Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul gasped, not out of pain, but out of surprise as he was forcibly dragged through the air by the wind, he smiled as he smashed through the first building.

I'm liking her more and more every minute.

Wait, no, angry, grr, fight time, kill the Nazi scum!
Paul gave himself a small cheer, which was interrupted by his interception of a second building.

Rolling through the air, Paul attempted to use his powers to slow himself, managing to slow himself to a point where he managed to stop himself going right through another building. Pulling himself away from the cracked wall, Paul began strategizing. He was facing a threat strong enough to send him flying, and his suit weighed upwards of two hundred pounds. This wasn't an opponent for a normal human, but from the short time he spent watching the fight against the speedster, both the person in heavy metal armor and the one who had a torch on his chest were powered, perhaps just as powerful as Fission himself, even if they lacked the invulnerability his abilities gave him. Paul wasn't the smartest, he thought that the solution to this problem was to have everyone hit her really hard, but he understood that perhaps there were better strategies, even if he himself couldn't make one up.

Now he just had to make it back before anything else happened. He was ready, he prepared himself for...


Crap, how was he going to get back?

Uhh... maybe I coul-

The back of Paul's suit exploded with an incredible fury, throwing him so fast he could barely let out a gasp before he was thrown through the air at uncontrollable speeds, smashing right back through the buildings he had been sent through. He knew his abilities were nigh-uncontrollable, but that was something he had never expected, this was dangerous, if he was near someone he cared about? Jesus Christ... if he was in the middle of Berlin though, he'd be happy then. Just the though of turning a group of Americans into a fine paste was enough for Paul to rethink his powers, whether they had truly been a gift, he already hated what he'd become, but now the powers his new form granted were scaring him.

A thought for later, he supposed. Coming back to reality, he noticed a wall coming ever closer. Frowning, he flipped through the air in an attempt to slow himself, but it was for naught, as his back into the wall and he fell to the ground head-first, being buried in bricks from the wall he smashed into. He stumbled to his feet, turned to his left, and got really, really, sad, as he again saw the woman, too close for comfort.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 12 days ago

Mysterio was nearly at the end of his second wind when the god send that was Payload came to his rescue. "I... coulda... handled... Thanks a ton." Mysterio said between breathes as he was flown to safety. As the others talked to one another, Mysterio went immediately to laying on the ground in exhaustion with his eyes blissfully shut, he had just ran and ridden farther than he thought was humanly possible and to say he was tired was the understatement of the century. Just as his fleeting breathe began to returned to Burt, he opened his eyes to be greeted by some flying amazon of a woman holding a bus menacingly above the group. Rather than be startled by this sudden revelation, Burt simply stared at her as he thought to himself "I didn't have to deal with this when I was on the other side of the fence and all the heroes were non-lethal."

Finally coming to his senses, Burt got to his feet as the beautiful sound of incoming Nazi forces blessed Burt's ears. All of his muscles burned in protest of even standing but Burt knew that he had to get the civilians to safety... mainly because it would keep his new friends happy and the job would entail getting as far away from the oh so wonderful woman who was currently threatening the group with a bus.

"Anyone who doesn't want to get crushed or shot follow me and cross your fingers!" Burt yelled as he began running for a nearby store and ushering in any and all civilians that he could muster through the door and told them to run out the back. His 'powers' didn't work very well when in the open fresh air but if he filled up a more enclosed space, like a store, with his suit's gas then he would hopefully expose any pursing nazi soldiers and give him some actual use in a fight.

After getting everyone through the shop Mysterio began to dump as much hallucinogenic gas as he could into the shop. Even one breathe of that stuff from each soldier would be enough to get some of them losing their minds. While he filled the shop Burt hoped that one of the other ground-bound heroes would help out by getting the civilians on their way.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Features and abilities consistent with Amazon training and equipment..." Atom reported, noting that his and the woman's strength seemed just about even, "...threat level: Moderate." at that moment, one of the others blasted her with fire. It was the fire-type metahuman he rescued earlier. Determining this to be a suitable distraction, the robot kicked into full throttle so that the horsepower of his jet-engine thrusters could give the extra momentum he needed to finally tear the bus free from the Amazon's grasp.

