Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A small groan came from the lips of a female as she heard her name being called by the angelic voice of her mother. She rolled over in her bed and tried to drown out the voice but couldn't. She decided to get on up as she threw on a short sleeved, blue shirt and long, blue pants. She didn't bother to put on any shoes as she was in the comfort of her own home and didn't really think it was necessary. While wiping the sleep from her eyes, she entered the kitchen and seen her mother there, slaving over a hot stove while her father and brothers sat there, arm wrestling and wrestling each other down to the ground. She shook her head at them then turned to her mother as she whispered. "Does dad know?" She asked her softly, both of their eyes glancing over at him. "Honestly, I don't think he has a clue." She responded while chuckling. "Good." She said while getting up from the counter and started setting the table.

After having another decent family dinner, Kasumi dragged herself back to her room and basically fell face first onto her bed.

Her ears twitched when she heard footsteps coming into her room as she looked up and seen that it was her mother - A breath of fresh air came over her. "You scared me." Her mother sat down at the end of her bed and took off her medallion. "I got this when I joined the White Lotus and now I want you to have it." She said with a soft smile being placed among her facial features. "Mother, I ca--" Kasumi's mother held her hand up, shaking her head, placing the medallion in her hand and closing it up. "Save the world, Kasumi. I know you can." She said while leaning in and kissing Kasumi on the top of her head. Her mother exited her room as she tied the medallion around her neck and it seemed like it belong there. A warm tingle came over her body as she laid down.
Kasumi sighed softly as she was up earlier than usual this morning. She couldn't help but wake up anyway since the sun gleamed through her window and kissed her face. Master Ka came in, dressed in traditional water bender wear as he told her that it was time to do a little more training. She nodded her head with a smile but when he left she huffed then groaned slightly. Kasumi popped up out of her bed and got dressed, wearing a short sleeve blue shirt, with it cutting off just above her stomach and long blue pants with water bender slippers. She tied her blonde locks of hair up in a high ponytail and placed on her blue bracers upon her wrists. She reviewed herself over in the mirror as she loved being apart of the White Lotus - Who knew they lived like royalty.

She was making her way out of her room as she seen another door across from hers. It was green like a leaf in the spring time, so she knew that the person behind the door had to be an earth bender. As she walked down the hallway, she seen the other nations colors and wondered who were behind those doors. Since she's been here, she has been doing nothing but training - She wondered what the rest of the benders have been up to. With the shrug of her shoulders, she came across a silver door, which she raised a brow at. 'None of the nations have silver coloring.' She thought to herself and it made her think even harder. Not really thinking of anything, she skipped towards the door that lead to the outside. She walked down the few stairs in front of the palace and seen Master Ka, along with other masters.

Kasumi knew that Master Ka was once apart of the White Lotus as well but she didn't know about the rest, or she didn't really care to ask. She raised a brow at Master Ka, who had a serious expression plastered on his face, his arms behind his back. Her eyes fluttered towards the person in silver and seen that they had multiple weapons placed upon their bodies. 'Ah, weapons master.' She thought while dancing on the inside that she had finally figured it out.

She turned around slightly and seen the other apprentices coming down the stairs. Her eyes glanced back towards her Master as she kind of hated the warm, crisp summer weather. Just standing out here thinking about is making her sick. Kasumi had just thought about something - Master Ka lied to her about training this morning. She glared at him as he smiled brightly then shrugged his shoulders.

When the rest of the apprentices came down and stood in front of their appropriate nation, Master Ka stepped forth. "Shall we begin with introductions? I am Master Ka. I was with the White Lotus for quite some time. This..." He waved his hand towards Kasumi, who smiled and her cheeks turned red from embarrassment as it seemed like all eyes were on her. She shrunk a little for a moment while staring at Master Ka, not really wanting to make eye contact with anyone else yet. "This is my apprentice, Kasumi. She, like I, is a water bender." Master Ka continued as he smiled brightly towards her. Kasumi nodded her head towards him as she waited for the next nation to do the introductions.

After the introductions, they were then instructed to go into the dining hall, where they served a rather small breakfast.

Kasumi sat at a small table in the corner as she didn't want to seem like a cold person so she straightened herself up and smiled at each and everyone of the apprentices, wondering which one of them was going to sit with her. She really didn't care if either one of them sat with her but making a friend on the first day of meeting each other would be nice - To her it would be anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gaizen awoke to a pounding at the door to his room. "Gaizen?" A familiar voice called from the other side. "Wake up already." He refused by offering no response, covering his head with one of his pillows, and hoping that he would be left alone. He heard the door to his room opening, and grunted at the thought of having to rise so early in the morning again. "If you don't get out of bed this instance, I'll set it on fire." Gaizen's eyes opened immediately as he considered the sincerity behind the threat. He doubted that Shinzan, Gai's firebending master, would actually do it, but then again the man had chased him around, whipping his back with flames before. Deciding to not take any risks, Gai sat up in his bed, allowing the pillow to fall to his lap. "Smart move." Shinzan confirmed with a smirk.

