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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Alright Sepitan, they're payin' you for one job, so get to it" Stryker said snidely as he tapped a final code into the console in front of him, transferring full control to the pilot. The rumble of the engines grew louder, and Stryker gripped the arms of his seat, still uneasy at travelling on a vessel that he wasn't in direct control of. Across from him, the Funganoid gripped the main thruster control and slid it to full. The engines hit their peak, giving a mighty roar that echoed throughout the belly of the beast. Stryker was pressed back against his seat as the Revenant leaped forward, rocketing out of the docking bay. Then came the thwump and a great lurch forward as the ship exited the station's atmo-field. The sound of the engines suddenly lost to the vacuum of space, along with any semblance of gravity. Stryker cursed under his breath.
"Forgot the damn artificial gravity, engaging now" he tapped a trio of buttons on his console, and the weight of the world returned.

"Set course for Zargos System. The long way, don't wanna be detected early, and test the autopilot under full supervision before you even think of leaving this cockpit. I don't trust Dawson or any of his goddamn Alliance engineers as far as I could throw 'em. Need anything else- I'll be in my quarters. Oh, and congratulations for not killing us all"

Stryker grabbed his datapad and traipsed out of the cockpit, past the rows of gunner seats and the war room. Some of the crew hadn't left yet, he could hear their voices as he passed by the door of the circular room. Through the observation window into the med bay, he observed the Russian medic busying himself. Finally, he arrived at the rear of the command deck, on his right was the ladder leading up to the forward battery, an upper part of the command deck designated for control and maintenance of the main guns. On his left was his own cozy little corner of the ship. Punching in the access code Dawson gave him, the door slid open and Stryker slipped inside and re-locked it before anyone bothered him.

The cabin was nicer than expected. A large queen bed dominated the rear of the room, with a view out into the expanse situated above it. It wasn't a window obviously, just a relayed image from exterior sensors, but it was quite a sight all the same. A walled off section directly to his right led into his own private bathroom and shower. A desk with a full-functioning terminal sat off to the side, and opposite it, a closet and some shelving his armor and gear would fit comfortably on. He'd kept his battlesuit on the entire time, and it was starting to wear on him, just a bit. After stripping down to his civilian wear, Stryker settled in at the desk and prepared for a long session of studying his new team, planning out ways to tinker with the plan to suit their individual skillsets.


Down in his quarters, Grayson wasn't doing so well. Ever since they hit open space, the voices had been running a marathon all around his head. One told him to befriend this new crew, enjoy the ride while he could. Another told him to kill them all now, before they caused trouble. One said ride this job out, work off his sentence and another screamed to grab an escape pod and slip off to the deepest corner of the Deadzone. Old friends and enemies rose up out of the ether to offer opinions or spit in his face. Demons and half-formed things chanted in made-up languages. And far away, in the distance, unintelligible whispers, some sharp like a razor in the dark, some soft as a lover's kiss. Through it all he kept breathing, in and out, in and out.

And then nothing.

Exhale. Calm swept over him, everything was ok again. Everything except his stomach, which told him to get sustenance. Now.

Daniel made a beeline for the kitchen, passing by Hadrian the cook in the hall as he did so. Upon entry to the kitchen, he found the mysterious new crewmember there, apparently having the same idea.

He fumbled through the food stores and decided to strike up a dialog
"We meet again. Arex right?"

@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant, kitchen.
Interacting with: Grayson @Crossfire

"Ar-ex." He corrected with little to no noticeable difference. He pauses to wash down his food with a sip of his drink before clearing his thought and continuing.
"Grayson right? So what brings you here? Don't tell me you came for the food because you will be sorely disappointed." he jokes with a smile.
With jokes aside and humour just a strategy, Arex was indeed curious of this mans skill set.

"What about the rest of the crew? Have you met them all? I missed the meeting. Was having issues with the armour."
Quick to carry on, cover his tracks and set the tone of the conversation he follows up with another question just before filling his mouth with more sludge and allowing Grayson to talk.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 days ago

"I understand your apprehensive attitude towards me," Amy addressed one of the women, "but let me assure you they wouldn't even think twice about putting me on board this ship if they thought I'd be more of a liability than an asset to the team."