"Civilians in hot zone. Updating mission parameters." rather than drop the bus and continue the assault on the Amazon, the robot instead lowered his altitude and placed the vehicle on the pavement near his fire-wielding allies, "Hostages secured," he stated, reporting both to Trent and the Torch. He took that moment to also tear off the rear doors of the bus so that the people inside had a wide enough exit to get out through, or perhaps for others to climb in if that was a preferable plan, "I must capture the Amazon, but protecting human lives overwrites it as a priority. I can continue the assault but only if they're protection continues after my absence."

This, in a way, was Atom's weakness. As powerful as the robot was, the Three Laws he was programmed with ultimately limited what he could do. If one of the other supers volunteered to take up protection of the hostages and other civilians, then Atom could get back into the fight and take down the Amazon with no restrictions. Until then, however, he was bound by the Three Laws to remain there.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Down the street rolled a truck with seeming no driver inside of it, this truck came to a stop and more than a soft crunch into a fortified building. At first there was a spray of gunfire to kill anyone in the cab, then came the curiosity as a solider was sent to investigate.

"Seine Voller essen...helfen Sie mir, es nach innen erhalten."

Soon two more joined in, looting the truck as a commander oversaw the operation from his bay window with assault rifle locked and ready.


The neonate called out as the shot from an apartment took out a commander on the second floor. Curiosity lured them out for the trap before they used the truck itself as cover from the sniper.

The truck exploded from the block of home-made c-4 under the gas peddle. Chaos ensued as the sniper watched from is perch, studying how they responded before the biggest human he had seen in days picked up the heavy machine gun with one hand and painted the appartment in pellets. There was a groan then a crash as he fell through the floor to the second story then again to the lobby.

As the soliders closed in to confirm their kill, they were surprised only for a moment as the corpse they filled with holes was one of their own. Then he exploded as well, taking out a few more as well as the rest of the building collapsed. From the alley stepped out an amalgamation of new old and older. He kneeled with his shield for cover and to steady his aim as he set the rifle on a niche and hip fired a round into the big burly brute's brain-pan.

Four more shots that a sniper would swear by thinned the herd until a tossed grenaded forced a change of methods. The explosive was knocked wide by the shield but exposed his belly as another opened full auto into his chest. The impact alone set him on his ass as he changed grip on the rifle and threw it like a spear into one of the soldiers legs.

"Missed, damn."

As the first solider tried to get the serrated spear out of the others leg, the gladiator slowly stood and drew his gladius. The first solider ran. "If you stay really still, I won't kill you." With sword and shield, the warrior picked around at the bodies for some supplies for his pouches and took a few belts. To his word, the maimed trooper stayed still and was rewarded with a first-aid kit tossed on his chest.

Frantically the solider started to bind his leg and-*BLAM*
"Told him to stay still..."

Soon there was fire and tornadoes and explosions. The conflict called to him like a siren to a sailor so who was he to say no. He rounded the corner to see many on one, but only one was clearly on the other side. For now, he watched. he watched and observed, taking in the fight and how everyone acted, absorbing the experience of the metahuman conflict.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago

Her clothes burned, and so did her anger. The mechanical man had rested the bus on the ground and the civilians were freed, but when he mentioned directives and such the Torch didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about.

"I must capture the Amazon, but protecting human lives overwrites it as a priority. I can continue the assault but only if their protection continues in my absence." the robotic man stated.

The soldiers not focused on Mysterio nearby and the building full of gas were nearing Thunderclap, the Mighty Atom, and Torch. While the robot continued to make things awkward Alan finally snapped out of it. He half thought this thing was just a guy in some Megaman cosplay.

"I'll take the civilians and try to get to fishbowl head and the other group. You worry about Baroness Bitchface..." before Alan even finished his statement, the Baroness flew towards her men and the surrounded Thunderclap.