"Why?" Gaizen asked tiredly, but he already knew the answer. Shinzan had told him before that he would be meeting the other apprentices today, and Gai had been dreading waking up since. Shinzan raised an eyebrow, and told Gai to get dressed. Gai nodded in response, but was slightly surprised when Shinzan remained in the room. Gai stared at his master, waiting for him to leave.

"If I leave now, you'll go back to sleep, forcing me to use less... gentle methods to get you to come." Shinzan said in response. Gai cursed him in his thoughts, knowing his masters worries were completely justified.

Gai moved his head to look at the ceiling with a sigh, and rose up and out of bed, clad only in his underwear before getting dressed in his usual attire. He grabbed his short bow and quiver, setting both over his head and on his back before following Shinzan out the room. They had arrived last, due to Gai's protests. He looked at each of the apprentices carefully as he walked, and decided that they each looked nice enough. When he got to the only other man in the group Gai's eyes widened again, but he said nothing. Could it be him? he asked himself. Some time ago, before Gai had joined the White Lotus, he had been attacked. The man in question appeared to be the one who had come to his rescue so many years ago, but Gai was not sure. The admittedly handsome man had been in his thoughts ever since, but Gai doubted that he would ever meet him again. If this was him, then Gai could finally... confirm something that he had been wondering about for a while. He felt his face turn red, and turned away from the others so they could not see. When the masters began introducing their apprentices, Gai was described by Shinzan as lazy and boring, but lucky enough to have one asset - fire bending. Gai turned his head to glare at his master, and was met with a toothy grin.

After the group was introduced to each other, they where then lead to the dining hall for breakfast. Gai saw the waterbender go sit at a corner table, and then smile at them. Gai wanted to go sit with her, but that might lead to small talk, which might to lead to a conversation, and Gai doubted that that would go well. On the other hand, if he decided to sit alone, he might appear to be distant, or rather, a jerk. His eyes dashed from the corner table to the table next to it repeatedly as he began to move towards the two, almost involuntarily. He stood in front of them for a few seconds, before sitting alone, his back facing the girl. He tried to force himself to sit across from her, but simply couldn't. Gai loathed his decision, but was too embarrassed to switch seats now. He hoped that he hadn't offended her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"You can't make me!" yelled the other.

It was sometime early in the morning, much earlier than the others had bothered to wake up at. The sun was just cresting over the black horizon, spilling hues of reddish-orange over the land. A short, bony woman was perched rather comfortably on one of the highest boughs, swaying in the crisp and cool morning breeze. Her soft leather sandals curled around the smooth bark of the tree and her prayer beads whispered with the rattling of the leaves. She was immobile, silent, and intently watching the run rise. Or, at least, she was until a massive, broad-shouldered beast of a lady came storming outside and started yelling at her.

It was true - Tachi and Bison did have a very, very odd relationship. But they've known each other for so long, one would think they'd be able to live comfortably in each other's presence, but alas. Fate has her own devious plans with this pair and it didn't involve hugs or comfort. "I'M WARNING YOU!" roared Bison. The wind picked up and the silence from Tachi stretched out infinitely across the plains. Then tension in the air was so thick that Tachi felt it weighing down on her tensed muscles, as she prepared to leg it...

"I don't want to!" complained Tachi, and then she jumped.
The effect was instantaneous. Like a bird unfurling her wings, Tachi was on her air glider within moments of falling - she rolled through the air as Bison fires a blast of wind towards her right wing, sending her off course and tumbling towards the ground - and upon hitting the grassy floor she barely had a chance to breathe in before she was on her feet with surprising amounts of speed, one foot in front of the other, racing down the rippling plains. With a click, her air glider snapped back into the quarterstaff position that she could slip onto her back. The woman smiled, feeling the air ruffling through her hair and revealing her air nomad markings, feeling the sun slip over her face and eyes...

"TAAAACHIIIII!" hollered Bison, and Tachi span around to laugh at her anger, only to notice that she didn't look angry. Just very, very concerned-Tachi knew something was wrong, and span around to collide, head-first, into the trunk of a nearby tree. Lights popped behind her eyes and the ground came rushing to meet her incredibly quickly.
It was, therefore, a bit of a surprise to see Tachi walk into the hall sporting a black eye. She seemed the last person to really get into a fight at all, due to her short, skinny demeanour - she looked like one could pick her up and snap every bone in half if they wanted to. Tachi herself was very aware of the stares and quickly ruffled her hair, showing a glimpse of blue on her forehead before it was hidden by her muddy ginger fringe. She looked down the line at the other trainers, barely giving the apprentices a single glance.