Amy's tone of voice wasn't argumentative, but rather, it displayed enough confidence to get the point across. She did, after all, never wasted a chance to defend herself.

"Trust me, if I were in your shoes, I'd also be questioning having a blind team member aboard the ship for a mission such as ours, but I do have valuable resources at my disposal that doesn't make me any more of a liability than you or the next guy. For example, the head piece of my amor is equipped with some recent technology which allows me to see basic shapes and outlines, especially those of individuals, as well as their heat signatures. I can't necessarily make out precise details such as eye color, but I doubt that's a necessity when we're dropping them like flies. Oh, and in case you're worried, my armor also allows me to lock in to whichever heat signature I choose so that I can tell the bad guys from...well, you. And let's not forget my heightened sense of hearing, although that one's more so annoying than anything else..." Amy refrained from continuing to blab on. She wasn't upset that the woman had questioned her presence amongst the rest of the team--in fact, she was expecting some defiance from the others.

When the ship left the docking bay, Amy nearly fell to the floor, but she regained her footing and tightened her grip on the door frame until they reached smoothed cruising.

"I'll take my luggage from you now," she said to the man with the accent, unsure of whether he was still a few feet away from her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dark Light

"Right?" Grayson chuckled at the joke as he decided on a ration bar and tore into the packaging before taking a chomp of the chewy, bland rectangle "There's a whack in a mask called Saul, he's supposedly a cook. If he can do any better than this pre-hashed shit, it'll be a miracle."

"Well, same reason most of us are here I suppose. I got a little bit, uhh, what's the word.... catfished myself. Hired to take out the Executor by some fop who'd be next in line for her job. Figured it was easy enough, found her commute schedule, picked a location, went and set-up, one shot from on high, make my escape, get paid. Turns out it was the bitch herself took out the contract, I'd shot a double and walked right into an ambush at the spaceport I'd docked in. Looking for an excuse to get me on this heap. Me and a goddamn 'bot I can't seem to rid myself of."

"The rest are takin' it in stride, all things considered. No one's snapped an' hauled out a blaster to frag the lot of us yet at least. The one in charge, Stryker, I think he's a bounty hunter, seems the type at least. From his attitude, doesn't feel like he wants to be here, and he's not used to leading. He's definitely not Alliance, but he's got some connection to 'em. So what about you mate?"

He choked down the second half of the ration bar, and leaned back against the counter, awaiting the response.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant, kitchen.
Interacting with: Grayson @Crossfire

'The rest are takin' it in stride, all things considered. No one's snapped an' hauled out a blaster to frag the lot of us yet at least. '

Ahh, that's good. Sounds like I still got a chance to get in first then. Arex teases with a taunting smile as he finishes off his meal.

"Sounds like they got themselves quite a nice little killing party." Arex mutters with a hint of disdain. "Expendable too." he adds in firmly.
Picking up his empty kitchenware he takes it to the washing station for cleaning. As he does so he pieces together the puzzle that is his confusion. He couldn't remember anything back beyond being on this ship. His mind was hazy, he didn't know why he was here or even what type of person he was.

With a sigh he eventually replies to Grayson. "I'm just another bad guy here to do some bad things. Now, I've seen the kitchen, I'm curious about the gym, armoury and med bay. What should we check out next?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I heard talk that one of the ladies has decided to bunk up in a storage room downstairs, seems a bit more unhinged than most, and that's the ones to be wary of." If Grayson's mind had eyes, they'd be rolling now.

