Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Avienus Magnus Cassius

With smooth steps Avi slid past several adventurers milling in front of the Guard headquarters. Much of the crowd was still chattering but he was fairly confident he could find someone to point him in the right direction. Scavenger and man hunts were right up his alley since there was little in Aquaria that remained hidden for long when someone was paying him to find it. Stepping out of the way of some law enforcement functionaries he quirked an eyebrow and bit into an apple he’d been polishing on the blue half cloak wrapped around his upper body. Now where to go...maybe one of the guards higher ups. Tapping the deck on his left hip and then patting down the pouch on his left hip he made sure that his Writ of Service for the Circle of Waves. Not one of the premier guilds of Aquaria but it was legitimacy he needed to operate as a Seer.

Stepping out of the general flow of traffic Avi continued working on the apple as he scanned the crowd. Thumbing his deck of cards the Seer plucked one of them. The Queen of Thunder. How highly appropriate. Scanning the crowd he tucked the card with a flick of his wrist. Absentmindedly he flicked it back and forth between his hands behind his back and he held the apple in his mouth scanning the crowd. With a final flick he removed the apple from his mouth and caught the card in his right hand.

Pressing with his will Avi drew on his air magic and felt the card tug him across the room. Scanning again Avi began his winding path through the crowd towards a blonde woman.


With a flick of the Tarot in his right hand Avi drew on his air magic and his perspective on the room slithered forward and took on a new angle so that he could see the patch on her shoulder. Lieutenant, close enough I guess. In fact I guess I should know better in this city. I’m amazed the Tarot even has a King.

With a few more quick bites Avienus consumed the rest of the apple including most of the core. It was a strange habit from his time on board the Green Damsel; it was largely due to the fact that fresh fruit was a precious commodity. With a flick of his hand Avi turned the last of the stem into fine particulate with a compression and contraction of air. A neat trick if nothing else. Manipulating the sweat and fine layer of juice on his hand he flicked gently and it dispersed into the air. Best to make it a decent first impression. As he took his last few steps towards her Avi flicked the Tarot back to his left hand and spun it on the tip of his finger.

Time slowed for the young man as he whispered to himself.

'arini furue

Avienus eyes widened in surprise as the winds of fate unfolded in front of him. The currents of the world unraveled and appeared to hold steady for a long moment as he approached the Lieutenant. Oh geez, she’s a fire mage. Please don’t slap me

The slow moment ended and Avi blinked a few times praying that of the many bad endings to this particular moment he’d hit on one of the decent ones he’d spotted. No time to sit down and consult his cards.

“Hello, Miss-” Avi cut himself off. “I’m so sorry excuse my poor manners; Lieutenant I just saw the badge. No disrespect meant.” He was faking it but telling someone you already knew a decent amount about what was about to happen in the near future usually ended poorly. That and telling women you had been checking them out with magic also tended to end spectacularly bad. “I have this.” Avi held up the notice from the guild board outside the Circle of Waves guild house. “And I was hoping you could help me; I was interested in taking the contract. Are you the one I should be talking with? Or should I be headed someplace else.” Avi did his best to maintain a look of blissful innocence and ignorance. Please, Please, Please don’t slap me...or burn me.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kreiss Stahl

Kreiss whistled as he trudged along the road at a merry pace. The breeze felt pretty good this time of year, but he couldn't feel it all too well in his armor. Maybe he'd take a day off soon just to take a stroll around the city for once. Even though he'd been here most of his life, and he'd been around the whole place a few times already, he still couldn't say he knew it awfully well. He remembered where the armor and general stores were because those were the places he went to the most.

"....uggghhhh..." The adventurer draped over his shoulder groaned as he struggled to raise his head. "...This isn't the hospital...?"

"Yeah, sorry, I don't know where the hospital is. I don't go there too often." Kreiss replied.

The adventurer's head sank back down again, unconscious again.

The adventurer was someone from an assembled party he had just left. They'd been doing a job nearby when the adventurer had accidentally fallen into the trajectory of Kreiss' full strength shielded charge, right at the end of their mission. Since Kreiss had been the one to foul him, he'd volunteered to take him since he felt bad. Even though he didn't quite know where the hospital was, he'd find it eventually.

Suddenly he looked up and noticed that there was a big crowd nearby. He squinted at the building they were in front of, trying to figure out discerning features.