After Master Ka completed his introduction, Bison stepped forth. She folded her muscular arms over her chest, her voice cracking across the hall like an iron whip. "My name is of no importance to apprentices like you. You will address me as Bison. And this..." Bison sneered down at Tachi, who simply couldn't seem to stand still, almost constantly fidgeting and shifting her weight as if she had six bowls of sugar before entering the hall. But Bison and Tachi met glances for the briefest of moments, and anyone who was watching closely would see a brief moment. Something flashing between the two, like an unspoken rule. "...Is Lemur." finished Bison.

Tachi couldn't help but let loose a big, happy smile at Bison, who just snorted to hide the ghost of a smirk on her lips. "And the first person to GET HER TO STAND STILL FOR MORE THAN TWO MINUTES," snapped Bison, raising her voice significantly. Tachi still didn't stop her fidgeting, despite getting startled by the louder voice. "Will have the feat of being able to outsmart an Airbending Master under their belts. Until then, I expect all of you to treat my apprentice with the respect she deserves." continued Bison, peering down at Tachi, who stopped listening a while back and was staring out of the window with interest.

After everyone finished their introduction, Tachi was the first to leave. As of yet, she hadn't even given a hint of acknowledgement to any of the other apprentices, almost pretending they didn't even exist. She still had that big, cheery, friendly smile on her face but, so far, hasn't directed it at anyone who she may have to start working with. She seemed to be quite busy herself, constantly wandering off and doing other things instead of interacting with the others.

Swiftly and silently, like a ghost, Tachi entered the dining hall. Despite being so small, she did carry herself with a certain amount of grace and balance at this particular moment, looking more sophisticated than she was earlier, each step almost like a dance. Perhaps because the hall was devoid of the bending masters? Was she showing off to the others? It was impossible to tell, or to find out at all, because Tachi just walked in, grabbed a bowl of chicken noodle soup, and sat opposite Gaizen.

She still never said anything, and didn't even look his way; whilst twirling the noodles around her chopsticks, Tachi fished out a piece of ornate, well-made parchment and held it in front of her face. In doing so she effectively blocked gaizen from view and was able to read whilst she ate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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The sweet sound of music permeated the air, a soft and gentle beat that set a cheerful mood. Three young ladies clad in ornate robes that showed just enough skin to be provocative played instruments as they danced to their own tune. Jun sat in a reclined seat padded with the softest material he had ever known. He felt as if he was floating on a cloud as the music resonated in his soul. Arranged around the edges of this bliss were tables piled with foods from every corner of the known world. Each morsel was more enticing than the last and as he enjoyed the bountiful feast he was approached by six of the most beautiful women he had ever laid eyes on. Each one was a visage of beauty itself. They beckoned for him. "Come play with us Jun!" one would plead to him. "you're so amazing Jun!" another would say. Each of the beauties called for him, and how could any man refuse such lovely creatures? Jun rose from his cloud of comfort and embraced them. It was bliss incarnate and just as was about to become one with the universe.....


A rather loud old man had burst in and zapped him to reality. All of the splendor, once his for the taking, had vanished in an instant. As he opened his eyes Jun was greeted by the underside of his sunhat. The old man stood in the doorway with his arms crossed glaring at Jun who laid in his bed for a moment before removing his sunhat and sitting up. Jun was still waking up as he retorted.

"Dammit Old Man, can't you knock like a normal person?"

"Quit yer whinin' an' get oudda bed y' bum."

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you Old Man."

The two of them marched out to line up with the rest of the disciples for introductions. Each of the benders seemed capable at first glance and Jun had noted that most of them were attractive women as well, save for the Fire-Bender who seemed to be shy and avoided Jun's gaze when ever he glanced over. Each of the masters took a turn introducing themselves and their pupil. Jun could only stand there looking rather bored but made sure to remember each of their names. Finally it was his Master's turn.

"I'm the great Weapon Master So Hai and this young warrior y' see before you is Jun Taira. He may not look like much but I can assure you.... he isn't." Master So Hai gave a big howling laugh at his own joke.

"Well thanks for that Old Man." Jun muttered under his breath.

Once all the formality had been complete Jun happily strolled down to the dining hall where more delicious foods awaited him. He walked comfortably and watched the others take their seats. The Water-Bender Kasumi had ended up sitting alone, although the other two didn't seem to be socializing at all despite literally sitting across from one another. A modest plate of meats was all he needed. Jun, who thought it was odd that they wouldn't all be eating at the same table, decided he wouldn't leave Kasumi to dine alone and promptly sat down in front of her. Kasumi's smile was rather inviting and Jun couldn't help but return with a warm smile of his own.