'Nice. The guy who hears voices accusin' someone of bein' crazy. I think that's what the kids call irony'

He pressed on "It's next to the gym anyway, I'd rather avoid it. Based on the quick glance I gave it when the Alliance prick was givin' the tour, it's not much to see. Dusty, busted equipment for the most part. I'd assume the med bay is under the control of the big one. Earther, Russian, called himself Belov. Said he was a medic, it's across from the Armory anyway. Speaking of, apparently I've been declared quartermaster. My knowledge of Alliance protocol is patchy at best, but supposedly it means it's biometrically locked down, only I can unlock the place. I've had my own collection brought aboard, so I've gotta unpack em and sort em out at some point. Figured I'd get on that after a snack, given the length of the trip in front of us." He tossed the bar's wrapper into a trash vent and brushed off his hands "I could show ya around up there I suppose."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant, kitchen.
Interacting with: Grayson @Crossfire

"Armory it is then. Arex says with a smile as he starts heading to their destination. Wouldn't mind havin a little sneak peak at the toys of our trade anyway." He rubbed his hands together showing his excitement. Arex suddenly paused and let Grayson take the lead.
"You are gonna let me have a play, right?" He inquires with a heavy expectant tone.

Adding to the chit-chat along the way he queries the man further."So how long is this first trip? And whadda ya suppose they will do with us after this? If we survive."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 days ago

After being handed her belongings by Mr. Accent, Amy lugged her bag out of the War Room with a bit of effort. Earlier, when she was being escorted through the ship, she was advised as to exact location of her quarters. But aside from those two locations on the ship, the young woman had absolutely no idea where anything else was. Not that such fact bothered her—after all, her actual mission involved getting certain information from her teammates that would be beneficial for the Federation.

Amy was following a narrow path, her fingers slowing trailing the ridges of the cold, steel bulkhead when she turned the corner and accidentally walked straight into someone much more bigger than her. The young woman was startled, quickly apologizing for the incident as she became agitated with herself for allowing her mind to trail off on its own again.

"Shit—I'm sorry. I didn't hear you coming." Amy instantly guessed it must have been one of the pilots walking around since as far as she knew, most of the crew were still in the War Room

@Dark Light

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Xandrya@Dark Light

"Hold that thought, I wanna grab my personal rifle, was thinkin' of givin' her a tune-up once everything was squared away, this'll save me a trip" He dashed off to his quarters and fished the MAR's case out before returning to pick up the conversation "Now, as I was sayin' I don't let anyone touch my babies unless I really tolerate 'em. You've got a fair chance at that so far mate. Follow me"

Arex broke the silence on the way up the stairs "So how long is this first trip? And whadda ya suppose they will do with us after this? If we survive."

"I figure about 12 hours. Zargos is right on the edge of Alliance territory, so that's about a standard trip out that way. As for what come next, I dunno. Reckon they'll just keep sendin' us out 'til we outlive our usefulness, of course, they'll taunt us with freedom 'One more job, and you've worked off your sentence' and all that, but I don't think any of us will ever be free men again"

They arrived on the Command Deck and Grayson turned his head to ask "So, did anyone show you around or did they just shove ya aboa- OH, sorry!"
He'd bumped right into the other last-minute recruit.
"Sorry about that lass, wasn't payin' attention to where I was goin'"


Stryker's research had turned up some interesting facts. Aside from an extra recruit that Dawson hadn't introduced, he'd also neglected to mention that the Alliance had provided a squadron of attack drones, expendable grunts to bolster the group's presence. They were in storage in the cargo bay at the moment, and according to the instructions in the database, needed a few hours active to bring their systems fully online, no time like the present he figured, so he stomped off, datapad in hand, towards the elevator, squeezing past a congregation of Maverick and the two newest recruits in the T-intersection of the deck without a word.

The robot, SAL, was just exiting the engine room as Stryker stepped out of the elevator.
"Just who I was looking for actually" the captain said to the 7-foot tall behemoth of steel.
"Commander Stryker" SAL nodded, curt and to the point "How may I assist you?"
"We got some drones in storage down here, think you can help me fish 'em out? And don't call me Commander, Stryker will do"
"Acknowledged, Stryker. I will provide whatever assistance I can"
Their combined strength made an easy job of clearing away the storage crates, strategically packed to conceal the tall, interlinked pods holding the drones. Stryker waved away SAL and muttered a thanks as he read the remaining instructions.
"Ok, up first... access code" he reached out to tap on the touch-pad of the framework's left side. There were 10 pods, and Stryker intended to use all of 'em if his plan was to work.
"Step 2- Designate lead platform, ok, let's go with lucky pod number 7. AP-772. Designating....." A small green bar filled up next to the assigned drone's number, and a light above its pod activated.
"Step 3, network drones to designated lead. How do I... oh ok, networking...... networking........ net-wor-king.... done. So far so good. Step 4, assign parameters. Ah, that one'll make it easy. Hold for commands. And lastly, step 5, activate in sequence. Simple enough"