"Hey, it's Guard HQ, wonder what all the fuss is about." He said, dropping the adventurer.

The adventurer made some sound as he went down, but Kreiss would get back to him later. He had a bag on him right now because even though his recent venture had been close to the city, they'd needed to do the task overnight, into the next day and he'd been carrying some supplies.

Nearby the HQ, there was a bulletin board which a lot of civilians were looking at to see what the fuss was. He walked over to the board, pushing through people as he went and directed his gaze over to the notice that everyone else seemed to be crowding around.

"Missing people... mysterious circumstances... eh, not bad, not bad."

Despite appearances, he liked doing mystery jobs like these sometimes. Not because he enjoyed figuring out the mystery or anything, but because there usually something that needed a beatdown in the end. From the sounds of things this one sounded pretty clean cut as well, dark silhouettes meant there was something tangible. Something you could hit with a shield.

He shoved his way through the crowd again, thundering down the street towards the HQ, to sign up for the job.

"Hey!" He said, thundering through the crowd and waving towards a man who seemed to know what he was doing. "I want to sign up for the mission too!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Bother" frowned Elnariel, scanning the crowd in front of him. He had hoped that perhaps there would not be as much interest as this. It may be difficult to even find where he was supposed to go. "Bother." He said again. He had, of course, known of the so-called 'disappearances' for some time, as he kept a particularly close tabs on all the major market places. At the time, he had dismissed it as nothing of interest, likely some drunks being murdered some place...but the old city? Why take someone there? The answer was obvious in that they probably didn't want to be seen...but why? Of course, the bigger question was why he hadn't known until it was posted on the bulletin board. He would have to have a word with his local informants.

He strode forwards towards the crowd, ebony cane clicking on the cobbles. A few people gave him strange looks at his choice of attire, but Elnariel didn't overly mind their gawking. Which, by the way, he thought to be very rude. Scanning the crowd, he made sure that the various other informants were in position. He wasn't expecting a fight, it was more of a habit. Threats didn't make you very many friends, and he reasoned that death would dramatically impede his research. Thus, he took precautions. With luck, his informants would warn him of trouble before it arrived.

After a period spent wondering if any of the idiots milling around actually had any idea where to go, Elnariel decided that the only one appearing to take a pro-active course of action was a strange, raggedy looking man with a deck of cards. A chronic gambler, no doubt, but if he were to discover something Elnariel didn't know, he might as well keep close. He did have a certain interest in gamblers anyhow, the way in which they could read the odds was quite remarkable. Elnariel was willing to take any risk that he was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

"My... my, what's it that we have here?" Claudia Blair, a recently commissioned junior officer of the City Guard, sized up the man that had just walked to her while she was about to go do some paperwork. Older, taller and more muscular, with ragged looks that matched his rough mannerisms. In other words, a typical adventurer that must have come from a background in some harsh job, if hardened, leather-like skin of his face was any indication.

"Interesting, Fufufu..." The blonde was silent as the man made his objective known, liking her lips slowly as her eyes seized him, like a wolf glaring at a cowered hare. "Well now, if it's not an adventurer? If you want to sign for the mission all you need to do is talk with the clerk on the other side of the entrance lobby and pay the administrative fee of ten silver." Claudia pointed to the unassuming clerk that stood by the other side of the lobby. "However, I wouldn't take on this task alone if I were you. We have reports of increase activity of beasts on some areas of the Old City. Better be prepare than become one more report for I to review, right? Fufufu!" Apparently, Claudia was the only one laughing at her own bleak humor, despite having actually provided some useful information, she just couldn't help but do that. Probably one of the reasons why people tended to stay clear from her.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I have some theft reports to handle that I can't delay, or else I'll never get to the murders. Fufufu." Claudia turned on her heels and began to strut back to her office. Before the blonde left the room for good, she turned back once more and said, "If you still need more help, ask Viola, she should be coming from a patrol at any moment now. Farewell."