"So Kasumi, your Master seems to have a lot of pride in you. Not like my Master, the Old Man never once gave me any praise since I started training with him. Anyway, your a disciple of the White Lotus like me, which means you're an exceptionally talented Bender. If you have some free time later, how about a little sparring match? I don't know about you but I've been waiting for a chance to put all this training to good use for a long time now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The moon hung low in the sky, soon it would disappear below the horizon, but despite the late hour a girl stood in a field the earth rent all around her. She practiced her bending alone in the dark night, despite the important events of tomorrow. She would finally be meeting the other new members of the Lotus. But right now that did not matter; all that mattered was that she train. She had never really shaken off the need to train at night, like she did when things were good.

It kept her mind off the past, her fatherā€™s angry face in the night as he burnt Tigal and then went after her. That night was scarier than all the beatings she had received from her father, even after all this time she had never really shaken the memory. Any time she lashed out at the imaginary attackers it was her fatherā€™s face she aimed at. She practiced with her bracers too sending small projectiles at trees the small rocks embedded in the bark.

Breathing heavily Pema sat down on a rock she had moulded into a comfortable seat. She wasnā€™t ready to meet these new people; she knew one of them would be a firebender, one she had to work with. Maybe if she hid out her Master Shan would not find her in time for the meeting and she could sneak in to the dining hall. In the comfortable chair as the moon went down and the first light of dawn crossed the horizon she drifted to sleep as the songs of the birds started.

What seemed like a few minutes later she was awoken by an angry voice and her chair disappearing into the earth, she fell to the ground forced awake. ā€œPema, youā€™re late!ā€ Master Shan said hand on her hip.

Pema stood up and brushed herself off as much as possible, her clothes still smelling of sweat from the nightā€™s training. ā€œYes Master Shan, I am so sorry, I was training and I just took a seat for a moment and-ā€

ā€œI donā€™t care get to the meeting hall now!ā€ Shan ordered Pema pushing her ahead forcing her to all but run . They arrived at the meeting hall last and Master Shan said a few words about her, both of them a little red faced from the jog.

ā€œI am Master Shan and this is my apprentice, Pema she is an accomplished and dedicated earthbender, so dedicated she spent the entire night training instead of preparing today.ā€ Shan said to the group. She nodded at Pema as the group headed for the dining hall she had not told the others Pema had actually fallen asleep.

In the dining hall she arrived last yet again, so much for punctual Pema. She grabbed a plate of food and a cup of coffee then took a seat next to the waterbender sitting at the table opposite Gaizen, to keep an eye on him. As she sat down, the swordsman Jun was challenging Kasumi to a sparring match. ā€œIf you need a referee Iā€™m available,ā€ she said to the pair. ā€œIā€™m a pretty good earthbender too if you need another partner some time.ā€
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
Avatar of iSuspect

iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kasumi looked up as she seen a boy coming her way. She couldn't help but smile like a complete idiot as it has been a long time since she seen a boy. Her eyes lowered to the floor when the boy walked pass her and sat at the opposite table. A soft sigh came over her parted lips as she just started eating her food, not really caring at this point who sits with her. Her eyes fluttered up when she seen a female walking her way, she looked kind of disgusted but honestly, she didn't really know what gender she wanted - Yet. So far, she seen Gaizen and Tachi and neither one of them sat with her. What was it about her? Her intimidating posture? Her smile? Something between her teeth? She took her finger and started digging her nail through her teeth. Kasumi was so embarrassed because Jun had came over and sat with her.

His smile was warm and it made her smile, even blush a little as she straightened up and cleared her throat. When he started speaking, she did nothing but nod her head at his words but when he mentioned a sparring match, she leaned towards him with interest. "Sure. I could go for a good spar since I am tired of kicking my master's ass." She giggled slightly while twirling the end strands of her blonde hair. "But, you are a weapons master and I am a water bender. Maybe I shouldn't doubt the two style just yet. I've had my fair share of weaponry as well." Indeed she did. When she traveled from nation to nation, she would always wondered where the non-benders lurked and offered played with them. She learned a lot of techniques and never really had the chance to put them to good use, until now. She eyed Jun again and extended her hand towards him for him to shake, showing good sportsmanship already. "I accepted. And my master shows pride in me because the last Avatar came from the Water Tribe and he fought beside him. So, maybe I could be the Avatar one day or is it too late?" She laughed again then looked up at Pema.

When Jun shook her hand, she would place it back in her lap and smile towards her. "No referee needed. It'll be a friendly spar." She looked towards Jun and winked then turned her gaze back towards Pema. "We're all pretty good. I mean, that is why we are here, right?" She giggled towards her then admired her bracers then raised a brow. "Wait a minute, Pema. Earth bender." She leaned back and stroked her chin, thinking awhile back.

There was this girl she had met named Pema, who had an excellent technique and was an exceptional earth bender. She met her because she visited the Earth Kingdom a few times, just following the elders there and what not. Kasumi was ten years of age when they had met and she was already an exceptional water bender in her own right. Kasumi and Pema usually just stayed outside practicing their bending and showing off every once and awhile. Kasumi came back to reality then smiled brightly. "You don't remember me?! Kasumi, the water-earth bender." She wanted to learn earth bending so bad because of the power and force you basically had to put behind it, along with fire bending but she hated fire benders, well, most of them.

