. “Sorry. Just a bit overexcited I guess. Tends to make me a bit of a motor mouth. This is my first fleet assignment. I guess you could say I’m a little ‘wet behind the ears.’ At least, that’s a term I heard some of the human instructors use. ”

“Well Ginny, it is very nice meeting you,” Kojo said with a knowing smile. “You must have just completed the Academy then. I served the past four or more years aboard the USS Majestic as the ship’s Helmsman. The Majestic is a Miranda-Class that served as a science ship, like the Tricyion. It is slightly larger than this ship. I was able to learn and work at Navigations and Tactical while aboard the Majestic. If you have any questions, please ask. If I don’t know, I’m sure the First Officer can help.”

“What do you like to do in your free time?”

“It depends,” Ginny responded with a shrug.“I like to hang out with the others usually in whatever they do. I’m up for most games and challenges.” Then she shook her head with a smirk, “Yet whenever it comes to a spar match, I’m out. I took the required courses, so I sort of know the basics. But that class I never did do well in. Usually fell asleep. I also like reading on occasion and singing. Oh and pilot simulators. Real piloting’s better, but simulators get close enough.”


“I also enjoy flying,” Kojo quickly asserted. “And not just large star ships. I’ve been qualified on tactical, navigations as well as helm. Maybe we could do some flight simulations together sometime.” Kojo then shifted his weight onto his right leg and let the Ensign know what he really enjoys doing. “Contrary to your lack of desire, I actually enjoy engaging in unarmed combat and armed with bladed weapons or with a phaser. I’m always looking for a sparring partner, but apparently that is not you.” Kojo smiled at that one. “I enjoy reading a good fiction once in awhile too, but prefer the original paper and ink over digitized formats. It is less strain on the eyes.”

“What do you think of the Captain? She seems quite outgoing.”

“Yes, she does. Maybe we can finagle a good poker game around her without breaking regulations or something.” Ginny responded, “Actually, some of my favorite flights involve shuttle craft. They’re among the tightest turners and quickest responders out there, you know, especially, when entering the atmosphere.” Then she bit her lip, “Actually, how good are you at instructing? I know that sparring is a good skill to have in reserve in case of boarding or something happens during an away mission. And it’s a serious weakness to not be somewhat proficient. Or could you suggest something I could self study? I’ve always been one of the most agile of the class with quick reflexes, but among the bottom on the brute strength totem pole.”

Kojo listened to the Ensign talk about sparring. He knew that the critical component of sparring was conditioning. Without it, she wouldn’t last ten seconds. “Do you exercise regularly?” Kojo asked. “I’ve seen body builders attempt striking drills and run out of steam after about six punches. It is less about how strong a person is and more about how often and how long they engage in the sport. Given that we may at any time encounter a race of hostile beings it is a good skill to have especially if you are on an away team. I can work with you, but we need to get into a regular schedule of cardio activity. The act of striking is a cardio vascular exercise itself. I can teach you to punch and kick. I earned a black belt in four disciplines. But if you want to do this, you must commit to training at least one hour a day, two or more days a week.” Kojo was serious about his training and serious with Ensign Conlach about her training.

The Trill shrugged her shoulders, “If that’s what it takes, then I’ll do it. Once we’re off-duty, we can figure out a time that works with both our schedules for the training and I can figure out when to do cardio.” Then she smirked, “At least here, I won’t have to worry about homework and exams. Those could seriously cause scheduling conflicts.” The smirk turned into a little chuckle.

“Thanks, I don’t want to fail the crew for lack of skill.”

With those words spoken by Ensign Ginnell Conlach, the Captain and First Officer stepped onto the bridge. Lieutenant Jabari instinctively took his seat at the helm, ready to receive instructions from the ship’s Captain with Ensign Ginnell following suit at the navigation station.

Collaboration: Gunther - Cyrania

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 4 days ago


Location: Sickbay, Bridge

As the engines hummed with readiness, T'Plior checked the sickbay once more. Her early dinner had been adequate. She had survived her time within the Mess Hall, unobtrusively left early, and managed to finish up the crew medical files as well as schedule the requisite check-ups for her visual inspection. Her duty now lie in waiting here, along with the nurses, for any medical needs and emergencies, strictly logical.

Yet something did not sit right with the Vulcan. Part of her interest in Starfleet had been the possibility of exploration. Sickbay was only a place for second-hand knowledge of the unknown, not first-hand. T'Plior looked around. The nurses seemed competent, competent enough to handle probable needs that would come about. It was not unheard of for the chief medical officer to be present on the bridge, though that depended on the captain's orders. Logically, overseeing the bridge allowed early warning of major medical emergencies and viewing of the stress rates of the bridge crew which could cause medical problems later on. Her Vulcan reflexes would allow her to come 2.15 seconds sooner if needed, unless she was trapped in the Turbolift, but there was only a 0.000000000085 % chance of that happening, especially on the first engaging of warp drive. She suppressed the illogical thought that it was because it was the first launch that staying in the Sickbay was particularly unappealing. Internally, she sighed and made a decision.

"Head Nurse Zigler," T'Plior called towards her second-in-command. The head nurse turned away from his own preparations and strided towards the Vulcan, his back straightening up in response to his superior's professional posture.

"Yes, ma'am?" he replied.

"I shall be on the bridge for the duration of this shift," she said. "While I'm gone, you of course will be in charge until I return. Call me if anything happens."

"Yes, ma'am." Zigler replied, then T'Plior left and headed towards the turbolift, unsure if she had heard a cheer behind her as the doors swished closed or not.

She was of course not anxious as she rode the turbolift, she was a Vulcan. If the captain decided T'Plior shouldn't be allowed on the bridge, she would accept that and return to sickbay. It was captain's prerogative. Captain Mccoy was known to have a temper at times, but nothing about what she was about to do seemed like something that would as the humans say "spark" that temper. Humans could be unpredictable though. She had barely triple-checked her uniform for any creases or flaws when the turbolift opened.

T'Plior locked all her mental shields and every emotional lockdown she knew and strode onto the bridge. "Permission to observe the bridge, Captian?" she said, proper military posture full enforced and ready to leave if she was told to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lieutenant Gavi

Lieutenant Gavi did not feel comfortable about his first encounter with his new supervisor, Commander Robin. She appeared a bit too relaxed for his liking. He took his job serious and expected a certain air of professionalism around him. It put him on edge and did not feel comfortable with her yet. Maybe if he engaged her in an argument she would come around?
Yes, a good argument always seemed to set the proper tone.

Gavi returned to Deck six engineering and stood at his station. He looked over the display and identified the Antideuterium sublimators had been repaired by Chief Petrovich. The ship would be operationally prepared to leave its moorings and begin its first assignment. Ensign Nabiyev arrived in Engineering two minutes after Gavi and stood at his station. The two spoke not one word to one another, reviewing the various systems of the ship and running diagnostic checks to double check everything was functioning properly.

"Ensign Nabiyev," Lieutenant Gavi spoke as though he were clearing his throat. "Is this your first assignment?"

"Yes, Lieutentant, it is," The Trill officer responded. "And you?"

"I was posted to the USS Revere, a Hermes class Scout ship. I was there for three years before being reassigned to the Tricyon."

"See anything interesting aboard the Revere?"

"Yes, frequently," Lieutenant Gavi left his response and resumed his work.
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