Either way, the two approaching forms of Kreiss and Elnarial would also be able to pick on the tail of that conversation, whether they wanted to do anything of it or not, was up to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

....wouldn't take on this task alone if I were you. We have reports of increase activity of beasts on some areas of the Old City. Better be prepare than become one more report for I to review....
Just catching the important part of the conversation, Elnariel hurried in the man's direction. At last, here was a young man with a presence of mind that seemed to exceed the vast majority of dolts that surrounded him. Of course, he seemed to always be surrounded by dolts these days. Perhaps his expectations had been lowered. Never the less, as highly capable as he was, Elnariel would need someone to watch his back as he took notes. He withdrew the small book that he was currently reading, and began to flick to the end of his notes. So many blank pages, yet to be annotated. He flipped back to the cover, 'Architecture of the Old City, Why it Just Won't Last'. It appeared to have been written quite some time ago, by a man whom he believed at the time would have been called a radical eccentric. No one knew just how right he would prove. However, by cross referencing the descriptions in the book with the architecture that he will see before him, Elnariel believes that he could craft an accurate map of the old city. A vital asset, and something that people would pay dearly for. This adventure gave him the perfect excuse to gather companions.

Tapping the man on the shoulder, he prepared to be greeted with the rough, barbaric dialect of the common adventurer. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help hearing your earlier conversation. Luckily for you," He told the man, "I am willing to accompany you into the old city, now, now," He held up a hand to stall any argument, "I will have you know that I am one of the foremost minds regarding the old city, or most anything really, and you would certainly benefit from my presence. So come, let us find perhaps a few other companions. I'm sure you're....rugged...charm will win some further assistance. But wait, where are my manners. I am Elnariel, Keeper of the Grand Library. You are?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Turning around Avi raised an eyebrow. The palmed card in his left hand it appeared wouldn't be needed l, but it was best to atleast check and see what fate had wantonly draw. Flicking his eyes down to his hand as he turned it over he quirked an eyebrow.

The Hermit, appropriate.

“Avienus Magnus Cassius. Yes that Cassius.” It was a joke; the merchant House of Cassius had passed into obscurity two decades before his birth. What with the death of his parents eight years prior he was all that was left of a shipping giant from the pinnacle of Aquaria’s past.

Scholar. For sure.

“Sorry you’ll have to excuse my antics. Believe it or not I just dodged more than a few possible bad ends for that conversation.” Extending his hand Avi slid the card back into his deck. “I’m the Circle of Waves in house diviner and weather mage.”

Looking up at the man in heavy armor pressing through the crowd towards them made Avi smile. “Looks like we found us a shield.”

Releasing the librarians hand Avi waved the armored form over to him. Things were looking up that made three of them and this guy looked like he could take a hit. The Page of Squalls perhap? “Glad to have you with us. I'm Avienus, and this is Elnariel.”
The Hermit, The page of Squalls, and The Magician. Who else are we going to add to our number.

Pointing to the clerk across the hall. “Come on let's go take the job then we can cherry pick some more help.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kreiss Stahl

"If we're looking for more people I think I know a guy..." Kreiss said, looking over his shoulder to where he'd dropped the adventurer. He was being loaded onto a cart. "...And, never mind actually, he's gone."

Maybe it would've been rude to sign the guy up while he was unconscious but it would've been funny at least. He knew a bunch of adventurers, actually. Some of them might have been in the crowd, but he couldn't see anyone yet. He was a little bit curious as to how the sign-up was going to work though, because there seemed to be a fair amount of people vying for the job. There was such a thing as too many people in a mystery investigation.

"Let's sign up quick," He said. "If we go first we can grab people as they come in."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sagant "Redeye" Reikus

A strange sight moved through the growing crowd, a pair of large ears flicking occasionally on a green-skinned figure. In it's hands was a flier for a sort of quest, a cry for assistance in finding missing individuals in a rolling script with a sum of gold for a reward... and truth be told, the creature was somewhat short on cash from recent exploits. This comparatively hideous creature was none other than the Goblin mage Sagant, and his mere presence was earning him more than a few disgusted stares. In all reality, he was considered handsome by his race's standards, lacking an underbite and large nose, though that rarely contested the exquisite Humans and Elves he spent so much time around. Well, appearance was their problem, not his.

As he approached the City Guard HQ, he couldn't help but look up at the large, oaken door before pushing it open, joining those in the hall. Much to his surprise, it was largely empty, save for a remarkable few, which he'd strike up a conversation with later. For the moment, he had a task to complete, which involved paying for a pair of contracts to hunt down whoever was behind these disappearances. The Goblin approached the front desk and looked up at the attendant, putting on a slight smirk on and tilting his head to the left, the Azure Dream catching the light and glinting a light blue. "Good morning sir, I'd like a pair of contracts... though I feel ten silver for each is a little steep for a death warrant. How does five sound?" He took a moment to examine his uncharacteristically clean nails, awaiting an answer from the clerk.