She laughed while giving Pema and gigantic hug, basically pulling her out of her seat. She broke the hug off eventually then turned towards the door as the other masters entered, seating at the large dining table and getting their meals delivered towards them. Kasumi shook her head. "They eat like royalty and we eat like servants." She said towards the group of benders and Jun. Kasumi was a little happy that she found Pema again, maybe they can continue their friendship after being broken away for quite some time. "So, Pema, what's new with you? Anything good? Details! Details!" She squealed while also blushing a little, turning towards Jun, hoping he didn't feel out of the loop between the two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A moment after seating himself, Gai realized that amidst his panic he had forgotten to actually get anything to eat for breakfast. His stomach growled, but not loud enough to persuade him to get up and do something about it. He figured that the portions where too meager to risk embarrassment, and would do little ore then tease his appetite anyway, so he simply put his head on down in an attempt to fall asleep. The cold of the stone was off-putting, so Gai lifted his head and took in a deep breath. When he exhaled, it was through his nose releasing heat. The table was warmed enough to be tolerable. Gai had set many fires like tis before, but he had practiced enough during his winter travels to be able to output the correct amount of power each time.

Gai set his head back down, the warmth of the table inviting him to drowse off. Hi eyelids felt heavy as he realized just how tired he was. The previous nights sleep was simply not enough for Gai to function alertly. He had nearly fallen asleep when he heard someone approaching. Gai forced his eyes open, and rested his chin on the table quick enough to catch a glimpse of the young air bending woman from before, when they where all getting introduced, before she placed a sheet of parchment between the two of them. It was apparent to Gai that she was determined to act as she had before, completely oblivious to the presence of others. She simply read and slurped her noodles as she read.

By then the heat from the table was fading fast, and Gai lifted his head to sit up. He couldnā€™t tell if he was offended or grateful for the womanā€™s disregard for Gai. Behind him, he could hear the conversations between the other three apprentices: Kasumi, Pema, and Jun. They seemed to be discussing a sparing match between the two, much to Gaiā€™s surprised. He wondered how they all had managed to become so familiar with each other this quickly. He considered joining in, but was curious about the woman before him. He wondered if what she was doing was deliberate. What was her name again Gai asked himself. In truth, he hadnā€™t been paying too much attention to the introductions. He was too busy wondering about the Jun, and if he really was the man from before. Lana? Noā€¦ Lemur! Yeah, thatā€™s it. No, wait, that couldnā€™t possibly be her actual nameā€¦ but it is all I have to go on after all Gai decided he should try and take his chances now, rather then go through his time here choosing the empty table each time.

Gai coughed in an attempt to get the womanā€™s attention. When she failed to react, Gai tried again, but louder. When she continued to ignore him, Gai began to cough loud enough to almost be wheezing. Frustrated, Gai finally spoke. ā€œUm, y-your Lemur right? The air bender?ā€ Gai hated when he stuttered, and his voice felt raw from when he overdid his coughs. ā€œIā€™m Gai. Itā€™s nice to meet you.ā€ He smiled slightly. Each second waiting for a response dug into his stomach. Being ignored caused Gai to feel insecure, and right now he felt as if he were naked in front of a mob. He waited for her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For the briefest of moments, the quiet clink of the chopsticks ceased. Tachi lowered the parchment ever-so-slightly, revealing two bright amber eyes. but they weren't arrogant or dignified at all - no, there was the shimmer of rattled nerves behind them. Gaizen, being a suffer of social anxiety himself, would probably see a kindred spirit before him; for here sat a girl who was nervous about something to do with the conversation. And as soon as Tachi got a good look at Gaizen, she too saw the fear in his eyes, and a ghost of a sympathetic smile played on her lips. It looked like the pair of them knew each other's troubles.

"Do yoooou....like chicken noodle soup?" offered Tachi, folding the parchment in half with a quiet 'fwip' noise and pushing the bowl towards Gaizen. She didn't ask him why he sat down without breakfast; but it looked like she did know he was too scared to get up again. "It's just, I'm kinda full, and I only want a bread roll. I'll grab you a spoon and everything."

Of course, as is Tachi's style, she didn't wait for an answer. In one surprisingly fast movement, Tachi was on her feet again, and heading towards the food area. As she passed the larger dining table, Bison's bread roll quivered from a faint breeze-"Don't." warned Bison, and Tachi held both hands up in the air, staggering backwards with her usual wide, childish smile and skipping over to the bread basket. She picked out a wholemeal breadroll and started to head back towards the table.