By now, a small green light had begun flashing on the front panel of each pod, the drones were ready to be brought online. Stryker muttered the numbers under his breath as he tapped the touch pad to activate them.
"AP-116, AP-209, AP-361, AP-444, AP-529, AP-614, AP-772, AP-688, AP-900, AP-928, and here we go" He pressed in the access code as a final confirmation and then stepped back to watch the bots come to life.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The lights on the attack drones began to light up as their pods opened. The designated leader stepped out of the pod first. "Attack platform AP-772 online." There was a short pause in itsome speech. "Running diagnostics. Weapons systems online..cooling systems online...parameters set." A small list of the parameters the were set would pop up on his tablet just as security protocol. "Anti-viral program online...squad link network online....ready to serve and command." The drone said as it issued a salute. The other drone's began stepping out of their pods. Their steel shells grinding and stomping as they moved. They all stepped in formation and issued a salute. AP-772 approached Stryker. "All systems running at 100% capacity. It is an honor to serve. Awaiting orders sir!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Lataniva flexed her fingers a bit, having quite the time resisting the urge to grab Amy to read her mind and find if her claim was justified. However, she knew she had to live with being unsure. Lataniva had partly raised a hand towards her, through sheer instinct, before returning the hand and grabbing it onto her stomach.

‘Very well. I will trust this to be the truth.’
And that was all of that, before Amy headed on. Then Lataniva handled the take-off pretty well, she was used to sudden unexpected forces taking hold. Then she could hold on until gravity returned with a dull acknowledgment of what had just happened.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant.
Interacting with: @Xandrya @Crossfire

Arex took opportunity of the dash to the quarters to go stash his supply of pilfered food.

He was caught off guard when Grayson crashed into another crew member. He stared unapologetically at the blonde haired girls hazel eyes with an intrigued puzzlement. For the most part he remained still and silent as he studied her. Looking for a hint of recognition or a glimpse of focal adjustment in her eyes, any sign that would say this was all a tactical facade and she wasn't truly blind.

He found no such thing.

After an awkward pause he gently breaks the silence.
"I'm Arex. he announces. "Pleasure to meet you." he put his warm welcoming smile into his words, and did well at hiding the plethora of curiosities.

Her condition gave her an appearance of vulnerability. A short step to sympathy. Her soft lulling voice and admittedly good looks made her somewhat easy to be around. With these things combined she would be an easy person to trust and even easier adversary to underestimate. There was no doubt in Arex's mind that she was even sharper witted then she would let on.

But that wasn't what troubled him the most, it was the strange vague familiarity and the unrecognisable sense of déjà vu.

If they were anywhere else he would not be so suspicious. But they were not anywhere else, they were on a ship full of misfits and killers, off to do someone else's dirty work. Voluntary or not.

He would be careful of this one.

"What brings a lady like you to a floating hell like this?" he turns on just a faint hint of charm as he questions the female crewmate.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by iTem
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iTem Trying

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matija had been patiently waiting for everyone to talk more to the new girl for more information. However, she did not seem too keen on elaborating why she was there, or why a blind irl would even be there in the first place. After all, she seemed more like a burden than an asset. Matija kept that thought to herself and hoped that someone else would ask it for her until she herself found it fitting to ask again in another manner.

"From the dossiers, I get the feeling they're expecting the assassin, Maverick, to be the sharpshooter, we'll figure out proper roles and discuss how your talents can help out a little closer to the target. It's nearly a 12 hour journey to Zargos. I'll be in the cockpit, getting ready to take off. Until then, dismissed, I guess"

When Stryker somewhat confirmed that she was not to become a sharpshooter, the siren let out a small sigh of relief that she would not be forced to take that gun that she begrudgingly carries especially on assasination missions. After all, no need carry 17 pounds worth of bull just to down a few potential enemies. "Make us proud, Mavey!" she chimes cheerfully just as Stryker left the War Room.