"Sir, we can't just hand out discounts. And what's a Goblin doing buying two contracts to hunt down some cultists?" The serviceman sassed back, complete with a hair flip.

"But you can, I'm low on work and I don't feel like looking far for some. Something like this is barely worth my time, and I know you want those baddies hunted down by professionals, not some kids twirling spears. And a friend of mine was too busy to pick her's up." The Goblin retained an uninterested look, picking a fleck of dirt out from under his right ring finger, and earned a defeated sigh from the clerk.

"Alright, just don't tell anyone I did this for you... I'll get fired in an instant!" Through his hoarse whisper, two sheets of paper were passed over the desk and a total of ten silver coins were exchanged for them, earning the cashier some peace and quiet for a moment while Sagant made off with his new job. He pulled a fountain pen from one of his pockets and signed the first on a nearby wall, and held onto the other for his dear friend. With some time to spare before her arrival, he decided to look around for a party to work with on this quest. Glass cannons don't do well without a form of shield, as history will tell you. Lucky for him, he saw a triplet grouping up as he thought, and weaved his way to them.

The Goblin tucked both contracts under his left arm while he approached the group, giving them a friendly wave when he came within a reasonable distance. "'Morning, gentlemen. It looks like you need some more magic in this motley crew, and I can provide that for you." He turned on his heel to follow each of them back, adjusting himself to look only slightly more presentable than he already was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Reed awoke from his slumber feeling strange, and he was unsure as to why. Getting out of bed he walked over to his window and pulled back the blinds, feeling the cool morning air in his face. He then realized why he was feeling strange, "ah, the Winds of Fate are calling." Being an air mage he felt the Winds of Fate pulling him to places on occasion. Off the top of his head he could not remember when the last time he felt this feeling was but he knew what it meant. Something big was going to happen to him today, though he had no idea what. While he could feel the winds calling he was not a Seer, Reed didn't even know what he'd be eating for dinner that night, let alone what Fate had in store for him.

After finishing his normal morning routine Reed left the house with no real destination in mind, grabbing his Guild Certificate on the way out, he had a feeling he'd need it. He knew that whatever was meant to happen today would happen, and he didn't need to go searching for it. It wasn't long before Reed stepped on something, he picked it up and read that it was a notice calling for adventurers. He chuckled, "so this is my fate? A job?" He wasn't expecting an answer, so wasn't surprised when nothing happened. Starting on his way to City Guard HQ he wondered if he'd see Viola. They were from the same orphanage so they were friendly with each other, he hadn't seen her in a while though.

He got to Guard HQ and found it more busy than he had anticipated, though he was sure most of those here were not nearly qualified enough to take on this job. Reed wasn't sure why, but something caused him to turn his head to see a strange group standing a bit away from the larger crowd. Reed had the sinking suspicion that this was his fate, to team up with these fellows to take on this job. He had never really given much thought to working in a party, he always found he did fine on his own, so why bother? But something told him he would need some help for this particular job. He walked towards the group and raised his hand in greeting, "I take it you're all here for the job also. Might I interest you in adding a skilled marksman and tracker to your group?" Reed was already thinking of ways to prove his skills to the group should they request it, it was always good to have a contingency plan.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Shooting a look at Elnariel; Avi raised an eyebrow at the goblin. Page of Gales if I’ve ever seen one. Plucking a card he consulted it to see if he was right. Blinking at the card it took him valuable seconds to understand what he was looking at.

The Wheel of Fortune

The card was startling considering what it meant. The Goblins arrival was sheer dumb luck in its finest form. A bolt of lighting out a blue sky; this was a fantastic omen for the group but the fact that it was a Goblin...That was far more interesting than anything else. It was incredibly rare to see an individual represented by the wheel of fortune. With a heavy sigh Avi replaced the card and looked at the Goblin. “You, Sir are Exactly what we need. I’m Avienus and it is a fine day to make your acquaintance good sir.”

One did Not turn down the Wheel of Fortune. For if you scorn the fickle lady of fate then when the Wheel of Fate comes back around chances were high that it would bring an ill wind with it. Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place.