As she passed the larger dining table again, Bison's spoon was knocked off of the table and into the air. This time, however, Bison quietly and politely put down her knife and fork before abruptly standing up and sending her fist out towards Tachi - a blast of wind caught the younger woman in the back of the head, sending her head-first towards the floor. Tachi barely had time to plant both hands on the floor and go into a forward roll but managed it all the same, getting back onto her feet in a matter of moments and spinning around to face her Airbending tutor.

There was a very tense silence. With a forced politeness, Bison hissed "Would you like a spoon, Lemur?" through gritted teeth. Tachi's smile had long faded, but was not replaced with a frown. Instead, with all the innocence in the world, she pointed up to the spoon hovering in the air.

"I do have a spoon, Bison, thank you for offering." replied Tachi with the same polite tone. The pair of them looked at each other - in any other situation, perhaps, this amount of cheek would surely result in punishment, but instead Bison looked up in mock surprise.

"Oh! I never noticed that. Here, let me get it down for you." offered Bison, and before Tachi was able to politely decline, the spoon came soaring down towards Tachi with a crack onto her head. Rather notably, Tachi didn't move out of the way; she knew it was coming and she pointedly didn't react. If anything, she just braced herself for impact but it still wasn't enough - she winced, rubbing her head with one hand whilst the other caught the spoon whilst it tumbled down. "I would've let you away with that if it wasn't in front of the others," snapped Bison, turning away to sit down again. "Looks like you're not only the youngest here, but also the most immature of the lot. Such a disappointment, you are." continued Bison.

Tachi rubbed her head again, turning her back on Bison. She made an odd movement with her feet, something akin to a slight stagger but she didn't look like she was losing her balance at all. It was intentional, of course - but for reasons thus far unknown. Tachi cleaned the spoon on her sleeve, checking it closely, and then handed it to Gaizen, grinning.

"You're the firebender, aren't you? Heat up your breakfast, it's getting cold!" urged Tachi excitedly. She didn't sit down this time, instead crouching on the seat, forearms resting on her knees, ripping the odd chunk of bread to eat it whilst leaning in to watch what will most likely be a simple display on firebending.

if, of course, Gaizen has the nerve to do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


Member Offline since relaunch

The rather attractive Kasumi agreed to spar with a handshake. Jun could tell by the feel of her skin that she had probably trained with weapons as well even if she hadn't mentioned it. He ignored her comment about their differing styles. Even if she thought he would be at a disadvantage because of his lack of Bending ability, Jun would prove her wrong later.

Only a moment passed before the Earth-Bender Pema arrived at the table and Kasumi seemed to explode with giddy laughter as women often do when they meet old friends. Pema was also quite attractive and Jun was beginning to think that the Order of the White Lotus must be doing something right for all these beautiful women to be around. Even the bouncy one, whom Bison referred to as Lemur, was notably good-looking. Jun simply let Kasumi to greet her friend and enjoyed his plate of meat.

Jun had never actually eaten food from the White Lotus dining hall before since Master So Hai forced him to gather his own food from the surrounding area. The fact that the Old Man even let Jun in was a sign that he was growing on him. Each morsel was extremely well prepared and unique to the others. Every bite held it's own sensation of flavor and Jun forgot all about the pretty ladies around him. Jun finally got to experience the food that the Old Man selfishly hogged for himself for as long as he had been in training. This meant that today would be a good day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ema smiled at the waterbender girl she vaguely recognized her; the beautiful smile is what brought the memories back. Those good times seemed so long ago tagging along with her mother and some elders. She remembered the chances she got to play with the other bender kids, even in those days her father kept her secluded from the villagers. The waterbenders would make snowballs for them all even in spring and they had make mudslides together. As she stood there a vacant look on her face with a side of dopey grin, she remembered what life was like before her mother left.

ā€œKasumi, it feel like itā€™s been centuries, so much has changedā€¦ My mother never came back, she left me with father,ā€ Her eyes started to water but she held the tears at bay. ā€œI ran away the waterbenders took me in a couple years ago and then Master Shan found me, taught me so much more.ā€ She turned away as a single tear broke through she hastily wiped it away and smiled as she turned back to Kasumi. ā€œItā€™s all done now, a new chapter in the book,ā€ Still smiling she said. ā€œItā€™s good to see some of us havenā€™t changed much.ā€

She set to eating her food without saying another word enjoying the flavour of the pork buns and sweet and sour sauce washed down with a swig of coffee. Some might think that was an odd flavour fusion, but after last night the caffeine was much needed in her sleep deprived state, not that she ever got much. Maybe with friends to talk to and help her she would finally be able to find some peace. She looked around once she finished her meal at the ragtag group, there was the Jun guy. He was kind of cute in a rough swashbuckling way; she noted the sword by his hip. Gai sheā€™d seen before and was still keeping an eye on him, fire is never to be trusted. The Lemur girl now sitting across from Gai, she kind of looked like one, well except for the ears maybe. And of course Kasumi, her old friend who stirred up so many long lost memories, maybe they could renew their old friendship. They would do well she could feel it even as she somehow innately sensed something was about to go horribly wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Latino


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The still morning was turning out to be relatively nice as our apprentices each enjoyed their meals. The masters of The Order of the White Lotus enjoyed their own feast on the opposite side of the dining hall. Unbeknownst to them all, an evil force was about to come crashing down on them, literally.