"Quit wasting your time on this one..." she began hitting the ground hard landing on top of the young hero.

Her Amazonian armor and strength were enough to rip at the dark hero's armor at the seams and exposed his body underneath. It was like a giant jumping down on a dog in chain mail. The armor was still partly in tact, but the body inside was crushed.

"..get those costumed men over there and kill all of the civilians. I must alert the Master..." she said partly exasperated wiping blood and fleshy remains off of her shoulder.


A few streets back...

"C'mon man, I'll take care of these people! The guy in black just got crushed like a bug..." Torch continued to try and get to the robotic man, "You two, come with me if you want to live. Do EXACTLY what I say, and keep your head down. We're gonna double back a few buildings and meet up with a few more civilians. We're either getting you out of here or we're gonna find someplace safe to take shelter." Alan continued running off with the two civilians from the bus as the mechanical man seemed to take the Baroness back into his sights.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul stood slowly, his suit shooting out air from his back noisily. That wasn't good, he realized, damn Chinaman suit, couldn't they make anything right? He shook the dust off his shoulders and went to crack his knuckles, stopping as he realized he had no knuckles to crack, instead he made the sounds with his mouth. Yeah, that's cool, America, woo.

Someone had managed to get the bus away from the woman while he was down, and even though it pained his heart to do so, he knew he had to beat her down, perhaps even to death. She was strong, yes, but he was stronger, and he wasn't some third rate German knockoff of the old heroes from the forties. His hands warped the air around them due to the immense heat they began to let off, Paul closed them tightly, creating a satisfying rubber stretching sound that probably only he could hear.

Alright, enough preparations... nah, not yet, he was a real American hero! He had to show that! Holding out his hands, he blasted the ground around him, sending up a small dust cloud that silhouetted his heroic build, his awesome abs, his wing-like lats, and of course, his devilishly handsome red face. Jumping out of the cloud with hands on hips, he held out a finger while snapping his other hand.

"Hey bitch!" He said, his wrist board-like in stiffness.

"You've made the wrong decision coming here, with all your Commie friends and your hubbie speedy over there... and a little over there. But enough of him, because he went down like a chump! You ever seen a boxing match where it's one punch and he's done? It was a little like that, but his head went boom! You want a piece of him to mail back to his family? I'm sure there's some brain left between my fingers if you do!" He checked his fingers, finding no brain matter and responding with a disappointed sigh.

"Anyway..." He stood a moment, before leaping into the air, firing down three blasts and flipping as to ensure both heels came down on the back of her head.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aegis sighed in disappointment. He had hoped for more to learn from, but his hesitation might cost another hero their life. He was his fathers son and he grew from the experience of conflict. Not the one sided beat-down of overwhelming force and watching this woman was like watching a tank against infantry.

He picked up an enemy rifle and waited for her to stand and present herself. Thankfully she did do just as the other issued his challenge, she should be distracted enough for him to put a round down behind her ear. Breathe in, and squeeze on on the release.


When the shot went off, so did he. He took off across the rooftop and lept over an alley to the next roof. He was trying to either take potshots while the other kept her distracted or keep her distracted while the other took her out.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 12 days ago

Burt had locked the back door once he left the store in order to keep the soldiers at bay for as long as possible and so they could get a good whiff of his airborne hallucinetic gases. Once he began to hear banging on the door, Mysterio activated the taser function on his cloak and whipped the door open whilst projecting a horned bear running into the room as Mysterio followed suit in a crouched position so that he could avoid the hail of bullets coming from the frantic soldiers. Burt had managed to incapacitate a few with his cloak and proceeded to hide himself in the corner as he began creating increasingly more frightening hallucinations as he picked off the soldier with his wrist mounted guns.