The deck on his hip practically spat a second card into his hand when he put his left hand back onto his hip. Such a sign was not to be ignored but it was dangerous to dip your hand into the future too often. A cautionary tale to all seers was that when you act; effects ripple forward in time. Looking, was equally an action and it rippled forward as well.

The Knight of Waves. Interesting. Another person?

As if on cue another man approached the group and offered his skills as a tracker. “Well, I think that just about rounds us out. Avienus. Pleased to make your acquaintance. We should probably get that contract before another group snatches it up. With this group I think we’ll make quick work of this job.”


Now Avi wanted to read. It was abnormal for the deck to be so forth coming which seemed to indicate that going forward this group was going to make ripples and it was important to see what the ripples shook loose.

@CelticSoldier@duskshine749@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

The situation at the Guard HQ seemed to be all but resolved as most of the adventurers who decided to take on the quest had already paid the fee, gathered in parties --save for the occasional lone wolf here and there-- and were leaving the building's premises, more likely in search of clues or perhaps informants. Whatever the case, staying here and letting the trail run cold was not going to benefit anyone.

It was during this exodus that a jovial young female's voice rang loud, breaking the wave of leaving adventurers. "Stand aside, citizen! We have reports that a monster has been sighted on the HQ and none of the other guards could deal with it..." Such a voice, which swiftly changed to a tone of unimpressed boredom, accompanied by a characteristic --and overtly dramatic-- hand swipe, couldn't belong to any other than Viola Ferrari, the poster girl of Aquaria's guard, currently leading a three men patrol. The reason for such a change in Viola's voice was none other than the girl laying eyes on Sagant, who she had kind of a story with. "... it's you again, huh? Why don't you go do your goblin-y things and stop prompting people to send false reports?" The girl shooed Sagant, not unlike a bug you don't care enough even to go there and squish it.

"What Onnesama, erm... I mean the Captain is thinking by allowing such an obvious evildoer to walk around like that?" Viola mumbled to herself, thinking out loud. In truth, it wasn't like she had anything against the infamous Redeye, but the goblin was more trouble than he was worth, like nine times out of ten times. Even now he was in the way of Viola's lunch break.

"Ahem!" Viola cleared her throat before continuing her dramatic speech, "if your party is going to take on that mission, I advise you caution, citizens. But also try not to spread panic through the city, the general populace is starting to get wary of the disappearances and, even with cautionary measures, if you adventurers start spreading misinformation, we won't be able to keep the people at peace."

"If there's nothing else you want, you can get going. Otherwise, ask, and I'll answer as well as I can. It's the guard's duty to be neighborly, after all." Yeah, Viola would be as helpful as she could. However, if these adventurers could be quick about it, it would be much better. The young guard's stomach was beginning to grumble and Viola would prefer a week taking care of the stables than be disgraced in front of Aquaria's citizens.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kreiss Stahl

"If you can hit a helpless target in mid-air, then we're going to get along swimmingly." Kreiss said to the archer man.

He knew Sagant, or more accurately, he knew of Sagant. He was a little bit infamous for being one of the few goblin adventurers in the entirety of Aquaria, and also for being one of the best amongst them at his job. Kreiss kept an eye out for people with such talents; because when you were in the business of trying to be as unique as possible, you always wanted to know who the competition was. Having a little bit of infamy was sometimes a good bolster for reputation, which was something he'd learnt from watching Sagant and hearing about his exploits.

Of the rest of their party, he did actually know quite a bit about them too, but he knew a lot less in comparison. One thing you could say about Kreiss was that he got around a lot, and he listened to talk when it was offered.

Avienus was someone he heard a lot of people talking about. It was the sort of talk that accompanied someone who earned a title like 'Stormcrack Diviner', after all. He didn't know much about him except for his cards, however. This adventure might make good information for Avenus' entry in his Big Book of Adventurers. Yes he really did call it that, the name didn't really matter so much as getting the point across.

Elnariel was a curious one for Kreiss. The sole reason he had a place in Kreiss' book was simply because once Kreiss had seen him in the Grand Library, and he'd gotten curious. The curious part was how unassuming he seemed to be. For such a unique appearance he didn't seem to register in people's minds. He'd asked about him and more than a few times the people he had asked struggled to mention anything significant about him. Elnariel lingered on his mind a little longer than some of the other entries when he looked over them, due to the lack of information there was.