So Hai: You know Bison I just don't get it.

Bison: Don't get what?

So Hai: You let that girl run around and do as she pleases without so much as a slap on the wrist. You're much too soft on her.

Bison: Well, Master So Hai, if you're- wait.

So Hai: Hm?

Just as So Hai spoke an enormous pillar came crashing down through the roof of the dining hall effectively splitting the room in two! Luckily no one was crushed by the pillar itself but before anyone could react a flood of warriors stormed into the room on both sides. The warriors rushed the apprentices with their various weapons swinging to make a kill. The apprentices would barely have time to react before the hoard was upon them. Each of them would have their hands full simply staying alive with such a force.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the enormous metallic pillar. Each of the Masters readied themselves for a fight as more warriors piled in. Coming in right behind them was a mountain of a man clad in metal armor, only his eyes were visible through his helmet.

Armor-Clad Mountain-Man: I am the Juggernaut and you are all my prisoners!

The resulting fight was a sight to behold, yet for all their skill they were fighting a losing battle. There was simply too many men for them to deal with. Their battle led them away from the dining hall and into other parts of the compound as the Juggernaut rampaged in his pursuit. The apprentices would have to fend for themselves as the Masters fought with every fiber of their being to fell the Juggernaut. Despite their struggle the Masters would eventually be subdued by the man who called himself Juggernaut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bison sat erect and stiff in her seat, eating her plain and hearty breakfast of bread rolls and rice whilst glaring down every other master in the process. Of course, by now they should understand her hostilities are a complete faƧade; but just as equally know that she only has one mood, and that's "angry". All the time. Every waking moment, for reasons unknown, just...constantly irritated by something.

Master So Hai spoke up first. Bison didn't care, his technique was alright and she liked his method of teaching. Mid-mouthful, he idly commented on not getting something, and Bison made a derisive snort. Her mind came up with a snappy comeback but she kept silent because she knew who she was dealing with. "Don't get what?" Bison replied in that forced polite voice, with undertones of "Choose your next words carefully there."

Bison met gazes with So Hai for a fraction of a second before he started toying with his own breakfast. "You let that girl run around and do as she pleases without so much as a slap on the wrist. You're much too soft on her." he said slyly. Bison had half a mind to give him a slap on the wrist. The nerve! Did he not see her crack Lemur over the head with a spoon? In plain view of her potential team? The man was too thick to understand that physical punishment isn't everything, and didn't understand the complexities of having to look after...That.

Bison glared at Tachi for a moment, who was too pre-occupied with talking with Gaizen, urging him on to heat up his bowl of noodles with his firebending. If Master So Hai knew, just for a moment, what teaching someone like Tachi was like...then he'd understand completely. Lazy students are fine. But...students who are just so...active? How do you go about punishing them for being eager? it certainly opened Bison's eyes, that's for sure.

Bison set down her bread roll. Tachi flicked her head to peer at it longingly, and then sat down on her behind, got back up onto that crouching position on the bench, shifted her feet a little...felt the hairs on the back of her neck tingle, felt her gut tightening, traces of adrenaline heightening her senses all in a fraction of a second as Bison's voice called out "Well, master So Hai, if you're-....Wait."

They both felt a rush of air above them. Tachi and Bison looked up first as Master So Hai, seeming to itch for a fight, tried to goad Bison on with a "Hm?" but they weren't listening. An ear-splitting crash tore through the calm like a chainsaw through bubble wrap. Tachi didn't shriek or yelp but moved so quickly it was as if she was electrocuted. With a push of her legs she leapt up onto the table, shifting her feet and looking around frantically. The pair watched warriors pile in. Bison thought of Tachi and Tachi thought of Bison as they both readied themselves for a fight.

Bison certainly didn't go down without a fight. Waves of warriors fell before her violent, powerful gales, she roared her fury at the foes, locking her gaze onto the Armour-Clad Mountain-Man who called himself the Juggernaut. This was the man she wanted to fight, but all these people kept getting in her way...and with each slash, her defences lowered and lowered and by the time she got to the Juggernaut she was considerably weakened, but that didn't stop her from going onto a bloody, storm-infused rampage. Furious, snarling, bloodied and battered, Bison dropped to her knees - making almost certain that she was the very last to do so, or die trying. After all, how dare they think that they could defeat her, or that she's cowardly enough to fall first.