The whole ordeal only took a minute or three as most of the soldier fled through the front door back into the superhuman fray outside in a dazed and confused state. Burt proceeded to once more rush out to the refugees to which he saw the addition of three new figures, two refugees and one flame retardant superhuman. "Alright! Lets make like a tree and get outta here. Where are we headed to hot pockets?" Burt asked the pyro-based superhero.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The carnage caused by the other heroes had not gone unnoticed. Several Fourth Reich vehicles had heard about the problems going on and were currently redeploying to their location. The small group composed of a light tank and a troop carrier, both carrying fifteen soldiers. The reports had been garbled, and therefore they had very little idea what was going on. For all they knew, the trouble was being caused by just a bunch of random enemy soldiers. If they made it to the battleground, they would last about a minute.

Luckily for them, they wouldn't get killed at the battleground. Unluckily for them, this was because someone was perched on a building, watching them as they slowly drove past. It was a figure dressed completely in grey, with a hood obscuring his face, with the only parts of his skin visible being completely pale. The only color on him was the bright lightning bolt on his costume, and his light blue eyes, which almost seemed to shine from the darkness in his hood.

From his perch on the building, he got up and lazily stepped forward, letting himself drop. He took a deep breath as he fell, and watched the troop carrier on the front. Suddenly, he shot forward, bringing his shoulder forward and smashing into the carrier like a rocket. He winced in pain as it took the impact of the strike, but it worked, the carrier tipping to its side, suspended for a moment before falling on its back.

Andrew landed on his feet, still wincing slightly, but turned around to look at the light tank and the second carrier coming towards him. He couldnt help but let a giggle escape from his lips as the gunner on the tank fired his machine gun, tearing up the road in front of him. Andrew shot upwards, landing on the tank turret with a motion that looked like a graceful jump. The gunner didnt even say a word, as Andrew plucked his machine gun from its mounting with a smile, and proceeded to smash it down upon his head, annihilating his entire skull and sending him flying back down into the bowels of the tank. A wonderful surprise for the rest of the crew.

With that, he looked at the flipped carrier, where soldiers were beginning to pour out of, seeming disconcerted by the strike they had taken earlier.

He loved this.

He. Absolutely. LOVED IT.

Whether it was the memories of an Egyptian prince in his mind, or the power flowing through his veins, nothing compared to it. They always tried, chipping away at him with those little projectile firing weapons, their arrogance turning to panic, then their everything turning to lovely messes. It was beautiful.

This was the thought he had in his head as he hopped off the tank and made his way towards the soldiers, who proceeded to open fire. The bullets bounced off Andrew like a fly bouncing off a tank. To the soldier's credit, that wasn't to say he didn't feel them. Actually, they all felt like somebody was repeatedly poking him. Sure, some pokes would hurt more than others, but they were nothing to be concerned about.

The first soldier was torn clean in half, Andrew's hands separating his body into pieces with a grunt of effort, before he grabbed the leg of the second and launching him towards another two. The pattern continued, until the area looked rather akin to an Abattoir, with Andrew laughing as one of the wounded blazed away with his sidearm, seemingly ignorant of the rather large chunk scooped out of his abdomen. The superhuman spitefully kicked him in the face as he strolled past, not sparing him a second glance as he walked towards the tank, who's crew seemed to have finally put their brains in their heads and aimed their turret his way. Andrew laughed.

"An excellent try. Now try and get a shot o..."

It fired, the shell exploding in front of Andrew and sent him flying backwards , smashing into the upside down carrier and nearly flipping it the right way up again. He groaned, and pulled himself out of the Andrew-Sized hole that had been made in the side of the carrier. He got to his feet, and gritted his teeth. The explosion had done little more than irritate him.
....but it had done a lot worse to his pride.

He launched himself forward, landing on the turret again and dropped into the interior of it, his feet landing in the mess that was the commander he had hit with the gun earlier. It was cramped, but he could see the faces of the crew.
What happened next, was mercifully short.


After picking over the corpses, he flew away from them, looking over the city for anything interesting while eating a slightly dry sausage sandwich that he had found on one of the corpses. He didnt need to eat in that form of course, but habits were hard to shake. Ever since he had got his powers, he had felt a odd craving for figs and slightly dry meat. He had no idea why he felt that wa...

"Hey bitch!"