Inside the room was mostly a seemingly fast paced conversation between the slender woman and the guy with the robot arm that Matija mostly blocked out out of habit. She was mostly eyeing the blind girl because she seems to stand out the most, regardless of how funny that sounded to her. She, however, reacted to Stryker's voice coming through the comms system with a tilt of her head towards the direction of the sound. "Attention everyone, we're shippin' out. Might get a bit rocky for a second when we exit Chronos Station's artificial atmosphere, so you might wanna hold on to something"

"I hate this part," the siren muttered to herself as she plants her feet to the ship's flooring and held on to railings nearby. That Benny guy seemed to have helped the blind girl hold on to her baggage and said something about her fixing the bionic arm if it broke. It her chuckle a bit at the thought of that Amy chick fixing up a bionic arm which entertained her till the ship stabelized and she could no longer feel the weight of the ship pressing against her in order to breach the planet's gravitational field.

The next thing that Matija registered in her head was Lataniva asking Amy about her disability and its liability to their mission which the siren nodded to in agreement.

"I understand your apprehensive attitude towards me. But let me assure you they wouldn't even think twice about putting me on board this ship if they thought I'd be more of a liability than an asset to the team..." The human confidently defended herself and her capabilities as apt enough before addressing that Benny guy again for her luggage and left. Matija still doubted her, but thought that she should be here for a reason. Either she's a great actress, or she has something else in her sleeve.

"For me to control someone, I need a bit of time. It’s not something that could be done in the middle of a violent encounter or when there is a close time-limit. However, yes. If there’s a relatively safe time, an easy instruction to make and we can spare fifteen minutes to an hour, I could send someone to destroy the base from within."

Lataniva's response disappointed her, as it was shown in some materials that she saw before that there were some people capable of doing so in almost an instant. "Haven't seen a psionic working first hand before. Is this fifteen minute thing normal or can really strong ones get in people's heads and stuff quicker? I mean, no offense. I think you're the first of your kind I've ever seen before past videos and other holos."

With a yawn, the siren looks around at the now more empty room before addressing no one in particular. "So. I forgot to ask. Does this thing have a tub somewhere or something? It'd be nice to have a little soak before we get to the Zargos system. Or bath." She turns her attention back to Lataniva and perked up a pleading smile. "Latte? What do you think about freshening up? Unlike the guys here, I think we need to smell less like savages and sweat, don't you agree?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Lataniva looked to Sandra when she spoke about getting into minds quicker. How foreign to Lataniva that thought was, she had simply considered it natural that it’d take a while. But, now that she mentioned it. While she had never remembered the exact details as she was no historian, there was something about this matter she could share.

‘… Stories tell, of a tyrant of Dalentian past. He held the power to overwrite the purpose of an individual’s existence with but a single touch, make them his eternal servants. After his eventual death, the use of our psionic powers for mind-manipulation was forbidden for the sake of mutual trust in our species. Use of this power against fellow Dalentians is a crime with no equal. … Maybe, the potency of the power dulled after many eons of disuse. I only overcame my mental barrier against using it when my life became endangered far from my home planet.’
So she shared a little tidbit. Then, another little detail.

‘What Dalentians do with this power is not take forceful control, we rather mold the mind so the target acts as it is beneficial to us, inserting instructions that activate under the right set of circumstances. No Dalentian can make someone do as they like without the time to properly control the result. The brain is a very complicated thing.’
Lataniva explained.

‘Perhaps, there are psionics in the world that use their power differently. That take forceful control and directly controls someone else’s mind with but a glance. … Those will not be Dalentian. We have our powers, that are natural to us.’
Lataniva theorized, and that was as deep as she felt like going into the subject.

Then there was that part about about getting clean, which took Lataniva could sympathise with.