It had taken him a few seconds to place the name, but the archer was most definitely Reed Tallis. Mostly it was the unique appearance though, Reed was at a kind of spot where he was somewhat remarkable but not remarkable enough to completely stand out. He was supposedly good at tracking people down, but there were many people who also claimed they were, and actually were. He had good accuracy supposedly, but that was a given amongst most archers in Aquraia. In Kreiss' mind, Reed was simply one of many people. He hadn't seen him in action, so he didn't know what was different about him.

"Corporal, do you have an idea of how long this is going to take?" He said, adressing Viola by her rank out of respect. "I might need to stock up on supplies, or drop them, depending."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The third member of their party was...interesting to say the least. The man was veritably festooned with shields and armour, yet Elnariel could not make out a single offensive weapon. If he carried even a knife, Elnariel could not see it. He appeared to think that he had a companion as well, but when Elnariel looked, all he could see was a very injured man being loaded into a cart. It did not bode well. In fact, Elnariel believed that he may have heard of this man. Upon reflection, how could one not? His fighting style was certainly unique, and the effectiveness with which he enacted such techniques was said to be second to none. They just needed a magician, or an archer, or someone who...

He caught the signal of one of his informants. Something unusual, he'd signalled a disturbance, but didn't appear to know what was causing it. Elnariel drifted ever so slightly behind the shield man, just as a goblin pushed itself through the crowd. Elnariel's lip curled in disgust, surely they weren't going to let this...thing travel with them. By the look he gave him, Avienus appeared to agree, and Elnariel allowed a self satisfied smile to creep onto his lips. But then he looked, for some strange reason, at his cards, and his attitude changed completely. Elnariel sensed that they were not going to get rid of the goblin any time soon. While Elnariel was never a leader, he had to question this particular decision, for it could only end in disaster.

The final man to join their party, was Reed Tallis. Elnariel would know him anywhere, as he was one of the most reliable killers anyone could find in this district, and such people were a rare commodity. He believed he may even have commissioned his services himself once o twice, though never, of course, with his knowledge. It felt good to have a man he knew he could pay to get something done, should the need arise.

Yet again, Avienus consulted his deck of cards, strange fellow. Well, he wouldn't discover anything with idleness "I say man, what are you doing? Looking at those cards, do you think you can tell the future or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PentagonWhite
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PentagonWhite No Fun Allowed

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viola surveyed the group from a distance, peering through heavy-lidded eyes that spoke of fatigue just as much as her lethargic slouch on the hard stone wall. Tacitus was present, of course, floating as he did in slow and steady arcs around his mistress, an elaborate orbit that took him from her head to her toe and back up again. The coruscating spherical spirit caught the light on his metallic surface and flashed in Viola’s eye, but she was well used to the uncomfortable sensation. It was a motley crew, dangerous enough. Sagant stuck out vividly enough, as did the flamboyant and diminutive guard.

“Do you know her?”

Tacitus’ voice slipped through the silence like a stiletto, reaching only her with its quiet drone. She appreciated her partner matching her fatigue with deference. Aeolia thought before responding, like her father had always taught her.

“…She’s familiar. Ferrari, I think?”

“A relative?”

Aeolia shook her head, a light chuckle scoffing past her lips as she adjusted her heavy lean. “No, no I don’t think so. She’s well dressed for an enlistee, I think she’s been on the bulletins. Upstart hero of the people?”

Tacitus gave no reply. With a preparatory sigh, she hefted herself from the wall and began to make her weary way towards the assembled group. She bore the marks of her all-night work, with a red burn on her left hand and a few specks of ink on her right. Her long hair was more messy than usual, her complexion a shade more pallid, her practical, if unflattering, trousers and shirt in good need of ironing. Her satchel rattled as she walked ever so slightly, the bottles of poultices and concoctions clinking through their cotton padding, the nib of her favorite pen scratching at a metal rod.

She fell into place behind Sagant with a smile, resting a hand on his shoulder to draw attention to herself tacitly. She gave the rest of the party smiles, of course: weak and subtle, but genuine in their intent. White teeth were just barely visible through the gap in cherry lips. She was just in time to hear the grumble of a stomach, the proclamation of preparedness, and a question regarding cards that drew her eyes.