Tachi was another matter entirely. She didn't know these people, she didn't want to work with them, and she didn't want to fight. So the first idea she has was to ditch Pema, Gaizen, Kasumi and Jun by leaping up onto the metal pillar, using a blast of air to launch herself out of the dining hall. What greeted her sight was a sea of warriors, blades raised up, pointing at her and yelling their challenge. Tachi chose to stay indoors, instead.

Lemur looked around, Jun the scruffy hermit, Pema and Kasumi - practically twins, both of them looking a bit like Bison in terms of personality in the sense that they're both probably itching for a fight and impossible to negotiate with, and Gaizen...some sort of shy boy. Who could she possibly work with? Who could she trust? Nobody, that's who. No, Tachi believed she was on her own in this one.

She moved like she wasn't really there. Her fidgeting was paying off in some respect - she twisted, leaped, dodged, ducked, twirled her way through blade and fist alike, leaping onto people's heads, flipping herself around to just skim past a scimitar aimed for her throat but never, never attacking anything. Perhaps her plan was to just wear them down until she found an escape route.

The sky was an option, if she could get her glider, but that was in her room and the last thing she needed was to be chased down by the Juggernaut, or even worse, Bison. The dirt...well, she was no earthbender and doubted that the spoon that she worked so hard to get was a possible means of tunnelling under all of the conflict. Tachi drew in her breath sharply as a mace came soaring in her direction and pulled another warrior in front of her like a meat-shield. Outside were enough warriors to fill the Earth city. Her mind went into overdrive as she tried to weigh the possibilities, and picked the sky.

Of course, the moment she did pick the sky, a warrior picked her and she was finally struck by a mace, in the gut. And when she got hit...well, she certainly got hit. Tachi felt the air rush out of her lungs as she collided with the wall with an anticlimactic slap, vomited onto the floor, and slid down, choking, trying to regain her breath that was so cruelly stolen from here. She is at the mercy of the Warriors now, who start to close in around her, and it is up to the other Apprentices if they deem Lemur worthy to be given a second chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gaizen stared on as the girl who had sat in front him him went off near the tables of the masters, grabbed a bread roll, and began walking back with no spoon in her hand. Gai wondered if she had forgotten, and began to remind her before she had returned. When he saw the spoon fall off the table, he thought nothing of it at first, a simple accidental bump of the elbow. When he saw it float over Tachi's head, his eyes widened a bit. There was no way any one, let alone a bending master in front of their peers, would allow that to slide. Hell would have to be payed, and this was confirmed for Gai when she got up. The two exchanged a few quips before the the spoon fell onto the young woman's head with a load crack, causing guy to cringe a bit. Gai was surprised when she returned and handed him the spoon, acting as if it hadn't happened, but figured it would be best to not question it.

He took a sip of the soup gratefully, and realized that it indeed had begun to get cold. He noticed the woman staring expectantly, and complied by holding the bowl out with both hands. A few seconds passed before steam began to rise, and Gai again began eating. He began to thank her, when the roof and walls suddenly collapsed to a barrage of armed men pouring down on them. The collapse caused a pillar to separate the two groups who had been eating, but Gai didn't bother to look over at their mentors. He was sure that they would be fine, and if they weren't, then it wouldn't matter. The rest of them would fall as well. He saw Lemur jet away from them, but he couldn't figure out why. Was she planned to take them on alone? Go around and flank them? Based on how excitable she was, he didn't doubt it. When he saw her running back he knew she was in trouble, especially when, despite her impressive dodges, she was caught out and slammed into a wall.

Gai himself was a bit flabbergasted when he saw the hoard pour in. How had they managed to invade the White Lotus so thoroughly? He figured that it didn't matter at this point, but was curious non the less. Gai began stepping back as warriors approached him, separated himself from the others, moving towards the pillars. Three men went after him, and Gai instinctively unwrapped the bow from his back, drew back an arrow, and shot one in the leg. He realized that they wouldn't be able to take them all out that way when two more replaced him. Gai threw his bow to the side and swept his foot towards the men, sending off a wave of flame. He didn't stick around long enough to see who had taken the blunt of the attack, and ran off to get in between Lemur and the warriors who where now closing in on her, figuring it would be a pain to lose the one person he managed to speak to so far.

The man with the mace who had halted Lemurs evasive maneuvers to begin with swiped at Gai. Gai shifted his body in an attempt to dodge the blow, but a spike jotting out from the mans weapon grazed his cheek. Gai blasted the man away with a bolt of flame. He saw others begin to close in on the pair, and prepared to hold them back to allow the woman to regain her breath. Gai glanced back to see her still on the ground. "Lemur, help me! There's no end to these guys." Rather then trying to blast the oncoming men away, Gai swiped his elbows back and forth, causing thin slices of intense flame to form in between them and the men, swinging back and forth like pendulums. He could only hope that she would be able to get up before the invaders reached them.
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