‘Although I am used to spending large amounts of time enduring any natural fallacies of the mortal body, yes. Freshening up would be nice.’
Lataniva agreed with a nod.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 days ago

“I promise my answer is not as exciting as you’d expect,” Amy lied to the second man, forcing a smile to hide the fact that she was beyond annoyed after having to repeatedly explain herself. “I’m a thief—or more of a sell-out, really. I mean, I was on my way to becoming this generation’s Snowden, or one of his less famous counterparts. Regardless,” she continued, now genuinely smiling at the fact that she was playing with fire, and she damn well knew it, “they didn’t like the fact that I posed a greater security risk than they were able to handle and so…here I am. Although…” Amy shifted her weight, getting comfortable as she let her bag rest on the floor and proceeded to cross her arms in front of her, “I’d much rather be here then back there,” she motioned in no particular direction. Just then, the thought hit her.

“Oh! I’m Amy, by the way. And the pleasure is all mine.”

@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"At ease" Stryker commanded, he checked the drone's operating code, seemed normal. Seeing as they were Alliance 'bots, Stryker thought to address them in a way they'd be familiar "Currently en route to enemy outpost at System comma Zargos. Further orders upon arrival in t-minus-11 hours. Until that time, you are to remain operational, clear? Squadron Commander AP-772 follow me for a pre-mission briefing upload"


@Xandrya@Dark Light

"Well Amy, nice to meet ya, we haven't formally met, I slipped out of the war room just as you were bein' brought in. Name's Grayson" He began to extend a hand, but stopped himself just in time. He
"So, you need a hand with that? Your stuff I mean?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Uh yeah, sure," Amy said, lowering herself to one side and reaching for her bag to hand it off to Grayson, "I can use all the help I can get, but just for the time being until I get used to the ship. Shouldn't take me long..."

Amy was somewhat impatient to get to her room. If she mingled for too long with the rest of her crew mates, then they would start to become curious and would probably ask some questions to which she didn't have an answer to. After all, the majority of her work consisted of sneaking around and avoiding detection, not lying through her teeth just to avoid suspicion.

"By the way, they said I was assigned to room 103."

@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Location: The Revenant.
Interacting with: @Xandrya @Crossfire@PlatinumSkink

Arex saw no reason to accompany his crew mates back to their quarters, he had already been there twice. Instead as the elevator doors shut with Amy and Grayson inside, Arex gave them a casual silent nod, forgetting that Amy was blind.

Something nearby caused a curious tingling within. As he cautiously neared the 'war room' the hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end as he peered inside just in time to see Lataniva coming his way.

Arex already knew to fear this woman from her reputation alone. But he could not prepare himself for the overpowering feeling of her Sh'kwarr. Her physic aura.
If felt dark yet writhed with life. It was dense and dominant, strong and powerful in its firm controlled state, sharp piercing purposeful edges wrapped the perplexing controlled compressed force.
Such a thing was hard to explain or comprehend with his half human mind but the Dalentian in him understood it well.
In comparison Arex's Sh'kwarr would appear as soft splotches of splayed wobbling jelly. Broken and incomplete. Without true form or structure.

In his first moments of exposure to a true Dalentian Arex found a new instinct to add to his basic fight or flight response, one that he never knew he had until now. It was of his Dalentian side, another of self preservation. The fearful subconscious physic animal within him wanted nothing more than to take his jelly aura and cocoon himself within it and hide away from this frightful presence.
His outer brain combatted the idea. Not only did it show distrust but it would be a sign of insult to even think he could oppose her will, to think his Sh'kwarr was as strong as hers.

Instead, with all his skill and self control he gives a greeting nod to those in the room and casually hurries off towards the medbay with a fake sense of urgency. Arex needed a moment to gather his thoughts. While he knew of the Dalentian's, he wasn't expecting or prepared for that response. Maybe it was further clue to who or what he himself was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chronos Station: Departure


“Sure, trust the blind girl to patch you back up. What could go wrong, right?" Amy started with clear sarcasm. Though she continued quickly with a more genuine “But really, thank you. I promise I won’t be this much of a bother once I become familiarized with the ship. The first day or two is always the hardest, then it's easy as cake. But you know, what can you do when they throw an assignment on you at the very last possible moment." She added.

"Well then let's hope you dinnae get sent on a mission withou' a tour o' the combat zone first" Benny replied jokingly.