He looked up from his sandwich, to hear someone yelling in the distance. Despite all the explosions and sounds of battle in the city, it oddly stood out. Andrew slowly hovered towards the noise, when it spoke again.

Commies? Boxing matches? What the fuck was this person talking about? His ears pricked up at the mention of a speedster, only to be hit with a wave of disappointment when the voice yelled about it being dead. He just wanted to fight something...challenging. Although he had torn apart infantry like wet paper, he wanted something that didnt explode when he punched it. At least, not at first.

Would a speedster be any more durable though? They might need it in case they ran into anything...speaking of which, did they have super reflexes as well, to prevent them from pasting themselves over a wall every time they ran? But then again, if they did, why were they not dodging every attack that went their way? This person said he had punched the speedster to death, but then again...

Losing his train of thought, Andrew hovered above the clearing. Below was someone in a...suit of some kind, as well as a woman in...not a great deal. Figures. The man in the suit was the one yelling so much. Did he get his powers from the suit? Would he die if it broke? Questions for a bit later.

Andrew hovered down slightly, before sitting with his legs hanging down on the blown out side of a building. He took another bite of his sandwich, before watching intently. It would be rude to interrupt a battle like that, so he decided to wait and introduce himself to the victor. If they attacked, he would rip their head off. If they didn't...well, he would use his judgement. Something he didn't use often nowadays.

He took another bite, before tossing it away, unintentionally towards the battleground.

No wonder the Fourth Reich soldiers from earlier attacked him. He would want to die too, if he had to eat crap like that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Defend ally - defend hostages - defend ally - defend...! The robot stood still, like some kind of statue or stationary sentinel. His eyes were the only things moving, rapidly shifting his gaze between the rescued hostages and the black-clad metahuman under attack. His programming was rampant, trying to order him to do two tasks simultaneously. But since he was only one entity, Atom could not perform either task, and instead appeared to be at a mental impasse, unable to take any action. Then, it was all too late. The Baroness crashed down onto the ground, literally stomping the panther-man to death.

"Casualty report. One. Metahuman." spoke the robot in a cold, seemingly uncaring tone. At almost the same time, the fire meta offered to get the rescued hostages to safety, confirming the completion of the robot's task of rescuing them. Now both mission priorities were gone, leaving only the mission's prime directive of capturing the Amazon. But by that point, the Baroness was under attack herself from two different sources. A sniper opening fire from an unknown location and the armored nuclear man blasting her and attempting what could be a lethal drop kick on her head.

"Intervene! NOW! We need the Baroness alive!" Trent's voice, becoming audibly frustrated. Atom responded by locking all of his combat functionalities onto the Baroness, his thrusters beginning to fire up.

"Command confirmed." with those words, the robot was off like a blazing rocket. His flight systems were working overtime to get him to the target's location before she could be seriously damaged by her attackers. The robot was just fast enough that he collided with her split seconds before the first atomic blast could make contact. Such a physical blow coming seemingly out of nowhere took her completely off guard and the Amazon found herself in an aerial grappling match with Atom while he forcibly flew them both straight up.

They went up. Up. Up higher until they were nearly in the stratosphere. At this height, the air became thin, almost dangerously so. Fighter pilots always donned oxygen masks when flying at this height, and for good reason. The Amazon was strong, amazingly strong. Gifted with divine strength from her Godly lineage. But all the strength in the world meant nothing if one had no air to breathe. As the air thinned, the Amazon had to take deeper and deeper breaths which meant she couldn't devote as much concentration to fending off the robot's hold on her. Soon enough he had her in a literal stranglehold, until her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she lost consciousness.

"Target neutralized." Atom reported, now turning them around into a rapid descent back to the ground. He touched ground several meters away from where the Baroness had originally stood, but couldn't slow his descent fast enough to land gently. Instead he impacted the ground like a small meteorite, leaving a crater behind with a diameter that matched the width of a two-lane highway. The robot straightened his stance, the Amazon's unconscious form slumped over his shoulder, but he didn't move. In fact, he looked like he was waiting for something.