She sent a wink to Corporal Ferrari when she reached the group, and flicked her eyes towards the unruly stomach just to make sure there was no confusion of meaning. She returned her attention to the cards. “Apologies for being late. Aeolia Ferrar, of the University, at your service.” Her soft lilting alto carried clear enough in the emptying environs. “I assume we’re all working together? If so, then I’m glad to make all acquaintances. Especially with a seer: I’ve never had the pleasure of working with someone who could read the Tarot, I can’t wait to see it in action.”

Patting Sagant once more on the shoulder, she took a step to the side, finding her place within the small crowd, and silenced herself as Tacitus’ fist-sized metal ball came to hover just beside her head in a braggadocious whirl.

@CelticSoldier@KoL@Themerlinhawk@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chara slinks out of her temporary home with her hands in her pockets and his hood over her head. "What trouble shall I get into today world?" Chara mumbles then chuckled and walked off to the Market District to see if there anything to do there, maybe show off her dancing skills for the first time in public.

She makes her way there passing parents with their children, ducking from the guards that she passes by, and multiple people before she comes across the Market District and finds a missing poster laying on the earthy toned brick ground. She proceeds to bend down and pick it up finding a golden coin under it, so she quickly picks that up before beginning to the poster. "Looks like someone else has gone missing. Well at least this is not a person I ended up killing while out rampaging their store" Chara giggles remembering the face of the last person she killed when she held her gun towards their heads "Good times" She crumples up the paper into a ball and threw it into a nearby crowd and watches it hit someone before walking off into the market looking at all of the shops. Some were selling fresh fruit, some of them were, selling baked goods, but one, in particular, caught her eyes.

Chara walked into the shop, it was selling handmade toys and stuffed animals, she looked like a sore thumb in that store because of the fact that everyone in it was so bright and friendly but she was dark and kept to herself has little kids chased each other bumping into her. She sighed ignoring them when they did and looked through the plushies has she checked her pockets for her small pouch of money to see how much she has, because she really wanted to buy one but was unsure if she could find one she liked or if she could pay for it since it was a while since she robbed a bank or a shop successfully. Lately, Chara has been having problems with stealing stuff for some reason, she has no idea why, but she just had a problem with it every time she tried she just couldn't go through with it. It honestly worried her because she has no job experience at all besides stealing. Even if she did get a job somehow she would end up stealing from it. Chara lets out a heavy sigh and continued to look around for some type of type to buy for herself but all she could find was a bunch of wooden tiny boat, spin tops, a whole shelf of dolls with frilly dresses, and the plushies that she did find where to brightly colored in her opinion, nothing really spoke to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Current Location: City Guard Office

Quite a gathering of interesting people had arrived to the City Guard’s office, most of which looked to be travelers. From several hardy looking men, to a blonde woman, each seemed like they knew what they were doing. All the more reason why Kimi was wracked with nervousness in approaching the crowd. But she had to do something to help, right?

News of the abductions had not gone unnoticed by the common folk and Kimi had decided recently to do something about it. Even if she was a healer, there had to be some role she could play in the greater scope of things. Yet the closer she got to the crowd, the more she was regretting her choice to be a hero and by the time she arrived, her knees were shaking.

“Hi everyone. Am I too late to sign up?” she asked in a small voice, grip tightening around her staff. “I heard about the new quests and wanted to help so I…um, is this a line to sign up for the quest? Or are you nice folks just having a conversation?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Hmm... it depends. The reports we had don't say anything about the sightings happening particularly deep in the Old City, so you might as well be able to come back to an inn around dinner time if you go now. I don't think that you'll need " Viola replied to Kreiss question about how long the investigation should take, before she noticed even more adventurers coming in and joining this party, including an elf.

Not a rare sight around Aquaria but, the fluffy ears and tail of the elves were something that Viola always found way too cute to resist. Even though this one was particularly unkempt. "No, you're not late, though this is the only party left, I guess it's an all or nothing deal, right? Anyway, I think you are all set, so I won't delay you any longer. So, is there anything else?" Either way, with the addition of a healer it seemed this party was going to be complete, meaning that Viola could finally leave and go eat something, these adventurers just decided to go before she fainted, that is.