Lataniva also addressed him regarding the suggestion he put forward about getting someone to give him access to the station's main security office. "That is possible. However, if we can get our hands on the right person, then I can simply obtain the information of how to do so for myself and then grant you access myself. Controlling someone takes time, as I need to calibrate a lot of factors, but just reading their mind takes but moments."

"Well I s'pose that makes things simpler. As long as either way gets us wot we need I'll happily take either one He said in response. Afterwards he braced himself for the Revenant's lift-off. The shudder of the ship as it breached the artifical atmosphere of the station caused him to stagger back for a moment, but he was later able to pull himself up... A little more than he'd like.

Apparently the artificial gravity of the ship wasn't engaged so he ended up floating a little above the war room table along with Amy's luggage. Whoever forgot to turn it on seemed to realize their mistake quickly enough and activated it, causing Benny to be pulled down violently with the extra weight of the woman's luggage. Thankfully he didn't break anything or cause any of Ol' Skelly's components to detach.

"ACK! Bloody careless idiots! Even a cheap-arse commercial shuttle dinnae forget to do their pre-flight checks properly..." He said angrily as he pulled himself up and dusted himself off. Once the ship had stabilized, Amy retrieved her items from him with another thanks before the crew began dispersing.

With the CIC being a little emptier now, the Sandra woman spoke up to address the Dalentian. "So. I forgot to ask. Does this thing have a tub somewhere or something? It'd be nice to have a little soak before we get to the Zargos system. Or bath. Latte? What do you think about freshening up? Unlike the guys here, I think we need to smell less like savages and sweat, don't you agree?" Sandra said.

"Although I am used to spending large amounts of time enduring any natural fallacies of the mortal body, yes. Freshening up would be nice." Lataniva replied

Benny picked up on Sandra's indirect insult. "Tch! Well excuse me for pollutin' your nostrils. I have a few things to take care o' anyway so I'll be leavin' you lasses with some fresher air for the moment." Benny replied as he walked out of the war room. He intended to make a quick run to the research lab to grab some of his tools before fully securing Skelly onto his shoulder at the med-bay. Just in case they had another incident like temporarily losing gravity, he didn't want to end up losing his arm due to some accident. That would be outright insulting.

@mackielars @PlatinumSkink

Revenant: Med-bay

The sterile white med-bay was empty and mostly quiet with the exception of Benjamin sitting on one of the beds while his mechanical screwdriver whirred to secure Skelly onto the mechanized part of his shoulder. The big Russian man, Sasha, had left for a while to handle some errands leaving Benny alone to do as he pleased. at least after he promised not to mess with the way Sasha had organized the tools and medicines there. Just as he was finishing up the last set of screws on the exterior plating of his arm, an unfamiliar face entered the room.

He appeared to be a tall and heavily augmented human, but slightly different than most humans though he couldn't exactly place why. He appeared to have barged in rather quickly into the med-bay, not even waiting for the doors to fully open.

"You uhh... Got some kind o' medical emergency? The doctor's out right now. But even if he was here I doubt he'd know wot to do with someone as augmented as you are." Benny said towards the large cyborg before him, pausing his repairs for a moment to see who this crewmate was and what they were there for.

@Dark Light
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"This won't take but a minute" Grayson said as they exited the elevator, guiding Amy with his voice "So from here, you just hang a left turn, mind the corner there, I guess you'll wanna keep your hand up to feel your way through, so just a few steps down, you'll come to the first door, odd numbered rooms on the left, even on the right, so number 3, 103, whatever you'd prefer, second door to your left, bag's right alongside it ok?"

He set her stuff down and watched as the blind girl made her way along the hall. He figured it was best to keep jabbering, give her something to follow.
"So, I think all the rooms are the same, two bunks, with storage compartments underneath 'em, desk at the back, I'm two doors down from ya, room 7, and right at the end of the hall are two doors leadin' to the restrooms, the women's is to the right. I wouldn't assume much of some of these savages we have aboard, but I would assume they'll at least offer you ladies the respect of privacy and dignity. That's about it I reckon, so you good?"
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