That was because he was indeed waiting. He was waiting for the containment unit which was no doubt on its way there to collect the prisoner. Metahuman prisoners like this one needed special modes of transport due to their wide array of abilities and powers. STAR Labs had recently began manufacturing such containment cells using a combination of advanced human technology, reverse-engineered alien technology, and even some mystical power sources. The latter would surely be needed for one with Amazonian strength, which technically counted as a mystical power that, ergo, could only be contained by mystical means.

"Monitor the other meta's there with you until the transport arrives." Trent's voice, giving some new orders, "The Baroness is a prisoner of the US Army now, so do not - under any circumstances - let them get their hands on her."

"Command confirmed." responded Atom, who then set about scanning the other meta's to assess their abilities and any possible weaknesses they might have.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Alright! Lets make like a tree and get outta here. Where are we headed to hot pockets?" Mysterio asked the pyro-based superhero.

"I heard one of the soldiers earlier on the US line talking about a bunker underneath a community center in Columbia Heights. I think it's in the northwestern region of the city..." Torch started to comment before more soldiers began to hit the scene in the distance.

There were at least a dozen more civilians still alive with the two heroes. A bicycle wasn't going to cut it. Alan scanned their surroundings and saw it. An armored car, no money in the back mind you, but just sitting there with the doors flung open.

"I've got a plan..." the Torch said pulling Mysterio closer not knowing if the man even had ears under the fishbowl helmet.

Minutes later the two heroes were pushing the armored truck slowly down a mostly deserted street nearing where the community center was located. The keys in it were gone but they'd likely get spotted if they were speeding through a war zone. The civilians were safe behind bulletproof plating in the back cab of the armored car, the two heroes pushing it in neutral from the driver and passengers side doors. The community center was within a block away. The group was roughly half a mile away now from where the action had been taking place with the Amazon Baroness, which was where most nearby soldiers were making their way towards.

"So magic man, you have enough of that crazy gas to where you could give us some cover while we get the civilians in the center. Like grenades you could chuck in a few spots while we make our way in?" Torch asked from the other side of the armored car not knowing if Mysterio could hear him speaking so quietly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 12 days ago

This has been a very exhausting day and it wasn't even half over yet. First Burt was jogging for an explosion, then he was running from Nazi's and now he was pushing and armoured truck full of people to a community centre. Burt was beginning to really regret not working out while he was in prison.

"So magic man, you have enough of that crazy gas to where you could give us some cover while we get the civilians in the center. Like grenades you could chuck in a few spots while we make our way in?" asked the human matchstick. Mysterio nearly face-palmed (or as close as he could get in his helmet) at his enormous stupidity. Why didn't he make gas bombs? That would have been so easy and so simple yet still super effective!

"'Friad not." Burt said through gritted teeth "I can probably distract a bunch if we can get a bunch of my smog in their systems but I don't have any grenades or nothing. Just the nozzles on my suit." Burt said with a grunt as he continued pushing the car.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Aegis smiled as the baroness was taken out through team efforts, he was learning much. With the automoton confiscating the amazon, he shifted his attention to the other survivors. watched the two start pushing a car to use as cover and smiled as he made his way down a fire escape to the fallen hero, he examined Thunderclaps outfit with a smile and callously started to field strip the mess of a man from his armor even the brutal beauty had trouble breaking. Superhuman endurance, inside indestructible armor? Yes please!

After the ghoulish proceedings of pouring the pulp out, he didn't have the luxury of washing the clothing before putting it on himself to survive this war. On site acquisition was a bitch. He picked his way to the fishbowl helmet and the flaming hero as he said nothing when he came up behind the others in the car to join them in pushing the mobile barrier.

"Aegis, I'm on your side."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul's heels embedded themselves in the ground as his target was yanked out from under him. Stumbling until he was flatfooted, Paul growled angrily and searched for her with a few quick turns of his head. Standing a few moments, furiously searching for his quarry, Paul gesticulated wildly, his arms thrown every which direction.