But, there was just one more warning that the young guard felt like giving before she departed. "Oh, by the way, a notorious thief and assassin has been spotted around the East Market these days. I don't know if she has nothing to do with the disappearances, but if you find her, take care." Viola unrolled a poster depicting the face of an androgynous looking teenager wearing a hood and gave it to Kreiss. "There's a bounty for her live capture, since we need to interrogate her on some other crimes. If you are interested on it."

The Corporal looked to each corner of the HQ's lobby. Yeah, all empty save for the usual staff and the random citizen hat might have come in to seek some information. Looking like someone was going to begin their quest late...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chara sighs and looks around before leaving the shop unable to hide anything she wanted to buy and makes her way out of the Market district but stops to look at the jewellery shop through the windows, enjoying the site of the beautiful shining silver and gold necklaces, and all of the magnificent multicoloured gems and stones, with their different shades of pinks, blues, purples, yellows, and a few orange ones, but there weren't very many orange coloured gemstones during this time of year. She then makes her way past a small art shop where they were pottery in one window unpainted with a sig saying "Pottery classes all this week" and in the other one there were what seems like a painting class being held in front of the window, this puzzled her for a bit but she didn't think it was that important so she just walked passed it and kept walking. {I do enjoy a good look around the market... I hope one day I could actually buy something.} Chara huffs then swipe a small green apple off a fruit stand and make her way out of the Market district before biting down into the apple.

She aimlessly walks around with one hand in her pocket, the other holding the apple has she eats it. The cold metal blade on her dagger tapping against her bare skin has she walks, which was expertly hidden under her pant's on her thigh. She lightly closed her eyes and continued to walk around not noticing that she walks right up to the City Guard HQ. Chara slowly opens her eyes and looks around puzzled about where she is, before she saw the big City Guard HQ building. Her eyes widen and she freezes in places unsure of where to run, where she is at all, and what to do. So she just froze in place with her apple in her jaw as if she was in the middle of taking a bite. Chara was smack-dab in the middle of the building looking head on at, she was in the middle of the walkway and out in the open for any guard member to come out and grab her, right then and right there without a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sagant "Redeye" Reikus

Sagant looked up at the taller human, catching a glimpse of the card in his hand. From what he could tell, it was part of the tarot deck affixed to his belt, and the card he held while conversing with him was the Wheel of Fortune. While not particularly versed in the meaning of these cards, he had a general understanding of them, and was surprised by a drawing meant for him with so many meanings. "I see your fortunes are as indecisive as the baker on 5th. Though I'm flattered that not even a tarot can read me properly." He gave the group a slight smile while a small group of guards found their way into the building. "I go by Saga-"

He was cut off by the annoyingly peppy voice of the poster-child of Aquaria's guard, Viola Ferrari. She was shouting about reports of a monster in the area, and stopped the moment she laid eyes on him. "I see you're well today, Viola." She let him go about her usual rant, complaining about his very presence and shooing him away like a stray dog. That was new, at least. "And who was it that drove that minotaur back into the Old City again? Hmm?" He was citing one of his adventures from the previous month, one of which included a beast like that tearing through the guard and needing a mage to deal with it. Obviously, he had been the first on the scene.

With the girl now going about her business, he resumed his introduction, ignoring the grimace from Elnariel. "Anyhow, I'm Sagant. Resident historian, dark mage, and adventurer." He turned slightly as he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, then broke into a bright smile as he recognized the girl leaning on him. "And this is Aeolia, a true genius if one ever existed." His attention was pulled to a young girl dressed in white, black, and orange, and wielding a staff that looked only slightly dented on the heavy end. She was probably a healer or cleric... likely healer due to the lack of any actual armor. She would certainly be an asset to the team.

As Viola took her leave, she left behind a wanted poster with Kreiss. He walked the the window, an inky, black tentacle extending from his left palm and snatching the paper out of the knight's hand and pulled it back to Sagant's hand. He took a moment to examine the poster before looking up, finding an exact match just outside and looking dumbfounded. "Found him. Or her, I honestly can't tell." He took a swift few steps for the door and pushed it open, four tendrils erupting from the palms of his hands and rushing for the being of indeterminate gender. One would wrap around each limb and hoist the newly made captive into the air, while a fifth would split off and start frisking the body, searching for weapons and anything that would be out of place. "When she said dangerous, I expected you to at least try and run. You have a name?" The fifth tentacle would snake it's way up his outer leg and retrieve the knife there, then tuck it unto Sagant's cloak casually.

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