"You running? I didn't even have time to kick your ass! Dumb Fritz bitch!" Paul shook his hand in frustration for another minute or so.

She couldn't have gone far, I'll catch her, I just gotta find out where she went, probably hiding in a ditch like the commie she is.

Turning his head one more time, he noticed the other fighters pushing an armored car. Had they captured her in there? Was her weakness armored cars? Gliding over, he slid himself under the truck and out the other side because it looked cool.

"You happen to know where the commie bitch went?" He said, leaping to his feet. He moved to the driver's side door and floated in over one of the heroes, entering the back by punching his way through the barricade. Looking around, he was disappointed not to find the woman. Flying back out disappointed, Paul sat on the hood and dangled his leg.

"My question still stands."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Torch and Mysterio were doing what they could to get some civilians to the underground bunker beneath the community center. Pushing an armored car full of people, even in neutral, was a bitch if you didn't have super strength. That was when Aegis appeared, and then Fission. The group made it to the community center but there were three soldiers surrounding the perimeter.

"SHIT!" Torch exclaimed under his breath, ignoring somewhat what the others who came in late to the party spoke. One of them wore the remains of the armor of the dark hero Thunderclap...

"Hopefully they haven't found the bunker, but we need to take down those three guards as quietly as possible so we don't alert anymore. Surprised they haven't noticed us coming down the street..." he continued knocking on the side of the car and asked "you guys in there okay?"

"We're in the middle of a war zone, starving, and this kid in here's already pissed his pants twice. How do you THINK we're doing?" the civilian responded.

"Either of you two able to take those guards out from a distance?" Torch asked looking at Fission and Aegis.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Andrew began to regret throwing away his food. Even if it had tasted pretty bad. Even when some robot person had flown into the Baroness, he continued to look up as they flew upwards out of sight.

"...well. That was anticlimactic. Waste of my time..." he muttered, getting off the ledge he was on and floating above the buildings, looking bored as he ignored the sounds of gunfire going on below him. A lot of soldiers were moving towards the scene from earlier. He was tempted to drop a building or something on them, but decided to leave them for a moment. There was no fun in just destroying something as quickly as possible. You needed to savor it...

After a while, he saw an armored car moving slowly. He was about to charge it, only to notice that there were people pushing it. Andrew couldn't help but smile.
He floated down, still upright, with his arms crossed, and followed them at a safe distance. They were joined by some other heroes. Four would be nothing to him in a straight fight of course, but he could tell that they weren't on the side of the Fourth Reich, which made him not want to attack.

Morality was so irritating at times.

Finally, when he heard them talking about taking guards out, he floated closer, clearing his throat.

"...and an "Alert" would be a bad thing? Are you really scared of the cannon fodder they are sending at this city?" He gave a slightly smug smile. "Or are you worried about the pinnacles of innocence in that truck? Either way, its idiotic."

He picked up a length of steel rebar, holding it like a spear.
"Ask nicely, and i could kill them quick..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul sat up and glared towards the Germans, leaning back again, he looked at the rest of the group and chuckled.

"Now they've all got cancer, or at least are gonna be really sick." Almost on cue, one of the soldiers puked on the ground and passed out. Paul held up his fist in triumph.

"Oh, uh, don't worry, I didn't get any of you, it's uh, under control, you see." Again, almost on cue, a large blast of nuclear energy shot out of Paul's right elbow, which he failed to hide by shoving it behind his body.

"You're not in any danger, trust me! I'm just... having a little..." He growled as he attempted to halt the flow of energy. As he got ever angrier, a much larger blast erupted from the top of his head, and his eyes glowed much brighter.

Leaping off the armored van and walking towards a nearby building, he rested a hand against it and shook his head.

Control it, you worthless Serbian asshole! He screamed internally. Daddy was a slav and that means you can't control your American awesomeness? Dammit, me! You gotta do this, for America!

Paul's suit contained the energy, finally, and he took to resting against the wall. His father had known war, but Paul never thought America would ever come close to what had happened in Yugoslavia.
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